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At least for the moment. House leaders clearly still working to lock in enough votes. Could it all go down today one way or another . This as the shockwaves continue to reverberate from President Trumps praise, and his willingness to meet with them. Joining me to discuss a whole lot of nuts, Lindsey Graham is joining us. After you are all reach agreement, the president called for a shutdown let me the reason for the plan negotiated between the republicans and democratss is we need 60 votes in the senate which are not there. We either election more republican senators or change the rules in and out to 51. Our country needs a good shutdown in september to fix mess. Is a gov shutdown ever good, senator . No, but at the end of the day since world war ii there have been four times the republicans had the without, and 11 times for the democrats. If youre a republican changing the rules is probably not a good idea. I dont know if im going to vote for the bill theyre going to present to the senate here soon. I think why . I think the democrats cleaned our clock. There are things in this bill that i just dont understand. This is not winning from the Republican Point of view. The bottom like is i dont want to shut the government down, but i dont want to continue to fund obamacare, either. Is he just spinning in. Theres all kinds of ways to look at it. Im for comprehensive immigration reform, the sanctuary cities go untouched. Obamacare continues to be funded in a way we all say is illegal. The bottom line is this whole process of funding the government where the put 12 bills into one and you dont get any input, and you vote on a bill two days after you have a chance to look at it is just bad government. I think the republican partys goal for 2018 should be to bring ever appropriation bill standalone rather than these giant bills. Back to the president s position on this, it sure looks ache what he cease saying is bad. Working together is bipartisanship the problem right now in washington . No, i think we dont have enough of it. But at the end of the day, whats bad is that we pass legislation to fund the government that nobody gets to look at. You put everything into one big pot, and a handful of people negotiate the bill and the rest of us are supposed to vote on it. What would be good is to have Bipartisan Legislation to fund the government where every individual account comes to the floor of the house and senate, gets debated, voted on and amended. Before its just thrown into your lap. Are you a firm no . Pretty much. I dont like the process, dont like the outcome. I dont want to shut the government down, but this has got to change. This is a lousy way to run any business. Lets talk about health care. It seems stuck. It is. No question. You and i have discussed this before. If it gets to the senate it will see changes. What is your advice to the friends in the house right now . I would be careful to rely on the senate to change the bill. I dont think we have a very clear way forward. Heres the tradeoff im willing to make. Im willing to have federal government involvement in preexisting conditions. Those who cant find insurance in the private sector just cant be thrown over. Ive willing to create a managed care system where the federal government picks up most of the tab and the tradeoff is to create a private sector market for people with normal insurance. To preserve normal insurance, take care of preexisting conditions through a governmentrun program, but as to the rest of the population not covered by governmentrun programs, gives them a chance to have more choices, not let. Thats the tradeoff im willing l willing to make, but were stuck as a party. I would like a bipart is aen absolute. Do you think the bill theyre talking about now, the house and the amendment is better for folks with preexisting can thises or does less . The president says the bill contains protection for preexisting conditions. You have those who dont agree. I have no idea whats in the bill. Im telling you you know as much as i do whats in the billing. Wouldnt it be nice to have both parties and see if you can find a better way to preserve and bite the bullet on preexisting illnesses, as a nation were going to take care of people who cant find insurance, but as far as the rest of the more choice, more competition, not less. Love that pollyanna theory, but it is ive been called a lot of things, but not pollyanna. Add that to the list. Theres a couple things youre not pollyanna about, though, is north korea. You have called kim jong u. N. A nut job, but the president says he was hon aroed to meet him, no matter the conditions, senator, would you be honored to meet with kim jongun . I would find it hard to sit across from the table that makes assad look like a choirboy. If you understand what he does to his own people, you would be repugnant to be in the same room, but when you meet with somebody as the president of the United States thats the ultimate legitimacy, you provide status to that person. I would caution meeting with anybody like this, unless you had a plan. My goal is to make sure he never will have a miism with a Nuclear Weapon on top to hit america. If meeting with him will avoid that, fine, but the day you meet with somebody, you confer legitimacy on them, because theres nothing like the white house in the entire world and theres nobody more powerful than the president of the United States the i would be very cautious about that. You say that if you understand what this man is like, he makes boo heart al assad look like a choirboy, do you think the president does not understand . Im sure hi understands how brutal north korea is. Its the number one human rights violator. What he does to his own people you cant really say on tv, just read the u. N. Report. It will make you sick to your stomach. The president of the United States is the most powerful person. Going to the white house is a tremendous honor. What i would caution the president about is dont legitimize this guy, but you live in a tough world. Talking to putin is part of his jobs. Meeting with people throughout the world that we dont like is part of the job, but do not confev legitimacy unless youre sure it helps the overall cause. Do you think that kim jongun is a smart cookie. I think he as a lan in mind, and that is if i can get a Nuclear Weapon that can hit america, america will never bother me again. Heres what i think. I think hes a brutal man and cares more about himself than anything else. My goal is to convince him if you try to it is a missile that would be the end of your regime and if he believes that, it will stop. The president says we could be head to do a major, major conflict with them, but also says he would be honored to meet with him under certain conditions. Does he understand does that confuse you . What i would say to the president is that youre on the right track by getting china in the game. China controls a majority of north koreas economy. Dont legitimize this guy. If a meeting exists, there needs to be a purpose, and i dont understand what the purpose would be right now. The president has invited the president of the fill pints to the white house. Were you happy when you heard that . No, this guy in the philippines, i dont know all what hes done, but i know what he said. I know his approach to being president of the philippines is contrary to the rule of law and democracy, as i know it. You have problem with china and the philippines. The philippines have been a good ally. Theres terrorist groups in the philippines thats working with the filipino government to deal with, but at the end of the day, this man has said things thats right just completely contrary to my view of how you govern society. Implgts of course investigating russias rule, the president once again is saying hes not sure it was russia that was behind the hack, saying again that he thinking it could have been china, or somebody else. You clearly do not agree with that, of course. Weve talked about it a million times. Right. Can people truth the president s words. In terms of foreign policy, i lookic like what the president is doing. I like rebuilding the military, i like putting kim jongun on notice. He wants a better deal with iran, but when it comes to rush, russia is the outlier. It wasnt the chinese or some 400pound guy sitting on a bed. It was the Russian Intelligence Service that they didnt change the outcome, but they created discontent, theyre doing it around the world, and i want to punish them. I want them to pay a price trying to undercut democracy throughout the world, invading the ukraine. I want to punish them through sanctions. I hope we get a chance in the senate to vote on a sanctioning bill for enter fearing in our elections. The russians did it, no one else did it, the russians did it. If the Obama Administration politicized intelligence, and susan rice unmasked people, i want to know that, too. Do you think the president understands i can only tell you what Lindsey Graham understands. It was a russian effort. Theyre trying to do the same thing from france, germany, throughout the world. You are from South Carolina. Thats the least of the breaking news today. I do need to ask you because of that. When you heard the president say why was there a civil war and later he tweeted about it, saying Andrew Jackson said it would never happened, what did you think . I think there was a collision course said of between the agrarian south who depended on slaves to run, and the industrialized north. It was not perfect by any means, but the war was generated over the issue of slavery. I come from South Carolina where the war started. Its the saddest chapter in american history, brother against brother, father against son, a nation divided, but the issue was slavery. There was no way to accommodate slavery. The missouri compromise, you know, free and slave, doesnt work. The south was on the wrong side of this. There was no way to actoday i it. In my view abraham linkcoln had no other choice. Im glad South Carolina is part of the union. Im proud of my state. Tim scott is the only africanamerican republican in the United States were trying to do better. The south had a position that was untenable and morally wrong. If you dont understand history, youre doomed to repeat it. Its good to understand our own flaws. Do you think the president understands it . I hope so. I never went to school with an africanamerican child until the sixth grade. When they talk about those people over there can never have democracy, those peer are inferior. Look in the mirror. I do believe that people throughout the world, muslims included, can embrace democracy, representative government, with some differences, but theres certain things that are universal. Most mothers and fathers wants the same thing for their children as you want for yours. What was your gut when you saw this . A lot of folks were confused when they saw the president say and tweet this. What was your gut . Did it make you sad . Confused . I think maybe what the president was trying to say is with strong leadership, you can avoid bad things. I think he was trying to say if you had had when you look back, slavery was wrong. Why did we have to go to war to end it . Well, because people werent going to change without the war. But i think he was trying to say maybe with strong leadership, can you avoid war. Maybe you can convince pewing from destroying democracy, you can convince iran from being a religious autocratic dictatorship. You can convince kim jongun not to enslave his own people. I hope so, but i know what it took to end the civil war. It took a war. Let me tell you what its going to take to end the north korean threat. The thread of war and if kim jongun believes we would go to war and stop this missile program, he knows he would lose and he would stop. Strong leadership can prevent wars, but sometimes it takes more than strong leadership. Finally, senator, President Trumps pick for army secretary, a man named doc martin green, i dont think the confirmation hearing has been scheduled yet. Hes facing a lot of criticism for comments hes made in the past about evolution. He says he doesnt believe in evolution, but beyond that, we notably once said that transgender is a disease. Is this a concern for you . Have you been looking into this . Do you think its a signal for his confirmation . I dont know. Hes denied some of these comments. Hes a military officer, hes a doctor who was involved in the raid to capture saddam hussein, so he has a fine military record. I know him casually. This is why we have hearings. The i want to make sure hes the right man to lead the arm. Thank you, senator. Thanks for covering a lot of ground with me today. I appreciate it. Thank you. On basically everything except for what were having for lunch. Moments from now, President Trump speaking live from the rose garden, time to talk a Little College football, folks. Plus the republican partys push to strike a health care deal. Is it more on the verge of collapse than success right now . Here are where the talks stand. And a host known for making jokes, instead making an emotional plea on that very topic, health care, over his son. I saw a lot of families there, and no parent should ever have to decide if they can afford to save that i childs life. It just shouldnt happen. Not here. Manaits a series of is nsmart choices. And when you replace one meal or snack a day with glucerna made with carbsteady to help minimize blood sugar spikes you can really feel it. Glucerna. Everyday progress. If you have moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis like me, and youre talking to your rheumatologist about a medication. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain. And protect my joints from further damage. Humira has been clinically studied for over 18 years. Humira works by targeting and helping to. Block a specific source. Of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. Its proven to help relieve pain and. Stop further joint damage in many adults. 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At least west hind closed door, when speaker ryan spoke to members in an allconference meeting, im told the it message was were not there. If they have the votes, the bill would be on the floor shortly. The primary reason is whats been plagues this issue, preexisting conditions. We heard from speaker ryan publicly, and hear from several house leaders to try and say this bill has several layers that will kind of apply the same type of protection that you would get from obama care. Thats not what were hearing from republican members who are wary of this bill and already no on this bill. I want to make one thing crystal clear. Theyre up against the max amount of people they can lose and still reach 216 votes, coming anywhere between 20 and 22 on the record, no votes, almost haul citing the preexisting issue. Most recently fred upton, who led republican Health Care Efforts in the house for a number of years, saying he is coming out against this asell. So while Republican Leaders say they are making progresses thats not truthful, if are and right now they are well on their way to that point, kate. Phil, tracking it minute by minute. Thanks, i appreciate it. Up next, our panel will discuss this, plus Jimmy Kimmels emotional plea, regards preexisting conditions, regards his newborn sons surgery. Stay with us. Your Insurance Company wont replace the full value of your totaled new car. The guy says you picked the wrong insurance plan. No, i picked the wrong Insurance Company. With Liberty Mutual new car replacementâ„¢, you wont have to worry about replacing your car because youll get the full value back including depreciation. Switch and you could save 509 on auto insurance. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. Moments ago from President Trump holding a trophy presentation in the rose garden. Well bring that to you as soon as it begins. But i do want to revisit something, one of the many news nuggets we got from Lindsey Graham moments ago, and what he said in terms of the Government Shutdown. He said that the democrats cleaned our clocks, is how he put it. Alice stewart is here, communication director was communication directors for ted cruzs plane, and , and cnns senior political analyst mark preston and margaret hoover, former eighth. Thanks so much for being here. Margaret. Lets talk about this. Lindsey graham says the democrats cleaned our clocks. He said that this is not winning from the Republican Point of view. This is reacts that it needs a good shutdown in september to fix this mess. What part alet University Railroad living in. By the way, the results of every Government Shutdown starting with newt ging run in 1995 have hurt the party that forced the shutdown. Americans want their government to work. So you can tell yourself this mantra, and maybe you can convince that 40 base that that is the case, but theres stalls always going december not that any of those other 40 arent reasonable, but people are not going to buy it, okay . I dont buy it. And im not ive seen it hurt republicans. Alice, when paul ryan this morning, when asked about trumps tweet, when he says the pr machine that democrats are pushing, dont look at the press releases, look at the bill. Were still continuing obamacare efforts, not as much epa uss. Where can we go on . The democrats did not get what they wanted. On the other hand i guess you could say they did negotiate to come to a package that does but its not engine wenly factual to say republican got what they wanted. And it goes without without cease a Government Shutdown would be a good thing. Thats not a normal thing, kate. Why are we holding his feet to the fire on the word choice notice . I think every president s words they should be accountable for all their words. I will say this until im blue in my face. I gra he with margaret completely. Keeping the government open shouldnt be a sport. Yeah. This is misthat republicans and democrats should be working together to get done. You know, i everybody got something in this bill, and i think its time to move forward. Hopefully the president wont veto this bill. Its fascinating, he doesnt like it enough that hes not going to vote for it. The Big Conversation Going Forward is health care. Theres a surprising kind of element to enter the Health Care Conversation overnight. Latenight talk show Host Jimmy Kimmel talking about health care, making an emotional plea about health care and his son. I want everyone to listen to a portion and then lets talk about it. A little over a week ago on friday, april 21st, my wife molly gave birth to a boy, a baby boy. His name is william [ cheers and applause ] thank you very much. We call him billy. It was an easy delivery. Six pushes he was out. He appeared to be a normal, healthy baby until about three hours after he was born, we moved to the recovery room, our whole family was there. We introduced him to his 2 1 2 years old sister, she was cute with him, we were happy, everything was good. My wife was in about ed relaxing, when a very attentive nurse at cedar sinai hospital, her gnaws is nanoosh, she heard a murder ir, which is common, but she was a bit purple, which is not common. She asked me to come with her. Our daughter had a heart murmur, too, we didnt notice he wasnt the color he was supposed to be. So i accompanied billy and the nurse, went down the hall to another part of the hospital. The neonatal icu, where another excellent nurse ann checked him out, and called a doctor. All of a sudden at the felt serious. The room started to fill up, and they determined he wasnt getting enough oxygen into his blood, which as far as i understand, or jurisdiction stood at the time was most likely one of two things, either his heart our lungs. You hope its the lungs, because sometimes they have fluid in them and potential a minor thing. They did an xray, his lungs were fine, which meant his heart wasnt, so more doctors and nurses, and its terrifying thing. Im you know, my wife is back in the recovery room, she has no idea whats going on, and im standing in the middle a lot of very worriedlooking people, kind of like right now, who are trying to figure out what the problem is. Its friday night, so they call a pediatric cardiologist, dr. Evan zahn, who when they called him was picking up his mother from the airport. Luckily her plane was not delayed. He got to the hospital very quickly. They did an echocardiogram, a sonogram of the heart and found out that billy was born with a Heart Disease, something called tetralogy of fallot with pulmonary atresia. He has a hole between the left and right sites of his heart with a valve blocked. They wild my wife in. And the doctor told her what was going on, what what our options were. We decided to take him to Childrens Hospital where theres a world renowned cardiac surgeon, who is by all accounts a genius. So we put the baby in an ambulance to Childrens Hospital in los angeles. On monday morning, doctor starnes opened his chest and fixed one two defects. He went in with a scalpel and did magic that i couldnt begin to explain. He opened the valve. The operation was a success. It was the longest three hours of my life. We were brought up to believe we live in the greatest country in the world, but until like a few years ago, millions and millions of us had no access to Health Insurance at all. Before 2014, if you were born with congenital Heart Disease like my son was, there was a good chance you would never be able to get Health Insurance because i had a preexisting conditions. You were born with a preexisting condition and if your parents didnt have medical insurance you may not live long enough to be denied. If your baby is going to die, and it doesnt have to, it shouldnt matter how much money you make. I think thats something that whether youre a republican or a democrat or something else, we all agree on that, right . [ cheers and applause ] whatever you believe, whoever you support, we need to make sure that the people who are supposed to represent us and people who are meeting about this right now in washington understand that very clearly. Lets stop with the nonsense. This isnt football, there are no teams. We are the team. Its the United States. Dont let their partisan squabbles divide us on something that every decent person wants. We need to take care of these young ones. I saw a lot of families there, and no parent should ever have to decide if they can afford to save that i childs life. It just shouldnt happen. Not here. So anyway, thank you for listening. I want us to sit through that together. You can see the emotions that he went through and the emotions of the crowd. We all shall an emotional reaction to it as well. It cut through the politics. He was trying to cut through the politics to get to the core of what the conversation should be about, right . There are real consequences of the debate. Theres different ways of fixes of problem, but there are real consequences of the debate. I was struck by that. A couple things. One is that it wasnt partisan. He didnt call on you the republicans or the democrats. He called out both. He said were one team, were one america. Whats important about that is a couple things. One, its one thing for us here on cable news to talk about it and to try to deliver. Message. Its another thing when you have somebody who is really in it, quite frankly personally, but is able to reach people who might not be engaged in cable news every day. Thats why it was such a powerful statement. Its powerful. Its a Cross Section of politics and pop culture, which gets to people, but look, i have tearing up, thank you for the tissue. I have small children. That was an incredibly emotional plea, but it massively confused the politics at hand and the policies at hand. There is no part of this policy or bill that is saying we absolutely are going to take away preexisting conditions without some other element there. There are highrisk pools. States if they choose to opt out of the part must have a waiver that says how they are going to handle patients that have preexisting conditions. There has to been a plan. We can debate and quibble whether its good enough. He was saying we have to have health care here and that is actually how to provide Health Insurance, which pay foss health care, okay . So there is a conflation of a huge amount of issues in what was admittedly a very emotional plea. Do you think he was wrong in trying to stop using this as a political football and get your stuff together. I agree with that we should make sure people have health care, and by the way people who dont have his resources and arent in private hospitals in the l. A. And cant get the top world repound yardian surgeons. That was his appointed, are on medicaid and medicaid has stopped providing this service. Thats part of it. Our Health Care System is broken and the poorest of us hes not addressing the crux of the issue that the House Republicans are trying to deal with in the failius of the Affordable Care act which democrats exist. John . There are challenges to the act, there are things to tweak, but fundamentally this bill would knock over 25 Million People off their Health Insurance. Medicaid cuts alone hit the most Vulnerable People in america, period. The poorest people in america, and take them take away their Health Insurance. These are children, these are families. Its not a coincidence that doctors, nurses, hospitals, the american cancer society, american heart association, basically every group thats focused on taking care of patients in this country is deeply opposed to this bill. Theyre deeply opposed for the exact reason that jimmy kimmel raised, because it will affect people. He articulated that in a powerful way, i thought. Alice, you are tweeting saying people should watch it and congress, get its act together, even before coming on the show. Absolutely. Its a compelling story about health care and how it personally affects him. A lot of folks on television will say theyre the party of no, or obstructionists or they won wont take no for an answer. Those why theyre making their choices. I think hats off to the members of congress who are making choices based on constituents like jimmy kimmel who dont have anywhere near the resources that but theyre doing it for their constituents and whats best for them. They hear stories like that every day. Heres the thick. Youve got republicans who dont agree with republicans. You have republicans who dont agree with what youre saying. And theyre short of of course, right . There are moderates who are right. But i think wall street journal even el toilized about this. Theres a huge amount of on confusion whats in the bill. In my view its the president s fault. The president needs to get into the lead, start to understand a bit of the policy and use the bully pulpit instead of going to pennsylvania saying remember ate red meat you elected me for. He needs to make a policy case for the bill that will have his name on it. Does it help when he says to bloomberg, its not in final form obviously. But when you need someone to lead thats the whole point. The bully pulpit is the only thing that can force the sausage to get made, frankly. Does it it its the fact is that its so much more complicated, special interests involved. People with different ideas. It is really much more complicated, and to your point if there every is a bill it will look a lot different than what it is today. Guys, stand by. The president will be speaking live any moment from the white house. I appreciate it. Rose garden event, a trophy presentation to the air force Academy Football team. Well see what the president has to say. Well be right back. Wahhhh. Right. In. Your. Stomach watch this . Yikes, that ice cream was messing with you, wasnt it . Try lactaid, its real ice cream, without that annoying lactose. Lactaid. Its the milk that doesnt mess with you. 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Prompt is scheduled to talk to ruts president putin very shortly. This will be the short time since the two leaders have spoken since the strike in syria. Joining mess now is a former colleague, a former cnn Moscow Bureau chief. Great to see you, jill. This is the third call between President Trump and putin since trump took office. Syria, the guidance is clearly a major agenda items on this phone call, but what is there to discuss, though, i do wonder . Well, you know theres terrorism ukraine, the possible meeting they would have at the g20 coming up in july. You know, i think if you can get it from putins perspective, he probably will hear something symbolic, some good positive noises, maybe some worrying comments, too, about syria and remember the chemical weapons attack carried out by the syrian government, which the russians support. There could be something about that, but i dont think that president putin is going to take policy direct literal policy from donald trump, because donald trump has shown that he can change his minder what he says have did other purposes. I would look for, you know, maybe missymbolic. Trump would love a win, but i dont think i will hear that yes, we figured out this is what were going to do, abc, on syria. Vladimir putin called the strikes a violation of the norms of international law. By the your honor foss the u. S. Air strikes. I mean, on the issue of syria, is there something to get hammered out . You know, i actually dont see it. Putin just met with Angela Merkel in sochi. He also will be meeting with the turkish president. Theres a lot in play, and of course President Trump himself has been talking about north korea. North korea is another thing that they could talk about, but again, it feels to me as if a lot of balls are in the air, but specifically what they might do, you know, hard to say, because right now Vladimir Putin is not getting exactly from donald trump what he expected during the election campaign. Thats obviously an understatement. Thats exactly right. Of course, we have not only prior to this, you have President Trump saying that relations with russia may be at an alltime low. As you watched that relationship, how is this relationship between these two leaders changed just since the president has taken office, do you think . It was very positive during the campaign, he said we hope we can work with them, and then he comes into office, then immediately, you know, these problems in putins view come up. Statements from the president that are relatively positive, and then statements from his ser Administration Officials witnessing Nikki Haley Tess united nations, saying very negative things about russia. Then you have President Trump deciding on syria to take military action against the Syrian Forces because of that chemical weapons attack. So its completely the opposite of what putin might want. And putin still hasnt admitted that assad carried out that attack. Things and putin i absolutely firmly believe pretty much understood and took the measure of donald trump very early on and that he knows that hes going to hear a lot of things from President Trump that perhaps he takes with a grain of salt. So yes, President Trump can say many things and you know that even though there have been a lot of really negative things from his officials, President Trump himself has not gone after president putin. So he wants to preserve that relationship. Ill be waiting for that readout from that call to see what we can glean from it when we read between the lines. Lets look live at the white house. The white house rose garden to be exact. Youre looking at the air force academy, probably looking at the air faorce Academy Football tea. They are there ar a trophy presentation. While were standing by live, lets bring back in the panel who have become coanchors with me throughout the show. As we wait through the events we always wonder what is the president going to talk about . I look at this tweet coming from the president. Get into the mind. When you look at the tweet from the president what he was focusing on a short time ago with regard to a country shutdown to fix the mess, i s a wonder if we could be hearing something about the funding bill . A couple things. I hope my job is not predicated on me deciding what we think that it is. This is a major moment for you. In the next couple seconds let alone the next couple minutes. What he said today shows that he has no understanding of washington. He has no understanding of how the United States senate works. Has no understanding that there are three coequal branches of government and i think that has been one of his biggest weaknesses. What will he say out here at the rose garden . I doubt hell even address it. In many ways maybe he shouldnt address it because he should allow these kids to have their moment in the sun. They come to the white house. But to predict what hes going to say day in and day out and difficult. When the president weighs in like this, does it make it easier they havent actually voted on the bill yet. No. Also, look, he weighed in on a Government Shutdown but it was one of three tweets that came at the same time so who knows if he is even focused on that. We might find out right now. I think were looking at President Trump walking into the rose garden for a trophy presentation for the air force acade Academy Football team who took home another win. Thank you very much. Ive got some big people behind me, big strong birilliant peopl. Please, sit down. I want to thank everybody for being here on this very special occasion. Its an honor. Every single day to serve as your commander in chief. To the incredible men and women of the United States air force, very special beautiful place. Very, very special. [ cheers and applause ] i also want to welcome the acting secretary of the air force and the air force chief of staff general david goldfeind. Thank you. The cadets here represent not only the future of our air force, but also the future of our country. Their skill, dedication, loyalty and patriotism represent the very best of america. Thanks especially to the air force Academy Superintendent and for your outstanding service. You have been truly outstanding and we appreciate it so much. Developing leaders, character, i mean, so many things are developed at the academy. Its really an amazing, amazing job they do. We all join the very proud and distinguished heritage of the long blue line. You know what that is, fellows. [ cheers and applause ] thats a long big beautiful blue line. I would also like to welcome several members of congress who are here today, including maybe just stand up for a second, doug lamborn. Hi, doug. Ted poe. Thank you, ted. Don bacon. Hi, don. Doug collins. And my friend Martha Mcsally who by the way i think can fly a plane better than anybody up here. Shes the real deal. Shes tough. She likes a certain plane which im going to mention in a minute. She specifically likes a certain aircraft, right . Thank you very much. Hows health care coming, folks . How its going . We moving along . I think its time now, right . They know its time. Thank you. Thank you for being here, folks. Were also pleased to be joined by the secretary of Veterans Affairs david chilkin who is doing an incredible job. Taking care of our veterans for me, this has been one of my absolute highest priorities, and the highest priority just about of the administration. David is working tirelessly to deliver the care our veterans so richly deserve and it should have happened years ago, but its happening right now. So thank you very much, david. [ applause ] our treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin is here with us as well. Steven is determined to bring jobs and prosperity back to the United States and he is really doing some very Great Service with a very complicated set of circumstances and its working out well. So steven, thank you very much. [ applause ] finally, and in this particular case, david and steven and congress folks, we have to say this, we are truliy and deeply proud to welcome the f falcons of the United States air force academy to the white house. Congratulations to you all. Coach calhoon, you and your team had quite a season. Like good air force guys, you flew under the radar to victory. We fly a lot of those under the radar planes. You can fly over the radar and still not be that good. It cost a lot of money, ill tell you that. This week our Republican Team had its own victory under the radar. That is a very important thing for the men and women of the United States military. And its a very important thing for the people of our country. It our new budget, and its been a very hotly contested budget because as you know, we have to go through a long and rigorous process. But weve ended years of painful cuts to our military and just achieved a 21 billion increase in defense spending. [ applause ] and we didnt do any touting like the democrats did, by the way. Not only did we achieve this massive and badly needed increase in defense, but we did so without having to put in place an equal increase in nondefense spending breaking the socalled parity rule that was breaking our budget and degrading our military. And thats not happening anymore. That i can tell you with shuure. Youre going to have the money we need and the equipment we need. There will never be a time, i will tell you this, when we will be spending more money we are doing the necessary money, were going to have the finest equipment of all times, whether its airplanes or ships or equipment in general that weve ever had in the history of our country. We are taking care of our military and were not going to go back to what we were doing for the last long period of time. Our military is going to be taken care of. That i promise you. Thank you. Thank you, folks. [ applause ] with this major investment in Americas National defense, a Core Campaign promise of mine, we are at last reversing years of military cuts and showing our determination and resolve to the entire world. And believe me, the entire world is watching. And we have resolve like never, ever before. These longawaited increases will make america more safe and more secure and give our Amazing Service members the tools, equipment, training and resources they need and they very much deserve. To top that, we achieved the single largest increase in border security, funding in ten years. So we have more money now for the border than weve gotten in ten years. The democrats didnt tell you that. They forgot in their notes. They forgot to tell you that. With enough money to make a down payment on the border wall. I think theyll go back and check their papers. This includes swiftly replacing ineffective and failing fencing and walls with an unbreakable barrier. So were putting up a lot of new walls in certain areas. Were putting up a tremendous amount of money to fix the exists structures that we have, some of which we can keep into the future. Theyre in good shape, but we have to bring them back to the highest level. Well be doing that with this payment. And make no mistake, we are beginning to build the w

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