Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240703 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240703

tomorrow. we run out of time. >> i'm >> casey had don't go anywhere. i see ane an a new central star right now >> the most draconian ban in the country that is what arizona's governor is saying about the abortion decision coming down from her states supreme court, the civil war era law. now back in effect. so what happens now lodyr zelensky'respse der to a repord peacplan from donald trump in you brain to see territorto russia what's zelenskyy? just told cnn? >> and the hottest item at costco right now not the famous $5 chicken, but gold bars, they're flying off the shelves. what's driving this new gold brush? i'm kate baldwin with john berman. >> sarah is out today this is cnn news central if the us supreme court decision overturning roe versus wade wiped out 50 years of precedent. the arizona supreme court just top that dusting off a relic, taking the state back to a civil war era abortion ban. abortion ban that is on pause for at least the next 40 teen days. as the appeals process plays out. but the law is so old, the arizona was not even a state when it was written 160 years ago. and remember, who've been weren't even allowed to vote at that time >> what this band >> says is there is only an exception to have an abortion when the life of the mother is in danger. no exceptions for rape or incest if the band is uphold in upheld in 14 days, it would join then 14 other states with similar measures, abortion rights was already a central election issue, as we've discussed and arizona a battleground state very clearly just raised the stakes now, democrats are moving on this quickly, hoping to further harness the voter backlash donald trump and other republicans have faced at the ballot box over there abortion stance in november, voters and 11 states could have initiatives securing abortion rights on the ballot, including in florida, for donald trump is not only registered to vote, but will also be campaigning today. cnn's alayna treene has much more on this and alayna before trump has to florida, he has to georgia. what are you hearing from those around donald trump aut this arizona ling? okay. it's pretty well markov bl, t ting this because just o day after he gave that statement and clarified that he beeves this should be left to the stes th abortion should be decided by vots in each state. this ona ng droppednd it really showed how democrats are ing to be us usi a strict abortion laws ste by state and blaming them on donald trump.nd i did speak with some of donald trump's advisers yesterday and they dended his position. they said, look, this leaning into. we believe that voters in each state suld have the right to decide their own abortions laws. but i think they also recognize the politics of this part of the reasone took this position was because he believed it was the most politically safe option. they recognize how vulnerable republicans are and president, former president trump specifically on this issue. and i think arizona is a great example. of how difficult it's going to continue to be for the former president to navigate this issue, despite coming out and saying, i'm seeding this to the states. now i do want to read for you a statement we got from trump campaign spokesperson. again defending his statement and his decision to punt this to the state. she said, quote president trump could not have been more clear. these are decisions for people of each state to make now, i do just want to also give you some sense of what he's doing this week and how it kind of ties into this abortion discussion. he is kicking off another series of fundraisers this week, as you mentioned, katie is heading to atlanta four fundraiser today. he also has another one back in florida this evening. he has another fundraiser this weekend in pennsylvania, and i think the thing that i found really interesting is part of some of the people who have been in donald trump's ear talking to him about abortion has been donors. he's been doing these fundraising hits i'm over. a multiple series of weeks. he's held many events over the past several weeks and as forgone, a lot of campaign stops to hold these big high-dollar fundraiser to try and close the money gap with president joe biden's campaign. but a lot of these donors as well, particularly those who have a ton of money, the ones that donald trump is currently courting are people who are more socially liberal but also fiscally conservative. and some of these people, i think i've been in his ear as well and appreciate the giving his position of handing this to the states. and so i think that's something to keep in mind as he continues to travel the country and continues to try and raise money see what, if any reaction we get from the former president. and when he went to using georgia and florida today, it's good to see you later. thank you so much. john looked the timing is extraordinary monday, donald trump says it should be left to the state's tuesday. the state supreme court in arizona says 1800s. this morning, president biden is calling the arizona ruling cruel, dangerous, and extreme. let's go to the white house. cnn's arlette saenz is there. what are the white house plans for the rest of the week on this or lead? >> well, john biden, camp biden's campaign advisers really believed that this ruling from arizona supreme court will simply amplify the abortion rights debate that they've been trying to push throughout the campaign that democrats have been hopeful that the issue of abortion will serve as a galvanizing force. it's for voters heading into november's election, and that is also now in play in a crucial battleground state like arizona, president biden was very quick to slam this decision yesterday, he released a statement saying, quote, millions of arizonans will soon live under an even more extreme and dangerous abortion ban, which failed to protect women even when they're health is at risk or in tragic cases of rape or incest, he added this ruling is a result of the extreme agenda of republican elected officials who are committed to ripping away women's freedoms. vice president harris, who has served as the key voice on issues relating to abortion, also condemned the ruling and specifically laid blame on former president donald trump. that is something that we expect. the campaign to continue to stress day in and day out, pointing to trump's appointment of supreme court justices who overturned roe v. wade. now harris, for her part, will be traveling to tucson, arizona right into the middle of this debate. on friday. and it comes as campaign advisers that i've spoken to throughout the past few months have had their eyes on arizona and abortion because there is a ballot initiative that was mentioned earlier that would protect the right to an abortion or restore the right to an abortion. there are efforts to try to get that on the ballot heading into november's election and campaign advisers have told me they believe that that could be an organizing force for their voters. and so that's one thing that they'll be pushing heading into this election, but it's clear that the biden campaign has placed a lot of emphasis in a strategy when it comes to pushing abortion rights at a time time where you've seen these state bands and you've seen former president donald trump taking credit for the overturning of roe v. wade >> all that president biden has made new comments about the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. what does he said? >> yeah, these really are noteworthy comments from president biden. he taped an interview with univision last week, where he offered some of his sharpest criticism, yet of israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu's strategy and campaign in gaza. now this interview was taped. it less than 48 hours after that israeli strike right on a world central kitchen convoy that killed seven aid workers and the president specifically was asked in this interview whether he believed that netanyahu was doing things taking the strategies in order to protect his own political future. this is what the president had to say i think what he's doing is a mistake. i don't agree with his approach. i think it's outrageous that those four three vehicles were hit by drones and taken out on a highway where it wasn't like it was along the shore. it wasn't like there was a convoy moving or cetera so i would i call it for is for the israelis to just call for a ceasefire allow for the next six, eight weeks. total access to all food and medicine going into the country these comments just really add to the sharpen criticism, increasing criticism that we've seen from president biden as >> he's taken issue with israel's campaign when it comes to the civilian death toll and also getting humanitarian aid into that war-torn enclave. it's really just the latest a fault line in the relationship between the two litres as the us has expressed their frustration, especially after that world central kitchen strike, that signs at the white house. luck. thank you very much, kate. >> ukraine's president, president's zelenskyy is speaking to cnn. why he now says he will don't listen to trump's ideas on how to end the war with russia. donald trump's former cfo, facing a second stint in prison. now he'll learn today how much time he's going to spend behind bars for life lying under oath and the white house setting new rules to protect the nation's drinking water from those so-called forever chemicals. >> we have dk day and >> night of space for stoma story with anderson cooper, the james webb telescope. are we alone >> followed by the two >> part finale of space shuttle columbia, the final flight sunday they starting at eight on cnn >> you know what's brilliant, boring. think about it boring is the unsung catalyst for bowl. what straps gold do a rocket and hurdles and into space >> or in gums? >> flooring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and startups start off because 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is in an economic conference in greece. he talked about a number of subjects including recent reports of a kind of peace plan from donald trump. were ukraine would see territory to russia in exchange for peace. are frederik pleitgen spoke to him, fred run down what he said hi there john and of course, all this comes with renewed russian missile attacks on ukrainian territory. in fact, this morning, the russians hitting the port town of the des, that after hitting the town of kharkiv with math massive missile barrage has over the past couple of days. so i did ask the ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy about the fact that he has now for the first time apparently said that if ukraine does not get new weapons package is from the united states with all of that still held up in congress, that ukraine could lose the war. here's what he said. >> we are at war and the enemies series. but let's be realistic and not passengers. let's be real >> now, the situation is stabilized once we have weapons and concretes, political steps from our partners, we will break put in backbone to volodymyr zelenskyy. they're saying that if ukraine does get those weapons from the us, they do have every chance to win. but one of the another said things that he also said is that ukraine needs a different quality of weapons. of course, one of the things that ukraine's have been talking about a saying they need longer distance weapons, like for instance, those atacms missiles more f6 teams that some of the us as partners are giving what the us has not yet said, that it will give volodymyr zelenskyy essentially saying, don't be afraid of russia, give ukraine the weapons it needs to win. >> i understand that this is not easy and everybody is thinking about oneself and we are grateful to all our partners but what we have now is not sufficient. >> if we >> want to truly prevail over put in, if nobody wants put into drag the war, the world into third world war. >> of course, john, one of the things that's also a big topic here is those reports of president trump but allegedly saying that he would force ukraine into a peace deal with russia that would force ukraine to cede territory to russia. i asked volodymyr zelenskyy about that as well. his answer was actually very careful listening first kind of four moles those signals >> were on certain media platforms i haven't heard that directly from trump he's ideas in detail >> i did not >> have an opportunity to discuss them with him and to discuss his ideas on how to end the war. if i have such opportunity, i will with pleasure listen to them and then we can discuss the topic. >> so as you can see, they're john that ukrainians right now under immense pressure on the front lines and nevertheless, the ukrainian president remaining determined as he had dressed the delphine economic forum here in greece, john harder, thanks to fred for that interesting how careful zelenskyy was when speaking about donald trump. a broken hearted family wants answers after a young man is killed in a hail of bullets, it all started because he was not wearing a seat belt we are standing by to learn the fate of six former police officers who pled guilty to torturing and assaulting a black man houston, you are go for the debris in >> this guy parents, husbands and wives gone if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing i can ever happen >> thousands of pieces of debris are now pieces to a puzzle. >> i should have that test on day one i wish i could've done something differently. what i can undo that, you can just make it better, are those that follow space shuttle columbia, the final flight, flight two part finale, sunday at nine on c cracked windshield. >> schedule would say flight and will come to you to fix it this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way and she could track us and see exactly when we derive a few moments. we came to her with service that fit her sketch he must be 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symptoms define me emerge as you with trump via most people saw 90% clear her skin. i for months and the majority stayed clearer at five years. >> cbs allergic reactions may occur, can fire, may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight that. tell you dr. having an infection or symptoms, or if you had a vaccine or plan to emerge as you emerge drum phi it. ask your doctor about trump via mark >> thank you. >> one aleve works all day. so i can keep working to take just one 12 hours of uninterrupted paint really flooring stream floor van hello fluorine. every step covered >> i'm arlette saenz at the white house. >> and this is cnn >> so the trump organizations x cfo is preparing now for another stint in prison and a few hours, alan weisselberg is expected to be sentenced to five months in jail. for lying under oath last month, weisselberg accepted a deal and pleaded guilty to perjury charges. this is all related to the federal civil fraud case that donald trump lost. weisselberg admitted to lying during to depositions when new york's attorney general asked about trump's new york apartment, and the apartment being overvalued cnn's katelyn polantz has much more on this. she's joining us now, so caitlin, but it is going to happen today >> well, this is a sentencing. so alan weisselberg will appear before a judge. this is the second time he has been through the court system like this. he pleaded guilty before to tax fraud charges and served 100 days in jail. this time i'm he had testified at the civil fraud trial against donald trump and his businesses about the inflated wealth or assets that donald trump and the trump organization had at that time. and also whenever the new york attorney general's office was investigating donald trump's worth for that civil case, that lawsuit that they brought against him he lied multiple times. he lied about how and when he knew the size of a triplex apartment that donald trump had the apartment, they were telling people was 30,000 square feet when in fact, he knew earlier that it was 10,000 square feet. so ultimately in this plea deal that he cut with prosecutors in manhattan, alan weisselberg admitted and pleaded guilty to two felony counts of perjury, lying twice depositions related to that triplex apartment depositions he did back in 2020. so he is going to go before the judge today. the prosecutors are recommending no more than five months in jail for him because he's quite old, 76. all of this doesn't put him in a position to testify at donald trump's upcoming hush money trial but it does turn the focus back to the man who was the top financial person at the trump organization for many years in a very precarious moment for the former president and his reputation as a businessman >> absolutely, caitlin, thank you so much. let's see how that plays out. today. >> it real life gold rush is happening, forget the dollar 50 hot dogs, why costco is selling out of gold? gold bars. >> and for the first time the >> epa is imposing limits on chemicals found in drinking water. >> we have more on that feeling >> from a backed up gut mere lax works naturally with the water in your body to help you go for your gut and your mood will follow for eight grams of fiber, tried mirror fiber gonna nice selling your home realtor lets you choose from multiple agent proposals. because when agents compete, you, win, don't all have to do that. >> not >> really trust the number one app real estate professionals trust, download the app. today, there's nothing better than a subway series foot-long except we add a new foot-long psychic, like you eat chicken and bacon ranch with $102 footlong churro is the best psaki i've ever had hurts my feelings >> every epic foot-long deserve the perfect sidekick file, 100% free with turbotax free edition. roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify form ten, 40 and limited credits only let's see how. it >> that's me >> do you wanna close out >> should i normally i'd 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totality. he was studying, among others, galapagos, tortoises. now in the eclipse of 2017, he observed that some of the tortoise is started inexplicably made it so we wanted to see what happened this time. would they do it literally again the professor sent me some of his preliminary observations from monday >> they >> did have six. he writes but not during the eclipse, that group of tortoises is rather amorous and prior to the eclipse, the female spread out around the enclosure and one one of the males basically made the rounds. he writes, i think the answer is that tortoise is just surprisingly mate very publicly and with literally zero discretion 2017, he writes, was probably an honest coincidence. however, the torres did do something else amazing. he says, as totality approach, one of the females went toward the barn where they lead in for the night, but write it totality all of them piled up to be let in and they pushed with such force some apparently literally rearing up. they jammed the door he writes that almost all of the animals they watched went into their evening routine during the eclipse, clamoring to get into their night holding areas, but none other than the tortoises did so with such determination as to cause a literal maintenance problem. so there you have it. sex, but not eclipse sex. and some aggressive door russia. this is very important. >> the fact that you continue to be able to do this with a straight face and expose our immaturity on this show. is fantastic. >> i felt that i owed the viewer is an explanation because we spent a lot of time on tortoise has having sex on monday? yes. and so i felt like people would want to know what happened, the definition of with bated breath. can we please put that wall up where i just want, you and this wall to be the enduring image of the show, which is a group of tortoises, is a rather amorous one. >> there are worse things to be called than an amorous tortoise. believe me. >> let's save that for the whereas break you guys should only here what we actually discuss. thank you. can we move on now? okay. >> here we go >> the eva is issuing new rules this morning. i >> can't john dirt and he did it again >> stop >> oh man, it's seven. all right. bpa >> has issued new rules, is warning to try and make drinking water safer in the united states, the goal is to reduce the amount of toxic forever chemicals found in tap water. a recent study found that nearly behalf of the nation's water has traces of these dangerous substances. let's bring in cnn's meg tirrell because i'm clearly losing it on this one save us all meg, remind us. one, what these forever chemicals are and do and what these new rules are going to, what impact are going to happen? >> yeah, kate, so p4's stands for per and polyfluoroalkyl alkyl substances, which is why we call them p fires. >> we >> also refer to them as forever chemicals because their chemical bonds are so strong in order to do the things we wanted them to do that they never essentially break down and they can persist both in the environment and in our bodies and accumulate over time. >> but these have >> been used since the 1940s for various things like non staining clothing, non-stick cookware, heat resistant items, things like that. and they're found in a lot of different products. teflon is one of the famous ones, but also food packaging. many other household items and they have been started to be phased out especially as their health risks have become more and more parents. studies have linked p50 is two different kinds of cancer too high cholesterol and obesity to immune issues, essentially making your immune system not even respond as well as well two vaccines and to develop mental issues as well. and so today the biden administration then the epa are finalizing a rule around setting limits for how high p4's levels can be in drinking water. essentially to almost not detectable levels. this is going to focus on six of these chemicals and they say that this will affect pfas exposure for about 100 million people in the united states they say because of the health effects here, they think this should prevent tens of thousands of illnesses and thousands of deaths, guys, it's a lot of i mean, we talk with reducing the exposure to 100 million people is huge and obviously significant. are they giving any estimation of how long before they think they'll see? the positive benefits of this >> yeah, so water systems have three years to complete the monitoring for pfas levels and they have to disclose the levels that they have if they do find levels higher than the limits they've got an additional two years to implement solutions. so we're talking about five years. there. the water authorities, in some cases this is our saying this is going to be incredibly expensive and too expensive to be able to do feasibly the biden administration also is implementing a $1,000,000,000 funding as part of this to try to help water authorities do this so there's a big hope that this can make a big difference as these chemicals are starting to get phased out. unfortunately, there's still and the environment around us folks have been saying we've got to do more. >> yeah. >> once do more very quickly. and for years it's good to see you, mike. thank you so much for bringing us up. jon pardi this morning, we have >> newly released body camera footage from a traffic stop that turned deadly. 96 shots fired and 41 seconds that is how chicago police officers responded after pulling over 26 year-old dexter reed for not wearing a seat belt. now, this is difficult to watch seen as omar jimenez has the details march 21, 2024, chicago police are initiating a traffic stop on a driver >> reportedly for not wearing a seat belt according to the civilian office of police accountability a traffic stop being conducted by five tactical officers. >> roll the window down what are you doing >> this will not rolled out one down to >> don't roll the window, don't >> roll quinoa >> do not roll the window light the >> doors to temperature quickly escalates. one officer puts what appears to be his gun on the windshield read, then fires first, hitting an officer in the forearm according to the initial investigation then chaos good >> reid goes down then three final gunshots 96 in total according to investigators, a gun was later recovered from the front seat of reed's car. porsche banks had just been on the phone with her brother in the minutes before it all happened then she turned on a police scanner at her shop, listening to the police token by fans, shots by a black can hear all the shy phone scanner like i can hear so many sides, so many sappho, many sides >> but didn't know that it >> was my brother. so dancer no. >> later on that might that those sides that i hurt and then emily lms going past my shop was my brother. was the most heartbreaking thing i've ever felt my life. >> one of the families attorneys argues this never should have happened in the first place. >> there was a weapon recovered in his car. >> however, it started with a unconstitutional pretextual and unnecessary stop of dexter reed and that's what precipitated the entire >> incident and questions remain over y tactical officers initiated a traffic stop for a supposed seat belt violation? as part of a brief statement, chicago police says this incident is still under investigation, but the stop is where it all began. >> if you don't stop my nephew, he'll be a lab today. >> reads uncle sitting alongside his father when this happened to my nephew i hope the police can understand that this is the same pain that they feel when an officer is killed in the line of duty. it's a >> pain that manifests in memories and pain that manifests in despair get that no well, i don't know what don't i just wish that i could tell hill well, but to see him gunned down, i never ever thought that it'd be whom i know thought that it would be hell i've never found that it would be so tough to watch our thanks to omar jimenez for that. >> kate and joining us now, a cnn senior law enforcement analyst, charles ramsey. he's a former philadelphia police commissioner. he also served in the chicago police department for nearly three decades it's good to see commissioner 96 rounds and 41 seconds. what does that mean >> well, i mean, it is a lot of shots fired, but you have four officers firing simultaneously. they're using semi-automatic weapons the average clip holds probably about 17 rounds and so it's not even though it's a lot of browns being fired, it's certainly understandable how many could be fired in that shorter period of time? >> and talk to me about omar laid out the bodycam video. you've seen you've seen it as well. what do you see in this encounter? what do you see in this incident? the preliminary investigation suggests that read opened fire on the officers first hitting an officer does that change this incident? what do you think >> well, i mean, i think it's important here, the way the family and the attorney and i certainly understand where they're coming from, but they're making it sound as if he was shot because he was not wearing a seat belt. he was shot because he shot at police officer. that's why it was shot. >> i >> mean, the stop was made and we can argue whether or not tactical officers should be making traffic stops for seat belts and things like that. >> but it would not have >> occurred had he not fired first and shot a police officer, period. i mean, so you can't shoot a kopan, not to get shot and return as just the way it is. and so i really understand what they're saying. this is going to be investigated by the state's attorney is going to be investigated by the civilian office of police accountability the final shots that were fired are the only ones and i saw the videos that gives me some concern those last three shots, in particular. >> now, >> even though the majority of shots were fired while he was in the car and they had very dark tenant windows. obviously, he wasn't incapacitated because he was able to get out of the car and get to the rear of the car. they believed he was still at armed. they continued to fire, >> now, the last three shots are the ones that will have to be scrutinized very, very closely. but having been in shootouts, if you will, before myself, your adrenaline is pumping and believed me it's a very, very tense situation and you know, when when you're firing that gun, you're trying to make sure that that individual there's no longer a threat to you so not to make excuses that does need to be looked at. i am concerned about the last three shots, but the use of deadly force in my opinion overall was justified in this case >> multiple agencies are investigating as you just mentioned, chief commissioner thank you so much for coming on as always. >> john right this morning if you are in the market for gold and based on what we hear, many of you who are be warned, prices just hit a record high. cnn's matt egan is here. what's going on >> john, listen, gold is having a moment right now. it is getting scooped up by everyone from central bankers in china to shoppers at costco. that is quite the range. gold prices of 14% so far this year up 11 of the last 12 days. look at those moving closer and closer to the $2,400 range. if you take a live louk gold prices right now, they're up another 0.2% again moving closer to $2,400,2 which would be the first time ever. so what's happening because this move is getting some attention on wall street, right? gold is a safe haven. so a spike like this could be looked at as potentially an ominous sign. there's a few factors you're won. >> gold is viewed as a >> hedge against inflation. we know prices have been going up consumer, consumer prices are slowing in terms of their growth, but there's still so much higher than before covid, rate cuts. the fed naibe cutting interest rates when that happens, sometimes that tends to boost gold prices. china is buying central bankers. they're, and other countries they're diversifying away from the dollar that is less lifting physical demand for gold. also, listen, these are scary times in gold is viewed as kind of a warheads during geopolitical fears, we have the, you can't recreate in russia war, the situation in the middle believes all of that is also boosting demand. and then there's fomo, fear of missing out to some extent, gold prices are going up because people see the price is going up and they know other people are buying suzi orman was on speaking to erin burnett last night. listen to what she said about why people are buying gold people always have this herd mentality and this fear of missing out happened with bid collides. that coin going up, it's going up it's going up. all i have to buy it. oh, goal. >> never even >> thought about gold before. now here you're in pascal and people are in line and they're running out of it and they're only let people byd five apiece and all of a sudden this frenzy starts and everybody wants to be a part of it >> susie also warned though, that the thing about gold is eventually you have to be able to sell it. you also have to figure out where to store it. you might want to get insurance so yes, go prices are going up, but her point was, no, it may not be for everyone right now. >> very >> interesting if you need me to hold onto some golden that though, i will do it if you that j. all right, download speed, upload speed data usage, extra router fee. you need to be a rocket science it is to understand your internet bills, but there was a new rule that should make them less confusing and hopefully save you some money >> money this morning brought to you by e trade for a morgan stanley, drain commission free today, we'd know account minimums this is pickleball is basically ten is for babies before adults, it should be called willful tennis >> yet hello, ban them like we 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have had cancer or if you need a vaccine, prcs are rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some series allergic reactions in an inflammation can occur. >> feel onstop ask your doctor how lasting remission can start with still laura johnson and johnson can help you explore cost support options >> when i was 12 years old with cancer, i spent most of the year looking at a hospital when so all i wanted was to be outside i owe the people at st. jude everything because i am 17 years cancer-free my marathon. his first st. jude and helping just want to be kids again home yes. >> focus on an american home she had warranty. again, protect your covered home systems and appliances like this ac when the repair or replacement yes >> thank you it's oh, not home >> yeah, it's pretty sure it's home. american home shield. don't worry, be warranty >> every weekday morning cnn's five things has what you need to get going with your day. it's the five essential stories of the morning in five minutes before last, cnn's five things with kate bolduan streaming five days a week starting april 15 on macs >> this morning, six former mississippi law enforcement officers who pleaded guilty to the torture and sexual assault of two black men will be set in this in state court all six previously pleaded guilty to state charges as part of a plea agreement. last month, there were each sentenced on federal charges, new this morning house will delay sending impeachment articles against alejandro mayorkas to the senate until next week. senate republicans are trying to find more time to make the argument for a full trial has democrats there are expected to try to quickly dismiss the articles against the secretary of homeland security and for the first time in history, the women's ncaa doublet basketball chain championship game drew a larger television audience than the men's final, according to nielsen, over 4 million more viewers tuned in sunday to watch south carolina defeat iowa, then those who watched uconn when they're second consecutive championship by defeating purdue on monday night. >> okay, so try this one on for size nutrition labels for your internet plan. sounds strange, but that is exactly what the fcc is rolling out and trying to do today. new mandatory labels for internet providers. all designed to help customers see exactly what their plans offer and how the cost breakdown and hopefully so you can save some money. cnn media analyst and senior media reporter for axios, sara fischer is joining me now, this label we have it in the box next to it looks just like the packaging labels that we see, the nutrition labels we see on food packaging what is this all about, sarah >> kate you've tried to buy your cable before and they're always trying to upsell you. they want to add an internet package. they want to add maybe something with wireless. they want to add something with streaming. and i think consumers have felt frustrated that they pay a bill and then they don't know exactly what they're getting. a lot of times there's hidden these things like data caps or throttling, or you have to pay more for data. the fcc for the past seven years has been looking at this problem and saying, what can we do about it? and so they borrowed something from the pages over at the fda and they said we can make your nutrition label that's going to help people understand what all those hidden costs are. that way when they're valuating some of their cable plans, maybe they're looking in an at&t plan versus a verizon or comcast plan, it's much easier to see what they're actually paying for >> do you what do you think of this? do you think it's it really is going to help consumers? >> i do i think the hidden fees would become a bigger problem as we've moved into the digital era, member, a lot of these companies are now trying to package and streaming the trying to package in new channels and because we're using so much data, particularly for those who provide mobile packages. there's a lot of data throttling, meaning you have to hit a certain cap and then you're going and i get charged even more. so consumers don't understand what these hidden prices are. the hope is that if it's more transparent, you can make a better choice as a consumer. and by the way, cape, we have so many bundles in our life right now with the internet, right? think about all the different streaming bundles or whatever we actually are in a good position here because telecom is regulated by an agency the fcc that has the power to rule something like this out. q. imagine how much easier your life would be if we add nutrition labels for all the different types of bundles that we pay for in our life, we'd save a lot of money if >> that means i don't have to pretend like i'm reading that fine print that you end up just scrolling through and clicking agree. that's a fantastic idea. i love to meet the people that actually read that fine print broadband providers they were fighting against this. what is their concern >> i mean, their concern is that one, they obviously want to be able to upsell people, right? so no transparency that you're giving to people makes it harder for them to squeeze in little things where they can make more money but then two, they say packages can be very flexible people's data usage, for example, should be something that's flexible. somebody who's using a lot should be paying more than somebody who isn't. and trying to package everything into one nutrition label is rather reductive. but i think that there's a healthy compromise here and that their work through that ultimately, i think this is a huge win for consumers. i think people will save money. >> more transparency is definitely a win for consumers on this one, it's great to see you, zara, thank you so much. john. >> thank all right. >> the united kingdom's top diplomat, david cameron, is in washington this morning meeting with lawmakers to stress just how vital it is that the us supports ukraine in the war against russia. the trip comes after the former prime minister for maybe a pit stop at mar-a-lago to speak with former president donald trump cameron has made his position to the us clear, insisting that it is quite profoundly in your interests to pass aid to ukraine with me now is lord david cameron law cameron. thank you so much for being with us of your trip to see donald trump's simon frasier, the former head of britain's foreign office, told the new york times, quote, flattering trump about his importance and significance on this issue. ukraine is an astute move on. cameron's part. let's see whether delivers. >> so >> on ukraine, to what extent has it delivered >> but it's a private meetings, so i have to be careful what i say and also, i think foreign politician should always be careful about coming to the united states. your great democracy and telling you what to do. that's not what i'm doing. the point i'm making is that i think profoundly in britain's interest, but also america's interests that trump doesn't get to win in ukraine, that wouldn't just be bad for our european security. i think our adversaries around the world, whether it's iran or china or whoever would draw lessons that we don't stand by our allies and that there'll be risk of further aggression and further danger in our world and without saying what i spoke with about with donald trump, i mean, fundamentally, this year and you heard from zelenskyy this morning, there's a risk that ukraine will lose more ground to putin and no one wants to be in a situation in november where we could have acted, we could have helped. we could have beaten back putin. we could have started the process of getting ukraine when i'm getting a just peace, but we fail to do that. and the point i'd make two american viewers is 90%. what you spend helping ukraine with defense. that goes straight into american jobs and in my view, it also goes straight into american security. so at a very important point and that's why i'm here here and having these discussions today. >> how does the united kingdom feel about a possible peace settlement that would cede territory to putin, that he is wanting crimea and donbass what, first of all, ukrainians have been very brave. they've taken back 50% of the territory that putin sees. they've sunk 25% of his navy on the black sea. i think our role is to back ukraine, give them the weapons, give them the support. and europe is now doing more than twice as much as america rightly, so it's our continent, it's our risk, but we should do that, get ukraine on a winning trajectory, show that putin is losing and that it's up to the ukrainians to decide when to achieve that just peace. and i know everyone wants to see an end to the killing and an end to the war. but you only get that by backing ukraine by showing strength. piece comes through strength, not through appeasement and weakness >> because donald trump reportedly is floating a peace plan that would see territory for peace. that's why i was asking that specific question. is that something that should be discussed right now in your mind? >> i didn't think we should be discussing those things right now. we should be discussing how do we get ukraine back on the front foot. they've showed incredible bravery. they've showed that they can win against putin. they're not going to lose for lack of morale. they're not going to lose for lack of ingenuity on the battlefield. the only way they can lose is if we don't give them the port they deserve our economies together outrank russia's 25 to one putin has already paid a huge price for this terrible strategic error of invading ukraine is lost 350,000 soldiers. he's lost so much of his fleet is lost a huge amount of his aircraft. it's been massively costly to russia. a huge muscle they can nato has got stronger and one of the points i'm sure whether you're republican or democrat, you'd appreciate his back in 2014 when i was prime minister only three countries in nato, we're spending 2% of gdp on defense. it's now around 20. so europe is doing more and rightly so but europe and america sticking together and standing up against bullies and dictators. that's good for both of us. >> well, let's talk about for a second because donald trump has said he would tell russia to do whatever the hell they want to nato countries who did not spend enough on defense, given your record, given your supportive nato over the years you must be worried about what donald trump has said about nato >> but the point i would make is the nato of 2024, 2025 is different to the nato of 2014. we've now got sweden and finland to highly capable members who've joined were more united than ever before. and whereas it because three countries spending 2%, it's now around 20 out of the 32 members with many of the other members having plans and a lot of that is because of the pressure that success of american presidents quite rightly, i've put on europeans and said, come on guys, you got to spend more of your own money on your defense. that is happening. so whoever is president in after november this year, i want them to be in a position where they can see a strong and united nato that succeeding and a strong ukraine that is pushing back russia and capable of achieving that defeat for putin and adjust piece that will be so vital for america's national interests because of course, china is watching this iran is watching this north korea is watching this. even if you think china's are more important threat than russia. and right now, i think russia is the key threat that we face. but even if you think it's china, china will draw a lesson. if we can push back putin, deliver a win for ukraine, deliver a just peace show that nato is strong, show the united states is strong that will send the clearest possible message to president xi and to china not to take risks in the pacific. >> let me quickly ask about israel president biden just told univision about israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, quote, i think what he is doing is a mistake i don't agree with this approach. what do you think that netanyahu was doing? that is a mistake >> well, i think where i completely agree with president biden is we need a pause in the fighting and he has quite rightly pressing netanyahu as i've done many times, let's have a pause i sugge

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Shoppers , 2400 , 400 , Move , Spike , Attention , Wall Street , Safe Haven , 0 2 , 24002 , 4002 , Consumer , Terms , Consumer Prices , Factors , Sign , Inflation , Hedge , Rate Cuts , Growth , Covid , Countries , Demand , Dollar , Gold Prices , Interest Rates , Fed Naibe , Extent , Fear , Russia War , Fomo , Fears , Warheads , Herd Mentality , Erin Burnett Last Night , Suzi Orman , Coin , Bid Collides , Frenzy Starts , Apiece , Susie , Point , Speed , Go Prices , Insurance , J , Data Usage , Router Fee , Internet Bills , Rocket Science , Babies , Account Minimums , Pickleball , Morgan Stanley , Adults , Drain Commission , E Trade , Tennis , Retirement , College , Burn , Saving , Clinic , Doug , Ghostbusters , Duck , Save Hundreds , Moon , Buspar , Empire , Theaters , Cost , Janet , Rates , Doing Business , Eddie Know , Frank Bred , Ground , Generations , Bbs , Barbers , Hate Parallel Parking , Refund , Count , Family Tradition , Perfume , Foot , Battery Power , Heavy , Lexus Es Didn T Begin In The Studio , Battery , Batteries , Steel , Rma Five , Ulcerative Colitis , Crohn S Disease , Mower , Relief , Injections , Dose , Xu Stelara , Treatment , Brain Condition , Inflammation , Tb , Sores , Skin Graft , Prcs , Remission , Cost Support Options , Laura Johnson And , Everything , Hospital , Marathon , First St , Jude , Home , Warranty , Systems , Kids , Repair , Appliances , American Home Shield , Don T Worry , Essential Stories , Macs , Mississippi , 15 , April 15 , Law Enforcement Officers , State Court , Torture , House , State Charges , Plea Agreement , Sexual Assault , Articles , Senate , Trial , Homeland Security , Impeachment , Secretary , Argument , Alejandro Mayorkas , Viewers , Final , Women S , Game , Television Audience , Iowa , Doublet Basketball Chain Championship , Nielsen , South Carolina , Ncaa , 4 Million , Fcc , Internet Plan , Size Nutrition Labels , Labels , Championship , Internet Providers , Sounds Strange , Defeating Purdue On Monday Night , Customers , Media Reporter , Media Analyst , Breakdown , Axios , Sara Fischer , Packaging Labels , Label , Nutrition , Cable , Box , Consumers , Internet Package , Bill , Throttling , Data Caps , Nutrition Label , Data , Problem , Costs , Pages , Fda , Cable Plans , At T , Verizon , Member , Companies , Channels , Packages , Data Throttling , Cap , Choice , Bundles , Internet , Agency , Telecom , Power , Cape , Types , Nutrition Labels , Fine Print , Idea , Transparency , Fine Print Broadband Providers , Somebody , Zara , Compromise , Work , Prime Minister , David Cameron , Trip , Meeting , War , Lawmakers , United Kingdom , Washington , Interests , Pit Stop , Clear , Mar A Lago , Law Cameron , Simon Frasier , Significance , Importance , New York Times , Politician , Whether , Meetings , Security , Wouldn T , Democracy , Lessons , Aggression , Adversaries , Allies , Around The World , Iran , Back Putin , Wants , Defense , Process , Peace Settlement , View , Discussions , Jobs , Putin , Navy , Donbass What , Crimea , America Rightly , Support , Role , Continent , Trajectory , Black Sea , End , Killing , Piece , Strength , Showing , Appeasement , Question , Weakness , Bravery , Battlefield , Economies , Morale , Ingenuity , Port , Nato , Points , Muscle , Soldiers , Terror , Fleet , Aircraft , 350000 , Gdp , 2014 , 2 , Second , Bullies , Has , Dictators , 2025 , Members , Finland , Sweden , 32 , Presidents , Europeans , Success , Defeat , Strong , Lesson , North Korea , Risks , Message , President Xi , Pacific , Fighting ,

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tomorrow. we run out of time. >> i'm >> casey had don't go anywhere. i see ane an a new central star right now >> the most draconian ban in the country that is what arizona's governor is saying about the abortion decision coming down from her states supreme court, the civil war era law. now back in effect. so what happens now lodyr zelensky'respse der to a repord peacplan from donald trump in you brain to see territorto russia what's zelenskyy? just told cnn? >> and the hottest item at costco right now not the famous $5 chicken, but gold bars, they're flying off the shelves. what's driving this new gold brush? i'm kate baldwin with john berman. >> sarah is out today this is cnn news central if the us supreme court decision overturning roe versus wade wiped out 50 years of precedent. the arizona supreme court just top that dusting off a relic, taking the state back to a civil war era abortion ban. abortion ban that is on pause for at least the next 40 teen days. as the appeals process plays out. but the law is so old, the arizona was not even a state when it was written 160 years ago. and remember, who've been weren't even allowed to vote at that time >> what this band >> says is there is only an exception to have an abortion when the life of the mother is in danger. no exceptions for rape or incest if the band is uphold in upheld in 14 days, it would join then 14 other states with similar measures, abortion rights was already a central election issue, as we've discussed and arizona a battleground state very clearly just raised the stakes now, democrats are moving on this quickly, hoping to further harness the voter backlash donald trump and other republicans have faced at the ballot box over there abortion stance in november, voters and 11 states could have initiatives securing abortion rights on the ballot, including in florida, for donald trump is not only registered to vote, but will also be campaigning today. cnn's alayna treene has much more on this and alayna before trump has to florida, he has to georgia. what are you hearing from those around donald trump aut this arizona ling? okay. it's pretty well markov bl, t ting this because just o day after he gave that statement and clarified that he beeves this should be left to the stes th abortion should be decided by vots in each state. this ona ng droppednd it really showed how democrats are ing to be us usi a strict abortion laws ste by state and blaming them on donald trump.nd i did speak with some of donald trump's advisers yesterday and they dended his position. they said, look, this leaning into. we believe that voters in each state suld have the right to decide their own abortions laws. but i think they also recognize the politics of this part of the reasone took this position was because he believed it was the most politically safe option. they recognize how vulnerable republicans are and president, former president trump specifically on this issue. and i think arizona is a great example. of how difficult it's going to continue to be for the former president to navigate this issue, despite coming out and saying, i'm seeding this to the states. now i do want to read for you a statement we got from trump campaign spokesperson. again defending his statement and his decision to punt this to the state. she said, quote president trump could not have been more clear. these are decisions for people of each state to make now, i do just want to also give you some sense of what he's doing this week and how it kind of ties into this abortion discussion. he is kicking off another series of fundraisers this week, as you mentioned, katie is heading to atlanta four fundraiser today. he also has another one back in florida this evening. he has another fundraiser this weekend in pennsylvania, and i think the thing that i found really interesting is part of some of the people who have been in donald trump's ear talking to him about abortion has been donors. he's been doing these fundraising hits i'm over. a multiple series of weeks. he's held many events over the past several weeks and as forgone, a lot of campaign stops to hold these big high-dollar fundraiser to try and close the money gap with president joe biden's campaign. but a lot of these donors as well, particularly those who have a ton of money, the ones that donald trump is currently courting are people who are more socially liberal but also fiscally conservative. and some of these people, i think i've been in his ear as well and appreciate the giving his position of handing this to the states. and so i think that's something to keep in mind as he continues to travel the country and continues to try and raise money see what, if any reaction we get from the former president. and when he went to using georgia and florida today, it's good to see you later. thank you so much. john looked the timing is extraordinary monday, donald trump says it should be left to the state's tuesday. the state supreme court in arizona says 1800s. this morning, president biden is calling the arizona ruling cruel, dangerous, and extreme. let's go to the white house. cnn's arlette saenz is there. what are the white house plans for the rest of the week on this or lead? >> well, john biden, camp biden's campaign advisers really believed that this ruling from arizona supreme court will simply amplify the abortion rights debate that they've been trying to push throughout the campaign that democrats have been hopeful that the issue of abortion will serve as a galvanizing force. it's for voters heading into november's election, and that is also now in play in a crucial battleground state like arizona, president biden was very quick to slam this decision yesterday, he released a statement saying, quote, millions of arizonans will soon live under an even more extreme and dangerous abortion ban, which failed to protect women even when they're health is at risk or in tragic cases of rape or incest, he added this ruling is a result of the extreme agenda of republican elected officials who are committed to ripping away women's freedoms. vice president harris, who has served as the key voice on issues relating to abortion, also condemned the ruling and specifically laid blame on former president donald trump. that is something that we expect. the campaign to continue to stress day in and day out, pointing to trump's appointment of supreme court justices who overturned roe v. wade. now harris, for her part, will be traveling to tucson, arizona right into the middle of this debate. on friday. and it comes as campaign advisers that i've spoken to throughout the past few months have had their eyes on arizona and abortion because there is a ballot initiative that was mentioned earlier that would protect the right to an abortion or restore the right to an abortion. there are efforts to try to get that on the ballot heading into november's election and campaign advisers have told me they believe that that could be an organizing force for their voters. and so that's one thing that they'll be pushing heading into this election, but it's clear that the biden campaign has placed a lot of emphasis in a strategy when it comes to pushing abortion rights at a time time where you've seen these state bands and you've seen former president donald trump taking credit for the overturning of roe v. wade >> all that president biden has made new comments about the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. what does he said? >> yeah, these really are noteworthy comments from president biden. he taped an interview with univision last week, where he offered some of his sharpest criticism, yet of israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu's strategy and campaign in gaza. now this interview was taped. it less than 48 hours after that israeli strike right on a world central kitchen convoy that killed seven aid workers and the president specifically was asked in this interview whether he believed that netanyahu was doing things taking the strategies in order to protect his own political future. this is what the president had to say i think what he's doing is a mistake. i don't agree with his approach. i think it's outrageous that those four three vehicles were hit by drones and taken out on a highway where it wasn't like it was along the shore. it wasn't like there was a convoy moving or cetera so i would i call it for is for the israelis to just call for a ceasefire allow for the next six, eight weeks. total access to all food and medicine going into the country these comments just really add to the sharpen criticism, increasing criticism that we've seen from president biden as >> he's taken issue with israel's campaign when it comes to the civilian death toll and also getting humanitarian aid into that war-torn enclave. it's really just the latest a fault line in the relationship between the two litres as the us has expressed their frustration, especially after that world central kitchen strike, that signs at the white house. luck. thank you very much, kate. >> ukraine's president, president's zelenskyy is speaking to cnn. why he now says he will don't listen to trump's ideas on how to end the war with russia. donald trump's former cfo, facing a second stint in prison. now he'll learn today how much time he's going to spend behind bars for life lying under oath and the white house setting new rules to protect the nation's drinking water from those so-called forever chemicals. >> we have dk day and >> night of space for stoma story with anderson cooper, the james webb telescope. are we alone >> followed by the two >> part finale of space shuttle columbia, the final flight sunday they starting at eight on cnn >> you know what's brilliant, boring. think about it boring is the unsung catalyst for bowl. what straps gold do a rocket and hurdles and into space >> or in gums? >> flooring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and startups start off because 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is in an economic conference in greece. he talked about a number of subjects including recent reports of a kind of peace plan from donald trump. were ukraine would see territory to russia in exchange for peace. are frederik pleitgen spoke to him, fred run down what he said hi there john and of course, all this comes with renewed russian missile attacks on ukrainian territory. in fact, this morning, the russians hitting the port town of the des, that after hitting the town of kharkiv with math massive missile barrage has over the past couple of days. so i did ask the ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy about the fact that he has now for the first time apparently said that if ukraine does not get new weapons package is from the united states with all of that still held up in congress, that ukraine could lose the war. here's what he said. >> we are at war and the enemies series. but let's be realistic and not passengers. let's be real >> now, the situation is stabilized once we have weapons and concretes, political steps from our partners, we will break put in backbone to volodymyr zelenskyy. they're saying that if ukraine does get those weapons from the us, they do have every chance to win. but one of the another said things that he also said is that ukraine needs a different quality of weapons. of course, one of the things that ukraine's have been talking about a saying they need longer distance weapons, like for instance, those atacms missiles more f6 teams that some of the us as partners are giving what the us has not yet said, that it will give volodymyr zelenskyy essentially saying, don't be afraid of russia, give ukraine the weapons it needs to win. >> i understand that this is not easy and everybody is thinking about oneself and we are grateful to all our partners but what we have now is not sufficient. >> if we >> want to truly prevail over put in, if nobody wants put into drag the war, the world into third world war. >> of course, john, one of the things that's also a big topic here is those reports of president trump but allegedly saying that he would force ukraine into a peace deal with russia that would force ukraine to cede territory to russia. i asked volodymyr zelenskyy about that as well. his answer was actually very careful listening first kind of four moles those signals >> were on certain media platforms i haven't heard that directly from trump he's ideas in detail >> i did not >> have an opportunity to discuss them with him and to discuss his ideas on how to end the war. if i have such opportunity, i will with pleasure listen to them and then we can discuss the topic. >> so as you can see, they're john that ukrainians right now under immense pressure on the front lines and nevertheless, the ukrainian president remaining determined as he had dressed the delphine economic forum here in greece, john harder, thanks to fred for that interesting how careful zelenskyy was when speaking about donald trump. a broken hearted family wants answers after a young man is killed in a hail of bullets, it all started because he was not wearing a seat belt we are standing by to learn the fate of six former police officers who pled guilty to torturing and assaulting a black man houston, you are go for the debris in >> this guy parents, husbands and wives gone if you work in spaceflight, this is the worst possible thing i can ever happen >> thousands of pieces of debris are now pieces to a puzzle. >> i should have that test on day one i wish i could've done something differently. what i can undo that, you can just make it better, are those that follow space shuttle columbia, the final flight, flight two part finale, sunday at nine on c cracked windshield. >> schedule would say flight and will come to you to fix it this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way and she could track us and see exactly when we derive a few moments. we came to her with service that fit her sketch he must be 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symptoms define me emerge as you with trump via most people saw 90% clear her skin. i for months and the majority stayed clearer at five years. >> cbs allergic reactions may occur, can fire, may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight that. tell you dr. having an infection or symptoms, or if you had a vaccine or plan to emerge as you emerge drum phi it. ask your doctor about trump via mark >> thank you. >> one aleve works all day. so i can keep working to take just one 12 hours of uninterrupted paint really flooring stream floor van hello fluorine. every step covered >> i'm arlette saenz at the white house. >> and this is cnn >> so the trump organizations x cfo is preparing now for another stint in prison and a few hours, alan weisselberg is expected to be sentenced to five months in jail. for lying under oath last month, weisselberg accepted a deal and pleaded guilty to perjury charges. this is all related to the federal civil fraud case that donald trump lost. weisselberg admitted to lying during to depositions when new york's attorney general asked about trump's new york apartment, and the apartment being overvalued cnn's katelyn polantz has much more on this. she's joining us now, so caitlin, but it is going to happen today >> well, this is a sentencing. so alan weisselberg will appear before a judge. this is the second time he has been through the court system like this. he pleaded guilty before to tax fraud charges and served 100 days in jail. this time i'm he had testified at the civil fraud trial against donald trump and his businesses about the inflated wealth or assets that donald trump and the trump organization had at that time. and also whenever the new york attorney general's office was investigating donald trump's worth for that civil case, that lawsuit that they brought against him he lied multiple times. he lied about how and when he knew the size of a triplex apartment that donald trump had the apartment, they were telling people was 30,000 square feet when in fact, he knew earlier that it was 10,000 square feet. so ultimately in this plea deal that he cut with prosecutors in manhattan, alan weisselberg admitted and pleaded guilty to two felony counts of perjury, lying twice depositions related to that triplex apartment depositions he did back in 2020. so he is going to go before the judge today. the prosecutors are recommending no more than five months in jail for him because he's quite old, 76. all of this doesn't put him in a position to testify at donald trump's upcoming hush money trial but it does turn the focus back to the man who was the top financial person at the trump organization for many years in a very precarious moment for the former president and his reputation as a businessman >> absolutely, caitlin, thank you so much. let's see how that plays out. today. >> it real life gold rush is happening, forget the dollar 50 hot dogs, why costco is selling out of gold? gold bars. >> and for the first time the >> epa is imposing limits on chemicals found in drinking water. >> we have more on that feeling >> from a backed up gut mere lax works naturally with the water in your body to help you go for your gut and your mood will follow for eight grams of fiber, tried mirror fiber gonna nice selling your home realtor lets you choose from multiple agent proposals. because when agents compete, you, win, don't all have to do that. >> not >> really trust the number one app real estate professionals trust, download the app. today, there's nothing better than a subway series foot-long except we add a new foot-long psychic, like you eat chicken and bacon ranch with $102 footlong churro is the best psaki i've ever had hurts my feelings >> every epic foot-long deserve the perfect sidekick file, 100% free with turbotax free edition. roughly 37% of taxpayers qualify form ten, 40 and limited credits only let's see how. it >> that's me >> do you wanna close out >> should i normally i'd 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totality. he was studying, among others, galapagos, tortoises. now in the eclipse of 2017, he observed that some of the tortoise is started inexplicably made it so we wanted to see what happened this time. would they do it literally again the professor sent me some of his preliminary observations from monday >> they >> did have six. he writes but not during the eclipse, that group of tortoises is rather amorous and prior to the eclipse, the female spread out around the enclosure and one one of the males basically made the rounds. he writes, i think the answer is that tortoise is just surprisingly mate very publicly and with literally zero discretion 2017, he writes, was probably an honest coincidence. however, the torres did do something else amazing. he says, as totality approach, one of the females went toward the barn where they lead in for the night, but write it totality all of them piled up to be let in and they pushed with such force some apparently literally rearing up. they jammed the door he writes that almost all of the animals they watched went into their evening routine during the eclipse, clamoring to get into their night holding areas, but none other than the tortoises did so with such determination as to cause a literal maintenance problem. so there you have it. sex, but not eclipse sex. and some aggressive door russia. this is very important. >> the fact that you continue to be able to do this with a straight face and expose our immaturity on this show. is fantastic. >> i felt that i owed the viewer is an explanation because we spent a lot of time on tortoise has having sex on monday? yes. and so i felt like people would want to know what happened, the definition of with bated breath. can we please put that wall up where i just want, you and this wall to be the enduring image of the show, which is a group of tortoises, is a rather amorous one. >> there are worse things to be called than an amorous tortoise. believe me. >> let's save that for the whereas break you guys should only here what we actually discuss. thank you. can we move on now? okay. >> here we go >> the eva is issuing new rules this morning. i >> can't john dirt and he did it again >> stop >> oh man, it's seven. all right. bpa >> has issued new rules, is warning to try and make drinking water safer in the united states, the goal is to reduce the amount of toxic forever chemicals found in tap water. a recent study found that nearly behalf of the nation's water has traces of these dangerous substances. let's bring in cnn's meg tirrell because i'm clearly losing it on this one save us all meg, remind us. one, what these forever chemicals are and do and what these new rules are going to, what impact are going to happen? >> yeah, kate, so p4's stands for per and polyfluoroalkyl alkyl substances, which is why we call them p fires. >> we >> also refer to them as forever chemicals because their chemical bonds are so strong in order to do the things we wanted them to do that they never essentially break down and they can persist both in the environment and in our bodies and accumulate over time. >> but these have >> been used since the 1940s for various things like non staining clothing, non-stick cookware, heat resistant items, things like that. and they're found in a lot of different products. teflon is one of the famous ones, but also food packaging. many other household items and they have been started to be phased out especially as their health risks have become more and more parents. studies have linked p50 is two different kinds of cancer too high cholesterol and obesity to immune issues, essentially making your immune system not even respond as well as well two vaccines and to develop mental issues as well. and so today the biden administration then the epa are finalizing a rule around setting limits for how high p4's levels can be in drinking water. essentially to almost not detectable levels. this is going to focus on six of these chemicals and they say that this will affect pfas exposure for about 100 million people in the united states they say because of the health effects here, they think this should prevent tens of thousands of illnesses and thousands of deaths, guys, it's a lot of i mean, we talk with reducing the exposure to 100 million people is huge and obviously significant. are they giving any estimation of how long before they think they'll see? the positive benefits of this >> yeah, so water systems have three years to complete the monitoring for pfas levels and they have to disclose the levels that they have if they do find levels higher than the limits they've got an additional two years to implement solutions. so we're talking about five years. there. the water authorities, in some cases this is our saying this is going to be incredibly expensive and too expensive to be able to do feasibly the biden administration also is implementing a $1,000,000,000 funding as part of this to try to help water authorities do this so there's a big hope that this can make a big difference as these chemicals are starting to get phased out. unfortunately, there's still and the environment around us folks have been saying we've got to do more. >> yeah. >> once do more very quickly. and for years it's good to see you, mike. thank you so much for bringing us up. jon pardi this morning, we have >> newly released body camera footage from a traffic stop that turned deadly. 96 shots fired and 41 seconds that is how chicago police officers responded after pulling over 26 year-old dexter reed for not wearing a seat belt. now, this is difficult to watch seen as omar jimenez has the details march 21, 2024, chicago police are initiating a traffic stop on a driver >> reportedly for not wearing a seat belt according to the civilian office of police accountability a traffic stop being conducted by five tactical officers. >> roll the window down what are you doing >> this will not rolled out one down to >> don't roll the window, don't >> roll quinoa >> do not roll the window light the >> doors to temperature quickly escalates. one officer puts what appears to be his gun on the windshield read, then fires first, hitting an officer in the forearm according to the initial investigation then chaos good >> reid goes down then three final gunshots 96 in total according to investigators, a gun was later recovered from the front seat of reed's car. porsche banks had just been on the phone with her brother in the minutes before it all happened then she turned on a police scanner at her shop, listening to the police token by fans, shots by a black can hear all the shy phone scanner like i can hear so many sides, so many sappho, many sides >> but didn't know that it >> was my brother. so dancer no. >> later on that might that those sides that i hurt and then emily lms going past my shop was my brother. was the most heartbreaking thing i've ever felt my life. >> one of the families attorneys argues this never should have happened in the first place. >> there was a weapon recovered in his car. >> however, it started with a unconstitutional pretextual and unnecessary stop of dexter reed and that's what precipitated the entire >> incident and questions remain over y tactical officers initiated a traffic stop for a supposed seat belt violation? as part of a brief statement, chicago police says this incident is still under investigation, but the stop is where it all began. >> if you don't stop my nephew, he'll be a lab today. >> reads uncle sitting alongside his father when this happened to my nephew i hope the police can understand that this is the same pain that they feel when an officer is killed in the line of duty. it's a >> pain that manifests in memories and pain that manifests in despair get that no well, i don't know what don't i just wish that i could tell hill well, but to see him gunned down, i never ever thought that it'd be whom i know thought that it would be hell i've never found that it would be so tough to watch our thanks to omar jimenez for that. >> kate and joining us now, a cnn senior law enforcement analyst, charles ramsey. he's a former philadelphia police commissioner. he also served in the chicago police department for nearly three decades it's good to see commissioner 96 rounds and 41 seconds. what does that mean >> well, i mean, it is a lot of shots fired, but you have four officers firing simultaneously. they're using semi-automatic weapons the average clip holds probably about 17 rounds and so it's not even though it's a lot of browns being fired, it's certainly understandable how many could be fired in that shorter period of time? >> and talk to me about omar laid out the bodycam video. you've seen you've seen it as well. what do you see in this encounter? what do you see in this incident? the preliminary investigation suggests that read opened fire on the officers first hitting an officer does that change this incident? what do you think >> well, i mean, i think it's important here, the way the family and the attorney and i certainly understand where they're coming from, but they're making it sound as if he was shot because he was not wearing a seat belt. he was shot because he shot at police officer. that's why it was shot. >> i >> mean, the stop was made and we can argue whether or not tactical officers should be making traffic stops for seat belts and things like that. >> but it would not have >> occurred had he not fired first and shot a police officer, period. i mean, so you can't shoot a kopan, not to get shot and return as just the way it is. and so i really understand what they're saying. this is going to be investigated by the state's attorney is going to be investigated by the civilian office of police accountability the final shots that were fired are the only ones and i saw the videos that gives me some concern those last three shots, in particular. >> now, >> even though the majority of shots were fired while he was in the car and they had very dark tenant windows. obviously, he wasn't incapacitated because he was able to get out of the car and get to the rear of the car. they believed he was still at armed. they continued to fire, >> now, the last three shots are the ones that will have to be scrutinized very, very closely. but having been in shootouts, if you will, before myself, your adrenaline is pumping and believed me it's a very, very tense situation and you know, when when you're firing that gun, you're trying to make sure that that individual there's no longer a threat to you so not to make excuses that does need to be looked at. i am concerned about the last three shots, but the use of deadly force in my opinion overall was justified in this case >> multiple agencies are investigating as you just mentioned, chief commissioner thank you so much for coming on as always. >> john right this morning if you are in the market for gold and based on what we hear, many of you who are be warned, prices just hit a record high. cnn's matt egan is here. what's going on >> john, listen, gold is having a moment right now. it is getting scooped up by everyone from central bankers in china to shoppers at costco. that is quite the range. gold prices of 14% so far this year up 11 of the last 12 days. look at those moving closer and closer to the $2,400 range. if you take a live louk gold prices right now, they're up another 0.2% again moving closer to $2,400,2 which would be the first time ever. so what's happening because this move is getting some attention on wall street, right? gold is a safe haven. so a spike like this could be looked at as potentially an ominous sign. there's a few factors you're won. >> gold is viewed as a >> hedge against inflation. we know prices have been going up consumer, consumer prices are slowing in terms of their growth, but there's still so much higher than before covid, rate cuts. the fed naibe cutting interest rates when that happens, sometimes that tends to boost gold prices. china is buying central bankers. they're, and other countries they're diversifying away from the dollar that is less lifting physical demand for gold. also, listen, these are scary times in gold is viewed as kind of a warheads during geopolitical fears, we have the, you can't recreate in russia war, the situation in the middle believes all of that is also boosting demand. and then there's fomo, fear of missing out to some extent, gold prices are going up because people see the price is going up and they know other people are buying suzi orman was on speaking to erin burnett last night. listen to what she said about why people are buying gold people always have this herd mentality and this fear of missing out happened with bid collides. that coin going up, it's going up it's going up. all i have to buy it. oh, goal. >> never even >> thought about gold before. now here you're in pascal and people are in line and they're running out of it and they're only let people byd five apiece and all of a sudden this frenzy starts and everybody wants to be a part of it >> susie also warned though, that the thing about gold is eventually you have to be able to sell it. you also have to figure out where to store it. you might want to get insurance so yes, go prices are going up, but her point was, no, it may not be for everyone right now. >> very >> interesting if you need me to hold onto some golden that though, i will do it if you that j. all right, download speed, upload speed data usage, extra router fee. you need to be a rocket science it is to understand your internet bills, but there was a new rule that should make them less confusing and hopefully save you some money >> money this morning brought to you by e trade for a morgan stanley, drain commission free today, we'd know account minimums this is pickleball is basically ten is for babies before adults, it should be called willful tennis >> yet hello, ban them like we 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five minutes before last, cnn's five things with kate bolduan streaming five days a week starting april 15 on macs >> this morning, six former mississippi law enforcement officers who pleaded guilty to the torture and sexual assault of two black men will be set in this in state court all six previously pleaded guilty to state charges as part of a plea agreement. last month, there were each sentenced on federal charges, new this morning house will delay sending impeachment articles against alejandro mayorkas to the senate until next week. senate republicans are trying to find more time to make the argument for a full trial has democrats there are expected to try to quickly dismiss the articles against the secretary of homeland security and for the first time in history, the women's ncaa doublet basketball chain championship game drew a larger television audience than the men's final, according to nielsen, over 4 million more viewers tuned in sunday to watch south carolina defeat iowa, then those who watched uconn when they're second consecutive championship by defeating purdue on monday night. >> okay, so try this one on for size nutrition labels for your internet plan. sounds strange, but that is exactly what the fcc is rolling out and trying to do today. new mandatory labels for internet providers. all designed to help customers see exactly what their plans offer and how the cost breakdown and hopefully so you can save some money. cnn media analyst and senior media reporter for axios, sara fischer is joining me now, this label we have it in the box next to it looks just like the packaging labels that we see, the nutrition labels we see on food packaging what is this all about, sarah >> kate you've tried to buy your cable before and they're always trying to upsell you. they want to add an internet package. they want to add maybe something with wireless. they want to add something with streaming. and i think consumers have felt frustrated that they pay a bill and then they don't know exactly what they're getting. a lot of times there's hidden these things like data caps or throttling, or you have to pay more for data. the fcc for the past seven years has been looking at this problem and saying, what can we do about it? and so they borrowed something from the pages over at the fda and they said we can make your nutrition label that's going to help people understand what all those hidden costs are. that way when they're valuating some of their cable plans, maybe they're looking in an at&t plan versus a verizon or comcast plan, it's much easier to see what they're actually paying for >> do you what do you think of this? do you think it's it really is going to help consumers? >> i do i think the hidden fees would become a bigger problem as we've moved into the digital era, member, a lot of these companies are now trying to package and streaming the trying to package in new channels and because we're using so much data, particularly for those who provide mobile packages. there's a lot of data throttling, meaning you have to hit a certain cap and then you're going and i get charged even more. so consumers don't understand what these hidden prices are. the hope is that if it's more transparent, you can make a better choice as a consumer. and by the way, cape, we have so many bundles in our life right now with the internet, right? think about all the different streaming bundles or whatever we actually are in a good position here because telecom is regulated by an agency the fcc that has the power to rule something like this out. q. imagine how much easier your life would be if we add nutrition labels for all the different types of bundles that we pay for in our life, we'd save a lot of money if >> that means i don't have to pretend like i'm reading that fine print that you end up just scrolling through and clicking agree. that's a fantastic idea. i love to meet the people that actually read that fine print broadband providers they were fighting against this. what is their concern >> i mean, their concern is that one, they obviously want to be able to upsell people, right? so no transparency that you're giving to people makes it harder for them to squeeze in little things where they can make more money but then two, they say packages can be very flexible people's data usage, for example, should be something that's flexible. somebody who's using a lot should be paying more than somebody who isn't. and trying to package everything into one nutrition label is rather reductive. but i think that there's a healthy compromise here and that their work through that ultimately, i think this is a huge win for consumers. i think people will save money. >> more transparency is definitely a win for consumers on this one, it's great to see you, zara, thank you so much. john. >> thank all right. >> the united kingdom's top diplomat, david cameron, is in washington this morning meeting with lawmakers to stress just how vital it is that the us supports ukraine in the war against russia. the trip comes after the former prime minister for maybe a pit stop at mar-a-lago to speak with former president donald trump cameron has made his position to the us clear, insisting that it is quite profoundly in your interests to pass aid to ukraine with me now is lord david cameron law cameron. thank you so much for being with us of your trip to see donald trump's simon frasier, the former head of britain's foreign office, told the new york times, quote, flattering trump about his importance and significance on this issue. ukraine is an astute move on. cameron's part. let's see whether delivers. >> so >> on ukraine, to what extent has it delivered >> but it's a private meetings, so i have to be careful what i say and also, i think foreign politician should always be careful about coming to the united states. your great democracy and telling you what to do. that's not what i'm doing. the point i'm making is that i think profoundly in britain's interest, but also america's interests that trump doesn't get to win in ukraine, that wouldn't just be bad for our european security. i think our adversaries around the world, whether it's iran or china or whoever would draw lessons that we don't stand by our allies and that there'll be risk of further aggression and further danger in our world and without saying what i spoke with about with donald trump, i mean, fundamentally, this year and you heard from zelenskyy this morning, there's a risk that ukraine will lose more ground to putin and no one wants to be in a situation in november where we could have acted, we could have helped. we could have beaten back putin. we could have started the process of getting ukraine when i'm getting a just peace, but we fail to do that. and the point i'd make two american viewers is 90%. what you spend helping ukraine with defense. that goes straight into american jobs and in my view, it also goes straight into american security. so at a very important point and that's why i'm here here and having these discussions today. >> how does the united kingdom feel about a possible peace settlement that would cede territory to putin, that he is wanting crimea and donbass what, first of all, ukrainians have been very brave. they've taken back 50% of the territory that putin sees. they've sunk 25% of his navy on the black sea. i think our role is to back ukraine, give them the weapons, give them the support. and europe is now doing more than twice as much as america rightly, so it's our continent, it's our risk, but we should do that, get ukraine on a winning trajectory, show that putin is losing and that it's up to the ukrainians to decide when to achieve that just peace. and i know everyone wants to see an end to the killing and an end to the war. but you only get that by backing ukraine by showing strength. piece comes through strength, not through appeasement and weakness >> because donald trump reportedly is floating a peace plan that would see territory for peace. that's why i was asking that specific question. is that something that should be discussed right now in your mind? >> i didn't think we should be discussing those things right now. we should be discussing how do we get ukraine back on the front foot. they've showed incredible bravery. they've showed that they can win against putin. they're not going to lose for lack of morale. they're not going to lose for lack of ingenuity on the battlefield. the only way they can lose is if we don't give them the port they deserve our economies together outrank russia's 25 to one putin has already paid a huge price for this terrible strategic error of invading ukraine is lost 350,000 soldiers. he's lost so much of his fleet is lost a huge amount of his aircraft. it's been massively costly to russia. a huge muscle they can nato has got stronger and one of the points i'm sure whether you're republican or democrat, you'd appreciate his back in 2014 when i was prime minister only three countries in nato, we're spending 2% of gdp on defense. it's now around 20. so europe is doing more and rightly so but europe and america sticking together and standing up against bullies and dictators. that's good for both of us. >> well, let's talk about for a second because donald trump has said he would tell russia to do whatever the hell they want to nato countries who did not spend enough on defense, given your record, given your supportive nato over the years you must be worried about what donald trump has said about nato >> but the point i would make is the nato of 2024, 2025 is different to the nato of 2014. we've now got sweden and finland to highly capable members who've joined were more united than ever before. and whereas it because three countries spending 2%, it's now around 20 out of the 32 members with many of the other members having plans and a lot of that is because of the pressure that success of american presidents quite rightly, i've put on europeans and said, come on guys, you got to spend more of your own money on your defense. that is happening. so whoever is president in after november this year, i want them to be in a position where they can see a strong and united nato that succeeding and a strong ukraine that is pushing back russia and capable of achieving that defeat for putin and adjust piece that will be so vital for america's national interests because of course, china is watching this iran is watching this north korea is watching this. even if you think china's are more important threat than russia. and right now, i think russia is the key threat that we face. but even if you think it's china, china will draw a lesson. if we can push back putin, deliver a win for ukraine, deliver a just peace show that nato is strong, show the united states is strong that will send the clearest possible message to president xi and to china not to take risks in the pacific. >> let me quickly ask about israel president biden just told univision about israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, quote, i think what he is doing is a mistake i don't agree with this approach. what do you think that netanyahu was doing? that is a mistake >> well, i think where i completely agree with president biden is we need a pause in the fighting and he has quite rightly pressing netanyahu as i've done many times, let's have a pause i sugge

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Shoppers , 2400 , 400 , Move , Spike , Attention , Wall Street , Safe Haven , 0 2 , 24002 , 4002 , Consumer , Terms , Consumer Prices , Factors , Sign , Inflation , Hedge , Rate Cuts , Growth , Covid , Countries , Demand , Dollar , Gold Prices , Interest Rates , Fed Naibe , Extent , Fear , Russia War , Fomo , Fears , Warheads , Herd Mentality , Erin Burnett Last Night , Suzi Orman , Coin , Bid Collides , Frenzy Starts , Apiece , Susie , Point , Speed , Go Prices , Insurance , J , Data Usage , Router Fee , Internet Bills , Rocket Science , Babies , Account Minimums , Pickleball , Morgan Stanley , Adults , Drain Commission , E Trade , Tennis , Retirement , College , Burn , Saving , Clinic , Doug , Ghostbusters , Duck , Save Hundreds , Moon , Buspar , Empire , Theaters , Cost , Janet , Rates , Doing Business , Eddie Know , Frank Bred , Ground , Generations , Bbs , Barbers , Hate Parallel Parking , Refund , Count , Family Tradition , Perfume , Foot , Battery Power , Heavy , Lexus Es Didn T Begin In The Studio , Battery , Batteries , Steel , Rma Five , Ulcerative Colitis , Crohn S Disease , Mower , Relief , Injections , Dose , Xu Stelara , Treatment , Brain Condition , Inflammation , Tb , Sores , Skin Graft , Prcs , Remission , Cost Support Options , Laura Johnson And , Everything , Hospital , Marathon , First St , Jude , Home , Warranty , Systems , Kids , Repair , Appliances , American Home Shield , Don T Worry , Essential Stories , Macs , Mississippi , 15 , April 15 , Law Enforcement Officers , State Court , Torture , House , State Charges , Plea Agreement , Sexual Assault , Articles , Senate , Trial , Homeland Security , Impeachment , Secretary , Argument , Alejandro Mayorkas , Viewers , Final , Women S , Game , Television Audience , Iowa , Doublet Basketball Chain Championship , Nielsen , South Carolina , Ncaa , 4 Million , Fcc , Internet Plan , Size Nutrition Labels , Labels , Championship , Internet Providers , Sounds Strange , Defeating Purdue On Monday Night , Customers , Media Reporter , Media Analyst , Breakdown , Axios , Sara Fischer , Packaging Labels , Label , Nutrition , Cable , Box , Consumers , Internet Package , Bill , Throttling , Data Caps , Nutrition Label , Data , Problem , Costs , Pages , Fda , Cable Plans , At T , Verizon , Member , Companies , Channels , Packages , Data Throttling , Cap , Choice , Bundles , Internet , Agency , Telecom , Power , Cape , Types , Nutrition Labels , Fine Print , Idea , Transparency , Fine Print Broadband Providers , Somebody , Zara , Compromise , Work , Prime Minister , David Cameron , Trip , Meeting , War , Lawmakers , United Kingdom , Washington , Interests , Pit Stop , Clear , Mar A Lago , Law Cameron , Simon Frasier , Significance , Importance , New York Times , Politician , Whether , Meetings , Security , Wouldn T , Democracy , Lessons , Aggression , Adversaries , Allies , Around The World , Iran , Back Putin , Wants , Defense , Process , Peace Settlement , View , Discussions , Jobs , Putin , Navy , Donbass What , Crimea , America Rightly , Support , Role , Continent , Trajectory , Black Sea , End , Killing , Piece , Strength , Showing , Appeasement , Question , Weakness , Bravery , Battlefield , Economies , Morale , Ingenuity , Port , Nato , Points , Muscle , Soldiers , Terror , Fleet , Aircraft , 350000 , Gdp , 2014 , 2 , Second , Bullies , Has , Dictators , 2025 , Members , Finland , Sweden , 32 , Presidents , Europeans , Success , Defeat , Strong , Lesson , North Korea , Risks , Message , President Xi , Pacific , Fighting ,

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