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0 among others. you can keep an eye on that. we'll are live coverage as well because you can't escape the 2016 speculation. cnn will be live all day long and that's it for me. thank you so much for watching. do appreciate it. stay tuned around the world starts now. welcome to around the world. i am suzanne malveaux. michael holmes is off today. we're keeping an eye on breaking news near baton rouge, louisiana, right now, where a chemical plant is burning. this is in the town of guieisma. we're told many people are injured. we are following this story very closely. it is the williams olefins plant and produces chemicals to make plastic. not more details available right now. you see people rushing and running and there are emergency crews and up choppers on the site and emergency responders trying to evacuate people around that plant. people in a nearby town are being told to stay inside, inside their homes, just as a precaution. we're watching this breaking news story and will get you more details as soon as we have more information. in colorado fire fighters struggling to get an upper hand on two raging wildfires. we learned 360 homes have been destroyed. this is the black forest fire alone. no reports yet of injuries. there is somebody, however, who is missing. the black forest fire and the royal gorge fire are on opposite sides of colorado springs, about 9,000 people now have been forced from their homes and officials said today they are expanding mandatory evacuation area around that black forest fire. listen. >> wind is probably our number one threat. it is what has been the game changer and what has changed the conditions and i mean i don't know any other word to describe it. very dynamic. again, the winds today are supposed to pick up and it is kind of the weather pattern that we are expecting to see, not only see today but see this continue on over the next few days. >> fire officials say the black forest fire has burned 15,000 acres. that is so far. our victor blackwell is joining us live in about 30 minutes to give us an update from the ground. i want to bring in chad myers. chad, how bad is the wind actually going to be in terms of moving this fire at a rapid pace? >> probably worse than yesterday. probably as bad as tomorrow. this doesn't get better in any big hurry. we have red flag warnings all across the west that means wind gusts 30 miles per hour. when you get a wind gust that high, you can take the sparks and you can move those embers miles ahead and start new fires because of that wind. it is going to be hot. denver 94 and salt lake city 90. look at vegas, 103. that's the heat in the mountains. that's the air in the mountains and the doctorry air and a numb fires, large fires by state and at least a dozen out there. here is colorado, so dry for so long. almost the entire state in some kind of d-1 or d-2 drought and the area here we're talking about right near the fire colorado springs, that is in a severe drought and has been in drought for a long time. a lot of that fuel is called sticks, twigs and shrubs, dead just ready to burn. >> chad, i want you to stay with us. we're turning now to severe weather, tens of millions of people facing today. this is in the eastern part of the united states. this is the same storm system that pounded the midwest last night setting off tornados, huge hail and dangerous straight line winds there. you see it there, a tornado in iowa destroying several homes and businesses and luckily nobody was hurt. chicago got hammered with 50 miles an hour wind gusts, hail, and lightning, take a look at those pictures. the willis tower taking a direct hit. many of you know that landmark building as the sears tower. chad, i want to bring you back to the discussion. i know the building well. i used to live in chicago. it is very dramatic pictures when you see that. obviously people pretty afraid when they saw that. which states will get hit the hardest today? >> looks like the mid-atlantic, anywhere from south of new york city into philadelphia, d.c., baltimore and i believe probably the most severe in raleigh and the tide water, virginia, even into wilmington and that's going to be the area where it is going to heat up a lot. the weather did slide through the northeast. we had u.s. open delay because of that weather right there just right through marion and moving out to sea and there is more weather behind it. they'll clean this up and at some point in time but d.c., a line of weather go through this morning and more weather to the west of you that's going to roll by. i believe that line may have taken a lot of the humidity and pushed it away for you. that's why i am thinking the most severe weather may be farther to the south including richmond, norfolk, hampton, rhodes, raleigh and durham. >> a lot of relatives to call and warn them. thank you. appreciate it. demonstrators rallied in support of snowden who leaked details of the nsa program. he is hiding out in a safe house. he added another dare during an interview with the south china morning post. he told the paper u.s. intelligence agents have been hacking networks around the world for years including hundreds of computers in china. he says the chinese university of hong kong was among the targets. meanwhile, back on capitol hill the fbi director facing questions now from lawmakers about the government surveillance programs and robert mueller testifying before a house committee today and he says the government is building its case against edward snowden. >> as to the individual that admitted making disclosures, he is the subject of on going criminal investigation. these disclosures have caused significant harm to our nation and to our safety. we are taking all necessary steps to hold the person responsible for these disclos e disclosur disclosures. as this matter is actively under investigation we cannot comment publicly on the details of the investigation. >> the obama administration is trying to make the case that programs are vital to national security and helped prevent dozens of terrorist plots. the nsa director says he will work on giving the public more details and more information and snowden in the meantime says he plans to fight any attempt to extra do it him from hong kong. the u.s. supreme court today ruling on an issue in the headlines recently because of actress angelina jolie. she brought this to our attention weeks ago. we're talking about the gene mutation linked to an increased risk of breast cancer. jolie revealed she had undergone a double mastectomy because of the mutation that put much higher risk per the disease. today the high court ruled that human genes cannot be patented. i want to bring in our cnn legal analyst paul cowen to talk about this and there is a lot of different layers to this. let's go through the case. it involves a company that basically identifies brca 1 and brca 2 gene mutations and the court made a decision whether or not they could be patented. tell us the significance. >> fascinating decision that will have a big impact on women around the united states. this company myriad developed a technique to isolate this gene that you just referred to and that by the way was the gene that angelina jolie had tested and told her that she had a very, very high risk for the development of breast cancer. now, if an average woman wanted to get the same test she got, it might cost as much as $3,000 to get the test because myriad, the company that developed it, said that they had the exclusive right to sell it. the supreme court looks at this and says, you know, you cannot patent a naturally occurring human gene, and what the company had done was they had sort of pulled out this gene from someone's dna and said that's the gene that suggests breast cancer and they got a patent on the process. instead, the supreme court said you can't patent the gene itself. we will let you patent, however, a unique testing process that maybe only you have. >> sure. >> and they also said if you take the gene and you make some kind of synthetic version of it or alteration to it, you can patent that. that preserved the right of the company to make a profit on this. by the way, the company said it cost them $400 million in research and development to come up with the technique they used to isolate this gene. >> paul, two questions here. what does this mean in terms of competition for company who is are in the business of this gene testing and what does it mean for somebody who wants to get their dna tested? is it going to be more or less expensive? >> it is a hard question. the supreme court really split the baby here and said to the company we'll still let you make a profit but they left open the possibility that competitors can come in and develop less expensive alternatives. i think in the end women across america and others by the way, this will affect men as well, when we develop technology relating to cancer, are going to see cheaper tests available in the future because of the supreme court's decision. >> all right. thanks. we appreciate it. turkey's prime minister has an offer as well as a warning for protesters camping out in the heart of istanbul. thousands are defying government orders to get out of gezi park. prime minister erg wan is offering a referen do you mean to turks can vote on whether to keep the park or build a mall. opposition to the mall is what started the protests in the first place. at the same time the prime minister warns in 24 hours the park will be cleared t could mean more of this. riot police firing teargas, water cannons, stun grenades at protesters was all earlier this week and amnesty international and the european union have condemned the use of excessive violence by those riot police. turkish officers. five people were killed since the unrest started two weeks ago. and in london the duchess of cambridge is now a godmother. congratulations. not in the traditional sense of the word. she did preside over a christening of a cruise ship. the last godmother of a princess cruise ship was princess diana in 1984. look closely. this is probably the last solo appearance you will see of the dutchest until her baby is born. richard was there for all of it. take a look. >> suzanne, this is where the duchess of cambridge named the ship and they took nothing to chance, even writing on a piece of paper i name this ship royal princess and god bless her and all who sail it. and then it was the moment when the duchess cut the rope. we waited to see if the champagne would break. the bottle smashed which is a good omen certainly for the ship and probably for the duchess as well who is due to give birth next month. in fact, this was the duchess' last solo engagement. we will see her again at other official ceremonies like the trooping of the color and, suzanne, for those that wish to know, it was a dalmation mac she was wearing that cost about $200 and if history is any guide it will probably be sold out by the end of the day if not already. as for the duchess herself, she looked radiant and engaged and fully enjoyed the day and it was her first naming ceremony for a ship. suzanne. >> thank you, richard. here is what we're working on. more than 2,700 people kidnapped in mexico in the last year. it is a big jump from the year before. so why the increase? are tourist that is visit mexico safe? the little girl that sparked a nationwide debate over transplants now has her donor lungs. we'll take you live to philadelphia and see how she is doing. a japanese diplomat is in trouble for telling his fellow diplomats to shut up at i unmeeting. we have the video. stay with us. 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try capzasin-hp. it penetrates deep to block pain signals for hours of relief. capzasin-hp. take the pain out of arthritis. here are the stories making news around the world right now. you're looking at demonstrations in greece. thousands are protesting the government's sudden decision to yank tv and radio services off the air. the government says it pulled the plug on state broadcasts because of corruption and mismanagement of funds. you see it there. the station went to black on tuesday after decades of programming and literally the anchors walked off the set there. today protests grew even larger. unions called for a general strike and in support of the journalists. the government is promising a new radio and tv station but with fewer staff. former south african president nelson mandela spending a sixth day in the hospital. mandela is being treated for a recurring lung infection. the latest statement from the south african government said he was responding better to treatment. the icon of the antiapartheid movement has been in and out of hospitals in recent years and he is now 94 years old and not appeared in public since 2010. in argentina two commuter trains crashed into each other. it happened today right outside boo booun. they say three people were killed and 150 others injured. the cause of the collision is not clear. today marks one month since an american went missing in mexico. witnesses say he was kidnapped by men with guns. armando torres is 25 years old, a u.s. marine corps reservist and his father and uncle were snatched at the same time. they're also missing as well. the fbi is on this case and mexican authorities are looking for him as well and so far there is nothing, not a word, not a clue, just a short time ago armando torres sister was on cnn and said her family is just completely frustrated. >> they're still investigating. we don't know anything at the moment. congre a congressman has contacted my mother and he said he is doing everything he can in his power to help bring my brother back. >> i want to bring in rafael to talk about this. this is a huge problem in mexico and i believe it is up by 33%. what is going on? >> that's right. well, the problem is that when the president, the previous president of mexico launched an offensive against the cartels, they splintered and some factions started going into branching out into extortion, human trafficking, and of course kidnapping as is the case. let's take a look at some of the numbers, and this is where the worry begins. if you compare the first four months of 2012 with the first four months of 2013, will you see a big increase in kidnapping in mexico, 555 so far this year compared to 417 last year. as you mentioned before, that's an increase of 33%, so a lot of people worried about that, that increase given that the new president enrico pena, that was one of the campaign promises he was going to tackle the problem and reduce the number of kidnappings. >> where is this happening, all over mexico, focused in one particular area? >> it is not happening all over mexico and millions of americans go to mexico every year and for the most part have a safe and pleasurable experience. it is happening in places where cartels are fighting for territory and a number of different criminal groups fighting for territory. the place you were mentions before where armando torres went, that's the state just south of texas where his father owned a ranch and that is where they disappeared about a month ago. just one more statistic to share with viewers, suzanne. when you look at the kidnapping rate in mexico and people who like numbers, like to put it in just these terms, for every 100,000 people there are 20 kidnappings in mexico. that's 2012 numbers. compare that to columbia. the worst ever, the year 1999, they had 6.22 per 100,000 people, so that gives you an idea of how bad the situation in mexico is. >> do they have a sense once somebody is kidnapped, they're still looking for him, as time goes by they're not going to find him? are they really doing an active investigation and trying to find this young guy? >> what's the bottom problem? what's the bottom line? the problem is that security forces are not strong enough to fight all of the organized groups, the cartels, and the gangs that are terrorizing people. that's really the problem in mexico, that there is not enough security forces and some of the forces that there are are corrupted and so that creates a problem in the case of armando torres and other cases we have seen, there are 12 people missing in mexico that disappeared from an after hours bar that we know about a case of another five young people in mexico city that disappeared. there was a case of 72 central american migrants who went missing and they were later found dead in a ranch near the border. going back to what i was saying before, 20 million americans cross into mexico every year. just to give you an idea of the perspective, it is new york, l.a., chicago, houston, philly, and phoenix combined, still a lot of americans going to mexico. >> okay. all right. thank you very much. appreciate it. just some areas, particular areas you have to look out for. >> that's right. >> coming up, an indian family sleeps on the street under a tarp so their daughter can go to school. their story up next. mera. whether i'm telling people about how they could save money on car insurance with geico... yeah, a little bit more of the lime green love yeah... or letting them know they can reach geico 24/7 using the latest technology. go on, slather it all over. don't hold back, go on... it's these high-definition televisions, i'll tell ya, they show every wrinkle. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.

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