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Through this together. Together. I will say, though, you know, if you were elected to be the president , you would be the tallest president ever. Abe lincoln currently holds that title. He was 64. Youre 65, right . Thats right. How is the height advantage working out for you . Remember, the taller candidate won every general election for president but i think three times only, only three exceptions in the history of the republic. If you want to get rid of donald tru trump, choose the tallest candidate. Okay. Lets get right to our audience questions. We got a bunch for you tonight. I want to bring in jessica frisco, a specialist at a health care nonprofit here in new york. She was a Bernie Sanders d delegate to the 2016 democratic convention. Jessica . Hey, jessica. The divide in america is growing particularly between rural and urban communities. The problems and concerns of new yorkers are vastly different from people in other parts of the country. So as mayor of the biggest city in the country, how would you be a president for all americans . Jessica, its such an important question but i want to tell you, ive had a different experience out there. When i started my campaign, it was in Webster County and green county in iowa, rural counties, talking to farmers, talking to folks who lived in smaller towns, and the things they talked about were literally nearly identical to what i heard from my constituents here in the five boroughs because whats happening right now, if youre a working person in america, doesnt matter if you work a farm, in a factory, in a retail store, working people are hurting in this country. And america is not working for working people. Thats just the truth. And so the things that people need are all about investments in themselves and their communities. When i talk to folks all over the country, its health care, its making sure that their jobs pay enough and have good enough benefits. Its making sure theres opportunity for their kids. I really dont see the divide as much as i think its projected to all of us. I think theres a lot more commonality of feeling and interest. I actually think americans over the years have come to have a lot more in common and so i would argue to you what matters here is being able to speak to the hearts of americans about their reality, and so, you know, i say weve got to invest in people. Right now, i talk to folks all over this country including a lot of folks in rural america. They do not believe their communities are being invested in. They do not believe theres enough economic opportunity. They see schools consolidating. Hospitals closing. Mental Health Clinics clothing. Theyre losing the things they need. Theyd like to see investment. Whenever you talk about investment, we hear plenty of doubting toms, plenty of cynics who say theres not enough money, we cant afford that, we cant afford to invest in communities. What i say every time is theres plenty of money in this world and theres plenty of money in this country. Its just in the wrong hands. It should be in the hands of working people, and thats what we have to do and think thats a message, an idea that would unify rural folks and urban folks alike all over this country. Lets bring in xavier perez, he is a new York City Police officer and active in the bronx Democratic Party. Xavier says he currently supports senator Bernie Sanders. Compa compa how you doing . Good evening. If elected president youll become commander in chief of the most powerful military in the world. How condition we assure you will support our troops Mental Health and wellbeing when theres an evident lack of support of the men and women of the new York City Police department who have a higher than average suicide rate with nine suicides this year . Xavier, first of all thank you for the work you do. What we tried to do over the last six years is, in fact, to make this year after year the safest big city in america by supporting our Police Officers and the facts, the proof are there because you see what our officers have achieved working with communities. We created a neighborhood policing to bring officers and communities together. We added 2,000 officers to our police force so there would be more ability to back up our officers, get the job done, but when it comes to the Mental Health needs of our officers, the point youre raising is so important. We got to do a lot more for our officers, we got to do a lot more for those who serve us in the armed forces because right now in america we are not honest about Mental Health. Thats just a truth. My wife, charlaine, is here, trying to destigmatize Mental Health. One in five adult americans has a Mental Health challenge of one kind or another. This is throughout our whole society, but First Responders and our soldiers, face additional stresses and need additional help. The things were talking a inin right now, doing right now, making sure every Police Officer has someone they can turn to whos making Better Health insurance plans, do a better job allowing First Responders to get the therapy and Mental Health services they need. But this is part of a bigger reality. I just want to say this election may be the first election in American History where Mental Health is front and center as an issue. And thats a very good thing. We got to break that stigma once and for all. Because you know how many millions of people have not had the chance to get the care they need because theyve been told theres something wrong with them, that somehow its a character flaw if you have a Mental Health problem . Its not a character flaw. Its part of human life. So we need to break down the stigma. I tell you one other thing, if were really serious about getting Mental Health care to folks who need it all over this country, to our First Responders, our soldiers, to folks in rural areas, youre not going to have real Mental Health care in america without universal health care. Without medicare for all. That is what we need to make sure everyone gets the help they deserve. I want to ask you about your medicare for all idea in a moment. Take a seat with me for a moment so i can followup on that same now were the same height. Exactly. On a serious note, though, you talked about your personal story about your fathers death by suicide when you were 18. Youve talked about how he came back from world war ii and had physical and i motiemotional scd struggled with alcoholism and depression. When you were at home growing up. I just wonder how that experience in your family has impacted your view when it comes to Mental Health in america. Ana, it is very painful. I mean, i can feel like it was yesterday. That is the truth. My dad, i mean, he was a decorated war hero. He fought in the battle of okinawa. He volunteered after pearl harbor. It was in the whole war and he lost half a leg to a grenade on okinawa and the thing i saw growing up was the physical pain, the physical challenges, were bad enough. The emotional toll was even greater. And then we didnt call it ptsd. People didnt understand that what i remember seeing was this really good, honorable, man just falling apart, and he, you know, people some people tried to offer help. He didnt know how to accept it. And we didnt have a way of talking about it which is this is why its so important to just change our whole understanding that if you have a Mental Health challenge, theres nothing wrong with you, but thats not what people used to assume. So he just declined and declined and then he took his own life because he didnt feel there was any other choice. And so to me, i think its a reminder, first of all, dont judge anybody else. I was very angry as a young person. You can imagine. You know, your male role model, unfortunately, you know, going through so much trouble and falling apart, but now i know that there are so many millions of people facing their own struggle and too many of them facing it alone, and that means its on all of us to change that. Yes, its a subject for this conversation because we have to change our whole approach to health care in america, and we have to give Mental Health the same importance as physical health and we have to destigmatize and have to welcome people and especially our veterans who are still there are veterans being told they cannot have a job because they served in combat. Thats happening today in america. I want you to know, we passed a law in new york banning discrimination against any combat veteran because they were presumed to have ptsd. I cant think of anything worse than a combat veteran being turned away because they served their country and we need that kind of law all over this country. But the other thing id say is its it is all of our business as americans, and this is something, ana, i think could actually unit us because ive talked to plenty of republicans and plenty of independents who feel the same way as democrats. Its personal. Every family basically is affected by either Mental Health challenges or substance misuse challenges. Pretty much every American Family if one way or another. And if we all participate in bringing it out in the open and helping the people in our lives to get help, we could actually change this country, thats a mission that could actually unify us. Let me follow on something that xavier brought up, struggle with some of the Police Officers in the police department. Just this past week or two, we had a major event here in new york city. Everybody was anticipating what would be the outcome of the eric garner case. And we saw the Police Officer was fired. A man who was responsible in the death of eric garner. What do you tell people here in new york city as well as all around the country who followed that case closely and said why did it take five years for that consequence to be handed down . Yeah, ana, i want to speak to this, and everybody [ applause ] so the first thing to say is eric garner should not have died, and then the next thing to say is there can never be another eric garner in this city or any place else in this country. [ applause ] and it can be stopped. These tragedies were common and they still are. Weve all seen those horrible cell phone videos time and time again. It doesnt have to be that way. What we learned immediately after the tragedy of eric garner was we had to do pretty much everything differently. We retrained our entire police force. 36,000 men and women were retrained in deescalation. A situation literally like that one, people were shown how to step back, wait for reinfor reinforceme reinforcement, slow it down. Our officers have been trained in implicit bias because were all humans, we all have bias, but actually it can be identified and it can help nose who serve us to weed it out. That made a huge difference. Every officer now has a body camera which helps everyone to think about each situation carefully. And helps the truth to come out in the end. So a lot has changed here and it has to change everywhere and it actually has to be a federal imperative. A lot of Police Forces in this country dont have the resources or might feel in some way its too controversial, but there needs to be federal leadership that says deescalation training, implicit bias training, body cameras, every Police Officer in america should have those. Every single one. Thats how we end the tragedies. But to the question of the timing, theres Something Else we have to do, ana. Look, the United States department of justice in my youth, in my adulthood, was the Gold Standard for dealing with any case involving civil rights or police and community. The United States department of justice failed here miserably. Five years without even deciding they were going to act and telling the city of new york not to act, and i think we need a law in this country, federal law that says in these dynamics, there has to be a mandate that the Justice Department must act. It could be one year, two years, whatever standard we set, they must make a decision, they must act. And in the meantime, those of us in cities and states around the country, if the Justice Department is not going to act, were going to act without them and im sorry to say it, but were going to act what about lieutenant bannon . What about officer ramos . What about officer please. Other officers that please be respectful. Please be respectful. We have more audience questions to get to. [ applause ] please be respectful in the audience so we can get to all the questions that we have among those people who are here. I want to bring in our next questionnaire here with stephen dejesus, hes a student at Columbia University and currently supports beto orourke. Stephen, what is your question . Thank you for being here, mayor. I went to High School Just about 45 minutes away from marjorie sto Stoneman Douglas high school in parkland, florida and the days following the shooting i could sense the fear in my peers and teachers that such a thing could happen in our school so if you were president , how would you plan on implementing meaningful gun violence prevention policies to ensure no student and no educator has to fear for their life when theyre going to school . Yeah. So you understand that those students at parkland changed the entire way this country thinks. We have been told time and time again we could not defeat the nra. It became an article of faith that they had a stranglehold on washington and every state legislature and if there was any place where that was supposed to be true, it was florida. Those parkland students, i wish they never experienced that tragedy, but they took that tragedy and they turned it into action and they shamed those legislators in florida and actually achieved real change in the state where it wasnt supposed to be possible. How about we do the same thing in washington now . How about we, the American People, say enough with the nras dominance of the congress because a clear majority of americans want more extensive background checks. They want to close the gun show loophole. They want waiting periods. They want a ban on assault weapons. These things can actually happen. And its not only because theyre majority positions. Its also because Something Else is happening, and i also happen to run the nations Largest School system. 1. 1 million kids. When i started six years ago, we were not talking about active shooter drills in our schools. Id be at town Hall Meetings like this in neighborhoods in new york, people were not raising their hand and saying im concerned about active shooter situations. Bt i guarantee you right now in this city and all over this country, parents are sending their kids to school worried for the first time that an active shooter could show up in their childs classroom. You know, when some of us were growing up, we used to worry about if there was going to be a Nuclear Attack from russia. Thats not what kids today worry about. Day worry about someone from their own Community Walking in with an assault rifle. And thats not acceptable in this country. And the parents in this country dont find it acceptable and their voices are going to change things. So i guarantee you if ever theres been a employment for change, its this. One ingredient is missing. Its why were having this whole situation. President ial leadership. Not only should there be a president who honestly wants gun safety legislation in this country to conform with the will of the american majority and protect our kids, but id be a president who goes to every state where theres one of those recalcitrant senators. How about having a rally right in their backyard . Our current president loves his rallies for his own ego needs. How about a rally to actually protect our children in one of win this battle for gun safety legislation. Thank you, mayor. Well be right back with much more from cnns democratic president ial town hall with mayor bill de blasio. Stay with us. All Money Managers might seem the same, but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. Fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. Some only call when they have something to sell. Fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. And while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. 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And for a limited time. Buy any Samsung Galaxy note 10 and get one Samsung Galaxy note 10 for free. Thats right. Get one Samsung Galaxy note 10 for free. Welcome back to cnns democratic president ial town hall with new york city mayor bill de blasio. Lets get right back out to our audience. I want to bring in ratasha smith, a Communications Professional from new haven, connecticut. Hes an active member of the connecticut young democrats. Hello, mayor de blasio. How are you . How are you doing . So as a patriarch of a beautiful mixedrace family, your lived experience allows you to bring a unique perspective to government. As president , how will you improve Race Relations in america . All right. I think about this all the time. So, heres what i feel first of all as a human being. As an american. We dont know each other enough. We still dont know each other enough. And when i met charlaine, almost 28 years ago now. I like to tell the story, very quickly, when i saw charlaine for the very first time, the angels sang, i heard violins. Literally, i experienced Something Like love at first sight. And Charlaine Mccray experienced absolutely nothing. And it took weeks and weeks for her even to know my name, but here we are, so it worked out well. But i also learned along the way that we have a long way to go as a country to actually know each other, spend time with each other, understand each others history and i think it can be done. I have one personal example of going on a journey ander a r every single year feeling more sense of understanding and empathy and i think it was both ways. One of the things we need from a president , this sounds really basic but i think its true, is to send a message of unity to talk about how we are one nation, yes, we have different traditions and different histories and digit pafferent p but we actually can understand each other and have common cause. Ill tell you representing and leading the most diverse place on earth, im actually hope ffu because when i came into office, there were some very deep tensions that we had to address and they mirror some of the realities were facing all over this country right now. They were real tensions between police and some communities. There were tensions with our Muslim Community. There were so many things that had to be addressed with a different message and a different approach and im not saying its perfect here by any stretch, but i can tell you the social fabric is strong er. Participantly ly partly by send a message of respect and inclusion and were all in this together and by doing things that make a difference, we recognize, for example, in our Muslim Community their religious holidays, school holidays, just like we do christian and jewish holidays. That made a huge difference in that community. We listened to parents and grandparents who told us policies, policing policies like stop and frisk were divisive and corrosive and i want everyone to understand this, parents and grandparents who spent their lives bringing up children to be good, strong, young people, to have selfesteem, to have hope and then it got torn down little by little by a very negative, invasive, policing strategy, that was absolutely unnecessary. We got rid of that. And healing began and communication began between our police and community and that relationship is a lot stronger now. So president ial leadership or mayoral leadership, a voice that says we actually need to get this right and figure out how to address the pain and slowly but surely work our way through it, i actually think it works wonders. Actually people you know, im sure youve heard this all over this country, wherever i go, people dont like this pain were in right now. They dont like the division. They dont like the anger. This wasnt what we all signed up for. And its been unleashed and its not just donald trump, but it was aided and abetted and unleashed by donald trump. We had White Supremacy before, but its been put on a pedestal by donald trump and the vast majority of americans dont want that. They actually want a country for everyone again. So with the right leader, we can really take steps to get back there. I have faith that we can get there. I really do. All right. Let me bring in now judith cutchen, she is a registered nurse. Been doing this for 29 years and is an active member of the new york state nurses association. Judith, whats your question . Hi, mayor de blasio. The nurses of the new york city Public Hospitals are very proud of the quality of care we give every single patient fand for te fact that no one is turned away. Yes. We are really an example of medicare for all. Under President Trump we have been under constant threat of funding cuts. What efforts are you taking to ensure funding so this great public system can exist and grow for the more than 1 million new yorkers who count on it . Judith, i really want to say from the bottom of my heart, thank you for what you do. Its such important work. Its really tough work. Can we just say thank you to judith and all the nurses out there . [ applause ] and our Public Hospital system was struggling for a long time. It really was. And i got to tell you, with some support, with some investment, with some good new leadership, youre now part of a Public Health care system that has turned around, that is strong and solvent and moving forward and modernizing and you and your colleagues have done an outstanding job bringing it forward every single day. And one of the things were doing now thats the exact opposite, you know, donald trump has spent his last three years trying to take away health care from millions and millions of americans. I went the opposite direction. I said until washington finally acts, until we finally have a universal Health Care Policy in this country thats worthy of the American People, were going to do it ourself and you and your colleagues are in the vanguard because right now we are guaranteeing health care for any new yorker who does not have health insurance. Guaranteeing it. [ applause ] were saying very simply because we have these wonderful Public Hospitals and clinics, we are saying there should not be such a thing as a family that cant go to the doctor. Were giving people a health care card, were saying were going to assign you a primary care doctor, a Family Doctor in one of our Public Hospitals or clinics so you actually have so someplace to turn from the very beginning and get the care you need, and you know what, thats going to finally end a phenomenon thats true in every city and town in america. Its one of the great open secrets in this country. Millions and millions of americans only have one doctor and thats the emergency room. That is the worst place and the last place people should ever have to go for health care and its one of the most expensive places, and guess who pays for it, every single one of us. So were doing something very different. Were going to make sure people get health care from the beginning. Its actually going to save us a lot of money with folks not ending up in the emergency room, not ending up hospitalized because they got care when they needed it. And its a beginning of showing this country that thats the way of our future. There should not be such a thing as an american who doesnt have sentence or doesnt have health care. That should be a thing of the past. And, ana, we talked earlier about medicare for all. I just have to Say Something upfront. This idea that even in a lot of the Democratic Party debates, were sort of arguing over, you know, well, we could get a little better here or a little better there. Thats not what we should be talking about as americans. We should talk about how every american gets Quality Health care. Physical health care, Mental Health care. Quality health care when they need it. That should be the goal of this country. You still have to pay for it, though. You do. How will you pay for it . Okay. So, first, what we should do it pay for our federal government in general is repeal the trump tax cuts for the wealthy and the corporations. [ applause ] and i guarantee you a democratic president , a democratic senate, and thats gone, and we also put back something we should have never lost, which is tax deductibility for state and local taxes which was here for 100 years. We need that back as well. Thats good for so many people in this audience and all over this country. Now, another thing we do is recognize that our current Health Care System hemorrhages money to private insurance companies. This conversation, again, ana, weve heard this, should we eliminate private insurance . Im someone who believes private insurance has actually not helped us to get to universal coverage and has not helped people get a whole range of things. Forget about physical health care. Its hard enough to get the physical Health Care Coverage you need with a lot of private insurance. Mental health care is almost impossible to get and then if you really want private insuran continually i think if you say to the American People on how you pay for it, well have a system where you lose the premiums, no more premiums, no more dedouble deductibles. Whos been hit with deductibles by a ton of bricks . Hidden payment. Copays. Out of pocket expenses. This is the american reality. A huge amount of money. You still dont get the health care you need. Take away all of that, the universal system, even if you ask people to pay toward it, they end up paying less than what theyre paying right now. What theyre paying now is way too much and theyre not even getting the care they need. Thats how we can move forward and say, lets have a system thats universal. Well ask something of everyone, but well especially ask of the wealthy because the wealthy in this country for 40 years, the rich have gotten richer and paid less and less in taxes. Its time, and i have the most aggressive tax plan of any democrat you want to go 50 , 60 , even 70 . I do. Ill tell you something [ applause ] the tax level i talk about in my tax plan, by the way, please go to billde blasio. Com and see the tax plan. If you like it, chip in to help me get my message out going forward. That tax plan suggests we go back to the time of that radical socialist president , dwight d. Eisenhower. Who had a 70 tax rate on the wealthiest americans. In my plan, its 2 million and up. 70 . That was also the time in our history where we were investing the most in our people. Investing the most in our public schools. Investing the most in higher education, in science, in research, in infrastructure. The only reason this countrys even working today was because and 60s got us this far. 50s but theyre all running out. And the only way were able to afford the kinds of things that will make this country work for people is if we ask the wealthy to finally pay their fair share in taxes. By the way, a lot of independents agree with that and even a lot of everyday republicans agree with that. Youd find it to be much more popular than you might imagine if the democrat was the one saying, oh, no, its time for the wealthy to pay their fair share. Thats a message that can actually win an election. Okay. We got to squeeze in another break. When we come back, more from cnns democratic president ial town hall with mayor bill de blasio. 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Whoahoahoa 30 grams of protein, and one gram of sugar. Ensure max protein. A book that youre ready to share with the world . Get published now, call for your free publisher kit today welcome back to cnns democratic president ial town hall with new york city mayor bill de blasio. Now, of course, immigration is a top issue in this campaign. So lets bring in joy yang. A student at new york university. Joy, what is your more undocumented immigrants to come to the United States . Joy, im really glad you asked the question. A lot of people have it on their minds. So i want to start by describing what i think is our actual reality in this country that i think really honestly answers the question. You know, the president likes to talk about a, quote unquote, invasion, as fear mongering and it stirs people up and it is one of those things that reminds u yyo you, never has been an invasion, there is no invasion today. What there is is an american reality. 11 million, 12 million, human beings who are here in this country who are part of our communities, part of our economy, if you remove those 11 million or 12 million people, our economy will ground to a halt. And it didnt happen yesterday and it didnt happen five years ago. Its been going on for decades. So i think that this election might be the time to finally talk in an open, honest, way about whats happening in america. So once you say, okay, theres 11 million or 12 million people, they are not going to be deported. They should not be deported, in my view. I think thats wrong. I think thats inhumane. I think everyone should have to go through a process to become a citizen. I believe there should be comprehensive Immigration Reform with a pathway to citizenship, and i also believe there are some people, and theyre very small in number, who have committed offenses and been convicted of crimes that delegitimize their ability to be in the United States, but the vast, vast majority are people who are just working to make a living like generation after generation before them. What we should do is make sense of this american reality rather than try to curse the darkness, lets light a single candle. I say not only do we need that comprehensive Immigration Reform with a pathway to citizenship, we also need a Guest Worker Program to recognize a huge swath of america did not have enough people to do work thats need ee eed for our economy and could make sense of that with a Guest Worker Program and have an open and honest conversation but to actually get to the heart of joys question, we have to acknowledge the really horrible politics underlying this that for decades theres been an effort to demonize immigrants. Its been all about color. Remember, donald trump literally first day of his campaign attacked mexicanamericans. And described them as criminals, as an entire population. So this has always been about race and it should not be, but it has been. If we recognize that theres many, many people in this country who happen to be american citizens, many of them happen to be white, who they, themselves, are legitimately struggling, their american dr m dreams not working out, theyre economically challenged, the next generation is not doing as well as they hoped. They have a lot of debt, theres a lot of problems in their lives. Theyre frustrated. Theyve been told for year and years the immigrants did it to them. I want to be blunt about it, the immigrants didnt do that to you. Wall street did that to you. The big corporations did that to you. The guy in the kitchen or the guy in the fields didnt have the power to do that to you. Only those who had the power and the wealth could create an economy so unfair to working people and middle class people. So once we unmask that truth, and i think we should all speak that truth with energy, then we can answer the rest of the equatio equation. Why do i think its important to give health care to human beings who are part of our communities . Because theyre human beings. [ applause ] if you dont give them health care, theyll get sick, everyone else gets sick then they will seek health care, where, what we talked about before, in the emergency room, and guess whos going to pay for it, anyway . All of us. Why dont we stop this and help our fellow human beings who are part of our american reality. Okay, mayor. We have to take another break, but i want to get more questions in when we come back. Youre watching cnns democratic president ial town hall with mayor bill de blasio. Stay with us. [ music i am by club yoko plays ] boom goes the dynamite, feels like im taking flight. [sfx poof] [sfx squeaking eraser sound effect. ] i am who i wanna be who i wanna be who i wanna be. Im a strong individual feeling that power im so original, ya sing it louder. 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I said that it was our numberone geopolitical threat for a very simple reason. Russia is trying to undermine our democracy. Its trying to derail the american system of government. And literally trying to turn us against each other. I mean, you know, if you think back to the bad old day s of th soviet union, this is the kind of thing they would have loved, to get americans at each others throats divided by region, race, or ideology so america would start to crumble. Thats what theyre doing. Aided and abetted by the president of the United States. You couldnt make this up. There is, however, in our arsenal of tools, ana, we have a lot of power in this equation. Russia desperately wants to be recognized in the world as a global power. We have the abilit off from all those forms of recognition they crave like being in the g7. We have the ability to put economic sanctions on them that can truly undermine their economy which is still very vulnerable. Its never built up the way it could have and its very vulnerable. We have the ability to use our alliances to, well let me say it againing restore our alliances, particularly the european union, to cut off a lot of russias markets. Succeeded in charming or creating an alliance with trump but he has not succeeded in developing a healthy country and a Strong Economy and its fragile in so many ways but we need the United States of america to say to russia, stop your interference not only in the United States, stop your interference in the democracies of western europe or we will use every tool, the most powerful being the economic tool. The ones they fear the most. To stop them from ever being the successful economy they want to be. Lets get back to the audience. I want to bring in michael, a lawyer here in new york. Michael . Hey, michael. Mr. Mayor, you governed as the mayor with the city council from the same Political Party as you. If elected president , how are you going to get all of this key legislation Like Health Care and other things youve talked about through a senate that will likely be controlled by Mitch Mcconnell and republicans who dont necessarily agree they want those things passed . Thank you, michael. A very important question for me and for a lot of democrats, so i will tell you one of the things im proudest of is prek for all the children in new york city and that achievement happened because i was able to get the Republican State Senate then in our State Capitol to approve it as well, not because they intended to, not because they liked me, because we built so much say no to their constituents. Now, i think theres a little lesson there thats true on a whole host of issues. We talked about gun safety legislation earlier. Mental health. Theres a host of issues where there are american majorities for change and republican senators who are siding with Mitch Mcconnell are actually going against their own constituents. Whats missing in this equation . The leader of our Country Building those majorities up even stronger. As president , i would go, as i said, to these key states to fight for gun i fight for Early Childhood education. These are things the American People want. So i think using the bully pulpit of the presidency, organizing on the ground, which has never been done by a recent american president , but if you go back to roosevelt and others, they thought it was one of the key roles. Theres a lot of republican senators on top of a very slim majority. Theyre going to have to give, they have to hear the voice of the people energized and mobilized. The president of the United States should lead the way. Thank you. We will be right back with more from cnns democratic town hall with mayor bill de blasio. 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We are live from new york city for a cnn democratic president ial town hall with new york city mayor bill de blasio. One final question of this evening from matthew peterson, a lawsuit at new york university. Hi. I hope to have a democratic nominee who has the strength and humbleness to understand no one has a perfect political record and have at buithe ability to r there are shortcomings. Thank you. We all better be humble about who we are. I just want to say, anna, thank you to everyone here for this great conversation. Ask everyone, in you believe in the things im talking about, go to my website. Learn more and help me out so i can keep niethese messages on there. Its on the issue of homelessness. Its a challenge all over this country. Its been a challenge for decades. When i started, i put policies in place i thought would work. Ive been very open about this. Some of them went in the right direction. Some really didnt see we didnt see the reality well enough. I had to acknowledge that. A couple of years ago i came up with a new plan, entirely different approach, which is starting to bring down our shelter population, the street homeless. This is a challenge all over this country. Every one of white house aus wh, we have to know when we missed something. Have i have done 65 town halls with new york city. You gotta listen. Literally, every time im out with the people of my city, i hear something i didnt think of or an idea or critique. As president of the United States, i would want to do the same exact thing. Be able to say when theres something i tried and didnt work, but also remember to do the thing that often president s forget to do, keep going out to the people. Not for splashy rallies. For gatherings like this, to hear the voice of the people. The American People are good. They want to be unified again. They want to move our country forward together. Listening to their voices is the way to see the wisdom that we need to move forward. Thank you, everyone. Thank you. Thank you for coming into this conversation. Thank you to our studio audience for all the questions tonight. Tune in on wednesday, september 4, for an unprecedented event on the climate crisis. Cnn will hold back to back town halls with ten democratic president ial candidates. Thank you. The news continues next here on cnn. Same, but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. Fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. Some only call when they have something to sell. Fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. And while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. Fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. Maybe thats why most of our clients come from other Money Managers. Fisher investments. Clearly better money management. At tmobile, what can you get when you a buy a Samsung Galaxy note 10 . 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