Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20170928 : comparem

Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20170928

luther strange who the president has endorsed in a run off election. senator strange was the one who traveled to alabama to campaign. he tweeted, quote big night in alabama. vote for luther strange. also tweeted, luther strange has been shooting up in the polls since my endorsement. alabama get out and vote for luther strange he's proven to me he'll never let you down. big luther, as the president like to call him got hammered. and the president someone who has access to his twitter account deleted the tweet. we got ahold of them before they slipped down the memory hole. the president has been accused of attempting to rewrite history is now attempting to unwrite it. whether it's a pride, sales of habit and turning lemons into lemonade. another example, the president today on senate republican's latest failure to replace obamacare. >> we have the votes on green cassidy but with the rules of reconciliation we're up against a deadline of friday, two days, that's just two days. and, yes, vote senator, we have a wonderful senator, great great senator, who is a yes, vote but he's home recovering from a pretty tough situation. >> he's referring to senator thad cochran. he tweeted earlier a yes, vote. keep in mind senator cochran is not hospitalized and the president seemed to acknowledge that. as for the rest, well, no. just no. you can be for or against obamacare or gram cassidy but there's not two sides to arrhythmia tick. the bill needed 50 votes. if they had enough votes, a vote would have been held, it was not. at the very moment president trump said what he said, co-responser lindsay gram put out a statement that read while we currently don't have the votes i'm not giving up and neither is the president. more on his reaction to healthcare situation. cnn's phil mattingly join us from the capital. phil if they had the vote they would have won't the vote right ? >> yes. there's one kind of tried and true clear reality, when you have the votes you put something on the floor and vote on it. it wasn't going to take multiple days to get this on the floor. they made very clear, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell, lindsay gram, the coauthors of this bill as of yesterday they did not have the votes. the same today, the votes are still no votes. at this moment, anderson they don't have the votes. they might in the future it could be possible. at this moment they don't have the votes. >> and the comments about senator croochran didn't he say he'd come in to vote if need be? >> in talking to everybody at the senior levels in the course of five days leading to this all falling apart yesterday, not a single person mentioned senator cochran's name or his health issue. we saw three public no, votes. i'm told from several gop aids when they took an internal whether i happen count and got a sense of where their 52 members are, there were several other senators who were opposed to the policy and didn't want to talk about it publicly. had it been brought up for a vote they would have voted not. it's not just there were three short and perhaps can flip it, they were several short and ways away. at this moment the votes aren't there and that's why they're not voting on this. >> thanks very much. joining us kirsten pal la, jason miller and paul. does it make since on this saying we had the votes but not the time? >> i think the president believes that what they can do is continue to put pressure, continue to build momentum towards eventually having a vote. we are in this vicious cycle where you need to have a vote on obamacare in order to keep the promise of repealing obamacare front and center for a base that's very animated over flo fulfilling that promise. i think the president's trying to create positive momentum and put pressure on the folks on capitol hill. >> is that what it is paul, positive momentum? >> yeah it's pathological lies. so, it doesn't suit its purposes. this is what's bizarre about president trump. he, in this case is lying when the truth serves the interest as well. the truth is what lindsay gram said we're not part there but we're going to keep trying. that puts the pressure on better than saying we got it, the haze in the barn and i'm too nice of a guy to call a vote. and i don't want to inconvenience senator cochran. the mind is boggling. >> jason, your mind doesn't seem to be boggled. >> no obamacare's fall failing, we have to spend billions to go and profit. the only thing we should be talking about is tax reform and tax cuts. there's no need to try and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. this plan they rolled out today is fantastic, it will bet the economy going it's a good raling cry for the economy. it doesn't look like the votes are there. these guys taken 7 years and haven't gotten a plan put together. tell congress get back to the drawing board. it's tax cuts is what they should be talking about. >> then why is he talking about healthcare? >> that's what i said he should be talking about tax cuts. >> i think he thinks that -- i hate to psycho analyze him, i think he knows the people that follow him only listen to what he says. so if he says this they're probably going to believe it whether it's true or not. we do know as phil mattingly said, there were three people that came out and said he wasn't going to vote. i think a lot of people listen to him it's where they get their news. >> it puts us in a weird position where we have to say, actually this is not factually correct. >> he also convinced most of the people whose voted for him, they can't trust the media right? do you disagree with him that he says this for his followers right, so they don't think he lost? >> i think the president's probably having conversations that we're not and he must think they're closer than they are. i personally from having conversations with folks on the hill the votes are there. that's why i said talk about tax cuts. >> do you think the president's talking to the wrong people, that's scary isn't it? >> well, look you have a lot of republicans on capitol hill talking out of both sides of they're mouth. look how many republicans spent the last seven years saying we're going to repeal and replace obamacare, they campaign on it and then they get up here and run for the tall grass and don't do anything to get it done. >> i'm frustrated as a republican that they didn't have a solution ready to go when president trump won. i think it's ridiculous. i think there's a reason why voters are so frustrated with the party apparatus that they didn't have something. go back, get it right, in the meantime let's focus on something we can win on. >> first it does as jason points out step on his story. what he said also though should continue to motivate the democratic base. progressives all around today were saying keep fighting, keep fighting. because they are close, maybe one vote, three or five. and when the president says, we're almost there, boy that's going to panic my side and motivate them and this is the problem, if you beat something, how many times have they stop it had repeal of obamacare now? a couple, two or three. you tend to lose energy now, okay we did it we're done. this energizes my folks, and it's good for democratic base. >> i think it raises expectations for the republican base that can't really be -- can't really be gauged. i think that's a big problem which is that, having a mitch mcconnell who looks like he's inefficient on capitol hill continues to hamper the senate or the house's ability to enability the aagenda and it hurts the president. >> to focus on it and reminds people that republicans can't get this done actually hurts republicans. >> let's talk about alabama, the president arguably uk say he didn't put his full weight behind luther strange. do you think people in alabama -- was this a vote against the president or did people kind of think oh he's not really sporting luther strange? >> i think it was more of a vote between mitch mcconnell and paul ryan and a vote against sort of establishment washington. i think it kind of shows -- we talked -- a lot of people think these trump voters are cultist and follow donald trump and do whatever he said. i think that's not true, these are people who have a point of view of what they want and donald trump is either going to be with them or they're going to do something different. that's problem why he's deleting these tweets. it shows they done do everything donald trump sasds, obviously if they did they would have voted differently. >> was it a mistake you think for the president to back luther strange? >> i think he should have listened to folks in the white house and stayed out of that race. what last nation's results showed is this trump coalition, this wasn't just about this last fall, it's alive, vibrant and well. as we look ahead to 2018 whether it be the republican primaries or the general election these voters are frustrated, ticked off, mad at washington and tip over the apple cart and get stuff done. >> does this help republicans get stuff done, paul, in d.c.? >> i don't think so, no. >> assuming roy moore you know becomes a senator. you think democratic can win in alabama? >> it's very tough. >> but you get a better chance more than you did luther strange. >> physical he deleted the tweets i wanted to defend the president on this. this guy's per miscows with it and i like that. he went all in, she won, good for him. >> wen in fully through strange, all in but mostly. so what luther loss. it's something to be admired when a politician sticks his neck out. then he come back and deletes on the tweets. now we're stuck with a guy and says 9/11 was punishment against america. that's what bin laden thought not what americans think. if trump going to yoke himself to judge moore he's going to have big problems. he was good on my agenda, proud of it -- >> what does it mean for paul ryan, all those watching that election last night? >> one of worries you have to have is this is going to embolden more primaries whether in the house or senate. the map gets reshaped now by a lot of folks who said there's something out there i can draft off of. whereas before they may have not been able to do that. so, that signal that it sends could potentially cause a lot of resources that the republicans have to spend in primaries that they weren't -- that could have been better spent against democrats in the general election. it definitely puts majority potentially at risk. >> doesn't everybody know if you delete tweets it draws more attention? nobody goes back and look at the tweets but the fact if you take them away people notice. if you're the president of the united states. >> i think the bigger story that will probably come out is the president voiced for more saying he'll campaign for it. everybody's deleted tweets in the past. i don't think that's a deal. >> the president's support for judge moore is going to hurt swing districts and swing states republicans a lot because they're going to go with them. they're going to say are you with the president in alabama that thinks 9/11 was god's punishment against america. >> this is modern 2012 you're not going to ache entire republican party. >> you watch. >> the president add more fuel to his fuel by saying they have to change or the business will quote, go to health. we'll talk more with spike lee. he'll also be in our city hall along with the players, law enforcement and others. that's at 9:00 p.m. eastern. stick around. with advil, you'll ask what twisted ankle? 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>> well, first of all for the community the worst thing you can do is talking about somebody's mother. he sad sons of bitches, he's talking about somebody's mother. that no no from the get go. >> uh-h >> i talked to someone and that's the first thing they said. >> you talk about somebody's mother, there's going to be some pans flying. >> do you worry the way this is played out over last couple days, one can argue about why he's doing it, does it take away from what colin kaepernick was trying to do? does it make it about the president, free speech or americans speaking out? >> what president is good at, we're talking about misdirection play, you're following a guy down the field you think he has a football but the other guy's going the other way high steps and in-zone. we don't think about what happens in north korea, obamacare or this nut in korea and he's focused on other things, on this other stuff we've lost the ball, i think so. >> do -- in terms of whether you saw -- the last time you were on you talked about jerry jones. >> right right. >> i'm wondering when the last time you saw hip -- >> not buying it. >> not buying it? >> no because it's hipper critical. the reason why this whole thing happened is because kaepernick took a knee and therefore he doesn't have a job, so, if they wanted unity this brother should be -- he should have a job of one and third two teams i think so. >> you think there's no doubt he doesn't have a job because he took the knee and it's too controversy sall? >> i think so. >> where does this go? i mean because -- >> it's not deescalating. this whole thing, the president's very divisive, i mean it's -- >> but can players continue to -- >> yes. >> take a knee? >> it's -- it's -- it was 200 it will going to be more on sunday. >> you think this is going to be more people? >> i think so. this is the battle of wills. >> we have this town hall tonight and there are going to be people here thinking this is unpa unpatriotic, like the president, what do you say? >> well, first of all, that's the wrong narrative. every athlete whose participated have said they have great respected for the country, great respect to the military and these other people try to twist the narrative to defuse what kaepernick was talking about in the first place. how african-americans are treated, people of color, second class citizens are being gunned down in the street, that's what the whole thing about from the beginning and they're trying to twist the fair tifr. >> there are other people thinking look, athletes makes tens of thousands of dollars a year, we're trying to watch the game is this a place to do this that? >> yes, if we know anything about the history of america. this is why we're in this short, the oh limbs. muhammad ali lost an award because he refused to be drafted into the war. people just want to think of him lightning a torch in atlanta with his arm shaking from parkinsons. that was him in his greatest. >> do you think people will look back at what colin kaepernick did -- >> i think so. >> with the time passing in a different way? >> i think. i also think all these people on the trump band wagon are going to be on the wrong side of history, i'm positive of that. >> the other criticism i heard from some supporters of the president on the program the other night, was that a lot of players now, they weren't doing there when colin kaepernick was doing it, he was out in the wirnldness for a long time but now they're doing it because it's against the president. do you think it's an anti-trump sentiment -- >> no i think it's a combination of both things. and when he says he is really telling the owners, like owners, or the plantation owners and the guys playing the league, they're on the plantation, you can't say anything. and so, the thing's really escalated. and then i get back to it, when you talk about somebody's mother, that's a no no. and he has not apologized at all, so -- >> he's not going to apologize. >> did he talk about the mother of the neo-nazi, the alt-rights, the kkk, those guys, crazy people in charleston? >> he said there were some very fine people. >> oh of course, they're mothers weren't sob's. >> you think he speaks in a hasher term about these players? >> of course. in my opinion, this guy has given all these groups the wink wink, the green light, the come out of the darkness, come out and just show who you are. and that speech in alabama, alabama home of george wallace, sheryl con narrow, the bombing of the baptist clutch in bourbon alabama, there, alabama, i mean come on. there's history in alabama. >> you're saying you can't take the president's comments out of the context of where he said them to the crowd that he's say them? >> yes, i mean he's playing to liz strength. i know he's there for the support of this guy but it's in alabama. >> kareem abdul-jabbar said something i want to read to you. he said about the president for someone who's sworn to uphold the constitution this is the example of immense ignorance or willful treason. >> both. both. >> so, but -- i come back to if -- the subject is racial inequality, racial injustice, injustices that exist in this country, how does that -- where does it -- i mean people always talk about there should be a conversation about it, we should have a conversation tonight. >> how many town halls have you had, this is -- poto me race is always simmering under the surface and it takes an o.j., this or that for it to explode but it's always under the surface. we really has not had an honest conversation about race in this country. >> i always think it only is talked about in town halls like this when it explodes on the surface. it's never kind of talked about in the calm times in between -- >> people just want to push it under the rug and hope it never raises its ugly head anymore but it's always there i think. >> spike, thanks so much we'll talk to you in a little bit -- >> in a little while. >> when we come back the denver station of puerto rico what the administration is being asked about it. so far the medical challenges on the ground from our reporters. knowing where you stand has never been easier. except when it comes to retirement. at fidelity, you get a retirement score in just 60 seconds. and we'll help you make decisions for your plan... to keep you on track. it's your retirement. know where you stand. to keep you on track. 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the only thing we can do is go into the shelter, do the medical immigration but we can't provide medications to those patients. >> reporter: that's in part why you're seeing thinents like thi pop up in san juan. before a maria a third of the population was considered to have chronic disease, and diabetes. what happens to all these patients if they don't get access to care within the next several days? getting healthcare services up and running is key but the only way to do that is to make sure clinics like this are powered with fuel. right now that's a big unknown. domingo crews nows how critical it can be. just two days ago -- >> the hospital was dark. as you may understand everybody was very nervous. we were -- we started doing transfers to other hospitals, patients that could have been discharged home earlier than what it was initially to proceed. >> reporter: they were running low on fuel just two days' worth and a dozen children on ventilators. >> we were ready to evacuate the entire hospital if we didn't get power early afternoon. >> reporter: a neighboring hospital brought 1200 gallons of fuel and a u.s. military divided more to keep this going. >> it was a close call and we thank god it worked out. >> reporter: it's been trying professionally as well as personally. in the midst of the storm his mother passed away. >> the day of the storm -- the day after the storm i showed up. our people looking for -- >> sanjay joins us now. you're in side a tent with special workers. what are they saying about people's needs? what are they saying? >> reporter: yeah, this is disaster management assistance team tents, this is what hhs, department of h high school is doing here in puerto rico right now. they had to set up these tents, it's pretty dark outside. they give out 72 hours of supplies and they take care of who they can take care of. we're in san juan, people have been coming out of the areas trying to make their way to the tents. hopefully in several days they can set up tents in other areas as well. >> last night we saw somebody who had a small supply of insulin left, needs to be refrigerated, obviously they don't have power. every day medical needs of people, even those who weren't directly injured by the storm, what happened to the clinic that had six hours left to fuel? >> yeah, it's unbelievable, we've been trying to be in contact with them, they're on outside of sawn juan. simply can't get in touch with them. they were worried they weren't beginning to get fuel and no one would communicate with them and that's what happened. what happened to the patients there and in the emergency room, we don't know. but that sort of points the picture of what's happening right now on the grown, anderson. not just there but several other locations around the island. when we come back sources tell us a facebook ad bought by russians during the '16 elections represents the black lives movement targeting two cities rocked by confrontation. t-mobile's unlimited now includes netflix on us. that's right, netflix on us. get four unlimited lines for just forty bucks each. taxes and fees included. and now, netflix included. so go ahead, binge on us. another reason why t-mobile is america's best unlimited network. i was playing golf love golf.... i used to love golf. wait, what, what happened? 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>> i do believe we'll learn more anderson, but not on the record from facebook or capitol hill. i believe there will be more of drip drip drip coming from the sources we're speaking with. because this is a concern of the american people i think we'll also begin how ads were targeted through other digital ad platforms. representatives from twitter will be meeting with the senate intelligence committee tomorrow. the senate intel committee called for a public hearing with representatives from facebook, twitter and google. there will be more answers, and as you and i know this information has a way of getting out there. >> appreciate that. thank you very much. fareed joins us now. thanks for being here. so if you're robert mueller and you're hearing about these ads, the auburn ads from facebook does it matter in the investigation in any way? >> i think it matters as part of the mandate for mueller to figure out what happened during the investigation and what happened with russian as it relates to collusion. what the american people want bob to figure out is the degree to which the russians were trying to do something, chaos or influence people on the outside party on our election. >> if it's targeted as to certain places or, you know, targeted data of knowing where to kind of try to influence things, i guess it's also how they knew that. is it just their knowledge of the united states or something else. >> yeah, i mean a lot of this information is publicly known. i can read the paper and watch television. there's a lot of different ways that russians try to figure out what's going on in the united states. sometimes it's infiltrating intelligent agencies like the fbi and cia but sometimes it's something that's not seen as dangerous but still can be serious. people forget my office along with the fbi -- americans living under american names acting like ordinary americans. the purpose of that was to understand the american society in part and american culture. this kind of, sort of interference with an election and selling discord and confusion about who believes what is only possible if you have a deeper understanding of american society and culture. >> the director of the dea resigned, and you knew him -- >> i did, chuck rosenberg the actor of the dea who was a long-time public servant, used to be a friend to jim comey. he re-signed this week effect september 1st. i don't know if it's true or not but one of the reasons he stepped down is he has concerns about donald trump's fidelity to the rule of law. i don't know if that's true. i think we'll hear more about that if it is true i think it will make him the first significant law enforcement official to re-sign and protest over the attitudes of donald trump, and that's so that's not a small thing. >> does it send a message to others? does it make a difference? >> i think the more people see reaction to the ways in which, you know the president and some of the people in the administration approach law enforcement issues, it can change some minds. one of the reasons people speculate that chuck rosenberg stepped down because of difference in opinion with how the administration thinks about rules of law issues, some weeks ago president at a rally suggested that law enforcement officials should not treat suspects lightly they should rough them up putting them in the squad car. and chuck rosenberg in an e-mail later denounced that, he said that's not how we treat people. we treat people with respect and dignity. the more people i think, talk about those thing who are in a position of power, i think other folks will listen to it. he's not someone from the outside, he's sort of on the inside whose choosing to leave. >> also reporting that robert mueller is now getting information from the irs, not clear exactly who it's about. is that just par for the course, any extent of investigation like the kind that's being undertaken, investigators would want tax information whether it's manafort, flynn? >> yeah, in a huge percentage of cases that i would oversee that would involved financial transactions and complicated financial dealings, it's often the case you seek orders to get the tax return of individuals and look at tax information which is very very difficult to get. >> it's a higher bar. >> and it should be in the united states because tax information is private. but you seek a potential kind of order with the approval of a judge to get the tax return nsk. i think it's to be expected. >> thank you for being with us. wen we come back president trump was asked whether he'll fire h high school price for taking private planes. that's next. principal according to feng shui, the bed should face north east. on it. you're trying everything to get pregnant. new one-a-day couples pack gives you both nutritional support you may need. for her to prepare for a healthy baby and for him to support healthy sperm. be in it together. will people know it means they'll get the lowest price guaranteed on our rooms by booking direct on hey! badda book. badda boom! mr. badda book. badda boom! book now at ♪ ♪ hi! leaving a career to follow a calling takes courage. a personalized financial strategy can give you confidence to take the next step. hi guys! aw yeah! see how access to j.p. morgan investment expertise can help you. chase. make more of what's yours. . health and human services secretary tom price's future is up in the air. pretty much says he's not happy about reports price took frequent private plane trips on the taxpayers' dime. >> i was looking into it and i will look into it. and i will tell you personally i'm not happy about it. i am not happy about it. >> when asked if he would fire price, he said we'll see. the hhs inspector general is investing. here's what price said on saturday. >> all these as you mentioned were work because he wouldn't official business. and of the 11 trips turnover last eight months, the majority of them were either the opioid crisis or the hurricanes. but we've they read criticism and the concerns and we take that seriously and have taken it to heart. >> keeping "t" reporting is at least 24 trips since may, not 11, over eight months and new reporting from politico shows what sure seem like pleasure trips intermingled with the business. he and his wife own land in georgia, his speech wasn't until a day and a half later. in june politico says he flew to nashville to have lunch with his son who lives there. he also gave a 20 militant speech at a health summary judgment. sarah sanders was asked if it's ever appropriate for cabinet officials to send money on private planes. >> i think there are certain instances where it is, but it has to be done o on a case-by-case basis. >> federal travel regulations say officials can only my heart a plane if no commercial airline service is reasonably available. in multiple cases there were indeed commercial options. two commercial flights were able that same morning for about 100 to $300. even more surprising were the five flights covered in one week including a flight from washington, d.c., to philadelphia. not only was there a commercial flight available, it's also just a two on and off-hour drive. under the obama administration in particular, spending for private planes for members of congress, here's what he said about then-speaker nancy pelosi in 2010. >> don't you fly over our country in our luxury jet, and lecture us on what it means to be an learn{caption period}. >> tom sprice still talking about been frugal. politico reports at a conference in june price said it's important to get rid of wasteful spending in government health programs, and yes he took a private plane to that conference. ambassador eye sen, did this makes sense you to a cabinet member would think something like this was okay? >> anderson, thanks for having me. it shows that the tone at the top that president trump has set is permeating the administration. this is arrogance run wild. it makes no sense at all that secretary price and others in the administration would be abusing private jets this way. it would have been a firing offense in the obama administration. >> is it okay, fair to blame president trump on this one? the white house is pushing back saying this wasn't white house-approved travel. >> well, anderson, when you have a president who's announced he's going to hang on to businesses laiden with conflicts, and he's constantly there promoting his businesses, making money off them, it sets a tone that anything goes. and price simply got the message and ran with it. it's not an isolated incident. other cabinet members have been accused of abusing their private jet privileges. there's a sense of p-- public service should be done for the public trust. here, they seem to see it as a chance to achieve private gain. >> i can understand if there were security concerns, but he is the hhs secretary, and on top of that, there were a number of commercial flights available. a flight from d.c. to nashville, there were two according to politico that day. it's a frequently traveled-to city, san diego as well. even d.c. to philadelphia, does any of that make sense? >> it is completely illogical. there are extraordinary instances where private travel is necessary, but anderson, honestly the man could have gone to union station and taken the train from washington to philadelphia. a private plane for that purpose is just an abuse. and the inspector general is looking at it, and i expect that dr. price is going to hit very hard. remember, there have been ethics questions about him dating back to his days in congress when he was allegedly trading on stocks relating to legislation he was doing, so this shouldn't come as a surprise to us, but it's very disappointing. >> appreciate you being on. our town hall patriotism the players and the president starts right now. america's finest athletes, president trump on friday called for nfl owners to fire players for these demonstrations. >> confronting one of america's deepest wounds. >> this is not something i'm going to be quiet about. >> on bended knee. >> our national anthem. >> in millions of homes on any given sunday. scenes like these across the nfl and beyond now raising questions. should protesting racial injustice be part of the pro sports play book. >> i salute the nfl. >> or is it illegal procedure. >> get that son of a bitch off the field right now. >> is it disrespect to our country or a tribute to the republic for

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Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20170928 :

Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20170928

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luther strange who the president has endorsed in a run off election. senator strange was the one who traveled to alabama to campaign. he tweeted, quote big night in alabama. vote for luther strange. also tweeted, luther strange has been shooting up in the polls since my endorsement. alabama get out and vote for luther strange he's proven to me he'll never let you down. big luther, as the president like to call him got hammered. and the president someone who has access to his twitter account deleted the tweet. we got ahold of them before they slipped down the memory hole. the president has been accused of attempting to rewrite history is now attempting to unwrite it. whether it's a pride, sales of habit and turning lemons into lemonade. another example, the president today on senate republican's latest failure to replace obamacare. >> we have the votes on green cassidy but with the rules of reconciliation we're up against a deadline of friday, two days, that's just two days. and, yes, vote senator, we have a wonderful senator, great great senator, who is a yes, vote but he's home recovering from a pretty tough situation. >> he's referring to senator thad cochran. he tweeted earlier a yes, vote. keep in mind senator cochran is not hospitalized and the president seemed to acknowledge that. as for the rest, well, no. just no. you can be for or against obamacare or gram cassidy but there's not two sides to arrhythmia tick. the bill needed 50 votes. if they had enough votes, a vote would have been held, it was not. at the very moment president trump said what he said, co-responser lindsay gram put out a statement that read while we currently don't have the votes i'm not giving up and neither is the president. more on his reaction to healthcare situation. cnn's phil mattingly join us from the capital. phil if they had the vote they would have won't the vote right ? >> yes. there's one kind of tried and true clear reality, when you have the votes you put something on the floor and vote on it. it wasn't going to take multiple days to get this on the floor. they made very clear, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell, lindsay gram, the coauthors of this bill as of yesterday they did not have the votes. the same today, the votes are still no votes. at this moment, anderson they don't have the votes. they might in the future it could be possible. at this moment they don't have the votes. >> and the comments about senator croochran didn't he say he'd come in to vote if need be? >> in talking to everybody at the senior levels in the course of five days leading to this all falling apart yesterday, not a single person mentioned senator cochran's name or his health issue. we saw three public no, votes. i'm told from several gop aids when they took an internal whether i happen count and got a sense of where their 52 members are, there were several other senators who were opposed to the policy and didn't want to talk about it publicly. had it been brought up for a vote they would have voted not. it's not just there were three short and perhaps can flip it, they were several short and ways away. at this moment the votes aren't there and that's why they're not voting on this. >> thanks very much. joining us kirsten pal la, jason miller and paul. does it make since on this saying we had the votes but not the time? >> i think the president believes that what they can do is continue to put pressure, continue to build momentum towards eventually having a vote. we are in this vicious cycle where you need to have a vote on obamacare in order to keep the promise of repealing obamacare front and center for a base that's very animated over flo fulfilling that promise. i think the president's trying to create positive momentum and put pressure on the folks on capitol hill. >> is that what it is paul, positive momentum? >> yeah it's pathological lies. so, it doesn't suit its purposes. this is what's bizarre about president trump. he, in this case is lying when the truth serves the interest as well. the truth is what lindsay gram said we're not part there but we're going to keep trying. that puts the pressure on better than saying we got it, the haze in the barn and i'm too nice of a guy to call a vote. and i don't want to inconvenience senator cochran. the mind is boggling. >> jason, your mind doesn't seem to be boggled. >> no obamacare's fall failing, we have to spend billions to go and profit. the only thing we should be talking about is tax reform and tax cuts. there's no need to try and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. this plan they rolled out today is fantastic, it will bet the economy going it's a good raling cry for the economy. it doesn't look like the votes are there. these guys taken 7 years and haven't gotten a plan put together. tell congress get back to the drawing board. it's tax cuts is what they should be talking about. >> then why is he talking about healthcare? >> that's what i said he should be talking about tax cuts. >> i think he thinks that -- i hate to psycho analyze him, i think he knows the people that follow him only listen to what he says. so if he says this they're probably going to believe it whether it's true or not. we do know as phil mattingly said, there were three people that came out and said he wasn't going to vote. i think a lot of people listen to him it's where they get their news. >> it puts us in a weird position where we have to say, actually this is not factually correct. >> he also convinced most of the people whose voted for him, they can't trust the media right? do you disagree with him that he says this for his followers right, so they don't think he lost? >> i think the president's probably having conversations that we're not and he must think they're closer than they are. i personally from having conversations with folks on the hill the votes are there. that's why i said talk about tax cuts. >> do you think the president's talking to the wrong people, that's scary isn't it? >> well, look you have a lot of republicans on capitol hill talking out of both sides of they're mouth. look how many republicans spent the last seven years saying we're going to repeal and replace obamacare, they campaign on it and then they get up here and run for the tall grass and don't do anything to get it done. >> i'm frustrated as a republican that they didn't have a solution ready to go when president trump won. i think it's ridiculous. i think there's a reason why voters are so frustrated with the party apparatus that they didn't have something. go back, get it right, in the meantime let's focus on something we can win on. >> first it does as jason points out step on his story. what he said also though should continue to motivate the democratic base. progressives all around today were saying keep fighting, keep fighting. because they are close, maybe one vote, three or five. and when the president says, we're almost there, boy that's going to panic my side and motivate them and this is the problem, if you beat something, how many times have they stop it had repeal of obamacare now? a couple, two or three. you tend to lose energy now, okay we did it we're done. this energizes my folks, and it's good for democratic base. >> i think it raises expectations for the republican base that can't really be -- can't really be gauged. i think that's a big problem which is that, having a mitch mcconnell who looks like he's inefficient on capitol hill continues to hamper the senate or the house's ability to enability the aagenda and it hurts the president. >> to focus on it and reminds people that republicans can't get this done actually hurts republicans. >> let's talk about alabama, the president arguably uk say he didn't put his full weight behind luther strange. do you think people in alabama -- was this a vote against the president or did people kind of think oh he's not really sporting luther strange? >> i think it was more of a vote between mitch mcconnell and paul ryan and a vote against sort of establishment washington. i think it kind of shows -- we talked -- a lot of people think these trump voters are cultist and follow donald trump and do whatever he said. i think that's not true, these are people who have a point of view of what they want and donald trump is either going to be with them or they're going to do something different. that's problem why he's deleting these tweets. it shows they done do everything donald trump sasds, obviously if they did they would have voted differently. >> was it a mistake you think for the president to back luther strange? >> i think he should have listened to folks in the white house and stayed out of that race. what last nation's results showed is this trump coalition, this wasn't just about this last fall, it's alive, vibrant and well. as we look ahead to 2018 whether it be the republican primaries or the general election these voters are frustrated, ticked off, mad at washington and tip over the apple cart and get stuff done. >> does this help republicans get stuff done, paul, in d.c.? >> i don't think so, no. >> assuming roy moore you know becomes a senator. you think democratic can win in alabama? >> it's very tough. >> but you get a better chance more than you did luther strange. >> physical he deleted the tweets i wanted to defend the president on this. this guy's per miscows with it and i like that. he went all in, she won, good for him. >> wen in fully through strange, all in but mostly. so what luther loss. it's something to be admired when a politician sticks his neck out. then he come back and deletes on the tweets. now we're stuck with a guy and says 9/11 was punishment against america. that's what bin laden thought not what americans think. if trump going to yoke himself to judge moore he's going to have big problems. he was good on my agenda, proud of it -- >> what does it mean for paul ryan, all those watching that election last night? >> one of worries you have to have is this is going to embolden more primaries whether in the house or senate. the map gets reshaped now by a lot of folks who said there's something out there i can draft off of. whereas before they may have not been able to do that. so, that signal that it sends could potentially cause a lot of resources that the republicans have to spend in primaries that they weren't -- that could have been better spent against democrats in the general election. it definitely puts majority potentially at risk. >> doesn't everybody know if you delete tweets it draws more attention? nobody goes back and look at the tweets but the fact if you take them away people notice. if you're the president of the united states. >> i think the bigger story that will probably come out is the president voiced for more saying he'll campaign for it. everybody's deleted tweets in the past. i don't think that's a deal. >> the president's support for judge moore is going to hurt swing districts and swing states republicans a lot because they're going to go with them. they're going to say are you with the president in alabama that thinks 9/11 was god's punishment against america. >> this is modern 2012 you're not going to ache entire republican party. >> you watch. >> the president add more fuel to his fuel by saying they have to change or the business will quote, go to health. we'll talk more with spike lee. he'll also be in our city hall along with the players, law enforcement and others. that's at 9:00 p.m. eastern. stick around. with advil, you'll ask what twisted ankle? 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>> well, first of all for the community the worst thing you can do is talking about somebody's mother. he sad sons of bitches, he's talking about somebody's mother. that no no from the get go. >> uh-h >> i talked to someone and that's the first thing they said. >> you talk about somebody's mother, there's going to be some pans flying. >> do you worry the way this is played out over last couple days, one can argue about why he's doing it, does it take away from what colin kaepernick was trying to do? does it make it about the president, free speech or americans speaking out? >> what president is good at, we're talking about misdirection play, you're following a guy down the field you think he has a football but the other guy's going the other way high steps and in-zone. we don't think about what happens in north korea, obamacare or this nut in korea and he's focused on other things, on this other stuff we've lost the ball, i think so. >> do -- in terms of whether you saw -- the last time you were on you talked about jerry jones. >> right right. >> i'm wondering when the last time you saw hip -- >> not buying it. >> not buying it? >> no because it's hipper critical. the reason why this whole thing happened is because kaepernick took a knee and therefore he doesn't have a job, so, if they wanted unity this brother should be -- he should have a job of one and third two teams i think so. >> you think there's no doubt he doesn't have a job because he took the knee and it's too controversy sall? >> i think so. >> where does this go? i mean because -- >> it's not deescalating. this whole thing, the president's very divisive, i mean it's -- >> but can players continue to -- >> yes. >> take a knee? >> it's -- it's -- it was 200 it will going to be more on sunday. >> you think this is going to be more people? >> i think so. this is the battle of wills. >> we have this town hall tonight and there are going to be people here thinking this is unpa unpatriotic, like the president, what do you say? >> well, first of all, that's the wrong narrative. every athlete whose participated have said they have great respected for the country, great respect to the military and these other people try to twist the narrative to defuse what kaepernick was talking about in the first place. how african-americans are treated, people of color, second class citizens are being gunned down in the street, that's what the whole thing about from the beginning and they're trying to twist the fair tifr. >> there are other people thinking look, athletes makes tens of thousands of dollars a year, we're trying to watch the game is this a place to do this that? >> yes, if we know anything about the history of america. this is why we're in this short, the oh limbs. muhammad ali lost an award because he refused to be drafted into the war. people just want to think of him lightning a torch in atlanta with his arm shaking from parkinsons. that was him in his greatest. >> do you think people will look back at what colin kaepernick did -- >> i think so. >> with the time passing in a different way? >> i think. i also think all these people on the trump band wagon are going to be on the wrong side of history, i'm positive of that. >> the other criticism i heard from some supporters of the president on the program the other night, was that a lot of players now, they weren't doing there when colin kaepernick was doing it, he was out in the wirnldness for a long time but now they're doing it because it's against the president. do you think it's an anti-trump sentiment -- >> no i think it's a combination of both things. and when he says he is really telling the owners, like owners, or the plantation owners and the guys playing the league, they're on the plantation, you can't say anything. and so, the thing's really escalated. and then i get back to it, when you talk about somebody's mother, that's a no no. and he has not apologized at all, so -- >> he's not going to apologize. >> did he talk about the mother of the neo-nazi, the alt-rights, the kkk, those guys, crazy people in charleston? >> he said there were some very fine people. >> oh of course, they're mothers weren't sob's. >> you think he speaks in a hasher term about these players? >> of course. in my opinion, this guy has given all these groups the wink wink, the green light, the come out of the darkness, come out and just show who you are. and that speech in alabama, alabama home of george wallace, sheryl con narrow, the bombing of the baptist clutch in bourbon alabama, there, alabama, i mean come on. there's history in alabama. >> you're saying you can't take the president's comments out of the context of where he said them to the crowd that he's say them? >> yes, i mean he's playing to liz strength. i know he's there for the support of this guy but it's in alabama. >> kareem abdul-jabbar said something i want to read to you. he said about the president for someone who's sworn to uphold the constitution this is the example of immense ignorance or willful treason. >> both. both. >> so, but -- i come back to if -- the subject is racial inequality, racial injustice, injustices that exist in this country, how does that -- where does it -- i mean people always talk about there should be a conversation about it, we should have a conversation tonight. >> how many town halls have you had, this is -- poto me race is always simmering under the surface and it takes an o.j., this or that for it to explode but it's always under the surface. we really has not had an honest conversation about race in this country. >> i always think it only is talked about in town halls like this when it explodes on the surface. it's never kind of talked about in the calm times in between -- >> people just want to push it under the rug and hope it never raises its ugly head anymore but it's always there i think. >> spike, thanks so much we'll talk to you in a little bit -- >> in a little while. >> when we come back the denver station of puerto rico what the administration is being asked about it. so far the medical challenges on the ground from our reporters. knowing where you stand has never been easier. except when it comes to retirement. at fidelity, you get a retirement score in just 60 seconds. and we'll help you make decisions for your plan... to keep you on track. it's your retirement. know where you stand. to keep you on track. 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the only thing we can do is go into the shelter, do the medical immigration but we can't provide medications to those patients. >> reporter: that's in part why you're seeing thinents like thi pop up in san juan. before a maria a third of the population was considered to have chronic disease, and diabetes. what happens to all these patients if they don't get access to care within the next several days? getting healthcare services up and running is key but the only way to do that is to make sure clinics like this are powered with fuel. right now that's a big unknown. domingo crews nows how critical it can be. just two days ago -- >> the hospital was dark. as you may understand everybody was very nervous. we were -- we started doing transfers to other hospitals, patients that could have been discharged home earlier than what it was initially to proceed. >> reporter: they were running low on fuel just two days' worth and a dozen children on ventilators. >> we were ready to evacuate the entire hospital if we didn't get power early afternoon. >> reporter: a neighboring hospital brought 1200 gallons of fuel and a u.s. military divided more to keep this going. >> it was a close call and we thank god it worked out. >> reporter: it's been trying professionally as well as personally. in the midst of the storm his mother passed away. >> the day of the storm -- the day after the storm i showed up. our people looking for -- >> sanjay joins us now. you're in side a tent with special workers. what are they saying about people's needs? what are they saying? >> reporter: yeah, this is disaster management assistance team tents, this is what hhs, department of h high school is doing here in puerto rico right now. they had to set up these tents, it's pretty dark outside. they give out 72 hours of supplies and they take care of who they can take care of. we're in san juan, people have been coming out of the areas trying to make their way to the tents. hopefully in several days they can set up tents in other areas as well. >> last night we saw somebody who had a small supply of insulin left, needs to be refrigerated, obviously they don't have power. every day medical needs of people, even those who weren't directly injured by the storm, what happened to the clinic that had six hours left to fuel? >> yeah, it's unbelievable, we've been trying to be in contact with them, they're on outside of sawn juan. simply can't get in touch with them. they were worried they weren't beginning to get fuel and no one would communicate with them and that's what happened. what happened to the patients there and in the emergency room, we don't know. but that sort of points the picture of what's happening right now on the grown, anderson. not just there but several other locations around the island. when we come back sources tell us a facebook ad bought by russians during the '16 elections represents the black lives movement targeting two cities rocked by confrontation. t-mobile's unlimited now includes netflix on us. that's right, netflix on us. get four unlimited lines for just forty bucks each. taxes and fees included. and now, netflix included. so go ahead, binge on us. another reason why t-mobile is america's best unlimited network. i was playing golf love golf.... i used to love golf. wait, what, what happened? 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>> i do believe we'll learn more anderson, but not on the record from facebook or capitol hill. i believe there will be more of drip drip drip coming from the sources we're speaking with. because this is a concern of the american people i think we'll also begin how ads were targeted through other digital ad platforms. representatives from twitter will be meeting with the senate intelligence committee tomorrow. the senate intel committee called for a public hearing with representatives from facebook, twitter and google. there will be more answers, and as you and i know this information has a way of getting out there. >> appreciate that. thank you very much. fareed joins us now. thanks for being here. so if you're robert mueller and you're hearing about these ads, the auburn ads from facebook does it matter in the investigation in any way? >> i think it matters as part of the mandate for mueller to figure out what happened during the investigation and what happened with russian as it relates to collusion. what the american people want bob to figure out is the degree to which the russians were trying to do something, chaos or influence people on the outside party on our election. >> if it's targeted as to certain places or, you know, targeted data of knowing where to kind of try to influence things, i guess it's also how they knew that. is it just their knowledge of the united states or something else. >> yeah, i mean a lot of this information is publicly known. i can read the paper and watch television. there's a lot of different ways that russians try to figure out what's going on in the united states. sometimes it's infiltrating intelligent agencies like the fbi and cia but sometimes it's something that's not seen as dangerous but still can be serious. people forget my office along with the fbi -- americans living under american names acting like ordinary americans. the purpose of that was to understand the american society in part and american culture. this kind of, sort of interference with an election and selling discord and confusion about who believes what is only possible if you have a deeper understanding of american society and culture. >> the director of the dea resigned, and you knew him -- >> i did, chuck rosenberg the actor of the dea who was a long-time public servant, used to be a friend to jim comey. he re-signed this week effect september 1st. i don't know if it's true or not but one of the reasons he stepped down is he has concerns about donald trump's fidelity to the rule of law. i don't know if that's true. i think we'll hear more about that if it is true i think it will make him the first significant law enforcement official to re-sign and protest over the attitudes of donald trump, and that's so that's not a small thing. >> does it send a message to others? does it make a difference? >> i think the more people see reaction to the ways in which, you know the president and some of the people in the administration approach law enforcement issues, it can change some minds. one of the reasons people speculate that chuck rosenberg stepped down because of difference in opinion with how the administration thinks about rules of law issues, some weeks ago president at a rally suggested that law enforcement officials should not treat suspects lightly they should rough them up putting them in the squad car. and chuck rosenberg in an e-mail later denounced that, he said that's not how we treat people. we treat people with respect and dignity. the more people i think, talk about those thing who are in a position of power, i think other folks will listen to it. he's not someone from the outside, he's sort of on the inside whose choosing to leave. >> also reporting that robert mueller is now getting information from the irs, not clear exactly who it's about. is that just par for the course, any extent of investigation like the kind that's being undertaken, investigators would want tax information whether it's manafort, flynn? >> yeah, in a huge percentage of cases that i would oversee that would involved financial transactions and complicated financial dealings, it's often the case you seek orders to get the tax return of individuals and look at tax information which is very very difficult to get. >> it's a higher bar. >> and it should be in the united states because tax information is private. but you seek a potential kind of order with the approval of a judge to get the tax return nsk. i think it's to be expected. >> thank you for being with us. wen we come back president trump was asked whether he'll fire h high school price for taking private planes. that's next. principal according to feng shui, the bed should face north east. on it. you're trying everything to get pregnant. new one-a-day couples pack gives you both nutritional support you may need. for her to prepare for a healthy baby and for him to support healthy sperm. be in it together. will people know it means they'll get the lowest price guaranteed on our rooms by booking direct on hey! badda book. badda boom! mr. badda book. badda boom! book now at ♪ ♪ hi! leaving a career to follow a calling takes courage. a personalized financial strategy can give you confidence to take the next step. hi guys! aw yeah! see how access to j.p. morgan investment expertise can help you. chase. make more of what's yours. . health and human services secretary tom price's future is up in the air. pretty much says he's not happy about reports price took frequent private plane trips on the taxpayers' dime. >> i was looking into it and i will look into it. and i will tell you personally i'm not happy about it. i am not happy about it. >> when asked if he would fire price, he said we'll see. the hhs inspector general is investing. here's what price said on saturday. >> all these as you mentioned were work because he wouldn't official business. and of the 11 trips turnover last eight months, the majority of them were either the opioid crisis or the hurricanes. but we've they read criticism and the concerns and we take that seriously and have taken it to heart. >> keeping "t" reporting is at least 24 trips since may, not 11, over eight months and new reporting from politico shows what sure seem like pleasure trips intermingled with the business. he and his wife own land in georgia, his speech wasn't until a day and a half later. in june politico says he flew to nashville to have lunch with his son who lives there. he also gave a 20 militant speech at a health summary judgment. sarah sanders was asked if it's ever appropriate for cabinet officials to send money on private planes. >> i think there are certain instances where it is, but it has to be done o on a case-by-case basis. >> federal travel regulations say officials can only my heart a plane if no commercial airline service is reasonably available. in multiple cases there were indeed commercial options. two commercial flights were able that same morning for about 100 to $300. even more surprising were the five flights covered in one week including a flight from washington, d.c., to philadelphia. not only was there a commercial flight available, it's also just a two on and off-hour drive. under the obama administration in particular, spending for private planes for members of congress, here's what he said about then-speaker nancy pelosi in 2010. >> don't you fly over our country in our luxury jet, and lecture us on what it means to be an learn{caption period}. >> tom sprice still talking about been frugal. politico reports at a conference in june price said it's important to get rid of wasteful spending in government health programs, and yes he took a private plane to that conference. ambassador eye sen, did this makes sense you to a cabinet member would think something like this was okay? >> anderson, thanks for having me. it shows that the tone at the top that president trump has set is permeating the administration. this is arrogance run wild. it makes no sense at all that secretary price and others in the administration would be abusing private jets this way. it would have been a firing offense in the obama administration. >> is it okay, fair to blame president trump on this one? the white house is pushing back saying this wasn't white house-approved travel. >> well, anderson, when you have a president who's announced he's going to hang on to businesses laiden with conflicts, and he's constantly there promoting his businesses, making money off them, it sets a tone that anything goes. and price simply got the message and ran with it. it's not an isolated incident. other cabinet members have been accused of abusing their private jet privileges. there's a sense of p-- public service should be done for the public trust. here, they seem to see it as a chance to achieve private gain. >> i can understand if there were security concerns, but he is the hhs secretary, and on top of that, there were a number of commercial flights available. a flight from d.c. to nashville, there were two according to politico that day. it's a frequently traveled-to city, san diego as well. even d.c. to philadelphia, does any of that make sense? >> it is completely illogical. there are extraordinary instances where private travel is necessary, but anderson, honestly the man could have gone to union station and taken the train from washington to philadelphia. a private plane for that purpose is just an abuse. and the inspector general is looking at it, and i expect that dr. price is going to hit very hard. remember, there have been ethics questions about him dating back to his days in congress when he was allegedly trading on stocks relating to legislation he was doing, so this shouldn't come as a surprise to us, but it's very disappointing. >> appreciate you being on. our town hall patriotism the players and the president starts right now. america's finest athletes, president trump on friday called for nfl owners to fire players for these demonstrations. >> confronting one of america's deepest wounds. >> this is not something i'm going to be quiet about. >> on bended knee. >> our national anthem. >> in millions of homes on any given sunday. scenes like these across the nfl and beyond now raising questions. should protesting racial injustice be part of the pro sports play book. >> i salute the nfl. >> or is it illegal procedure. >> get that son of a bitch off the field right now. >> is it disrespect to our country or a tribute to the republic for

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