Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240703 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240703

morocco scrambling to find rescuers -- those who might still be alive following a earthquake as the death toll tops 2100. police say an escaped killer is now taking new steps to try to blend in. victory for spanish women soccer off the field, the official who gave this woman player and unwanted kiss is now out. details and a live report from valencia. >> rescuers in morocco are racing against the clock to find more survivors of friday's powerful earthquake as the death cole continues to climb, more than 2100 people are confirmed that the country was hit by the 6-point eight magnitude quake, the strongest in more than 120 years. near the epicenter in the atlas mountains, scenes of destruction devastation, with homes in small villages reduced to piles of rubble, many of spent nights intense and some of been told they will need to remain in these makeshift camps for at least another week, here in merrick is for us with a live report, good to see you, on the ground there, since the earthquake struck, we are seeing the earthquake with the pain it has applied to, likely to continue for generations, in terms of the concern about what people have to do in order to continue to mount those rescue efforts, what is needed and what is in place and what about other needs like food, water and medical care? >> absolutely right, the key priority at this stage continues to be the search and rescue, a struggle by authorities and rescue teams to make it to those regions hardest hit by the earthquake. impact of the most, the atlas mountains, and remote areas that are difficult to get to made to get to by damage to the roads, proven to be a struggle, describing not seeing the rescue teams on the ground, some villages, and seeing the destruction devastation in the areas, hard to describe, some of the villages are gone, imagine the devastation that the communities are going through, the search and rescue operation is very much ongoing, beginning to see international rescue teams coming to morocco to support the effort, there has been some delay in the effort, some people questioning why there has been delay on the front, but we've heard from the moroccan government, thinking those from the u.s. kingdom, sentencings, and search and rescue observation, and the spread of the impact and extent of the impact, and the villagers, a huge amount of need, and marrakesh, and sleeping the street at night, afraid of the potential impact of another aftershock, the could fall system, the concern for many here, going out to donate bad, -- blood, and donating items, delivering to those remote areas, there has been a community outpouring as well as international outpouring of support.>> the need is so great right here at this hour, and marrakesh, thank you, we want to stay there, where cassandra is standing by, experiencing friday's devastating earthquake firsthand, glad to see you and glad you're okay. going to the moment it happened, what did it feel like when it was happening? >> we didn't really know was happening. about something was some sort of kitchen, about to explode, a deep rumbling and vibration. and continued and everyone screaming and running out, might've been a bomb attack in the vibrations of that, the building was shaking was frightening, a full restaurant, then almost ran out to get onto the street to safety. >> it does sound like a terrifying experience. and is the restaurant okay, was everyone in the restaurant at the time okay, what was the damage? >> myself and all the staff, and in the area, were i live, very lucky, hasn't been real damage with a few cosmetic scenes, we are very fortunate, the communities the mountains, just devastating was happened out there. >> as the days and hours of on, coming to know what has been happening there firsthand. from what i understand, you've tried, some of the community that they were speaking about just now trying to mount some kind of aid effort for the communities?>> got a number of friends here, moroccans and ex- pats, and going yesterday, and i was quite moved, how the people were purchasing goods, and drive up and we were told that one of the hardest hit villages and and let's see if we get there, a carload of goods. a climate are outside of the village. and they stopped us and said they had to close it off, there are trying to organize a number of dead bodies, and spanish aid. when to leave the goods in a locked facility with the government. we were told that was going to get to them and a lot of the volunteers and volunteers from london were there, and we were like the second carload of people going up, there's a lot of need and desperation. for people to get goods, and medical and sanitary products, with winter coming on, trying to manufacture and was tense, i need to get these people to more grounded accommodation, these monthly homes, a lot more to do in the future months. and a big job. >> trying to deliver some of the aid, what did you see on the trip there? >> saw lot of destruction, sleeping outside. very loose sheets and sticks, trying to cover themselves, a lot of debris. they had tried to clear but the axis was quite difficult. and i've lived there for 18 years and always been humbled by the generosity and the resilience and kindness. they are asking how i am up there. and they just get on with it. and a community that is so supportive of each other, it's a beautiful thing to see, they need help, and so yes. >> i'm sure they're still dealing with trauma, not just the destruction around them but obviously as the death toll continues to mount and many of course are injured. i want to ask you, we've seen in tragedies like this in times, communities that rely on tourism to not one all the tourist to leave and not come back for months, what is your message to people now, understandably tourists have left, what is your message to people, not a lot of people are seeing is a place they want to return to now. >> thank you for bringing that up, i wanted to bring that up. this massive convention come to town and we were fully booked and of course we have nothing. like i said before things are moving is normal here. it has been hit, nothing like what the rural communities and mountains, and tourism drives economy. a lot of people and the younger generation and marrakesh. raising funds. and and it really is, and supporting morocco, and marrakesh and it's fine. it's safe. >> the people in the communities, and tourism with that gone now. they can afford to lose as they continue to rebuild. i really appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. thank you. >> for more information on how you can help victims of the earthquake, go to in the united states, authorities are pushing to get an escaped killer back behind bars, as the manhunt effort is in day 12, getting out these new photos, looking at those right now, on the heels of him being spotted multiple times this weekend, law enforcement officials say they have blurred he got a hold of this van and prompting concerned about whether he is cross datelined now. paul sandoval picks up the story from there. >> the firehouse in chester county pennsylvania serving as a temporary command center for the search as they work to track down him, the latest of elements are considered a minor setback, it is an understatement, authorities have no idea of where to begin searching, here's why as you retrace the steps, and at one point he managed to escape the perimeter, being looked at, and onto, and lived inside, he was believed to gone to drive 22 miles north into the phoenix area, and surveillance camera, actually capture them, the latest image, we have, and been on for we can have. and the dairy farm, and he resumes a drive, and chester county, in the township were investigators say, forcing him to dig the car, a temporary parameter set up, searching the particular area, no reason to think he could be there, during a press conference he was addressing mounting criticism the individual was able to slip past hundreds of men and women in law enforcement. >> i'm not going to make excuse. i wish it hadn't happened, a lot of circumstances and issues, associated with the property, tunnels with large drainage ditches and things that could not be secured, being down, again no excuses. >> crossing state lines, still involved, the initial conserve, to the state of brazil. did say his sister is currently in customs enforcement, they did say one of the biggest focus is now is to try to prevent it, cutting off any potential support he may turn to. chester county pennsylvania. >> sexual misconduct, suspended without pay as they look into allegations that he spoke and acted inappropriately during a phone call, a rape survivor and done work with a team, he claimed it was mutually consensual. but she says otherwise, michigan state says it's acting decisively you will recall they repeatedly missed opportunities to stop larry nassar, the former usa gymnastics physician convicted of sexually abusing young athletes under the guise of medical treatment. the spanish above federation is looking for a new box, after resigning as president, weeks of criticism over the unwanted kiss, giving jennifer amoroso, the world cup victory, friday, they filed a complaint against luis rubiales, for sexual assault against her most so, he maintained his innocence and said he will continue to meet taine to protect his honor, here's more on the controversy. figure 3 weeks since the spanish a ball team won the world cup in australia, and female president dominating, the news, and in the news again, because luis rubiales has finally submitted his resignation, and roundly criticized, soliciting an unsolicited kiss on the lips, he has remained in his position but he is now changed his tune, revealing his intentions during an interview with piers morgan. >> yes, i cannot continue my work. >> what was the final moment for you, talking to your family, your dad perhaps? >> my father and my daughters, i spoke with all of them, they noticed on a question about me and friends very close to me, they said to me lewis, you have to focus the ability to continue your life. of course, and probably those people you love. >> he has also resigned from uefa, where he was a vice president, his behavior and up until now is lack of contrition and refusal to take lack of responsibility for all has been hugely damaging for spanish football the world stage, it exploded a time when spain is bidding to coast the men's world cup in 2030. in the wake of the kiss, spain's players refused to play for the national team until he was fired or quit, since then the entire coaching staff as resigned and protested last week the head coach was fired and succeeded by the teams first female coach. remains to be seen what happens next, they been talking for systemic change, they believe is deeply flawed, will the departure the departure be enough? i think we will find out, back to you. >> thanks to don for that report, live to hanoi for the latest on the diplomatic push in the region, hurricane lee has strengthened to a category three storm in the atlantic, the latest on the path and the impact, just ahead. to pool party essential. blendjet gives you ice-crushing, big blder power on-the-go, so you canoak up the sun with a frosty beverage. enjoy 15 blends beforrapidly charging via usb-c. and even cleans itself with a drop of soap and water. stand out even when you're accidentally twinning with our kaleidoscope of colors. make this summer the coolest ever. order yours now from join me in the finish 24 hour challenge. start by cooking a lasagna. skip the rinse and load your dishes. 24 hours later when your dishwasher is full, let finish quantum clean your dishes. ♪ try finish quantum. unbeatable clean. unbeatable price. wake up, achievers. you're making the most of every hour of your life. except the hours that you're sleeping. so why do we leave so much untapped potential on the table? 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some remote areas have been difficult access, and residents of villages along the foothills lonely i was mountains are doing with a new difficult reality, many are staying intense, with some being told they need to stay in makeshift cancer at least a week, sam kiley has more from one hard- hit town. >> reporter: people here in the foothills of the atlas mountains, have said when the earthquake struck and did this, they didn't so much feel the tremors, as feel that they were being caught up in some kind of war, that is exactly what it looks like, they didn't feel the ground shaking other than they said, they felt and heard the sound of explosions, explosions from within and without their own homes and explosions up in the hills. >> 25 people were killed in the town just about three kilometers, i am on a half or so from here, this is normally a tourist paradise, i just reformers but locals too, some of the victims still being left buried under the rubble because it's too dangerous to get them out, are actually moroccans up in the mountains enjoying the cooler temperatures in the summer. everybody were talking to complains the central government was nowhere to be see, in their own words, hope with the yellow tends offering temporary accommodation, for 1200 people who have lost their homes or that are uninhabitable he dangerous, the last 24 hours they've been struck by at least four aftershocks, local people tell us and saying they are just not getting the help they need, inevitably there's always going to be a level of frustration with this cataclysmic event, and and the hardest hit region where the death toll continues to climb well over 2000 now. cnn. >> broncos government and some volunteers are handing out desperately needed supplies, and many more have offered assistance, they could ask for more help as it continues to unfold, here's the story. >> more boots on the ground, the arrive in marrakesh to assist with relief operations. help coming just in time as the place to block roads in mountainous terrain as they search for survivors and some of the countries hard-to-reach villagers. the specialized unit has faced challenges like this before having deployed in previous disaster zones like turkey, nepal, and tools that can cut through concrete, all things they need as they push deeper into the remote areas of the atlas mountains, they've accepted assistance from some. thanking spain and qatar and the uae in the uk for support, beginning to funnel into the country. loaded on a transport plane, in the zone, sending pallets of supplies and rescue groups to the region, health is also on the way from the uk with 60 search and rescue specialists joining the efforts. also sending reinforcements, stood with bags packed and ready to leave as the country's interior affairs minister wish them luck and will likely be difficult work ahead. >> god willing, we will be as proficient as expected and do her best standing alongside those who will participate in the search and rescue, and the moroccan regions affected by the earthquake. >> some food and water is reaching hard-hit areas, the supplies organized by the moroccan government and civil society organizations, and other essential items have been collected outside grocery stores in marrakesh by volunteers. >> i think the food supply should be able to sustain at least 100 for we, covering their food needs. >> likely to continue in the coming days, weeks and months, morocco faces a long road to recovery. michael holmes, cnn. >> regional elections held across the country and in parts of occupied ukraine, the international community and monitoring group say the so- called elections were not right shannon carr limited choice in many places with opposing candidates blocked from running, one independent russia vote monitoring group said they saw many instances where the result was falsified. joining me now from london with more. putin nearly made a clean sweep of the annexed areas of ukraine and it doesn't come as a surprise to anyone and some of course point out it is a blatant violation of international law. >> it depends what side you're on, for russia they are valid elections and legitimate, a spokesperson said the importance of the elections cannot be overstated. of course to the west in the ukraine, they are being viewed as a sham and rigged, and prefabricated, but it is worth noting there is dissent within russia, quite key and quite rare to see, commented that they have been viewing the elections and this is with the cochair had to say about these elections.>> probably one of the main features of voting in 2023 is the blatant use of power resources by the state, and a rather blatant disregard of the law on the part of election commissions and some regions. >> they have since been declared a foreign agent by russia perhaps unsurprising, given the reception inside russia, we look at the broader context about the elections, the west saying they are a sham, the motivation as to why russia would be conducting them, we have to look at the domestic audience, let's not forget, just earlier this year there was a mutiny against putin, led by the leader of wagner, who since mysteriously died in a plane crash, reflecting a concern perhaps by the kremlin and put of the level of authority and support he has back at home. when we are looking at the prediction of the authority in the ukrainian annexed territories as well as the 21 regions of russia holding elections, this is where the focus is. showing to the russian people that they still have control in the worn ukraine, the areas they've taken are very much still under their control and that putin still has control over russia and that his leadership and leadership of the russian people is very much still in place. >> you make a very good point, a very potent propaganda message for putin, especially as he was toting the online capability of voting and returning to the internal analysis, one expert again saying it was a return to soviet practices, something we saw during those times. we will leave it there but thank you so much, we appreciated. a diplomatic dustup after a g 20 summit, coming up, we will explain why the reported arrests of two employees has led to a war of words between the twtwo nations. rking in min. but crest pro-health's antibacterial fluoride protects a all day. it stops cavities before they statart. crest. obviously unacceptable, that is with the british prime minister said he told the chinese premier, following reports that it parliamentary researcher and another problem employee have been arrested on charges of buying, they met in new delhi during the g 20 summit. listen. >> with regard to my meeting with my -- with the premier, what i said specifically is that i have a range of different concerns in areas of disagreement, in particular strong concerns about any interference in our elementary democracy which of course is acceptable. >> china is not forcefully denying atreides to information, the embassy is calling a completely fabricated and nothing but malicious slander. been following all the diplomatic dustup in london, good to see you, it has to be said, the uk is not the only country calling out chinese political interference, why haven't these incidents rattled british politics? >> several reasons i think, the two men in question will appear in court in october but they were actually arrested in march, so that is sometime back, 120- year-old arrested in scotland another 30-year-old man arrested in oxfordshire, both of them brought to london and both questioned under the possibility that they've broken the official secrets act and some way, the precise charges we don't yet know but the fact that they were arrested march in the news is only coming out now has upset some conservative mps because some of them have been targeted specifically for sanctions by russia, so there are senior conservative mps that have a vested interest in knowing what nefarious activities china maybe getting up to, the other issue is a clear one, and interest of british national security, how could a researcher working for senior conservative parliamentarians involved in foreign affairs, issues and involving groups that scrutinize china's economic rule the world and the way that it was to position self in the globe, so there will be two avenues here causing disturbance, one is how could it happen and the other is how can senior conservative members with vested interests in china not be informed about this particular case. >> don't have a lot of time but as i said, canada has been dealing with this, is the accusation here that britain could be a light touch for this kind of foreign interference in spying a case that there will be concerns raised about how he researcher with the sort of background he may have had came to have the excess he had inside parliament. whether or not the uk the light touch, releasing clear, we don't know the extent of the charges, was he passing secret documents, not in the public domain or really a super influencer trying to influence other young researchers, or those sorts of people, we don't know. >> which is why you say many will be pressing for more information as the cases come to light, we really appreciate it.>> making history once again, another impressive performance by -- lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose. delicious too. just ask my old friend, kevin. nothing like enjoying a cold one while watching the game. who's winning? we are, my friend. we are. - [announcer] do you have an invention idea but don't know what to do next? call invent help today. they can help you get started with your idea. call now 800-710-0020. novak djokovic has won his fourth u.s. open title, and achievement to what you already knows illustrious career. he is tied with the australian legend margaret court for the most all-time grand slam singles titles with 24. at 36, he is the eldest man to win the u.s. open singles title in the open area and the first man to win three grand slam titles in the single-season on four separate occasions. we set attachment we caught up with him after his historic victory.>> congratulations to you, the 24th grand slam championship, with her family right afterwards including your children wife and team, and what was going through your mind and those very special moment. >> of course, it's an incredible achievement again, i was just hoping he's going to put the last forehand in the net which happened and i felt a huge relief. because he was a very demanding, grueling mansions -- match especially in the second said, i was trying to think about what if scenarios, you know, probably let the emotions control me on the court, and a lot on the line, and the slam, and i lost to a opponent in straight sets, i learned my lesson taught i felt when i struggling the most, physically being under huge tensions stress, particularly the second said, anytime i look at my daughter, sitting courtside, facing me and facing the bench and she would give me a smile and respond, and it would give me this kind of energy and strength, and playfulness that i needed at that moment, was i shook the hands of my opponent today, the only thing i wanted to do was hug her and hug my wife and my is son and parents in the whole team, because yes is an individual sport, of course, it comes down to how you perform on a given day, but it is a team effort behind the stage, because they put in a lot of energy into my life and my career, and they sacrifice in support and so i value that very much. >> the mental fortitude you become known for was on display in the second set, and it was appropriate in that moment, the ode to coby bryant, the need to be better and strive for more, how much is that on your mind as you look to where you're headed from here? >> coby bryant was a friend and we had a great relationship, he was one of the people that help me the most when i was struggling with an injury, and it took me quite some time to get back on track, and the desired level mentally and game lies and he was one of the people that i talked with the most in those moments and he was so kind and so generous and help will, you know, many different conversations we had about mentality and the approach and visualizations, about things that we can do with ourselves, and then internally and externally whatever happens in the is in god's and kai when he passed with his daughter three years ago my heart broke and i was extremely said as most of the world of sport, because his legacy will live forever, he has been one of the most incredible basketball players but more than that, he's an incredible human being, so down to earth and so supportive and charismatic, fantastic personality, mama mentality, the famous jersey he wore, i made himself a legend of basketball because of the relationship, and the symbolics of 24 grand slams. i thought if i get a chance to win the slam a week ago i thought of designing the shirt with the photo and the mama mentality, and that was kind of paying the tribute in an homage to him. >> going to the nfl now, tom brady appreciation day in foxboro massachusetts, the halftime ceremony during the season opener, the patriots honored their legendary former what about who helped guide the team to six super bowl titles, brady ran into the field and a rousing ovation from the fans, robert kraft announced they will hold a special in stadium ceremony when he gets the early induction into the patriots all of fame. the celebration just doesn't end there, wrapping up this hour of cnn news, the news continues with my friend, max foster and more after the break. feeling sluggishor weig? could be a sign you're not getting enough daily fiber. metamucil capsules can help. psyllium fiber gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down. promoting digestive health, for a better you. metamucil capsules an easy way 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, Bad , Outpouring , Community Outpouring , Items , Standing , Cassandra , Something , Kitchen , Everyone , Restaurant , Vibration , Vibrations , Bomb Attack , Shaking , Building , Screaming , Running Out , Deep Rumbling , Sound , Street , Safety , Experience , Staff , Restaurant Okay , Area , Hasn T , Mountains , Community , Number , Kind , Friends , Aid Effort , Ex Pats , Moroccans , One , Hit Villages , Purchasing Goods , Goods , Aid , Carload , Bodies , Climate , The Village , Lot , Facility , Volunteers , London , Desperation , Products , Accommodation , Trip , Job , Sticks , Sheets , Saw , Axis , Debris , Kindness , Resilience , Generosity , 18 , Help , It S A Beautiful Thing , Each Other , Course , Times , Trauma , Tragedies , Tourism , Message , Tourist , Tourists , Left , Nothing , Town , Convention , Things , Generation , Funds , Economy , Safe , Information , Victims , Cnn Com Impact , Manhunt Effort , Heels , Bars , Photos , 12 , Law Enforcement Officials , Weekend , Hold , Prompting , Van , Cross Datelined , Paul Sandoval , Story , Search , Firehouse , Latest , Pennsylvania , Setback , Command Center , Elements , Chester County , Idea , Understatement , Steps , Point , Perimeter , Surveillance Camera , Phoenix , 22 , Dairy Farm , Image , Township , Drive , Investigators , Temporary Parameter Set Up , Reason , Press Conference , Hadn T , Issues , Men And Women In Law Enforcement , Mounting Criticism , Individual , Hundreds , Circumstances , Excuse , Down To Earth , Property , Excuses , Tunnels , Drainage Ditches , Estate , Crossing State Lines , Brazil , Focus , Sister , Customs Enforcement , Support , It , Sexual Misconduct , Pay , Allegations , Rape Survivor , Phone Call , Team , Michigan State , Work , Acting , Larry Nassar , Opportunities , Guise , Athletes , Medical Treatment , Usa Gymnastics , President , Giving Jennifer Amoroso , Victory , Criticism , Box , World Cup , Spanish Above Federation , Complaint , Taine , Sexual Assault , Innocence , Honor , Luis Rubiales , News , Ball Team , Controversy , Figure , Australia , Dominating , 3 , Resignation , Lips , Position , Interview , Yes , Intentions , Tune , Piers Morgan , Wall , Daughters , Question , Family , Dad , Father , Life , Ability , Me Lewis , Black , Uefa , Behavior , Vice President , Contrition , Refusal , Players , Spain , Football , Coast , Bidding , Wake , Responsibility , The World Stage , 2030 , Remains , Head Coach , Coach , Coaching Staff , Quit , Departure , Change , Region , Live To Hanoi , Hurricane Lee , Storm , Push , Atlantic , Three , Path , Usb C , Blendjet , Essential , Beverage , Big Blder Power On The Go , The Sun , Beforrapidly , Ice Crushing , 15 , Challenge , Drop , Soap , Kaleidoscope , Colors , Blendjet Com , 24 , Finish Quantum , Dishwasher , Dishes , Cooking A Lasagna , Price , Dishes , Achievers , Wake Up , Level , Potential , Circadian Rhythm , Level Bed , Rhythms , Table , Competition , Sleep Number , Bed , Home Delivery , Base , 50 , Downy , Wash , Goblins , Odor Protection , Season , Scholarships , Tide , 1 5 Million , 5 Million Dollars , Relationship , Joe Biden , China , Meeting , Ministry , A Asian , Vietnam , Isn T , India , Partnership , Relations , Nations , Trade , Two , State Luncheon , Nation , Chairman , Pacific , Developments , Anna , Vietnam S National Assembly , Anywhere , Counterbalance , Weight , Indo Pacific Strategy , Deal , Word , Announcements , Vietnam Airlines , Boeing , Results , Jobs , Aircraft , 30000 , 8 Billion , 7 8 Billion , 57 , 37 , Comprehensive Strategic , Countries , Industry , Semiconductors , Cooperation , Border , Neighbor , Trading Partner , South China Sea , 800 , Indo , Islands , Claim , Park , Arc , Fifty , Conflict , Luncheon , Normalization , Vimy , Opening , Occasion , Chapter , Possibilities , Pacific Nation , About , Conjecture , City Wasn T , Press Conference Last Night Paula , G 20 In India , 20 , Relationships , Field , Stopover , Deals , Hanoi , Supply Chains , Regards , Allies , Way , Google , Mcore , Man , Paula , Strength , Parts , Southeast , Winds , Effects , East Coast , Forecasters , Dangerous Surf , Four , North , Midweek , Turn , Long Term , Bermuda , Caribbean , Hawaii , Activity , Volcanoes , Lava , United States Geological Survey , Kilauea , Vladimir Putin , Russia , Party , Residence , Threat , Vote , Win , Landslide , Critter Floor , More , Kinds , Doubts , Sports , Footwork , Games , Nice , Cheers , Pitch , Woho , Xfinity 10g Network , 10 , Wonder , Fortune , Treasure , Allowance , Lottery , Truck , Mom And Dad , Money , Xfinity Mobile , Private Equity Fund , Save Hundreds A , T Mobile , Electric Scooter , At T , Verizon , Midcap , Uk , Emergency Workers , Have , Residents , Being , Reality , Access , Least , Foothills , Reporter , Cancer , Sam Kiley , Explosions , War , Feel , Tremors , Half , Hills , 25 , Locals , Reformers , Tourist Paradise , Government , Everybody , Words , Hope , Summer , Cooler Temperatures , Nowhere , Yellow , 1200 , Aftershocks , Event , Frustration , Hit Region , 2000 , Supplies , Assistance , Relief Operations , Boots , Unit , Terrain , Turkey , Concrete , Challenges , Disaster , Tools , Nepal , In The Zone , Transport Plane , Uae , Qatar , Groups , Health , Pallets , Efforts , Specialists , 60 , Interior Affairs Minister , Bags , Reinforcements , Luck , God , Food Supply , Grocery Stores , Essential Items , Organizations , Society , Road , Food Needs , 100 , Elections , Ukraine , Recovery , Michael Holmes , Vote Monitoring Group , Places , Running , Candidates , Choice , Shannon Carr , Group , Sweep , Result , Instances , Surprise , Anyone , International Law , Violation , Side , Spokesperson , Importance , West , Prefabricated , Dissent , Cochair , Voting , Part , Law , Use , Features , Disregard , Power Resources , 2023 , Election Commissions , Context , Agent , Led , Leader , Mutiny , Audience , Motivation , Sham , Authority , Wagner , Territories , Home , Plane Crash , Prediction , Kremlin , 21 , Control , Showing , Leadership , Putin , Propaganda Message , Expert , Analysis , Practices , Return , Capability , Soviet , Arrests , Employees , Coming Up , Diplomatic Dustup After Ag 20 Summit , Crest Pro Health S Antibacterial Fluoride , Crest , Twtwo , Rking , Min , Premier , Prime Minister , Charges , Researcher , Employee , Buying , Problem , G 20 Summit , New Delhi , Interference , Concerns , Disagreement , Orange , Slander , Democracy , Embassy , Atreides , Dustup , Incidents , Haven T , Men , Court , Politics , Reasons , Both , Possibility , Oxfordshire , Official Secrets Act , Scotland , 30 , Mps , Sanctions , Fact , Interest , Issue , Activities , Knowing , Researcher Working , Parliamentarians , National Security , World , Foreign Affairs , Rule , Globe , Case , Mother , Interests , Members , Avenues , Disturbance , Don T , Accusation , Canada , Sort , Parliament , Background , Excess , Whether , The Light Touch , Researchers , Cases , Documents , Public Domain , Super Influencer , Performance , History , Game , Milk , Lactose , Cold One , My Old Friend , Lactaid , Delicious Too , Kevin , Friend , Announcer , Invention Idea , Call Invent , 710 , 0020 , 800 710 0020 , Novak Djokovic , Achievement , Career , Title , U S Open , The Australian Legend , Singles Titles , Singles Title , Margaret Court , Eldest , Grand Slam , 36 , Titles , Congratulations , Occasions , 24th Grand Slam , Mind , Wife , Championship , Children , Net , Relief , Forehand , Grueling Mansions , Emotions , Scenarios , Opponent , Islam , Tensions Stress , Line , Sets , Lesson , Daughter , Energy , Smile , Bench , Sitting Courtside , Thing , Playfulness , Hands , Parents , Given Day , Sport , Son , Fortitude , Set , Display , Coby Bryant , Ode , Injury , Track , Conversations , Will , Mentality , Approach , Visualizations , Kai , Legacy , Heart , World Of Sport , Mama Mentality , Basketball , Human Being , Personality , Famous Jersey , Slams , Chance , Legend , Symbolics , Tribute , Shirt , Homage , Photo , Tom Brady , Nfl , Former , Season Opener , Patriots , Halftime Ceremony , Ovation , Fans , Massachusetts , Super Bowl , Six , Doesn T , Celebration , Robert Kraft , Induction , Fame , Special In Stadium Ceremony , Max Foster , Break , Capsules , Fiber , Sign , Fiber Gels , Metamucil , Feeling Sluggishor Weig , Dexcom G7 , Diabetes , Waste , Daily Fiber , Medicare , Single , Trap , Dexcom , A1c , Phone , Glucose Numbers , Painful Fingersticks , Heading , Medication , Glucose , Cgm , Receiver , Arrow , Decisions , Down , Direction , Everything , Confidence , Line Dancing , Advantage , Coverage , Calling Today , Hello , Max Foster Joining , Bianca Nobilo , 9 , 00 ,

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Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240703 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240703

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morocco scrambling to find rescuers -- those who might still be alive following a earthquake as the death toll tops 2100. police say an escaped killer is now taking new steps to try to blend in. victory for spanish women soccer off the field, the official who gave this woman player and unwanted kiss is now out. details and a live report from valencia. >> rescuers in morocco are racing against the clock to find more survivors of friday's powerful earthquake as the death cole continues to climb, more than 2100 people are confirmed that the country was hit by the 6-point eight magnitude quake, the strongest in more than 120 years. near the epicenter in the atlas mountains, scenes of destruction devastation, with homes in small villages reduced to piles of rubble, many of spent nights intense and some of been told they will need to remain in these makeshift camps for at least another week, here in merrick is for us with a live report, good to see you, on the ground there, since the earthquake struck, we are seeing the earthquake with the pain it has applied to, likely to continue for generations, in terms of the concern about what people have to do in order to continue to mount those rescue efforts, what is needed and what is in place and what about other needs like food, water and medical care? >> absolutely right, the key priority at this stage continues to be the search and rescue, a struggle by authorities and rescue teams to make it to those regions hardest hit by the earthquake. impact of the most, the atlas mountains, and remote areas that are difficult to get to made to get to by damage to the roads, proven to be a struggle, describing not seeing the rescue teams on the ground, some villages, and seeing the destruction devastation in the areas, hard to describe, some of the villages are gone, imagine the devastation that the communities are going through, the search and rescue operation is very much ongoing, beginning to see international rescue teams coming to morocco to support the effort, there has been some delay in the effort, some people questioning why there has been delay on the front, but we've heard from the moroccan government, thinking those from the u.s. kingdom, sentencings, and search and rescue observation, and the spread of the impact and extent of the impact, and the villagers, a huge amount of need, and marrakesh, and sleeping the street at night, afraid of the potential impact of another aftershock, the could fall system, the concern for many here, going out to donate bad, -- blood, and donating items, delivering to those remote areas, there has been a community outpouring as well as international outpouring of support.>> the need is so great right here at this hour, and marrakesh, thank you, we want to stay there, where cassandra is standing by, experiencing friday's devastating earthquake firsthand, glad to see you and glad you're okay. going to the moment it happened, what did it feel like when it was happening? >> we didn't really know was happening. about something was some sort of kitchen, about to explode, a deep rumbling and vibration. and continued and everyone screaming and running out, might've been a bomb attack in the vibrations of that, the building was shaking was frightening, a full restaurant, then almost ran out to get onto the street to safety. >> it does sound like a terrifying experience. and is the restaurant okay, was everyone in the restaurant at the time okay, what was the damage? >> myself and all the staff, and in the area, were i live, very lucky, hasn't been real damage with a few cosmetic scenes, we are very fortunate, the communities the mountains, just devastating was happened out there. >> as the days and hours of on, coming to know what has been happening there firsthand. from what i understand, you've tried, some of the community that they were speaking about just now trying to mount some kind of aid effort for the communities?>> got a number of friends here, moroccans and ex- pats, and going yesterday, and i was quite moved, how the people were purchasing goods, and drive up and we were told that one of the hardest hit villages and and let's see if we get there, a carload of goods. a climate are outside of the village. and they stopped us and said they had to close it off, there are trying to organize a number of dead bodies, and spanish aid. when to leave the goods in a locked facility with the government. we were told that was going to get to them and a lot of the volunteers and volunteers from london were there, and we were like the second carload of people going up, there's a lot of need and desperation. for people to get goods, and medical and sanitary products, with winter coming on, trying to manufacture and was tense, i need to get these people to more grounded accommodation, these monthly homes, a lot more to do in the future months. and a big job. >> trying to deliver some of the aid, what did you see on the trip there? >> saw lot of destruction, sleeping outside. very loose sheets and sticks, trying to cover themselves, a lot of debris. they had tried to clear but the axis was quite difficult. and i've lived there for 18 years and always been humbled by the generosity and the resilience and kindness. they are asking how i am up there. and they just get on with it. and a community that is so supportive of each other, it's a beautiful thing to see, they need help, and so yes. >> i'm sure they're still dealing with trauma, not just the destruction around them but obviously as the death toll continues to mount and many of course are injured. i want to ask you, we've seen in tragedies like this in times, communities that rely on tourism to not one all the tourist to leave and not come back for months, what is your message to people now, understandably tourists have left, what is your message to people, not a lot of people are seeing is a place they want to return to now. >> thank you for bringing that up, i wanted to bring that up. this massive convention come to town and we were fully booked and of course we have nothing. like i said before things are moving is normal here. it has been hit, nothing like what the rural communities and mountains, and tourism drives economy. a lot of people and the younger generation and marrakesh. raising funds. and and it really is, and supporting morocco, and marrakesh and it's fine. it's safe. >> the people in the communities, and tourism with that gone now. they can afford to lose as they continue to rebuild. i really appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. thank you. >> for more information on how you can help victims of the earthquake, go to in the united states, authorities are pushing to get an escaped killer back behind bars, as the manhunt effort is in day 12, getting out these new photos, looking at those right now, on the heels of him being spotted multiple times this weekend, law enforcement officials say they have blurred he got a hold of this van and prompting concerned about whether he is cross datelined now. paul sandoval picks up the story from there. >> the firehouse in chester county pennsylvania serving as a temporary command center for the search as they work to track down him, the latest of elements are considered a minor setback, it is an understatement, authorities have no idea of where to begin searching, here's why as you retrace the steps, and at one point he managed to escape the perimeter, being looked at, and onto, and lived inside, he was believed to gone to drive 22 miles north into the phoenix area, and surveillance camera, actually capture them, the latest image, we have, and been on for we can have. and the dairy farm, and he resumes a drive, and chester county, in the township were investigators say, forcing him to dig the car, a temporary parameter set up, searching the particular area, no reason to think he could be there, during a press conference he was addressing mounting criticism the individual was able to slip past hundreds of men and women in law enforcement. >> i'm not going to make excuse. i wish it hadn't happened, a lot of circumstances and issues, associated with the property, tunnels with large drainage ditches and things that could not be secured, being down, again no excuses. >> crossing state lines, still involved, the initial conserve, to the state of brazil. did say his sister is currently in customs enforcement, they did say one of the biggest focus is now is to try to prevent it, cutting off any potential support he may turn to. chester county pennsylvania. >> sexual misconduct, suspended without pay as they look into allegations that he spoke and acted inappropriately during a phone call, a rape survivor and done work with a team, he claimed it was mutually consensual. but she says otherwise, michigan state says it's acting decisively you will recall they repeatedly missed opportunities to stop larry nassar, the former usa gymnastics physician convicted of sexually abusing young athletes under the guise of medical treatment. the spanish above federation is looking for a new box, after resigning as president, weeks of criticism over the unwanted kiss, giving jennifer amoroso, the world cup victory, friday, they filed a complaint against luis rubiales, for sexual assault against her most so, he maintained his innocence and said he will continue to meet taine to protect his honor, here's more on the controversy. figure 3 weeks since the spanish a ball team won the world cup in australia, and female president dominating, the news, and in the news again, because luis rubiales has finally submitted his resignation, and roundly criticized, soliciting an unsolicited kiss on the lips, he has remained in his position but he is now changed his tune, revealing his intentions during an interview with piers morgan. >> yes, i cannot continue my work. >> what was the final moment for you, talking to your family, your dad perhaps? >> my father and my daughters, i spoke with all of them, they noticed on a question about me and friends very close to me, they said to me lewis, you have to focus the ability to continue your life. of course, and probably those people you love. >> he has also resigned from uefa, where he was a vice president, his behavior and up until now is lack of contrition and refusal to take lack of responsibility for all has been hugely damaging for spanish football the world stage, it exploded a time when spain is bidding to coast the men's world cup in 2030. in the wake of the kiss, spain's players refused to play for the national team until he was fired or quit, since then the entire coaching staff as resigned and protested last week the head coach was fired and succeeded by the teams first female coach. remains to be seen what happens next, they been talking for systemic change, they believe is deeply flawed, will the departure the departure be enough? i think we will find out, back to you. >> thanks to don for that report, live to hanoi for the latest on the diplomatic push in the region, hurricane lee has strengthened to a category three storm in the atlantic, the latest on the path and the impact, just ahead. to pool party essential. blendjet gives you ice-crushing, big blder power on-the-go, so you canoak up the sun with a frosty beverage. enjoy 15 blends beforrapidly charging via usb-c. and even cleans itself with a drop of soap and water. stand out even when you're accidentally twinning with our kaleidoscope of colors. make this summer the coolest ever. order yours now from join me in the finish 24 hour challenge. start by cooking a lasagna. skip the rinse and load your dishes. 24 hours later when your dishwasher is full, let finish quantum clean your dishes. ♪ try finish quantum. unbeatable clean. unbeatable price. wake up, achievers. you're making the most of every hour of your life. except the hours that you're sleeping. so why do we leave so much untapped potential on the table? 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[ cheers ] yeah! woho! running up and down that field looks tough. it's a pitch. get way more into what you're into when you stream on the xfinity 10g network. loving this pay bump on our allowance. wonder where mom and dad got the extra money? maybe they won the lottery? maybe they inherited a fortune? maybe buried treasure? maybe it fell off a truck? or maybe they switched to xfinity mobile - the fastest mobile service. save hundreds a year over t-mobile, at&t and verizon. now i can buy that electric scooter. i'm starting a private equity fund that specializes in midcap. you do you. switch to xfinity mobile today. back to our top story, the devastating earthquake in morocco, death toll has tapped over 2100, expected to rise even more in the days ahead, rescuers continue to dig through the rubble in a frantic search for survivors and their getting more help, spain and the uk have said search and rescue teams the country, while emergency workers have been deployed to hard-hit areas, some remote areas have been difficult access, and residents of villages along the foothills lonely i was mountains are doing with a new difficult reality, many are staying intense, with some being told they need to stay in makeshift cancer at least a week, sam kiley has more from one hard- hit town. >> reporter: people here in the foothills of the atlas mountains, have said when the earthquake struck and did this, they didn't so much feel the tremors, as feel that they were being caught up in some kind of war, that is exactly what it looks like, they didn't feel the ground shaking other than they said, they felt and heard the sound of explosions, explosions from within and without their own homes and explosions up in the hills. >> 25 people were killed in the town just about three kilometers, i am on a half or so from here, this is normally a tourist paradise, i just reformers but locals too, some of the victims still being left buried under the rubble because it's too dangerous to get them out, are actually moroccans up in the mountains enjoying the cooler temperatures in the summer. everybody were talking to complains the central government was nowhere to be see, in their own words, hope with the yellow tends offering temporary accommodation, for 1200 people who have lost their homes or that are uninhabitable he dangerous, the last 24 hours they've been struck by at least four aftershocks, local people tell us and saying they are just not getting the help they need, inevitably there's always going to be a level of frustration with this cataclysmic event, and and the hardest hit region where the death toll continues to climb well over 2000 now. cnn. >> broncos government and some volunteers are handing out desperately needed supplies, and many more have offered assistance, they could ask for more help as it continues to unfold, here's the story. >> more boots on the ground, the arrive in marrakesh to assist with relief operations. help coming just in time as the place to block roads in mountainous terrain as they search for survivors and some of the countries hard-to-reach villagers. the specialized unit has faced challenges like this before having deployed in previous disaster zones like turkey, nepal, and tools that can cut through concrete, all things they need as they push deeper into the remote areas of the atlas mountains, they've accepted assistance from some. thanking spain and qatar and the uae in the uk for support, beginning to funnel into the country. loaded on a transport plane, in the zone, sending pallets of supplies and rescue groups to the region, health is also on the way from the uk with 60 search and rescue specialists joining the efforts. also sending reinforcements, stood with bags packed and ready to leave as the country's interior affairs minister wish them luck and will likely be difficult work ahead. >> god willing, we will be as proficient as expected and do her best standing alongside those who will participate in the search and rescue, and the moroccan regions affected by the earthquake. >> some food and water is reaching hard-hit areas, the supplies organized by the moroccan government and civil society organizations, and other essential items have been collected outside grocery stores in marrakesh by volunteers. >> i think the food supply should be able to sustain at least 100 for we, covering their food needs. >> likely to continue in the coming days, weeks and months, morocco faces a long road to recovery. michael holmes, cnn. >> regional elections held across the country and in parts of occupied ukraine, the international community and monitoring group say the so- called elections were not right shannon carr limited choice in many places with opposing candidates blocked from running, one independent russia vote monitoring group said they saw many instances where the result was falsified. joining me now from london with more. putin nearly made a clean sweep of the annexed areas of ukraine and it doesn't come as a surprise to anyone and some of course point out it is a blatant violation of international law. >> it depends what side you're on, for russia they are valid elections and legitimate, a spokesperson said the importance of the elections cannot be overstated. of course to the west in the ukraine, they are being viewed as a sham and rigged, and prefabricated, but it is worth noting there is dissent within russia, quite key and quite rare to see, commented that they have been viewing the elections and this is with the cochair had to say about these elections.>> probably one of the main features of voting in 2023 is the blatant use of power resources by the state, and a rather blatant disregard of the law on the part of election commissions and some regions. >> they have since been declared a foreign agent by russia perhaps unsurprising, given the reception inside russia, we look at the broader context about the elections, the west saying they are a sham, the motivation as to why russia would be conducting them, we have to look at the domestic audience, let's not forget, just earlier this year there was a mutiny against putin, led by the leader of wagner, who since mysteriously died in a plane crash, reflecting a concern perhaps by the kremlin and put of the level of authority and support he has back at home. when we are looking at the prediction of the authority in the ukrainian annexed territories as well as the 21 regions of russia holding elections, this is where the focus is. showing to the russian people that they still have control in the worn ukraine, the areas they've taken are very much still under their control and that putin still has control over russia and that his leadership and leadership of the russian people is very much still in place. >> you make a very good point, a very potent propaganda message for putin, especially as he was toting the online capability of voting and returning to the internal analysis, one expert again saying it was a return to soviet practices, something we saw during those times. we will leave it there but thank you so much, we appreciated. a diplomatic dustup after a g 20 summit, coming up, we will explain why the reported arrests of two employees has led to a war of words between the twtwo nations. rking in min. but crest pro-health's antibacterial fluoride protects a all day. it stops cavities before they statart. crest. obviously unacceptable, that is with the british prime minister said he told the chinese premier, following reports that it parliamentary researcher and another problem employee have been arrested on charges of buying, they met in new delhi during the g 20 summit. listen. >> with regard to my meeting with my -- with the premier, what i said specifically is that i have a range of different concerns in areas of disagreement, in particular strong concerns about any interference in our elementary democracy which of course is acceptable. >> china is not forcefully denying atreides to information, the embassy is calling a completely fabricated and nothing but malicious slander. been following all the diplomatic dustup in london, good to see you, it has to be said, the uk is not the only country calling out chinese political interference, why haven't these incidents rattled british politics? >> several reasons i think, the two men in question will appear in court in october but they were actually arrested in march, so that is sometime back, 120- year-old arrested in scotland another 30-year-old man arrested in oxfordshire, both of them brought to london and both questioned under the possibility that they've broken the official secrets act and some way, the precise charges we don't yet know but the fact that they were arrested march in the news is only coming out now has upset some conservative mps because some of them have been targeted specifically for sanctions by russia, so there are senior conservative mps that have a vested interest in knowing what nefarious activities china maybe getting up to, the other issue is a clear one, and interest of british national security, how could a researcher working for senior conservative parliamentarians involved in foreign affairs, issues and involving groups that scrutinize china's economic rule the world and the way that it was to position self in the globe, so there will be two avenues here causing disturbance, one is how could it happen and the other is how can senior conservative members with vested interests in china not be informed about this particular case. >> don't have a lot of time but as i said, canada has been dealing with this, is the accusation here that britain could be a light touch for this kind of foreign interference in spying a case that there will be concerns raised about how he researcher with the sort of background he may have had came to have the excess he had inside parliament. whether or not the uk the light touch, releasing clear, we don't know the extent of the charges, was he passing secret documents, not in the public domain or really a super influencer trying to influence other young researchers, or those sorts of people, we don't know. >> which is why you say many will be pressing for more information as the cases come to light, we really appreciate it.>> making history once again, another impressive performance by -- lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose. delicious too. just ask my old friend, kevin. nothing like enjoying a cold one while watching the game. who's winning? we are, my friend. we are. - [announcer] do you have an invention idea but don't know what to do next? call invent help today. they can help you get started with your idea. call now 800-710-0020. novak djokovic has won his fourth u.s. open title, and achievement to what you already knows illustrious career. he is tied with the australian legend margaret court for the most all-time grand slam singles titles with 24. at 36, he is the eldest man to win the u.s. open singles title in the open area and the first man to win three grand slam titles in the single-season on four separate occasions. we set attachment we caught up with him after his historic victory.>> congratulations to you, the 24th grand slam championship, with her family right afterwards including your children wife and team, and what was going through your mind and those very special moment. >> of course, it's an incredible achievement again, i was just hoping he's going to put the last forehand in the net which happened and i felt a huge relief. because he was a very demanding, grueling mansions -- match especially in the second said, i was trying to think about what if scenarios, you know, probably let the emotions control me on the court, and a lot on the line, and the slam, and i lost to a opponent in straight sets, i learned my lesson taught i felt when i struggling the most, physically being under huge tensions stress, particularly the second said, anytime i look at my daughter, sitting courtside, facing me and facing the bench and she would give me a smile and respond, and it would give me this kind of energy and strength, and playfulness that i needed at that moment, was i shook the hands of my opponent today, the only thing i wanted to do was hug her and hug my wife and my is son and parents in the whole team, because yes is an individual sport, of course, it comes down to how you perform on a given day, but it is a team effort behind the stage, because they put in a lot of energy into my life and my career, and they sacrifice in support and so i value that very much. >> the mental fortitude you become known for was on display in the second set, and it was appropriate in that moment, the ode to coby bryant, the need to be better and strive for more, how much is that on your mind as you look to where you're headed from here? >> coby bryant was a friend and we had a great relationship, he was one of the people that help me the most when i was struggling with an injury, and it took me quite some time to get back on track, and the desired level mentally and game lies and he was one of the people that i talked with the most in those moments and he was so kind and so generous and help will, you know, many different conversations we had about mentality and the approach and visualizations, about things that we can do with ourselves, and then internally and externally whatever happens in the is in god's and kai when he passed with his daughter three years ago my heart broke and i was extremely said as most of the world of sport, because his legacy will live forever, he has been one of the most incredible basketball players but more than that, he's an incredible human being, so down to earth and so supportive and charismatic, fantastic personality, mama mentality, the famous jersey he wore, i made himself a legend of basketball because of the relationship, and the symbolics of 24 grand slams. i thought if i get a chance to win the slam a week ago i thought of designing the shirt with the photo and the mama mentality, and that was kind of paying the tribute in an homage to him. >> going to the nfl now, tom brady appreciation day in foxboro massachusetts, the halftime ceremony during the season opener, the patriots honored their legendary former what about who helped guide the team to six super bowl titles, brady ran into the field and a rousing ovation from the fans, robert kraft announced they will hold a special in stadium ceremony when he gets the early induction into the patriots all of fame. the celebration just doesn't end there, wrapping up this hour of cnn news, the news continues with my friend, max foster and more after the break. feeling sluggishor weig? could be a sign you're not getting enough daily fiber. metamucil capsules can help. psyllium fiber gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down. promoting digestive health, for a better you. metamucil capsules an easy way 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Yellow , 1200 , Aftershocks , Event , Frustration , Hit Region , 2000 , Supplies , Assistance , Relief Operations , Boots , Unit , Terrain , Turkey , Concrete , Challenges , Disaster , Tools , Nepal , In The Zone , Transport Plane , Uae , Qatar , Groups , Health , Pallets , Efforts , Specialists , 60 , Interior Affairs Minister , Bags , Reinforcements , Luck , God , Food Supply , Grocery Stores , Essential Items , Organizations , Society , Road , Food Needs , 100 , Elections , Ukraine , Recovery , Michael Holmes , Vote Monitoring Group , Places , Running , Candidates , Choice , Shannon Carr , Group , Sweep , Result , Instances , Surprise , Anyone , International Law , Violation , Side , Spokesperson , Importance , West , Prefabricated , Dissent , Cochair , Voting , Part , Law , Use , Features , Disregard , Power Resources , 2023 , Election Commissions , Context , Agent , Led , Leader , Mutiny , Audience , Motivation , Sham , Authority , Wagner , Territories , Home , Plane Crash , Prediction , Kremlin , 21 , Control , Showing , Leadership , Putin , Propaganda Message , Expert , Analysis , Practices , Return , Capability , Soviet , Arrests , Employees , Coming Up , Diplomatic Dustup After Ag 20 Summit , Crest Pro Health S Antibacterial Fluoride , Crest , Twtwo , Rking , Min , Premier , Prime Minister , Charges , Researcher , Employee , Buying , Problem , G 20 Summit , New Delhi , Interference , Concerns , Disagreement , Orange , Slander , Democracy , Embassy , Atreides , Dustup , Incidents , Haven T , Men , Court , Politics , Reasons , Both , Possibility , Oxfordshire , Official Secrets Act , Scotland , 30 , Mps , Sanctions , Fact , Interest , Issue , Activities , Knowing , Researcher Working , Parliamentarians , National Security , World , Foreign Affairs , Rule , Globe , Case , Mother , Interests , Members , Avenues , Disturbance , Don T , Accusation , Canada , Sort , Parliament , Background , Excess , Whether , The Light Touch , Researchers , Cases , Documents , Public Domain , Super Influencer , Performance , History , Game , Milk , Lactose , Cold One , My Old Friend , Lactaid , Delicious Too , Kevin , Friend , Announcer , Invention Idea , Call Invent , 710 , 0020 , 800 710 0020 , Novak Djokovic , Achievement , Career , Title , U S Open , The Australian Legend , Singles Titles , Singles Title , Margaret Court , Eldest , Grand Slam , 36 , Titles , Congratulations , Occasions , 24th Grand Slam , Mind , Wife , Championship , Children , Net , Relief , Forehand , Grueling Mansions , Emotions , Scenarios , Opponent , Islam , Tensions Stress , Line , Sets , Lesson , Daughter , Energy , Smile , Bench , Sitting Courtside , Thing , Playfulness , Hands , Parents , Given Day , Sport , Son , Fortitude , Set , Display , Coby Bryant , Ode , Injury , Track , Conversations , Will , Mentality , Approach , Visualizations , Kai , Legacy , Heart , World Of Sport , Mama Mentality , Basketball , Human Being , Personality , Famous Jersey , Slams , Chance , Legend , Symbolics , Tribute , Shirt , Homage , Photo , Tom Brady , Nfl , Former , Season Opener , Patriots , Halftime Ceremony , Ovation , Fans , Massachusetts , Super Bowl , Six , Doesn T , Celebration , Robert Kraft , Induction , Fame , Special In Stadium Ceremony , Max Foster , Break , Capsules , Fiber , Sign , Fiber Gels , Metamucil , Feeling Sluggishor Weig , Dexcom G7 , Diabetes , Waste , Daily Fiber , Medicare , Single , Trap , Dexcom , A1c , Phone , Glucose Numbers , Painful Fingersticks , Heading , Medication , Glucose , Cgm , Receiver , Arrow , Decisions , Down , Direction , Everything , Confidence , Line Dancing , Advantage , Coverage , Calling Today , Hello , Max Foster Joining , Bianca Nobilo , 9 , 00 ,

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