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of the biggest cash grabs in city's history. thieves reportedly stealing 30 million hello, i'm wolf blitzer in washington and year the cnn newsroom at any. >> moment now, president biden is due to hold a very important phone converse conversation with the israeli prime minister benjamin. the time you and it will almost certainly simmer with tension. a senior white house official says the president is quote, angry and we'll voices frustration over the israeli military's killing of seven aid workers monday in gaza, the founder of their charity, world central kitchen, wants an independent investigation and says the idf, the israel defense forces systematically targeted them let's see you in an analysis of videos of the aftermath shows the attacks appear to have been much precision strikes outside of the conflict zone. the entire convoy, two armored cars and one unarmored vehicle was struck. listen these was not used >> bad lag >> situation where we dropped the bomb in the wrong place or not. this was over 1.51, 0.8 kilometers with a very defined humanitarian convoy that had signs in the top in the roof i'm very colorful logo that we are obviously very proud of. that that's very clear who we are and what we do >> are cnn correspondence are covering all the angles of the support and story arlette saenz is over at the white house. jeremy diamond is joining us from tel aviv and natasha bertrand is over at the pentagon, are relentless let's begin with you has this call, this phone conversation been planned for awhile or was it scheduled after these aid workers were killed? >> well, well, if president biden is expected to convey his anger and frustration directly to israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu when the two men speak in the coming hours, this call oh, was actually scheduled after that israeli strike that. killed seven aid workers working with world central kitchen in gaza, a moment that is really prompted anger and outrage from president biden. but even as we have heard, this ramped up rhetoric from the president, from the administration, are relating to this incident what we have not seen yet is any change in us policy towards their support of israel's military campaign? against gaza officials yesterday were quite clear that there is no shift in policy at this moment really raising questions of whether israel will face any consequences for the us for this strike that. left seven dead including one american canadian citizen. now, this is it's just the latest flashpoint in an increasingly tense relationship between president biden and netanyahu. we have heard over the course of the past few weeks, the president saying that israel needs to take more care to protect civilians that is especially the case when they are discussing a potential israeli operation into the city of rafah. that is something that the white house and has really been trying to press. israelis on to consider alternative options other than a full-scale operation ground invasion there. but this call will be very closely watched to also see what kind of leverage influence the president will have over netanyahu as he continues his campaign to root out hamas in gaza. as the president's expected to talk about the deaths of these central world central kitchen workers, but also broadening out the conversation possibly to talk about humanitarian protections for aid workers going forward. of course, there are also still those ongoing negotiations to try to secure a temporary ceasefire in order to get hostages out of gaza and more humanitarian for an aid in and gaza. and then there are the concerns the administration has about that potential israeli operation. and rafah, this all comes as there is outraged from the international community. but president biden is also facing significant pressure here at home. he heard some of that frustration with his handling of the conflict firsthand on tuesday when he hosted muslim community leaders here at the white house as they shared their concerns. so a lot of big questions going forward for the president that's about whether there could be any alteration to their strategy and approach so far officials have said that there's no imminent changes expected. >> interesting guy standby. i want to bring jeremy and jeremy you're there in israel for the prime minister benjamin, a tiny out is facing a lot of pressure, enormous pressure from all sides at home, from the united states. it also from the international community. what is netanyhau's goal in this phone conversation? that's upcoming with the president well, clearly president biden intends to speak to him about these strikes against the world central kitchen convoy, which >> killed seven of these aid workers. and we've watched over the course of this week as israeli government officials, military officials, including the prime minister himself have really sought to convey the seriousness with which the israeli government and its military are taking what has been described here as a grave mistake, whether or not he had will have sufficient answers to the president's questions is another matter. altogether, but this obviously will add another layer of tension between these two men at a time when we have watched the us criticism of israel's conduct of the war in gaza. rising over the course of the last few months. but of course no real changes in us policy in terms of the supply of weapons and support for israel's military campaign against hamas in the gaza strip. but the undercurrent to all of this here in israel is also the fact that this is just one part of the pressure that the israeli prime minister is facing beyond the international pressure. he is also facing pressure here at home. we have seen rising protests against netanyahu over the course of the last several weeks with protesters going to his residence. earlier this week and last night, benny gantz, his chief political rival, a member of the war cabinet, calling for early elections as soon as september that will be another layer to what the prime minister is facing here. but for now, there is no clear mechanism for prime minister netanyahu's government to actually collapsed. for now, his position here seems secure in that regard. >> it's interesting jeremy's, you know, there's new reporting just out israeli news publications that israel has been using artificial intelligence to help identify bombing targets in gaza. tell us about that yeah this report coming from plus 972 magazine of reporting that the israeli military has been using an artificial intelligence >> program known as lavender to identify targets in gaza, effectively developing kill list of suspected militants which the israeli military then subsequently acted on. this report says that the military relied on the system to carry out strikes systematically targeting militants, including sometimes low level militants, while they were in their homes at night with their families, resulting in thousands of civilian casualties. the israeli military, for its part, didn't outright deny that this system exists, but they argued that this is merely a tool that is used in conjunction with human personnel who cross-reference this database to analyze and to determined targets before actually authorizing those strikes. but one source told plus 972 that human personnel served effectively as a rubber stamp, sometimes spending only 20 seconds actually verifying the information that this ai system was giving them yeah, 972 the country code for israel natasha, you're over at the pentagon for us. i know you have to a new reporting on the transfer of more us weapons, including bombs to israel. what are you learning? >> yeah. so we're >> learning that on monday, really just hours before this wck strike occurred, us authorized to transfer of over 2000 new bombs to the israelis, including over 1,500 pound bombs, as well as over 1,000 small diameter bombs. just adding of course to israel's arsenal at a time of growing international outrage, including from president biden, including from secretary austin over how they have been conducting this war in gaza. and while this approval of these munitions did come before that wck strike according to a state department spokesperson it did, of course, come after for 198 workers in gaza in the west bank had already been killed over the course of this nearly six month war. and so i think what you're going to see is based off of these increasing and ongoing munitions transfers to israel, munitions authorizations to israel, which have been previously approved in many cases over the last several years there's and therefore don't need new notifications two and approval by congress are going to be growing calls for the us to use these munitions transfers and approvals as leverage over israel's conduct. because right now of course, while the us is expressing outrage over these apparent targeting of the wck convoy over the lack of protection for civilians in gaza. and of course, over the lack of humanitarian aid getting into the enclave, many critics of president biden including many democratic lawmakers and democrats are saying that those words are not being matched with action and the us does have leveraged here that it could use in terms of arms sales, that these real is continued to ask for, including as recently as last week when israeli defense minister yoav gala was here that they could use to potentially try to change it fluids. israel's behavior moving forward so far as our lead said, we have not seen any imminent signs that a policy change is coming. >> natasha bertrand is a pentagon arlette saenz at the white house, jeremy diamond and tel aviv to all of you. thank you very much. let's discuss what's going on with cnn, political and global affairs analyst an axios reported barak ravid, barack, thanks very much for joining us. you're doing amazing reporting. i know you're hearing from your sources that the white house temperatures quote very high going into this phone call with the time you how difficult has this relationship become? not just between the united states and israel, but specifically between biden and the time you thank you. >> wove i think the relationship between biden and ten you at the moment are naibe at the lowest point ever and one of the reason that call that is taking place, i think in 15 minutes it's going to be so difficult is because wck, this organization headed by jose andres, has a special place in joe biden's heart. and the reason is, is that jose andres is a longtime supporter of president biden and a personal friend and when biden had to call jose andres to get to express condolences and tried to explain to him what happened this was i think a very difficult moment for biden, at least from what i hear from more than two or three us officials, they all say this was a very personal difficult moment for biden i think netanyahu will feel it very well today when biden calls him >> yeah, i suspect you're absolutely right a senior administration. i senior biden administration official says, president biden will express his frustrations on this call, but ben rhodes who had served as president obama's deputy national security adviser says this and i'm quoting him now until there are substantive consequences, the outrage does nothing bibi obviously doesn't care what the us says. it's about what the us does close quote so will this call barack really move the needle >> so first, i think ben rhodes is right in the thani you i don't i don't think that they are doesn't care about what the us says, but he obviously cares much more about what the us does. just the thing is that i don't think that biden is acting very differently than the obama administration. there was a a war in gaza in 2014451 days and the obama administration didn't act very differently than what biden is doing now, there was one case at the time that they delayed aid one weapons ship shipment was the end of that war, but nothing more than that. so i think it's a bigger thing then this administration would that administration because it is very hard politically for any us president to take a step like delay or condition arm supplied to israel. and it has political consequences inside the us especially on an election year and as you know, the tiny how is facing major, major backlash. a lot of protests going on in israel, major demonstrations just this week in jerusalem outside the knesset, a prominent member of his work cabinet, benny gantz it's now calling for early elections in september, so he can challenge and ateneo to become the next prime minister, how significant barack is all of this? >> i think it's very significant. i think that's on you. is very weak politically, is under a lot of pressure internally >> the war >> is not really moving anywhere, okay? there are not a lot of forces in gaza. he's been talking about the rafah operation for months, approving the plans again and again and again, but still not implementing it it has results in israeli public opinion is approval ratings are very low, but on the other hand, we have to remember, he still has a 64 member of knesset majority. even if benny gantz leaves the government today netanyahu is still the prime minister, and it could be very hard for anybody to bring down this government may be only if we'll see those demonstrations growing too much bigger numbers than they are right now. >> yeah, the polls that israel show he would lose the next election if it were to happen anytime soon as a result of his decisions over these past several months i am the past few years for that matter, as well. as, you know, the israeli military. and this is very significant, has temporarily now suspended leave for all of its combat units, including those in gaza and elsewhere in the northern part of israel, especially the announcement comes just a day after israel said it would increase recruit and call up air defense reserve forces. tell us about this. i suspect it's because there is a lot of concern in israel that iran might decide now to retaliate militarily for israel's airstrike against it. iranian consular building in damascus exactly. >> i think it's more than a concern. it's almost israeli officials almost treat this as a fact and are only waiting to see when the uranian retaliation will happen and how exactly it will look like. and i think there's a lot of concern not only in israel, but in. the biden administration, that this could be the moment where this conflict is becoming much, much bigger, something that the biden administration managed more or less to contain, not completely. we saw we see that there's fighting in lebanon. we see that there's skirmishes on the border with syria obviously yemen, but if iran comes into the picture we're looking at a whole different conflict here. and i think this is what the biden administration is hoping to prevent. and i think it's gonna be a prominent issue in the call between biden and netanyahu. and not only the issue of gaza yeah, there's no doubt that the israeli military is a bracing for some sort of iranian retaliatory strike. and then israel would retaliate to that this whole situation could escalate big time. it's an extremely dangerous situation unfolding in the middle east right now, barak ravid, thanks for your excellent reporting. we appreciate it very, very much. coming up after shocks and aftermath and taiwan rescuers are racing right now against time to save people. a lot of people are still trapped under the rubble after the island strongest earthquake in decades. a cnn report from taiwan is next, plus the new york judge had donald trump's hush money case is moving forward with this month trial, denying yet another attempt by trump's lawyers to delay the former president's case. and later, caitlin clark's mantle is filling up big time. she's won yet another major award. just add out of her team's appearance in the final forum the latest on march madness and the rise of women's basketball in the united states just ahead, all that coming up stay with us here in the cnn newsroom >> get your viewing glasses ready and experience so rare, it won't happen again and for another two decades, joint cnn for live coverage around the country of the spectacle in the skies. he clicks across america live monday at one on cnn for streaming on macs >> okay. ready to wash them >> one second. i got to finish my laundry. >> it's gross night. one second. i use rinse let's rinse the company that will pick up, wash, fold, and deliver your laundry, dry cleaning at attachment button. >> i do not trust other >> people with my laundry rinse guarantees or satisfaction. >> i've been using it for months now with no issues okay. let's watch this weight. >> i'm gonna do my laundry better, hurry. gun. i'll >> schedules, sign up for rinsing to get $20 off your first order. >> this is a story 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cnn >> now, the situation in taiwan where the death toll from wednesday's powerful earthquake has now risen to ten, were than 700 people remained stranded this morning, we are seeing very shocking and disturbing video of what happened as the island shook this dashcam video shows boulders rolling downhill, crushing a vehicle as others back away from the dangerous cnn has not independently verified these images, and it is unclear now unclear how many people were in that vehicle or if anyone was hurt. i take a look at this another shows nurses springing into action to protect newborn babies at a postpartum care center in taipei you see them gathering the kids together and hanging on to make sure they don't tip over. thankfully, none of the baby please. were hurt cnn's ivan watson is in taiwan for us. he's got more on the details of the aftermath of this earthquake i've and what are you seeing? >> well if i'm. speaking to you from the small city of hualien and it's very close to the epicenter of the most powerful earthquake to hit taiwan in a quarter century, 7.4 magnitude on wednesday morning and that is an example of the sheer power of this tremor, this apartment building leaning precariously with the authorities here getting ready to demolish the entire structure as they have at least one other badly damaged building in the city. eight, it has been a deadly earthquake. it has killed at least ten people wounded, more than 1,000, including the mayor of hualien, who i met in a shelter for people more than 100 people staying there tonight after the earthquake on wednesday, he was on crutches after furniture fell on his foot the earthquake. >> but >> i want to show you something else. another view of the city. take a look down this road and you can see it is lit up. >> the >> restaurants in the shops are working tonight. and for more interesting, i think is it the buildings are standing here >> they >> have clear structural intey. >>. you have to ok hard to find real damage from wednesday's werf earthquake that may be in part cause taiwan is a earthquakes and it has strengthened its building regulations. and this city in particular, living next to a fault line has protected itself. so you see very little structural damage here and relatively low loss of life. the situation is different out in the mountains that's where you've seen massive rock slides and that the authorities, they're still working to rescue hundreds of people who are stranded there. and that's where some people were killed by falling boulders. but i think this reveals the resilience of taiwan when it comes to one of the biggest threats that it faces. and that is these unpredictable earthquakes. it just in the last three hours, we've had at least ten aftershocks here. >> wolf worried about those aftershocks. i would watch it in taiwan for us. i've in fact, you very much and stay safe over there coming up a federal judge judge condemns the quote normalization of the january 6 capitol attack. why he's also warning of a vicious cycle of anarchy. stay with us. we're live here in the scene and then newsroom >> sunday new interviews with the return israeli hostages. >> what is the meaning of of being? hostage reasonable >> certainty, and the fight for the release of those still in captivity. the whole story with anderson cooper, sunday at eight on cnn >> she random place like a puppy again, his number jews he's? >> a brand new dog all in less than a year >> in people switch their dogs food from kibble to the farmers dog. they often say that it feels like magic. >> but there's no magic involved it's simply fresh meat and vegetables with awith the nutrients dogs need instead of dried pellets, just food made for the health of dogs delivered >> impacts portion for your dog it's amazing what real food can do >> it's better outside with ninja cook outs, with master grills to char barbecue smoke day or for weekends are better with life cpu coolers that keep ice with 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elecons. cnn's marshall cohen attended the sentencing hearing and he's joining me right now here in the newsroom so what else are you hearing from this, judge? >> well, if it was a very serious warning from the judge in it comes as former president trump is putting the plight of the january 6 defendants at the front of his campaign. remember he has promised to pardon the writers. trump has claimed that they are being treated unfairly and he's also called them hostages, which they absolutely are not. so this was a sentencing for a man named taylor johnatakis. you just saw the footage of him using that metal barricade to overrun the police lines on january 6. and for those actions he was sentenced to seven years while handing down the sentence, this judge had a lot to say. i'll read a few quotes for you. it's from royce lamberth. he's a veteran jurist. he's put on the bench by reagan. he's been around, he's seen a lot. he said that this can't be normalized and he went on to warn of a vicious cycle that could imperil our institutions if there is more vigilantism lawlessness, and anarchy, like we saw in january 6, anytime that you don't like the results of an election you can't do that. he said and he was very explicit. he said that january 6 riot was not civil disobedience and he said there can be no room in our country for this sort of political violence. a very stark warning from this judge. >> as you pointed out, it comes on the heels of trump calling them patriotic hostages and suggesting that if he's elected president he might free them and pardon them down the road. so it's a very significant statement and the judge's civically said, sorry to cut you off. he said specifically, this was selfish, not patriotic. >> important information, marshall. thank you very, very much not a donald trump's hush money case in new york. the judge has denied the former president's efforts to delay play the criminal trial further, and that means it could get underway just 11 days from now. let's bring and cnn legal analyst norm eisen, neuroma. are we about to see the first criminal trial of a former president? or do you think that the trump legal team can succeed in delay, delay and delay? >> wealth? >> trump and his lawyers are running out of delay options in a filing this week. the manhattan district attorney, alvin bragg, pointed out that there had been at least eight attempts to delay this trial so far, all unsuccessful the latest was the rejection of claims based on absolute immunity. the same issues that are being litigated. the united states supreme court in the jack smith dc case. but the judge found trump brought that up too late. so trump's own delay victimized his delay attempt. this case it's very likely going to trial with jury selection starting on april 50. >> historic moment, a former president of united states going on trial. we'll watch to see what happens. as you know, trump also shared articles about the judge and the judge's daughter and his wife on social media. do you believe that violates the gag order? >> wolf? >> i think that it probably is a technical violation of the gag order. however, you'll notice that so far there's been no complaints about it because it's indirect. it's trump sharing the words of others will see if the da has raised an issue not everything that happens in court happens publicly. so there may also have been private letter briefing about this conferences with the judge or other concern. but if trump keeps on this course because of the risk and danger to the judge's daughter or any other individual targeted in this fashion? i do think you're going to see a court response as we've seen in other cases with gag order because it's clearly a big question why trump would take that kind of risk with this, judge right now, some analysts have suggested it might be deliberate to provoke the judge, and maybe as a result of that gets some sort of to delay. >> yes. the pattern of donald trump has been to test, to push, you'll remember in the civil fraud trial, alvin bragg alleges that this case is a of continuation of fraud on the voters in the civil fraud trial where judge and gore and sat there was also a gag order and trump tested it and tested it. he pushed it. he was sanctioned. he was sanctioned over and over again. he had to pay money fine. finally, when he sends that he had come to the very edge and the consequences were going to be i've been more severe. he stopped in that case it was attacking the judge's law clerk here. it's the judge's daughter that's trump's mo as i write about my new book coming out next week, trying trump a guide to this first election interference criminal. >> we'll be talking about the new book next week after it's released out there and published i want to get your thoughts on a development, an important development now unfolding in the mar-a-lago classified documents case in florida the special counsel, the trump trump now says the special counsel, jack smith, the justice department's special counsel, has been prosecuted this he should be sanctioned. trump's lawyers say, trump so it should be sanctioned after jack smith blasted judge aileen cannon, his request for jury instructions. what's your take on that will have a new piece up at cnn opinion explaining that jack smith is in the right here. the judge has made a inexplicable and troubling legal hypothesis that she asked jack smith to respond to saying that simply by donald trump asking, can donald trump simply by taking classified documents, the definition of an official document? simply by removing them from the white house when he leaves, do they become personal documents? that's nonsensical. jack smith filed papers as the judge or requested she wanted his views saying that's nonsense. it's fundamentally south and he did say politely, but firmly i will take you to the 11th circuit if you continue down this path, it's judge cannon who is in trouble here, not jack smith, donald trump, again, provocation, no legal basis for smith to be sanctioned. >> looking forward to going through your new book when it's released next week. thanks very much. norm eisen appreciate it as always, still ahead. lsu basketball star angel reese is officially moving on to the wnba we've got new information, stay with us here in the cnn newsroom this is the big dam time kane who that do interests ladders, gutter, mac >> yeah. >> no wonder you hate cleaning your gutters. >> good thing. there's leaf filter are patented filter technology keeps leaves and debris out of your gutters forever guaranteed. call a33 leaf filter to get started and get the permanent gutter solution that ends clogs for good. >> they took the time to answer all of our questions, say really put a cent ease and clog gutters for good >> call a 3-3 leaf filter, revisit lee today to fungus is tough to kill and it can spread. >> it's time to start using funky nail, maximum strength bungie nail is so powerful, it 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save closed captioning brought to you by mesobook dot if you or a loved one have mesothelial, will send you a free book to answer questions you may have call now and we'll come to >> you 808 to one 4,000 for the second year in a row, the iowa basketball star, caitlin clark has been named the naismith women's college >> player of the year i think it's been especially here for women's basketball. so to win this war is really special but to be back here playing with my team, i couldn't script it any better. i know some of them are here somewhere back there. i'm not really sure. all right. there. thank you for being here. i love you guys. this is just as much or as it as mine? >> caitlin clark and her hawkeye teammates will go against the uconn huskies and a final four game tomorrow night. cnn sports akre andi shows is joining us right now. andy clark again carving her name into the history books. how big of a record breaking year has is been for he >> wel a wolf, it's abouas big ast gets, right. espn even has its own caitlin crk record tracker because it seems like every time you go through steps on the floor he ends up setting another record. she of course, became the division one women's all time score earlier this year, then she became the all-time institute of light division one men's and women's scoring leader. she's got the single season record for three-pointers and the records just keep going on and on. wealth and what makes it so much fun to watch is the way she plays. it's like she is just like almost like a steph curry in the women's games. she's pulling up from all over the court, making threes from way downtown. everyone else. 12.3 million views tours for that lsu game everyone was watching. it seemed like every time she came down the court's like is she going to do it again, if you gotta do it again, and of course, you would pull up and make another long three-pointer. and as i mentioned that so many viewers for that game, because it's been so much fun watching her reach all of these accomplishments. 12.3 million viewers on monday. well, that was more people watch that than any other women's game in the history of women's college basketball it was more people watched that then every other game, but one in the nba finals this past year, then every game in the 2023 world series. so woolf, as she keeps reaching all these accomplishments and the word keeps spreading of how much fun it is as to watch caitlin clark, more people keep tuning in. i will see how many people tune in friday night, 9:00 p.m. eastern as they take on uconn, that what should be an especially fund game, wolfe because uconn huskies, caitlin clark's, you wanted to go there early when she was becoming a star in high school. it didn't work out that way. but geno auriemma said earlier this month that his player page, becker's is actually the best college women's college basketball player you've got to walk those colvin's back because he doesn't want caitlin clark to have any bulletin board material, but i tell you what that caitlin clark versus uconn games certainly she's amazing. i was one of those millions who are watching every minute of that game. it was great. it also looks like caitlin clark could be getting some somebody in this year's wnba draft. tell us about that. >> yeah. angel reyes, she did. she declared that she is also gonna be heading to the wnba draft. she said, i've done everything i wanted to do in college. she was a national champion sec player of the year. she's been in all american and our ultimate goal is to be one of the best pros to ever play the games you feel like she's ready so she will be heading to the wnba draft along with caitlin clark, age clark's going to go number one, the indiana fever that's pretty much a forgone conclusion, angel reese, she's projected to be a top-10 pick so we're gonna get to see the reese verses clark battle ahead to the wnba in the coming years. and one person who has certainly been watching the women's game as lebron james. and he spoke last night and he says he's been so impressed with what he's seen. take a listen >> i don't think there's much difference between the man and women game when it comes to college basketball. i think the popularity comes in is the icons that they have in the women's game you look at injuries. she looked at juju, you look at caitlin clark you look at page you look at the young girl does and i will i was they the freshmen error you look at brink, i believe her last name is at stanford and that's just to name a few. and there are freshmen has at notre dame because they are not allowed to go to the nba. you able to build like a a real like iconic legacy out about a program? that's what we all love about it >> yeah, it's early, so warp and it's because of that continuity that lebron just kinda talked about. we've gotten to know these women over the last few years and it's one of the reasons why so many people are tuning in because it's familiar faces. we know who to cheer for yeah, it's clearly a major, major moment for women's basketball right now. here in the united states, and i love every minute of it. >> i >> also personally witnessed, i know you did as well firsthand this year's all-star nba all-star weekend and we watched wnba star sabrina ionescu challenge one of the nba's greatest point guard's. maybe the greatest point guard right now, steph curry to a three-point shootout what did you make of this rise that we're seeing of women in basketball? >> well, i tell you what. well, if >> that was an added event to this year's nba all-star weekend. and sabrina ionescu put on an absolute show and it was probably arguably the best part of nba all-star weekend. and they're going to hopefully continue that in the next years. and who knows, maybe we will get to see you in sq width. caitlin clark taking on steph curry versus klay thompson next year. that is the rumor right now, and that would certainly be fun to watch. >> and she was amazing with her three shooting. she almost one that three-point when she steph curry. we're all watching a lot of us who were at the nba all-star game weekend. we came out of it saying that was the greatest moment of the entire weekend for all of us. there was really an incredible moment and she was amazing the new york liberty wnba star almost beating steph curry and the three-point shootout. andy scholes. thanks. it's very much and we'll be right back >> stage this is what dreams are made >> they talk about for a lifetime. we will see you in phoenix choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be. like number one shift dad cook it up a free hot breakfast for the entire family and a comfort hotel. >> mom made this. >> i added the garnish stay twice and get a free night when you book direct >> best thing. i've ever done that's what freddie told me. >> it was the best thing i've ever done. yes. without a doubt, >> i don't have any anxiety about 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city's history cnn's security correspondent josh campbell is in los angeles for a so josh, what's the latest on this investigation? >> yeah. well, if you know, this sounds like something that could be out of a screenplay written here in hollywood. but this brazen highest is real, as he mentioned at this hour, the fbi, the lapd, trying to find this group of burglars. now this case was first reported by the law us angeles times, a law enforcement source tells me that this occurred on easter sunday during the evening, but wasn't discovered until the next day on monday already said that this group was able to somehow make their way into this facility without tripping off any alarms. they made their way inside a vault. this facility is one that stores honey businesses obviously handle money that money is often taken to facilities like this for counting and processing. but a major highest tier of nearly 30 million that was taken. one source tells me at this hour one and major focus of this investigation is whether this group had some type of inside knowledge of that building. we are talking about a nondescript gripp building that doesn't have signage. and so for the group to not only know where this is, but also to make their way inside this building without setting off alarms, without tripping any other kind of detection. obviously, a major focus of the investigation. i'm also told that authorities are trying to look for any type of cctv footage in and around that area, try to identify the root of travel of this group of burglars there's both to the building and then as they left, that also includes things like license plate readers on the freeway near where this building is. again, try to just get a picture of what was actually happening here. now, this, there was another major highest back in 1997 that was what a group stole nearly 20 million. they were eventually caught. but if there's our right now well, for 30s have not indicated they know who this group was or where they are >> josh campbell reporting for us. thank you very much. and to our viewers. thanks very much for joining us here in the cnn newsroom. i'm wolf blitzer. i'll be back later. tonight's 6:00 p.m. eastern. in the situation room i'm back tomorrow morning, 11:00 a.m. eastern. stay with cnn inside politics with dana bash starts right after a short break >> i love you use didn't check. >> we hear nothing. >> a space shuttle accidents, usually not one thing. it's a series of events is that part as the wing coming apart? >> they shuttle columbia final flight premieres sunday at nine on sikh empire today here to show you the easiest way to get new floors, shop at home. empire brings samples to you, hundreds of options, carpet, hardwood, tile, vinyl, and laminate will help you pick the right floor and measure your rooms for free. you'll get a price estimate for your entire job and you can even finance it right on the spot. it's that easy >> shop floor is at home that's empire today. 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