Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20170929 00:00:00 :

Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20170929 00:00:00

american taxpayers more than a million dollars. earlier white house tried to downplay its role. >> to be clear, white house doesn't have role on the front end of approving private charter flights. that's agencies and something we're looking into from this point forward and asked a halt to be put particularly at ahs on any charter flights moving forward. >> white house may not approve but played a role in travel costs overall. approved the use of military aircraft for price's trips to africa, europe and asia to tune of half a million dollars. adding to the cost. price reimbursing government about $52,000. inspector general is investigating whole mess but in case of private jets, anyone can figure out how outrageous the
travel costs were. $300 to fly commercial from washington to nashville. he took a private plane at more than $17,000. at least 20 trips. including a flight from washington to philadelphia, can drive in 2 1/2 hours or train for $72. this is just the spending that price railed against under the obama administration. in particular spending on private planes for congressman. nancy pelosi. >> what i want to say to the speaker, don't you fly over our country in private jet and lecture us on what it means to be an american. >> still talking about being frugal this summer. price said in june it's incredibly important to get rid of wasteful spending in government health programs. and he took a private plane to
precarious situation even more so. >> and also i get he doesn't want to pay full cost of the charter flights, but did he actually think this was going to put it away? agreeing to pay for equivalent price of a business class ticket on these flights? he commented a bit ago. what did he say? >> reporter: you have to wonder about that. i'm told by someone familiar with the president's thinking, close white house aide who is talking to us confidently saying that president is incensed by this and fact it's $52,000 to pay for that, talking about hundreds of thousands of dollars. not going to help secretary price keep his job. caught up with secretary price and asked him where he stands. take a listen. >> couple of quick questions. will the check you're writing satisfy your bosses and taxpayers' questions?
>> i think what we've done right now is demonstrate a good faith effort. heard the concern and criticism and look forward to the inspector general's report. >> reporter: he said absolutely he would stay on the job but that's not decision up to him. its up to the president and that interview was done shortly before the latest revelation in politico again tonight about half million dollars more worth of foreign travel on the military aircraft. and it's not travel that's the question. cabinet secretaries travel all over the place. he was looking into treatment of ebola in africa, attending world health organizations. but what is different is using private or military planes. every recent health and human services secretary we've talked to, a lot of them, republicans and democrats, they always flew
commercial. difference is military planes are reserved for secretary of state, defense secretary, others with urgent business with matters of national security, not the health and human services secretary. >> and frankly -- his office hasn't been upfront about the reasons or number of trips. at one point saying so busy, sometimes has to take private planes. one of the trips to island, i guess where they have a house with his wife and there was conference there but they went there two days early. so the idea that there was no commercial flight, no way to get there commercially is not right. >> reporter: we've seen these situations in washington before where you think someone may hold on. it's president's decision. we'll see about this. not followed crisis management
101 getting everything out there. now wondering with the latest revelation, are they trying to get it out there? but all the new revelations again are not giving president confidence in his secretary. talking to someone close to the white house and president, saying this is making it more difficult for the president to stick with him. we'll see. opening questions for people throughout the government. if others are doing this. wealthy members of the cabinet fly their own planes, that is fine. others moderately wealthy. price as net worth of $10 million or so, not enough to get a private plane. was he wanting to live that lifestyle? we'll see. no question tomorrow the president will be asked again about this if he'll keep him on board but he's in hot water tonight. >> $10 million net worth is more than moderately wealthy.
stereotype about the trump administration, rich people, privileged people, rules don't apply to them. >> idea is draining the swamp, this is flying over the swamp in private plane. >> this is continuing the swamp in private plane. i agree with jeff. president has become aware in recent days just how damaging this is for him. that is what he cares about. this impacts public perception of him and his administration. beginning of the week people in white house telling me thought he would survive this. he would be damaged, president is not enamerred of tom price. not his favorite cabinet pick. but story of taking plane to visit his son. there were a ton of instances in that story of mingling personal life with use of the jets and that put it overboard for the president. musing about the idea that price
should have to pay this back but told by people in his own circle, that raises question to what it means for other people in terms of the flights? cabinet secretaries and staff who went on the planes. it's not clear too many people were aware he was announcing reimbursing for the seat. maybe a couple in the west wing. the president did not actually ask him to do this as i understand it. continues to roll along as chaos unchecked. >> moronic announcement to make, do this partial thing. i get it, he doesn't want to spend all that money. >> ironic on two levels. a, continues it. b, raises a host of legal questions, do other people have to pay for their seats? how does that work? what is the precedent? it doesn't go away. it's not only about but partly about perception. and this president came in
saying he was going to be different and drain the swamp. this week backing establishment candidate for senate who lost. administration mired in investigations and now a cabinet -- appearance of cabinet run amok. that can't continue for him. >> after the treasury secretary and his wife flew the plane to fort knox. >> the day of the eclipse. >> and she decided to tweet on instagram. >> and tom price was brought on, member of congress that was going to overturn obamacare, that has turned into major fiasco. it was senate not house that price came from. but there's nothing donald trump likes at moment about house and senate republicans. tom price is representative of them. another reason he's irritated. >> and cnn reporting tonight that administration is on the hunt for leakers within the department of health and human services. interesting about that, as if
leaking is the egregious part of the tale. >> that's all -- >> ask maggie. >> always tends to be where this goes with this administration. it is part recognition that there's a public issue here and large part about paranoia and fear that things are going on we're not in control of. bigger question for white house right now is what is happening at various agencies. and there's clear sense putting it together. questions about scott pruitt's spending at epa, advisers defend it but sound prf booth thing. >> private security. most epa don't. >> and money for the soundproof booth. all a giant bag of what is going on here. >> and one of the effective parts of candidate trump's campaign was the notion of draining the swamp. first time he said it, korey lewandowski said i think you'll
hear that a lot. winning phrase. >> when it comes to washington, d.c., it is time to drain the damn swamp. drain the swamp. we're going to drain the swamp of washington. we're going to have fun doing it. when we win on november 8, we're going to drain the swamp. we're going to drain the swamp of government corruption in washington, d.c. >> it is time to drain the swamp. >> and now -- >> i think he wanted to drain the swamp. that's what i drew from what he was saying. but look who is in the government? bunch of very wealthy and privileged people. fortunately some like betsy devos and wilbur ross can afford their own private planes and are
paying for them but it's very elite wealthy group running the government and apparently tom price wants to live like them. up next, members of the administration defending handling of puerto rico. calling it good news story. see how it squares with what puerto rico is saying. nfl, continuing debate about taking the knee during the national anthem. government and apparently tom i count on my dell small business advisor
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so keep on climbing, sarah. you're killing it. dr. scholl's. born to move. new developments in the
crisis in puerto rico and two questions, is enough being done to meet overwhelming needs there and is the white house painting overly optimistic picture of their time so far. disasters are time for decision makers in the field, all up the chain of command. list of obstacles for puerto rico is long one. things go wrong and lot of people in fema and elsewhere working round the clock to try to help. all argues against appearing over confident. had this to say when asked if satisfied with the government response so far. >> i'm very satisfied. i know it's a hard storm to recover from but the amount of progress that's been made -- and i really would appreciate any support that we get. i know it is really a good news story in terms of our ability to reach people and the limited
number of deaths taken place in sufficient a devastating hurricane. >> certainly good news story in limited number of fatalities from the hurricane but beyond that correspondents on the ground not hearing from people thinking of it as good news. >> translator: i'm getting desperate. this is no way to live. they should bring us water, other supplies. kids keep asking. >> waiting days for food or bag of ice to keep food she has from spoiling. local docks are distributing but containers are stuck because roads are bad, communication is down and drivers in short supply. named overseer for the operations on the ground but raise the question, why has it taken more than a week. >> why has it taken eight days
to get three star general on the ground to start organizing this? >> because it didn't require a three star general eight days ago. we had three star general in charge of this from day minus eight. >> thousands of miles from puerto rico. would you acknowledge it's a mistake looking back to not have him on the ground earlier ? >> not at all. doesn't affect the way we stage equipment and handle area and field operational command. this is textbook and been done well. >> saying this is textbook. general who led the response to katrina disagrees. >> slow to deploy the military. took us seven days for brigadier general and another 24 hours in pentagon to decide on three star general. >> waved the jones act allowing
foreign flagged cargo vessels to bring in supplies. reason given that governor only gave it today. touted his talks about the governor so surprising it didn't come up. tweeted on the subject. fema and first responders are doing a great job. locals trying to help. many lost homes. military on site. i will be there tuesday. wish press would treat fairly. >> joining me all from puerto rico tonight. people you spoke to today at river crossing, have they seen aid in the areas they're coming from? >> reporter: they've seen not a single bit of aid or assistance. about 45 minutes drive from where boris and i are standing here to where a bridge was washed out by flash floods during hurricane maria. we were able to drive there and
ford the river. take a little look at what we were seeing there and people were experiencing there. the wire they're hanging on to has been set up by residents of the town. this is their improvised method for trying to reach the outside world. we just spoke with a couple who had crossed this way and walked two hours to nearest supermarket to try to get bread and food and rice for their children, then had to walk two hours back. that town, san lorenzo, about 1,000 residents, 25 miles as crow flies from capital san juan. they have no electricity, no phones, you can see that transport is paralyzed, main way out to the outside world. have to ford river, knee-high water. can't do it if you're elderly or
child and what do you do if medical emergency? no running water. visit from municipal mayor and fema two days after the hurricane but no assistant whatsoever. only help is local authorities allowed them to take food out of the shattered school in the town and distribute it ad hoc to the community. >> sanjay, you've been at shelter with people with serious medical needs talk about the care they need. >> reporter: what happened was a lot of these folks, even before the hurricane was approaching, went to these shelters to evacuate their homes. at that point they basically have been there now for 10 or 11 days, whatever number it's been. without any power, without any water. many of those people went to shelters because they were worried of their illness, wouldn't be able to get medical care after the hurricane.
that has remained the case for several days now. what we saw over there was doctors trying to care for these patients but have not had supplies, gotten the power they need there. not even clean water. now they have no coms, communications to get patients to the hospitals to get care. there was woman who had been there about 11 days, severe infection, life-threatening the doctors said. trying to raise anyone. we gave her a satellite phone to get help and eventually were able to help her. that's just one person. thousands more in shelters and probably in homes who haven't gotten to hospitals yet. hospitals haven't even begun to see what they're likely going to over the next several days. >> seems like lot of the needs are basic. insulin, prescription drugs that people take every day and need to renew.
disinfectants. but without the right supplies in hospital or on store shelves -- we've seen containers at port, not fema but regular goods that should be on the store shelves, it's hard to get those to the stores. without that, can turn life-threatening quickly for a lot of people. >> reporter: yeah. that's really the point. something that bears repeating, a lot of these supplies we're talking about are on the island. that's what we're hearing, antibiotics, pain medications, even sat phones but not getting to people who need them. as ivan was talking about same here. didn't see fema support and doctors on the ground haven't either. you and i cover a lot of these stories and throw around the term humanitarian crisis or disaster, what that means as you
well know, after the hurricane in this case people could die of total total totally preventible things, simple treatments but people are likely to die for lack of very basic things. getting antibiotics to people is not logistical, it's life shf saving thing. people are suffering because gone without so so long. >> boris, you were at port of san juan, where the containers were waiting to get trucked out. saying that fema could get emergency supplies off ships and distributed best as they can in lot of different ways but guy from the port you talked to, what did he say was in the containers? >> everyday supplies, simple
medications like sanjay referenced, tylenol to refrigerated items withering away at port. clothing, food, cars, anything out there could be used by people here in puerto rico, at least according to the vice president of crowley, the company that manages those containers. i've heard from people on the street asking us where is the aid, the relief, fema? if the gridlock, layers of problems holding those containers back from getting where they need to go could be unravelled, then people would have more access to very necessary items. >> that's one of the things that white house was saying even in hurricane harvey and in florida, if you can get stores open for people to purchase goods, that helps entire emergency situation. obviously that's what you're
saying lot of those supplies are. thanks very much. some of the correspondents, producers and photo journalists, we have dozens on the ground in puerto rico. more details on the three star general who will be leading this. speaking to general russell honore who is fired up about this. be right back. this is the drug enforcement agency. we are ordering you to land immediately. alright boys, let's land. what is he? [ car horn honks ] that's for your bike. you never saw me. [ bell rings ] i was working for the c.i.a. and pablo escobar. who thought that was gonna be a problem? [ upbeat music playing ] there are bills blowin' around the backyard.
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and the governor. communication is starting to come up, it's working. we're getting to all communities with commodities, regardless of what is being presented. we're sustaining hospitals and pushing forward. operational capacity, assessing the others remaining. starting to get more capacity coming into the islands as air ports and sea ports are being opened up and utilized. >> more is online. pentagon named lieutenant general jeffrey buchanan. scheduled to arrive tonight. why did it take so long? general honore joins me. says unified command is working in puerto rico, supplies starting to move on road and in some cases helicopter air drops. is that how you see it? are things beginning to work?
>> bureaucratic terms, starting to work. reporters are not making this up, talking to officials, seeing things on the ground. and i do respect brock. i do respect tom larson, trying their best. but they require policy guidance from the president on what he wants them to do. i think that's where the gap is. should have been moving the military last saturday, president was out playing golf and twittering. i think the cabinet didn't meet until monday, if i followed their meeting schedule. and it wasn't tuesday that they announced a general was going in to lead the federal effort. brigadier general. then today general buchanan, very confident general, he and
general kim both know what they're doing. i hope they're given the authority to do that what they need to do. in new orleans, the president told me do what i have to do and indicated to secretary already on the ground and mike brown who was in new orleans that i was so sort out any confusion in the evacuation and had authority to do that what i needed to do. i heard a conversation earlier today that indicated if the task force commander wanted to do air drops, could make a recommendation. that's bull -- now that commander buchanan is on the ground, he needs to be giving orders and figure out what he needs to do to save lives. all due respect to the white house, trying to put lipstick on this pig but it's moving too slow and don't have to scaled
right. need at least 100 helicopters there, less than 50 now. 15 ships, we've got less than 10. get moving to save lives. could have deployed airfield opening from the air force. they have the capacity. >> let me -- >> didn't do that. lot of tools in the box they didn't use. sorry. >> that's all right. play something the white house said today, there was bureaucratic and technical language in there. wasn't sure. bottom line saying general wasn't needed eight days ago. i don't understand the logic on that. play what white house said and then you can respond to it. >> why has it taken eight days to get a three star general on the ground to start organizing this? we know the island situation, but why eight days? >> because it didn't require a three star general eight days ago. we had one in charge of this out
of san antonio from day minus eight, day minus two to today. >> thousands of miles from puerto rico. would you acknowledge looking back it's mistake not to have this on the ground earlier? >> not at all. doesn't affect the way we stage equipment and handle area and field operational commands. this is textbook and been done well. >> what do you make of that? must be a new book. i haven't read that book. job of the united states military is save lives. we've lost eight days through this bureaucratic process of making decisions, president and cabinet not meeting immediately to figure out solutions to these complex issues. took seven or eight days to -- eight days for three star director and fema director is
still in washington, d.c. i think he's good man but he needs to beat me to puerto rico. not in washington, d.c. doing press conferences but be on the ground with the governor if he's going to be commander with the governor. when you show up in puerto rico, everybody works for governor. even the general. governor's priority. that's how it works but general needs authority from the president and authority if he needs needs to deploy more troops, he calls for them and they show up. we could air drop elements in there to bring in stuff as opposed to ammunition and get things to the far out reaches. link up with national guard and create an area network sustained with air drops in far off places. but way they're doing this is like a bureaucrat planning an inaugural or something.
too slow and it's not scaled right. in katrina had 20,000 federal troops. still not 10,000 on the ground. we had 200 helicopters. less than 100 here. i mean, don't have aircraft carrier. if carrier was there, could handle the air. >> we'll talk to you tomorrow night on the ground as well. coming up next, president trump claiming that tax cuts in the new tax bill won't make him even richer. talking to author of the art of the deal tlt even here. . ly here. at fidelity, we're available 24/7 to make retirement planning simpler. we let you know where you stand, so when it comes to your retirement plan, you'll always be absolutely...clear. ♪ time to think of your future it's your retirement. know where you stand.
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reform will protect low and middle income households, not wealthy and well-connected. they can call me all they want. it's not going to help them. i'm doing the right thing and it's not good for me, believe me. >> burden of proof is on him. we have no idea what taxes president actually pays because he's never released the returns, citing irs audit. only president in modern history not to release the tax returns. it's likely president and family could benefit from the proposals. including repealing the tax that's been put in place to make sure the rich pay their fair share. march this year part of tax return was leaked. said he paid due to amt. if not intact, saved him more
than -- dollars. >> we have the votes on graham/cassidy. but with the rules of rec si reconciliation, we're up against a deadline of friday, two days, just two days. and yes vote senator, we have a wonderful senator, great, great senator, a yes vote. but he's home recovering from a pretty tough situation. >> well as we mentioned last night, referring to senator cochran who was not hospitalized as president tweeted previously. recovering at home from procedure. as to having the votes, no way, not a chance. at very moment president trump said that, cosponsor of the bill lindsay graham put out a statement saying we currently
don't have the votes to pass the legislation. now this was posted on twitter this morning, defending election victory, once again heaping praise on himself. virtdually no president has accomplished what we have accomplished in first nine months, economy roaring. plenty of economists question how much a president can take credit of economy in first year. but not signed major bill. several of the measures he promised to enact are still not happening. border wall and repealing obamacare. cnn political analyst and author. maggie you were with citizen trump in art of the deal. does he believe it when he says things which are not true? or just a marketer's way of
talking? >> i used the phrase in "the art of the deal" truthful hyperbole to explain when he was saying something that was not true and of course hyperbole is a lie. question this book raises, number of essays like my psychologist said, is trump crazy like a fox or just crazy? i think overwhelming evidence is he's crazy crazy. crazy as personality disorder. i'm not psychologist. but comments he makes are delusional. delusional is you say something you incontrovertantly know to be untrue. >> said the hospital thing about senator cochran many times.
in another sound bite said he was at home but other ones, in hospital. and that's not why the health care vote didn't happen. >> he says whatever serves him and while he's saying it, he believes it. >> i think that's exactly it and always has been. i think there are times when he knows it's not true but telling himself it is true and times he genuinely believes it. everybody is looking for rational reason he does things or core ideology. he doesn't have those things. he'll say what it takes to get through very tiny increments of time. just focused on the next ten minutes basically. he's -- i once had a conversation with somebody trying to explain how he he's the guy from a "friends" episode, keeps promising guy he has no intention of calling he's
going to call the next day. often says things he has no intention of doing to get through the time. paints his own version reality. he did it throughout the campaign. nothing new. >> worked as real estate developer. painting his own reality. stakes far different and people weren't following up. gossip reporters were covering it but not going to follow-up whether or not -- >> and seemed harmless. didn't have much moment. there's a great description that's relatively little known that i think is a very interesting way of thinking of trump from eric frome the great psychiatrist. marketing personality. that's characterized by absence of character structure. so that you can say whatever you want to say because there's no conscience underneath that's keeping you -- that's serving as
barometer for you. and that's exactly what happens with trump. and yes, what's changed is the stakes are much higher. every time he says something that's not true, a lot of people know it. >> and also what's changed, talking earlier in the show about the tax returns not being made available. you've never seen what company is forth. forbes did an estimate but not clear. one deposition said could be based on how he felt it was worth at any given moment but this is the government and there's proof. that's why stories about the cabinet officials using jets, that's just a fact, not something making up or fake news is writing quote/unquote, it's just reality. certainly things in government you can't just create your own picture as much as people may be suspicious of government and difficult as translucent and opaque as government can be,
it's just not the same. >> in his businesses wouldn't he have people around him to say no or that's not the case? >> i don't believe he's ever had people around him saying no. don't say no to donald trump more than once or twice. not going to stay long if you say no. and i do believe john kelly knows clearly that trump is deeply disturbed and utterly untrustworthy and he's managing him all the time out of some belief that it's better he be there than not be there. i never met anybody who worked for trump who didn't know who trump was within a very short time. >> yet many have stayed for long periods of time. >> yes. including his family has stayed loyal. not necessarily his wives but immediate family. think there's a stockholm syndrome, i think that actually happens around trump.
and you get used to being -- to having a very -- what until recently or even continues to be so, glamorous life and you get addicted to it. i think that's what's so i think that's what's happening. but i think they know. when we come back, the latest installment in the trump versus the nfl. what the white house said about it today. distill talking about it. and your symptoms have left you with the same view, it may be time for a different perspective. if other treatments haven't worked well enough, ask your doctor about entyvio, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohn's. entyvio works by focusing right in the gi-tract to help control damaging inflammation and is clinically proven to begin helping many patients achieve both symptom relief as well as remission. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment.
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sarah sanders continues to defend the president's feud with the nfl, here's what she said this afternoon. >> it shouldn't be, as i've said several times before, this isn't an us versus them. it should be something that brings our country together. these are symbols of what our country stands for. this should be the opposite of what this is about when the national anthem plays, all americans should be proud to stand up and be part of that process. >> players for the green bay packers and chicago bears took the field. players requested that all fans lock arms in solidarity. here's what happened. ♪ ramparts we watched were so
gallantly streaming ♪ >> you can see the players locking arms. no one it appears took a knee. >> randi kaye talked to fans before the game. >> reporter: in the shadow of green bay's lambeau field, we found plenty of beer, brats and opinions of president trump's nfl players for kneeling. >> he has his own opinion. and i agree with his opinion. >> i don't agree they should be fired. i think the people of america have a right to express their opinion and the nfl players do as well. >> do you agree with what the president said, that these sons of bitches should be fired? >> he could have used his words a little better. but i think overall it was for
patriotism in our country. >> the players have every right to kneel and express their freedom of speech. >> they're protesting racial inequality. i think that the president should worry about bigger things. >> jordan lenihan agrees. >> the president should stick to presidential things. and the players should focus on the game. >> on the issue of race, again, mixed opinions about the president taking on a league that's majority african-american. >> the president says this isn't anything about race. this is about respect for the flag, sounds like you don't buy that. >> no, look at the history. go back to the stuff that happened in charlottesville, he didn't come out and denounce them. but the minute a guy takes a knee for equality and things like that and unity, he's all over them. >> do you think the president's comments were racist as some have suggested? >> yes. >> were the president's comments
racist in your opinion? >> not at all. i don't understand the whole racist issue here. people who kneel, i think they're more racist than the people who stand for it. >> how can those who kneel be racist when they're kneeling to help promote racial equality. >> are they really? are they really? >> that's the message they say. >> are they really, though. >> players should not be fired for kneeling during the anthem, ask them who's going to win tonight's game, and it's a whole other story. >> rogers 300 yards, 3 touchdowns. 24-20 packers. >> i think they'll keep it a close game, but i'll say bears by three for sure. >> randi joins me. did anyone you spoke with today agree the players should be fired if they kneel down? >> we spoke to more than 50 people, not a single person thought any player who kneels down should be fired. some thought they should be
disciplined, even find, not a single one thought a player should be fired. if you start firing people now for taking a knee. so many players are kneeling down, you're going to lose the season. you're going to have to fire half the nfl. we talked to them about this rule donald trump has suggested to prevent players from taking a knee during the anthem. sort of like the rule that was put in place for celebrating in the end zone. >> when we come back, exclusive new reporting, the russia investigation. plus, what the white house is now saying about secretary price's expensive plane trips with the price tag now topping 1 million.

Related Keywords

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Health Organizations , Ebola , All Over The Place , Lot , Secretary , Republicans , Is , Health And Human Services , Democrats , Others , Business , Office , Secretary Of State , Defense Secretary , Security , Difference , Matters , One , Number , Island , Hasn T , Reasons , Way , Idea , Conference , House , Wife , Two , Crisis Management , Situations , Everything , Confidence , Revelations , 101 , People , Cabinet , Members , Wealthy , Net Worth , 0 Million , 10 Million , Water , Lifestyle , Swamp , Stereotype , Perception , Jeff , Tom Price , Story , Cabinet Pick , Life , Ton , Son , Instances , Musing , Mingling , Staff , Terms , Raises , Circle , Seat , Reimbursing , Chaos , West Wing , Didnt Requirea Three Star General , Thing , Money , B , Make , Levels , Announcement , Host , Moronic , Work , Seats , Precedent , It Doesnt Go Away , Candidate , Investigations , Senate , Appearance , Backing Establishment , Cabinet Run Amok , Treasury Secretary , Eclipse , Fort Knox , Donald Trump , Repealing Obamacare , On , Nothing , Member , Major , Fiasco , Congress , Instagram , Reason , Cnn , Reporting , Representative , Leakers , Hunt , Department Of Health And Human Services , Part , All , Maggie Haberman , Recognition , Leaking , Tale , Things , Sense , Issue , Bigger Question , Paranoia , Advisers , Sound Prf Booth Thing , Epa , Scott Pruitt , Soundproof Booth , Campaign , Bag , Time , Parts , Notion , Korey Lewandowski , Phrase , Fun , Government Corruption , November 8 , 8 , Bunch , Betsy Devos , Wilbur Ross , Puerto Rico , News Story , Group , Handling , Up Next , Knee , Anthem , Nfl , It Squares , Debate , Advisor , Dell Small Business , T Mobile , Americas Best Unlimited Network , Binge , Ethat , Mount Everest , Ofs , Scholl , Body , Dr , Home , Back Pain , Stairs , Orthotics , Lower , Foot , Escalator , Step , Shock , Sarah Sanders , Climbing , Scholl S , Developments , Needs , Crisis , Picture , Painting , Disasters , Decision Makers , Fema , List , Obstacles , Clock , Round , Elsewhere , The Field , Chain Of Command , Response , Storm , Amount , Support , Progress , Ability , Ground , Place , Hurricane , Correspondents , Deaths , Fatalities , Food , News , Supplies , Translator , Kids , Containers , Communication , Roads , Ice , Ospoiling , Drivers , Docks , Supply , Operations , Named Overseer , Eight , Three Star General , Star General , Charge , Day Minus , Three , Equipment , Area , Mistake , General , Military , Textbook , Command , Who , Katrina , Brigadier General , Seven Days , Jones Act , Seven , 24 , Governor , Didn T , It , Talks , Cargo Vessels , Homes , Press , Responders , Site , Subject , Locals , Ewish , Aid , Areas , River Crossing , Assistance , Bridge , Hurricane Maria , Flash Floods , Boris , 45 , Town , Look , River , Residents , Ford , World , Method , Bread , Supermarket , Children , Electricity , Rice , Capital San Juan , San Lorenzo , 1000 , 25 , Phones , Transport , Ford River , Help , Emergency , Authorities , Running Water , Child , Assistant , Mayor , Sanjay , Community , Shelter , School , Ad Hoc , Care , Folks , Shelters , 10 , 11 , Wouldn T , Power , Many , Illness , Patients , Doctors , Infection , Hospitals , Woman , Communications , Coms , Person , Haven T , Satellite Phone , Hospitals Haven T , Insulin , Prescription Drugs , Goods , Hospital , Port , Store Shelves , Stores , Antibiotics , Pain Medications , Hearing , Stories , Disaster , Term , Didnt See Fema Support , Ground Havent Either , Treatments , Lack , Port Of San Juan , Life Shf Saving Thing , Suffering , Guy , Ships , Ways , Items , Anything , Medications , Clothing , Cars , Company , Relief , Of Crowley , Street , Problems , Unravelled , Gridlock , Access , Layers , Emergency Situation , Florida , Hurricane Harvey , Some , Thanks , Producers , Photo Journalists , Details , Dozens , Russell Honore , Drug Enforcement Agency , Land , Boys , Car Horn Honks , Upbeat Music Playing , Backyard , Problem , Bills , Bike , Gonna , Pablo Escobar , Cia , Bell Rings , Nation , Gringo , Iphone 8 , Ratedrt Mobile , Mornin , Three Hundred , Three Hundred Dollars , Program , Iphone Upgrade , Feng Shui , Bed Should On It Orth East , Baby , Sperm , Crave , Panera , Panera Catering , Communities , Commodities , More , Capacity , Sea Ports , Islands , Pair Ports , Commander Buchanan , Pentagon , Hair Drops , Cases , Road , Honore , Officials , Reporters , Up , Respect Brock , Gap , Best , Tom Larson , Policy Guidance , Twittering , Meeting Schedule , Cabinet Didnt Meet , Wasnt Tuesday , Golf , Then Today General Buchanan , Authority , Mike Brown , New Orleans , Conversation , Confusion , Evacuation , Commander , Bull , Recommendation , Task Force , Respect , Lives , Orders , Pig , Lipstick , Dont Have Aircraft Carrier , Airfield Opening , Air Force , 50 , 15 , 100 , Box , Tools , Play , Wasn T , Bottom Line , Language , Logic , Wasnt Sure , Out , Island Situation , San Antonio , Book , Commands , Save Lives , Solutions , United States Military , Process Of Making Decisions , Director , Issues , Star Director , Press Conferences , Man , Everybody , Needs Authority , Priority , Stuff , Troops , Elements , Ammunition , Air , Bureaucrat Planning , Places , Network , National Guard , Helicopters , 10000 , 20000 , 200 , Carrier , Tax Cuts , Coming Up , Author , Deal , Art , Won T , Tlt , Ly , At Fidelity , 24 7 , Retirement Plan , Retirement Planning , Retirement , Future , Interest , Save , Credit Card , Lendingtree , 0 , Energy , Whopeople , Millions , Badge , Actions , Usle , Humongous , Dont Stop , Caretakers , Californians , Routine , Add , Proof , Tax Plan , Commitment , Facts , Framework , Trouble , Truth , Pledge , Tax Reform , Households , Returns , Burden , Audit , Irs , Family , Tax Returns , Tax , Proposals , Put , Share , Him , Tax Return , Amt , Votes , Rules , Bill Lindsay Graham , Cassidy , Rec Si , Senator , Yes , Vote , Reconciliation , Deadline , Senator Cochran , Last Night , Statement , Procedure , Cosponsor , Chance , Election Victory , Legislation , Praise , Virtdually No , Several , Credit , Bill , Economy , Economists , Economy Roaring , Nine , Analyst , Border Wall , Citizen Trump , Marketer , Hyperbole , The Art Of Deal , Psychologist , Lie , Book Raises , Course , Essays , Crazy Likea Fox , Comments , Evidence , Personality Disorder , Times , Hospital Thing , Health Care Vote , Sound Bite , Ones , Increments , Ideology , Core , Ten , Intention , Somebody , Episode , Friends , Version Reality , Reality , Stakes , People Weren T , Real Estate Developer , Gossip Reporters , Trump , Description , Conscience Underneath , Marketing Personality , Psychiatrist , Character Structure , Absence , Barometer , Show , Estimate , Forbes , Deposition , Writing Quote Unquote , Businesses , Same , Dont Say , John Kelly , Time Out , Anybody , Didnt Know Who Trump , Belief , Wives , Stockholm Syndrome , Being , Back , Installment , Entyvio , Symptoms , Uc , Doctor , Treatments Haven T , Perspective , Crohn S , View , Remission , Infusion , Symptom Relief , Reactions , Gi Tract , Inflammation , Infections , Liver Problems , Brain Infection , Virus , Risk , Sores , Pml , Reach , Crohn , Gastroenterologist , Medication Isn T , Feud , Isn T , Symbols , It Shouldnt Be , Versus Them , Players , Opposite , Process , Green Bay Packers , Arms , Fans , Field , Solidarity , Ramparts , Chicago Bears , Randi Kaye , Kneeling , Game , Opinions , In The Shadow , Brats , Beer , Lambeau Field , Green Bay , Opinion , Right , Words , Sons , Better , Patriotism , Inequality , Freedom Of Speech , Race , Jordan Lenihan , League , History , Flag , African American , Charlottesville , Racist , Equality , Unity , Message , Packers , Bears , Rogers , 3 , Player , Thought , Firing People , Season , Kneeling Down , Rule , Zone , The End , Plane Trips , Price Tag , Exclusive New Reporting , Russia Investigation , 1 Million ,

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