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September 14. Minutes from now House Speaker Kevin Mccarthy is expected to meet Behind Closed Doors with three Committee Chairs who have been tapped to lead the Impeachment Inquiry into President Biden. 16 hours from a potential Strike Thousands of members of the United Auto Workers union could walk off the job if they dont reach a deal before midnight tonight. And this. Republican senator mitt romney calling for a new generation of leaders as he announces he will not seek reelection next year. The utah senator slamming members of his party saying a large portion dont believe in the constitution. And Human Actions pushed the earth outside the, quote, Safe Operating Space for humanity according to a scientific report that warrants the world surpassed thresholds. The Labor Department releases key inflation numbers. Some insight on where the u. S. Is on all of that. This hour of cnn this morning starts now. We are still very far apart on our key priorities. We do not have offers on the table that reflect a sacrifice and contributions our members have made to these companies. On august 29, we made our first offer, almost two weeks ago to the uaw. We made three offers since then and we had no genuine counteroffer on any of those. That was the president of the United Auto Workers and ceo of ford. Miles apart on a deal this morning. Hours away from the deadline, tonight, for a highstakes Contract Negotiation between the union and detroits Big Three Automakers. Thousands ever workers could walk off the job. Since the talks stalled, the Union President is calling for a strike. One Analysis Shows a tenday strike could result in a nationwide Economic Loss over 5 billion. Sources it will cnn negotiations have proven uniquely challenging. Thats a quote, because unlike past negotiations, the uaw has not selected a single automaker, which to negotiate with. This is about all three at the same time. If all 145,000 members were to strike at the same time, it could cost the unions strike fund more than 70 million a week. Thats how they pay their workers when not on the job. The President Biden is in close touch, we are told, with all parties over the phone. Advisors stopped short of saying President Biden would support workers if they decided to trike. Team coverage on the big day ahead at the white house, our correspondent Arlette Saenz is standing by. Vanessa yurkevich is in detroit. You have been talking to the heads of the big lee ought makers. Reporter these deals come together in the last moments. But a Target Strike Approach is unique and being executed by a unique leader. The head of the uaw, sean fain, talking about how this is going to play out. Essentially, National Union will reach out to local unions around the country and plan for certain days, certain times, a certain amount of people to go on strike. That, however, will leave other members working in the factories. And for the union, this is a way to confuse automakers, to keep them guessing, and as, as you mentioned, to conserve that strike fund if this strike plays out for a number of weeks or months. But this does come with risks because if you leave Union Members on the factory floors, the companies are not obligated to pay those employees. And so you also need to look at how much of a supply these automakers have in the pipeline. We know that these Big Three Automakers do not have as much car supply as they did in 2019 when gm went on strike. So there is a lot to consider. A unique approach here. To remind our viewers what the union is asking for and what they have been asking for, they want a 40 pay raise over four years. They want costs of living back into the contracts. They want a fourday workweek and they want protections against job loss that may happen in the easy transition. The union has said those demands still remain at the table, and those demands have not yet been met. The companies, what are they saying this morning . Reporter the companies are saying they are ready and willing to negotiate at any moment. We heard the most from ford, fords ceo jim farley, who was visibly district pointed and frustrated last night with saying he and bill ford yesterday showed up to uaw headquarters to deliver an offer. They is not see sean fain there and they have received no feedback on that offer since yesterday. We are just hours away from a potential strike. We know that subcommittees are going to be meeting discussing details of these negotiations. But frustrations clearly, poppy, on both sides of the table as the deadline looms. Vanessa yurkevich, thank you. I want to get to Arlette Saenz live at the white house. These deals have often come together in these moments late and often. White house officials are very cog any zblentd of whats going on and have a local, if not directly, in the negotiations. Whats the level of anxiety in the white house . Reporter publicly, the white house tried to be optimistic saying they dont think a strike would ultimately coming to fruition. The white house has publicly been out there encouraging the parties to negotiate around the clock, to try to secure a winwin agreement. But sources who have been briefed on the negotiations talked to our colleague and told her this has been a uniquely challenging moment, in part because of the strategy that has been employed by the uaw. In the past, in these types of negotiations, they have targeted simply one company. Going through that Negotiation Process and then trying to replicate it with others. This time around they are focusing on all three all at once, which is creating a complicated situation according to some sources. But it comes at a time what the white house has been closely watching this now for weeks. The president had appointed one of his top advisors here with a history as a michigan native to try to be as the main point of contact between the uaw or with the uaw and the Big Three Automakers, the acting Labor Secretary has been involved. The president has engaged at times. Last week, speaking to sean fain of the uaw as well as the executives of the three automakers. But whats unique is that the white house is not directly party to the negotiations. Yes, they are talking to each side. They are aware of what is going on, but her they are not getting it into the nittygritty of negotiating these types of deals. It is something they will be watching closely. The clock is ticking down on that midnight deadline on an issue with not just political ramifications for the president but economic ramifications. If they head to a strike, one the immediate focuses at the white house is trying to address any of the Economic Impacts that could happen. So all eyes will be on the hours approaching that midnight deadline. Such a great point on the stakes. They are huge. Arlette saenz, thank you. Take a live look at capitol hill. Minutes from now, the husband Republican Party house Republican Party set to meet to plot their Impeachment Inquiry of President Biden. Kevin mccarthy is forging ahead. Enough time even though time is running out to prevent a Government Shutdown and some skeptical republicans are pointing out the lack of evidence against biden, evidence being the key word there. The president for his part pretty much brushing to off, br preparing to give a speech on the economy today. Last night he said i get up every day not focused on impeachment. I have a job to do. , i dont know quite why, but they knew they wanted to impeach me. Now best i can tell they want to shut down the government. Lauryn hill watching that clock, 16 days left to figure this out. Whats gonna happen today on the impeachment front . Yeah, in Meeting Wpreviously scheduled. A lot changed since Howard Liebengood announced he was opening that inquiry tuesday. Something that hasnt changed is the reality that the republican conference is still very much divided as to whether or not this was the logical next step. One of the things that you can expect this morning is that the three chairmen who have been tasked with this inquiry will be laying out what they have found so far, giving members a sense of where they might go and trying to get everyone on the same page. There is a lot of decisions that these three chairmen have to make. While staff among all of them have been communicating for months as they have been to go these investigations, they are going to be under more of a spotlight now that this is an official Impeachment Inquiry. Among the decisions, they have to make include who to subpoena, how quickly to move, whether or not to go to court if some subpoenas are not answered. All those things will be weighing heavily not just on the republicans plans for investigations but the political realities for many of the members among the rank and file. Those are a couple. Things that they are going to be laying out in this meeting today. I talked to jim jordan, the chairman of the house judiciary committee, who is leading this investigation, and he argued that they are just going to keep going, that in some ways this Impeachment Inquiry, which is now formalized, doesnt change what they have already been pursuing. Jordan said that yesterday he signed three subpoenas. He did not say who those subpoenas would be going to. But its just such an important meeting for the republican conference not because of what they will discuss, but the expectation and hope that members need to come out united giving the fact that the storylines around the Republican Party are they are deeply divided on not just this issue, but others including Government Spending as well. Thanks very much. Republican senator mitt romney announced he wont be seeking reelection, citing age as a major factor in his decision and calling on young people to take the reins. I considered my age and the fact that at the end of a second time i would be in my mid80s. The times we are living in demand the next generation to step up and express their Point Of View and to make the decisions that will shape our american politics over the coming century. With no Reelection Campaign ahead, romney is going with the young people may call full send. He said, a large portion of my party doesnt believe in the constitution. Doesnt specify who, but he gets personal about specific members of his party later like former Vice President mike pence. He says, no one has been more loyal, more willing to smile, ascribe gods will to things that are ungodly than mike pence. Jd advance someone he used to think bright as thoughtful before his turn to trumpism. Now i dont know if i could disrespect someone more than j. D. Advance. Then josh hawley and ted cruz who objected to certifying the 2020 results after the attack opt capitol. He says, they know better. Holly one of the smartest people in the senate and ted cruz could give him a run for his monday. He says they were making a calculation to put politics above the interest of democracy and the augs constitution. Joining us to talk about why he said this, what he said, what is next for him mitt romneys former Public Policy director lanhee chen. We have used you as a voice over the years on mitt romneys thinking. Can you talk about why he said all of this now and what he hopes it means for the party . Well, poppy, its an expression, you know, the frustration as well as the challenges that the last couple of years have demonstrated. But, you know, mitt romney is a man of conscience. Always been a monday of conscience. I have written about this and sort of thinking about him not just as the conscience of the senate, but of the country on many issues. You know, its going to bothersome people and not everyone will agree, but his decisions is well founded, i think it is thoughtful like Everything Else he has about done in his political career. I guess i am not surprised, but in a lot of ways i am saddened because its a loss for the country. Certainly a loss for the senate. I do hope that this passing of the baton wont be a baton that ends up dropping, unfortunately, begin the kind of leadership we are seeing out of washington right now. To that point, you see a lot of people who retire and say what im going to do now or focus on getting young people engage, focus on moving from outside of washington to get people headed in the direction that i want and then the baton is dropped quite often. Those rts are all for naught or seem somewhat futile. The only criticism i heard from rochls supporters we would rather have him in the senate. Do you think there is merit to that . Well, i think he would have been an effective senator. And i think he will be effective in the period of time he has left in the senate. He has a year and a half left and he will do a lot of things, whether its on, you know, china, you know, making sure that the u. S. Can counter china. He mentioned climate change, which is is an issue i dont see many other republicans focusing on. So, yeah, me personally, i wish he would have stayed. I wish he would have stuck around. I think he is an important and valuable voice. He knows the time to go. And i think he is trying to set an example in some ways that people need to know when to say when. And mitt romney is a selfreflective, he is somebody who understands exactly what his own limits are. And i think we have to respect that. I would have loved to see him stick around, but i also respect this decision he made that i am sure was not easy. What about his decision, as he told the Washington Post in that interview, that he is not going to get behind anyone because he doesnt think his support helps. He said i doubt my support will mean anything positive to any. Candidates at the finish line, so i am not looking to get involved in that . Well, thats the thing about him. He is very realistic about where the Republican Party is right now, what his voice does and doesnt mean, and there are people who still deeply admire him. But i think he recognizes in the context of a partisan political primary like we are seeing right now with where the Republican Party is, with where the primary contest is, he is trying to be realistic about what his voice will and wont many and i think thats refreshing. You got a politician who actually knows where his placing is in the electorate, what his voice means and doesnt mean. I think its a realistic perspective, and its one that is well founded. Lanhee chen, thank you for your voice on all of this. Scientists warning that humans are pushing the earth outside the Safe Operating Space for humanity. The details from that alarming report, thats next. Were not an airline, but our Network Connects global businesses across nearly 160 markets. Were not a startup, but our Innovation Labs use new technologies to help keep your information secure. Were not architects, but we help build stronger communities. Were not just any bank. We are citi. [coughing] when caroline has a cough she takes robitussin. So, she can have those one on ones again. Hey jim hey can we talk about your yoga breaks . Sure. Get fast, powerful cough relief with robitussin, and find your voice. Robitussin the sleep number climate360 smart bed is the only smart bed in the world that actively cools, warms and effortlessly responds to both of you for up to 44 minutes more restful sleep per night. 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This is absolutely massive, spanning at least a cloud dpek, 850 miles, the same distance from miami to washington, d. C. Whats interesting, it is moving north at 12 miles per hour. So its picked up its forward speed in that northerly direction. You can basically track that out and show where the path of the storm is headed. One very Important Note we have been stressing for days is you dont want to focus on the middle ground. The impacts will be felt well out from the center of the storm. Remember Tropical Stormforce winds extend roughly 300 miles from the center. So we will feel the impacts, cape cod all the way to bar harbor and near the border of canada and the United States. Here is the Storm Surge Forecast as the winds wrap in behind. Cape cod, potential for two to four feet. There is a storm surge watch in effect for that location. Heavier rainfall will start to shift a little bit further east. So maybe providing some relief from the hardhit Flooding Areas we saw in Central Massachusetts yesterday. Thank you very much. Human actions pushing the earth outside of, quote, Safe Operating Space for humanity. Its ominous and according to a new analysis from 29 scientists from eight countries. The experts find Human Activity has now put the world in danger zone on several key indicators, including climate change, biodiversity, fresh water and land use defined as what the world needs to stay within to ensure a stable, liveable planet. Bill weir joins us now. It feels like there is always really bad catastrophic news here. What is your takeaway when you see Something Like this. The most interesting thing, if you think about the Instrument Panel on our little spaceship earth, these are the life systems that you keep an eye on as we are hurtling through space, fresh water, land use, climate change, temperature. On six of those measures, we are above the safe zone. Biodiversity loss, everything from pollinating insects to bird life thats crash to go millions of species and plants and animals, moving, migrating now. That center is the safe spot for humanity and these sort of pet amounts that are shooting out of this flower of the trouble spots. What i find is of the nine things that are really important for us to think about, one was outside the safe zone and that was the ozone. I was going to ask you. In 1990, the ozone layer on that little chart was in the danger zone. But thanks to the montreal protocol, the most Successful International environmental treaty ever, its healing. Its an example of what can happen we went to are there decisions it is stunning to think about that. I know, shocking. There is an example of that where the countries got together. The example is they had to eliminate chemicals from Air Conditioners and the American Chamber of commerce was behind that because it meant more supported it. Profit for american manufacturers. Now the big one is oil and gas and coal. And that is so intrinsic to so many economics. Getting away from that is more difficult. It shows that you can reverse some of this . Absolutely. Its never too late. The amount of damage is in our hands right now. Things happening at the Grassroots Level are exciting, at energy level, electrification is exploding, almost 90 of new Energy Projects in the United States are renewable, mostly solar and batteries. We are on the cusp of something. Oil and gas is going away. There is a better, healthier planet on the horizon. The question is how much life as we know it now will survive that transition. Yeah. Bill weir, thank you. Republican senator mitt romney slamming his party, saying the gop and this country need a new generation of leaders. We are going to be joined by republican president ial candidate Chris Christie. He is here to weigh in on that and more. Stay with us. Fastsigns. Make your statement. Tech cracked windshield on your new car . 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Sign up for Xfinity Rewards now. I think would be great if President Biden and former President Trump were to stand aside and let their Representative Party pick someone the next generation. President trump, excuse me, President Biden, we was running, said he was a transitional figure to the next generation. Well, time to transition. Republican senator mitt romney announcing he will not be seeking reelection. He is on his way out. Not out of the party. He is calling for a new generation of leaders to step forward not including President Biden nor former President Trump. Lets talk about this and a lot more with republican president ial candidate Chris Christie who joins us at the table. So nice to have you in person. Good morning. Thanks, guys. Did mitt romney surprise you . No. I thought two things about mitt. One, i think he feels like he had done what he could do inside that institution. And, secondly, i think he is a guy who understands his place in the party at the moment. And that he doesnt want to stay there until he is in his 80s. He has a big family, and he is genuinely close to them. Not like some politicians pretend to go close to their families. He actually is. I dont want he wants to be commuting to washington when he is 80. It sounded like more than that. A lack of hope he could make a lot of change in 7 1 2 more years in the senate. In many respects, and he talked about this to the Washington Post, you are a representative of a lot of what he represents, and he feels hopeless, yet you are still charging full steam ahead to try to i dont think he is hopeless. I think what he is, is realistic about what you can do with one of 100. Is he being more realistic than you . No. He is being realistic about what you can do with one of hundred. I am realistic about what you do with one of one. If you are the president of the United States you cant do a lot without some of those 100. You have the ability to persuade. When you are president you have advantages to persuade. Plus, i am an incredibly persuasive guy. We will be able to do a lot. And i think mitt, i think his call for a new generation of leaders when you have two guys as frontrunners who are going to be a combined 160 years old probably makes sense on the numbers. These guys, both of them, if they got elected, would be beyond the tables of life ex pelk tansy in their term as president. I think that makes no sense as a country. Woo want his endorsement . Ill take anybodys endorsement. Honestly, in our Republican Party, you know . Somebody wants to endorse me and help, i would be happy to have it. In the end, what i learned from 2016 was that endorsements dont matter nearly as much as they used to, and in the end what you want is people helping you do the tough work of a president ial campaign on fundraising, on policy and those kinds of things. Mitt romney is one of the brightest minds in our party, one of the most experienced in our party. I have taken advice mitt in the years that i was governor and since and i would be happy to take any advice he is willing to give. The people you are running against now, clear frontrunner a donald trump. We talked about it quite often. He said that i think slots into the whole like is he being literal, figurative, joking around. Take a listen. But, remember its a democrat charging his opponent. Nobody has ever seen anything like it. That means if i win and somebody wants to run against me, i call my Attorney General and i say, listen, indict him well, he hasnt done anything wrong. I dont know. Expedite him on income tax evasion. Youll figure it out. Okay. I have covered a lot of trump rallies in person. I understand the shtick and context here, but whats your read on that . Its both. No one you think he may be serious . Of course. But not about the context. So no one can run against him again if he wins, he only has one term left. No one will be able to run against him again. Do i think donald trump would try to use the Department Of Justice and a compliant Attorney General to punish his political enemies . Sure. I think they are both true. He was kidding about the context of what he was talking about in terms of someones running against him, he is trying to make a point where with what he is alleging joe biden is doing, but you know donald trump. Would donald trump use a compliant Attorney General to go after his political enemies . Of course he would. And we saw that he tried to use the Justice Department to overturn the election. Are and Jeffrey Clark in charge of so he would. So i dont think given what his conduct forget about what he said in that rally. His conduct in the aftermath of the election, its absolutely not only plausible, but likely. One of the most interesting parts of what romney said to me that hasnt gotten as much attention, he basically said that the trump dooimts and those actions alleged are old news and the American People dont care that much about old news, they care about new news, and talked about President Biden and hunter biden, while saying he doesnt think there is evidence here to even launch this Impeachment Inquiry. But what do you think of that . Because so much of what you are running on is what trump is alleged to have done and how he did act . The difference is, i think he is right about the indictments. I think people have process thad and said either they agree or they dont agree with those. To me, what im talking about the conduct that underlies them. That conduct is a preview of what he would be like if he were the nominee and president again. I think thats new. According to mitts analysis. What he will do next will absolutely be consistent at 78 years old with what he has done before. And lets just contrast, poppy, where he was in 16 versus now. In 2016, he stood on the Convention Stage and said, i am your voice. Today he says, i am your retribution. Those are two very different people, and i would argue someone who is now just out for himself purely and not have any element where he is out for the American People. And thats something new and something that people should really be considering when they are deciding who we want our nominee to be. Plus the fact that i dont believe he can win, and thats a huge problem for the respect party. Are you ever going to get a shot at him directly . You said you will follow him around the country if he doesnt show up at the next one or two debates. Why wait . The problem is he hasnt been anywhere. This is a guy who made fun of joe bidens basement strategy. He is staying in his Little House Inbedminster and going nowhere, hiding behind lawyers and political advisors. His lawyers are saying dont say anything. His political advisors are saying dont go anywhere . Thats right. They are scared of him. They are scared of what he will say. And how much deeper he will dig his hole that he has dug already from a legal perspective. So i think they are concerned about that. Now, he is donald trump. The reason why, to even your question, i will get a shot at him is because he wont listen to his lawyers ultimately. He has a very shortterm ability to be compliant with anybodys advice, and he will listen for a little while. One of us will Say Something on the debate stage or someplace stage that he will want to respond to and he will kneejerk reaction respond. I think voters will start to worry a bit about it in terms of not showing up and defending his policies and, remember, the state polls are significantly different in some of the early states than the National Polls are. And those are the ones that he has to keep an eye on. Governor, i want to ask you about some policy issues i want to ask you about abortion. Where you stand now, because it was your position in 2015 that you thought in your words, a, quote, highly reasonable proposal was, quote, one that brings americans together, and it would protect unborn children beginning at 20 weeks. That was 2015. People evolve. You are now running for president. After roe v. Wade was overturned, this is a critical issue for people in both parties. Do you still think a 20week federal ban on abortion is a, quote, highly reasonable proposal . It could be. We will have to see. I think that given that roe was overturned, i want the states to decide. I have been arguing as a lawyer that roe v. Wade was wrongly decided and that the states should decide. Now we are in the midst of this great democratic experiment. State by state through referenda or through legislatures and governors are able to decide what goes on in their states. So, to be clear, i want all of the 50 states to be able to weigh in, if they want to, on what their state law should be and then lets see if its a consensus. Maybe the consensus is 20, maybe at 15, maybe at 12. But we have to see it because look whats happening. In oklahoma, for instance, the law is no abortion of any kind except if the life of the mother is threatened. In new jersey, you can have an abortion up to the ninth month. That is where i want to know it is the law. I am talking about the law. I was talking to somebody the other day, whether its rare or not, the legislature and governor in my state decided it should be permissible. Can i follow up with you . Said, yes, it could be highly reasonable to have a 20week ban. At this point the votes arent there. Nikki haley pointed that out, to get that to a president s desk. Should it come to your desk, hypothetically, as a president you laugh. This is so critical for people excuse me. Its important for people to know sounds like you would sign that legislation. I would sign a bill that represented a consensus of the 50 states. So if there was a consensus of the 50 states and part of the way you determine that is could you get 60 votes in the senate for it. If there were consensus, i would consider signing that. But the issue is, can you develop a consensus that, one, would be developed by the 50 states, and, two, would be adopted by 60 United States senators, which almost certainly have to be a bipartisan effort. I dont see either Party Getting to 60 anytime soon. Thats what it would have to be. I think using the states as the founders intended, as the laboratory for that, is the right thing to do. I appreciate your clarity. I know we have to go. But the idea isnt that a i understand the legislative process quite well and the consensus process well, but doesnt that allow you not to have a firm and specific position . We will see what the states do i said before that im prolife and that i believe in exceptions or rape, incest, life of the mother. Thats my personal view of it. But now you are asking me what would you do as president , and right now a president cant do anything. And so im trying to answer the question you asked. You didnt ask what my personal feeling is and where that came from. Someday ill come back, you can ask me about that and i am more than happy to answer it because ive been answering it my entire life in a very blue state and i have a different opinion. Its the truth. What will you do as president if you are running for president. I want the 50 states to go forward. I dont want the federal government to jump the gun. Let the 50 states make the decisions. Look at what the consensus is. I would be open to signing something if it represented consensus. Thank you. I wish we had a lot more time. Appreciate it. Thank you for having me. A key Inflation Report released by the Labor Department. We will break down the numbers next. Neither snowcapped mountains, nor ddles of water, nounexpected detours with a 20 foot drainage pipe, can stop the ruggedly capable telluride xpro from getting you to your Dinner Reservation on time. Okay Mashed Potato lovers. Your day has come. Indulge in the rich, Creamy Classic bob evans Mashed Potatoes. Farm Fresh Potatoes blended with real milk and butter for that homemade taste. With the delicious taste bob evans is known for. Bring home the warm comfort of Mashed Potatoes today. You go by lots of titles veteran, son, dad. Its time to get up. No. Hair stylist and cheerleader. So adding a student title might feel overwhelming. What if a school could be there for all of you . Career, family, finances and mental health. Its coming along. Well, it can. National university. Supporting the whole you. Pano ai chooses tmobile for business for 5g solutions. 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With powerful, easytouse tools, Power E Trade makes complex trading easier. React to fastmoving markets with dynamic charting and a Futures Ladder that lets you place, flatten, or reverse orders so you wont miss an opportunity. E trade from Morgan Stanley the Labor Department out with new inflation numbers. And they rose to 1. 6 from 1. 3 a year ago. Monthovermonth, up a little less than 1 . Harry enten is now. Okay. What does this actually mean . Look, i think one very interesting thing thats going on in terms of the inflation, the 12month change, is we are in better shape at 1. 6 than a year ago when year over year 2022 versus 2021 it was 8. 7 . One of the interesting puzzles that i have been looking at is voters believe that inflation is heading in the wrong direction. Voters believe 74 of voters believe that inflation is heading in the wrong can i just dont those strip out food and energy costs . Thats what people feel. People do feel that. Here is another angle that is important. Look at the oneyear figures. These are the authoritative figures, right, one year . Look at four years prior. Look at 2023 versus 2019. We are up the prices are up 20 . They are up 20 . Compare that to 2019 versus 2015, it was up just 7. 5 . So people arent just comparing to a year ago. They are comparing to prepandemic prices. The prices are through the roof. Here is another nugget we should keep an eye on. Gas prices, right. This is one of the best ways one of the big ways that people sort of view inflation. Look where we are now. Price for a gallon of gas 3. 86 up from june at 3. 57 and the March Average at 3. 42. That is part of the reason people think that inflation is going in the wrong direction. Interesting. Energy is the you are talking about the energy . Yes. I was talking about what people feel at home. Energy and food. Yes. Exactly. The economy. Okay. No, actually, former bloomberg genius over here. I watched those clips. Yeah. Dont look for them on youtube. Harry enten, appreciate it, man. Just in, the kremlin confirming that republican president Vladimir Putin accepted an invitation to return the favor from kim jongun to visit north korea. Lavender da putin and kim jongun had a meeting that lasted nearly five hours yesterday. They exchanged firearms as gifts according to the kremlin. Putin presented kim with a spacesuit glove. The spokesperson would not say if military and Technical Cooperation were discussed during the talks. Watch that space for what comes of it. Meantime, the next here of the Georgia Election subversion case is a few hours away, this time the judge will address legal requests from two of of the 19 defendants. We will tell you what you need to know ahead. Conqueuer 2000word essays. Conquer 300 thankyou notes. Rule over what you write with the smooth writing, longest lasting gel ink pen in america. Do you g2 . Mac and cheese lovers rejoice. Dive into the Melty Gooey Goodness of Bob Evans Mac and cheese. 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Reporter yeah, phil, the road to trial for a criminal defendant to get a better look what built the case against you, these motions that are going to be discussed today are all about. Theyre trying to get a better look at the everyday against them and a look at who put the case together. Talk to the grand jurors who brought the indictments. They want to know the names of the unindicted coconspirators in it, too. As you mentioned, powell and chesebro are slated to go to trial on october 23rd. One question today is whether or not the judge does address what this means for the other 17 codefendants, including trump, the timing for their potential trial might look like. A lot of moving pieces and really a lot of questions still in the air here and especially as a potential trial for donald trump in georgia. Every one of these hearings helps put some of those pieces back together. Zach, thank you so much. All right, now for your morning moment, environmentalist lewis pugh, he became the first person to swim the entire 315mile length of the hudson river unassisted. It took him 30 days to swim from the Adirondacks To Battery Park here in new york city. Pugh emerged from the water to crowds of supporters. He writes, rivers are the arteries of our planet. Everything we hold dear relies on their protection. We spoke to him literally before he jumped in. We focus on the health of our planet now. This is the defining issue of our generation. This is a one river where i can speak to people All Around The World because the river ends in manhattan right next to the United Nations headquarters. Pugh also runs his own environmental organization. He hopes to protect 30 of the worlds oceans by 2030. Were going to continue to watch in just on every 15 hours now until a potential auto strike between the uaw and the big three. Well see you tomorrow. 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Five meats on the beast and look at that double cheese try subways tastiest refresh yet. In 15 hours, thousands of auto workers could walk off the job if a deal isnt reached with three of the countrys largest automakers, the first time this has happened and its not just their problem, how this deal could cost the United States economy billions of dollars. House speaker Kevin Mccarthy meeting with republican lawmakers to plot the next

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