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He saw was illegal, did not dispute the problematic facts so far, adding to the picture of a president using the power of his office to extract personal political assistance from a foreign government. Well also bring you the latest on two Court Hearings which could decide when or even weather wl certain key witnesses will testify. Because this is now primarily a political battle, well speak to the president s former chief strategist who remains a very vocal supporter, steve bannon. We begin, though, with this remarkable historic moment. On this vote, the yeas are 232. The nays are 196. The resolution is adopted without objection. The motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. Joining us for that, three people who have seen a lot, david axelrod, host of the ax fillings and former Senior Adviser to president obama. Gloria borger, and david gear begin has also served as republican and democrat president , bill clinton, ronald reagan, gerald ford and Richard Nixon. David gergen, the significance of this moment, what do you at the on the other hand this historic day, what do you make of it . I think the bad news here but good news as well. The bad news is how much more partisan the impeachment process has become. When republican Richard Nixon was in the white house, over 180 members of his own party voted to open impeachment proceedings, in his own party, over 180. When bill clinton, a democrat, was in the white house, 31 members of his own party bolted and voted to begin the impeachment proceedings. Today Republican Trump is in the white house. Zero members of his party broke. I think thats a really interesting, important distinction. One more thing two more quick things. The other thing is the weaponization of impeachment proceedings that has gone so far in our country. The founders didnt want to do this very often. And the first 36 president s of our country, only one, only one, andrew johnson, faced serious impeachment proceedings. Of our nine president s since, three, one out of three has faced serious impeachment proceedings. Thats a real change in our politics. The good news is i think as you back away from this and look at it from a long way away, it is also true, the good news, is that checks and balances still work in our system. No president is above the law. President s who do things that are right on the boundaries or violate things are going to get investigated, and they may have impeachment proceedings against them. David axelrod, did it surprise you at all . I dont imagine it did that no republicans broke ranks on this. No, it didnt. Look, i think this is the there are two elements to the republican strategy here. Because theyre not really able to argue the substance very effectively. The facts are pretty damning, starting with the transcript or the memo of a transcript that weve seen. So the first tactic is to partisanize this to the nth degree. Were a very polarized country. They want the make this a test of partisan loyalty. And thats very important to keep their people on board. So i wasnt surprised about that. I think later youre going to hear the argument, particularly if it gets to the senate as it appears likely that were in an Election Year now. Let the people decide. Lets put this case before them. So theyre going to argue process. Theyre going to try and polarize, and theyre going to argue timing. But we havent heard a whole lot of arguments about substance just yet. Though the president says thats what he wants the argument to be. And Kevin Mccarthy said they will start doing that. Gloria, how important is it going to be for democrats to get some republican support as impeachment proceedings play out . If this just continues along partisan lines, you know, whether obviously, some people will believe it. Some people wont. But it certainly it doesnt look good for democrats if its all just, again, along partisan lines. Right. It doesnt. I think they know that. Youve already stated the history. About 31 democrats in the clinton years voted to open an impeachment inquiry. The president said i want all my republicans to stick together, and they decided they would stick together. Not only is this entrenched partisanship, as weve been talking about, but these are members of congress in the house who are afraid of this president. Theyre afraid that he will support primary challengers. And remember, there arent a lot of moderate republicans left in the house now, because those seats were taken by democrats. And, in fact, what the white house is now arguing today is that the democrats were the ones who defected, because there were two democrats who said, you know, we dont want to go along with this inquiry at this point. And at some point, anderson, theyre going to have to Start Talking about what was in these hearings. Theyre going to have public hearings. Were going see transcripts. And then what theyre banking on, i think, is that Public Opinion may start to shift once they see people testify. And the democrats i think are taking a risk obviously because now they have decided that theyre unafraid of being the proimpeachment party of donald trump. And i think thats a risk, but a risk theyre clearly willing to take. David gergen, i seem to recall an awful lot of democrats putting a lot of faith in the public testimony of Robert Mueller as that was going to be the damn breaking. Yes. You know, for those who believe in such a thing. Kevin mccarthy today argued we should let voters make the decision at the ballot box. The counterargument is that the impeachment process is expressly laid out by the constitution. Well, its true. But i think its well understood now. A very, very high likelihood there will be a pro Impeachment Vote coming out of the majority in the house, but then it will be defeated in the senate. There will be an acquittal as happened under when bill clinton was impeached. And the argument we made, but this is not where it will be settled. It will be settled at the ballot box. However this comes out. But thats what were pointing toward. And at this moment, donald trump still is a very formidable candidate still. No doubt than. Were going to take a quick pause. I want to quickly bring in jims acosta at the white house with some late reporting on how they see the vote today and the testimony. Jim, whats the reaction . Anderson, i talked to a source at the meeting familiar with the president. You know, the president , white house aides, theyve been reaching out to these republican senator, concerned about these news reports that perhaps the senate wont play out the same way that it played thought the house. And according to the source familiar with what happened in this meeting, the president was very pleased as your guests were just talking about a few moments ago that no republicans broke ranks with the president in the house. The president was very pleased by that and he was also continuing to hang his hat on the released transcript not the complete transcript, the summary transcript with his conversation with the leader of ukraine as if its somehow exonerating for him. One other big takeaway from this meeting earlier today, there is a growing sense i guess among Senate Republicans that perhaps they will stay home, they will stay loyal to this president once the process gets out of the house and makes its way over to the senate for trial. I talked to a source familiar to what happened in this meeting today who said if this person were a betting man, he would say that the only person who would break from the president at this point is mitt romney. Now i did talk to another republican official up on capitol hill, highranking republican official on capitol hill, anderson, who said hang on, its way too early for that. They havent even seen the articles of impeachment at this report. But there is a growing confidence that these republicans, like what we saw in the house will stay loyal to the president over in the senate. And tim morrison, national nsc official at the white house, just wrapped up his testimony. What is the white house saying about that, about whats essentially come out . Yeah, my colleague here is and i in the white house unit, weve been reaching out to our sources on this. And it sounds at this point that the white house is pretty happy with what tim morrison said in his testimony earlier today. While he did essentially agree that what taylor testified in all of this, bill taylor testified in all of this was accurate, and that there was some kind of quid pro quo, according to the white house, they feel pretty comfortable in all of this because morrison explained to the lawmakers earlier today that he didnt see this as a legal problem for the president. He saw this as more of a political problem for the president. If its a political problem, obviously they feel like they can survive all of this. Now that flies in the case, anderson. That is obviously white house spin because it flies in the face of what weve been seeing over the last couple of weeks, which is Administration Official after Administration Official testifying and just offering damaging information to these lawmakers, saying that the president was essentially engaged in a quid pro quo with the president of ukraine. The question i think over the next week, anderson, is whether or not we see more damaging testimony that matches up with what Alexander Vindman and bill taylor said and so on, and it may all come down to, anderson, what john bolton has to say. If he indeed testify, that could be the super bowl in all of this, anderson. Jim acosta, thanks very much. Back with jim axelrod, gloriaberger, david gergen. Gloria, the idea of it all comes down to bolton, thats an incredible roll of the dice. I dont know that anybody really has any idea of his perspective. There was that story he said compared something that he was hearing from sunland and others as a drug deal. What he actually testifies to, its kind of amazing that it could possibly come down to that. Yeah, i think so. Look, its very clear from the testimony weve seen that bolton was completely unhappy with what was going on visavis ukraine. He referred to it as a drug deal. He thought that it was a rogue policy that was being directed by Rudy Giuliani, and he referred to giuliani and Mick Mulvaney when he was talking than drug deal. The question that i have is how are they going to get him up there and what venue. You know, his attorney is also the attorney representing somebody else who wants it to go to court first to see if he can if he can testify. Seems to me theyre going to subpoena him the same way theyve subpoenaed everyone else. Would he just say, you know, im going to fight this, ill only testify behind closed doors but not in public. He has a real story to tell here. He was not on the phone call, but he can tell you a lot about this policy and what upset about it, and whether he thought it was rogue and improper for a president to be conducting Foreign Policy this way. Trump can always say well, you know, i fired him. He is disgruntled. But he is a conservative and a hero to conservatives in many ways. I agree with jim. He is completely key in all of this. Im just not sure whether were going to hear him. David gergen, what do you think . Well, my bet is that he will be more protective of the president than the democrats would like, but hell be very severe with Rudy Giuliani. Its clear he detests giuliani and what he stood for. But if he does exactly what marston said, i thought it was inappropriate in rome, but i didnt think it was illegal, that does take some of the force out of it by the way, morrison is not a lawyer. He is not being asked to give his views on the law here. He was asked is there a quid pro quo. I think he made it very clear today from his perspective there was a quid pro quo. If i can just add one other point, anderson, about where we are in impeachment. There was a very disturbing news story out today about whats happening in the Republican Senate where there are candidates who are in very close race, and whether the president is shoving money in their direction. At the very time the white house would really like to have their loyalty. David axelrod, formalizing this inquiry means public hearings can now happen, which is obviously something republicans have said they wanted for some time. Yeah. Do you do you believe that this is what they wanted for some time . Well, look, no, i think they wanted it until they got it. Now they have it. I dont think theyre that keen on it. They wanted to they wanted to suggest that the process was unfair because it was behind closed doors. Now its not going to be behind closed doors. Theyre unhappy about that. But let me make a larger point that ties some of all of this together. And gloria kind of referenced this before. 90 of republicans approve of this president. Republicans are terrified about the base and how he impacts on the base. John bolton, you know, there is no doubt that john bolton went to the president. He was a National Security adviser and said why are we holding up military aid to ukraine . It is impossible to believe that he didnt ask them that question. But i dont think he is going to want to look like the guy who is eager to tell this story. So if he ever testifies, he is going to have to get dragged there so that that base of the Republican Party doesnt think that he has gone rogue on them. Yeah. And betrayed the president. David axelrod, gloriaberger, david gergen. What he expects to see and here as hearing going public, and later, the man who says he has yet to see any intensity, his words in defense of the president. Steve bannon on the war room he says he is building and why he believes this president deserves defending. With esri location technology, you can see relationships. Connections. Patterns. You can see what others cant. Excuse me. Uh. Do you mind. Being a motour . What could be better than being a motour . The real question is. Do you mind not being a motour . I do. For those who were born to ride, theres progressive. I do. To earn j. D. 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First, how it would play out in washingtons polarized environment. Second, how a leak would affect the bipartisan support of ukrainian partners currently experienced in congress, and third, how it would affect the ukrainian perceptions of the u. S. ukraine relationship. I want to be clear, he said. I was not concerned that anything illegal was discussed. So there is that. At the same time, as we mentioned, he did apparently corroborate the key facts that diplomat William Taylor laid out in his testimony, namely, that congressionally approved military aid would not flow to ukraine until the government there committed to investigating burisma, the Company Biden once served on the board. The prosecutor general to announce the probe and not president zelensky. He also took minor issue on where a meeting he had with ukraines National Security adviser took place. Ambassador taylor said hotel room. Morrison said Hotel Business center. Were joined by sean patrick maloney, member of the house intelligence committee. So the white house is saying that they see morrisons testimony as helpful to their case. Was it . You know, without commenting on the specifics, i cant that sounds a lot like whistling past the graveyard to me. I think, you know, i have no reason to dispute the reporting he just did, the statement that has been released, and it lays it out pretty clearly, that he confirms ambassador taylor version of the events. Thats extremely damning for the president. But if morrison didnt think there was anything wrong with the call legally, that his only concern was how it would play out in a polarizing environment, isnt that good news for the white house . No. I think thats code for i knew something was really wrong, and i dont want to say it. Would be my interpretation of that. But i think the reason were moving this to a public forum is because were going to lay all this out for folks to see and they can make their own judgments. I think what i give what i give mr. Morrison credit for is responding to a lawful subpoena coming in, testifying under oath, and together with the other evidence weve gathered and just a very short period of time, i think you will see youll get a very clear picture of what happened. Would you want morrison to come back and testify publicly . You know, thats up to the chairman. Im not sure i would view that as necessary. I think there are other witnesses that would be more important, but i think the way you judge that is will the public get all the facts they need to understand what happened. Obviously republicans hearing that would say, well, look, you probably want taylor to testify. You probably want vindman to testify. But why not call back morrison if he is corroborating things. It sounds if you dont want him back, maybe he doesnt tell the story that youre hoping he does. That wasnt my point. My point is i think were going to be under some pressure to tell a crisp story and to really make that compelling. I do not you think public testimony is critical . What i can tell you is i think republicans interpretation of that is not going hold up. Thats not going to wear very well. Look, these guys come out every day. They Say Something thats going to blow up 24 hours later. I would take it with a grain of salt. I do not view this testimony as helpful to the president. I view it as another significant piece of the puzzle that will paint an overall picture that will demonstrate clearly an abuse of power that is extremely damning to the president. Cnn is reporting, and i cant confirm stuff, but cnn is reporting that at various times today morrison instructed his attorney not to answer questions about his interactions with the president. Can you say if there were specific questions that the committee had for morrison that remain unanswered, or were you satisfied overall with what you heard in terms of its totality . Im satisfied overall that i understand the role that mr. Morrison played in this. I understand where its coming from. He was helpful in filling in some gaps. But the big picture is the big picture. I think you will find that on the core set of events, there is not going to be a big dispute about what happened here. I think there will be an interpretation of how much you care about it, and people can differ on that. But i dont think the core facts are going to be in dispute. For me, it paints a pretty serious abuse of power, and one for which the president needs to be accountable. The timeline, a lot of democrats are saying or floating this idea that they want this done by the new year. They dont want to go into the Election Year, that its going to suck up all the oxygen, its going to occupy the time of senators who are on the campaign trail. That comes at the expense, if that is true, that comes at the expense of potentially getting other witnesses that might involve a court battle, Rudy Giuliani obviously foremost comes to mind. Are you okay can that kind of a timeline . Right. Well, im okay with the chairmans judgment on that, and i think what youre going to see is that the yardstick is going to be are we getting the core facts to the American Public. If you can the that with the witnesses you got, then you do that. I think that there is diminishing curve there of return when you start engaging in litigation to chase down maybe minor details or Additional Information when youve got the core fax. Remember, this may be a case where the most important evidence came out first, where the call memorandum, the whistleblower complaint, which as far as i can tell has been confirmed in every respect by independent evidence and the white house admissions, the chief of staff, the president , the text messages, i mean, there is a mountain of evidence that paints a clear picture of president ial abuse of authority. So i dont know that it would be worth the time to spend months and months chasing down all the details. Do you see this as being one charge . Obviously youre note there yet. But do you see this as being one charge or there is people talking about going including obstruction of justice from the mueller report. For me personally, and its above my pay grade, but for me personally, i think we should keep it narrowly focused on the strongest evidence of president ial abuse of power. If you look at the historic practice, it tends to be pretty high levels, the articles of impeachment. I think thats the precedent we should follow. And i think we should explain in detail to the American Public why we think this extraordinary step is necessary. Its right to have a high bar for this 13 months before an election. For me, its been satisfied because the president s conduct is inexcusable, and it cannot be tolerated. We have to take a stand and hold them accountable. Congressman maloney, appreciate your time. There thank you very much. Up next, legal testimony by morrison and where our legal team believes it could lead. Uum. And the filter captures 99 of dog and cat allergens. If its not from irobot, its not a roombaâ„¢. Robinwithout the Commission Fees. So, you can start investing today wherever you are even hanging with your dog. So, what are you waiting for . Download now and get your first stock on us. Robinhood. Little things can be a big deal. To severe psoriasis, thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. 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District attorney for the new york Southern District and senior cnn legal analyst and author of doing justice a prosecutors thoughts on crime, punishment and the rule of law. Saying he didnt see any legal problem with the president s july 25th phone call. The white house obviously sees that as a win. Right. And that is a good fact for them. Remember, though, hes not there as a lawyer evaluating whats level, whats appropriate, whats a high crime and misdemeanor. Hes there to talk about what happened. He is a fact witness. And as far as his facts went, as far as i can tell based on whats been disclosed, he has ratified, confirmed what the other witnesses have said, that there was this quid pro quo engineered by Rudy Giuliani. That aid was being held up in order to affect an investigation. Which is in the view of many people, including republicans in the senate wildly improper, if not impeachable. Although how many republicans in the senate are really saying that . None of them have said, as the president has said, that phone call was perfect. I havent heard one. Mitt romney is the only one who went out and said its actually improper, but you have not heard great endorsements of it. Preet, the white house is already saying that the testimony was good development. Do you see any illegality in that phone call . Illegality . Yeah. Look, depending on what the other evidence shows with there respect to there being a quid pro quo that could amount to. Storgs like a lot of other witnesses said, it may amount to impropriety. The president is not going to be charged with a crime. What matter news is impeachment. And there is no document in the sort of curriculum of the founders or in the constitution that makes it necessary for something to be a technical violation of a criminal statute. It can be an abuse of power, because only the president can abuse his power in a way that you and i could not possibly. Only the president can call the leader of another country and ask him to do something for the president s own personal aggrandizement. Whether or not its illegal, what matter here is, because its a political process and always has been is whether or not a sufficient number of members of congress think he a bayoused his power by asking not just asking, but putting the arm on a foreign leader to help him politically with respect to an investigation of a rival. But, jeff, supporters of the president can in the end in the senate, when it get downs to their there essentially say i wish he hadnt i thought it was not a good thing for him to do. I wouldnt have done it myself, but i dont think its illegal, and i dont think it rises to the level of impeachment. And impeachment is above all a political process. And these senators, if it comes to a trial in the senate, will make an evaluation of the evidence, but they will also look at their own political situation, and they will as you mentioned earlier, and as we all know, the president remains enormously popular within the Republican Party. These republican senator, they dont want to offend the president , court a primary in their own elections. So its entirely possible that they will say, look, i wouldnt have handled it this way, but it is not something were going to overturn an election over. However, the country has to decide whether this is an abuse of power, whether it is acceptable to go to a foreign leader as president and say help me on my Political Campaign or youll lose money appropriated by congress. Thats the core of this question. But i dont think there is any clear necessarily clear answer of how its going to turn out at this point. Its very hard for senators to do this thing. There is a rational, reasonable way to defend the president to say you know what . It was inappropriate. It shouldnt have been done. That shouldnt be the way we conduct Foreign Policy. The way Rudy Giuliani was doing the shadow thing was inappropriate, but it doesnt rise to the level of impeachment. The president of the United States keeps insisting that the phone call was beautiful and perfect and has signaled everyone clearly he wants everyone to say the same thing he is. He is not giving a lot of room to the senators wiggle room to say not great, not good. A lot of members did that with respect to bill clinton. They said the relationship he had was not good. The way he spoke about it and lied about it was not good, but are we really going to derail a presidency over Something Like this. Thats more credible and i think has more ability to shape public sentiment. But this president insists that everything he did was perfect and beautiful and thats what everyone else should say too. And thats a problem i think for folks. Just these other federal Court Hearings today, one was about white House Counsel don mcgahn, whether he has to testify and the other was about this deputy National Security adviser Charles Cupperman who is refusing to testify. Lets talk about this cupperman hearing and lets talk about federal judges. It makes me insane. I admire the federal judiciary are great deal. But here we have an impeachment, perhaps the most important thing the congress can deal with. We have an important witness, Charles Cupperman, the deputy National Security adviser also represented by Charles Cupperman who represents john bolton. And the question is, and its not a simple question, should they be forced to testify. And what is judge richard leon do in the Federal District court . He says im not even going to hold a hearing until december 10th. Get off his behind and decide this case. The idea that he is not even going to hold a hearing for six weeks . Its a disgrace. Why . Whats the reasoning behind that . Got me. I think its just disgraceful. These federal judges, they serve for life, and they think they can decide everything on their own terms, in their own timetable, and i think its awful. Other judge have been deciding things nor quickly. This is not one of the things. Jeffrey toobin, Preet Bharara, thank you very much. His advice to the president and his allies about the looming impeachment fight. I see an unbelievable opportunity. I see bestinclass platforms and education. I see awardwinning service, and a trade desk full of experts, available to answer your toughest questions. And i see it with zero commissions on online trades. I like what youre seeing. Its beautiful, isnt it . Yeah. Td ameritrade now offers zero commissions on online trades. Theyre americas bpursuing lifechanging cures. In a country that fosters innovation here, they find breakthroughs. Like a way to fight cancer by arming a patients own tcells. 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In the human brain, billions of nefor people with parkinsons, some neurons change their tune, causing uncontrollable tremors. Now, abbott technology can target those exact neurons. Restoring control and harmony, once thought to belost forever. The most personal technology is technology with the power to change your life. The white house is still not hiring Communication Specialists to spearhead their response nor have they brought on any lawyers. Some aides inside the Administration View this as a serious error. The white house is ramping up its route reach to Senate Republicans. One senator said the subject of needing republicans to better defend him did not come up. This after Mitch Mcconnell advised the president stop attacking republicans. One of his staunchest reporters is steve bannon, even though he left the administration, he has now begun a daily syndicated radio on podcast call war room impeachment which gives you an idea of the kind of political combat he expects and is participating in right now. Thanks for being here. Thanks for having me. First of all, what do you make of the white houses strategy thus far . Look, it has a strategy. President trump believes he didnt do anything wrong. He is adamant about that. I think he is busy running the country. He has usmca, the chinese, whats happening in syria. Hes got a day job. I think he feels hes got the team, a solid team, its a good team. You think he is not focused on this . You think he is running he seems very focused on in the twitter world. I think he focuses on this the way he focuses on it. He didnt feel he needs a war room. He doesnt feel like he needs additional personnel right now. I think thats fine. I think its incumbent on people. Thats why we start this outside war room. One of the people is jason miller, former cnn contributor, was our Communications Director on the campaign in the transition. Other people are starting to volunteer and come in. We have Reince Priebus on our show tomorrow, former head of the rnc. Were going to have hits on this. I think its incumbent i think for people who support President Trumps program and President Trump to gather around and do this. The campaign is doing things. The rnc is doing things. I think hes got enough cover. Do you believe that phone conversation with the ukrainian president was perfect . Heres the bid in the ask is he says its perfect and morrison says it could have been better. Its either perfect or could have been better. Other people say morrison totally inappropriate. But morrison is fiona hills relief. Fiona hill, though, does not see it the same as morrison. The reason people can disagree, because this is a policy. To me this is a policy difference. I think when you look at pesident trump, i havent seen anything in the transcript. I havent seen anything in the drive. I looked to mike pompeos speech today. I havent seen anything that the he has done that is wrong or inappropriate. In general, is it okay for a president , any president to ask a foreign leader of a country fighting a war against our adversaries in need of aid to do a political favor and investigate his political opponent and hold aid over it. This is where your premise is wrong. Number one, one of the things that started this was secret empires, the book that Peter Schweizer did. This is where biden and Mitch Mcconnell and others talked about where they get their money from. And biden hold on, and china and ukraine, and the issues were when he was vice president. I dont buy the assumption see you have this premise that its about a political opponent. What theyre investigating is the corruption oh, come on, give me a break. You know very well that that is bull. Its 23406789. It is. As a number one, if youre concerned joe biden anderson, should be more investigated i think about china and what he did the time in china with his son, how he got the president agrees with you and has asked china to investigate. Hold it. Now islands in the south china sea. But on the question so i dont buy your premise. And im not putting you on. Im not kidding. I dont buy the premise. But how can you say if youre concerned about corruption youre concerned about corruption in ukraine, ive been there. There is a lot of corruption. The only example of corruption in the ukraine the president can say is joe biden, the guy he happens to be running against . No, no. And he talked about he talked about the 2016 campaign. Conspiracy theory. The strike and the server being in ukraine. What pompeo talked about today that nothing that the president has done is outside but you havent addressed what i just said which is hes talking about a Conspiracy Theory and joe biden. Thats conspiracy. Ernst young says ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in world. Yes. But youre saying joe biden and cloudstrike, thats ukraine . No earthy idea, and thats what this process is about. We do have a lot of earthy idea about who is corrupting ukraine. Because we have diplomats working on it because thats been u. S. Policy. And the president cannot name any other ukrainian official whos corrupt who he wants investigated . The only one he can name is joe biden . Thats why this process starting now. Now were going to have an impeachment process. Year going to have an impeachment process and not going to have a star chamber. That doesnt make sense. I was there for 20 hours. The president has access to we have corruption fighters in the treasury department. He could have called up Steve Mnuchin and said give me a list of the most corrupt players in ukraine. Ill talk to the president about it. He didnt. The only thing he sites is a favor as cloudstrike serve, biden. Youve seen a select curated group of witness, and you havent seen the transcripts. Well dont know what they said. Weve seen the transcript. Of their Opening Statements. We see in the transcript of the president s phone call and it says a favor for us. The favor is server, and another one, biden. Were going to get in this process, youre going get to see all the information. It will all be laid out. Let me tell you honestly what i believe. I think youre an incredibly smart guy. Thats not a compliment. No, and i respect your positions, but i think you believe you got to circle the wagons, just like the access hollywood tape. Youre either with us or against us. Youre so cynical. But its not. Here is the thing. I think overlooks lies so easily. He is doing good things in your mind and you support him. Anderson. Why cant people argue that . That people understand. I am arguing the fact that i dont think he has done anything wrong here. Thing is a huge opportunity cause for the country. Now were going spend the next 12 weeks instead of focusing on hong kong, instead of thats a valid argument. This is going to engulf. You know your show. This whole network is going to be overwhelmed in a firestorm covering this between now and the end of when they impeachment. Him. And theyre going to impeach him. Theyre going to bring two charges. Its going to consume much of the political world. To hurting the United States, which could be doing other things right now. All im saying is that ive set up a war room so we can get the information and people can weigh and measure. Were going have democrats on there. Democrats would argue with you saying you know what hurts the United States is using taxpayer money as a weapon against an ally whos fighting our enemy and its not like its Donald Trumps money buying information about the bidens. Was joe biden a constitutional officer when china happened and when it happened in ukraine . Was he not the point man for president obama in ukraine . Yes, yes, he was. Should china and that not be investigated before you give money, of corruption, at least american corruption in ukraine . Helping corruption . There has been no evidence. The president hasnt cited any evidence. He just throwing this out. All he said oh, and in china too. He hasnt cited anything. There is no facts. Im sure that will come over time. But in china we have the fax. All right. The private equity firm which your son was not an expert in got funded around the time of 2013. No. I think a kid being on a board, i think its shady. I think it makes no sense. Its shady . Its corrupt. Joe biden benefitting anywhere. No, this is where his son you can give evidence. But nobody has given evidence so far. Have you read second empire . I have not. We have to sit down and talk about it. You do not agree with the premise. Let me give you just in general. I think in general. For the good of the country. If a president does in fact have a quid pro quo for a counterpart in a country thats in badly need of aid and is fighting a war and says im not asking about trump. Is it okay for a president of the United States to ask a foreign president to investigate a political rival . There is no evidence at all that there is a quid pro quo here. Im not saying. And if there was a quid pro quo, you wont answer just a hypothetical of is it okay for a president , any president to ask a foreign president for to investigate a political rival. Andy mccarthy and other constitutional scholars are coming out now and saying, and saying this whole concept of not making your foreign aid or your mill system contingent upon some acts. I dont understand why republicans never will answer that question i just asked you. Okay. Any president asking another president investigate my rival and ill give you aid. Is that okay . Its not rival. He is a constitutional officer at the time. Thats what theyre investigating. Up next, we spin off the ridiculist franchise. Well be right back. Mini is a different kind of car. Ladies and gentlemen for a different kind of drive. Ladies and gentlemen for the drive to create a new kind of family car, that became a new kind of race car. For the drive to rebel, zag. For the drive thats inside you. And inside us. Thats the drive under the hood of every mini. Because every mini is. For the drive. At bayer, were more than we help farmers like john. By developing digital tools, so he can use less water to grow crops. At bayer, this is why we science. Rowithout the Commission Fees and account minimums. So, you can start investing wherever you are even on the bus. Download now and get your first stock on us. Robinhood. Its been another slow news day. Im going to check with chris to see if he tried to find something to fill an hour with. I liked your interview with steve bannon. You do this better than anyone. No one will just say is it okay . Its not okay. They know it okay. Were going to try to show people that unlike bannon, bannons here to spin and you did a beautiful job of exposing the weaknesses in the spin but we will show that the president knows it was wrong. You can tell not because im inside the mind of the man, thats too spooky even for halloween but you see it in his actions. We also have adam schiff here to talk about the reality of what has been fair in impeachments past, what he thinks the likelihood of how this ends and his take on the republican arguments of whats wrong with the process. Well lay it out with his side. I also have one of the acolytes of bannon, kelly armstrong, to ask the same question we ask every night, is it okay to ask a foreign power to help you in an election . Theyll say he didnt do that. Not only did he do it, he inserted his own lawyer into the diplomatic process without any portfolio to do only that and we know it because mr. Giuliani admitted, screaming and it wasnt one phone call. This was a lengthy campaign. Anyway, chris, well be watching four minutes from now. Well done, brother. Happy halloween. Do you, too. Donald trump jr. On hunter biden. It the ridiculist without comment. Some farms grow food. This one grows fuel. Exxonmobil is growing algae for biofuels. That could one day power planes, propel ships, and fuel trucks. And cut their Greenhouse Gas emissions in half. Algae. Its potential just keeps growing. Its potential just keeps growing. Think you need to buy expensive skincare products to see dramatic results . Try olay skin care. Just one jar of microsculpting cream has the hydrating power of 5 jars of a prestige cream, which helps plump skin cells and visibly smooth wrinkles. While new olay retinol24 provides visibly smoother, brighter skin. For dramatic skincare results, try olay. And complete your routine with the olay eye collection. Brand power. Helping you buy better. Woi felt completely helpless. Hed online. 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