> let me ask you about obamacare which you say you are going to repeal and replace. when you "> > let me ask you about obamacare which you say you are going to repeal and replace. when you " property="og:description"> > let me ask you about obamacare which you say you are going to repeal and replace. when you ">

Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20161112 : comparem

Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20161112

it. take a look released in "60-minute" on sunday. >> let me ask you about obamacare which you say you are going to repeal and replace. when you replace it, are you going to make sure that people with pre-conditions are covered. >> yes, it happens to be one of the strongest assets. >> you are going keep that. >> also, with children living with their children with an exte extended period. >> you are going keep that? >> it is cost but we'll keep it. if you repeal it and before you replace it when millions of people -- >> we'll repeal it and replace it. we are not going to have a two day period where there is nothing. it will be repealed and replaced and we'll know. it will be great healthcare for much less money. >> hillary called you, tell us about that phone call >> hillary called and it was a lovely call. and it was a tough call for her. i can imagine. tougher for her than for me. for me it would be very difficult. she could not have been nicer. she said congratulations donald. i said i want to thank you very much, you were a great competitor. she was very strong and smart. >> what about bill clinton? did you talk to him? >> he did, he called the next day. >> he called last night. what did he say? >> he could not have been more gracious, he said it was an amazing run. one of the most amazing he's ever seen. >> he said that? >> he was very, very -- really very nice. >> you said that you may call president obama for advice, would you think of calling bill clinton for advise? >> well, they're very talented guys and both of them. i would certainly think about that. >> later we'll hear from trump asking him about if he regret any of the rhetoric that he used. >> there was a shake up for the team today, who's in and out? >> anderson, mike pence is in charge of donald trump's transition team. he's the man in charge of that effort right now besides donald trump. he replaces chris counttian est. >> lieutenant general is out there for donald trump quite a bite as well as newt gingrich and ben carson and a few other nam names. this is an interesting development, basically, what happens was there was some in fighting going on in the transition term, chris counthri was running with interference from people inside the team did not want to see never trumpers coming on board. christie did want to open that up to other republicans out there who opposed donald trump. absolutely, they'll have to bring in a lot of republicans to fill this government but anderson, also, the bridge gate scandal was a problem for chris christie. we talked to a number of sources who says this was a bridge too far for christie to continue in this for a prominent role given the fact that the scandal is continuing. >> who is going to become the chief of staff, it seems like donald trump prizes loyalty above everything, i wonder how much of that and how much of that ais a factor and who gets that job. >> loyalty means a lot to donald trump. the rnc chairs is one of the two front runners along with steve bann bannon, reince priebus, he could sever ties. he stuck by donald trump and provided from all accounts from talking to a number of different sources, good council. he was part of the efforts to have donald trump stop tweeting so much during the later stages of the campaign. he was popular in the inner circles that included his family members like ivanka trump and jered cushner who's also going to be apart of this administration and steven abandon is al-- bannon and if ne chief of staff. donald trump brought a lot of fears to the hearts of republicans around the country. steve bannon of his confrontation styles convinced donald trump to do something more conventional that an operative would not have done. he was part of the reason that donald trump went to mexico with the mexicans over the summer. it will be interesting to see which of the candidates get the job sort of the consideration he had with pence and gingrich. in the end, he picked pence over newt gingrich. he may do the same here. that interview also included questions about whether he thought his rhetoric ever went too far and trump responded "no, i won." joining me now is our senior writer, monica langley. talk about obamacare. how, president elect trump, now says he's opened to possibly amending parts of obamacare. >> you know the entire campaign and especially of the last two weeks when the government disclosed that the premiums were going to go an average of 20 to 100% in some states, he says we'll repeal and replace obamacare. today when i was in his office this morning, i asked him about his meeting with president obama yesterday. the president is a really good sales man. donald trump ais a great deal maker. he pleaded with him to please do not repeal obamacare. i am going to take those suggestions and out of respect, i am going to listen to him. what in particular about obamacare would he keep? the provisions about the preexisting conditions, not letting insurers dropping people over those and letting the children to stay on their parents' policies longer. >> he talked during the primaries about keeping the preexistence conditions but i don't think he talked about the older kids. >> that was the point the president made for him over the oval office. it is clear he's rethinking his position. would he start compromising a little bit and this is the first indication that indeed he will. >> there are others who have said that donald trump is influenced by the last person who left the room. it is interesting that he said this just after having president obama kind of appeal on those who fronts. we'll see whether it stands of the test of time. >> you asked about the protests that we have been seeing and we are watching this third protests in atlanta. >> he said his rhetoric would be changing as it changed from the moment he came out and spoke to the country after the results came in. and he said i have been making much morte temper remarks. i want a country that loves each other. i said really? okay, that's great. what are you going to do and do you wish that you had not done that, all that decisive and campaign. no, i won and i am here. >> certainly worked on the campaign trail. >> exactly. >> he did not think he went too far on the trail >> no way. >> no, i won and i am here. >> did he mention whether he plans to prosecute hillary clinton? >> i asked him that and he kind of deflected it. i have not given much thought, what's more important is jobs and healthcare and infrastructure and he named a whole list of his top priorities. tax reforms and deregulations. >> you interviewed and you have done a number of crucial interviews with donald trump that we talked a lot about this broadcast. you wrote about how he jot down things. do you notice a change in him. a lot of people talk about running for president is one thing but to actually get elected, suddenly the weight of the office comes down on you. did you noticed any difference in donald trump? >> no, not much. >> i was in his office today, same year he was been. rudy giuliani was not with him. don jr. was there. he will pick his press secretary that has been with him in the beginning. he's still a a lot of a one-man show. mike pence did call in. he's an intergall part of this administration. he's going to do the heavy lifting with congress and he has a bigger agenda that he wants to put through. indiana has a good healthcare law. >> there is all these questions and stories months ago that john kasich had been offered a deal that he will have an unprecedented -- >> no, i don't think that really happened. >> you just said loyalty is one of the first things that donald trump looks at. he's not loyal. he was never going to be. i don't think that was a real thing. >> monica, stay with us. i want to bring the rest of the panels joining us. kristine quinn and form former reagan. the lieutenant governor andre bower. you hear monica reporting. there is really no precedent for an in coming president to have such complicated business portfolios. there is a lot of moving parts here that we don't know the impact of. >> we don't know the impact of and think he has not figured out what it will look like to be fair to him and those around him. they did not think they're going to win. that caught him by surprise. you can see the abruptness of the transition effort which was something of a back water. >> all these reports on donald trump. there was a transition team going on. donald trump essentially say, look, i don't want -- i don't want to think about it. >> i am superstitious, they were well reported and documented clashes. they did not have a great relationship for historical reasons. jered cushner is playing a large role of what's going on with donald trump's administration. we don't know the answer to a lot of these questions. he has said that he will have his children run the business and the other time says it will be a blind trust. there is so much that we don't know. the things that he said about obamacare and the piece of obamacare that he likes and had not said before is consistent on the message that he ran on. he's speaking over the course of his life of something of a big government guy. he talks about it on specific terms but on domestic elements, that's consistent. there is so much we adodon't kn including whether it is bannon or priebus, we had no idea. that's a major, major decision because those two guys are different. one other point that i want to make, donald trump has four different campaign management team straight in the course of this campaign. whoever the first chief of staff is may not be the last. >> jeffery, i want to play something for you. there is something that he said on the campaign trail. just a remiender, take a look. >> real change begins immediately repealing and replacing obamacare. we have a disaster calls the big lie, obamacare. >> i will ask congress to convene a special session so we can repeal and replace. we have to repeal obamacare and it can be replaced. it can be replaced with something much better for everybody. obamacare has to be replaced. >> i am wondering how much of his supporters are okay with kind of the negotiators donald trump that once he's now in power, that things are a deal. it does seem like we have done a number of interviews with people the last couple of days, the wall is not necessarily a physical wall and that would be fine with me. they believe in donald trump to make the best deal possible. >> exactly. >> the important thing, ronald reag reagan, was a deal maker. the important thing is the direction that you are taking the country when you do the deal. if he were in essence expanding obamacare there would be a problem. repeal or replace or amend which is to say that he's talking about appealed to a lot of people concluded. the process that we have gone about obamacare that alienated a lot of people and resulting in all these price increases. >> we'll take a quick break. a lot more to get to and a lot of developments tonight. we are monitoring the protests for a third night. jorge ramos who's very vocal and who voted for donald trump and why she said she did that. calling 844-844-2424. or visit my24info.com. i am proud of you, my man. making simple, smart cash back choices... with quicksilver from capital one. you're earning unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. like on that new laptop. quicksilver keeps things simple, gary. and smart, like you! and i like that. i guess i am pretty smart. don't let that go to your head, gary. what's in your wallet? ♪ ♪ ♪ is it a force of nature? or a sales event? the season of audi sales event is here. audi will cover your first month's lease payment on select models during the season of audi sales event. (bing) we are keeping an eye on the third straight night of the protests against the election that donald trump is president. also, not changing of obama but sounds like he's amending some parts as well as repealing and re plac replacing. lets start with kristine quinn, what do you make of him amending and two these two ideas of the preexisting c preexisting and keeping children with their parents. >> first of all, i want to thank president elect trump with his tone that he puts out. maybe a hope that he did not want to get rid of obamacare. there was certainly a school of thought in the election that these were not his core believes. he was saying what he needed to, to get elected. you don't want to dedbe disrespectful of what he says. you don't want to buy into too much of what he said. the rhetoric of his campaign whether he meant to or not has caused a great deal of this country and what we have seen on campuses and other places is hate attack rocking up the election. it is good but i am not going to buy too much into it because i am worried in the effect. >> i am not sure you can say rocketing, there is a number of graffiti but there is not people on the streets being attacked. >> college campuses. where you see a spike is college campuses. we have seen that at university of pennsylvania and columbia and nyu. >> mostly are writing on the walls. >> putting signs up and say -- >> i am not condoning, i don't want top give a false statement. >> some of it is more subtled and is not covered by the media. i just went to a restaurant at my neighborhood and the person came out and says my cooks, 8-year-old son came to him, he's an undocumented immigrant and crying, daddy, are they going to send you away? >> people when you say, you are talking about donald trump changing his rhetoric, this was bigot bigotry, racism and mysogyny and i commend them for being on the streets. >> the people are in fear. >> are these anti-hillary clinton people off the streets. >> right off the back, i would say let it go. >> if hillary clinton had been elected president, i would sit here with the most optimistic attitude at least until he get to office. what you are seeing is emergent of the next great president. he met the president of the united states, both had good speeches and he's listening to people. he's got ideas. he knows there are problems. i want to give you an example. i had an employee billed $350 for a boot. he went on amazon of the same company of $59 on amazon. there are problems that are easy for business people to address. he will do that. >> i would like to say about protesters, nobody is better at deconstructing than the russians. the russia says if donald trump wins the presidency, these people will be in the streets the next day. >> that's fantastic >> this was way back in june when he says this. >> we understand that this is what the american people -- >> i want to say something different. >> when ronald reagan was elected, and the two bush's, i opposed their policies from a through c. there were not mad protests in the streets because of that. donald trump is different. >> he's a threat. >> excuse me. >> the kind of language he used and the bigot language and racist was way beyond. >> in terms of what you have heard over the last three days from president elect trump, has he said all that? >> on healthcare. >> first, i hope if hillary clinton had won and there are anti-hillary protesters, i would say the same thing. as long as it is not violent, they have the right to exercise their amendment rights. i applaud people to be active. i credit the president elect trump for saying the right d dignify things. the things he said about obamacare is good perspective. i cannot buy too much into that because i have concerns. >> monica, did he talk about his use of twitter, do you have a sense of that. >> we saw last night. he criticized the media that of these protesters. >> on his desk today, his phone was gone. >> well, he's hiding under his pillow, i am sure. >> that was a blessing for everybody. last night, he had four tweets. he was still focused on a story that the new york times done two days ago and he was angry about it that we said his twitter use was restricted. last night he got it back. moments later, a tweet saying essentially these are paid actors in the streets conspi conspireing the media. that sounded familiar. >> are they going to take those away if he miss behaved. >> we are going to end there of the development. a lot more ahead tonight including our jorge ramos who got clashed with trump. we'll hear about his thoughts and the latino votes. we'll talk to him and muslim american woman who supported donald trump and voted for donald trump. we'll talk to her about her thoughts. we'll be right back. art tion, which consists of renaissance classics and more avant-garde pieces. yes, i am rich. that's why i drink the champagne of beers. but dad, you've got...tes are probably gonna double. allstate. with accident forgiveness they guarantee your rates won't go up just because of an accident. smart kid. indeed. it's good to be in, good hands. if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, isn't it time to let the real you shine through? 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>> right in the heart of downtown atlanta. behind me are hundreds of protesters and more than thousands. these people are intensely heavy. it would have been you were on two different planets. the people are angry of the results of the election. we are right on the ramp of interstate 35 and 85. you see squad cars and protesters walked right up to the squad cars and police warned them do not passes by. the leader of this protest says we are going to go back to the other direction, because we don't trust these pigs. that was their quotes. people cannot believe the results of the election. >> i found someone telling me the election is unfair and i found a lot of people who have not voted. >> reporter: quick question for you, why did you protested today? >> vid ydid you vote for the election? >> i did, hillary clinton. >> did you this i the election was unfair? >> the problem she got the popular vote and he still won. >> it is a lie, it is unfair for all the minorities. >> you can see that a lot of people are unhappy about that for the second time of 16 years, like al gore winning the electoral votes. >> a number of incidents of violence and graffiti and some calling hate crimes following trump's election. >> no trump, no kkk. >> far from quenching the bitterness of the long campaign, the final votes in flamed passions with protesters cursing the president elect trump and burning his signs. >> at a middle school in michigan a cafeteria chant "build the wall." >> go back to africa, whites only. black lives don't matter. in various sites around the northeast, police report of graffiti. a door to a muslim room scroll to the president elect trump's name. >> since law enforcement tracking of hate crimes, it requires extensive investigations first. in california, more examples. a muslim woman says her head scarf was yanked by an attacker. >> if it was not a hate crime, it is a weird coincidence that it happened right after trump became president elect trump. >> a mom says this is how her daughter's day started. >> she walked into class, her first class in the morning and greeted with, are you ready to go back to mexico? >> at the same school, a student handed out deportation notices. and says it is a joke. it is not a joke. you are making fun of my family and friends. and it hurts. still, the protests against trump and his supporters while largely peaceful have been undeniably bigger and brought their own uglyness. cases of vandalism and arsons and arrests and pain. >> we had a couple of officers injured and some went to the hospital. >> through all the hard words, one clear messages coming through. although the battleground votes have been counted, the battle rages on. >> trump has got to go. >> cnn, washington. >> our jorge ramos had his own relationship with president elect trump and kicked out when he tried to ask about the immigration policy. jorge ramos joins us tonight. >> some of these acts, hateful acts that we have seen over the last couple of days and graffiti and things like that. how much responsibility do you think president elect trump, his rhetoric on the campaign trail. how much does his rhetoric bears for them? >> he's responsible for that. right now many groups are expressing their hate and dislikes of minorities. when he said that mexicans are rapists and criminals. there is a headline right now of hispanics of fear of hate a and -- i just saw a video from a michigan school in which were chanting "build the wall." >> trump has not denounced that and that's a problem. >> monica langley, i spoke to her today. she asked him whether he thought his rhetoric gone too far and his response was simply "no, i won." >> well, he's responsible for his words. we have a president elect trump who may raise comments when he was running for the white house. we have a candidate who made sexual remarks during the campaign. he's responsible for that. not only that, he has embodied many groups. before the election, many people were saying things in their homes that were private and that were politically incorrect for a reason. now, exactly that kind of language is what we are hearing and after the election, many people think that it is okay to say those things and it is not. it is simply is not. now, we have a president elect who's going through the process of being normalize by the press and the political establishment. we have to remember who he is and what he said in the past. >> in the wall street journal interview, he talked about the protests we have seen. i want a country that loves each other and toii want to stress t and ways to ease attention is bring in jobs. is that the best way? >> do you think donald trump need to at some point address these protests or the fears that some people in america have? >> um -- the fear is real. again, when he said that, for instance, with latino and immigrants, when he says he wants to deport 11 million people, that's a real fear. when he says he wants to repeal executive action and that's going to affect 700,000 dreamers, that's real fears. i think yes, he has to address the fact that something is wrong and there are millions of americans who did not vote for him. that these expressions are being shown around the country. >> i remember reading your tweets, i remember you were looking at how latinos were voting and they can decide the election. they did decide the election for donald trump. he got a higher turn out among latinos than i think certainly many people anticipated. >> absolutely. we were wrong. that's it. we were wrong. i think that we over estimated the importance of the latino vote, and we thought that the latino vote was going to stop trump from making it to the white house. we were mistaken. there was a hidden vote within the hispanic community people. latinos who did not want to say openly that they were ashamed that they were going to vote for donald trump and in the end, they did. >> in the end, i remember you said judgment day is coming. will you have peace of mind come november 9th, did you have peace of mind come november 9th, you personally? >> i am in peace. i think i did what i had to do. i think i asked tough questions for donald trump. we produced a documentary called "hate rising" on the interest of donald trump in all white movements. i think as a journalist, i did what i could and again, when you use racism and discrimination and corruption, i think as a journalist, you have to take a stand and i took a stand. i don't regret that. we need tougher questions. one of the mistakes that we make as journalism is not only that we don't see the resentments growing and we rely on polls. we did not ask tougher questions sooner. many journalists reacted too late to donald trump. i am in peace, i did what i had to do and i am going to continue doing that. >> i opposition myself on the other side of donald trump. there is a beautiful word in spanish that is -- to be on the other side of power. [ speaking spanish ] >> that's where we have to be as journalist. that's where i am going to be the next four years. >> jorge ramos. an immigrant and a trump supporter. we'll take a look at those protecting president elect trump. trump tower is restricted. the question is, is that enough? >> we'll talk to secret former age age agent ahead of trump's security has now changed. build their businesses and careers. my name is yasmin belo-osagie and i'm a co-founder at she leads africa. i definitely could not do my job without technology. this windows 10 device, the touchscreen allows you to kind of pinpoint what you're talking about. which makes communication much easier and faster than the old mac that i used to use. you can configure it in so many different ways, it just, i don't know, it feels really cool. i feel like i'm in the future. love or like? naughty or nice? calm or bright? but at bedtime... ...why settle for this? enter sleep number. don't miss the semi-annual sale, going on now. sleepiq technology tells you how you slept and what adjustments you can make. she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! give the gift of amazing sleep. only at a sleep number store, right now save $500 on the queencse mattress with sleepiq technology. plus 36 months special financing. know better sleep with sleep number. will your business be ready when growth presents itself? american express open cards can help you take on a new job, or fill a big order or expand your office and take on whatever comes next. find out how american express cards and services can help prepare you for growth at open.com. the third night of protest demonstration here. the president elect trump's home and skyscraper is turned into a fo fortress in the middle. >> tonight, the residence of president elect trump, trump tower is a fortress ring of tight security. >> how do you secure a 58 story skyscraper, smacked in the center of one of the world's busiest cities. it is a question made difficult by the fact that the building atrium -- a target recently this year is a suction cup climber. >> because it is so dense and the damage that caused is i mmensed. the faa already moving to protect it from the air. >> in the wake of election night, new cement barriers and sand trucks pushing cars away. now, a regular presence of more than 100 nypd officers surrounding the property. a debate of servicemen are still going. protesters, a group now given their own pin and across the street of the building's main entrance. >> madeline is joining us now from outside trump tower. with that off fifth avenue, this is complex, it is the heart of midtown manhattan, is there a sense of what's going to come in the days. >> reporter: if they had it their way, donald trump would be out in the suburbs, anywhere but here. it is increasingly difficult to keep a close eye on all of the different threats here. as of now, the nypd and the secret service is continuing to negotia negotiate. it is been closed back and forth over the course of the last couple of hours, they want that change and a number of different things. >> nypd knows how to handle these things, they deal with these types of national security on a regular bases. the secret service wants much more done than they have done already, evolving is the way someone puts the security postture here and expecting more restrictions days ahead. anderson. >> a lot to discuss, our former secret agent who protected president obama and many others. thank you for being with us. >> candidate trump had secret service protection, as soon as he becomes president elect trump, it comgoes to a new leve. over night when he goes to a candidate protection, which is out there and we have seen it for months since he got it. all of a sudden, the presidential protection takes over. they start to implementing the exact security call that president obama had today. we seen the aerospace restrictions of trump tower. that's going continue where ever he goes. where ever he goes he will have aerospace security and physical security protection around everywhere and where he resides. right now, he's at trump tower, or if he goes to marrow largo this weekend. >> absolutely. >> every member of his family? >> yes, this is uncharted water for the secret service. we have not had adult children protect tee of the president. when you start to look at donald trump's four adult children, they'll get their own respective details and his young child is also going to get a detail and that's covered under the family details of the white house. >> the expense of this? >> just to put a price tag on it. it is needed. look at what we are seeing outside and around. >> that's the thing, the level of, we just did this report on some, you know, graffiti that was written, you know and children chanting things in school. the flip side is there are people talking about doing harm to president elect trump. the secret service got to take it seriously. >> 100%. the secret service work is a threat based paradigm, they are looking at what ises t the thre. >> we are looking at what are the threats coming in. twitter are flooded with death threats towards donald trump. that has to be taken with different optic of the in coming president. everything changes when you become the president elect. >> and a location like this is a challenging and multiple entrances. >> one thing i want to clarify, nypd and secret service negotiating. there is no negotiating this. there is a protective methodology. the secret service is going to be respectful and the nypd and the people of new york and there is an >> they have to take that into account. >> exactly. what we'll try to do is work our protective methodology to accommodate, you know, the nypd, but, you know, you can't negotiate presidential protection. it's just not done. >> yeah, jonathan, i really appreciate it. >> thanks a lot. >> a pleasure. coming up on this veterans day, we ask those who served in our military for their take on president-elect trump. what they had to say, just ahead. i lost my sight in afghanistan. if you're totally blind, you may also be struggling with non-24. calling 844-844-2424. or visit my24info.com. my new beer, stella artois, hey cois finished. the people will love it. the party's starting! ♪ ♪ ♪ originally brewed for the holidays. enjoyed ever since. stella artois. host one to remember but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line. what's in your wallet? on this veterans day, we say thank you to all the men and women who served our country in the armed forces. veterans obviously make up a crucial voting bloc, as well, one that overwhelmingly voted for trump. but there are some who have questions about the next commander in chief. randi kaye tonight with her report. >> reporter: in winter park, florida, a ceremony to honor our nation's veterans. and a chance to weigh in on the newly elected commander in chief. >> i just like the guy. i -- you've got to have faith in somebody. >> are you a donald trump fan? >> very much so. >> why'd you vote trump? >> because the way this country's been going is disastrous. >> how do you feel about donald trump being elected? >> i am hopeful, because what i saw over the past few days is a lot different than what i saw the months before hand. >> reporter: exit polls show 61% of the veterans in this country voted for donald trump, yet some here aren't sold on the president-elect. that's despite trump's promise to increase funding for the military and improve medical care at v.a. hospitals. >> donald trump has made a lot of promises to veterans. can he deliver? >> no, he's not going to deliver. he know it and i know it. >> the only thing i'm looking at, are we going to have the money to fund all these programs. >> has he overpromised or do you believe he can deliver? >> i believe he can deliver. he's got a republican congress. if they get off their lazy butt. >> reporter: this air force veteran fears trump pandered to veterans just to get elected. >> he never provided details on how he was going to accomplish, like, the economy or jobs or national defense. he just, you know, said that i am smarter than the generals. and that really put me off, being a military person. >> reporter: this veteran, who served 27 years, us with turned off by trump's comment during the campaign that john mccain wasn't a war hero because he'd been captured as a p.o.w.. >> what you do, before you put your mouth in gear, put your brain in gear, okay, and be careful of what you say. you may think it, but you still don't speak it. >> it's the wrong thing to say. not just towards a veteran, but towards any american citizen. >> still, while many here refuse to say whether or not they voted for donald trump, they all agree, it's their duty to support him. they hope he'll be able to unify the country. you served this country for 28 years. how does he unite the country that you were willing to give your life for? >> the proof is in the pudding. do you serve the people who elected you to serve? and it's not about serving part of the people, it's about serving all the people. >> i think the country will heal. we always come back together. >> i believe he will be a great president. ♪ and the home of the brave >> randi joins me now live from orlando. did any of the veterans you spoke with today talk about the fact that donald trump didn't serve in the military? or did that not matter? >> reporter: it does matter to some of them, anderson. before i get to that, i want to point out some folks here behind me. there's a small protest happening here in downtown, orlando. a few hundred people or so, certainly against donald trump. we found some folks at this veterans gathering against donald trump as well. i did mention the fact that he had avoided vietnam. and some of them did have a problem with it, and others blew it off saying, you don't have to be in the trenches killing people to serve your country. they believe he has served as a successful businessman in their eyes and they believe he'll be a great president. they love the fact that they believe that he loves the country as much as they do. they think he'll do a lot for homeless veterans, getting warm beds. they love the fact he's not part of the political system, anderson, that they have so little trust for. >> a change election. randi, with thanks very much. in the next hour of "360," will donald trump bring steve bannon with him to the white house as his chief of staff, the former head of breitbart news was a key member of his campaign staff, credited with a lot of success. the question, is he the right man for the job, or would a big name in the republican party be a better fit? we'll dig into that, ahead. ♪ if you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, isn't it time to let the real you shine through? introducing otezla (apremilast). otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. ask your dermatologist about otezla today. otezla. show more of you. thanks for joining us for the second hour of "360," as protesters take to the street for a third night in opposition to president-elect trump. he's given his first television interview. here's a clip that's just been released from his interview with leslie stahl that's going to air on "60 minutes" this sunday. >> let me ask you about

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