Cnn political analyst, Maggie Haberman reported on that months ago. Back when maggie reported, two months ago, the president went out of his way to tell a falsehood and attack maggie as well. President trump is in decisions with a veteran washington lawyer who represented bill clinton during the joining the white house to help deal. Instead, he chose to tweet this, and it shows you a lot about his honesty, quote, the failing New York Times purposely wrote a false story. Wrong, i am very happy with my lawyers, john dowd, ty cobb and jay sekulow. So keeping them honest, and went on to say she knows nothing about. First of all, Maggie Haberman was right. The president said he was happy with his three lawyers. Two of those three lawyers he was happy with are no longer his lawyers. As for the claim that haberman is not given access and knows nothing about the president , that is a refrain from the president. Who i dont speak to and have nothing to do with. Now, you can believe the president on that or you can believe your eye, oh look, it is Maggie Haberman and mr. Trump, they go back many years. Interviewed him many times has had countless scoops. And poses a photo. Ongoing legal shakeup we white house. The jousting on whether president will sit down with mueller. And jim acosta joining us now with the latest. Reporter as you were setting up there, it sounds as though the Trump Legal Team was getting on a war footing, taking on an aggressive posture and tone. According to the source familiar with his departure, i am told that ty cobb was not only happy with the tweets going after the special counsel mueller that he didnt want to be a part of a mudslinging campaign. It was a path he could not go down any farther. What you are seeing at this point is the beginning of the next stage which is go to war with the special counsels office. We are also hearing rumblings that perhaps another member of the president s legal team may be out soon. Dan mcgahn, we are hearing from a couple of sources saying that mcgahn is expected to leave the white house in a couple of months. Mcgahn may be going back to the campaign this time for reelection. Take somebody who has been involved with the president for months now, on all of these legal matters will be moving on. I was told emmett flood was coming in to replace mcgahn. If you do that again, you have another vacancy. And the president again, threatened to get involved with the department of justice. This was a tweet that ty cobb was objecting to. Effectively saying the president is going to get involved, that is rhetoric that ty cobb didnt want any part of. Now obviously, he is boxed in at this point. If he tries to shut down mueller, republicans on capitol hill say this may impeach this president. At the same time he is also thinking about the possibility of not sitting down for an interview with robert mueller. Giuiliani who is also on the outside team told the washington post, they are trying to taylor the number of hours that mueller can use. That is if the president decides ultimately this is something he wants to do. And earlier this evening, he put out another tweet quoting john dowd his outside attorney saying you are messing with the business of the presidency of the United States by trying to tie him up with all of this. That is what john dowd told the washington post. It is not clear whether he can succeed in all of this. From what we know about the nixon tapes, that went to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court said no. You have to cooperate with the authorities. There is also that and also breaking news involving one former Trump Campaign aid. Michael michael cap paouto. He went on to say, they know more about the Trump Campaign than anyone who worked there. The senate and the house are net fishing, quote the special counsel is spear fishing. I want to bring in jeffrey toobin. Just about their abilities, their focus, how concerned should the president s people in his orbit be tonight . I would be very nervous. The Mueller Investigation is like an iceberg. Think back, a couple of months now when muellers office indicted 13 russians for the social media conspiracy. Most people didnt know they were investigating that subject. I mean, they are operating with the secrecy that we have never seen in washington. And they are learning a lot. It is an a team that they have there. And i have tried, a lot of journalists have tried to figure out what they know. The witnesses all sound like caputo that they are shocked and impressed. Caputo said spear fishing. How does that undermine the president s reliance on house intelligence. Anderson, the House Republicans shot themselves in the foot over and over again, first with the socalled unmasking scandal that turned out to be a nothing burger. The nunes memo. The president cant rely on that. Increasingly, he has no cover. Mueller knows what he is doing. He is very experienced. He has got the ateam, the delta force in there. It is not a comfortable feeling for the fish when the spear is coming his way. So trump is feeling that discomfort. And you see it in the frantic tweets that he is issuing these days. Jim, the president can tweet all he wants, but if caputos experience, muellers team doesnt seem phased at all. It is hard to know how much caputo knows about the campaign. And there were a lot of folks that came and went from that campaign throughout the process. So it is speculative. What is interesting about what he is saying, is it is more about his perception of muellers knowledge of the campaign. I guess we will hear more about it at 9 00. I am anxious to here what he has to say. The fact of the matter he himself was not there all that long. I am not sure how much he knew about the campaign. Fair point. Jeff, when the president threatens on twitter to get involved in the Justice Department. How do you read that . It is very serious. We are in a deadly serious moment now. The firing not firing, the departure of cobb and arrival of flood. And Rod Rosenstein is the most vulnerable person. Mueller, it would be too dramatic to fire him. But rosenstein is clearly hanging by a thread. And the specific controversy he is talking about is that rosenstein is honoring years of tradition in the Justice Department that they dont turn over to Congress Material relating to pending investigations. That is an Old Established policy that the House Republicans are upset about because they want to know what is going on. Rosenstein is holding firm on that but well see. I mean the house is talking about impeaching him. And the president is upset. I mean, i think rosenstein is, they would love to get rid of him. Hes not gone yet. Ambassador eisen. Anderson, the fascinating thing and it is a crisis for the country, but one cant avoid the drama of the crisis. This is a battle that is fought in all courts. There is clearly has been activity. And there will continue to be activity in congress. Should the house of representatives flip, there will be an intense new oversight. There is parallel civil cases that bear upon what is going on and most of all, it is being fought out in the court of public opinion. This is an allfronts war. Emmett flood is a pro at fighting those battles. Trump has finally brought in a true general. It is lake when lincoln cycled through all of those generals before he finally got grant to come on board. The only question is, trump is no lincoln. It is pretty tough to have donald trump as your client. What leverage does Rudy Giuliani have . If the president even agrees to talk at all . At what point does mueller say, look, well get a subpoena. Okay. And what is going to happen there, that would drag on this investigation longer and longer and longer. No one wants to see it protracted court battle here. That is why you see Rudy Giuliani coming in just prior to the appointment of emmett flood to talk about scope. And narrowing the scope and getting the public ready for what is coming. The president is willing to talk but on reasonable topics for a reasonable reasonable amount of time. Just like bush did in the Scooter Libby issue. I think judy giuiliani is on solid ground in trying to set a time limit. When bill clinton testified in the lewinsky matter. And you know, he cannot be expected to testify for two full days. The idea of a time limit whether voluntary or impose by the court is something that is likely to happen i couldnt agree more sorry, you go ahead. Bringing emmett flood in, he is an experienced professional and he knows the special counsel laws and on the heels of what giuiliani is saying, he is going to be effectively be counseling the president on what he needs to be doing and should be doing in getting ready for these interviews. I think it is important to note ty cobb was replaced by flood and not mcgahn. And mcgahn is going to be in that white house as long as he wants to be there. Sorry, i lost jim. Sorry about that. Thanks very much. As i mentioned i will talk with former Trump Campaign aide caputo. What happened when mr. Trump was deposed in the past when he was a citizen. And what is the truth these days especially when it comes to president trump. According to the washington post, lied thousands of times while in office. Touch is how we communicate with those we love, but does psoriasis ever get in the way . Embrace the chance of 100 clear skin with taltz. For people with moderate to severe psoriasis, up to 90 had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. With taltz, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. Dont use if youre allergic to taltz. Before starting, you should be checked for tuberculosis. Taltz may increase risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. 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Together, guaranteed to produce three times the harvest. More to enjoy. To share. Three times the harvest. One powerful guarantee. Miraclegro. New information about the president s legal shakeup. Giuiliani is speak ougt to reporters about the possibility of special counsel robert mueller. When you are in the middle of investigation, you can lose objectivity, is are they objective about the president s interview meaning do they have an open mind that he will be telling a truth and comey may be lying. If they have an open mind to that, then this is something we will consider. If they dont, then given the irregularities of the investigation, well be foolish to have him be interviewed. It is certainly a big if. The president has been in exactly that setting before giving depositions as private citizens. Here is randi kaye on how some of those turned out. Reporter if it was a test of honesty, the future president didnt fair well. Lawyers asked about trumps boast regarding how much he was paid for a 2005 speech he gave as new york citys learning annex. Trump, i was paid more than a Million Dollars saying the same thing to larry king in 2005. You got a Million Dollars for appearance in the learning annex. Thats true. Reporter but it wasnt. What he didnt reveal was that more than half of the 1 million he claimed he got for the speech was his own estimate of the value of the publicity that came along with it. The lawyer asked how much of the payments were cash . Trump, slight, approximately 400,000. Also not coming clean in a stake in a manhattan real estate project. Trump claimed 50 . The lawyer asked do you own 30 or 50 in the limited partnership . The answer, i own 30 . He asked that the Real Estate Community would interpret your interest. On the subject of his net worth, author said trump was worth far less than the five to 6 billion trump claimed. He was asked have you ever not been truthful about your net worth . His response is my net worth fluctuates. Lied exaggerated or told false hoods 30 times during the deposition. 30 times. On the subject of the number of people working for him. How many people work for you . 22,000 or so. In court, the lawyer asked are all of those people on your payroll . No, not directly. Turns out he was factoring in other employees of other companies that he contracted. And on his claims that he had ze zero borrowings in his fathers estate, he said about 9 million. He said members had been going for 300,000. And again proven to have stretched the truth when the lawyer questioning him provided an internal document showing the correct figure, 200,000 per membership. Trump was cornered. Correct, he conceded. As part of a government investigation, but saul wisenberg was part of the white water team. He joins us. Thanks for being with us. Obviously, still, a lot in the air, but if the president agrees. And he were to not tell the truth, what happens in real time . How does that play out . Well, nothing necessarily happens in real time. What a typical prosecutor would do would be to decide later whether or not to prosecute the person for perjury and of course with the case of president trump, you deal right away with the difficult question of whether or not you can indict a sitting president. Now what you would do, you might try to humiliate him by showing he was lying. You can do that. But fot linot like you can stop grand jury and say we think you are lying. And we are taking you to the truth. They can get the person to reverse themselves. You can do that. You can question someone at the grand jury in whatever manner you want. You can treat them in a friendly. Or treat them like a direct examination or treat it like a crossexamine. When i questioned president c n clinton, i treated like a cross examination. Does that original lie still count as perjury . It is tricky. Two different federal perjury statutes and under one of them, if you come in and recant before you are charged, it can be a defense and also, people at the grand jury are told, if you misremember something, or need to change your testimony, you can contact the prosecutor. It is difficult to charge and convict somebody for perjury. It has got to be clearcut. There is a thing called true but misleading statement. Something that is literally true even if it is misleading is not perjury. If the president were to lie to mueller in a voluntary interview which in and of itself were to be a crime, could that end up with the president being compelled to testified before a grand jury. I think the president could be compelled to testify in front of a grand jury as a general matter. The president s are not above the wall and certainly mueller can issue a subpoena. I dont think it has to do with whether or not he told a false statement first. There is a very interesting point that i dont think has been stressed enough here. Everybody talks about u. S. Versus nixon. The decision that said nixon had to hand over tapes. In u. S. Versus nixon, the Supreme Court thought it was significant that the special prosecutor had specific authority to litigate the issue of executive privilege and to challenge it. Bob mueller as far as i can tell does not have that authority. What could very well happen here, is mueller issues a subpoena and the president goes into court and claims executive privilege and says bob mueller is my inferior officer he doesnt have the right to question me about that. I appreciate your expertise, thanks for being with us. Coming up next, keeping them honest, the Bigger Picture with this president. Two views, whether it is a problem at all. I feel a great deal of urgency. I think, keep going, and make a difference. At some point, we are going to be able to beat als. Because life is amazing. So i am hoping for a cure. I want this, to uh, to be a reality. Um, yeah. Claritin and relief from of nondrowsy symptoms caused by over 200 allergens. Like those from buddy. Because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. Feel the clarity and live claritin clear. We began doing keeping them honest report the in the wake of hurricane katrina. The basic promises government can make to their citizens. Keeping them honest is taking on new dimensions where politicians once shaded the truth changed the questions and flat out lied. Today it is defereifferent. Lies about big things and small and amplified by repetition from the bully pulpit. And keeping them honest every day seems to bring a new one or reveal yesterdays dubious claim as an outright false hood or concoction. Such as this one revealed yesterday about president trumps health. If your health is as strong as it seems, why not share your medical records. I have no problem in doing it. Should i do it . I dont care. It is two letters. One is the report and the other is from lennox hill hospital. That letter from dr. Harold bornstein sounded outlandish at the time. His physical strength and stamina is kpoextraordinary. And of course yesterday dr. Bornstein said those glowing words were dictated by mr. Trump. About his overthetop patient, except it had to do with the physical and Mental Fitness of the man to be commander in chief. The president has made more than 3,000 false or misleading statements in office so far. None of the 49 questions mueller wants to ask him has to do with collusion, in fact 13 do. Or now according to the post Fact Checkers he has reported that. Lies on the campaign trail but never cease once the president was in