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President trump. What should we expect . Reporter President Trump is announcing via twitter. Something we expected for a long time mcgahn will be leaving the white house in the weeks ahead, obviously the relationship between President Trump and don mcgahn has been at times complicated even contentious and there was another speed bump in the road in terms of their relationship just weeks ago when we learned earlier this month just how extensive mcgahn had cooperated with investigators on special counsel Robert Muellers probe. Its not sure President Trump knew at the time the extent of that cooperation. Mcdawns departure is generating strong reaction from conservatives, including Senate Judiciary chairman Chuck Grassley who tweeted moments ago, i hope its not true mcgahn is leaving the white House Counsel, you cant let that happen. In part, he was able to spearhead the nomination of dozens of conservative judicial appointments, including the two very popular conservative Supreme Court nominees, gorsuch, who was confirmed to the Supreme Court last year and obviously Brett Kavanaugh who mcgahn has been extensively involved in working with. We dont know who hess successor will be. Cnn is learning that emmett flood is a leading contender. Mcgahn will leave a big void in the white house in the eyes of conservatives. In part, may be why there is pushback. Sarah westwood, thank you for delivering that breaking news. Joining me now to discuss this, julie pace, an analyst and Michael Zeldon, cnn legal analyst and special assistant to Robert Mueller at the Justice Department, michael, first to you, in the mix of the russia investigation, we know don mcgahn has cooperated to a certain extent with special counsel Robert Mueller. What does his departure mean for the president s defense . Well, mcgahn has been recuse from the russia investigation. So hes got nothing to do with the daytoday oversight of the investigation. Thats emmet flood and jd maury raskins spibt. His role has been getting the judges confirmed. Grassley is upset because theyve had a Good Relationship aound. That in terms of russia, i dont think its any moment in terms of the judges, they have to find a new person to work with grassly and keep plowing through these judge appointments. Julie, that leads me to my question for you to michaels point, politically, what itself the impact of someone leak don mcgahn leaving the white house . Any time you have a senior official in a white house who leaves, there creates a little instable as the west wing sorts out who will replace them, if they will take that job in the wrong direction. To the point that sarah made earlier the impact is broader than that. He has been somebody in the west wing who conservatives on capitol hill have looked tworsd as someone who is essentially representing main stream conservetism in the west wing. We know trump is not particularly ideological, mcgahn is there, also the broader reshaping of the judiciary across the country that weve seen, its something that mitch mcconnell, Chuck Grassley has given the counsel credit for. He is tweeting directly to the president. He says, i hope its not true mcgahn is leaving white House Counsel, you, cant let this happen. It seems interesting, justly, that the Senate Judiciary chairman, who probably has the ability to calm the white house and talk to the president about this is using twitter as his means of communication, or maybe its not in in administration. This effect. You tweet to get your message through. I think it speaks to what has been for republicans the most express part, its not the tax law, its the remaking of the judiciary, Chuck Grassley has spent so many years on his career on. That he feels over the past 17, 18 months that has been a success for trump and don mcgahn at the center of that effort. So, michael, getting back to this point how cooperative dawn don mcgahn has been, help sat with them, his attorneys have been clear he has told the truth at every point, his goal wasnt necessarily to incriminate the president he was honest. Do you think that has any role with his decision to leave the white house right now . No i think the decision for him to leave the white house was foregone. He and the president repute to have a very strained relationship. Almost as strained as the president s relationship with sessions. I think the time has come for mcgahn to leave. I dont think its related to his cooperation with the white house, with the investigation of russia by the special counsel. I just think its the point in time where they will make a change. We will probably see the same thing with sessions. We may see the swaim others. This is sort of the twoyear mark. This is when things turn over. These guys work really long, hard hours at these government jobs and they, this is where they burn out, pretty much. Julia. This is not the only topic the president is tweeting about this morning. He is calling on theious tis department to investigate whether the chinese hacked into Hillary Clintons email server. Is this another clear indication that the president is trying to put this bias into the clinton email with this drum beat of criminal against attorney general sessions . Sure. I mean, hes trying to make the point that Jeff Sessions, he feels, is only investigating things or only leading the Justice Department that is investigating things that relate to his administration and he would like to see them switch gears here. What he misses, though, in these tweets, is that Jeff Sessions isnt recuse from simply investigations related to the trump campaign. Hes recuse from the 2016 broadly. So its not within Jeff Sessions perpurchaurview and t should have been no surprise that that would have had to have happened given his roam in the campaign. Its trump who seems to be the only one surprised that sessions had to have a recusal as election matters. Stay where you are. We have more breaking news, i want to get your take on. Sources tell cnn a second employee of the Trump Administration discussed a immunity deal with federal prosecutors. They charged Michael Cohen with eight counts last week. Erica has work on this, what can you tell us . Reporter so we learned last week that trump org, cfo Allen Weisselberg has been granted immunity in a Michael Cohen case. We know there was another employee who talked to prosecutors the employee was not granted immunity and wasnt called to testify before the grand jury. The court filings, though, show that prosecutors prosecutors say that there were multiple trump org executives or employees involved in what they called a reimbursement scheme to pay back Michael Cohen for the money he paid to women who had claims against rump. A Significant Development there. Erica, thank you very much. We are going to talk now to Michael Zeldon about this development. Michael, what could lead to an immunity deal like this falling apart, according to ericas reporting here . That they dont need the information that the individual needs to give. That if the person wants to talk voluntarily, they will take that but they wont immunize him. It also could be there is no underlying criminal behavior that needs an immunity deal either. We dont know. Either they received the information they wanted from others or theyre determined that this person didnt have information that was relevant to them or it means the person is still in jeopardy and theyre not going to immunize them. They will pursue them potentially as a criminal suggest subject of the investigation. We dont know the reporting is too early. This, of course, another person who works for the president s company that is at least negotiating with investigators son some of these key points. Does the president and the white house have to worry another person could flip . Sure. If the investigation here is the beginnings of our transparency into a broader Southern District of new York Financial Crimes Investigation against the trump organization, it is beyond the fec, cohen, Stormy Daniels payment issue we saw the other week. Then thats a bad sign for the trump organization. Because nobody wants their private books and records to be inquired of by the Internal Revenue service or the department of justice to determine whether or not there is a financial crime. We just dont know again if this is limited to the Stormy Daniels Karen Mcdougal payments, its not as scary if you will for the white house than if it is to the ginlings of a broader financial Crimes Investigation, in which case the white house should have more to worry about. According to ericas reporting this person not granted immunity did not testify in front of a grand jury. Does that mean that they didnt necessarily cooperate with prosecutors . Or is there still a chance they may have contributed to the investigation in some capacity . It could mean one of two things, either one as you just said, they could have cooperate without an immunity agreement. Witnesses do speak to prosecutors all the time. Immunity is sort of a rare occasion in the criminal justice system. Or it could be that they determined that this person is a target. Were not going to immunize them. They want to pursue them as a criminal defendant type of a relationship. And so we just dont know. We just dont know. Thank you for your perspective. We appreciate it, responding to this breaking news. Still to come the primary upset if florida that set up a showdown between a Bernie Sanders backed progressive and a trump loving republican, what it means for the midterms and beyond. Plus, soon, the First Services to begin to honor the life of senator john mccain as we learn new details about why mccain picked president obama not President Trump to be a part of his ceremonies. Stay with us. How can we say when you book direct at choicehotels. Com you always get the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed . Lets say it in a really low voice. Carl . Lowest price, guaranteed. Just stick with badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com does it look like im done . Yet . Shouldnt you be at work . [ mockingly ] shouldnt you be at work . Todd. Hold on. [ engine revs ] arcade game fist pump your real bikes all fixed. Man, you guys are good well, we are the numberone motorcycle insurer in the country. Wait. You have a real motorcycle . And real insurance, with 24hour customer support. Arcade game wipeout oh well. I retire as champion. Game hog champion. So have you ever wondered what would happen if Bernie Sanders faced off against donald trump . Well, will you get your chance coming up on election day because of the results that took place in nevada overnight. Thats where Andrew Gillum the mayor of tallahassee won the primary, setting down a showdown of an arch supporter of donald trump, that is congressman ron desantis. Gillum pulled off a stunning victory last night. Take a listen to what he had to say. All of the issue wes care so deeply about, whats beneath my name is the belief that we ought to pay teachers for doing what they are worth for the most difficult job on this earth. What is beneath my name is our belief that our Public Education system and our public tax dollars ought to be used for the Public Education system to educate in these off years. And mayor gillum will take on congressman ron desantis in november, desantis getting a big boost of President Trumps enforcement. Joining me, harry, first of all, from your view, could this be the first time that on a stage this big weve seen someone in the mold of donald trump facing off against someone in the mold of Bernie Sanders . Will you have this race in florida and just north in georgia you will have something similar with brian kevin going up against stacy abrams. We have a big test in the south. This is what the Bernie Sanders people said, if you run to the left. If you provide a true contrast with donald trump and have a personal back story. You can beat donald trump. Florida and georgia will test that theory. He is trying to type cast gillum, describing him as the biggest dream for the Desantis Campaign hes calling it. He calls him a failed socialist mayor. The last time the democrats won state wide in florida, there was a liberal africanamerican at the top of the tick by the name of barack obama. Is gillum more like Bernie Sanders or barack obama in. I think hes both. If you need in that state. You need heavy africanamerican turnout. Bernie sanders suffered from that. Hillary clinton was drawing huge africanAmerican Voters. Yes, gillum goes after the Democratic Base the progressive base. He is someone that appeals to arkin American Voters and young voters. Someone that can do all three can with inin florida. Florida may be different from georgia is a microcomes of the country. A decidedly purple state, goes back and forth. Conventional wisdom has been after a primary you get back to the center to appeal to those independent voters. Do you feel the case can be made he here, they will run up the base and their voters in their respective camps to win . Look, they have an won in the state of florida. Whatever they were doing nominating white moderate candidates wasnt working. Why not do something new . Its a good test case forbe 2020. Because if gillum is able do that in a Midterm Election and bring them out when they are more likely to vote in 20 when the 2020, if you are progressive and provide a true contrast. Can you win. That can potentially help them. That brings us to arizona, mcsally running against two trump like candidates, she is walking a fine line. Do you think she moves closer to the middle . Arizona is a red state. President trump won there. Look, Martha Mcsally is different than ron desantis. She has a much more moderate voting record. On the democratic side of the aisle, she has a mod cat record. So arizona is the complete opposite of florida. In arizona you have what we normally think is politics to when you go towards the center. In florida, we have a different test case. Thats if you ared a viegz Martha Mcsally, do you tell donald trump to come in or. I would probably keep advice, donald trump, can you stay, tweet some things out, ron desantis is a different story. His numbers are different. Expands on that, the president s numbers are firm in florida and close to his disapproval number, right . Exactly. You dont see that in the governors race, you see it in the race, rick cot is running strongly against bill nelson that fits this mold of the old white male more moderate. It will be interesting, if gillum wins, the progressive gays i base will have a bigger base. It can bolster Bernie Sanders. Coming up, the life of john mccain set to start moments from now. It comes as we learn new details, mccain asked his former rival, president obama to live his eulogy at his funeral. Thats next. This isnt just any moving day. This is moving day with the best inhome wifi experience and millions of wifi hotspots to help you stay connected. And this is moving day with Reliable Service appointments in a twohour window so youre up and running in no time. Show me decorating shows. This is staying connected with xfinity to make moving. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Stay connected while you move with the best wifi experience and twohour appointment windows. Click, call or visit a store today. I learned that serving a cause greater than yourself hurts. Anybody in the military can tell you the risk you take. He couldnt put his jacket on. He couldnt comb his hair. Because he got hurt serving a cause greater than his self. So to those who are striving as a young person, remember john mccain. He famed a lot but he never quit. And the reason we are talking about him today and the reason im crying is because he was successful if spite of his failure failures. An emotional senator Lindsey Graham there, honoring the life of his great friends and colleague senator john mccain. Heros sendoff on what would have been his 82nd birthday. His body is due to arrive at the cal building, where he will lie in state today, long lines of mourners are expected following a private ceremony in the rotunda, the state beginning a five day farewell to the decorated war hero and six term senator. Joining me now to discuss the life of senator mccain, democratic senator jack reed of rhode island. Hes the Ranking Member on the Arm Services Committee, which senator mccain chaired up until his death. You also spoke on the floor of the senate to pay tribute toion mccain. You are obviously a democrat. Hes a republican. You are army. Hes navy the two of you were able Work Together on the Arm Services Committee for many years. What do you want americans to know about john mccain . John mccain is an extraordinary american hero, who dedicated his life to this country,ed a an aviator, his terrible experience in vietnam as a prisoner then as a congressman and a senator. He did it selflessly. He did it with sacrifice and great compassion and ultimately because he understood the potential and the decency of all americans. He wanted to summon that decency and potential and use it to the next generation. Wonderful man. You traveled to vietnam together in 2014 to mark the end of the war, what can you tell me about that trip . It was for me a memorable trip to be in hanoi and to be actually in the hanoi hilton, where john was held and to have him talk about it, very candidly, but with some emotion, was just memorable him it showed to me the courage he had. I dont think that frankly i could have endured what he endured. I think very few people kouchld then to come back and what was really remarkable, not to be bitter, not to be dismissive, in fact, john was one of the key brokers of the recognition of the vietnam by the United States we were there celebrating the 20th i was in of our recognize of vietnam and the 40th anniversary of the ends of the war. So it was remarkable to hear that punishment and do so without regret but to be constructive and positive was remarkable. So many stories about the grace of john mccain, no doubt about that. Jeff zeleny was reporting senator mccain asked them to eulogize him. They were surprised the former president s, they were political rivals at one point they didnt necessarily have Close Relationships with either of them franchise your perspective, what does this tell you from john mccain these were the people he chose to mark speeches to mark the end of his life . I think it shows, first of all, his profound sense of bipartisanship, this country is not composed of republicans and democrats, its composed of americans who have to come toke and find a sense forward. Also an innate sense of decency, i recall in the campaign in 2008, there was a remarkable moment at a town meeting a woman stood up and asailed then president obama in very pejorative terms, senator mccain could have shrugged it off. He went out of his way to say, no, maam, this gentleman is an american. I disagree with him on our issues, but i were him. Et cetera. That type of decency is rare any place and john mccain demonstrated it every day. Now, of course, Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell said on the senate floor this weekend, he will be putting together a Bipartisan Group to calm what he is describeb as a gang for ways to memorialize senator mccain. Chuck schumer said he should rename the russell building to the John Mccain Office senate building. Do you think thats a good idea . I would support it as a tribute to john mccain, in no way as a slight to senator russell, as a tribute to senator mccain. Were talking about a historic figure of Great Proportions a war hero, a committed many earn who served in the house and senate whose just sheer courage and example should inspire generations. So i think as a positive aspect, not a negative one, this would be an appropriate and fitting ribt. One of the things snore mcconnell suggested is renaming the hearing room in honor of senator mccain. Its not as if that name would be used as frequently to remain an entire Office Building . Do you think it is a grander jegesture than renaming a heari room . Again, they could be multiple venues designated. Not just here in the capitol, but in washington. Again, i cant think of someone in my generation who has been so remarkably dedicated to the country and served so heroically. This is something we should carefully and consider a very appropriate memorial to this gentleman. All right. Senator jack reed, served with senator mccain on the Senate Armed Services committee, both military men, thank you so much for sharing your memories of your friend. Coming up, it is now one of the deadliest hurricanes in american history. Officials in presume reviseing hurn Hurricane Marias death toll to nearly 3,000 people. Not just 64. That story when we come back. [burke] at farmers, weve seen almost everything so we know how to cover almost anything. Even vengeful vermin. Not so cute when theyre angry. And we covered it. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum i love you, basement bathroom of solitude, but sometimes you stink. Febreze air effects doesnt just mask, it cleans away odors. Because the things you love can stink. Can make you feel unstoppable. But mania, such as unusual changes in your mood, activity or energy levels, can leave you on shaky ground. 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Number one sleep doctor recommended remfresh your nightly sleep companion. Nearly a year after Hurricane Maria, puerto rico has a big revision on how many people died in that devastating storm the official count has been changed from just 64 to now nearly 3,000 after an independent study. Thats making it one of the deadliest hurricanes in the United States history. For months, cnn and other Media Outlets raised questions after several independent researchers estimated a substantially higher number. San juan mayor cruz blamed the Trump Administration for the ne get. Shame on President Trump for not even once, not even yesterday, just saying, look i grieve with the people of puerto rico. Shame on him. What is there to be proud of . 1 contractor 975 dead. Is that what hes proud of . Joining me now, Democratic Congress woman from new york. It seems that mayor cruz is blaming the Trump Administration at least in part for the loss of life, which now rivals the number of people lost on 9 11. Do you agree with her assessment . I do. The fact of the matter is there were 64 direct deaths related to Hurricane Maria. When President Trump went to puerto rico, he praised himself and his administration because only 16 people died and that shaped and hampered the type of response that we got, failed system and deployment to puerto rico. So it is indisputable that thousands of people died because of the disastrously inadequate failure response. Two days after Hurricane Maria hit puerto rico, i held a press conference in washington, d. C. And i begged the president to rush to send federal assets, to deploy these federal assets. They didnt. I told and i warned him, this is gentleman to become your katrina. Indeed, it is his katrina. And lets remind people what the president had to say about his governments response to maria back in okay. Take a listen. Mr. President , between one and ten you would you grade the white house response to the disaster so far . Id say it was a ten. Okay of last year, obviously the death toll tant we didnt know the full number was. Now, given the news this official count has been closer to 3,000. His White House Press secretary told cnn quote the president remains proud of the federal family undertook to help our fellow citizens in puerto rico. Congress woman, you have family that still live there. How would the people of puerto rico respond to that response from the white house . They are angry. They are disappointed. They are really angry. They feel that this president and this administration cannot handle the truth. The truth is they failed the people of puerto rico. They failed american citizens in puerto rico. Now we need to hold accountable the fair response. We need to get Republican Leadership in congress to say that they are going to conduct an investigation to hold hearings, so that we come to the bottom of what happened and how and why did we provide is up a poor response. I would guess thats the next stage of this. What are the tangible reforms that can take place so this doesnt happen again. Thats one of the things you called for a 9 11style commission to investigate this. You talked in general investigating how these death tolls are calculated, which is clearly a problem here. You are clearly passionate about this. Are you getting any response about drafting this time of legislation and pushing it through . No i have Kamala Harris, senator Kamala Harris who introduced campaign bills in the senate. Yes, we havent heard from the Republican Leadership him shame on them. They owe to the victims and to the families of those who lost loved ones because of this event in puerto rico. I wonder, do you think its because Puerto Ricans are american, right . This is a part of the occupation, do you feel that Puerto Ricans are under represented in congress and there isnt the same level of need to take care of those citizens as there are in other parts of the country . No, what happened is, who is the president of the United States . He lacks the empathy. He was too busy dealing with athletes, sending tweets that week instead of convening his entire cabinet and assessing how difficult and how bad the situation was in puerto rico him when hurricane hugo hit puerto rico i was working for the government of puerto rico. We got a great response. The fact of the matter is the president of the occupation was a no show. Thank you. We appreciate it. Thank you for having me. Coming up, the u. S. And canada are working to sort out a new trade deal after President Trump makes progress and replacing parts of nafta. Well have details next. Olay ultra moisture body wash gives skin the moisture it needs and keeps it there longer with lockin Moisture Technology skin is petal smooth after all, a cleansers just a cleanser unless its olay. The difference you feel is a night. And day. You fall asleep cooler. Stay asleep longer. And wake up feeling better than ever. 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There is never any cost to you. Senior living has never been better, and theres never been an easier way to get great advice. Call today. A place for mom you know your family, we know senior living. Together well make the right choice. Canada is hoping it wont be left out in the cold as President Trump tinkers with nafta. On monday, the president announced a deal with mexico that it would change parts of the north American Free trade agreement. Trump saying, quote, nafta has a bad connotation. He is now trying to work something out with our northern neighbor. Allison kosic is leave at the New York Stock Exchange with more details. What is getting in the way with this deal with canada . Reporter just like with any negotiation, there are sticking points. Two of the bigger sticking points we are seeing happen between canada, the u. S. And mexico is, canada, of course, is looking to ploek its dairy market. Tis roping to keep a mechanism for it to settle its disputes in a supply chain if that would come up. What washington is interested in is how these are unfolding. Walk is keeping an eye on washington, d. C. Today. Canada really feeling the pressure because its up against a deadline a friday deadline of signing on the dotted line or letting a Bilateral Agreement between u. S. And mexico stand. The big question is, will canada sign on within enough time. Analysts are putting odds that canada will agree at odds slightly better it is word of these negotiations and the Bilateral Agreement that propelled stocks to fresh record highs. As we see today, stocks are up again in the green. The dow up 80 points. The s p 500 and the nasdaq are seeing levels that we havent ever seen before. So what this is doing, ryan, these negotiations into sort of putting wall streets mind to rest because there was a lot of uncertainty going to, and that is one thing that the markets dont like. They dont like uncertainty. Well talk about all of this when i anchor the markets now segment, a streaming segment on cnn money in one hour at 12 45. Its not on tv. Go to cnn money now. I will be tuned in. Thank you so much. Appreciate that. Thanks for being on. President trump announcing the departure of a key figure in the west wing. White House Counsel don mcgahn. At least one republican, a top republican, calling on the president to stop it from happening. Well have the details ahead. Let your perfect drive come together during the final days of the lincoln summer invitation event get 0 apr on select 2018 lincoln models plus one thousand dollars bonus cash. At priceline, to save you money. Ways like mixing and matching airlines to get lower prices on flights. Oh, thats how i saved on my trip oh, for your wedding . no, my exboyfriends wedding, hes confused. Jason mix and match airlines to save more. Jimmys gotten used to his whole room smelling like sweaty odors. 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I had an alumni walk up to me and he said im not going to shake your hand. I want to know why youre here and why you decided to ruin my school. I know that there were some people who did not react well to the change. And my response to this was, wait and see. You will be proud of the women who become graduates of vmi. Joining me is one of those graduates, kelly sullivan. Shes a graduate of the first coed class of cadets at vmi. Thank you for joining me. You were a pioneer at vmi, as the film lays out. In many ways, so was Justice Ginsburg. What does it take to be the first at something . I imagine that is a difficult task. Yeah, it absolutely is. And vmi is a tough school on your best day. And to couple that with being in the first female class of women at vmi, it was a very, very difficult experience. But for the most part, we knew that we were going to encounter some resistance when we got to the school from not only the alumni but the corps of cadets. And when youre in a situation like that, you dont know how to react. And the best thing to do is to take it day by day. Thats exactly what all of the women did. We just heard Justice Ginsburg respond to critics about the decision in the vmi case. She said 20 years ago, and she reiterated her point then that youll be proud of the women who graduate from vmi. There have been a number of women that have graduated from vmi since you first entered there. Do you think she was proven right . Oh, i think so. And i think the institute is very proud of its female graduates, as it is of its male graduates. We have women that are leading business, practicing medicine, law, politics and rising through the military ranks. We have women very successful in all areas of life. And i know the institute is proud of them, and im proud of the women that were able to stand by my side and the women that have graduated since because its an extremely unique school. Its a very tough school. And when you come out of vmi, you are just imbued with a different level of discipline, respect and honor. Was that part of your decision to want to go to vmi initially when you made that decision was that you couldnt get an education like that anywhere else and thats why it was important for women like you to to have that opportunity . Yes, absolutely. Thats what Justice Ginsburg calls out in the majority opinion. She said there is no other educational experience like vmi, and that is so true. It has a very strict academic curriculum. The military system is extremely rigid. And physically, its very demanding on a cadet. So, yeah, absolutely. Its not like any other experience. Its not like the service academies. Its not like its Sister School the citadel. Its unique in and of itself. And the people that graduate from vmi are a different breed of individuals. They come out of vmi with a stronger sense of selfawareness, selfworth and confidence. And quickly, you did get the chance to meet Justice Ginsburg when she spoke at vmi. What was that meeting like . It was extremely overwhelming for me. I got choked up in a couple of parts of the discussion. She is a very slight woman, very delicate, but dont be fooled. Shes extremely intimidating to have moved the Womens Movement forward the way that she has and fight for equality. Its just an incredible feeling to be in her presence. So i was able to thank her for giving me an opportunity that i wouldnt have had anywhere else, and for putting me in a position to live a pretty beautiful life. Kelly sullivan, thank you for joining us. We appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you for joining me. Inside politics with dana bash starts right now. Welcome to inside politics. Im dana bash. John king is off. The primary race that trumps them all, a stunner in florida. A Bernie Sandersbacked africanamerican mayor is the democrats surprise nominee for governor set to take on the republican who came from behind to win his primary thanks to an endorsement from the president. In another shakeup in the trump legal team. The president confirming whats been rumored for

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