Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240703 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240703

read out loud at the world trade center here in new york. we are just minutes away from a moment of silence at 9:03 a.m. eastern, 17 minutes after the first plane struck, a second hijacked plane, flight 175, it hit the south tower. >> we will also be taking you live this morning to commemoration ceremonies at the pentagon and shanksville, president. as for president biden he's observing the anniversary? alaska in anchorage as he travels back from washington, d.c. from his trip in asia. let's go to brynn gingras live standing by at the 9/11 memorial plaza. brynn? >> reporter: sara, you guys said that moment of silence coming up at 9:03. i want to mention that we don't even want our cameras on out of respect for what is happening behind us. so that is why i will get out of the way right at that 9:03. before then let me give you a sense of where we are. we are right by the south reflective pool where the south world trade center tower once stood. all morning long we have been seeing family members and service members coming to this area and placing those flags that you can see in the etched names of this memorial as well as flowers. you can see there are family members who are sitting there. this space, ground zero, it is reserved only for family members who have this time to be on this hallowed ground and remember those 3,000 people, the lives who were lost. the names are continuing to be read, it's heart wrenching to hear the people talk about the 22 years, the people who have been born since then, all the people they remember and who they have loved as they call out the names of the people that they are missing. one thing i want to note as you listen to this throughout the morning, you will see children reading out some of these names and what they told me is that this is to signify that there are generations of people who weren't even alive when 9/11 happened and this is a way to get those generations to remember about what happened here at ground zero and across, of course, the world that was changed forever on that date. so that is something to keep an eye out for. the ceremony will continue until about noon today. there are dignitaries here, including vice president kamala harris and many new york city dignitaries as well as the mayor. there are all service members as well. we have the nypd honor guard and the fdny as well. take that moment of silence. [ moment of silence ] [ bell ringing ] >> a moment of silence there as we all took it together marking the moment the hijacked flight 175 struck the south tower of the world trade center. we're going to continue to follow and mark these moments of silence all throughout the show this morning. sara. >> now we are going abroad. this morning the kremlin is confirming kim jong-un is set to visit russia in the coming days and the north korean leader appears to already be on his way there. we're told kim left pyongyang in an armored train, the visit comes just days after u.s. officials warned the leaders could meet to discuss a deal for north korea to give russia weapons that they can use in their war on ukraine. cnn's paula hancocks is following all of this for us, she joins us from seoul, south korea, this morning. what can you tell us about this upcoming meeting? >> reporter: sara, at this point we know and have confirmation from both the russian and north korean side that kim jong-un is going to be in russia. we know that vladimir putin is already in the eastern part of the country where he is expected to meet with kim jong-un. he's there for an eastern economic forum. we know that it will be in the coming days according to the kremlin, but beyond that we don't have a specific date that they are telling us. what we do know is it is a meeting that neither washington more seoul wants to go ahead. we have heard there u.s. officials and it's been backed up by south korean intelligence as well that there is a belief that the two sides, the two countries, are moving closer towards an arms deal. now, we know that russia is looking for ammunition, we know that they would like small arms and this is something that north korea has a vast production capability of. when it comes to what north korea could get out of this deal because everything is transactional and relationships are transactional for pyongyang they could get, for example, satellite knowledge and technology from russia. they have tried a couple of times in the past few months to put a military at light up into space and have failed. they could also get nuclear submarine technology from russia as well. both sides stand to gain militarily and it is something that the u.s. and south korea, japan, allies in the region certainly don't want to see happen. u.s. officials have said there would be repercussions. now, of course, there's a political angle to this as well, it is showing kim jong-un's political ambitions. he is pushing closer to russia, a country that he was not particularly close to for much of his reign, in fact, he met vladimir putin for the first time and the last back in 2019. he has been far closer to china, but we have seen over recent months this relationship developing. the russian defense minister, for example, in july was invited to pyongyang, the red carpet treatment was given to him, he saw a military parade and it had all of north korea's weapons capabilities on display and that is of great concern to washington. >> certainly for the u.s. and its allies, for south korea and those who are close it is a disturbing, if you will, coupling. we are looking at video from 2019 of the two leaders together. we will wait to see what happens during this upcoming meeting that has been announced. thank you, paula hancocks, for all of your reporting. cnn international diplomatic editor nic robertson is with us now. vladimir putin skips the g20, invites kim jong-un to come meet. what's the big take away here? >> reporter: the war in ukraine is going to take longer than perhaps originally anticipated. look, we know that -- we know that the war in ukraine is costing putin a lot of ammunition and a lot of troops and in a war of attrition he needs to restock on both. he has his armorment factories, some working 24/7 to produce artillery shells which are vital for him in the fight to hold the ukrainians back, mines and artillery shells are doing the most damage on the front lines and kim jong-un and north korea uses similar weapons systems, similar caliber weapons and indeed they're interoperable soviet era systems. north korea through russia all the way to the front lines in ukraine. putin if he can do this deal with kim jong-un can potentially get the type of arof armor mts needs. the concern about the technologies he might give up in order to acquire the weapons for this battlefield. >> it does say something at this stage of the war his invasion of ukraine vladimir putin needs north korea to achieve any kind of sustained effort there. nic robertson, thank you very much. kate? in morocco the death toll stands at nearly 2,500 people killed. the 6.8 earthquake struck and it is the strongest earthquake to hit the country in more than 120 years. rescuers are racing now against time to find survivors still under the rubble. we're showing video of one person who was pulled out in a stretcher. they say sppulled out alive in e of the hardest hit areas located in the at last mountains. the mountains are the epicenter of where the earthquake hit. 35 miles from marrakech. sam kiley is there. sam, what is the very latest that you are seeing? >> reporter: well, kate, the royal moroccan armed forces have established here i have to say a pretty impressive field hospital. they are specialists with interventions in the past, in congo, in jordan, in disasters around the world. none of them ever expected really to end up being deployed in a disaster of this scale in their own country, but that's exactly what's going on. there's even a gynecological unit here because there are people that are coming in from very long distances, a lot of them cut off completely, unable to use any kind of vehicular transport. coming down on foot or using donkeys and other traditional means of transport because the roads have been blocked by this massive earthquake. now the death toll is sitting at about 2,500, similar number of severely injured, but that death toll and we really don't know one way or another whether it will go shooting up because the moroccan authorities are still trying to get to the more remote areas using helicopters, again, mostly military helicopters in order to establish what the situation is in these very much more remote areas of the at land mountains. i've been speaking here to the professor who is also a colonel in charge of this. he said it's a very, very emotional process for all of them, especially the emergency workers here because they never expected to have to do this kind of thing in their own country but also the psychological effects, he is concerned those aftershocks will be felt in this country long after the immediate emergency response is over, kate, but that emergency response is getting under way. it is in the last few hours, if you like, of the 72-hour window of opportunity where hope can be really vested in trying to get people out when they're trapped underground, after that it tends to become a body retrieval process and that is also going to take some time, kate. >> alongside -- we're just looking at the video of hand by hand, rock by rock, brick by brick is some of the rescue efforts to try to find people under these pancaked structures. sam, thank you for being there. we will check back in with sam throughout the show. >> joining us is an australian restaurant owner who has lived in morocco for 18 years and is in marrakech this morning. thank you for joining us. first, can you tell us about what things look like near you at this hour? >> i live in an area of town that is a new city, they call it the new city, we have the new city and the old city. in this area where i live and where my restaurant is everything is pretty much running as normal. we have had very mild cosmetic things to deal with, a few cracks, but everything is good standing. we have issue in medina with a few houses coming down, but overall marrakech is standing pretty solid. the real issue is the rural areas and the communities in the mountains, that's where the hardest hit, the poor people up there, which is the mud brick homes have just crumbled. >> we're seeing some of the images of that, and in the atlas mountains there is just devastation in so many areas. i do want you if you wouldn't mind to describe the experience that you and your guests at the restaurant and your employees experienced when this happened. >> it's really hard. as you all know it was after 11:00 in the evening and we were winding down from a very busy dinner service and we still were quite full. we had about 60 clients in the restaurant. i felt a vibration, a very strong -- i thought there was something happening in the kitchen with gas, i thought it was going to be an explosion, i wasn't sure, but then it just got more intense, the vibration and shaking and everyone started screaming. a couple of my staff -- there are extra large doors at the front of the restaurant, everyone ran down and down to the corner where there are low walls in case something collapsed. it was a scary moment. the restaurant is still in fact and the majority of families are okay. the mountains are suffering. >> there in the atlas mountains that's the hardest hit area. what can people do to help? i understand that you and those you know there, the moroccans there are really try to do a lot this have on their own to try to get to people as soon as they can since they are there in country. >> yeah, i mean, i went up with a friend yesterday, we took a car load, a big four-wheel drive of water and food goods and hygiene goods. we made our way to a town that people were saying we wouldn't be able to get to, we were about a kilometer out of it, a two hour drive from marrakech, scary going along the road. they have nothing up there. it's just a little town and we weren't allowed in for the next kilometer because there were too many bodies they were trying to pull out. what we're trying to do at the restaurant, we have a gofundme page for plus 61. we are all continuing to do food and immediate aid. food, medical supplies. we are trying to look at the long-term effects of this and we're trying to work with a company better shelter which was collaborating with ikea for the refugee flat pack shelter homes. we're trying to get those down here, which are more sustainable. there's solar paneling on the roofs, we're trying to raise money to get those into the country as fast as possible to get people a more solid grounded place to live and be more protected frommel elements that are coming soon with the winter climate. >> thank you so much for doing that, cassandra karinsky. when you look at these pictures you make a really good point, this could be a long-term recovery and rebuilding is going to take a long time just looking at the devastation there. so hard to watch. i appreciate you coming on this morning. good luck to you and your staff and family. major new developments in the search for a convicted killer in pennsylvania. police say he's changed his appearance. he also stole, then ditched a van. new mexico's governor suss bends the right to carry guns in public for 30 days after the deaths of young children. and then 50 students in one biology class, crippling teacher shortages across the nation, how some districts are finding solutions. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensurere® high protein. boosost® high protein. now available inin cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at ththe morgan stanley client experience? 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>> well, it's normal fugitive behavior. i mean, these investigations go on for months. he skipped the perimeter. it happens. there will be another incident coming up soon, the police will be able to set up another perimeter, law enforcement across the country right now i'm sure is getting hundreds of phone calls, the investigative services units of sightings from the canadian border to the mexican border. it's about sorting them out so you're not chasing a red herring, although we do have good technical information coming from ring and other cameras so that they can ascertain if it's actually the fugitive or just a bogus call. i believe that within a couple days he's going to need to get another vehicle, find shelter. he will make a mistake and i think we will be back on the trail again. that's the way the fugitive game goes. >> the old wayne gretzky saying is skate where the puck is going not where it is. >> right. >> why wouldn't authorities have already been checking with people that cavalcante knew? that's where the ring cameras have been capturing him. how is it people that have been known associates of him. >> well, i'm sure under, you know, the investigative services units are doing that, the public doesn't know about it. there's a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes that they're not giving to the public. i'm sure that more people are being spoken to than we know of. this is a matter of waiting for the fugitive to create another scenario where we can get a new perimeter. i believe i'm going to throw down a bet that this guy is caught by a citizen, either stealing a car, trying to get into a residence, take him down or take him out. this is what i think is going to happen in this investigation because the public is so hypervigilant. >> how far away do you think he could possibly be at this point? >> in the fugitive game we wish we had a crystal ball. we can't ascertain that. we really can't because then you're chasing a red herring. what we really need to do is be patient. this is normal fugitive stuff. he's going to reappear, we're going to set up a perimeter, we're going to get him. it may not be today, it may not be tomorrow, but when the u.s. marshals are on your butt, trust me, you can run but you're going to get caught tired at some point and you're going to go back to jail either in handcuffs or a body bag but the u.s. marshals or law enforcement across the country will an had end this individual. >> zeke unger, appreciate you talking to us today. thank you. former president donald trump took his 2024 campaign to another intense rivalry on saturday. the iowa/iowa state football game. we will talk about that and the latest on the 2024 race, that's ahead. on montana ranchers. there's a story in every piece of land. rurun with us on a john deere gator™ xuv and start telling yours. we handcraft every stearns & fostster® using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming innersprings, for a beautiful mattress, and indescbable comfort. for a limited time, save up to $800 on select strns & foster® adjustable mattress sets. if you're looking for a medicare supplement insurance plan that's smart now... i'm 65. and really smart later i'm 70-ish. consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan from unitedhealthcare. with this type of plan, you'll know upfront about how much your care costs. which makes planning your financial future easier. so call unitedhealthcare today to learn more about the only plans of their kind with the aarp name. and set yourself and your future self up with an aarp medicare supplement plan from unitedhealthcare. old school hard work meets bold, new thinking, ♪ to help you see untapped possibilities and relentlessly work with you to make them real. ♪ nice footwork. man, you're lucky, watching live sports never used to be this easy. now you can stream all your games like it's nothing. yes! [ cheers ] yeah! woho! running up and down that field looks tough. it's a pitch. get way more into what you're into when you stream on the xfinity 10g network. politics and passing glad handing on the gridiron, the ground game, the literal one, and the campaign one on full display in iowa before this big college football matchup. donald trump stopped at a frat house before the iowa/iowa state game. while florida governor ron desantis he visited several tailgates. both candidates then went to the game with trump, and i think you can hear it here getting a bit of a mixed reception with both cheers and some boos. all right. with us now rhonda colvin for the "washington post" and heather caygle managing editor for punchbowl news. heather, look, if there is a blue area in iowa left at this point this is pretty blue. still, donald trump goes to a game, gets booed, ron desantis down in the crowd shaking hands with people. what were the dynamics at play there? >> john, i mean, i think the boos i'm not too worried about, like you said, this is a pretty democratic-leaning city in an overall red state but i did think it was interesting that former president trump was up in the suite, above it all during the game and then ron desantis like you said was down mingling in the crowd, taking selfies with potential supporters. he also sat with iowa governor kim reynolds which i think is really important to point out. she has said that previously that she's not going to endorse in the primary, but then more recently we've seen her leave herself a little wiggle room in case she does choose to do so. president trump and his supporters have went after her fots not immediately backing him. i think the fact that desantis was hanging out with the iowa governor was also really, really interesting. and just the two of them, trump is above, he's leading double digits in these polls, so maybe he can afford to be in the suite whereas ron desantis is really trying to play catch up here so he really needs to be out with these, you know, fans and crowd and kind of get people to know who he is and get to know them better >> i want to ask about what appears to be some grumblings -- hang on one second. we're going to go to the pentagon. it is of course september 11th and at the pentagon which was struck that day there is now a moment of silence. let's listen in. [ moment of silence ] [ playing "taps" ] >> all right. that was "taps" at the pentagon commemorating september 11th, the 22nd anniversary of that day. you can see defense secretary and mark milley throughout the morning we will be marking these moments as they take place in new york city, the pentagon and shanksville, pennsylvania. back to politics, i was speaking with rhonda colvin and heather caygle about the campaign trail and grumblings within the republican donor class that to a certain extent donald trump may be running away with it. these were the same donors never 100% back with him in 2016, there is a quote in the "new york times" this morning to this effect with one republican donor that told nikki haley apparently you are at 2%, he is at 53%, he ain't going to erode that much, something needs to happen to him for you to overtake him. what's the important thing to take into account here when we are talking about all these moneyed supporters of the republicans? >> well, when you hear donors like that speak like that, and there were multiple donors quoted in that article, you see the unease that some members of the republican donor groups have with donald trump, but they are also confronting the reality that he is far ahead in the polling in iowa and new hampshire and he has this popularity that they just can't break through. so that comment that he made about ambassador haley being behind, that is the reality that they are all trying to confront. one of the unique things that's going to be really interesting to watch here is that donald trump for his last few runs has always been very good at grassroots fundraising, in fact, i looked at some fec data from over the summer, over 80% of some of his small donor -- or some of his donations came from small donors, that's less than $200. so you're seeing a lot of strength there at the grassroots level so you almost wonder will his campaign even need these big donors. but right now they are showing some concern about him potentially being the eventual nominee and what that also means for some of the down-ballot races, the senate and the house races. >> heather, the house back in session after like a six-week vacation. man, i have to get that schedule. kevin mccarthy is facing perhaps what is the hardest stretch yet of his speakership. can he navigate through this? >> yeah, absolutely, john. i mean, in many ways this has been building since january when it took him 15 votes to even get the speakership. he made a lot of deals with se conservatives that are coming to roost and it's hard to square that with moderates want. he only has a four-vote margin in the house, he's working with several absences this month and there are demands that conservatives are making in order to get their votes to keep the government open. they want an impeachment inquiry into joe biden launched this month, they want more border funding, they don't want to fund ukraine. mccarthy is coming into this, house republicans will meet for the first time in six weeks, like you said, long time, they will meet together wednesday morning and mccarthy will make a pitch to them. he's going to say, look, i need a little bit more time to negotiate, i want to do a short-term funding bill when the government funding runs out at the end of this month, i want to do a short-term bill until mid-november. i think that will strengthen my hand. remember, he is working with a democratic senate, a democratic white house, but the problem is a lot of conservatives don't want to give that to him. they are not afraid of a government shutdown, they've been talking openly about it happening at the end of this month. this wednesday conference meeting we will be watching it closely. >> fireworks pending. heather caygle, rhonda colvin, thank you both for being with us. coming up for us, we will focus in on new mexico where a recent string of deadly shootings has prompted a big move by the state's governor. a move that has already sparked a lawsuit by gun rights advocates. what's going on there? we will take you there. and hurricane lee, that storm continues to churn as it's moving north through the atlantic and while its final trajectory remains a big question southeastern portions of the united states will be seeing dangerous beach conditions created by the storm already today. we will bring you the latest forecast next. ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy long lasting relief in a scent free, gentle mist. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. ♪ ♪ ♪ life after student debt is within reach. refi at you could save thousands and get to your goals faster. sofi. get your money right. that first time you take a step back. i made that. with your very own online store. i sold that. and you can manage it all in one place. i built this. and it was easy, with a partner that puts you first. godaddy. 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[ engine revving ] ♪ ♪ my favorite color is... because, it's like a family thing! [ engine revving ] ♪ ♪ made it! mom! leave running behind, behind. the new turbocharged volkswagen atlas. does life beautifully. this morning a legal battle over guns is escalating in a big way in new mexico. gun rights advocates are suing the state's governor over her bold moves, it happened last week, declaring gun violence a public health emergency thursday and then friday she issued an order suspending open and concealed carry of firearms in public in albuquerque and some neighboring areas. nick watt joins us now. a what prompted the governor to make these moves and what's happening with the lawsuit? >> reporter: the final straw seems to have been the fatal shooting of an 11-year-old boy outside a minor league baseball game in albuquerque wednesday night. the governor also cited the deaths of two other children in the past couple of months and two mass shootings in the state earlier in the summer. now, new mexico has about the third worst rate of gun fatalities in the nation, the governor says that, listen, when it gets to a point where new mexicans are afraid to be in a crowd, afraid to take their kids to school, afraid to leave a baseball game, then, quote, something is very wrong. there are now metrics and if an area reaches certain grim stats, then these new orders kick in. take a listen to the governor. >> far too many er gunshot visits and we have far too many crimes involving firearms. we are suspending open and concealed carry. the purpose is to try to create a cooling off period while we figure out how we can better address public safety and gun violence. >> reporter: and, kate, you mentioned that there is huge opposition to this, in fact, two state reps have actually called for the governor to be impeached and also there is an issue over how this will be enforced. the county sheriff has said, listen, i understand the gravity and the urgency of this situation, but basically you the governor are asking me to challenge the constitution and i swore an oath to uphold that. kate? >> let's see what happens now. it's good you are on it, nick. thank you so much. sara? u.s. schools are facing a severe teacher shortage and that's causing less than ideal learning conditions for students. we will tell you how they are coping coming up next. morgan stanley is partnering with the women's tennis association to rememove boundaries... 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Everyone , Nation , Kate Bolduan , John Berman , Anniversary , Sara Sidner , Attacks , America , September 11th , 11 , 22 , Names , Country , Terror Attack , Soil , Being , Seeing , Americans , 3000 , Moment Of Silence , Plane , Flight 175 , World Trade Center , New York , Eastern , 175 , 17 , 9 , 03 , President , Pentagon And Shanksville , Joe Biden , Commemoration Ceremonies , South Tower , Alaska , Silence , Reporter , Let S Go , Brynn Gingras Live Standing , Washington D C , Brynn , Trip In Asia , Memorial Plaza , 9 11 , Way , Cameras , Sense , Respect , Area , Family Members , Flags , Members , Pool , Service , Memorial , Space , Ground Zero , Ground , Flowers , Zero , People , Heart Wrenching , Some , Generations , Thing , Children , One , World , Course , Weren T , Something , Dignitaries , Kamala Harris , Ceremony , Service Members , Mayor , Eye , Nypd , Fdny , Honor Guard , Bell Ringing , Show , Kremlin , Russia , Leader , Visit , Train , North Korean , Kim Jong Un Is Set , Kim Left Pyongyang , Wall , Deal , Leaders , War Of Attrition , Weapons , Officials , Cnn , Paula Hancocks , South Korea , Ukraine , More Seoul , Point , Kim Jong Un , Meeting , Both , Side , Confirmation , Vladimir Putin , Part , Forum , Belief , Intelligence , Washington , Ammunition , Countries , Arms , Sides , Production , Two , Everything , Technology , Example , Relationships , Pyongyang , Capability , Satellite Knowledge , Couple , Times , Military , Submarine , Allies , Region , Repercussions , Angle , Japan , Fact , Time , Back , Ambitions , Reign , 2019 , Defense Minister , To Pyongyang , Relationship Developing , July , China , Red Carpet Treatment , Concern , Display , Coupling , Disturbing , Military Parade , Nic Robertson , Video , Reporting , G20 , Lot , Artillery Shells , Factories , Troops , Armorment , 24 7 , Lines , Weapons Systems , Damage , Caliber , Fight , Ukrainians , Putin , Systems , Soviet , Type , Arof Armor Mts Needs , Order , Kind , Technologies , Battlefield , Effort , Invasion , Stage , Earthquake , Death Toll , 6 8 , 120 , 2500 , Person , Hit Areas , Survivors , Stretcher , Rescuers , Rubble , Mountains , Sam Kiley , Marrakech , Epicenter , Earthquake Hit , 35 , Interventions , Field Hospital , Royal Moroccan Armed Forces , What S Going On , Disasters , Disaster , Scale , None , Jordan , Congo , Transport , Unit , Distances , Don T , Number , Another , Roads , Means , Donkeys , Injured , One Way , Situation , Areas , Authorities , Helicopters , Military Helicopters , Emergency Workers , Professor , Colonel , Land Mountains , Process , Charge , Emergency Response , Effects , Kate , Aftershocks , Hope , Underground , Opportunity , Window , 72 , Hand , Body Retrieval Process , Rescue Efforts , Brick By , Rock By , Restaurant Owner , Structures , Australian , 18 , City , Things , Town , First , Restaurant , Issue , Standing , Running , Cracks , Medina , Hit , Communities , Houses , Mud Brick Homes , Devastation , Atlas Mountains 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Donor , Donors , Campaign Trail , Extent , Grumblings , Republican , Quote , Nikki Haley , New York Times , Effect , Much , He Ain T , 53 , 2016 , 2 , Speak , Republicans , Account , Groups , Article , Polling , Unease , Comment , Popularity , New Hampshire , Summer , Grassroots Fundraising , Data , Runs , Fec , 80 , Strength , Donations , Grassroots , 200 , House Races , White House , Nominee , Vacation , Session , Senate , Six , Kevin Mccarthy , Speakership , Building , Stretch , Schedule , Ways , Conservatives , Deals , Votes , Moderates , 15 , Government , House , Absences , Margin , Making , Impeachment Inquiry , House Republicans , Border Funding , They Don T Want To Fund Ukraine , Problem , Funding Bill , Bill , Government Funding , Democratic , Mid November , Government Shutdown , Fireworks Pending , Estate , Lawsuit , Move , Shootings , Coming Up , String , Gun Rights Advocates , Storm , Hurricane Lee , North , Beach Conditions , Portions , Trajectory , Big Question 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Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240703 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240703

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read out loud at the world trade center here in new york. we are just minutes away from a moment of silence at 9:03 a.m. eastern, 17 minutes after the first plane struck, a second hijacked plane, flight 175, it hit the south tower. >> we will also be taking you live this morning to commemoration ceremonies at the pentagon and shanksville, president. as for president biden he's observing the anniversary? alaska in anchorage as he travels back from washington, d.c. from his trip in asia. let's go to brynn gingras live standing by at the 9/11 memorial plaza. brynn? >> reporter: sara, you guys said that moment of silence coming up at 9:03. i want to mention that we don't even want our cameras on out of respect for what is happening behind us. so that is why i will get out of the way right at that 9:03. before then let me give you a sense of where we are. we are right by the south reflective pool where the south world trade center tower once stood. all morning long we have been seeing family members and service members coming to this area and placing those flags that you can see in the etched names of this memorial as well as flowers. you can see there are family members who are sitting there. this space, ground zero, it is reserved only for family members who have this time to be on this hallowed ground and remember those 3,000 people, the lives who were lost. the names are continuing to be read, it's heart wrenching to hear the people talk about the 22 years, the people who have been born since then, all the people they remember and who they have loved as they call out the names of the people that they are missing. one thing i want to note as you listen to this throughout the morning, you will see children reading out some of these names and what they told me is that this is to signify that there are generations of people who weren't even alive when 9/11 happened and this is a way to get those generations to remember about what happened here at ground zero and across, of course, the world that was changed forever on that date. so that is something to keep an eye out for. the ceremony will continue until about noon today. there are dignitaries here, including vice president kamala harris and many new york city dignitaries as well as the mayor. there are all service members as well. we have the nypd honor guard and the fdny as well. take that moment of silence. [ moment of silence ] [ bell ringing ] >> a moment of silence there as we all took it together marking the moment the hijacked flight 175 struck the south tower of the world trade center. we're going to continue to follow and mark these moments of silence all throughout the show this morning. sara. >> now we are going abroad. this morning the kremlin is confirming kim jong-un is set to visit russia in the coming days and the north korean leader appears to already be on his way there. we're told kim left pyongyang in an armored train, the visit comes just days after u.s. officials warned the leaders could meet to discuss a deal for north korea to give russia weapons that they can use in their war on ukraine. cnn's paula hancocks is following all of this for us, she joins us from seoul, south korea, this morning. what can you tell us about this upcoming meeting? >> reporter: sara, at this point we know and have confirmation from both the russian and north korean side that kim jong-un is going to be in russia. we know that vladimir putin is already in the eastern part of the country where he is expected to meet with kim jong-un. he's there for an eastern economic forum. we know that it will be in the coming days according to the kremlin, but beyond that we don't have a specific date that they are telling us. what we do know is it is a meeting that neither washington more seoul wants to go ahead. we have heard there u.s. officials and it's been backed up by south korean intelligence as well that there is a belief that the two sides, the two countries, are moving closer towards an arms deal. now, we know that russia is looking for ammunition, we know that they would like small arms and this is something that north korea has a vast production capability of. when it comes to what north korea could get out of this deal because everything is transactional and relationships are transactional for pyongyang they could get, for example, satellite knowledge and technology from russia. they have tried a couple of times in the past few months to put a military at light up into space and have failed. they could also get nuclear submarine technology from russia as well. both sides stand to gain militarily and it is something that the u.s. and south korea, japan, allies in the region certainly don't want to see happen. u.s. officials have said there would be repercussions. now, of course, there's a political angle to this as well, it is showing kim jong-un's political ambitions. he is pushing closer to russia, a country that he was not particularly close to for much of his reign, in fact, he met vladimir putin for the first time and the last back in 2019. he has been far closer to china, but we have seen over recent months this relationship developing. the russian defense minister, for example, in july was invited to pyongyang, the red carpet treatment was given to him, he saw a military parade and it had all of north korea's weapons capabilities on display and that is of great concern to washington. >> certainly for the u.s. and its allies, for south korea and those who are close it is a disturbing, if you will, coupling. we are looking at video from 2019 of the two leaders together. we will wait to see what happens during this upcoming meeting that has been announced. thank you, paula hancocks, for all of your reporting. cnn international diplomatic editor nic robertson is with us now. vladimir putin skips the g20, invites kim jong-un to come meet. what's the big take away here? >> reporter: the war in ukraine is going to take longer than perhaps originally anticipated. look, we know that -- we know that the war in ukraine is costing putin a lot of ammunition and a lot of troops and in a war of attrition he needs to restock on both. he has his armorment factories, some working 24/7 to produce artillery shells which are vital for him in the fight to hold the ukrainians back, mines and artillery shells are doing the most damage on the front lines and kim jong-un and north korea uses similar weapons systems, similar caliber weapons and indeed they're interoperable soviet era systems. north korea through russia all the way to the front lines in ukraine. putin if he can do this deal with kim jong-un can potentially get the type of arof armor mts needs. the concern about the technologies he might give up in order to acquire the weapons for this battlefield. >> it does say something at this stage of the war his invasion of ukraine vladimir putin needs north korea to achieve any kind of sustained effort there. nic robertson, thank you very much. kate? in morocco the death toll stands at nearly 2,500 people killed. the 6.8 earthquake struck and it is the strongest earthquake to hit the country in more than 120 years. rescuers are racing now against time to find survivors still under the rubble. we're showing video of one person who was pulled out in a stretcher. they say sppulled out alive in e of the hardest hit areas located in the at last mountains. the mountains are the epicenter of where the earthquake hit. 35 miles from marrakech. sam kiley is there. sam, what is the very latest that you are seeing? >> reporter: well, kate, the royal moroccan armed forces have established here i have to say a pretty impressive field hospital. they are specialists with interventions in the past, in congo, in jordan, in disasters around the world. none of them ever expected really to end up being deployed in a disaster of this scale in their own country, but that's exactly what's going on. there's even a gynecological unit here because there are people that are coming in from very long distances, a lot of them cut off completely, unable to use any kind of vehicular transport. coming down on foot or using donkeys and other traditional means of transport because the roads have been blocked by this massive earthquake. now the death toll is sitting at about 2,500, similar number of severely injured, but that death toll and we really don't know one way or another whether it will go shooting up because the moroccan authorities are still trying to get to the more remote areas using helicopters, again, mostly military helicopters in order to establish what the situation is in these very much more remote areas of the at land mountains. i've been speaking here to the professor who is also a colonel in charge of this. he said it's a very, very emotional process for all of them, especially the emergency workers here because they never expected to have to do this kind of thing in their own country but also the psychological effects, he is concerned those aftershocks will be felt in this country long after the immediate emergency response is over, kate, but that emergency response is getting under way. it is in the last few hours, if you like, of the 72-hour window of opportunity where hope can be really vested in trying to get people out when they're trapped underground, after that it tends to become a body retrieval process and that is also going to take some time, kate. >> alongside -- we're just looking at the video of hand by hand, rock by rock, brick by brick is some of the rescue efforts to try to find people under these pancaked structures. sam, thank you for being there. we will check back in with sam throughout the show. >> joining us is an australian restaurant owner who has lived in morocco for 18 years and is in marrakech this morning. thank you for joining us. first, can you tell us about what things look like near you at this hour? >> i live in an area of town that is a new city, they call it the new city, we have the new city and the old city. in this area where i live and where my restaurant is everything is pretty much running as normal. we have had very mild cosmetic things to deal with, a few cracks, but everything is good standing. we have issue in medina with a few houses coming down, but overall marrakech is standing pretty solid. the real issue is the rural areas and the communities in the mountains, that's where the hardest hit, the poor people up there, which is the mud brick homes have just crumbled. >> we're seeing some of the images of that, and in the atlas mountains there is just devastation in so many areas. i do want you if you wouldn't mind to describe the experience that you and your guests at the restaurant and your employees experienced when this happened. >> it's really hard. as you all know it was after 11:00 in the evening and we were winding down from a very busy dinner service and we still were quite full. we had about 60 clients in the restaurant. i felt a vibration, a very strong -- i thought there was something happening in the kitchen with gas, i thought it was going to be an explosion, i wasn't sure, but then it just got more intense, the vibration and shaking and everyone started screaming. a couple of my staff -- there are extra large doors at the front of the restaurant, everyone ran down and down to the corner where there are low walls in case something collapsed. it was a scary moment. the restaurant is still in fact and the majority of families are okay. the mountains are suffering. >> there in the atlas mountains that's the hardest hit area. what can people do to help? i understand that you and those you know there, the moroccans there are really try to do a lot this have on their own to try to get to people as soon as they can since they are there in country. >> yeah, i mean, i went up with a friend yesterday, we took a car load, a big four-wheel drive of water and food goods and hygiene goods. we made our way to a town that people were saying we wouldn't be able to get to, we were about a kilometer out of it, a two hour drive from marrakech, scary going along the road. they have nothing up there. it's just a little town and we weren't allowed in for the next kilometer because there were too many bodies they were trying to pull out. what we're trying to do at the restaurant, we have a gofundme page for plus 61. we are all continuing to do food and immediate aid. food, medical supplies. we are trying to look at the long-term effects of this and we're trying to work with a company better shelter which was collaborating with ikea for the refugee flat pack shelter homes. we're trying to get those down here, which are more sustainable. there's solar paneling on the roofs, we're trying to raise money to get those into the country as fast as possible to get people a more solid grounded place to live and be more protected frommel elements that are coming soon with the winter climate. >> thank you so much for doing that, cassandra karinsky. when you look at these pictures you make a really good point, this could be a long-term recovery and rebuilding is going to take a long time just looking at the devastation there. so hard to watch. i appreciate you coming on this morning. good luck to you and your staff and family. major new developments in the search for a convicted killer in pennsylvania. police say he's changed his appearance. he also stole, then ditched a van. new mexico's governor suss bends the right to carry guns in public for 30 days after the deaths of young children. and then 50 students in one biology class, crippling teacher shortages across the nation, how some districts are finding solutions. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensurere® high protein. boosost® high protein. now available inin cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor. learn more at ththe morgan stanley client experience? 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>> well, it's normal fugitive behavior. i mean, these investigations go on for months. he skipped the perimeter. it happens. there will be another incident coming up soon, the police will be able to set up another perimeter, law enforcement across the country right now i'm sure is getting hundreds of phone calls, the investigative services units of sightings from the canadian border to the mexican border. it's about sorting them out so you're not chasing a red herring, although we do have good technical information coming from ring and other cameras so that they can ascertain if it's actually the fugitive or just a bogus call. i believe that within a couple days he's going to need to get another vehicle, find shelter. he will make a mistake and i think we will be back on the trail again. that's the way the fugitive game goes. >> the old wayne gretzky saying is skate where the puck is going not where it is. >> right. >> why wouldn't authorities have already been checking with people that cavalcante knew? that's where the ring cameras have been capturing him. how is it people that have been known associates of him. >> well, i'm sure under, you know, the investigative services units are doing that, the public doesn't know about it. there's a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes that they're not giving to the public. i'm sure that more people are being spoken to than we know of. this is a matter of waiting for the fugitive to create another scenario where we can get a new perimeter. i believe i'm going to throw down a bet that this guy is caught by a citizen, either stealing a car, trying to get into a residence, take him down or take him out. this is what i think is going to happen in this investigation because the public is so hypervigilant. >> how far away do you think he could possibly be at this point? >> in the fugitive game we wish we had a crystal ball. we can't ascertain that. we really can't because then you're chasing a red herring. what we really need to do is be patient. this is normal fugitive stuff. he's going to reappear, we're going to set up a perimeter, we're going to get him. it may not be today, it may not be tomorrow, but when the u.s. marshals are on your butt, trust me, you can run but you're going to get caught tired at some point and you're going to go back to jail either in handcuffs or a body bag but the u.s. marshals or law enforcement across the country will an had end this individual. >> zeke unger, appreciate you talking to us today. thank you. former president donald trump took his 2024 campaign to another intense rivalry on saturday. the iowa/iowa state football game. we will talk about that and the latest on the 2024 race, that's ahead. on montana ranchers. there's a story in every piece of land. rurun with us on a john deere gator™ xuv and start telling yours. we handcraft every stearns & fostster® using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming innersprings, for a beautiful mattress, and indescbable comfort. for a limited time, save up to $800 on select strns & foster® adjustable mattress sets. if you're looking for a medicare supplement insurance plan that's smart now... i'm 65. and really smart later i'm 70-ish. consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan from unitedhealthcare. with this type of plan, you'll know upfront about how much your care costs. which makes planning your financial future easier. so call unitedhealthcare today to learn more about the only plans of their kind with the aarp name. and set yourself and your future self up with an aarp medicare supplement plan from unitedhealthcare. old school hard work meets bold, new thinking, ♪ to help you see untapped possibilities and relentlessly work with you to make them real. ♪ nice footwork. man, you're lucky, watching live sports never used to be this easy. now you can stream all your games like it's nothing. yes! [ cheers ] yeah! woho! running up and down that field looks tough. it's a pitch. get way more into what you're into when you stream on the xfinity 10g network. politics and passing glad handing on the gridiron, the ground game, the literal one, and the campaign one on full display in iowa before this big college football matchup. donald trump stopped at a frat house before the iowa/iowa state game. while florida governor ron desantis he visited several tailgates. both candidates then went to the game with trump, and i think you can hear it here getting a bit of a mixed reception with both cheers and some boos. all right. with us now rhonda colvin for the "washington post" and heather caygle managing editor for punchbowl news. heather, look, if there is a blue area in iowa left at this point this is pretty blue. still, donald trump goes to a game, gets booed, ron desantis down in the crowd shaking hands with people. what were the dynamics at play there? >> john, i mean, i think the boos i'm not too worried about, like you said, this is a pretty democratic-leaning city in an overall red state but i did think it was interesting that former president trump was up in the suite, above it all during the game and then ron desantis like you said was down mingling in the crowd, taking selfies with potential supporters. he also sat with iowa governor kim reynolds which i think is really important to point out. she has said that previously that she's not going to endorse in the primary, but then more recently we've seen her leave herself a little wiggle room in case she does choose to do so. president trump and his supporters have went after her fots not immediately backing him. i think the fact that desantis was hanging out with the iowa governor was also really, really interesting. and just the two of them, trump is above, he's leading double digits in these polls, so maybe he can afford to be in the suite whereas ron desantis is really trying to play catch up here so he really needs to be out with these, you know, fans and crowd and kind of get people to know who he is and get to know them better >> i want to ask about what appears to be some grumblings -- hang on one second. we're going to go to the pentagon. it is of course september 11th and at the pentagon which was struck that day there is now a moment of silence. let's listen in. [ moment of silence ] [ playing "taps" ] >> all right. that was "taps" at the pentagon commemorating september 11th, the 22nd anniversary of that day. you can see defense secretary and mark milley throughout the morning we will be marking these moments as they take place in new york city, the pentagon and shanksville, pennsylvania. back to politics, i was speaking with rhonda colvin and heather caygle about the campaign trail and grumblings within the republican donor class that to a certain extent donald trump may be running away with it. these were the same donors never 100% back with him in 2016, there is a quote in the "new york times" this morning to this effect with one republican donor that told nikki haley apparently you are at 2%, he is at 53%, he ain't going to erode that much, something needs to happen to him for you to overtake him. what's the important thing to take into account here when we are talking about all these moneyed supporters of the republicans? >> well, when you hear donors like that speak like that, and there were multiple donors quoted in that article, you see the unease that some members of the republican donor groups have with donald trump, but they are also confronting the reality that he is far ahead in the polling in iowa and new hampshire and he has this popularity that they just can't break through. so that comment that he made about ambassador haley being behind, that is the reality that they are all trying to confront. one of the unique things that's going to be really interesting to watch here is that donald trump for his last few runs has always been very good at grassroots fundraising, in fact, i looked at some fec data from over the summer, over 80% of some of his small donor -- or some of his donations came from small donors, that's less than $200. so you're seeing a lot of strength there at the grassroots level so you almost wonder will his campaign even need these big donors. but right now they are showing some concern about him potentially being the eventual nominee and what that also means for some of the down-ballot races, the senate and the house races. >> heather, the house back in session after like a six-week vacation. man, i have to get that schedule. kevin mccarthy is facing perhaps what is the hardest stretch yet of his speakership. can he navigate through this? >> yeah, absolutely, john. i mean, in many ways this has been building since january when it took him 15 votes to even get the speakership. he made a lot of deals with se conservatives that are coming to roost and it's hard to square that with moderates want. he only has a four-vote margin in the house, he's working with several absences this month and there are demands that conservatives are making in order to get their votes to keep the government open. they want an impeachment inquiry into joe biden launched this month, they want more border funding, they don't want to fund ukraine. mccarthy is coming into this, house republicans will meet for the first time in six weeks, like you said, long time, they will meet together wednesday morning and mccarthy will make a pitch to them. he's going to say, look, i need a little bit more time to negotiate, i want to do a short-term funding bill when the government funding runs out at the end of this month, i want to do a short-term bill until mid-november. i think that will strengthen my hand. remember, he is working with a democratic senate, a democratic white house, but the problem is a lot of conservatives don't want to give that to him. they are not afraid of a government shutdown, they've been talking openly about it happening at the end of this month. this wednesday conference meeting we will be watching it closely. >> fireworks pending. heather caygle, rhonda colvin, thank you both for being with us. coming up for us, we will focus in on new mexico where a recent string of deadly shootings has prompted a big move by the state's governor. a move that has already sparked a lawsuit by gun rights advocates. what's going on there? we will take you there. and hurricane lee, that storm continues to churn as it's moving north through the atlantic and while its final trajectory remains a big question southeastern portions of the united states will be seeing dangerous beach conditions created by the storm already today. we will bring you the latest forecast next. ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy long lasting relief in a scent free, gentle mist. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. ♪ ♪ ♪ life after student debt is within reach. refi at you could save thousands and get to your goals faster. sofi. get your money right. that first time you take a step back. i made that. with your very own online store. i sold that. and you can manage it all in one place. i built this. and it was easy, with a partner that puts you first. godaddy. 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[ engine revving ] ♪ ♪ made it! mom! leave running behind, behind. the new turbocharged volkswagen atlas. does life beautifully. this morning a legal battle over guns is escalating in a big way in new mexico. gun rights advocates are suing the state's governor over her bold moves, it happened last week, declaring gun violence a public health emergency thursday and then friday she issued an order suspending open and concealed carry of firearms in public in albuquerque and some neighboring areas. nick watt joins us now. a what prompted the governor to make these moves and what's happening with the lawsuit? >> reporter: the final straw seems to have been the fatal shooting of an 11-year-old boy outside a minor league baseball game in albuquerque wednesday night. the governor also cited the deaths of two other children in the past couple of months and two mass shootings in the state earlier in the summer. now, new mexico has about the third worst rate of gun fatalities in the nation, the governor says that, listen, when it gets to a point where new mexicans are afraid to be in a crowd, afraid to take their kids to school, afraid to leave a baseball game, then, quote, something is very wrong. there are now metrics and if an area reaches certain grim stats, then these new orders kick in. take a listen to the governor. >> far too many er gunshot visits and we have far too many crimes involving firearms. we are suspending open and concealed carry. the purpose is to try to create a cooling off period while we figure out how we can better address public safety and gun violence. >> reporter: and, kate, you mentioned that there is huge opposition to this, in fact, two state reps have actually called for the governor to be impeached and also there is an issue over how this will be enforced. the county sheriff has said, listen, i understand the gravity and the urgency of this situation, but basically you the governor are asking me to challenge the constitution and i swore an oath to uphold that. kate? >> let's see what happens now. it's good you are on it, nick. thank you so much. sara? u.s. schools are facing a severe teacher shortage and that's causing less than ideal learning conditions for students. we will tell you how they are coping coming up next. morgan stanley is partnering with the women's tennis association to rememove boundaries... 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, Images , Experience , Mind , Employees , Guests , Dinner Service , Clients , 00 , 60 , Vibration , Kitchen , Gas , Explosion , Wasn T Sure , Corner , Staff , Screaming , Front , Doors , Case , Families , Majority , Walls , Suffering , Hit Area , Moroccans , Food , Goods , Water , Big Four Wheel Drive , Car Load , Hygiene , Friend , Four , Nothing , Road , Drive , Kilometer Out Of It , Kilometer , Bodies , Gofundme Page , Plus 61 , Shelter , Supplies , Company , Aid , Ikea , Money , Shelter Homes , Paneling , Flat Pack , Refugee , Fast , Roofs , Place , Frommel , Winter Climate , Cassandra Karinsky , Developments , Search , Family , Rebuilding , Recovery , Luck , Governor , Van , New Mexico , Deaths , Guns , Pennsylvania , Killer , Appearance , Suss , Police , 30 , High Protein , Students , Districts , Muscle Health , Class , Teacher Shortages , Finding Solutions , Ensurere , 20 , 50 , 16 , Morgan Stanley , Flavor , Client , Talking , Boosost , Inin Cinnabon , Boost Com Tv Ththe , Plan Ththe , Eperience , Dinosaur , Build , Website , Colorado , Partner , It S On , Thursday Night Football On Prime , Godaddy Com , Returns , Al Michaels , Kirk Herbstreit , Minnesota Vikings , Philadelphia Eagles , Prime , Stream Thursday Night Football , Wayfair , Prices , Supplements , Joints , Voltaren , Champagne Taste , Um Kelly , Hard Seltzer Budget , Statement Lighting , Salad Plates , Kelly Clarkson , Pile , Let S Go , Man , Ron Desantis , Tide , Watering , Tackle Pun , Eyes , Ugh , Shameful , Rest , Stains , Odors , Husband , Cpap , Inspire Implant , Safety Information , Inspiresleep Com , Perimeter , Ring Camera , Clean Shaven , Danelo Cavalcante , Danny Freeman , Latest , Chester County , Amount , Reality , Manhunt , Command Center , Setback , 48 , Cars , Car , Police Presence , Backs , Troopers , Trunks , Environment Cavalcante , Cavalcante , Dairy Farm , Keys , Camera , Associate , Help , To Phoenixville , Dairy Van , Hoodie , Photos , Sunday Morning , Nowhere , Trail Cameras In The Woods , Listen , Roommate , Interview , Perspective , Idea , Affiliates , Someone , Beers , Barbecue , Life , Everybody , State Police , Safe , Wish , Sightings , Escape , Capture , 12 , 100 , Step , Investigations , Fugitive Behavior , Zeke Unger , Bounty Hunter , Law Enforcement , Hundreds , Incident , Units , Services , Ring , Border , Phone Calls , Information , Red Herring , Fugitive , Vehicle , Call , Mistake , Find Shelter , Game , Puck , Trail , Skate , Saying , Wouldn T Authorities , Wayne Gretzky , Associates , The Public Doesn T , Public , Stuff , Matter , Scenes , Scenario , Waiting , Guy , Investigation , Residence , Citizen , Bet , Crystal Ball , Fugitive Stuff , Patient , Trust Me , Handcuffs , Marshals , Body Bag , U S Marshals , Donald Trump , Campaign , Individual , Rivalry , 2024 , Iowa , Football Game , Story , Iowa State , Race , Land , Ranchers , Piece , Montana , Gatortm Xuv , Rurun , John Deere , Materials , Beautiful Mattress , Fostster , Indescbable Comfort , Memory Foam , Ultra Conforming Innersprings , Strns Foster Adjustable Mattress Sets , 800 , Medicare Supplement , Unitedhealthcare , Insurance , Smart , Care Costs , Aarp Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan , 70 , 65 , Plans , Name , Future , Aarp Medicare Supplement Plan , Aarp , Old School Hard Work , Thinking , Possibilities , Footwork , Sports , Games , Nice , Cheers , Pitch , Field , Woho , Xfinity 10g Network , 10 , Politics , Ground Game , Handing , Literal One , Gridiron , College Football Matchup , Trump , The , Frat House , Candidates , Tailgates , Bit , Reception , Florida , Boos , Heather Caygle , Rhonda Colvin , Managing Editor , Washington Post , Look , Punchbowl News , Crowd , Red State , Dynamics , Kim Reynolds , Suite , Supporters , Selfies , Mingling , Primary , Room , Wiggle , Fots , Polls , Digits , Hang On One Second , Fans , Playing , Taps , Pentagon Commemorating September 11th , Defense Secretary , The Pentagon , Shanksville , Mark Milley , Donor , Donors , Campaign Trail , Extent , Grumblings , Republican , Quote , Nikki Haley , New York Times , Effect , Much , He Ain T , 53 , 2016 , 2 , Speak , Republicans , Account , Groups , Article , Polling , Unease , Comment , Popularity , New Hampshire , Summer , Grassroots Fundraising , Data , Runs , Fec , 80 , Strength , Donations , Grassroots , 200 , House Races , White House , Nominee , Vacation , Session , Senate , Six , Kevin Mccarthy , Speakership , Building , Stretch , Schedule , Ways , Conservatives , Deals , Votes , Moderates , 15 , Government , House , Absences , Margin , Making , Impeachment Inquiry , House Republicans , Border Funding , They Don T Want To Fund Ukraine , Problem , Funding Bill , Bill , Government Funding , Democratic , Mid November , Government Shutdown , Fireworks Pending , Estate , Lawsuit , Move , Shootings , Coming Up , String , Gun Rights Advocates , Storm , Hurricane Lee , North , Beach Conditions , Portions , Trajectory , Big Question Southeastern , Atlantic , Allergy Headache , Scent , Good , Allergies , Ahhh , Relief , Forecast , Flonase , Gentle Mist , Spray Flonase Sensimist , Sofi , Goals , Reach , Pills , Student Debt , Thousands , Refi , Store , Trelegy , Isn T , Medicine , Medicines , Breathing Problems , Inhaler , Rescue Inhaler , Won T , Lung Function , Asthma Symptoms , 3 , 1 , 24 , Risk , Asthma , Death , Hospitalizations , Events , Corticosteroid , Thrush , Infections , Doctor , What A Wonderful World , Emergency Care , Breathing , Reactions , Tourist Taking Photos , Researchers , Scientists , Ai , Life Underwater Flourish , Mom , Engine Revving , Go , Wake Up , Guys , C Mon , Gotta , Gracie , Family Thing , Color , Volkswagen Atlas , Leave Running Behind , Battle , Moves , Firearms , Carry , Gun Rights , Declaring Gun Violence A Public Health Emergency Thursday , Shooting , Straw , In Albuquerque , Nick Watt , Boy , Minor League Baseball , Mexicans , Kids , School , Gun Fatalities , Rate , Baseball Game , Borders , Stats , Metrics , Gunshot , Visits , Purpose , Her , Crimes , Cooling , Public Safety , Gun Violence , Address , Opposition , State Reps , County Sheriff , It , Constitution , Oath , Urgency , Gravity , Let , Schools , Teacher Shortage , Ideal Learning Conditions , Coping , Women S Tennis Association , Rememove Boundaries , Bed , Hank , Baking Show , Movie , Half , Father , Popcorn , Chewy , Spoiler , Half Cyborg , Plaid , Pets , Shipping , Pet , Squeez Mouthwash Concentrate , Mouthwash , Just Add Water , Zone , Breeze Mattress , Tempur Pedic , Cooling Technology , Breeze , Air Conditioning , Heat , Sweating , Kicking , Covers , Body , Sale , Miss , Undisturbed Rest Of Tempur Pedic , Mattress Sets , The Deep , 700 , Bay , Tolls , Vehicles , Payment Assistance , Registration , Balances , Visit Bayareafastrak Org Ase , Wheels , Y , Classrooms , Substitute Teacher Shortage , School Districts , Gabe Cohen , Teachers , Curious , Profession , Lancaster , Fewer , Texas , Classroom , Algebra Class , Certified Teacher , Classes , Courses , Virtual Learning Company , Dozens , Teacher A State , Shortage , Learning Companies , Impact , Programs , Led , Louisiana , Teacher , Felt , Band Aid Solutions , Assignments , Staff Member , Notes , Better , Sad , Racking , The Box , Many , Teacher Turnover , 33 , States , Position , Teacher Positions , Teacher Policy Institute , Teaching , Support , Teacher Considerations , Quality , Loss , Child , Education , Needs , Boost , Igh Protein , Boost Com Tv , Cinnabon , Enre , Sales , Anything , Godaddy Website , Cheesecake Cookies , Chookie , Home , Big Deal , Am Ia , Head , Price , Dream Sofa , Savings , Dog , Farmer , Brand New , Puppy , Kibble , Magic , Dog Bark , Health , Packs , Fresh Meat , Nutrients , Vegetables , Dogs , Dried Pellets , Heroes , Horrors , 59 , Bell Tolls , Fran , Cos Granatos , Attack , Lives , American Soil , Markingiv ,

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