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News tonight, the head of the United Nationscainfor Maxim Restraint as israel ways its response to an unprecedented attack by iran, the Israeli Defense forces says orawn launched some 350 rockets, missiles drones into it lets territory overnight, the vast majority of them shot down by israel and its partners. Before they could hit israeli territory. Tonight, the israeli war cabinet says, it is not yet reached a decision on the scale or timing of its response, but did it is determined to act with one cabinet Member Calling for israel to quote, exact a price on iran. President biden spoke with g7 leaders today hoping for a diplomatic path forward saying in a tweet just moments ago, we will continue to Work Together to stabilize the situation in the region and avoid further escalation. Students International Diplomatic editor Nic Robertson is in jerusalem. Nick, what do we know about israels current thinking in terms of a response youre hearing a lot of messages calling for restraint, including from the us president , from the un israel thinking in similar terms and the other end of the spectrum and the right cabinet of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a calling for essentially the maximum deterrence possession. The go berserk possession, the smashed the crockery. Show on that. It cant get away with doing this, that israel, the reverse of what iran thinks its doing to israel at the moment. But bragg ravid cnn analysts who youre speaking to, outline some of the divisions end the war Cabinet Meeting around that table. Benny gantz, gadi eisen cut both it said the National Unity party, both former idf chiefs of staff, both in the early hours of knowing that iran had launched missiles towards israel last night wanted israel to strike back immediately before those impacts, before the intercepts that we saw over the skies here. Now, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoken with President Biden, President Biden or following that phone call that where President Biden urged caution that was decided not to take that decision and respond immediately. But to delay play for a day and thinking about it. And today we hear that the war cabinet met for almost five hours, didnt reach a conclusion, has asked the idf to come up with options of how to strike back, but is now considering its position of the scale and scope and timing of that response. But as you said, it is clear, israel wants to have a response but perhaps try to broaden out and bringing, bring in a Stronger International coalition, build support for israel around this. And weve certainly heard that from you have glands that Defense Minister and weve heard it from benny gantz as well. Broaden the base of support, but not change its mind about going ahead with a response, jim we learned in the last hour that israel is going to open at schools again tomorrow. And i wonder if we could take any message from that. And certainly that would seem to indicate they dont perceive an immediate threat from iran. But that also telegraph that israel itself is not planning any immediate retaliatory strikes, which then they might presume would spark get another response from iran iran has said it was one and done and has said very clearly that if israel responds and it will respond with even more force than it showed last night. And the sense that we had earlier today that israeli decided to continue to keep the school shut seem to indicate hey, there although there was nothing in incoming to israel that perhaps israel had an intention to mount its own counter attack. But i think as you said, rightly say with the schools reopening, that does signal that however long its going to take for israel to decide what its gonna do when its going to do, how its going to do it, what its going to target, why its going to target, who will supported, who werent supported. That is not going to be in the next 24 hours and likely a little bit longer than that, jim Nic Robertson. Thanks so much joining us now is danny denon a member of israels parliament, the knesset, as well as the countrys former ambassador to the un. Thanks so much for joining us this evening. Thank you. For having the gene and of course, were staying up late for us given the time difference there, you released a statement earlier today writing in part, we will respond with clarity and determination standing tall and firm against any attempts to undermine our sovereignty and security does such a response in your view, should such a response include a direct Israeli Attack on iran, on iranian territory . Jim, what happened yesterday was unprecedented. More than 300 projects were launched into israel directly for my one i ran chose to do it directly to you. Theyre proxies like in the past leaves us no, no other option. We have to retaliate. We have to retaliate against taiwan. And we have to send a very clear message that we will not accept the new equation that i went you are trying to create in the region that they are the one who attackers and they are the ones who decide when to finish the conflict. Yeah, we have no desire for fullwar with a one. But at the same time, in our neighborhood, you have to punch bank when you get attacked. Yeah. Last night is well, was attacked. I will sovereignty was under danger thats why dont see any other option about returns. Such an should such an attack include attacks on Iranian Nuclear facilities well, i dont think we should go into details. I think we should think very carefully about the targets that we will choose with also, that yesterday i can say that they will actually target only military bases, but we saw attack on our capitol on joselyne im sure you showed the picture of the alaqsa mosque that was under threat of missiles. That likely for all of us, were intercepted by defense system. So we would think very carefully about the targets, but our methods is not to start a war with the one but to send a very clear message that no one can attack israel i think there was an attack against the us, or the uk or france, or any other Member States of the un that nation would have retaliated as well. Why we hear different voices coming from the un when we were under such aggressive attack class night. Well, speaking of messages, there is quite a clear message from the us president two israeli leaders saying that if israel were to strike around the us would not be involved. I wonder. Do you read that as the us president . Pressuring israel not to attack iran and given that, do you think israel should ignore the us president if it so chooses and go ahead and carry out such an attack. We have ongoing dialogue with our writing, the us, and we respect, and we are grateful for the support we receive from the us. When when you look at history, we have to do with good for israel. When Prime Minister begging attack the Nuclear Reactor in a whack didnt vegan condemn that attack . But when we look about it today, it where the right things to do. Same happened when Climate Olmert attack the reactor in theia. And president bush condemned the attack. So not always we see eyetoeye, but i think for the long run, we have the same interest and i think many, many elleithee, the us are very worried about what happened last night but it wasnt only attack against israel was attack. The lie of the us individually. And i think that we show a lot of strength in our defense system. The next stage is to show our strengths also on the offensive side what israel gaining exactly though, because as you know, iran says it was responding to a strike in damascus, which killed a number of its commanders. I know israel has not acknowledged responsibility for that, but that is the wide hit red spread view, including within the Us Government that, that was an israeli strikes. So even as israeli strike in damascus, you have an iranian strike in response and now you have israel saying its going to respond to send a message each attack be bigger than the previous attack. What, what would israel be achieving . By having a by shooting back in effect what would be the end gay i cannot tell you the end game with what will be the immediate resulted to build our deterrence . We cannot live in reality that i ran in sending Ballistic Missiles into our cities. And my children, my family and we just wait for the next time they will decide to do that we cannot live under that sweat, so were going to send a very clear message to the little of tehran that they should calculate the moves against israel and i hope that they will learn that less than we have no intention as i said earlier, to start a war with anyone. We want to finish the war against hamas. But at the same time when we see the way that i want is spreading a kelce in division with the proxies and yesterday, you know, jim, they chose to send those missiles directly, to send a message to eat violent to the us. They could have done it with proxies, but they chose to sell it for my one. Thats why i believe we have to retaliate an attack. Iran as well. The White House Position on this is that israel should look at this as a win. Take the win and effect, because and i am certainly not arguing for justifying the iranian attack here. Im saying that the defenses though worked and by the way, that was not just an Israeli Defense it was us partners, uk, as well as error partners who took theyre not advertising that participation, but they took part in this defense and that was a deliberate regional structure bringing multiple allies together to help defend israel is that not a win for israel to see those defenses works at work in this case. And whats your response to the us president and others in the white house saying israel should look at this as a win one of the first we have to thank the support and the cooperation and anything you was meaningful to furyk operation last night. But when we look at the facts most of the interception well done by our troops, our forces, but still we, we are waiting for the support that we received last night. We dont take it for granted, but its definitely not a win not lets not foolish. Our selves. When we will hiding in the shelter last night. And the entire nation was looking at the rockets flying into usual riyad. Few people enjoy the little girl at the age of 70, that was a unfortunately seriously injured. But we cannot call it a victory and ill win. Well be when we will send a clear message to iran, not to mess with you as well, we have no interest to start a war with one, even though they sending the proxies from lebanon, yemen, iraq for the last few months. We have been dealing with the proxies obiwan. But if thats turning the vector, missiles into our communities definitely not a wing to intercept 99 . Its a great achievement, but its not a win before we go, ive spoken to representatives of the families of hostages still held in gaza, and they already had concern prior to the last 24, 48 hours that negotiations were stalled now, they have heightened concern that this will set back negotiations once again, where do those negotiations stand and is there any positive are hopeful message for the families of hostages still held in gaza . Well, unfortunately, i dont have good news tonight because we got the message from hamas. Every time we make a compromise and we want to move forward. They come with new demands and as we speak, we are 133 author j in the hands of hamas that suffering from ongoing networks but we pray for them, but and we are committed to do everything in our power to bring them back. But i think hamas is not interested in any negotiation. Theyre just playing they hope that the world will push israel to stop the war, but we will not stop until we bring them back. Denon, member of the israeli knesset. Thanks so much for joining us tonight. Again please do keep yourself and your family safe thank you very much just, ahead the Intelligence Sharing that may have helped israel and other partner countries prepare for irans drone and missile attack. And just how much of a role us played in repelling that attack. You are in the Cnn Newsroom Debris and this guy, parents husband sinwar i have gone i wish i could have done something differently. You can just make it better for those that follow Space Shuttle columbia, the final Flight Two Part Finale Tonight at nine on cnn, i brought in a juror max protein with 30 grams of protein. 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Lets seven eastern were learning more tonight about how and when do us learned about a rons plans to launch an attack on israel, a diplomatic source says that iran told turkish officials last week about its plans to retaliate against israel. Turkey in turn, informed the us in advance this likely played a key role in the coordinated response and defense of israel. Israel says with the help of countries including the us, britain, and france, nearly all the missiles and drones fired towards israel by iran were shot down Senior National security correspondent Natasha Bertrand joins us now from the pentagon. Natasha i wonder, how did this intelligence help israel its allies prepare . And what do they believe the intention was here . Do they believe it was deliberately telegraphed . Yeah. Jim, so we dont know exactly how the information from turkey exactly played into how the us was planning for this. But according to Senior Administration officials, the us has been planning for a potential iranian strike on israel really since the moment that israel struck that building in damascus in syria, what iran has called, of course its consulate there, the us understood and its always understood. This was likely to prompt a very serious response by the iranians who took that very seriously because they viewed it as an attack of course, on their sovereign territory. And so from that point on over the last ten days, according to us officials, they started planning very meticulously and an intensive coordination qian with allies with israel to prepare for what was likely to come and the intelligence picture did shift a bit over the course of last week, it was originally suspected that what rahm was going to do is do this through its proxies as they normally do, as they have over the last several decades, attacking israel, attacking regional allies in region allies of israel through its proxy forces all across the middle east. But as the week went on, the us starting to see that iran was actually placing missiles and drones in different areas and moving them around. And that was a red flag to officials who believed that it could signal that iran was preparing for some kind of attack from within its own territory. Now, it was not exactly clear whether that would be a retaliatory strike in response to a potential response by the us and israel to an iranian strike. But still the us begin getting increasingly convinced towards the end of the week that this was going to be a major attack by iran itself. So you have the scope here, the timing and the missiles and drones, the very equipment that the iranians were planning to use pretty much known to the us and that allow President Biden two then surge key assets to the region, including naibe destroyers that were moved to the Eastern Mediterranean and additional aircraft, many of which of course shot down over 70 of those drones and of course the destroyer shot down some of those Ballistic Missiles. So the intel picture was pretty clear and that really allowed the us and its allies to prepare accordingly. Jim no question. Perhaps it made a difference to Tasha Bertrand at the pentagon. Thanks so much. President biden and the white house are scrambling tonight to make us support for israel clear, while also pushing israel to carefully consider its response. Plus the white house is urging congress now, too pass more aid for israel, but also for ukraine and taiwan. The senate has already passed the package. Congressional leaders do not sound so shore, that will actually happen coming up wound to speak to congressman tom suozzi about next steps new ally in the fight against climate change. This is new car business blue carbon. We just need to protect nature will do the rest blue carbon lets cnn fill. Next sunday at nine everyone sees meanwhile, at a vrbo, when other Vacation Rentals are just for likes, try one, youll actually like for moderate to severe crohns disease. Sky rosie is the first il23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly proved damage at the intestinal lining. 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Com are firm only represents Mesothelioma Victims and their families. If you or a loved one who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma call us now this week, a key test for congress. Again, irans attack against israel upped the ante for lawmakers to send more aid to israel. But just hours after the attack, conservative hardliners have a warning for the House Speaker dont attempt to pair any aid for israel with an existing bipartisan proposal that came over from the senate for aid for ukraine and taiwan as well. Joining me now, democratic congressman tom suozzi from the great state, the great city of new york. Thanks so much for joining tonight. Hey jim, thanks for having me on. So here we are again. Weve had this package of aid, not just for israel but for ukraine and taiwan has been passed by the senate. House has had an opportunity consider it, vote on it for weeks and months now and were hearing the House Speaker considering again but maybe he just brings up israel laid by itself considering this attack. I wonder if that would happen. Youre a strong supporter of the whole supplemental if House Republicans come forward with just aid for israel and say well deal with ukraine later. What do you do . That would be terribly unwise you know, we had the japanese Prime Minister speak to the whole Congress Last week and you wouldnt believe the overwhelming support from all of congress when he talked about how the United States was in indispensable nation. On the global stage and supporting ukraine and other allies, we need to get these things done it had overwhelming support in the senate and has overwhelming support in the house from democrats and republicans. And we have to stop letting the chaos caucus of Marjorie Taylor greene and the others dictate whats going on in the United States congress and really parroting a lot of what Vladimir Putin is saying. You are on the record saying that if the speaker were to get this attack from the right flank, a motion to vacate if he were to bring a package that includes ukraine aid to the floor and israel aid. We should note that you would you would vote for him and encourage other democrats to vote for him to keep his speakership. And you wrote about this in the Wall Street Journal. Im going to quote from your article, you say democrats must offer speaker johnson our votes to save democracy in ukrainian end here. We cant let our bart partisan instincts get in our way. We must work with republicans to disarm mr. Putins puppet, get a vote to support ukraine and defeat russian disinformation. Our democracy is at stake i wonder, do you have other democratic colleagues willing to do the same thing that if Marjorie Taylor greene, for instance, would give a motion to make a motion to vacate if he were to bring this to the floor, what other democrats do, what youre suggesting . I think that if speaker johnson does his job and brings the supplemental package with ukraine and israel and taiwan to the floor that there will be other democrats leader jeffries has said much of the same thing, maybe not as explicitly as i have, but as indicated. Has given every indication to me he and two others that he wants to get this done because this is important not only for our country, but for the world and we need to stop letting this small group of jokers control. Whats going on in the United States and on The World Stage you are watching this situation in israel very closely. I know. And a lot of people in your district just outside of new york watching it closely as well youve heard the president encourage israelis not to go too far in effect and say quite explicitly that if you attack iran, the us will not be alongside you as you do so, is that the right message from the us president to israeli leaders right now i mean, the bottom line is the israel is a sovereign nation. It has to make its own decisions but were in a very precarious time and we need these global coalitions the stick together. Its not just the us, its the west as a whole. The Kingdom Of Jordan. I mean the Kingdom Of Jordan help last night to save israel we have to recognize that we wanted to bring other people into the fold. I think that wed all like to see saudi arabia line with israel and the us and the west. And we can really make a big change in this region. So israels got to do what a sovereign nation wants to do that they think is in their best interests. But lets recognize youve got a lot of very important partners here that have been helping you to supply you with these defensive weapon fins. And theres a big team here and the one thing that this president done that hes gotten very little credit for is his managed to keep a told the Team Together in the west when it comes to israel, when it comes to ukraine, when it comes to so much more just think about when ukraine was first invaded by russia. I mean, people were worried that germany and others in nato were worried about their gas and oil imports from russia. Would they stick together . He managed to hold everybody together and we need to hold everybody together here now, not only on a ukraine but on israel, on on the indopacific, on taiwan. Lets keep our Team Together and to do that, we cant just act unilaterally. I dont think as you know, prior to this iranian attack, there were number of democrats who might vote against the supplemental because of additional aid to ukraine. Many have been calling for conditions on that military assistance kind of weapons, how theyre used, particularly in gaza do you see that opposition dissipating somewhat in the wake of this iranian attack, or might that be another obstacle this week no, one of the big things that last nights attacks emphasize is that a lot of the aid that the us gives to israel, most of the aid that us gibbs to israel is for defensive weapons to protect them from incoming attacks. I mean, theyre in a tough neighborhood as we all know for 70 years. And theyre worried right now about attacks, not only from hamas, the blue was actually saw, but also now we see from hezbollah, from lebanon. Now weve got iran trying to flex its muscles and we know that iran is really using hezbollah, hamas as their proxies. So this is a tough neighborhood that needed defensive weapons. We should be highlighting that this is a Defendant Weapons that are being used in many, many instances and this is packaged with very, very important things that are important to the west ukraine, ukraine is urgent right now. I was just in ukraine about a week ago there for a week theyre theyre getting very anxious because theyre running. Theyre running out of defensive weapons. Again to take down the tolls that russia is lobbying in. Russia is about to start a new offensive and we need to stop them and ukraine is doing the work and we have to support them. Weve committed to support them we cant one of the things i highlighted my Wall Street Journal article in on going a little off topic here. But the bottom line is, were being corrupted by russian disinformation by from the Chinese Communist party and from iran and other strategic adversaries of ours. We cant let that disinformation take us off our game plan, which is to really save democracy lets your republican colleague, Mike Mccall Is, you know, i believe you quote them and your article, he he called out some of his fellow republicans for parenting russian disinformation on the war in ukraine. I wonder what you would say here to your colleagues some republicans who are doing so, what do you say to them im not going to be going to spend my time talking to them. Im going to spec speak to the rest of the republicans. I mean, i hear some of my democratic friends are some of my constituents say those republicans we know its not all the republicans. Small group of people that are Holding Everyone hostage with their crazy talk that happens to be parroting the same messages coming out of Vladimir Putin and his cronies. So we need to recognize whats going on. It wasnt just Mike Mccall Is get rid of foreign affairs, who is also the chairman of the intelligence committee. Republican does the same thing about the danger of so many republicans parroting these russian talk points so this is not some crazy tin hat Conspiracy Theory i did a post when i was in leaving ukraine. I think it was in moldova at the time. And i never saw the vitriol that ive had. Ive been in politics 30 years. Ive been on social media as long as anybody else. I never saw the volume of vitriol coming from what i believe were russian agents and russian bots. Just corrupting the whole argument thats happening all over the world. Thats happening in Eastern Europe talked about this in your writing. Its happening throughout trafficking throughout the world that its happening right here in america. We are our adversaries whole us apart as americans using our diversity, using our freedom of speech, using our social media, and getting us at each others throats. By using this because they figured out its cheaper to get a bunch of people in the basement putting out fake messages and getting us to haiti. Than it is to buy a tank or a muscle. We cant let them win no question. See you every day congressman tom suozzi. Thanks so much for taking the time tonight thanks, jim. I really appreciate it and well be right back. Are you ready for allstar de return for a waterfront redemption showdown. Were going to bring it, but only one will make us flash. I think we nailed it rocked the box season finale, Monday Night At Nine On Hgtv so my daughter tells us youre in television. You can say streaming and youre 40 a month for live sports, news and Entertainment Slings quite a catch. Mom. Please wed love that you found someone that is so smart with money. Im like that last bloated bundle so you brought home, cant you just be happy . 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That a piece of the more than 300 missiles and drones and other projectiles around, around fire that israel during those several hours yesterday in the midst of this unprecedented attacks the us piece of this larger than we realized as we learn more about the extent of this attack, cnns Jomana Karadsheh. Shes in london following all the developments in jomana. I know there is concern that an Israeli Military response to this attack could escalate this from what has largely banned between iran and israel, a shadow war into an allout war, direct military confrontation. What does the feeling in the middle east right now . Well youre hearing jim, the warnings coming from various leaders across the region who are calling for restraint, who are calling for calm who are calling for deescalation and youre also seeing the concerns, the worries, the fears of so many not just these leaders in those countries, people in iraq, people in jordan, people in syria, places where you have us Military Presence and elsewhere across the region who are very, very concerned about what is going to happen next. Of course, this is a region that has been on edge as you know, very well since october, there have been fears as iranians proxies, and allies in the region have stepped up their attacks on us forces, on israel since then, there was always this fear that any sort miscalculation could lead to a widening conflict. And now what you have over the past 24 hours is we have been and reporting. This is unprecedented. This is a dangerous new chapter in the region, a worstcase scenario that so many have been concerned about, not just since october for a very, very long time, as you know, this is a direct confrontation between iran and israel th many have rely fred. So the question shouldnt right now, everyone is on edge waiting to sewhat the israeli response is goin to look like. The scope, the scale of the israeli rpons because the iranns have made very clear gym that theyre going to respond if israel strikes them, they are going to respond with what theyve described as a much bigger response. Theyve also threatened the United States saying that if the us does cooperate, does support the israelis in any possible attack, that us forces will also be targeted in the region. And this is something that raises a lot of concerns for those countries where there is us Military Presence and you saw that today when President Biden spoke with the jordanian monarch, king abdullah, who again has called for deescalation saying that any sort of escalatory measures by the israelis. Now, will widen the conflict and of course, his country. Yesterday, i can tell you speaking with people in jordan people were rattled jim, by what they saw where you have these projectile flying over their country. And also jordan taking part these interceptions. We dont know if it was the jordanians with the americans, the jordanian saying that they did shoot down these whatever was aimed, whether it was the drones are missiles. They say that they did intercept them, but this was to protect their own country. They say, so its a very tough situation for so many countries, including jordan and the jordanian monarch saying what weve heard from others time President Biden, the only way for deescalation, the only way to end this right now is for the war in gaza to end for a ceasefire, immediately jim. Well, its a reminder that this was a regional response, not just israel and the us, european allies, the uk and france, but also aerobe, allies taking part in this the against this iranian attack on israel, Jomana Karadsheh in london. Thanks so much. And just to reiterate the Breaking News, just in the last several minutes, the us confirming that in the midst of this iranian attack on israel, us forces in the region shot down more then at iranian drones, at least six Ballistic Missiles, more than we knew yesterday in the midst of this attack well have more on this Breaking News just ahead. Debris and this guy, parents, husbands and wives sky were so good done something differently. 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Com we turn now to the us Southern Border and an exclusive look into how mexico is strengthening its border security. Cnn got unprecedented access to temporary base camps in places where migrants are known to easily pass through are david culver reports on how effective this new Border Enforcement really is you can see behind me here, theres a huge gap in the wall and this is where mexican officials tell us that a lot of the smugglers are either directing or bringing some of the migrants do so they can easily crossed which makes these rugged back wrote the preferred and profitable routes for cartel backed Migrant Smugglers were about an hour east of T1a Driving With Mexican Migration Officials along the border but we detour after learning a group of migrants has been rescued as officials hearsay maybe we pull up and find about a dozen folks who described to me there were attempts to claim asylum in the and he said he tried to cross, but mexican officials stopped him from being able to go. Thats bigger mexico is now stepping up its efforts to stop migrants from crossing illegally into the us. We dont know if wed wasnt following request from the biden administration. X goes now pouring resources like the National Guard and mexican army in to help patrol and detain migrants like these eventually transporting them the southern mexico, where we separate them by nationalities and then from them, we determine the deportation process. Whats happening here goes beyond stepped up patrols in recent months, mexican officials have built base camps, deploying troops to some of the most popular illegal crossings. Hey, smugglers, van are there several of these vehicles just left abandoned and like seven vehicles in total in this area, the area as we pull up, we realized weve been here before. Weve seen so many people across through this property this right here at this spot late last year, we met us residents fed up with migrants coming through their land. They can come to the front door. Are cameras captured a hundreds each day and night that has stopped in recent weeks and it stopped primarily because of what were seeing on the mexico side of things this is a remote base on the border. Youve got mexican immigration officials. Youve got National Guard, and youve got mexican army who are here 24 7. We have our Fridge Microwave Coffee every you have moved resources to live 24 7 on the border. Why is this important for mexico to be doing that . We want to prevent migrants to get in touch with the criminal groups. The number of migrant encounters reported by Us Border Patrol appears to reflect the impact of mexicos actions dropping 42 from december to january alone, and seeming to stay low but officials warn cartels and theyre smugglers frequently adjust their tactics and keep close watch. The watching us right now, they see when we are patrolling and when we leave us pod, its a crisis that has also sparked uneasiness for mexican residents. Its gotten so frustrating for these folks in particular that the community got together, wrote a letter to their governor petitioning for more resources and for that reason that you have where you can see right here members of the mexican National Guard who are now patrolling neighborhoods like this one to keep migrants from coming through. Again, because ive got authorities here urge migrants to use the uss cbp one app rather than to risk crossing with smugglers mexican officials at this location, even help prescreens up to 500 migrants daily for the us asylum interview process. So he is in communication with us officials. What on the other side, and theyre sending documents back i can forth to make sure that they have the right information. While this is a more orderly way to claim asylum, it can take awhile to get an appointment martha gilad says, shes waited five months for this day get it but im happy government, there yeah. Thousand so i asked why they didnt go through the smuggling route, which so many choose to do. My mockup in our or service and she said that for one, it costs an extreme amount of money and the other aspect of it for her was they wanted to be hey, able to enter legally through the appointment, tried to build a Better Future there the road ahead is uncertain. For both the migrants hand for those protecting the border, we see that firsthand as we leave the remote border camps the reason weve stopped and pulled over is because there are these spikes that weve noticed all along the different Dirt Roadways that take us to the border wall evidence of a smugglers desperate attempt to salvage their profits. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of these and while it slows them down momentarily, for now, they forge ahead in their efforts to curb the flow of a migrant crisis. Thats consuming resources on both sides of the border david culver, cnn, t12, mexico thanks, david for that report. 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