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President trump will be here soon to meet with the south korean president moon at the blue house behind us. The big topic what to do about the Nuclear Threat from north korea. The two leaders will address the media later and well bring that to you, well have much more from south korea coming up. We have more now on the mass shooting in texas, the deadliest ever in that state. The man who killed 26 worshippers at a Church Service had a history of Domestic Violence, an apparent fascination and Mass Shootings and a grudge and yet he was able to get guns he should not have had. He was convicted of assaulting his wife and son five years ago, but the air force failed to enter his conviction into the data base. Among the dead, the holcombe family, eight of them. The pastor who was filling in on that sunday, also dead. And the youngest victim, a little girl just a year and a half old. Bethenny, lets start with what weve heard from President Trump, saying this is an issue that has to do with Mental Health, its got nothing to do with guns. Its not a gun issue. Thats a standard republican response, has been for many years. Yet various studies over the past two decades show that the vast majority of people with severe Mental Illnesses are no more likely to be violent than anyone else. So the big picture here, that doesnt seem to support what the president said. Right. Fewer than one in five mass shooters has some sort of formal mental illness. Think about it, if youre schizophrenic or bipolar, it takes a lot of thought to cary out a crime line this. These mass shooters, no two are alike. But they have an ax to grind against society, a historiov violence, they feel dy minimized at some pathological level. I tend to think of it as murder suicide. Where a personalty disorder person wants to take out a personality disorder person. And the most fascinating aspect they all love the fish in a barrel effect. Think about colum bien, theyre at the top of the staircase, or Stephen Paddock, the top of a hotel. But the idea of the power differential is so important to them. And one quick fact, this guy was stalking somebody he dated four months ten years earlier. So he had the psychology of a stalker which is a person who feels theyre in a special and unique relationship, and they go after the victim for perceived rejection. So i think all of this is in the mix of this mans pathology. There were facts known long before the shooting happened, including the Domestic Violence, the assault on his son, which one official said was so severe it cracked the boys skull. Put what we know now, he shouldnt have had a gun. How did the background checks fail . Thats what were going to have to go through. When you go to a scene like this, you usually know right away or within a few minutes whether theres likely to be follow ones, whether theres accomplices, whether this is one of a series. So you can put part of your investigation towards that. But the majority of your investigation is like an ntsb investigation of a crash. How did this happen . How can we prevent it in the future. You made a good point. Not many of these people are clinically diagnosed as mentally ill. But that doesnt mean that we cant see the threat predig or thes and act on those and its like cancer right now. We cant cure cancers the way we need to, but we have to learn because tens of thousands of people die every year. These Mass Shootings, it seems theyre accelerating because its copy cat. They learn from each one . The fbi is. Each shooter seems to be absolutely. They study it. These people are isolated, they have nothing in their lives. So they are going to spend time obsessing on what the last shooter did and figure out their mistakes. These guys are way out there. Bethenny, is it possible that a domestic dispute is the main motivation here . What happens to elevate it from a family fight, which face it we all have them, to this situation where you go out and murder a bunch of people on a sunday morning at church. I would call him a pseudokoe m commando type of killer. What he decides to do when he takes out that one person he takes out everyone in their path. In terms of predig or thes, i would have to add, as you said these guys are methodical, they plot and plan for years. Theres a ritualized quality to them. Ceremonial. Its ceremonial, rit chulistic. They write about it on line, write a poem. Before the end . Absolutely. This guy called his father. Ive had people call their exwives. I just want to move ahead to Something Else we want to talk about here, which is what he was wearing and how he came so prepared for this. Not just the body armor, but the other clothing as well. Listen to this. He was wearing a black mask that had a white skull face to it. Then he drove across the church, thats when he exited the vehicle. Was he wearing body armor . He was wearing a blaallistic vest, with a plate on the back. The body armor, i didnt think that was a constitutional right. Where did he get it . Bethenny, follow up, what do you make of this black mask with the skull on it. Body armor is for sale. You can get it just about anywhere. Police supplies are sold. We can worry about that as we go forth on the gun issues. But as far as what he was wearing, i could dress up as an olympic athletic athlete, it wont make me one. He was dressed up in a way to terrorize these people. Witnesses say he went outside and fired his weapons through the walls of the places at first. I dont know how accurate that is, but if it is, he knew nothing what about he was doing because the rounds he was firing werent going to do damage until he went into the building. About the mask, what do you make of that. The more shallow an individuals social life is, the more dramatic the external gestures. We know they have very limited range of emotions. They have inner deadness, which they try to stimulate themselves through acts of violence so they feel alive. So i think the mask wasnt just to scare people. I think he was what we would call a drama queen. He wanted to show off. We seem to have these conversations more and more often, thats because we are. Thank you for coming in, steve and bethenny. Thank you. In the hours immediately after the texas shooting, state attorney general ken paxton had a grim warning this would not be the last shooting at a church and suggested parishoners should arm themselves. We need people in church, either professional security or arming some of the pa rigs ners or the con ge graduation so they can respond. Hes with us now. Thank you for being with us. I know this is a really difficult time for everybody there, for so many in texas especially. We hope you guys are doing okay and coping with what has been a tragedy. I just want to say, the questions im going to ask you, i respectfully mindful this is a difficult moment. I want to go to the interview you did on fox news on sunday. Do you stand by what you said . Because theres been criticism, that it was the nras argument, only a good guy with a guy can stop a bad guy with a gun. This is a community that is devastated because so many people knew people in the church who were injured or killed. So there are very few people in that town that havent been impacted. As far as predicting this likely happens again, i think its inevitable, we have a large country, we have a lot of people like this that we never know how theyre going to respond. And no matter how many First Responders we have, they cant all be in the right place at the right time. So i think its critical that churches prepare for the future and prepare for this happening again and be ready. The nra argument about a good guy with a gun has been challenged on a number of occasions, most recently at stanford they did a study, in 21 of 160 active shooter situations reviewed in a recent fbi report, unarmed citizens successfully stopped the bad guy, typically when he was trying to reload. This underscores one again the value of limiting the size of high capacity magazine. So would it be worth looking at that study and the others which have similar findings . Im open to looking at studies. If you look at what happened in this case, this guy went into this church with the intention of killing everyone in the church. He was successful at doing that with 26. No one tried to stop him until he had these guys from the outside come in and he got, apparently, shot by one of them. And likely, these two, what i would call heroes, mitigated the possibility of more people dieing. So i think this is a good example of what im talking about. We want people who are who have the ability to fight back immediately and not wait for First Responders who might be 20, 30 minutes away in a rural area. I guess this is anecdotal evidence of what is the Bigger Picture because again the suggestion from the nra and others who oppose gun reform is more guns mean less crime. Again that study from stanford, it found Violent Crime in right to carry states was estimated to be 13 to 15 higher over a period of ten years than it would have been had the state not adopted the law. Again not pertaining to this particular circumstance you but if there is an opportunity to look at gun laws, other countries who have imposed tougher gun laws after a mass shooting havent seen more Mass Shootings. Ive seen studies that say different than what you said. Chicago has gun laws and higher incidents of murder. There are many stud ies that shw something different. If we look at this case and had a more strict gun law in this case, i dont think a guy like this obviously is ignoring laws about murder is going to be restricted by some new gun law. I dont think it would have changed anything. What would have changed something is if somebody had been in the building who could have shot back immediately. That sounds like common sense to me. There does seem to be a problem with the background checks this is what the fbi said earlier. For the four purchases that he made, they did the required checks and there was no prohibitive information in the systems that we checked that said he could not have purchased that firearm. There are three checks conducted one is of ncis, one is a criminal history check and the other is on the nick system itself. So in all three of those data bases there was no information that said it was prohibitive for that man to get the firearm. The argument is enforce the laws which are on the books. Would this be a chance to make sure one of those laws is actually working properly . Tougher background checks is supported by 90 of the u. S. Population. I think the failure came the air force didnt report the information to the right place. And so, that information wasnt in the data base. But it does go back to my point, which is even with the provision in place, i dont think it would have affected whether this guy from coming in, he could have gotten his weapons in other places. Theres always the black market. I dont think somebody like this who is willing to violate a law that relates to killing of innocent life is going to follow some gun law we pass. I want to wrap up here because i guess the argument is, you never know who is actually a law abiding gun owner one moment and who is going to snap the next and have access to these high capacity weapons. Exactly. And i dont disagree with that. But thats why you want you want people that are armed. Most people are law abiding. We cant know who is going to snap. But when they do, we can have other people there ready to respond. If somebody snaps, theyre not going to care about the law. Theyre going to get a gun anyway. So why not have people there who havent snapped, like here as you know we had two people who mitigated by shooting the shooter and potentially saving 20 to 25 lives. Mr. Paxton as always, thank you so much. Good to speak with you. Our thoughts are with you right now. We pfrt that, thank you. How soon is too soon to talk about gun violence especially when theres a shooting almost every day in the u. S. First we head to Seoul South Korea there. We have live pictures. The president is arriving. Mr. Trump will hold talks with his south korean counter part. They have a shared problem, but do they have a shared plan on how to deal with north korea . You dont like my lasagna . No, its good. Hmm. Oh. Huh. [ both laugh ] here, blow. Blow on it. You see it, right . Is there a draft in here . Im telling you, its so easy to get Home Insurance on progressive. Com. Progressive cant save you from becoming your parents. But we can save you money when you bundle home and auto. Progressive cant save you from becoming your parents. The morning walk until. It. Wasnt. Dont let type 2 diabetes get between you and your heart. Even if you reach your a1c goal you are still at risk for heart attack or stroke. Talk to your Health Care Provider today about diabetic heart disease. 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Stelara® may lower the ability of your immune system to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. Before or during treatment, always tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have flulike symptoms or sores, have had cancer, or develop any new skin growths, or if anyone in your house needs or recently had a vaccine. Alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion, and vision problems. These may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. Some serious allergic reactions can occur. Do not take stelara® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Were fed up with your unpredictability. Remission can start with stelara®. Talk to your doctor today. Janssen wants to help you explore cost support options for stelara®. Predictor. Welcome back to cnn newsroom, you are joining us live from seoul where u. S. President donald trump had lunch with u. S. And south korean troops ahead of a meeting with his south korean counter part we are looking at live pictures. The ceremony taking place outside the blue house where President Trumps motorcade is slowly making its way to the blue house situated behind us. That is where, of course, President Trump will be meeting with president moon jaein, where north korea is definitely at the top of the agenda. President moon since hes been in office the past six months has wanted dialogue with north korea, something that has frustrated donald trump. So it will be interesting to see how they can mend a strained relationship, moon and trump perhaps dont see eyetoeye but certainly this alliance is some 67 years old. And as we have heard earlier, the alliance is bigger than any individual. Now where we are located here on the streets of seoul, you can see thousands of police, and they have been here manning what have been peaceful protests. We know demonstrators were demonstrating outside where President Trump met with u. S. Troops, the largest u. S. Base here in south korea. His harsh rhetoric on the north has raised anxiety on the korean peninsula. To discuss this lets join our paula hancock, who is also in seoul. You have covered this country extensively and i know you have spoken to president moon, were also joined by phillip in San Francisco great to have you both with us. Paula, if i can get back to you. We know that president moon has a very different outlook on north korea from President Trump. How do these men, these two men in this bilateral that is about to take place, how do they find a middle ground . Well, its interesting, weve seen the policy of president moon jaein shift slightly over recent months. Probably no small measure because of the intense nuclear and missile testing from pyongyang. But also presumably because he would like to be on the same page as the United States. The alliance is very strong. Its bigger than any one or two president s. So certainly he wants to be allied with the United States. So we know that weve seen more of a push towards sanctions and pressure. But what president moon jaein has been saying and ha he said to me when i spoke to him a couple months ago is the reason for this, the end goal was to talk to north korea. He wanted the sanctions and this pressure in order to pressure pyongyang to sit down at the negotiating table. That is his ultimate goal. He wants more engagement, dialogue, he wants the interkorean relationship to improve. He campaigned on that ticket and thats part of what brought him into power here in south korea. Its not always been welcomed by the u. S. President. A recent tweet from donald trump said that he was effectively appeasing north korea. Not a word you generally hear between allies. And i asked president moon when i spoke to him about these tweets, these kind of comments from the u. S. President , is he concerned about them, and he said you shouldnt read these tweets too narrowly and then went on to say the alliance and friendship was very strong. There was a traditional welcoming ceremony there. Weve seen it in the past, and something President Trump enjoys. Weve seen it in saudi arabia and were seeing it here, too. We know that president moon also broke with tradition and went and welcomed him at the u. S. Military camp, camp hump fridays. Thats the time a south korean president has met other than the blue house. So hes reaching out to welcome the president and make a more personal relationship with the u. S. President. The same way we saw Prime Minister abe in japan do. Weve seen President Trump exit his vehicle, along with his wife, where theyre being welcomed by president moon jaein and his wife. As you say all that pomp and ceremony taking place as we speak. Phillip if i can now bring you into the conversation. Were getting mixed messages from donald trump. On the weekend he said hes willing to sit down with kim jongun, yesterday out of japan he said his patience is over. And then today he said that this whole issue will sort itself out. What are we expected to read from all of this . I think thats part of the issue. Were not really sure. Its interesting. We have koreans coming here, korean officials asking us what the u. S. Policy towards north korea is. Were not really sure. Its one end where you have tillerson who wants to have a conversation, wants to engage and then you have donald trump undercutting him on the other side. So this is an opportunity for the United States and japan, at the highest levels to try and get on the same page. They want to project optically a notion theyre allies and working together. But i think there are clear gaps they have to remedy. And i think president moon what hes going to do, i think he will say to donald trump what youre doing in terms of deterrence, making sure the posture and deterrence of u. S. Forces and Korean Forces together will overcome anything that the North Koreans have to throw at them, but and to put more pressure, but i think as was said earlier the whole piece missing here is dialogue. Thats the purpose of this pressure and defense posturing is all about. So this is what president moon is going to have to do and its something that the south Korean People as a whole want, too. If i can ask you, paula, finally theres speculation as to what north korea will do while donald trump is here in the region. Some analysts predict they could perhaps launch another missile test. What are you hearing . Its certainly possible, anna, north korea could launch a missile at any point. We heard from the south Korean Intelligence Agency a number of days ago they saw an increased activity of vehicles around the Missile Research facilities in pyongyang. So certainly Everybody Knows they are able to carry out a Missile Launch at any time. If they do, of course, the question is what kind of range is the missile, which direction is it facing and launching in because all that tells you just how much of a message pyongyang wants to send. Weve heard as well, commentary from the north korean state run newspaper saying if the u. S. Continues this hostile policy against north korea and its followers continue the hostile policy they will continue with their Nuclear Development and program. A clear message from north korea what weve been hearing all along, blaming the United States for a hostile policy saying all theyre doing is trying to defend themselves. Ana. I want to touch on that article that came out of the state media, phillip, if i may. North korea, as paula mentioned, pledged to bolster its nuclear power. It did mention the three Nuclear Powered aircraft carriers situated in the water off the korean peninsula. What did you make of the statement . I think theyre putting out a warning that says that they will, if the United States continues to act in continues its policy, particularly these war exercises, not only do you have the aircraft carriers, you have a dozen f35 aircraft that are there, some submarines in the area, that they will respond. I think the question is its a matter of time that north korea will do another test, probably another kind of less provocative icbm test of some kind. I think thats going to happen at some point, the sque whether its going to be as provocative as an open air test, which i think goes beyond what i think would be considered, you know, just way beyond the pail of reckless. So i think thats something we have to be aware of that we have the ability, i think, by our conducting our acting in a certain way to prevent that from actually happening. But in terms of whether north korea does a test or not, i think that inevitably it is a matter of time that they will do one or both. Great to get your incites and perspective. Many thanks for joining us. We see donald trump and moon jaein shaking hands with dignitariries, as are the first wives. Theyll be heading into the blue house where theyll be holding that very important biliteral meeting. North korea at the top of the agenda but so do the freetrade agreement. Well get back to the texas massacre with a look at how the shooting is likely to impact gun control in the United States and what President Trump is saying about the tragedy after this break. hard exhalation honey . Can we do this tomorrow . grunts of effort can we do this tomorrow . If you have Heart Failure symptoms, your risk of hospitalization could increase, making tomorrow uncertain. But entresto is a medicine that was proven, in the largest Heart Failure study ever, to help more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading Heart Failure medicine. Women who are pregnant must not take entresto. 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They will sit down and discuss exactly what they can do about the growing Nuclear Threat from north korea also the growing missile threat as well. Theres the first lady as well. It appears theyre signing some sort of guest book, making their comments for arriving at the blue house. Well continue to follow Donald Trumps visit there to seoul and what they come up with there. We move on, another mass shooting and we hear the same arguments to gun laws. When a reporter asked ted cruz if it was time to address gun control, he fired back. It is an unfortunate thing that the immediate place the media goes after any tragedy after any murder is politicizing it. We dont need politics now. In new york we saw a terror attack just this week with a truck. Evil is evil is evil and will use the weaponry that is available. Joining me now Matthew Lipman and john thomas. Matt, despite the attack on the media, which i thought was unfair by senator cruz. He did seem to explain in that one sentence, why america has an epidemic of violence, evil people use weaponry they find. And this country has more guns. The United States has a unique situation. Its not a lot of the conservatives are saying this is a Mental Health issue. They dont have an epidemic of people who lost their minds, they have an epidemic of guns and Mass Shootings are four or more people. Yes. We have more than days of the year. And we have more and more. Keep in mind a few years ago, this president after the newtown shooting when first graders were killed he wanted an assault weapon ban. Then ran for president as a republican and now hes progun all the way. You need to have a democratic legislation and president if you want to make a dent on the gun issue. The fact it is a Mental Health issue and it was guns that stopped this guy. The only honest thing that a democrat could argue for gun control is total confiscation, because theres so many guns out there that to try to increase laws, which this guy shouldnt have been able to buy a weapon if the air force reported him to the fbi thats a ridiculous argument wench we can talk the vegas shooter. There was a regulation after newtown that people who had Mental Health issues couldnt get guns as easily as they could now. They took that away, a few months ago, that was Donald Trumps idea. That would have stopped Stephen Paddock in vegas. It may have stopped somebody. You said Mental Health is a problem, why is Congress Making it easier for people with Mental Health issues to get guns. This required the administration to advice if someone who had a psychiatric issue and they had to be advised that person to this background check. So if this person went out to get a gun, they would know he had some kind of Mental Health issue, and he wouldnt get the gun. You said it was a Mental Health issue so wouldnt that help . The fbi was supposed to be notified that was a skrcrew up by the air force they took away this provision for people with Mental Health issues to get guns. How could that be the right thing to do . The reality is he would have how could it he would have gotten a gun one way or another. John adams say saids, facts are issues no. Ronald reagan once said facts are stupid things. Heres the challenge. In 30 years the Republican Party believes facts are stupid. In this case Mental Health. No the challenge is these are criminals. Perhaps you can stop them from going to stores to buy their weapons, but theyll get their weapons. You wont get the nra trained guys, like the plumber outside the church, to stop these guys. The guy killed 25 people. And he would have potentially killed more. He could have killed more. We let people have guns, not Everybody Needs assault weapons. They said he was going to a second event when he was stopped. But theres no evidence he was prevented another tragedy, he was on his way out, he was leaving. The good guy with a gun argument, study after study, have found it rarely happens. Almost every incident the shooter is stopped by unarmed civilians who stopped the shooter when they tried to unload. He used 15 clips. He had time to reload. Whats the difference between the United States and every other country in the world. In the United States, youre right, everybody has a un. Chelsea is facing back las vegas lash after this tweet. Innocent people go to church on sunday to honor their god and while doing so get shot and killed, what country . America. Why . Republicans. Kellyanne conway was outraged. Its so beyond any type of reasonable response that anyone would have. Its like i said in las vegas a month ago you had families looking for their loved ones through the rubble and remains running from hospital to hospital, there were people who were injured who then went on to pass away, and yet people are taking to twitter in the comfort of their lives pointing fingers. John so mass shooting by white guy, too soon to talk about gun reform, terrorist atta attack i think the issue i have with her is she was jumping to conclusions. Who does that . There were no republicans, we dont know anything about this guy. The one in the white house does it all the time. You see liberals are saying the nra needs to be stopped. It was an nra member who saved the day. 25 people were killed in this case, the guy was driving away. Thats not the point. If you go back, Chelsea Handler you cant say all republicans are evil. Thats the wrong thing to say. But we have a gun problem in the country thats unique to the United States. Why is that . Were not doing anything to solve it. Theres nothing coming out of congress and the president says we cant do anything about it. I had these questions on russia, couldnt get to them. Next here on newsroom la, the worst mass shooting in modern history and the worst mass shooting in a church in modern history. How the current laws dont work and never seem to change. Hey, man. Oh nice man cave nacho . [ train whistle blows ] what . stop it mmhmm. Weve been saving a lot of money ever since we switched to progressive. This bar is legit. And now we get an even bigger discount from bundling home and auto. I can get used to this. It might take a minute. Swing and a miss slam dunk touchdown together sports work keeps me busy. So ive asked chase sapphire reserve cardmembers to find my next vacation. Rome, show me something. Im having breakfast at the pantheon. What an amazing view. Of your finger. Look at this view. Your finger isnt that incredible. 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They say the final text to her was sent just before the shooting on sunday. Joining us is a defense attorney who was also a witness at last months shooting. Good to see you. Good to see you, john. Explain how the background checks failed there was no way the fbi system and background check system could have stopped him from buying these guns even though he wasnt meant to buy them, as opposed to the vegas shooter who managed to buy 45 firearms over a period of years. Devin kelley was con vicked of a crime which he was supposed to serve 18 months. So the federal law says if youre convicted of a Domestic Violence crime and you serve at least 12 months, then the federal here the air force, should have immediately then reported that to the federal data base, and they didnt do that. And thats why, during the background check, he didnt come up. It was that one thing that failed to work, and the whole thing just collapses . Right. But john lets call a spade a spade. Kelley is no choir boy. Lets talk about that for a second. He pointed a gun at his wife twice. He fractured a skull of a step son a little boy, yeah. Of his little boy. He almost killed an animal. This guy had a propensity and a pattern of doing violent things that the u. S. Air force was well aware of. So why were the folks with the u. S. Air force so casual and flippant about not reporting this to the civilian officials to make sure that he was caught . What do you make of this republican argument that this guy was determined to get a gun, even if he had failed a background check he would have found one anyway . Thats the most pa thet ik argument ive ever heard. I was in las vegas, heard the bullets and almost never saw my daughter again. So well, he keli could have gotten a good night any way, the point is we are glorifying violence in the United States. Its become okay if its a lone wolf. Make it more difficult for paddock to get 40 guns in vegas, and kelly ismentally ill. Listen to republican Mitch Mcconnell talking about this issue. You know, if its hard to envision a fullproof way to prevent individual outrages by evil people. I mean, last week in new york, you had a person who figured out he could kill people by driving his automobile up on a sidewalk. Were almost out of time, but that argument sounds like, well, people still commit murder, therefore those murder rules arent working. So we should get rid of all those murder laws. Heres what i would tell Mitch Mcconnell and President Trump, take a look at the website for the ruger 556. Go on the website. I went on the website, and you tell me, Mitch Mcconnell, whether that 5. 56 rifle should ever be sold to an average citizen on the street. Its not a sporting rifle, as they describe it. It shoots 90 pound 0 rounds a. Does the average person on the street need access to a rifle like that . Thats the issue. We can do something about that. All of this is sort of against what is the established gun culture in this country. You get a gun, go hunting. Thats not what is happening with this. Brian, good to see you. Thank you. With that, well take a short break. When we come back, well head to seoul in south korea. And non24 can throw my days and nights out of sync, keeping me from the things i love to do. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442142424. I trained as hard as i could to stay alive. I have more than 30 pieces of shrapnel still in my leg. But i still push myself to the limit. If it werent for my tempurpedic, i wouldnt be able to sleep on my left side at all. The tempurpedic veterans day Savings Event is here, and now is the time to take advantage of this incredible offer. Save up to 500 instantly on select tempurpedic Adjustable Mattress sets. Find your exclusive retailer today at tempurpedic. Com. [notification tone] i love your vest. Your crocheted purses have wonderful eyes. 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