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are back and we're out for redemption >> new season. >> you challenged >> gtd >> good morning. you are alive in the cnn newsroom. i'm jim acosta in washington today president biden will hold a phone call with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu there will almost certainly be tense and administration official says the president is angry and will voices frustration over israel's military killing of seven aid workers in gaza this week, the founder of that organization world central kitchen, jose andres is calling for an independent investigation and says the idf systematically targeted his groups, aid workers. a cnn analysis of videos of the aftermath shows the attacks appear to have been multiple precision strikes outside of the conflict zone. the entire convoy, two armored cars and another truck what struck >> these was not used. >> bad lag >> situation where, oops we dropped the bomb in the wrong place or not. this was over 1.51, 0.8 kilometers with a very defined humanitarian convoy that had signs in the top in the roof. very colorful logo that we are obviously very proud of, that that's very clear who we are and what we do i want to begin her coverage over at the white house with cnn's arlette saenz are led by all accounts. the president is furious with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu what more can you tell us? >> well, jim president biden is expected to convey his frustration and anger directly to israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu when the two men and speak in the coming hours. now, this phone call sources tells cnn was not initially on the calendar at the start of the week, but was added after that israeli strike, which killed seven aid workers with world central kitchen in gaza, that moment really prompting outrage from president biden all the way down among his senior officials. but one big question going forward is whether this moment could potentially serve as a turning point in us military support for israel's operation in gaza. now, the president is expected to focus on the deaths of those seven workers in this call, but he's also expected to broaden things out a bit, talking about the need for protections for humanitarian aid workers one us official telling cnn that the biden administration has already started, conveyed conveying to the israelis that they need to change the way they transmit information about where aid workers are stationed. its presence also could potentially talk about those ongoing ceasefire negotiations to get hostages out of gaza and more humanitarian aid in as well as surgeons about that potential israeli operation into rafah. now yesterday, ahead of this call, defense secretary lloyd austin spoke with his israeli counterpart. you'll have galanis, a pentagon spokesperson, said that he expressed outrage as well as stressed that this incident reinforces the concerns that the us has about an operation into rafah does the us has said that the rayleigh's need to do more to ensure that civilians are protected in evacuated if any operation is underway. but even as we have seen, this heightened and sharpened rhetoric from the administration using that word outrage. what we have not seen is a shift in policy at this moment. there has been no occasions that the us is reconsidering their support of giving israel military aid without conditions. in fact, our colleague natasha bertrand reported this morning that the us recently approved, authorized sending more bombs. israel to add to their arsenal. so there will be big questions for president biden going forward, whether the israel will face any kind consequences from the us, the wake of this devastating strike >> all right. arlette saenz over the white house. thank you very much. keep us posted. i want to bring in kimberly dozer, cnn's global affairs analyst, kim, i guess i do want to talk about what leverage the president might have in his talks with the israeli prime minister. but let's talk a little bit about what chef jose andres is saying. essentially accusing israel of systematically targeting his groups, workers. what's your sense of that? >> i think this is in part a reaction not only to the horror of losing them, but to israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu's callous. this happens in war reaction with no apology yet they are under pressure now to look at every aspect of their targeting, to defend how they do it. but it is clear from this incident that one arm of the israeli defense forces didn't know what the other was doing. one arm was communicating with those that convoy on the ground which was going through in an area that israel controlled. and those three vehicles not only were they clearly marked but they were a mile apart. and according to andres, the first vehicle got hit, those people spilled out, took cover in the second vehicle running for their lives between the two, that one came under fire. they took shelter in the third vehicle and then everyone was killed. you can only imagine the horror of that. >> so it's happening over and over and over. >> someone was specifically targeting this convoy. now, what we don't know what chef andres is alleging is that whoever was targeting targeting them knew it was world central kitchen. i think that's why you're starting to see leaks in the israeli press of the potential that it was an ai chosen target that acumen then didn't do enough homework on before approving. wow, so the drone was doing its job and somebody hadn't checked before letting this lethal force go for well, and this question has been floating around in my head and new york times did a story about it this morning and that is the israelis have this incredible ability to do precision >> strikes the where the united states does and other advanced military powers around the world. and you look at what took place in damascus, very precision conducted a strike and in this case, these really say, whoops we asked up, yeah, how one does not go with the other in the layman's view, it doesn't seem to add up >> it seems from this incident and others that the israeli standards of variation allowed them a wide leeway with the potential for civilian casualties. i spoke to one of the un aid officials and they say, look, they've targeted three of our convoys they've target at our convoys three times. luckily, they were armored vehicles. no one was killed, but every morning, they give them the idf gps coordinates how many vehicles type of vehicles, what the vehicles are carrying how many people are in these convoys? how many people are at each of these locations? >> and >> yet, these locations, these convoys have gotten hit and 177 un aid workers at last count, i had been killed now the world is paying attention at last when it's foreign aid workers. also, i think the idf is on the back foot and dragged to defend itself because world central kitchen has fed israeli since october 7, not just palestinians, they're seen as apolitical they're seen as helping the situation. >> they're just trying to feed people and alternative to the >> un system which israel doesn't trust. so i think biden isden is going to be withs rights today to say you told us over and over, bind closed doors that you were carefully avoiding civilian casualties. now we have proof. you're not what are you going to do, right? >> and what kind of leverage does the president have? i mean, there's been a lot of conversation about whether or not you should continue uninterrupted sending arms to the israelis this issue of fighter jets and so on obviously, you the united states isn't, isn't a tough bind there because it doesn't typically use that kind of leverage with the israelis. >> ange and biden's going to be facing more opposition among the democratic party and yet, if he chooses in any way to cut off military aid that will enrage much of the gop and this us presidential election coming up is on a knife-edge. he can't afford to lose votes over israel. and when it comes right down to it, even if you lessons military aid, netanyahu needs to keep prosecuting hamas in order to keep his coalition together. and not trigger new elections. so netanyahu was doing this for his political survival if he gets aid lessened, he's just going to keep going full steam ahead >> that's true. there's no proof. i mean it seems at this point that yahoo is not listening to the president the question remains whether using that kind of leverage, cutting off military aid, or even holding it up would have that kind of any kind of push on netanyahu as well. are kim dozer. thank you very much. on the heels of this deadly strike on the world central kitchen workers and other major aid group doctors without borders is accusing israel's military you have repeatedly endangering aid workers, quote saying this quote, this is not an isolated incident. israel has repeatedly attacked humanitarian workers and is disregarding the protection of medical and humanitarian efforts. further obstructing aid efforts, joining us now is admiral been war, the us executive director for doctors without borders? several. thank you very much for joining us. maybe you can pick up on the conversation. kim dosha and i were just having a few moments ago. i understand your group has lost five colleagues since the start of the war in october. obviously, our hearts go out to your organization as well. how do you respond to the prime minister's comment this happens in war and what about what kim was saying a few moments ago where these have some really tough questions to answer about how this convoy was taken out the world central kitchen convoy yeah, this happens in war when you completely disrespect the geneva conventions, international law and >> good judgment. >> it >> happens in war when you are rare reckless, and it, it shouldn't this is, this is the problem time and again, we have seen in our own experience of hospitals attacks that were full of patients. we've had colleagues shot, we've had vehicles bulldozed. we've had many instances where ambulances have been attacked repeated assaults on and independent humanitarian aid, which was their only to save lives and alleviate suffering. so that is why we're calling it out. this is, this is an incident which is garnering a lot of attention and that is good because it's an outrage at the same time, let's look at it as a pattern of attacks on the ability of gazans to even receive humanitarian assistance >> and the israelis have described this as a mistake, but as kim was mentioning a few moments ago the convoy, the world central kitchen convoy, those vehicles appear to have, and this is what we know at this point. firstly, information may change. pills appears that those vms were taken out one after another. and as people were trying to flee from one vehicle to the next they were getting taken out. they were getting hit >> that suggests that >> the israelis either we're targeting something that they thought was a hamas target, and they just kept going. were something worse what's your sense of it and have your workers been in similar situations like this? >> yeah. it always really raises a lot of questions because even in attacks on shelters, where the families of my colleagues from doctors without borders, where they and their families were staying and family members killed. those were notified hi to the 30s the notification was acknowledged and nonetheless, it was attacked even though it was just filled with families, with children, et cetera. so it it makes you wonder why we never really see independent investigations. we never really see the fulsome evidence that at anything like this was justified. all we see is this repetition of attacks. this repetition of disregard for civilian infrastructures generally speaking not to mention all the harm that's coming to the wider population that are not working for humanitarian organizations are voluntary. so either it's, it's gross in competence, which is repeated in terms of not following the norms of how you engage in a violent assault on a suspected target >> is >> it completing competence or is it willful disregard and sending a message? judge, that gazans should not receive eight because that's the message we start to receive after all these months >> yeah. and that raises a >> whole load of questions as well. i do want to ask you a little bit about how your organization, other organizations like yours tried to de conflict that you are you in contact with israeli military contacts and say, okay, we are making a movement from this location over here to this location over there. please don't hit us or we're going to be operating out of this shelter here, please don't hit. >> are >> those the kinds of conversations that occconversato you know whether or not that message goes through when you try to send those messages out >> well, we get acknowledgement of receipt and that's about it. we don't get any promises in our case. so i don't completely understand how world central kitchen has been doing it, nor the other organizations in our case i can say is we notify the cogat is the entity of the israeli government that we are asked to notify. and when we do, it's acknowledged and that's it >> our >> sense from the beginning though it has been that nowhere in gaza is safe delivering aid is in gaza is not safe because nowhere is safe and that's one of the reasons you will consistently hear from the get-go organizations around the world both local organizations and international ones like doctors without borders are calling for a real ceasefire. a ceasefire that is lasting so that we can really bring the assistance that people need >> and just to follow up on something you were saying a few moments ago, is it your belief or is it going too far to say that you believe that the israeli strategy at this point is to ratchet up the suffering to a point where they think the leaders of hamas will just come out waving the white flag that if the suffering gets to a magnitude, they just can no longer tolerate that. they'll come out waving the white flag. and how realistic is that? >> look? i can't tell you what they're thinking and what's the strategy is we hear the words and don't see them matched by action. we hear words not only from israeli officials, but also from us officials right up to president biden saying that they care about civilians. they want the harm to civilians it's to stop. they want the humanitarian aid to flow. >> and >> inhibited at the same time, the actions don't bear that out. you were just talking about the decision of the united states to continue to provide weapons that are attacking not only civilians, but also the humanitarian organizations. so it's the actions that we we want to see. we want to see the ceasefire which will be visible, tangible meaningful in order to be able to stop this suffering and the attacks that are happening all right. >> avril ben was thank you very much for your time. thanks very much for the work that your organization doesn't really appreciate it >> thank you >> so to calm, it's a campaign rally call. now, a longtime republican strategist, karl rove, is slamming donald trump are promising pardon january 6, writers will tell you about that coming up just three moments >> spatial colombia, the final flight premieres sunday at nine on cnn >> before my doctor and i chose breaths tree from my copd. i had bad days flare-ups that could permanently damaged my lungs with breaths tree. things changed for me grass tree gave me better breeding starting within five minutes, i noticed by lung function improved. it helped improve my symptoms and breaths tree was even proven to reduce flare-ups including those that could send me to the hospital. so now i look forward to more good days. >> brass tree won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood 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congress on the republican side calling the people in jail for what they did on january 6, quote, hostages the way donald trump does obviously how badly is january 6 being normalized and twisted with disinformation? is it something that people should be worried about? >> well, it's >> politically, >> republicans on the hill, including a former president recognize that a large portion of his maga supporters do believe that these individuals were unfairly targeted by the justice system. not sure michael's opinion, but it's their opinions. when you look at focus groups, i know karen, let's focus groups. when you talk with some of those individuals, they will tell you, we believe that democrats or the justice system or the system is going against these individuals. but i want to be clear about this. we're in the midst of a major presidential cycle. there is no way you can win by only targeting individuals that are already with you. you have to be able to convey a message to americans in the middle and most americans louk a january 6 and they said this was an atrocious act against our country, against the democracy. they don't want to support any individuals who stand by that. >> yeah. and care. i'm john karl rove of all folks, fox news contributor, former deputy chief of staff to president george w bush. no shrinking violet himself. now he has been slamming trump's characterization of january 6, criminals as hostages. let's listen to carl >> if they were smart, they take the january 6 and go hard at it and they would say he wants to pardon these people who attacked our capital. everyone, those sons who did that. we ought to find them try them and send them to jail >> and if >> one of the critical mistakes made in this campaign is a donald trump has now said, i'm going to pardon those people because they're hostages. no, they're not they're thugs yeah >> no man. >> rights looked a little nervous. because rights was supposed to be the architect of the expansion of the republican party base, which he then put on the back-burner when everyone got behind trump look, rove is exactly right and i think it's this is a hypocrisy that you're going to see democrats pulling out time and time again how can you say you're for line order when you will and encouraged people to perpetuate violence, not just against our capital, but against law enforcement. and we know people died and we know there are men and women who are still living with ptsd from that de and you're going to see those folks out on the campaign trail. we've heard from michael phenome. we see harry dung, who's actually running for congress to remind people. and the last thing i'll say on that as i never thought i'd say this, but i agree with karl rove biden and our team need to continue to push that because that was that was a point he was making. yeah. that was a >> real breaking point and we've seen it across the country for a lot of republicans. they were terrified and felt like that is too far. >> and there were some cheers for karl rove. there in chicago. i wonder if those are sort of the nikki haley republicans in other, some republicans who say don't call them nikki haley republicans are just never trump republicans, but there's there's a category of the republican party right now. they're just deeply uncomfortable with this. yeah, uncomfortable, unsatisfied about the options. >> really >> electoral politics is about addition, not subtraction. former president trump has a base. they're incredibly enthusiastic about him. they're excited about door-knocking, making phone calls. they're going to show up in november or maybe even early voting, if some of them choose for their guy. >> the >> question that i have as a strategist care and you've worked on president joe campaigns, who are the voters that you can persuade to come to your site to make the difference on the mathematical margins. there's one on the margins in the battleground states in 2020, i expect that that's going to be the case this note november, but currently, president biden appears to have an advantage or democrats somewhat not excited about what's going on in the middle east. of course, there are people disgruntled. of course they are. >> but i think he's probably going to >> have an easier time turn it out. his folks then republicans, if you keep talking about things that turn people off, talk about the economy, talk about immigration, talking about foreign policy not that the election was stolen from you because most people don't agree with that. >> yeah. and karen, i do want to share this this new cnn poll of polls to share michael's point, look how close this is. if we can put it up on screen, i think it's something like no, not that we're not the gallup poll. there's a new cnn poll of polls shows a dead even between trump and biden right now, there it is 48%, 48%. thank you guys for doing that quickly. i'm sorry, i'm sorry for the cube fusion of i created >> but you know what >> yeah. >> i didn't want to throw one more thing up on screen for you, karen, and that is this tweet from ben rhodes who worked for barack obama, deputy national security adviser, talking about president biden's handling of the situation. he says, us government is still supplying 2000 pound bombs and ammunition and support israel's policy until there are substantive consequences. this outrage does nothing bibi obviously doesn't care what the uss is about, what the us does. yeah. when the election is that close, 48 to 48. can the president afford to lose? >> young voters, arab american voters who >> are furious with the way this white house is handling israel right now and bibi netanyahu. and by >> the way, african-american voters, many of whom or either muslim or are related to muscle. it's part of the reason it's having such a broad impact in this country. also, we're seeing these horrible images what happened to world central kitchen horrible, but we're seeing these images every day. the answer is no, and ben is right, that clearly the white house put out this precursor that biden's coming into this call, matt. well, that's not going to be enough. we're going to need to see more action and people are feeling life. where are you using leverage to actually get bibi to change behavior? and i think the real question is what can, what can be done? i mean, is it arms, is it funds obviously it's not just with aid. so look, i think we're going to have to see over the coming months, the one thing i will tell you though internally with the groups that i'm working with, what we're seeing in the data is there is a conversation that can be had with these voters you have to acknowledge the anger they have to stop trying to push down that angle. people are angry. let them be angry however, what we're >> seeing is voters >> acknowledged trump is a bigger threat other issues that they care about, climate change, his rhetoric on immigration, talking about kids in cages again, and mass deportations. people have deep concerns about wonder they may go into the voting booth or not have that totality of all that you're talking about a lot of and we'd have to go out other we're out of time, but a lot of these elections as you guys both know, almost every for years are some intervening event or right before the election. and in a voters, in a collection of battleground states are focused on this issue. and they're seeing the us sending bombs to israel while they're bombing aid workers that might just be it. they might just walk in angry and say that's it. i'm voting, i'm not going to vote top of the ballot and vote the rest. and back absolutely something that we all have to keep an eye on. and the president and his team have to keep an eye on. no question. all right, guys. great discussion. we'll do it again soon. thanks a lot. we'll be right back >> get your viewing glasses ready. it clicks across america live monday at one >> he there, brenda. >> it's carroll 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now, to discuss your case, golf, when 800 0136 her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. experienced the difference at moon spatial colombia, the final flight premieres sunday at nine on cnn >> another legal setback for former president donald trump, judge juan were shot on his dying, his denying his latest motion to further delay the upcoming hush money trial for trump in new york. that means if things go ahead as scheduled, we could see the first criminal trial of a former president in less than two weeks, trump was hoping to push the trial date until after the supreme court decides whether he has immunity. former federal prosecutor, shan wu joins me now now she i mean, they've been trying every tried to pull every rabbit out of the hat that they can the card under their sleeve and so on. but it sounds like they're running out of tricks. >> i think they are. i think the last remaining hope they have is for trump to somehow go the judge in the media i'm so angry that there's an outburst. maybe that'll help them on appeal may be again, try and get some kind of delay. same the judge now is very biased, but michelle has kept in school i'm he's expanded the gag order to stop attacks from his daughter. i think that could go further but this is not a judge has very experienced. he's not a judge is going to lose his school. >> yeah. i mean, to that point yesterday, trump shared three articles about the judge his daughter and his wife. the judge may be fair game. has family has covered by the gag order. i mean doesn't that mean because here's a question i have is, is trump trying to go to one of these judges to say, okay, that's it. you're going to the slammer for a couple of days then that's a whole delay mechanism that the judges are kind of faced with the prospect where they can't really enforce their own gag order because it may delay the trial that they're supposed to be presiding over. if that makes any sense >> well, they can enforce it. remember, way back when judge and garan laid some sort of slap on the wrist finds you can start to do that to enforce it, but the step of putting them in jail, i mean, i think you're completely right. there are very loath to do that. and also i think for a judge of machines experience, he wants to get this to trial now everything's ready to go and he's not going to get sidetracked by making some action like the opening trump in jail for few those yeah. >> and judge, for sean sudden his ruling that trump waited too long to ask for this delay and then it's so a last-minute nature. asking just two weeks before the trial raises, quote, and i put this on screen if we have it real questions about the sincerity, and actual purpose of the motion test. the court's credulity. >> i mean, that's, you know, that's kinda fiery stuff from a judge judge's standpoint, i suppose it is. >> and particularly because it's not a bench trial or shawn's gonna sort of like wall off his view from the jury. the jury is not going to hear any of that, but it's certainly a loud and clear signal to trump's team that, hey, you know, the judge is saying he sees through what we're doing here in terms of now for boy and she and i did want to ask you about the documents case and jack smith i mean, being pretty feisty and going after judge aileen cannon down in florida terms of her jury instructions and kind of buying into trump's premise that he can do whatever he wants with documents and so do you think that jack smith is of laying the groundwork for having the judge removed from that case. do you foresee that kind of thing coming? and i have to think if one thing that has to be floating in the back of their mind as they, if they do that, that's going to delay that case. >> that until kingdom. >> right? that exactly in a lot of the talk we have about everyone calling for her to be removed. we're forgetting the fact that that would cause a delay to he is laying the groundwork for that. i'm i think first there would be what's called a writ of mandamus directing her on very specific issue. it's a very dangerous situation for smith, not just because the jury instructions are slanted towards trump if he doesn't get this resolved before she starts to trial and double jeopardy attaches and now they've got this situation where they can't win on that instruction they won't be able to appeal an acquittal. he's got to get this resolved before the trial starts, so he can have a chance of fixing her wrong legal ruling on yeah, i was gonna say i mean, does jack smith have a point? can he get a fair trial with this, judge? do you think can you poke and prod this right? maybe affect her behavior without getting her thrown off the case. >> i think he can i think you can just to give both sides for a moment cannon may be displaying more her lack of experience and being in over her head than necessarily her bias. i mean, there's an argument to say she put these instructions out there to say you guys fight it out now, so we don't deal with this at trial. but when you look at the picture of all the motions she hasn't resolved yet. she's still can't set trial date. it's 50-50. whether it's bias or it's incompetence, either way, it's a problem. >> either way that's not good yeah. >> i shan with thanks a lot appreciate it. are coming up. >> a >> fool and a lot a liar. >> those are direct quotes. marjorie taylor greene isn't mincing words when it comes to house speaker mike johnson, the efforts to oust him next this syllabus, but kaitlan collins, tonight at nine thinking of >> banking in africa thinks in today's fast-moving, fast-changing world, you need a financial partner that understands your unique expectations a bank presence in major financial centers across the world the labeling platform to facilitate seamlessly whenever, wherever >> however biden with best-in-class financial solutions from a superb combination of technology, human touch for easy, fast, >> and secure thanking, that creates real value turning dreams into reality is now in your hands >> people. >> technology, service, center back in your best interest the omaha steaks semiannual sale is back, right now. you'll say 50% sitewide on america's best steaks, chicken burgers, and so much more. >> all backed by >> our 100% guarantee that you'll love three byte. and for limited time, when you go to omaha slash tv, you'll get 12 omaha steaks, burgers 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marjorie taylor greene is doubling down on our warning that more funding to the war-torn nation could cost him his job. cnn's lauren fox joins me now lord, i mean, i guess some of this is whether is this performative? is she just using some rhetoric here issues as saying this to kind of give mike johnson the willie's or might this actually happened? >> we don't know. >> certainly it is having an fact, ray, because any one member is going to have outsized influence in congress with such a narrow majority. and she's really not saying specifically when, how she will bring this she's just keeping this threat out there, keeping it alive. in fact, yesterday, manu and a conversation with her pressed her if, johnson does x, y, or z, is that enough to trigger you? and she said, i'm not going to draw a red line, but i'm not drawing a red line either. and i think that that is certainly playing into this sense that she does have a lot of power in this situation and johnson has been trying behind the scenes to talk to numbers, to come up with some kind of compromise, to try and not anger >> some of those hard right. members and the reality is it may not matter what he does. it may not matter if you structures ukraine aid as alone. it may not matter if you create some kind of lend-lease program because people like marjorie taylor greene are where they are. here's what you told our colleague monarch russia >> that jackpot you right now, funding ukraine is probably one of the nice egregious things that he can do. people are fed up with republicans that say one thing and turn around and literally joined the flock and just continue the same old crap. everybody's hired. up here. mike johnson has has literally turned in to mitch mcconnell's twin and warmth behind the scenes. one of the other options that republicans have not taken off the table is this idea of splitting up ukraine aid and israel aid into two separate bills. the thinking being maybe they would lose some democratic votes on the israel aid component. they could pass i said with republican votes. then on the ukraine aid, they would depend on democratic votes. but marjorie taylor greene is signaling here that if he moves forward with a bill that gets a lot of democratic votes, that would be a problem for him yeah, i guess saif people forget me. she >> did have a little bit of influence, didn't she? when kevin mccarthy was the speaker, i wonder if some of this is because she feels a little iced out with mike johnson, that was another question that i had and could she tried to force a vote on the speaker and would the speaker at that point need democrat support to keep his job? >> yeah. i mean, there's a lot of hypotheticals >> we don't know >> the answer in part because we don't know what my johnson is willing to do when it comes to ukraine aid certainly democrats have been signaling that maybe they would help him if he did the right thing on ukraine. but what the right thing is, what that looks like. think that's a huge one. question, right? all right. lauren fox, we'll be watching. thank you very much. coming up. we're tracking the forecasts for monday solar eclipse. tom foreman is here with us. we're going to talk about whether the clouds might ruin this spectacular moment and what we can do to get ready, that's next >> sunday in interviews with the return israeli hostages, what is the meaning of being hostage? reasonable certainty, and the fight for the release of those still in captivity. whole story with anderson cooper sunday at eight on cnn, attention former marines and family members station to camp plus june. if you lived or worked can't lose you in north carolina for at least 30 days from august 1953 to december 1987 and has been diagnosed with cancer, neuro behavioral effects at a child born with birth defects or been diagnosed with with fertility issues are more significant compensation may be available called legal injury advocates. now, to discuss your case, 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period of time. >> but what >> an amazing thing to see and look at all the people who actually will live in the path cuts right through the middle of the country, starting down here, the texas going all the way up through indiana and then through new york and burlington and ending up in maine here where i understand some commitment motive pots are already being made. >> wow, >> no, i don't know that to be true, >> but were there shouldn't be because it's >> a remarkable thing. i think about a gym. this is 400 times bigger than the moon which is about four times as wide as the earth. the only reason this works is because the sun is so far away that it appears about the same size of the moon, and it can block it out. we don't know that this happens anywhere else in the universe in probably does, but it's a really unique relationship. and the moon's getting further away by a few centimeters every year it's not going to happen forever. so get it while you can get it, while you can absolutely. and tom, for those of us who are lucky enough to be in the path of the eclipse let's talk about what you should and should not do. and we do have a visual reference as to what you should not do. i know you have some there. you should not do this. apparently should not look up at the eclipse don't do that. that will damage your eyes at the president united states did it some years ago yeah, that is not a thing to do if you're going to look at it, you have to have protective eyewear and look specifically for this number. i'm aleve that just for a moment, if you want to grab a screen, picture is something you have to have at least as rating on your eclipse glasses, make sure they're not scratched or wrinkled or anything that would let those harmful rays get in and damage your eyes. likewise, don't try to look through a camera, telescope, binoculars, sunglasses without other filters already in place on those because those can just concentrate the light and they can still damage your eyes. this is something we've known for a long time. we've known there's almost since anaxagoras is greek philosopher explained eclipses for the first time about 2,700 years ago. so we've known it a long time. don't do it. keep your eyes for looking at your dog, your children. the final four things that brighten your day, jim. very good. all right. yes. always listen to tom form and he's our president here in the newsroom. tom. thank you very much. so what role could whether play on monday solar eclipse, cnn meteorologist elisa raffa brings me now from the weather center. i imagine a lot of folks are going to be trying to drive to the path of this thing. so they get the totality, the path of totality is we were talking about with tom a few moments ago. >> but >> the weather might have other plans i can't i can't they're all going to blame you. i'm sorry, lisa, that you're gonna be in big trouble when this yeah. >> waiting for the phone calls. but what's wild about this is climate wise are climatology tells us that this area of the country would be sunny in april in this area of the country would be cloudy and it actually is really flopped for the forecast so far it looks like the storm will develop over parts of the southern plains as severe risk probable to later on in the afternoon. so the chances of some rain are pretty high from texas to louisiana up through arkansas, and even going into some of the great lakes states there you can see where we've got says some clouds and rain developing a week storm tries to develop here we also will have some rain up in the northern plains as well. you'll have a partial solar eclipse there. so the clouds might block that view for us. it might not be as crisp and clear as you want for now, it looks like up in new england will have the best view there. jim all right. >> we're going to keep our eyes on that path of totality. and in the meantime, you've got your eyes on the early hurricane season predictions that is coming up. it's just a couple of months away. what do they show? >> yeah. we actually got our first update of the season today and it is an active one is the most active forecast that the scientists at colorado state university, i've ever issued 23 named storm 11 hurricanes, five of which could be major category three or stronger hurricanes all way above average. we're looking at 62% chance of landfall along the us coastline from maine down to texas. and again, that is above average part of the reason is we have lot nino ocean circulation. what that will do is push the jet stream north, which is our path of storminess. this leaves the wind shear decreasing or kind of that wind energy upstairs in the atmosphere hurricanes hate that so without that around that opens up a path for more storms to develop the climate factor of this too, is our oceans are much warmer than they used to be. that's more fuel for those hurricanes? >> all right. at least so thank you very >> much for that warning and a quick programming notes. cnn, we'll have live coverage of these solar eclipse that you should not look into with your bare eyes. on monday starting at 1:00 p.m. in eastern right here on cnn or stream it on max. and before we go in los angeles, we want to tell you about the story burglars made off with up to 30 of the biggest heist in the city's history. police tell the la times the thieves stole the cash or may money store towards facility ithe san fernando valley on early sunday night, the crew reptedly broke through the roof to get to the vault, but how they avoided the alarm st remains a myste. with an experienced team of bur access to the cache unnoticed and the fbi is investigating. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i'm jim acta next our newsroom with wolf blitzer starts after fulbright have a great day this is the big gaffe >> kane, who that do. >> it's time to feed the dogs real food in the right amount. a healthy weight can help dogs live a longer, happier life. the 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Amount , Big Gaffe Kane , Food Proportion , Vinyl Window , Farmers Dog , Life , Weight Management , Choice , Pains , Condensation , Warp , Temperature Swings , Anderson , Composite Material , Drafts , Thermo , Fabrics , Customers , Polymer , Screens , Wood , Innovation , Feature , Maintenance , Matter , Performance , Dirt Buildup , Circulation , Comfort , Mesh , Fresh Air , Stainless Steel , Hair , Sunglass , Winter , Help , Summer , Uv , Furniture , Silver Oxide , 95 , Homeowners , Hardwood Floors , Entry Door , 180501 , Reality It , Dream , Waiting For You , Yours , Nest Products , Google , Manager System , Mis System , Smarter , Miss , Intelligence , Home Security , Package , Alerts ,

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