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Others aimed at overturning bidens win in virginia. The application of injunctive relief thats what it is to overturn the election. The day began with truly good news, the first dose of Coronavirus Vaccine being administered in the United Kingdom. It is also somehow fitting that one of those first two people to get vaccinated should be named william sha William Shakespeare. Today Shakespeare Lives as what we all hope will be the beginning of the end of this outbreak which cant come too soon. Today saw Coronavirus Infections in this country topped the 15 million mark. Another million cases added in just five days. 188,000 more so far today and more than 2400 die today. Hospitalizations reaching a new high. Today also saw president elect biden unveiled his Health Policy team and laid out a threepart plan controlling covid. It will start at my sign on day one to require a mask where i can under the law like federal buildings, interstate travels on planes and trains and buses. This team will help get it the latest at the last 100 million covid19 vaccine shots into the arms of the American People in the first 100 days. The third thing i am going to ask in 100 days should be a National Priority to get our kids back into school and keep them in school. To the American People, i know we have all had a lot of sleepless nights this year, all i can tell you is the truth. We are in a dark winter. Things may well get worse before they get better. President trump held a covid event as well. The tone could not have been more different. You will be seeing that over the next few months, the numbers should skyrocketed downward. We are the most exceptional nation of the history of the world. Today we are on the verge of another american medical miracle and thats what people are saying. People that are not big fan of donald trump say whether you like it or not, this is one of the greatest miracles in the history of modern day medicine or any other medicine or any other age. People are saying it, he said so it must be true. The president signed what appears to be symbolic executive order that americans get First Priority as the order refers to United States government covid19 vaccines. He did not mention that the administration passed on the chance back in the summer to secure more doses of the vaccine from pfizer. The dark days ahead, biden mentions and the president did not. The vaccine was our goal. That was number one because that was the way it ends and you have immunity, you develop immunity over a period of time. I hear we are close to 15 . I am hearing that. Thats terrific and it is a powerful vaccine in itself and tremendous progress has been made. One of the reasons we do show so many and i say this and i have been saying it for a long time, so many cases because we have 200 million tests. Except the importance of the vaccine, none of what he said there was true. You got to give him props, hes a liar to the end nor was anything true to this answer to a question. The biden health team were not invited to the event. Well have to see who the next administration is because we won those swing states and there was terrible things went on. You cant steal hundreds of thousands of votes. You cant have fraud and deception and all the things that they did and slightly win a swing state and you just have to look at the numbers and look at whats been on tape, look at all the corruption and well see. You cant win an election like that. Sure it is annoying to hear him lie continually, of course it is. If you are sitting at home stewing and boiling about it, so what . It is now just meaningless. It does not matter what he says. The Supreme Court spoke today. It does not matter what that guy says. Hes becoming the old guy at the party does not have a home to go back to, just want the greatest hits to keep spinning. Everyone is leaving. Hes going to be singing that song about fraud everyday for the rest of his life. You know that. Table hopping at maralago. Can you believe what they did to me . Fraud. Dental checkups or whoever shows up. It does get tiring but not for him ever. He keeps on repeating the same jive over and over again. Yeah, i said jive. Why not . It is ivankas problem now. She will have to deal with it. The Supreme Court is not having it how little success the president has had making that argument in court and be ware and in a dramatic twist, there was words from another ghost of christmas past, the man who was once Rudy Giuliani who has been traveling the country maskless and shouting until he got covid talking on a new york Radio Station offering advise on covid19. You can over do anything. Everything is done in moderation makes much more sense. My advise to people is get early treatment. The earlier you get treated for this, number one, you totally eliminate the chance of dying and you eliminate the chance of getting a more complicated illness. He didnt mention the nearly 300,000 americans died and many of them got early treatments but perhaps not vip treatment that Rudy Giuliani got. When asked whether the experience changed him as it apparently has, Rudy Giuliani says things happen in life and you cant over react, you dont screw around your whole life because of an illness. More from jim acosta and what point do they, obviously, the president knows he has lost, hes trying to gain as much money as possible so he wants the keep the lies going as much as possible but it does seem like the option is over. The trumps legal team did put out a statement earlier today saying theyre going to continue with these legal challenges. It is unclear where theyll go after the Supreme Court or perhaps it is judge judy or the peoples court. That remains to be seen. Trump and his team still wants to keep fighting. They know it is over and i talked to a trumps adviser this evening who says this is predictable. They knew this is going to happen. I asked his adviser is there any talk of the president conceding behind the scenes and his adviser says zero. At this point well see the president continues to cry foul and put out bogus claims that he was cheated o ut ut of the elec. It is not going to add out to anything. The Electoral College meets next week and certifying these results and joe biden will become president. The president was optimistic of his ability to challenge the vote tallies if he did not like them. I dont think anyone is surprised the Supreme Court justices did not buy into this at all. Right, this adviser i spoke with said they didnt think it is going to happen. The adviser went onto say can d candidly that trump tested our system that this was a stressed test for the american electoral system and the system he will strong. Sort of you know a level of candor there that you dont get operatives behind the scenes who are spinning you, even some of them understand behind the scenes of what the president has been doing damaging to american democracy and yes the president thought he was going to get some sort of quid pro quo from a year ago that the president thought by putting justices on the Supreme Court, amy coney barrett, somehow theyll rule in his favor. It is yet another example of how the president just does not understand how our system of Government Works despite the fact that hes just weeks from leaving office. Jim acosta. Appreciate it. We are joined by the official got fired by the president after calling this election the most secured in american history, christopher krebs. Mr. Krebs is joining us tonight. Thank you for being with us, i appreciate it. I want to get your reaction to the Supreme Courts ruling today rejecting pennsylvania blocking the commonwealth election results. What do you make of the final . I thought it was beautiful . Its simplicity. One line what everybody expected. It is one more nail in the coffin of the continued efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 president ial election. As republicans, do you think it will make a difference for other members of your party whos been supporting the president s baseless claims and holding out somehow the results will be overturned. Do you think the Supreme Court ruling is a turning point at that front or when the president actually leaves . You know it is hard to say. I think that there has been a coordinated campaign to intimidate and silence republican officials across the country just look at whats happening down in georgia, erin, had on the Lieutenant Governor down there, hes been targeted. The governor has been targeted and the secretary of state. Governor doocey has targeted by the president. There is an ongoing effort trying to silent the government officials. It was a clean election, a straightforward victory by joe biden. When you did, when you came out and said this was the most secure election, impa am parap e am paraphrasing, did you have a sense of how the president is beginning to respond to that . So, again, i dont think we really consider what the reaction was going to be from the president or the candidate. What we did was the right thing and just like him filing this lawsuit, i kind of have a pattern of stand up for whats right and myself and my family and friends and teammates and standing up for democracy. There are cost associats associ that tch that. You got to stand up for whats right. I stood up for democracy and got fired for it. Continued standing up for democracy and got Death Threats and now standing up again for democracy in filing this lawsuit. And you know the president spent time today talking about the elections saying lets see whether or not somebody has the courage or legislature or justices of the Supreme Court or a number of justices have to do for what everybody in the country knows whats right. I wonder how he makes that choice of language. This is part of what we would like to look into further. Whatever the reason is whether he honestly believes that he won which i cant can see how a rational person would conclude that or it is an ongoing fund raising effort to retire debt or future political or opportunities or maybe just not a gracious loser. It does not matter. In contrary of what jim acosta says, yes, democracy held strong. I am a Firm Believer that democracy is fragile and have these sorts of internal attacks and domestic threats is incredibly dangerous. No, we cant have another four years of some kind of loss cost effort. We have to put this to rest and move forward as a country. The lawsuit you file against to digenova, accuses them dep m defamation and he went on news mass and he later walked back on the statement. Why did you feel compel to take action . I was a Public Servant in the National Security community, he accused me being a traitor. The penalty for treason is exactly what he described and thats exactly how it was interpreted by the community by everyone out there and social media. Thats the number of Death Threats whent off the charts. You cant ring that bell in this toxic political environment. Look at the threats against Governor Whitmer and northam here and once you start agitating and pouring carosene on the fire, it is hard to put it out. It is important for me to stand up for me and my family. Your tenyearold child was asked whether you will be executed, i mean as a new d dad i cant imagine what that how do you deal with that . I am not sure you can, right . Those things are hard. I listen to the michigan congresswoman how shes doing h. When you have family members and Collateral Damage effectively from these attacks on your character and your person, i dont take that lightly. Thats not acceptable behavior. Thats not how people should act in a civil society. I has to stop. How do things change . I am still stunned after all the shamelessness we have seen the last four years and all the lies. I am stunned on how the president turned on people who works very hard for the good of the country, you and others who, you know, even Jeff Sessions who one can argue with politically and you can disagree with him politically, he was executing the president s agenda in terms of what judges and all the things that the president wanted. He didnt recuse himself, he just recused himself which was the right thing to do. This president will turn on people and it seems like his base, i dont know if theyre scared of the bully turning on them or so theyre praising the bully. Something got to give just moving forward. You heard from whether the background conversations from republicans where they say it is political suicide to go against the president. I guess i can understand that. For me is not good enough. I took a stand, we defended democracy, i would do it 1,000 times over. It was an honor to serve in the role of the director. To your larger point, this has to stop and in short of the president acknowledging that he did not win and the Vice President biden is the president elect. Thats a good first start. I dont have a lot of faith it is going to happen because i think there are other things theyre trying to accomplish here. The rest of the Republican Party and the leadership has to stand up. There are three branches of government, the legislature has to stand up and accept the outcome of this election because certainly particularly in the house, theyre accepting their own races. Every single of them was on the ballot, we got to move on and they got to stand up and we got to move forward. It christopher krebs, thank you for your service and thank you for talking to us tonight. I appreciate it. Good luck to you. Thanks anderson. Next, the president s Supreme Court defeat and the president continuing election denial whether there is any real chance he can go further. The new vaccine data we mentioned and reported failure of the administration to take advantage of the chance getting more doses from pfizer and what happens next as more vaccines come. Born and raised. Im a doordasher, im a momma with a special needs child, she is the love of my life. Doordash provides so much flexibility. If something happens with her, where i need to be home, i can just log out and just say okay, my family needs me. I dont have to answer to nobody. I dont want to be nobodys employee. I do what i want, im independent. Independent lady. Thats what i like about it. S uh um. Its shiori. Shori. Thank you, thats great. Shiori. I really love it. 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Returning to breaking news the president s Supreme Court defeat in a case aimed at pennsylvania. Our dana bash and Kelly Cordero and david axelrod. Obviously this is not a normal time, what happens next . The president is likely to keep on kicking and screaming and he tried to bully the Supreme Court really for the past month or so. Especially when he was speaking today at the white house, actually calling out the Supreme Court and pennsylvania legislatures wi legislatur legislatures, challenging their man and womanhood and the feedback that the Supreme Court slapped it down with no decent, even the three nominees from this president didnt think it was worthy of even saying you know what i agree with the president or anything at all tells you everything that you need to know. Hes trying to push and fly in the face of basic facts. In these swing states, pennsylvania included that the president did not win and there is no wide fraud spread. I want to play what the president was saying before the election. I think it will end up in the Supreme Court and it is important that we have nine justices. It is better if you go before the election because i think the scam that the democrats are pulling, it is a scam. C it is whathard to read in th threeline pointer. Hes certainly wrong. He thought that he would be able to influence the court. In this circumstances with the 2020 election, there was not a case to be made. The election was not close. It was not close in the state. There were no credible allegations of fraud. Really this lawsuit and many of the others are simply frivolous and the Supreme Court has no reason to insert itself in the 2020 election when its results is so clear. David, when President Trump said what he did today well have to see who the next administration is obviously people are dealing with facts and basic arithmetic who the next administration will be and the Supreme Court knows that as well. We are not in the president s head thankfully. I am sure this is for him to raisiing money down the road. Hes not one of those people. He develops his own alternative set of facts. That was the line we heard in the first day of his administration throughout. There is madness to his method and i dont think he can tolerate being the loser. Thats the worst thing for him. There is a method to his madness, he raised over a quarter of a billion dollars, i should say. He sets himself up as the avenger that it was stolen. They stole this from us, from you. Thats going to be the platform on what hes going to launch whatever he does next and hell probably run for president again in 2024. That does two things for him. One it keeps him in the game and makes him relevant. Secondly, if he should be indicted in new york which is a real possibility, hell be depicted as a political prosecution and trying to keep us from taking the white house back. By finance here in new york a savvy guy, he is 425 million in debt. He cant get a conventional loan. If hes still active and talking about running for president again, pretty good investment whether it is russia or turkey or any other country to make sure he gets the money he needs. Part of it is he cant tolerate being a loser. Hes making a bet and rallying people advantaging him in a way. You were talking about this with chris krebs whos really remarkable and how articulate he is and what he saw internally of what he sees now. The money part of this, i am not sure if you are on the Trumps Campaign email list, it is ping, ping all day long. They are desperate for money and the money is not all going at 25 of it at this point is only going to the legal fund. 75 is going to the pact that the president created for his future political run and all of their political endeavor. Thats the most important thing for the president right now is to keep his political liability goi going. This is a money raising effort of what hes doing from the oval office, democracy be dammed. Thats a pact. Thats money he can use however he wants. Correct, he can for the future. The Electoral College is next week. What state or federal judge is going to weigh in at this point legitimatize the president s baseless claim. Who would tell the president he has a chance besides Rudy Giuliani . . He has a team of lawyers thats willing to put their names into lies. Theyre simply were not credible allegations of fraud. What the president is doing and the lawyers who are enabling him in doing this and his political allies who are supporting this charade which is really what it is in terms of alleging fraud. There are some people who believe this. And thats why i can comment for a minute in your interview with chris krebs. The work that krebs did and his team before the election so the years that they put insecuring the election and working with state and local partners to make sure Cyber Security of the election was not much better shape than it was in 2016 was really important. But, what they did after the election by batting down the rumors including the rumors coming in from the president himself, i think saved the country an enormous amount because they had the credibility to be able to say that the allegations he were making were false and that was an Incredible Service that they did. Carrie cordero and dana bash and david axelrod. Thank you all. More on the data of the coming vaccine of how effective it is and how fast is the roll out after the panel meets on thursday. For the whole family. Trusted soothing vapors, from vicks may your holidays glow bright and all your dreams take flight. Visit your local mercedesbenz dealer today for exceptional lease and financing offers at the mercedesbenz winter event. We look at what youve saved, what youll need, and help you build a flexible plan for cash flow that lasts, even when youre not working, so you can go from saving. To living. Lets go president elect biden is forming his government, whats the president elects Team Response on the decision . Reporter president elect biden no legal challenge or tweets will be changing the outcome of the election. This Supreme Courts Decision Just the latest in a string of validations they gotten to backup that argument. A spokesperson from the bidens campaign saying, trumps ally debunked and now the highest court of the land joined them in the electoral process. This election is over, joe biden won and hell be sworn in as president in january. They did not felt they would change any of the outcome. What you see biden do is plowing ahead with his Transition Team and building out the administration thatll step in 43 days once he takes in office. They dont feel surprising as they thought these legal challenges would fall flat. They have fallen flat, i assume they dont believe there is any legal challenges on the horizon thats going to stand in the way of inauguration. No, that is getting to the end of the road for President Trump. When the Electoral College votes which they expect to go in their favor as the results have been certified across the country. When republicans will start to acknowledge the reality that biden is the president elect and will become president on january 20th. President elect biden tried to give republicans space and give them time to come around and accept reality. That vote next week will solidify his standing heading into his inauguration in 43 days appreciate it, thanks. Joining me now is val demings, thanks so much for j n joining with us. Whats your reaction on the refusal of the Supreme Court . It is great to be with you. Any case before any court has to have evidence. I tell you the evidence is clear and convincing that joe biden won the 2020 election. It disnot surprioes not surprise Supreme Court does. Whats surprising is the reaction of my colleagues on the other side of the isle if you will. Look, the election is over. Joe biden won. Donald trump lost. In spite of the president s efforts, his own efforts to try to interfere in this particular election, the evidence is clear. The Electoral College will meet next week, i am just hoping that the republicans who have made a conscious decision to play this game with the president that is based on nothing thats real will come to their senses and participate in preparing for the next president of the United States. We only have 43 days. It is game is the right word. It is a game to them, a game to the president , hes fund raising off it. He needs money in the years ahead for politics and legal issues beyond. It is not a game to a lot of the base of the Republican Party who supports the president and believed when the president says there was widespread voter fraud, they believe it and theyre being played for suckers by the president and by these other republicans in congress. Do behind the scenes do they at least acknowledge yes, of course, it is over but i cant say that . What are your colleagues actually say . They dont really believe the president is you know, won the election, do they . Let me say this, anderson. I think we all know that the current president of the United States will say and do anything and nothing he does surprises me anymore. The behavior of my colleagues who used to say they did not support a lot that the president was doing but they were afraid of the political ruepercussions and maybe not take action and stay silent. Their behavior in this election is disgraceful. We know all of them have been asked who won the election only 27 out of 249 acknowledged that joe biden will be the next president of the United States, i do expect better from the members of congress and it is shameful of what they are doing. We see the results of this out of touch with reality behavior that has been translated into violent act and i saw whats happening to elected officials in michigan and their protests outside of their home and georgia. For the president to not say anything is bad enough and if members of congress to participate in it is disgrace l disgraceful. The republicans on the committee on inaugural ceremonies blocked the resolution by democrats would name president elect biden, the two people set to be sworn in. This is insane. House majority leader said and i quote the extent where republicans refused to accept the next president is astound g astounding. Why wont Mitch Mcconnell or Kevin Mccarthy acknowledged that the bidens inauguration is being planned. Anderson, there is absolutely no excuse for it. As you know dealing with the Public Health pandemic over 280,000 people have lost their lives. We have over a million cases here in florida. 20,000 people have lost their lives. The numbers are going up and not down. We are dealing with the Public Health pandemic, businesses are close and people are losing their jobs trying to keep a roof over their heads and the republicans are playing games by not even acknowledging a Supreme Court in the resolution when clearly they understand Joe Biden Kamala harris won. I hope the people in their district who needs help and need help right now and need us get to work will remember this moment and what their representatives chose to do. I want to ask you of president elect bidens cabinet pick. Whats your reaction . You know anderson, i am just so thankful that Vice President or president elect biden now has several options and capable and competent individuals that he can consider. I have said it before, certain people are chosen to deal with, we know after the mess of this Current Administration has been involved in and will leave for the in coming president , i think he has to select the people who brings the skills to the table for this certain time that we are in. I am excited about his appointments so far. I am anxiously awaiting to see more, i think hes right on track to date. Congresswoman val demings, i appreciate your time. Coming up in the case, the Covid Vaccine and well hear from one of the first to roll up their sleeves. Unitedhealthcare medicare plans offer more. Like the visit a doctor anywhere our rv takes us plan. And the zero copays means more money for rumba lessons plan. Find the right plan for you from unitedhealthcare. Get medicare with more. And at fidelity, youll get planning and advice to help you prepare for the future, without sacrificing whats most important to you today. Because with fidelity, you can feel confident that the only direction youre moving is forward. But some things are too serious to be ignored. If you still have symptoms of Crohns Disease or Ulcerative Colitis even after trying other medications, it may be a sign of damaging inflammation, which left untreated, could get much worse. Please make an appointment to see your gastroenterologist right away. Or connect with them online. Once you do, seeing the doctor is one less thing to worry about. Need help finding a doctor . Head to crohnsandcolitis. Com breaking news on the pandemic, nearly 105,000 people hospitalized with the disease today. A new high, more than 50 million total cases, upward 202,000 today alone and more than 4 400,000 people have died today. The White House Coronavirus task force warning there wont be a viral spread until americans can be immunized. There is a lot to get to. Joining me is our dr. Sanjay gupta and as well as dr. Gounder, a member of joe bidens task force. Quite something to see today, people in the u. K. Being vaccinated, i know you spoke to steven haun today, why the process taken longer here, what did he tell you . He basically said the fda Regulatory Framework is the goal standard around the world. It is a stricter framework from a regulatory standpoint but also a liability stand point. He pointed out that is while the u. K. Did authorize this vaccine, the rest of the European Union had not yet. They sort of folsom of the same guidelines that the fda does. Whats really driving this, anderson, is there is still a fair amount of vaccine hesitan y hesitancy. Now it is up to 60 . It is not high enough. Making it clear to the American People that the regulatory process is being shortcut here is really important. Thats part of the reasons it is taking so long. It should be the next couple of days we hear something. Dr. Gounder, ahead of the next meeting, the fda released a document and highlighted the efficacy of the vaccine, how promising is this vaccine . Well, the data looks quite good and while we cant make any conclusion based on the data that was submitted to the fda, even after one dose seems like you are seeing pretty good immunity. You have to look at it in larger numbers. It is certainly possible that you may see changes and guidance about how the vaccine is utilized as we learn more about it. Thats interesting. Sanjay, biden said that he wants to aim for 100 million americans to be vaccinated in the first 100 days, is that is realistic . It is interesting. He said 100 million doses and this may be semantics. If it is 100 million doses than 100 Million People because it is two doses per person. We put the numbers together and talking to various vaccine companies, as you know potentially by the end of the year if both pfizer and moderna becomes authorized, that would the screen you are looking at now by the way are different numbers. But these are the overall numbers of vaccines that were purchased by operation warp speed. As far as the calendar goes, 100 days after the inauguration, it is possible to get 100 million doses if other vaccines come online those are two last week they said are likely to go to emergency use, a lot of things got to go right. As of right now, we dont have any authorized vaccines. It looks promising. We still got to get there the. The Coronavirus Task force said it wont reduce the spread of covid19 until at least late spring. How is the Biden Administration going to address this and i wonder if local Health Departments have enough resources to vaccinate their residents. Well, its a very good question. We really do have to double down on many of the Health Measures we are producing all along, the mask wearing, social distancing, do so outdoors or at the very least a well ventilated space. That needs to continue you know while we have a vaccine and there is light at the end of the tunnel, there is still a long tunnel ahead. And its for vaccine distribution. Think think they need extra help in order to distribute the vaccine. Its not just about nursing homes, to get to people in a much bigger effort. I want to bring in a reporter who broke the story with pfizer and they declined to buy more doses. What are you learning between what happened between the administration and pfizer . Well, i think what happened is pfizer was very eager to offer the Trump Administration as many doses really as they wanted to buy. Fiez serb an American Company and the bulk of its commerce are american and they did not want to get into a situation where it was vaccinating people overseas but so two or three times pfizer officials were told to urge the pfizer administration to buy more than 100 million doses. Dont you want to buy more . You dont have to pay for it up front . Just you know reserve your doses, because you know the demand is absolutely going to outstrip supply and the administration said no because basically they were giving out six vaccine makers, they didnt want to make too big of a bet on pfizer even though it was not running out of pocket. Right. They basically bet on 100 million doses from each of the six vaccinemakers that were included as part of this Crash Program to develop the vaccine. It looks like they put. No, it could have we just served a list of all the different companies. It looked like they botd a lot more of astra zenica, they were in the 100 million brand. They purchased 300 million. Everybody else they purchased 100 million. Do you have any idea why . Yes, because astrazeneca is a low cost vaccine. It basically, i think they were selling it at no profit. So the amount of money that the government was putting down was the same. But astrazeneca, there are some questions about its data, its transparency the trial is not in the same position as pfizer and moderna. What we have in hand is 100 million from moderna, 100 million from pfizer. These are both twodose regimes. Right. So thats going, together theyre going to cover 100 million americans and the collection is who is going to cover the other 230 million . Sanjay, that is big question. The head of operation warp speed told Good Morning America it would not be possible. Another says a decision was made as a part of a plan to diversify the nations vaccine arsenal. Do you buy that . You know, i have been talking to a him since he was appointed the chief scientific adviser for operation warp speed. They were having to make a lot of bets essentially on these vaccines. I think these mrna vaccines, in particular, which are pfizer and moderna. One thing is we never had this vaccine before. So the results now that were seeing look to be pretty remarkable. Sell lean w selene was talking about. At the time they werent efficacious. They said it wasnt clear pfizer was going to be able to deliver the numbers of vaccines they would need to make up the short faum so i think there is lots of decision points here. They wish they had ordered more of the pfizer, but astrazeneca and johnson and johnson are in phase 3. We appreciate your reporting. Thank you so much. Just ahead, the first people on the west to get the Pfizer Vaccine today and their words to no longer live in fear when we return. Heart monitors that let your doctor watch over you, just like you watch over your best friend. Another lifechanging technology from abbott, so you dont wait for life. You live it. Since the pandemic began we often used this portion of the broadcasts to remember those taken from us by the virus. Tonight for the first time we are pleased to be able to do the some. Those men in the United Kingdom are alive first receiving the vaccine outside the clinical trials. Martha keenan was the first. Thats her being applauded. Her inoculation you see for the people that treated her for the nation and the worlded aened her two children and four grandchildren. She turns 91 next week. She said this, if i can have it at 90, then you can have it too. Then there is the most famous, William Shakespeare or bill known to his friends. Yes, that is his name. He had his grandchildrens artwork nearby. He took a jab. Cnn caught up with another recipient martha keenian who had this to say. I thought i am not going to have it. Im going to take the heavy. I have a granddaughter. I want to live a long time to enjoy their lives. Have you been able to see them much this year, this past year . Not lately. Not since christmas. Lady bug. We wish him well. Grandfather finally going to hug his children. For christmas. That is what all this has been about and is still a struggle to be about, the masks, the social distancing. So at some point, some day, we can all hug our families and friends again and know that the only thing we would ever transmit was our love. A reminder going full circle. Our digital show having conversations and string it live at 6 00 p. M. Eastern or watch it there or on the cnn ap or any time on demand. Cuomo front time. Two things, first, that William Shakespeare guy is from the place where shakespeare was born. Is he . I didnt know that. Two, you dont know, my brother this christmas will bring out feels in you. Even your blue blood will boil when you are going through all of it with wyatt seeing everything through his eyes. Those beautiful cerulean blue eyes looking at you. You will experience everything anew in a way that you never imagined, love is going to come to you like ive never imagined. Youll

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