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Distancing guidelines. You can find a similar situation at the National Mall in the nations capital. Crowds enjoying the weather. Some Wearing Masks, many not wearing them. New yorkers also took advantage of the beautiful spring weather to go to central park. The other study that shows a spike in deaths in case loads was conducted for the government that was first reported by the New York Times. Now, the white house and cdc have disavowed the numbers, however, the times and Washington Post report that slides created from the report carried the cdc logo on them. Also that the numbers come from modelling conducted by Johns Hopkins university. Now, in both reports cases are projected to spike with the death count rising sharply. Last night President Trump tried to say that, quote, everything is working out, unquote. Even as he upped his own estimate. Two weeks ago today he projected deaths between 50,000 to 60,000. Last night he said it would be 75,000 to 100,000. However, a member of the president s Coronavirus Task force, dr. Deborah birx, appeared to contradict the president s projections. All of them, quoting dr. Birx, quote, our projections have always been between 100,000 and 240,000 american lives lost. So we want to start this hour with nick watt who joins us from los angeles. So, restrictions are going to ease at the end of the week in california. Whats it expected to look like in the near term . Reporter well, in the near term, anderson, probably not eye lot of change, ive got to be honest with you. Listen, we were among the first people in the country told to stay at home. Thats going to be 50 days ago comfrey when the governor is going to finally start lifting these restrictions. Hes been under a lot of pressure over the closing of the beaches. Hes had three counties say theyre going to defy his orders and open their businesses anyway. But he says this has nothing to do with politics. These decisions are driven purely by the science. And actually he said local areas, local municipalities can move faster or slower if the data really supports it than his statewide guidelines. And already weve heard from the mayor of San Francisco who says that her city might need a little bit more time. Today restaurants can reopen in nebraska and florida, bars in montana, offices in colorado. Yes, some social distancing restrictions remain, but by the end of this week, more than 40 states will be partially back open for business. Weve been staying indoors. We have been slowing down the spread. But what we havent done is gotten rid of the virus. Reporter this is what new normal looks like. Eating in texas complete with masks. In miami beach today they had to close the popular South Point Park again after Police Issued 7300 warnings to people not Wearing Masks. The projected number of deaths forecast by early august in this country just nearly doubled to more than 134,000 in that wellknown model from the university of washington. The reason . Its one of increased mobility before the relaxation, premature relaxation of social distancing with added more presumptive deaths as well and were seeing more outbreaks in the midwest, for example. Reporter another model used by the administration projects deaths to rise 3,000 a day by june 1st, according to sources. And a rough eightfold increase in the number of new cases every day nationwide. Now, in 15 states, the daily new case count is falling. Among them, those northeast hot spots. You see the decline is, again, not as steep as the incline, but reopening is more difficult than the close down. Reporter but in 20 states, the daily new case count is still rising. Among them, wisconsin, minnesota, illinois. The governor of california will now allow some retail to open friday with significant modifications. He says certain areas of lower concern can move even faster. We will afford them that right with conditions and modifications that meet the health needs of the entire state. Reporter meanwhile, the white house is now focusing on 14 potential vaccines. We are very confident were going to have a vaccine at the end of the year. Miracles could happen. It could come together. But im certainly not bafrpging on banking on it. Reporter the makers of remdesivir say they have donated 140,000 courses to the federal government. They will determine, based upon things like icu beds, where the course of the epidemic is in the United States. They will begin shipping tens of thousands of treatment courses out early this week. Reporter and today in d. C. , history was made. Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, all persons having business before the honorable, the Supreme Court of the United States are admonished to give their attention. Reporter thats the Supreme Court for the First Time Ever meeting by teleconference. Nick, the white house is pushing back on the projections reported today. What did they say . Reporter yeah, pushing back strongly against the projection, anderson, that says that were going to have 3,000 deaths a day by june 1st. And were going to see the daily case count increasing eightfold. They are pushing back heavily. We just got the statement from the white house spokesperson. This is not a white house document, nor has it been presented to the Coronavirus Task force or gone through inter agency vetting. This data is not reflective of any of the modelling done by the task force or data that the task force has analyzed. Make of that what you will. Anderson . Nick watt. Nick, thanks very much. Our medical chief correspondent sanjay gupta joins us now. Just in terms of what were seeing and hearing, people eager to get back to some version of normal, are things happening too fast . They seem to be, anderson. The gating criteria put forward by the white house, somewhat general but still, you know, saying 14day downward trend that you needed in cases, that was to sort of give evidence that things were, you know, objectively going nt rig objectively going in the right direction. Many of the states that opened over the last week didnt meet that criteria. Many of them peaked in the last few days. I think its too fast. I think the reality is any time things start to open, given that there is a contagious virus out there, there are going to be people who become infected. As you and i talked about, people who would become infected that otherwise wouldnt if we werent open. I think its just a question of how many, you know. Theres always these different models out there. The scenario that nick watt was just talking about was a scenario, you know, that some version of thats been out there for sometime. There are other scenarios as well. Right now i think its pretty clear we arent Getting Better in terms of the overall numbers of cases every day. Were sort of plateaued. Maybe not necessarily getting worse, but not Getting Better. Not coming out the back end of that curve. In the new government number, the slide with the cdc logo on them obtained by the New York Times first, they project a rise of 3,000 deaths a day by june 1st. I know white house is disputing those numbers. They say those arent white house numbers. They werent presented to the Coronavirus Task force. So they are in line with other projections and clearly the administration is concerned things may be going in the wrong direction. Yeah, i mean at least some are. I followed the models carefully since january, and there were these various scenarios, sort of the mild pandemic scenario, the moderate, the more severe. And what these were, it seems like maybe these scenarios were created more than a month ago, and in some ways the actual numbers that were seeing in terms of numbers of cases and numbers of deaths in some ways have been worse than that scenario up until this point. But the point is i think, anderson, is at this plateau right now, are we going to start to sort of head back up or are we going to go down . And theres the plateau is definitely lasting longer than i think the modelers would have suggested. But i think whats concerning at this point is that were at this inflection point. And if we start heading back up and we get into exponential growth, meaning its not just going up linearly, but all of a sudden starts to shoot up as we saw in midmarch, that would be a real concern. We could double the number of deaths every single day. We could go from 25,000 people becoming infected every day to in the hundreds of thousands of people being infected every day. Theres just over a Million People that have been confirmed right now with the infection. If you Start Talking about 100,000 or 200,000 people every day that have the infection, thats a Million People a week, even more than that. So thats what we have to prevent and i think thats when you ask me is it too early. Thats why im answering that i think it is because you want to avoid that exponential growth again. Sanjay, i want to bring in stay with us. I want to bring in dr. Chris murray. Hes obviously the president of the institute for health in washington. We cited models from the white house projecting deaths. Dr. Murray, thank you for being with us. Can you walk us through the new numbers . I think the last time we talked, i cant remember exactly, but i think your projections were in the 60,000 range. They had been as high as 81,000, i think, at one point. What are the specific factors that have made the numbers jump so high just since last week . Well, we had been operating in the modelling assuming that states were going to stay the course, keep social distancing on through to the end of may, bring new infections down to a really low level and states would switch over to a testing, Contact Tracing, isolation strategy. Thats clearly not happening, so weve now built into the modelling what were seeing around the country, both in terms of the mandates coming off, but also even before the mandates came off where we see in the mobility data people starting to get out more, having more interaction. All that translates into greater risk of transmission. And what we see is some states will continue going up. Texas, georgia, florida, a series of states in the midwest. Other states will have much slower declines than would have occurred if there wasnt this increase in mobility. So all that put together gives us a much bigger number by august. It also has a bigger range, and it has states with transmission running well into july and august. You know, the way to think about this is theres two things happening. People getting out, being more active. Some people going back to work. And on the other side, states are scaling up testing. Thats why were seeing more cases in some places. And thats a good sign. And the temperature is going up, and we do see a statistical correlation between transmission and temperature. And whats going to happen is going to be the balance of those forces. Sanjay, do you have a question, i think . Yeah, you know, im curious what you thought, professor murray, of these i guess it was probably a scenario that was released from today that may have come from Johns Hopkins originally that suggested that we could go to some 200,000 new infections a day and some 3,000 deaths a day. Its tough to even say that out loud, but that would be 1. 5 mortality. What do you think of that . Does that make sense to you at all based on your modelling . Well, you know, there is a huge range of possibilities out there. Our estimates for june 1st are about 890 deaths a day, so about a third of what that model is saying. And perhaps more importantly, i think when you see the graph from that model, its having the u. S. Go into exponential growth, you know, after june 1st. And i can its down to this question about how much will testing, Contact Tracing scale up, rising temperature put brakes on transmission. How much will people be cautious. Will they wear a mask, will they avoid physical interaction on average. If that goes in the direction we think the balance will be, well end up well below the 3,000 deaths a day. But its really depends what states do, what people do. And you found that there is a statistical correlation between mobility and transmission. I mean, is that can you explain that . Is that based on data you collected in the past week or so since the states have begun to ease restrictions . So, what weve done is weve gone back and we looked at this rterm. How many case does each infect. We looked at it by state all the way back to midmarch. And weve run statistical correlations or regressions, you know, to explore that relationship with population density, with mobility, with temperature, and with testing per capita. And we find really strong relationships. And the strongest is mobility. So theres clearly a huge relationship between how much people are out and about and how much transmission occurs. And it also means that when we cut mobility with social distancing, that was having a very beneficial effect on transmission. So no surprise as people go back to being more active and interacting with each other. Were going to see increased transmission. Professor murray, when you looked at some of your models earlier on, you did show this scenario where we could get to a really low level of infection. I cant remember if it was. 1 or whatever the number was. You see places around the world like new zealand where you get really low rates of infection. Are you still optimistic that we can get there . I mean, theres been a lot of tough news lately. Is there some hopes for optimism in terms of these low levels of infection possibilities . Well, i think new zealand is a fantastic example because they put in place with clear criteria the sort of stayathome orders, the whole social distancing package. They waited until transmission got to a really low level and now theyre scaling back. They have clear criteria by which theyll go back to social distancing if it rebounds. We thought that thats what would happen in the u. S. , that go the distance, stay to the end of may, get transmission to sort of new zealand levels and its sort of manageable with Contact Tracing, isolation, testing. Clearly thats not going to happen. I think weve entered a new phase. People in the u. S. Are going to become more active. States are going to take off mandates. Now its going to be really up to individuals to try to minimize their exposure themselves, especially those that can. Some people dont have the luxury of having jobs where they can work from home. But, you know, wear a mask, avoid as much contact as possible, and weve really got to focus on scaling up testing and Contact Tracing and isolation. And i think the most important thing is if we can just space out, you know, the relaxation of social distancing even a little bit more, its going to make that task more possible, right. Wow. This is, yeah, depressing. More deaths, were talking about more deaths, more transmissions. Obviously there is a tradeoff for getting the economy off as well. Thats what it comes down to. Thank you, sanjay gupta and chris murray. Ahead, how should the government respond to the fatalities and case loads . Two secretaries of health and Human Services join me to discuss. Also Governor Mike Dewine will talk about whether new projections affect his time line for ohio. Feel the clarity of nondrowsy childrens claritin allergy relief. And relief from symptoms caused by over two hundred outdoor and indoor allergens. Because to a kid, a grassy hill is irresistabale. Childrens claritin. Feel the clarity and live claritin clear. Theres no better story than your story. And ancestry can help you discover it. You might just find the more you learn about your Family History the more youll want to know. Ior anything i want to buy isk going to be on rakuten. Rakuten is easy to use, free to sign up and its in over 3,000 stores. I buy a lot of makeup. Shampoo, conditioner. Books, food. Travel. 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Shop everything home at wayfair. Com were focused tonight on the sharp decrease in deaths and spike in fatalities. We spoke to the head of the institute about the reasons for the spike. Dr. Chris murray at the university of washington said there is, quote, clearly a relationship between how much people are out and about and transmission occurs. Joining me is Donna Shalala who served in the clinton administration, congresswoman from florida, and Kathleen Sebelius who served under president obama in kansas. How concerned are you about the new higher death toll projections and compared to what we are already seeing, which is people coming out, not Wearing Masks and states opening up . Well, anderson, im very concerned. And i think we all should be concerned. We are a big country. We have a disease thats moving from spot to spot. I listened to scott gottlieb, the former head of the food and Drug Administration over the weekend who talked about the fact that we are in for a slow simmering summer where disease, outbreaks are likely to occur. And what he said is that although the last six weeks of mitigation, strong mitigation in some states, of staying at home and social distancing and really locking down, definitely had an impact, but it didnt have as much of an impact as people would have hoped. The curve has really not gone very much down. Were on a plateau, which means as we open up, as we continue to have hot spots and meatpacking plants in places like kansas, in nursing homes, in prisons all over this country, we are going to see outbreaks continue to occur. And i dont know any state as a former governor, any state who has actually met the guidelines that the cdc put out of 14 days of decline in disease, or is ready for the kind of massive Contact Tracing that we need to be able to do with testing to isolate cases as they begin to reoccur. Congresswoman shalala, given what secretary sebelius was just saying, none of these states have met the 14day criteria. I find it sort of stunning that obviously President Trump was embarrassed by suggesting that perhaps studies should be done of injecting disinfectant into people, and so Coronavirus Task force briefings have stopped. It seems like the administration now essentially just wants this to be a statewide effort, state by state, and not have the Trump Administration be the face of this on a daily basis. You know, its a stunning lack of leadership and its a human tragedy thats unfolding. Each of these lives are precious. The administration should have hit this with a hammer. They never purchased the testing supplies that would have been necessary. They never purchased the p. P. E. This should not have ever the supply issue should have never been left to the states. And the standards and the States Strategy should have been brought to the federal government, approved by them, and then implemented by the states and funded by the states. A group of us have introduced a bill that does exactly that. But hitting it with a hammer was very important initially. And instead they went tap, tap, tap, and basically said, okay, states, you decide. You purchase everything. And they left it to the states. You know, its like the articles of confederation when they were sort of competing against each other. We are one country and it demanded fabulous leadership, and we just didnt get it. And hitting it with a hammer, its our behavior hitting it with a hammer and then asking people to stay at home as part of that strategy, it would have at least driven this downward. And now were out there opening up restaurants with no testing. We have Grocery Stores opened and everybody that works there is not being tested. Were not even testing all the people that are cleaning buildings, including our hospitals. Were falling further behind, in my judgment, even though it looks like were leveling off. Im scared to death about these frenetic openings. Its not like i like staying inside. I hate staying inside. Secretary sebelius, whats your advice to people who are watching tonight . Because it is frightening. Obviously, look, everybody wants to get back to work, get back in business, and get going, you know, be outside. But this is not a situation where an individual just being responsible protects that individual. Its your safety is dependent on other people behave organize at least wearing a mask. Well, i think that in many states, and im fortune to live in one where our governor has been excellent at every step along the way. We have a wonderful secretarier of health and environment who gives very clear briefingses, we follow the science and were going to do that. The problem is across the border we have a governor who is not paying so much attention, and we have a big bistate kansas city area where half the people are in missouri and half the state is in kansas. Very different rules. We desperately need federal guidance. Im terrified by the fact now that i hear that the administration not only blocked dr. Fauci from testifying in the house as requested on friday, but now theyre going to block tax force members, and im interested in the scientists. Im not so interested in the politicians. I want the scientists to talk clearly to the American Public about what is going on. I want cdc to put out federal guidance on how Contact Tracing should be done, what are the criteria, how fast it should be done. And im hoping that Donna Shalala and her colleagues in the house, as they have provided such terrific leadership, demand transparency on what is going on and demand that the federal government step up with one voice. Because until we have some kind of confidence that we are getting a message, no one is going to leave their own neighborhood or their own block. You can rely on what you can see around you, so you have some confidence there is some pattern of similarity. Nobody is going anywhere. Well, congresswoman shalala, what happened the president talked about liberate michigan. Liberate the scientists. Why arent we hearing if the president doesnt want the Coronavirus Task force any more, i get that, i get why he wouldnt want to after the last performance. Why arent we hearing from the cdc every day and the National Institutes of health . The cdc used to be a really respected organization. It seems like theyve been muzzled or kneecapped. In fact, they muzzled lots of people in the government, including firing the i. G. At h. H. S. Who put out a report that was so evenhanded, they literally must not have read it. And the idea of firing someone who has oversight is really outrageous. But the idea of telling tony fauci, one of the worlds greatest scientists that he can testify at the senate but not at the house because they dont want him to spend the time after they have tied him up in briefings and in meetings for literally two months is really unacceptable. Yeah. And its unacceptable to muzzle any scientist because we need clear information, as my colleague has just said. Yeah, congressman shalala, i are esh yo appreciate your time. Secretary sebelius as well. The cnn special report, the pandemic and the president , that airs tonight at 11 00 p. M. Eastern. Its definitely worth watching. Up next on 360, ill talk to the ohio Governor Mike Dewine about his state reopening and the big jump in projected deaths nationwide. 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Breaking news tonight, a key modeling projection vaulted the number of deaths caused by the pandemic 134,000 by early august. Thats nearly double the last projection due in part to lack of social distancing. This as dozens of states start to reopen. Joining me is governor mike dewayne, a state starting to reopen. Thank you for joining u. I know how busy you are. How concerned are you about your state, the pace of opening . Obviously its a balance, youre in a difficult position. How do you balance these new projections, the modelling showing potential increases with the need to have people work and get back to their lives . Well, that is the balance and we think we can do two things at once. But obviously the news out today is very concerning. It should be concerning to every american. Were trying to balance it this way. Weve seen for about three weeks a slight downward trend in hospitalization which we think is good. Wed like for it to be obviously much more downward. You know, we now have something we didnt have a couple weeks ago, and that is a real capacity in regard to testing. We dramatically increased this with a contract and also with ohio manufacturers making a lot of the swabs. So were going to have really a very vigorous tracing program, about 1800 people around the state of ohio. So thats one way that we think we can stay on top of this. But youre right, i watched part of your program tonight. Its warmer weather, people want to get out. There certainly is more no. In ohio than we have seen before. I think all of that is natural, but what were trying to get people to do is wear the mask when they go out and, you know, keep that social distancing. Its very, very important. So, you said you have 1800 people for Contact Tracing. Do you know what the number was prior to this . Okay, thats the point. What is that compared to normal times . We probably have 660, Something Like that right now, which is norm. Were starting to ramp that up. We got a Crash Program to do that. But its not going to come overnight. We know that. But its just very important that we do that. The other thing weve done is we have slowly started to roll out and gone into different industries. For example, were looking at restaurants and bars. We have not done them yet, but we put together business working groups who worked alongside Health People to come up with the best practices, every one of the industries. Its not only about when were going to do it but its how were going to do it. With that business help, we have the how do you know as well as we can get it down. You had admitted people wear masks in stores. There was a backlash for that, so you went back on that. Im wondering whats wrong with the idea of people Wearing Masks in stores, in an enclosed space . Its not even for them. Its for everybody else in the store. If thats not law, can a business still insist that people either wear a mask and if not they dont come in . Yes. No, no, absolutely, a business can do that. Were trying to, you know, change the culture of wearing mask to show that its exactly what you said it was, youre wearing it for someone else. It is the right thing to do. What we came back with, though, was a mandate that every employee would have to wear a mask. As you pointed out, we wanted to mandate that for people who would go into a restaurant or people who would go into retail. The pushback we got was pretty hard. It became clear to me that this was just something that was a bridge too far. People were just not going to accept a mandate from the government. What we are now doing is im talking a lot about it, and we really, you know, hope that people, when they think about this, will understand this is a very important thing to do. I want to play something former new Jersey Governor Chris Christie said to dana bash today. Of course, everybody wants to save every life they can. But the question is towards what end ultimately . Are there ways that we can thread the middle here to allow there are going to be deaths. There are going to be deaths no matter what. If we can do things to keep people in the mode of Wearing Masks, of wearing gloves, of distancing where appropriate. Weve got to let some of these folks get back to work because if we dont, were going to destroy the american way of life and these families, and well be years and years before we can recover. And that is what it boils down to. Do you agree with what hes saying . Well, i think that its absolutely true that there are a lot of costs for high unemployment and the huge crash in the economy weve seen. Theyre not a lot of social costs. Obviously economic costs, but also medical costs in the sense of health costs. You know, generally when the economy goes down, you see domestic abuse, for example, go up. You see depression go up. So there are, in fact, a lot of costs. And so were trying to do two things in ohio at once, and, you know, were trying to do it very, very carefully. But i think that u know, you are trying to do both of those things. But the bottom line really is ohioans have been great about distancing. They got us this far. They flattened the curve. They got us to where we are today. Theyre going to have to continue to do that if were going to avoid a big spike in the number of cases and see a dramatic increase in the number of deaths. I have confidence that they can do that. Really, its not the orders i issue or my Health Director issues. Its really what people do every day in their own lives that ultimately has this huge effect across the state. Yeah, well, im sure you and the folks working with you are agonizing over these decisions. There is no easy answer. Governor dewine, i appreciate your time. Thank you. Congratulations on the baby. Great thing. Oh, thanks very much. Thanks. Appreciate it. More breaking news ahead. 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There is breaking news tonight in the intelligence in the coronavirus. Alex joins us with details. What have you learned, alex . Reporter anderson, what were hearing now is the Trump Administration pushing this line that this virus came out of a lab in wuhan is really at odds with some of its closest intelligence partners. There have been these two main theories. That it came out of a lab or it came out of a market. I spoke with a western diplomatic official who says the intelligence assessment, this official has seen the intelligence, says it is highly unlikely that this was a lab accident at the Wuhan Institute of virology. Rather it was highly likely that this was a nactural occurrence, the virus was passed from an animal to a human. This is, according to this official, the growing assessment of the socalled five eyes intelligence sharing group. That is a crucial intelligence sharing the u. S. Is part of along with canada, united kingdom, australia and new zealand. And i spoke with another five eyes official who concurred that this is their assessment, that makes the most sense. This is, anderson, i should caution, an assessment. There is no 100 there is no smoking gun according to the greater intelligence community. This, anderson, is not just a theory being pushed by the Trump Administration. Sources told us senior officials like secretary of state mike pompeo has asked the intelligence agencies, including the c. I. A. , to find evidence that lines up with this theory, that the virus came out of a lab. So far the u. S. Intelligence community has not given their own assessment. In fact, in a remarkable Statement Last week they came out saying that they are still looking into both of those theories, that it either came from the lab or it came from the market. Anderson . Alexander marquart, appreciate it, thanks. Secretary of state mike pompeo has blamed china for causing the virus as alex was saying. White house chief correspondent jim accosta joins us. What are they saying . Reporter they are pushing this theory it came out of a lab somehow. Theyve been pushing the line it was more of a mistake in that lab in wuhan, china, not that it way a bioweapon. We heard the secretary of state on one of the sunday talk shows over the weekend saying there was enormous evidence that this came out of a lab and we heard the president at that town hall on fox say that he believes that this was some kind of terrible mistake on the part of the chinese, and that they are embarrassed by it and are kwo g covering it up. Anderson, what we are lacking at this point is any evidence to back up any of these claims. And in addition to the skepticism that was expressed by the other intelligence communities for u. S. Partners that alex was just talking about a few moments ago, there are reservations about this theory inside the Public Health community. I can tell you a source close to the Coronavirus Task force has told me that it is still the belief among some members on that task force that this started with an animal to human infection, and not out of that lab. And in the words of the source, every time one of these outbreaks occurs, there is a theory that it started in a lab in china. And sometimes it just doesnt pan out. That theory doesnt pan out. You are seeing the administration trying mightily to lean in that direction. But they havent presented the evidence to back it up yet. All right. Jim, appreciate it. Want to bring in cnns david culver who reported extensively on the coronavirus. And gloria borger. The findings by mike pompeo that they were stockpiling the virus, does that match your reporting narrator reporter anderson, this is some of the things we highlighted early on in this. To suggest, though, that this cover up was also coexisting with a stockpiling of some of these badly needed p. P. E. Doesnt really align. I have to say some of the folks we would talk with on the front lines early on in this january into february, there was a dire need here, so it wasnt they were able to stockpile even. They couldnt meet the demand at the time. We know that because medical personnel were getting infected. Some in one hospital by the dozens and many losing their lives. It also became highly politicized. One of the first evacuation flights took off in january 29th. There was a week delay to then evacuate more american diplomats from wuhan. And what we had learned shortly thereafter was there was a back and forth between the chinese and the u. S. Governments over p. P. E. Essentially, the aircraft that was coming into wuhan was coming in empty. That angered the chinese. They said no, we have to prioritize that airport for flights coming in from korea and japan with supplies. It was sensitive early on. It was badly needed here. That said we are now at china is certainly there is a lot to point the finger at, there is a lot to be concerned about, their lack of transparency, a whole host of things. It certainly, though, also plays into President Trumps favor in terms of the election, in terms of making china the enemy, downplaying his own wasting valuable time the last month of february that this administration had where the president was, you know, pushing the idea that this was all going to disappear by april. Well, theyre looking for an easy scapegoat. They found one, i think, in china. China is not very popular in this country, and american polls show china can be an easy scapegoat for them. I think the problem they have here, anderson, is that this raises more questions. For example, if the president was so convinced that china is to blame, why did he consistently praise president xi more than a dozen times in january, february, even into march . Why did he continue to communicate with him and say, you know, theyve got it under control . Was the president asleep at the switch here . Was the president more interested, for example, in getting a trade deal with china at this point than getting at the truth . Was the president not briefed . Was he not paying attention to his intelligence briefs . I mean, these are all questions that have to be answered. And, anderson, one day after the president said he was briefed on january 23rd but it wasnt a really scary briefing about coronavirus, he said that he had spoken with xi and he said they had been working very hard to contain the coronavirus, and we appreciate their efforts and their transparency. And he then went on to thank the president. And,jim, obviously transparent is not something they were being, the president said they were. I suppose now they see the benefit of going after china and using that to dissuade people or kind of field his own failures in this. Absolutely, anderson. I tried to press the president on this late last week, and he suggested that one of the reasons he was praising china and praising president xi earlier this year was because he was, as gloria was just saying, in the middle of these trade negotiations where he was trying to get a trade deal with china. You talk to trump surrogates, you look at republican memos handed out to candidates up on capitol hill, lawmakers were trying to keep their seat on capitol hill. A lot of these internal strategy memos say blame china. Defend or dont defend the president but definitely blame china, so ilts a recurring thee inside the Republican Party at this point. The president hasnt answered two things. Why wasnt he praising president xi, calling them transparent for months and months and months, and where is the evidence this is all chinas fault . Obviously there is a lot to criticize about china, theyre a totalitarian regime and so on. In many ways the president was asleep at the switch, he was downplaying this for weeks, and now there is a very catastrophic death toll in the making, anderson. Thank you very much. Up next, we remember those who died in this pandemic, including a fiveyearold. Well be right back. When bugs move in we stress out and spray. Well, we used to. New ortho home defense max indoor insect barrier kills and prevents bugs for up to a year without odors, stains or fuss. New ortho home defense max. Bugs gone. Stress gone. They come from people who. Were brave. And took risks. Big risks. Bring your Family History to life, like never before. Get started for free at ancestry. Com wayfair has way more ways to renovate your home, from inspiration to installation. Like way more vanities perfect for you. Nice. Way more unique fixtures and tiles. Pairing. Nice. Way more top brands in sinks and faucets. Way more ways to rule your renovation. Nice on any budget, with free shipping. Wayfair. 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They were married 27 years and had four children. He was 54 years old. Jaynatalie la santa had a heart condition, so when she came down with the fever in march, her parents took her to the hospital. Her father called her a Warrior Princess with a fighting spirit, and she did fight this virus for a month in the hospital. At one point the fluid in will little lungs started to clear and her parents were optimistic for her recovery. But she went into cardiac arrest and doctors couldnt resuscitate her. She was the only child and only grandchild in the family. Her grandmom said she was the most precious thing they had. Jaynatalie desantesan santo wa five months old. So much bad news, anderson, i need some good news. How is the little one . How was your weekend . It was great. I spent the whole weekend just looking at him and burping him and feeding him. It was great. Its like this amphibious tree frog lying on my chest. You will come up with better metaphors than tree frog, but youre new at this. I lover watching you laugh and smile. There will be nothing else like it in your life. I love you. Congratulations again. Its good news. I have to mooch off it

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