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hostages believed to be held in gas ga sa has gone up to 240. this comes as israeli troops and tanks push deeper into the gaza strip. the prime minister benjamin netanyahu is rejecting calls for a cease fire and refusing to halt the ground and air assault to wipe out hamas. >> calls for a cease fire are calls for israel to surrender to hamas, to surrender to terrorism, to surrender to barbarism. that will not happen. the bible says that there is a time for peace and a time for war. this is a time for war. >> the israeli military tells cnn special forces operation was able to rescue a hostage held in northern gaza. she is an idf soldier who was kidnapped during the october 7th terror attack. this is video of the emotional reunion, that's her with her grandmother. meanwhile on the ground in gaza, the idf says troops have been battling terrorist cells armed with machine guns and anti-tank missiles. >> israeli forces advance, hamas released a new hostage video of three israeli women, one of them begs netanyahu to secure their release. our jake tapper has been in contact with some of the family members and actually had an interview. we want to play that sound for you right now. >> these are the ones that have been kidnapped and the bottom right is -- >> so lena. >> on the hostage video. >> exactly. so let me just show you the pictures. yelena is the mother of the family. her husband was murdered. he was found ten days after this started on the outskirts of gaza. they were kidnapped together. but he was shot and killed. she was kidnapped with her mother irina. she is a doctor, pediatrician, a children's doctor. as far as we know the only doctor among the hostages. we're pretty sure if there are children around her, she's taking care of them. her son, yelena's son, sasha. he is an engineer, a very bright, jgenius-like, 27. and her girlfriend were staying on kibbutz. >> it was a holiday. >> we'll have more with jake and from that interview coming up. jake's interview was with a friend of yelena. joining me now is a cousin of danielle. quote, you promised to release us all and than began screaming now, now, now. obviously we're not showing the video at this point. clearly under duress because the women are hostages, it's unclear what the circumstances are under which the video was made. joining us now is yelena, has six relatives being held hostage by hamas. thank you for doing this. i can't fathom what this has been like for your family. you spoke at the united nations security council. this whole process, where are you right now seeing these videos, seeing some released, others deceased. what are you thinking? >> the whole experience is surreal. it's kind of the only way i've been able to describe it. it's a nightmare that we're living in. so, it's really hard to put it into words. >> when you see -- again, we aren't showing the video. obviously the israelis called it propaganda. we don't know the circumstances in which it was filmed. you see your cousin alive. the mixed emotions i can't imagine. >> on the one hand, right, there's like a level of relief to see her alive, to have that proof of life. but on the other hand, i can hear her desperation and i can see how unwell she looks and it's heart breaking to see her in this way and to hear her voice in this way, a voice that i loved so much. and to hear her cry out in such despe desperation, it's heart breaking. >> this is hard part as you watched the videos, we don't know her. we don't know her personally. we don't know her voice, how she looks, feels, acts on a daily basis. she sounded unwell. sounded of desperation. >> uh-huh. >> why? >> why does she sound -- >> no. why was that your take away from it? what did you see? >> i saw her crying out for help. what else can she do? my cousin is one of the strongest women i know. she's a single mother. she chose to have her baby on her own, emelia is somewhere in gaza as well. and in a way it's almost not surprising that they picked her. she's such a strong person. and i can see her pushing through to do whatever she can and they put her in this position to force her into this experience. and she's doing what she can to cry out for us to hear her and to be heard. we just want to bring her back. >> what have you heard from israeli officials, u.s. officials about where things stand right now. >> we're not receiving very much information. not from the u.s. at all to my family here in the u.s. and israel the idf checks in on my family there pretty regularly. as far as i know, but i think it's challenging to get any kind of information from them. >> last one, what do you want people to know about your family members? >> i want people to know that they're innocent. they're babies. i have 3-year-old twin cousins in there, 5-year-old amelia, my cousins, they're good people. they're good civilians. peace-loving, peace-wanting people. and they deserve to come home immediately. >> hearts and prayers are with you and your family. if there's anything you need going forward, please do let us know. alana, thank you. >> thank you so much. all right. let's go to jake tapper who is in tel aviv. jake, you just heard that interview. you did that remarkable interview yesterday. alana's plea is they deserve to come home immediately. what is the israeli government doing to do that, to accomplish that? >> reporter: well, there's a lot of -- there's a lot of friction right now between the families of the hostages and the israeli government right now. i mean, obviously when you have 240 hostages, you have 240 families and, you know, people all over the map politically, people all over the map in terms of emotions. but the individuals with whom i've spoken, a lot of them feel you know that the number one priority of the israeli government right now should be getting the hostages back. and everything else should be secondary, including going after hamas, including the ground incursion, including every -- any other consideration. and so there is a degree of frustration. i mean, there are questions about with whether or not hamas has offered any sort of prisoner exchange for the hamas individuals who are in israeli prisons. there is a question about whether or not the ground incursion is actually making it more difficult to get the kidnapped victims, the hostages out of gaza as opposed to whether it's making it more easy. there are some, of course, in the israeli government, in the idf, who argue that this force makes it easier to get them out. but, a lot of the families are concerned about that. so there's a lot of friction right now. i will say that the fact that four hostages have been returned and a fifth that israeli soldier on sunday was rescued by idf does give sop hope to the families. but there's just a lot of anxiety about the fact that these individuals remain in ho h hamas custody, likely in the tunnels. i will say also the fact that so many around the world are calling for a cease fire and not calling for the hostages to be released as their number one call is also quite distressing to many of the families, poppy. >> jake, for israeli officials, it seems like impossible balancing act of prioritize the hostages but also prioritize response to october 7th, the ground operation that's under way. prime minister benjamin netanyahu yesterday forcefully rejecting those calls for a cease fire. what's the sentiment with the officials behind the scenes about trying to establish that balance if it's even possible at all? >> well, look, the biden administration is very clearly behind the scenes pushing -- also not just behind the scenes but they're acknowledging trying to push the netanyahu government to allow more humanitarian aid into gaza. and they are also trying to get the americans, 5 to 600 of them that are trapped in gaza out. and jake sullivan, the national security adviser made it very clear that it is hamas that is preventing those 5 to 600 p palestinian americans around americans stuck in gaza that hamas is standing in their way. beyond that, the white house, the biden white house, has made it very clear that they do not support the calls for a cease fire that we are hearing from some quarters, including some democrats on capitol hill. and from world leaders, especially arab world leaders. and that they do think that that would give hamas both the netanyahu government and also the biden government think that a cease fire would give hamas time to regroup and the argument is that israel has every right to defend itself and that what happened on october 7th is very clearly the government of gaza and hamas is that, the government of gaza, sent into israel a force whether you call them freedom fighters or whether you call them terrorists. they sent in a force that killed 1400 individuals, most of them civilians, and that israel has a right to respond to that government. that's the view of the biden administration. that's the view of the netanyahu administration. >> yeah. they certainly sound very aligned on that. jake, thanks so much for joining us from tel aviv. we'll get back to you soon. and we are getting a closer look at what this ground operation looks like. next, cnn slis live right near e front lines. the glaring red flags that went under the radar of the maine mass shooter. stay with us. ♪ so this morning israel defense forces are ramping up their ground operation inside of gaza. overnight, israeli soldiers in tanks were seen pushing deep entire the gaza strip. this comes as prime minister benjamin netanyahu is rejecting calls for a cease fire, refusing to halt the ground and air assault on ha matches our jeremy diamond is live near the northern border with gaza in israel. jeremy, seems like day by day, last couple days they have been going in further and further. what are you seeing? >> reporter: yeah, they certainly have been. appears that israeli forces are approaching gaza city on several sides. they were spotted israeli tanks were spotted south of gaza city at a main junction at the entrance to that city. then they also appeared to be approaching from the north on two axis near the coastline and closer to where we are. behind me -- i believe we just heard the thud of artillery and a fresh plume of smoke in the background near some of the destroyed buildings in that northeastern most city here in gaza. now, the idf spokesman has been characterizing the fighting over the last several days as fierce battles between israeli troops and hamas militants, making clear that this will be a long battle and a costly battle, very much preparing the israeli public for what is to come, saying that this will require resilience on the part of the israeli public. the idf says that they have struck over 300 targets in just the last day. and as i said, they appear to be closing in on gaza city on several axis. as the prime minister benjamin netanyahu makes clear there is a time for war and a time for peace. he says now is a time for war, rejecting calls from other world leaders for a potential cease fire. and amid the news that israeli soldier was freed in an israeli ground operation over night, the previous day, making clear that he also believes that israeli ground operations also open up the possibility of freeing additional hostages, effectively rejecting the criticism that this israeli ground operation puts those hostages at risk, saying that it opens up the possibility to potentially free more and that it also ramps up the pressure on hamas, strengthening the israeli hand at the negotiating table. we know that those negotiations are still on going with qatar and the united states trying to mediate a potential deal to free some of those civilian hostages at least. phil, poppy? >> certainly we heard from our jake tapper how crucial it is to those families that releasing the hostages be the number one call. jeremy, thank you for the reporting right there on the border. there are new details coming to light on what police and the military knew about the maine shooter before he took the lives of 18 innocent people. also the cast of "friends" this morning speaking out after the sudden death of their co-star matthew perry. ♪ the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? great in my book! who are you? no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. ♪ law enforcement doesn't use the tools that are available to them, what -- how are people supposed to feel safe? >> you're reporting on reports -- >> no, it's my report -- >> excuse me. you're reporting on something that has not been finally determined. >> we know there's an alarming concern from the law enforcement community that activity and information here was ignored. and the simple answer is, why was that done? and are you concerned about that? >> i think those kinds of facts are yet to be determined. you're making assumptions. i'm not willing to make those assumptions. >> that was cnn's simon por cue mez they ignored red flags in the hours before. hours later, the sheriff's office confirmed his reporting, clarifying details they knew in the weeks and months before robert card killed 18 people at a bowling alley and a bar. almost six months agot they contacted the sheriff's office to report his mental health is, quote, in question. reporting he was hearing voices in his head saying derogatory things about him and recently picked up 10 to 15 handguns and rifles from his brother's house. officers shared those concerns. >> also after a medical evaluation in july, the army declared that he, quote, should not have a weapon and was, quote, nondeployable over concerns of his well being. he also spent 14 days over the summer at a psychiatric hospital. police visited card's home twice in september after his army unit reported, quote, card is having psychotic episodes where he's hearing voices insulting him, calling him a pedofile. andy mccabe is with us. those are the facts, by the way. the governor said what she said. but what was reported are the facts that were then verified by the sheriff's office. you also have the reporting from the army there. it's the people who have lost so much. i want you to listen to leroy walker sr., he is the father of joey, who was killed in the restaurant. he was on with us friday in just a heart breaking conversation. now here is what he says about all the signs that were missed. >> i think we have seen enough facts to know that they totally missed what this man was capable of doing. they should have removed this man's guns immediately. this man went rampant on people saying that he was going to do this and we still let him run around two, three months later. >> is he right? >> yeah, he's absolutely right. he's absolutely right. what we know so far, poppy, is unbelievably alarming series of, as you say facts, that indicate many people, from his family, to local law enforcement, to his supervisors in the army reserves, knew that he was suffering and knew that that suffering created a great danger tore people. what didn't happen here was proactive action that would have taken him away from those weapons. now, the complicating factor is it's also not 100% clear how they would have done that legally because we're talking about maine. and maine does not have a red flag law. so, you know, you look first to the psychiatric treatment that he received in july. well, the fbi has already told us that there was no entries in any of the systems, the background check systems, that would have prohibited him from purchasing additional weapons. that means even though he was treated in a facility, he was not adjudicated mental defective. there was no court that demanded that sort of treatment. maybe it wasn't an involuntary commitment. we really have to see the records to know that. but nevertheless, that's the first big miss. there's no record of an involuntary commit that time would have prohibited him from buying guns. and the second miss here is maine doesn't have a red flag law here. so in a state where a red flag law, back in may, when his family members went to law enforcement and said we're really worried about him. he's struggling and he has 10 to 15 guns, if there were a red flag law, they could have gone in front of a judge right away and removed those weapons. maine doesn't have that. they have a yellow flag law that requires he be taken into custody and evaluated. for whatever reason law enforcement did not do that. >> to that point, andy, yes, the yellow flag law has a couple manufacture steps including a law enforcement official having to sign i believe an affidavit, a medical professional as well. as you were noting, everything we know about what happened in this process seems to lead one to believe that those were acceptable or possible thresholds to clear in this case. and i think the question that i have is we have seen this play out so many times where this turns into a battle between agencies on whose fault it is, bureaucratic problems, things weren't into the system. i don't know that i have ever seen something so clear cut that shouldn't get spun away as agencies infighting or bureaucracy. this was a disastrous failure. >> no question. you are absolutely right. it was a failure that resulted in a disgusting massacre of violence. this is the worst one of these i have seen maybe since the south carolina church shooter. but, nevertheless, what we need here is for the authorities in maine to get together, pull these facts together, add to them the things that we don't know yet and be transparent about saying exactly what happened. there was failure here. no question. and now this community and these families have a right to know how this happened because it's important to know how it's not going to happen in the future. and until we have that level of transparency and accountability, i don't think you can have any faith that it won't happen again. >> yeah. it's such a valuable point. andy mccabe, we appreciate your expertise, as always. thank you. we do have some new details surrounding the death of "friends" star matthew perry. the los angeles fire department says firefighters found perry, quote, unconscious in a stand alone jacuzzi. bystander brought his head above the water and gotten him to the edge. firefighters removed him from the water when they arrived. a rapid medical assessment sadly revealed he was deceased prior to the first responders arrival. >> the cast of "friends" released a joinlt statement that reads in part, quote, we are all so utterly devastated by the death of matthew. we'll grieve and process this unfathomable loss. perry reflected the bond between cast mates and hbo "friends" reunion special in 2021. just watch. >> the best way that i could describe it is after the show was over at a party where any kind of social gathering, if one of us bumped into each other, that was it. that was the end of the night. you just -- >> sat with that person. >> sat with the person all night long. >> that's true. i remember that. >> and that was it. you apologized to the people you were were, but they had to understand, you had met somebody special to you and you were going to talk to that person for the rest of the night. >> someone special to you. the executive producer of "friends" kevin bright spoke with our colleague laura coates last night. >> it really was a family kind of situation. and i think, you know, for matthew, with all of his troubles over the years, i think this cast really, you know, supported him in a way that allowed him to be the comic genius that he was. >> she was such a gift on our tv screens but to so many people in need in those final years of his life. >> i feel the cast was home based. i love that. >> totally. back to the war, the death in gaza. the death toll mounting, many of those dead children. the ceo of a group dedicated to providing support to palestinian children is with us next. welcome back. the humanitarian crisis in gaza is deepening as israel continues its offensive in the gaza strip. and the war disproportionally impacting the children of gaza who make up more than half of the enclave's population. we do want to warn you some of the images you will see throughout this segment, they're very difficult to see but also very important to see. cnn obtained video from inside of gaza. it shows children killed during the war. their names written in arabic on their legs, just so they could be identified. it is a practice photographer who captured those images told cnn that has become much more common. according to gaza's health ministry is controlled by hamas, more than 3,000 children have been killed since this war began. the organization save the children says that number is higher than the annual number of children killed in conflict zones around the world. since 2019. with me now is the ceo and president of save the children. her organization has 25 staffers on the ground in gaza as we speak. good morning to you. >> hi. >> we know that israel has said, okay, more aid can come in. 100 trucks a day. it's about a fifth of what normally comes into gaza. is that aid getting to the kids? >> well, it's welcome that the number has gone up, for sure. is it going to be enough? we'll see. we need to now get it to kids. i would note, though, as long as we don't have fuel coming in, it's going to be difficult to actually get the distribution up and running in the way we normally do. >> talk about that because that has been the key sticking point. there have been some u.s. lawmakers, democrat chris murphy, told us on this show, you have to let fuel in. the position of the israeli government is, no. hamas takes the fuel, they say. we will not let it in. what happens if fuel is not allowed into gaza, to children. >> to children. so, our team in gaza, who are still safe and accounted for, are now essentially calculating how much supplies they can carry on their shoulders, on their backs, in order to get it to distribution centers, instead of -- normally of course, truck it. >> driving it. >> everywhere. fuel also doesn't -- if you don't have fuel, you don't have ambulances. you don't have incubators taking care of premature babies. you don't have dialysis machines. so a lot of things don't work without fuel. the bakeries supported by the world food program cannot make bread. so without fuel, a lot of that aid is great that the number of trucks has gone up, but a lot of that aid will not be as effective. >> i would love your reaction to something that president biden said a couple of days ago, because it is important to note that the palestinian health ministry, gaza health ministry is controlled by hamas, a terrorist organization. >> yes. >> they're the ones putting the numbers out about how many have been killed. here is what president biden said. >> i have no notion that palestinians are telling the truth about how many people are killed. i'm sure innocents have been killed and it's the price of waging a war. but i have no confidence in the number that the palestinians are using. >> do you have any thoughts on that, particularly when it comes to children? does your team have any count. >> look, we have 25 people there. they're trying to stay alive and they're trying to get supplies to children. i always think there's a million children in gaza. half of the population as you just said. all packed into an enormously small area. so the density is incredible. many times higher than in new york city. so, when you see the level of destruction and the damage that's done, you know, we know that thousands of innocent people, children and families, are being hurt. what the exact number is, we can't independently verify. nobody has been able to do that forever. but, whatever that number is, we think it's too high. >> too high. >> the number of kids that are dying and injured is way too high and we would like that number to not go up even further. >> and even the pain for the children who have not been physically injured, the mental toll, our colleague, cnn producer ibrahim is stuck in gaza with his children. and he told us that he and his wife are teaching their children how to cook and survive in case they die. >> uh-huh. >> these are little children. and one of the questions right now is israel doing everything it can to prevent these deaths. here is what john kirby from the white house told us is the u.s. assessment of that. here he was just yesterday. >> but israel is not deliberately trying to kill civilians. they're going after hamas. we want to make sure they do it in a cautious, careful, deliberate way but it is a not warning of israel to kill innocent civilians. >> cautious, careful, deliberate. is that what your teams are witnessing on the ground? >> i think it's very difficult to be cautious, careful and deliberate in such an incredibly, densely-packed urban area. i think inevitably children are going to bear the brunt of it as in every conflict around the world, children are bearing the brunt, but the numbers here are staggering. and disproportionate. >> people forget how young the population of gaza is. >> yeah. >> how can people help? >> how can people help? as always, fantastic if people could go to save the you can see how to help. there's updates there. stay informed. stay informed. if you feel compelled to give to any organization who helps in that area, also in israel, donate if you can, if you want. but also stay informed. talk to your legislatures about the need for a cease fire. about the need to stop the violence so that not more children die. >> thank you for being here but even more for the work you do for these kids. >> thank you so much. >> appreciate it. >> phil? the idf says there are over 240 hostages in gaza, several are americans. how the current israeli ground invasion complicates president biden's effort to recover those who are trapped. we'll speak with republican presidential hopeful chris christie in our 8:00 a.m. hour in our situation in gaza. stay with us. you're probably not easily persuaded to switch mobile providers for your business. but what if we told you it's possible that comcast business mobile can save you up to 75% a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers? have we piqued your interest? you can get two unlimited lines for just $30 each a month. there are no term contracts or line activation fees. and you can bring your own device. oh, and all on the most reliable 5g mobile network nationwide. wireless that works for you. it's not just possible. ♪ hamas is holding over 200 israeli hostages, including 33 children. every civilized nation should stand with israel and demanding that these hostages be freed immediately. >> israel's ground efforts continue. sources say the biden administration remains focus on trying to secure the release of hostages being held by hamas in gaza. >> sources are now telling cnn that the task is further complicated by that expansion of israel's ground operations into the territory. one senior u.s. official telling cnn on monday that they believe prospects of getting hostages out could be described as 50/50. white house officials have also been calling on israel to consider so-called humanitarian pauses to allow for civilians and hostages to exit gaza and for aid to get in, although both israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and the white house agree a complete cease fire is not on the table right now. >> joining us at the table, cnn senior global affairs analyst bianna golodryga. good morning. great to have you. there's a difference of view how best to get them out. netanyahu is basically saying no cease fire and by the way, us going in on the ground, you know, will give us more of a chance of getting them out. and then there's the other view that is you have to have a humanitarian pause and continuing these strikes and going in on the ground puts their lives and hostages lives more at risk here. >> yeah. >> where does this go? >> netanyahu is facing pressure from the families of the hostages and obviously international pressure to allow for at least some sort of pause. i don't think any western allies are seriously pushing him for a cease fire right now. even though we do hear that word used a lot and he was asked that directly yesterday at that press conference. but as far as the humanitarian pause, his argument was we have a safe passage, an area for civilians in the south of gaza. so, to quote him, not one civilian has to die as we know from our reporting it is very difficult on the ground there. so even those that have been able to go to the south are coming under a lot of strains. they're trying to get any aid and just moving a million people. >> filmed air strikes. >> right. >> and 90 strikes at the rafah crossing. >> right. it's a bit oversimplified that no one has to die and all you have to do is move south. that having been said, the prime minister spoke to history and said what did the united states do after 9/11 what did the united states do after pearl harbor, there wasn't a cease fire. the mission was to go after the terrorists that attacked us and his view a cease fire would only be a victory for hamas. that is why the israelis under pressure from the families of the hostages and internal israeli polling as well shows that there is a lot of concern about the fate of these hostages as this operation expands. we saw one soldier rescued yesterday. that was good news and reassuring. obviously you have over 200 other hostages that are spread throughout gaza. and so the focus the israelis say is not only the operation but the rescue. we'll see. >> the regional player that comes up in almost every conversation i have with u.s. officials or western diplomats is iran, obviously. for proxies because it spupport hamas. >> i asked him a lot. tough questions and the questions we want answers to i can't say that he was forthright in all of his responses. but, you know, we asked him specifically, first of all, he was here in new york speaking at the u.n. and a veiled threat against the united states if the u.s. helped israel in their expansion of their war into gaza. i asked them directly, this is going to happen. israel said that they are going after hamas. do you really think you can take on the u.s.? i don't know exactly which sound we have from him, but let's play and i can speak to it regardless. >> it's that. >> okay. >> did iran play any role direct or indirect in the october 7th hamas attack on israel? >> translator: no. what happened on 7th of october in the occupied territories of palestine, it was a decision that was made by the palestinians alone. and since the country was occupied, they thought it was a natural right to defend their own territories to carry out the operation. that was a totally palestinian operation. >> so of course their responses our hands are clean. this is a palestinian fight. we support the palestinian cause. he admitted and the u.s. treasury department said for years that iranians have been funding hamas and other terror groups including hezbollah. but, there had been some reporting now subsequently since the attack that showed there had been hamas fighters trained in iran specifically. there had been certain meetings that took place in the spring that led to people concluding that perhaps iran played more of a direct role in this attack, both u.s. and israeli intelligence have not made that link specifically to october 7th. but we know that there is a vast history here and the focus now will be what will iran do to increase any sort of attacks that we see since israel has expanded its operation and obviously that focus is on hezbollah. >> yeah. no question. very important interview. bianna golodryga, thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> so also a sharp uptick in anti-semitic attacks happening in america and around the world. the threats and fear specially right now w on colollege campup. thatat's next. ♪ brand new this morning, nevada man is under arrest after investigators say he sent threatening and anti-semitic voice messages to nevada senator jackie rosen. she is jewish and has been vocal about the war in israel sinsz it began and received messages saying, quote, we're going to finish what hitler start and you done chose evil. we're going to exterminate you. suspect anthony miller is charged with one count of threatening a federal official, this comes as senator rosen's colleague, majority leader chuck schumer is condemning a different anti-semitic incident at cornell in his home state of new york. >> the incident targeting cornell's jewish community is utter willy revolting. across the country, the ancient poison of anti-semitism has found new life. >> certainly has. here are some examples of that anti-semitism from just the past day in, atlanta, an anti-semitic slogan was projected on to an overpass. in california, a holocaust survivor's home was vandalized with hateful anti-semitic graffiti. in florida witnesses said five people in ski masks shouted kill the jews at worshippers leaving temple. >> we want to bring in -- bring back bianna golodryga now because this has been something that is obviously ancient poison certainly accurate but it's also been rising over the course of the last several years. we can see it in the anti-semitic events that have taken place that law enforcement talks about. what we have seen and particularly on college campuses the over the course of the last several weeks, i don't know if there's much precedent for it in recent history. >> i don't remember seeing anything like this. we surely didn't when we were on college campus. >> no. >> shame on these university heads and leadership at these schools from all over the country because we're seeing these images -- >> why, though? why are leaders, school presidents, school boards at these large universities afraid to speak unequivocally about things like that? >> i don't know. there are plenty of other issues they felt they can address head on and yet when it comes to the issue of anti-semitism, there's always this veiled, well, it's complicated. it's israel. it's zionism. no it's unadulterated anti-semitism. when you're speaking about hamas murdering not just israelis, they murdered jews. you have to say that outright, that is an issue that's affecting jews around the world and created a scenario -- we talked about it on this show and god bless the united states of america and i'm so happy to live in the u.s. as a jew, but to have conversations with family members, with friends, with loved ones, what are you doing? what are you talking to your college students about? it's unacceptable. are we kidding ourselves? in 2023, anything else we have looked forward as progressive citizens of the world that we haven't addressed head on and yet this is the one issue we keep coming back to that we have to be, you know, sort of equivocal about here and there's nothing to hold us back from standing up for the rights of jews, the rights of muslims, all minorities it's unacceptable to be saying death to jews, death to israelis, death to zionism, every morning there's a pit in my stomach waking up and seeing these headlines. >> never again. we have to remember what was october 7th. that was the biggest slaughter of jews since the holocaust in a single day. >> all of a sudden there wasn't a 24-hour period of mourning before it became victim blaming two sides to this story. no, it is not difficult for college campus leadership to come out and say what happened on october 7th was a massacre. it was unacceptable. we will do everything we can to protect our jewish students and muslim students and every other minorities on our campuses. >> thank you very much. and we do want to continue this conversation with ted deutsche, a former democratic congressman from florida. we just talked about the incident that was reported happening in florida and it's one of many. i would like your take on what our other colleague steven colinson writes in his kol thumb morning. the idea that jewish americans studying at cornell university could so fear for their lives on their ivy league campus in rural new york they couldn't eat together in 2023 seems almost impossible to believe. yet that is the reality for them right now. >> it's outrageous. it is -- it's terrifying. and most of all it's just unacceptable. you're exactly -- your columnist is exactly right. how is it that jewish lives don't seem to matter as much as others? cornell is one example. those threats are horrific to see. there's a reason that jewish students at cornell were so worried. look what's happening every place else? look at jewish students being barricaded into a library at cooper union. look at columbia professors justifying what happened on october 7th as a military action, the slaughter of 1,400 people, men, women, children, women raped, bodies desecrated, children burned alive. there's a problem on too many college campuses of trying to figure out if there's some way to thread a needle here that somehow maybe we don't have to talk about this horrific terror attack, that maybe we can help jewish students without coming full square behind them and saying tha

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