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Good option. Each option brings its own risk. We can cross our fingers, we can hope, if everything goes well we can be out tomorrow, if not, the day after. If the weather goes bad, we might actually have to live in there for four months. From tomorrow to four months from now. Mother nature is not on their side. Joining me now to set the stage, correspondent Jonathan Miller has been at the scene for all of this. Jonathan, the new video coming in is really incredible seeing those boys, the coach, inside the cave. How are they doing right now . Well, the only evidence weve got is what we actually see in those videos. They tried to put a Communications Link in yesterday, a telephone. But there was some problem with it and it hasnt been established yet. So the boys havent even managed to speak to their moms and dads yet. The moms and dads have been watching this video as well and reading into it all the stuff that we try to read into it as well. They gave that tradition aal th greeting. Very courteous, they smiled and cracked a few jokes. They seem to be in pretty good shape considering theyve been underground in this cavern, without food, in pitch blackness for nine days before they were found. So not doing too bad under the circumstances but they must be as anxious as everyone else up here about whats to happen next. Absolutely. Any details on what youre hearing, what they did during those nine days in pitch blackness before they were found . In a word no. For the same reason, we havent really had the chance to sort of get any sense of debrief from them. I guess theyre very resilient. Theyre fit soccer players. They have obviously got great camarader camaraderie. I met one of the teachers from their stool, chool, an english teacher. In the classroom, if one child needs help, they all help out. There a he a real sense of this in thailand. We learned from an interview from one of my colleagues, anna, she heard from this diver that one of the children heard the noise of roosters crowing outside. Now if that is the case, it is possible that there might be a way to get them out through the cave chamber up on to the Mountain Ridge above. That could be a far less risky way of extracting them. Absolutely. But, youre kind of where everything is staged and where all the supplies are coming in and a lot of preparation work is happening, where youve been able to be. Do you know yet how they eventually make the call, when is the right time to bring the kids out and how . I mean its a decision from hell. I mean i really dont envy the poo emwho have people who have to make that call. Essentially the window is closing, and it is a weather window. When the monsoon rains here, it rains. It is torrential. That cave system will totally flood. Theyve been managing to pump out a lot of water. Theyve got 120 million liters of water out and water levels have significantly dropped which means that it is easier to take them out. Theyre still going to have to dive through these narrow passageways. Thats going to be very tough for kids who cant even swim, let alone use scuba gear. When they decide . I dont know but it has to be pretty soon. Jonathan, thank you so much. Really appreciate your eyes and ears on the ground there. The mystery continues. The questions mount. But thank god theyre alive still. Lets get a closer look at what the rescuers are up against right now. Reporter lets look at the mountain and cave to see what the challenges are. This is where the young people went in. They traveled more than a mile through winding trails and now they are more than a halfmile deep. We dont have any good maps to show us the interior of the cave, but lets take a hypothetical Cross Section of a cave to show you why they cant get out and why the rescue is so complicated. If the kids went in down here. And theyre climbing up and down, making their way through the kafb a cave and finally wind up down here, what happened is the floodwaters came in behind them and made portions of this cave impassable. We dont know how many areas are like that, how big they are. Long as a house . A football field . Longer . We dont know. But we do know rescuers are having a hard time getting from here to there. If they want to bring the boys back out that way, there are big challenges. One of them, many of these boys are unable to swim. Now, yes, a diver could simply grab a kid and drag him back through the water but the kid would still have to survive the whole time breathing on scuba gear which could be very unsettling, especially this water is very murky. There are currents and trapped passageways to go through. All of that together could easily lead to panic which could present a threat to both the rescuer around the young men being rescued. What are the alternatives . Well, these people could do what folks did in chile in 2010, they could try to drill through the side of the mountain to reach the kids who are roughly at the same depth at the miners were back then. But, remember, that took three different drill holes before one broke through and more than two months before these happy reunion scenes occurred. What else could they do . They could try to move the kids to a higher ledge inside the cave, a little bit safer. They could bring them supplies and try to wait out all the water. But that is even a longer process. Monsoon season has just started and it could go on for months. Kate . Tom foreman, thank you so much. Joining me for more perspective, a cave rescue expert, National Coordinator for the u. S. Cave rescue commission. Thanks so much for coming in. Youre quite welcome. So, what do you make of the challenges ahead for these teams to get the boys and their coach out . Well, obviously, weve been discussing the three primary options, and none of them are equally bad theyre all equally bad, none of them are equally good. So the Decision Making process i think one of you are earlier guests said, the decision from hell, its very true. Because the weather and the ability of the boys to handle the potential for scuba diving, all these things come into play. And as a professional rescuer, i trust the people who are on the ground and under the ground to make the best decision that they can make at the time based on the conditions that theyre dealing with. One of the things that i like to point out is that, in res chcuee do a lot of contingency planning, trying to plan for every possible contingency. If they decide to shelter in place, continuing to try to train them to utilize the scuba equipment and to be comfortable with it and familiar with it gives them options in the future. It also helps the kids have a hand in their own rescue. It gives them a psychological boost. Yeah, that is fascinating. Let me play for you how one of the divers involved in the effort described it to me last night. We dive caves every day. We do exploration. We wouldnt dive a cave like at all. It is only done when it is dry and safe. Diving this cave is a mt. Everest of cave diving, having to lay fixed lines for 1 1 2 miles in the cave, then the hardest job of all, connect the live line with the kids. Just reinforces once against how terrifying this whole thing sounds. What does it sound like to you . Thats exactly what i was picturing when the first divers broke through in there. I know the reputations of the diver teams that are there. I know how hard the navy s. E. A. L. Divers for the thailand government have trained. And i trust their judgment when they say that this was an incredibly difficult operation. And it continues to be an incredibly difficult dive, even with the dive lines laid. It is not a simple process, and every single trip that they go in and out carries risk for the rescuers. Thats a great point. What is the biggest risk, do you think, trying to get the boys out . If the decision is made that it needs to be done through a dive . The decision to make that dive is going to be based on what the diver masters feel that if they are ready or not. If they feel that they are ready, the risk is a lot lower. But of course, in any situation like that, when you are in a bodysized passage and youre breathing through equipment, if anything were to happen to that equipment, it may be difficult or impossible to fix it in time before you can no longer breathe. Also, if they panic in there panic is incredibly likely, especially if they have to do an evacuation very quickly before the boys have had sufficient amount of training. If they have to do that evacuation because the where they are might flood completely, then it is a very, very high risk. And that panic itself will kill somebody because they will not be able to move, they may lose their air supply, they may damage the equipment. Given the risks of everything youve laid out terraining wi with, the fact that some of the boys cant swim, do you think waiting it out for four months then becomes the safest option at this point . Well, again, in cave rescue we say it always depends on the situation. In this case if they are able to shelter them in place, in place thats safe in the cave from rising water due to the increasing rains, then sheltering is probably the better option. If they are in a place in the cave thats not safe and cannot be brought to a safer place in the cave, then the risk of the dive is a better option. A point that i leike to make, ad keep pointing out, is that whatever decision gets made, these are some of the best people in the world making these decisions. And its really not up for us to secondguess the decisions that theyre making simply because we dont have the information that they do. And they are under incredible amount of pressure because now the entire world is watching them. So theyre under a microscope. If there is anything but a perfect outcome, their decision process will be secondguessed at every single step. And it is really not fair to them to put them under that amount of stress because then, in turns, it puts rescuers at risk trying to do the separation. Making the best call they can in just incredibly impossible circumstances. When that diver said the mt. Everest of cave dives, just kind of blew me away for people who never thought about attempting such a thing. Thank you for coming in. Coming up for us inching forward to the Tipping Point. Thats a white house official on embattled epa chief scott pruitt. So after a dozen allegations of ethical misconduct, what finally got the president s attention . Plus, denied entry and denied answers. Why a republican congressman with a turned away from the migrant detention facility. Hes my guest. Man it takes a lot of work to run this business, but i really love it. Im on the move all day long, and sometimes i dont eat the way i should. So i drink boost to get the nutrition im missing. Boost high protein now has 33 more protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals. And it has a guaranteed great taste. Man boost gives me everything i need to be up for doing what i love. Boost high protein. Be up for it. I couldnt catch my breath. It was the last song of the night. It felt like my heart was skipping beats. They said i had afib. Whats afib . I knew that meant i was at a greater risk of stroke. I needed answers. My doctor and i chose xarelto® to help keep me protected from a stroke. Oncedaily xarelto®, a latestgeneration blood thinner significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. 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Reporter they are saying they are troublesome and they are looking at these reports, but they also said that months ago. Whats different now . We also have reports now that earlier in the spring scott pruitt went in the oval office, met with trump and proposed this plan of firing Jeff Sessions and putting him, scott pruitt, in charge at doj, at least temporarily under the vacancies reform act, for about 200 days or so. Then he told the president he would go back to oklahoma and run for office. Aides quickly shut down this idea explaining to the president why it wouldnt be a good idea. But it goes to show how the president s been willing to overlook the number of ethics scandals against scott pruitt, because in the months after that meeting, the president weighed quite openly replacing Jeff Sessions with scott pruitt, to his aides and advisors, and nose that he speaks with. Thats going on but the white house says they are looking at these latest reports that continue to come out by the day. They say they are troublesome, even the president has acknowledged what the bad optics are. Kate, it does raise the question, where is the Tipping Point for scott pruitt . A Senior Administration official says sprucott pruitt is getting closer and closer to that, but it raises the question if they do anything and what scandal it with be that causes them to do something about scott pruitt. Its kind of just a wait and see. Thanks so much. Lets decide what the Tipping Point is right now. Steve cortez, a cnn political commentator and Trump Trump Campaign advisor. Steve, you are the only two people working, it seems, in the last 24 hours. It is great to see you again. Now topping a list of things facing scott pruitt is a leak about a private conversation that he had with the president. Hes asked to fire sessions and let him take over as ag for a time. Does nothing else, the fact that this leaked out, does this now spell trouble for pruitt . I think it does. I hope he didnt leak it. Who knows who did. But, unfortunately, i think director pruitt has to go. He is acting like the swamp. I think that we ran exactly against this kind of behavior, the things hes done, sweetheart deals with lobbyists, trying to curry financial favors for his wife, putting on aides responsibilities that should be on him, lavish trips. All the things hes doing, i think, unfortunately just reek of the swamp. You have to be cleaner than clean on these issues when you run against the swamp. Hes not. Hes become an unnecessary distraction so he has it to go. What do you think of this scenario he came up with, fire sessions, ill be ag for a time, then ill be out of here. Whats his idea of a graceful exit. I do actually like that idea. There is lawyer in the cabinet. They dont have to go through confirmation and they can take over sessions job, temporarily. Because quite frankly, i do want sessions out as well, but i dont want him replaced as pruitt. To me, pruitt or sessions is like being asked, you want to be punched or kicked . Id like neither. Sessions and pruitt both into ed to go. Sessions has been totally inadequa inadequate. Sessions has been ethically honorab honorable, just terrible at his job. Pruitt is the exact opposite. I think hes incredible at epa, done incredible things on policy. It is really a shame he hasnt avoided these personal corruption pitfalls that he continues to fall into. Hes been great at making the epa sensible again because the Administrative State thats been built up over decades in this country used the epa paas a wean against growth and small business. You were cabinet secretary to president. We know now the head of the epa was sighing fire the other guy so i can take over. Whats the next Cabinet Meeting going to be like . These Cabinet Meetings have already taken a surreal quality. Theres something ironic about a person being investigated at least 14 different ways wanting to be the chief Law Enforcement officer of the United States. But what i think might be actually leading to this Tipping Point in the administration right now for pruitt that weve now gone from impore conduroper spending and first class travel, to potentially illegal contact, retaliating against whistle blowers, helping his wife get a job, doctoring his schedule to hide people hes meeting with. These allegations arent coming from career civil servants. They are coming from his chief of staff, his former deputy chief of staff, and they are being investigated by the House Oversight committee in a bipartisan way. One of the few bipartisan investigations. All of these things suggest that things are going to get much, much worse for scott pruitt. But that also maybe thats the answer to my question though, chris, which was whats the difference between allegation 14 and allegation 4 against scott pruitt at this point . He survived this long, what is it thats inching him towards the exits . Theres also the irony, which is this is actually helpful to democrats. Look, we dont like Scott Pruitts policies, but the truth of the matter is, he is such a great message point in the midterm elections about the culture of corruption. Every one of his policy ideas becomes colored through all of these scandals. You and steve are in agreement on that. Well, and it is exactly right. The irony is that there is a number two at epa who is a former coal lobbyist who would likely continue all of Scott Pruitts policies without all of the scandals. So ironically, the president s trying to stay strong by sticking by pruitt is actually detrimental to his policy agenda. Steve, i want to play for you i spoke with a mother who confronted scott pruitt at a restaurant. Spoke with her last night. Heres how she responded to what Sarah Sanders had said which is that no matter what you think, people essentially saying people should be able to eat in peace. Listen to what she said. We pay these administrators bills via taxes. They are our employees. Their josh is to serve the public. If theyre doing their job properly, if they want to be doing their job effectively, then they should want to hear from us. And hear i am, telling him how i feel. Thats exactly how it should go. If they dont want to be called out in public, then they shouldnt make decisions that harm the rest of us. Steve, is she right . I think she is, actually, yes. If you make yourself a public figure, particularly when you are paid by the public, i think you have to be ready to interact with the public. But interact in a respectful way, which that woman did and i commend her for that. She she made her point but did so respectfully. Thats very different from happened to Sarah Sanders, kirstjen nielsen. There you really have mob intimidation. Thats what maxine waters, by the way, called for. Thats a very, very different story. But respectfully disagreeing with public figures . Yes, thats part of the game. Im not the level of cabinet secretary but i get complete strangers coming up to me usually with negative comments about my defense of President Trump. But i made myself a public figure, my choice, and thats part of the deal. Great to see you both. Chris, steve, not angry on this fourth of july. Just firing fireworks right at the camera, steve says. Thats right. Great to see you both. I really appreciate it. Some serious allegations now and a vee mea vehement denial. Gop congressman jim jordan denies allegations he turned a blind eye to sexual abuse while a wrestling coach at Ohio State University years ago. Telling politico overnight, its not true. I never knew of any type of abuse. If i did, i would have done something about it. He goes on to say, if there are people that are abused, then thats terrible and we want justice to happen. Cnns jean casarez joins me now with more detail. Jordan says hes never been contacted by investigating about this. But investigators, investigating all of these accusations against the doctor at ohio state, they Say Something different. Exactly. Independent counsel, the attorneys, have told cnn that they actually reached out via email and phone to congressman jordans office and got no response. They wanted him to participate in an interview in this massive investigation that is under way right now at the university. But jim jordans office told cnn last night, we have searched all of our communications. We find nothing from you. So this supposed communications, send it to us. Let you know when you send it and we are ready to assist you. But there is a massive investigation at Ohio State University going on right now about the team doctor, now deceased, but he was there for over 20 years. He allegedly molested and sexually abused male athletes during his time at the university. And its 14 different sports that they are interviewing witnesses and former athletes from, including football, baseball, soccer, gymnastics, and wrestling. And thats where jim jordan is sort of intertwined, because he was an assistant coach during some of the time that this doctor was at Ohio State University. Well, i spoke with a former wrestler that was there at the time at ohio state who says jim jordan was there as assistant coach. Jim jordan says in response though that he never saw any abuse, never heard about any abuse, and never had any abuse reported to him during the time as a coach at ohio state. Michael disabato, a former wrestler, speaks differently. Listen. Its just not true. I think the congressman may be playing semantics with the word. Again, i dont think jim and or a lot of folks coaches, administrators really understood that touching a mans genitals without the need to do so is the definition is a definition of sexual abuse and sexual assault. Again, in the mid 80s, that term wasnt necessarily used. However, to now say, to now know that the word does apply to what was happening to us at the time is is just its surprising to me, given the fact that jim has this isnt the jim jordan i know. I asked disabato what exactly did jim jordan say back to you when you told him about what was happening to you then . He didnt have an answer. He didnt have specifics. But he said that just everybody knew in the wrestling department, and thats where it stands. Well see if congressman jordan has another reply today. He a he set for a live event in ohio. The scope of the investigation, when you listen to how many sports it is and how many interviews theyve already done, it is really shocking. And how many coaches, how many academic advisors, how many president s of the university were there during that time. Its massive. Jean, thank you so much. I really appreciate it. Coming up next for you the government says it is no longer providing updates on the kids who have been separated from families. A republican congressman went to get some answers. What did he find out . He joins me next. So, my portfolio did pretty well last year. Thats great. But the market was up nearly twice as much. Thats a tough pill to swallow. Exactly. So i started trading. But with everything out there, how do you know what to buy . Well, i think my friend victor has just the thing for you. Check this out, Td Ameritrade makes it easier to find the investments that might be right for you. 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We let them know well over a week ago that we were coming. There are three of these facilities in the bay area close to my district. But there are a number of them across the entire country. When these unaccompanied minors come across the border, as in the previous two administrations, theyre given a plane ticket to one of the states with these facilities. The difference is in this facility that i went to visit, not only did they have the unaccompanied minors there, but they had had two young girls that had been separated from their mothers and these questions need to be answered. What are the Living Conditions here . When is the reunification process going . Im told of the 25 kids that were at this facility, theyre there for an average of 47 days. Well, obviously with the court order of 20 to 30day reunification, by their numbers, they wouldnt be hitting them. What do you make of the fact, congressman, that hhs is now saying that it is not going to be providing updates on the number of children separated from their parents under the zero tolerance policy, that they say it changes day by day, sometimes hour by hour. And because of that, theyll no longer be providing a breakdown of when these kids get back with their parents. First of all, it is unimaginable that you would ever separate or pull kids away from their parents. But secondly, i think the parents have a right to know the American Public has a right to know specifically if the reunification process is happening, at what point are we in that process . Is it Getting Better . Is it getting worse . Are more people being separated . But hhs, whos supposed to have these lists, ought to be able to make them public. If they cant make them public for some of the details and p f privacy of these kids, they ought to certainly let Congress Know whos supposed to be crafting a law right now in a bipartisan fashion to address this very issue. Thats what kind of gets me. I get it, theres privacy issues. I guess i can get that. But why cant a member of congress get this information . Do you think it is because they cannot provide you with a clear answer . Or they just dont want to . I dont know. I mean its certainly a good question. I was very surprised that i mean i couldnt even get the director in the facility to come out and give me some simple answers on how long is this facility been here, what are your hours of separation . Just give me the basics. They wouldnt even open the door. Obviously we heard there were several people in there. They were waiting for us when we got there. They knew we were coming. Several people outside with radio communication. But unbelievable that your federal tax dollars are going here, yet the federal government is keeping this information and not being transparent about it. Honestly, congressman, do you think at this point it is like a Public Relations move to just try to hide from it and they think that the criticism will go away . I think that would be a very bad decision, poor choice. This isnt going away. Congress isnt going away. The American Publics not going away. Weve got to resolve this situation not only reunifying these kids with their parents, but we have to have a path forward. The issue itself is not going away. It is going to take congress doing its job, crafting legislation. I would think that under any administration, hhs would say, hey, look, here are the challenges that were having. Here are the problems in our system. Congress, let us give you our ideas and actually go fix it. Im really surprised that theyre keeping members away. I want members i mean there are a lot of members in congress that have never been to any of these facilities or been down to our southern border. I mean this is a Good Opportunity to say, hey, look, every member of congress, come out there and see exactly what all of the problems are so that we can actually craft a solution and have both parties work on it together. Im appalled right unimaginable in terms of what congress youre also a really reasonable guy. Just so everyone knows. Thank you. In terms of what congress that might not be a compliment coming from me. Im not really sure anymore. But well continue. In terms of where congress is on immigration, nothings happening. Bills failed, everyone left town. I know you have been a driving force behind the discharge petition to try to get some votes on immigration. Do you have any any confidence when republicans are here, some democrats are now talking about the solution to abolish i. C. E. I mean could that be anywhere close to being on the table to get a bipartisan effort done . Yeah. I mean certainly there are some polar opposites, extremes, on both parties. It is difficult to solve this broken immigration system that weve had broken for the last 30plus years. But narrow pieces of legislation. When youre just talking about keeping Families Together and addressing this one small piece, i would think that it would be very, very bipartisan. Thats why everyone continues to seem to be beating their heads against the wall on this one. Can i ask you really quick, because it is just happening. Congressman jim jordan, a colleague of yours, is facing some tough questions right now. Jean casarez just did a whole report about it, accusations that he turned a blind eye to abuse when he was a coach at say cooperate to help out in any way he. Almost 800 when we switched our auto and home insurance. With liberty, we could afford a real babysitter instead of your brother. 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Cnns Senior International correspondent nick pwanick paton walsh joins me now from scotland yard. Reporter weve just heard from the lead Police Command er behind me here at scotland yard. The key phrase, it is not clear if a crime has been committed. The focus is what happened to the former russian spy and his daughter just down the road from where this occurred. But the events we heard in that press conference are having. One of these two people, both british nationals, have cast aside the idea of this being another attempt of some kind of russian double agent here in the uk. These two british nationals, together on the same property. The woman, age 44, fell ill in the morning on saturday, the man fell ill later that day. Theyre both critically ill in hospital. But the key question is what was the substance, called an unknown substance at this stage, that caused hthem to fall ill. Five separate places have been sealed off in that area, and of course britain deeply on alert and deeply troubled by this. Still the key question, whether it was a narcotics substance or something much more chilling like a nerve agent that tried to kill the double agent and his daughter. Nick, appreciate it. Next, a Fox News Contributor called a report about the iran deal totally madeup bs. Why did the president then blast that o over to 50 million followers . Well try to follow the breadcrumbs next. To over to followers . Well try to follow the breadcrumbs next. This we world looks at a nonprofit giving the homeless a hand up, not just a handout. I was going through a divorce, separation from my husband. I lost my job, i was evicted. I had to go to a shelter. I was sad. I was embarrassed. I didnt feel like i was good enough for my kids at that time. Over 70 of all homeless are what i call situational homeless. People that have simply had a catalyst in their life thats taken them from being working and productive to, unfortunately, finding themselves without a home. They actually transitioned me out of the shelter and into back into my own place. The mission of shelters to shutters is taking somebody whos homeless, transitioning them to economic selfsufficiency. Now im the district manager fon an apartment compl for an apartment complex. Job fairs have been tremendously successful. It is a way of putting people in front of hiring managers. When you see an opportunity to make an impact, i think we have an obligation. My kids tell me, mommy, im so proud of you. It just does something to me and it fires me up. Its a occur occurring theme. When do words matter. Does anyone care about facts anymore . I ask it again today because President Trump is again spreading unsubstantiated stories about former president obama. Trump tweeting this. Just out that the Obama Administration granted citizenship during the terrible iran deal negotiation to 2,500 iranians, including to government officials. How big and bad is that special President Trump doesnt offer any evidence that he would have. The source of the story, at least on fox news is an iranian cleric. Oliver, first off, cut through this for me. Where exactly does this come from . This seems to be another unsettling situation where the president is paired onni oparode heard. It cited an iranian newspaper who cited a cleric who made this claim about the iranian negotiations. It caught fire. Sean hannity shared it on twitter. Another news personality shared it. It jumped to the fox news air waves on Tuesday Morning where Fox Friends First broadcast the story and just like two hours later, the president was tweeting about it and using it as a weird way to attack obama. So Obama Administration obama officials are denying it. Its always like where is the burden of proof when it comes to these stories to prove the negative or to prove the positive. Is anyone offering evidence . There is some evidence here. Jeff prescott, the former National Security counsel evidence to the negative . Yes. He shared some numbers with us, immigration numbers that show that there was relative consistency between the number of iranians naturalized before the Iranian Nuclear deal and after. It went down a little bit. Throughout the years from the Bush Administration to the Obama Administration, theres consistency across the board. And they are saying this is totally just not true. Its absurd. They call this Jake Sullivan was on cnn last night and really went after the president for tweeting this. He made the point the president could call the state department, the government officials hes appointed and ask, hey, is this true, and they would tell him, no, this is not true. But instead he relies on this thin fox news report and puts it out there. Its quite disturbing. It comes down to, who do you trust . The numbers coming from the federal agency thats in charge of it . Do you trust fox news report about another report about another report from one iranian cleric. The great thing is the fox news own commentator told fox news this sounds like bs. Thats an actual quote they included in their story and fox news still ran with it which is just really mind numbing. Happy fourth of july. Its great to see you, oliver. Really appreciate it. So, wow, speaking of while you get ready to fire up the grill and prepare for fireworks, Law Enforcement across the country is hard at work for you. What theyre doing out of todays big celebrations and parades like this one in chicago and one about to get under way in d. C. Happening right now. Well take you there live. Thats next. And the safey for most parallel parallel parking job goes to. [ drum roll ]. 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Big cities are ramping up in the wake of the fbi recently foiling a suspected july 4th terror plot in cleveland. Cnns joe johns is joining me from the National Mall in washington. How are officials preparing there, joe . Well, quite frankly, there are a lot of preparations that go into Something Like this, obviously, kate. Theres a command center where Law Enforcement authorities from around the region gather to monitor, listen, watch and, meanwhile, around the area, thousands and thousands of different kinds of fences put up in order to cut crowd control. Theres certainly the magnetometers people have to walk through in order to gain access here to the National Mall. And a number of different activities going on here, of course. We have the Independence Day parade which is going on as i speak. Later today were going to have, among other things, the concert at the United States capital, as well as the big fireworks display. And ongoing throughout on the mall is the National Folk life festival. Certainly a lot for security to consider. The big things im told is they are worried about the asymmetric vehicular threat to crowds of the type that weve seen around the world. Certainly watching out for that. Thats why we have so much crowd control. But the main thing theyre worried about quite frankly here right now is the weather. Its been very hot in washington, d. C. Theres a potential for people to essentially get sick. Heatstroke, what have you, and a possibility, however slight, of thunderstorms which could create a quick evacuation if it occurred around fireworks time tonight. Thinking positive, though, as we start the day. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. From the parades to the food. Nothing says Independence Day like a mountain of hot dogs. Nathans famous hot dog eating contest is getting under way. Cnns karen kapa is there. What is going on there . Hey, kate. The heat joe was just talking about, theyre feeling the humidity here in brooklyn. The women had their competition about an hour. Miki suto, fivetime winner. 37 hot dogs in ten minutes. And the men are up in just a few minutes. Joey chestnut has won this competition 10 of the last 11 years, and he says in his practice sessions recently, yes, practice sessions, hes been hitting the mid70s in ten minutes when it comes to that record. Last year 72 in ten minutes. If you do the math on that, it works out to roughly 17,000 calories consumed in a span of ten minutes. I cant say all of those calories stay in him, tmi, but thats what it adds up to. More than most of us eat in a week. Joey chestnut going for the mustard belt. Thats the grand prize here at the contest. Karen, its not about the calories. Its about the joy of shoving as much food in your face as humanly possible. It all comes down to, i hear, do you its about the sport of it. Dip the bun in the water or not because a soggy bun is better than nothing, i guess. Great to see you, karen. Thank you so much. Im now starving. I doepnt know what that says about me. Inside politics with john king starts right now. Thank you, kate. Welcome to a special Holiday Edition of inside politics. Im john king. Thank you for sharing your fourth of july with us. The maneuvering is intense as the president mulls his choice for the supreme court. Ties to the bush family spells trouble for one leading candidate. Strong catholic faith is a flash point for another. Plus chutzpah and scott pruitt. Cnn has told the embattled epa chief, told the president he should be named attorney general. If you are having a

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