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The plane is safe. Grateful for the first responders. And care and concern of many. Back on the trail tomorrow. Liz joins us on the phone. Run through exactly what you saw and heard and felt. We knew would be coming in on bad weather. Had a ground hold in iowa where the governor was campaigning and when descending into laguardia, was turbulence and couldnt see out the windows, landed, pretty hard landing that we experienced. And then the runway continued or plane continued down the runway for probably 20 or 30 seconds and you could feel the plane skidding. Feel the back of the plane where the press is felt like it was fishtailing and moving side to side and plane came to a pretty sharp halt on the runway and secret service immediately popped up and said that one of them went forward to the cockpit and i assume spoke with the pilot, said the plane was intact and there was no damage to the plane but was a rescue crew coming and at that point governor pence came to check with the press, asking if everybody okay and we asked if he was okay and he said yes, he and family fine. He remarked dirt and mud on his window up at plane. Seemed like off the runway. By the time got off, we could tell it skidded off into the grass. And looks like some of the concrete was torn up. Could you feel wheels grinding onto the runway or not feel anything like that . Definitely felt like the plane was skidding and it felt like the brakes were being slammed on and werent working. We were moving down the runway much more quickly than a plane should be going to land. Right. Aviation analyst miles obrien is joining us, you gave a fascinating description of this in the last hour, covering that live, of the runway at laguardia and how difficult it is. Not a lot of feet on the runway and what the surface is designed to do. Its a varsity runway, anybody landing a 737 at laguardia has to sthink of themselves as Aircraft Carrier pilot. 7,000 feet in distance with no real overrun and material on the screen is designed to do that. Breaks under the weight of the aircraft to keep it from going off into serious trouble. What i learned since i last spoke to you, landing on runway 22, which explains the picturesment wondering about the traffic. And they were landing southwest. Which means had a significant tail wind component. What that means is aircraft relative to the ground would be going faster than normal. Youve got a really bad combination of things happening here. Youve got a lot of water on the runway and braking action is not what you would hope it to be. And aircraft traveling faster than normally would be under ideal circumstances. Most aircraft idealy land into the wind, allowing it to be into the wind slower. Landing with tail wind in this situation, not too much of a surprise. Just as safety analyst youve seen a lot of incidents like this and worked on them. What stands out to you . Well it really bothers me they were on the downwind leg. Information that miles and i got after the first talk. Bothers me that they were flying downwide, and miles said trying to go into the wind for the downspeed advantage. With the wind is not good a situation, particularly in a rainy runway, talking about a high speed landin compared to flying into the wind and wet runway on top of that. Braking action impaired to some degree which would increase the probability be in a hydroplane situation where the aircraft wouldnt have that control or direct contact with the runway and slide around as was described earlier. With it sliding left to right, left to right as thrust reversers are trying to push back. Literally tlufrting, like you turned the engine back the other way and throttled up to go back the other way and combat that. This pilot had a lot on his hands to land in those situations. Im told theres a picture i havent seen yet. Try to put that up. And miles it looks torn up. Explain what were seeing there. Waiting for the delay in my cable to give me picture. What i am seeing though is yeah. That is that material, its designed to allow a typical truck or people or whatever to walk over it on normal day but weight of aircraft it sinks through and arrests the forward motion. Its life saving idea only implemented in recent years. Its supposed to look like that after an incident like this . Exactly. This means it worked and we should be happy and glad that faa we say often and david will attest to this, its a sad statement, but the rules are written in blood when it comes to aviation, we have accidents, overruns and problems, and faa and regulatory body responds. Thats what makes it so safe, as long as you listen to what happens in the previous accidents and put in things like this, dont end up with situation in mid90s when u. S. Airways went off the edge in similar circumstances. Its supposed to look like this, does the plane sink into that and that slows down the plane finally . Exactly. Breaks away like thin hard surface. Thats amazing, didnt know it happened. Enough to hold a truck but not a 737. Which is what you want. Underneath is for all intents and purposes, quicksand, slows it down. And former Inspector General for the u. S. Department of transportation, and now work as attorney for victims and families in transportation accidents, what are the main questions everyone is figuring out . Will be a lot more questions than meets the eye because been many accidents like this in the past and as miles said, previous accidents are why we have arrester beds. Good to think of as boxes of concrete with sand inside. Look at antiskid system on the plane and spoiler systems, if set, and autobrake. This is a 737 700, pretty new. First flew in 1998. See if the tail brakes and thrust reversers works, lot of equipment ntsb will want to look at in addition to the runway. Condition listed at good, got the beds on it. Really did avoid disaster like in chicago a few years back. Theres a lot on the plane to be checked. Not going to see service anytime soon because they have to look at all the equipment on the plane which could have malfunctioned. And lest anyone think the campaign for donald trump or governor is on hold, donald trump been in ohio and called governor pence right after this incident and expressed relief that everybody on board is okay but there he is speaking at rally in geneva, ohio, this close to election cant stop given that nobody was injured thankfully. And governor pence canceled the fundraising event reason he was here but continuing tomorrow. Getting a new plane and going to pennsylvania and North Carolina tomorrow. Disrupted a brief fundraiser tonight but thats about it. And donald trump in a tight schedule right now. Three stops in ohio and not letting up. See him in New Hampshire and maine, packing a ton of activity into each day. Thanks so much to all of you. Liz landers, im glad you and everybody on board, press corp. And governors family and secret service and everyone okay. Big day in politics, donald trump barnstorming through ohio and talking about latest batch of stolen emails and first lady factor. Michelle obama and Hillary Clinton together for the first time on the campaign trail. Making history and democrats hope trying to close the deal on this election. Rs and you can actually touch the screen. You cant do that on a mac. Coaching means making tough choices. Jim youre in but when you have high Blood Pressure and need Cold Medicine that works fast, the choice is simple. Coricidin hbp is the only brand that gives powerful cold symptom relief without raising your Blood Pressure. Coricidin hbp. You dont want to ride the 13l checkiforever, do you . Ore . Credit karma huh . Yeah, its free. Credit karma. Give youself some credit. Its been a busy day and busy night. Theyve just opened one of two runways at Laguardia Airport after mike pences plane skidded off the other. Thankfully no injury. Thats the headlines. Donald trump finished speaking at ohio, expressed his gratitude. New polling shows the race between him and Hillary Clinton is tightening in key states. Florida and nevada leaning her way are tipping back toward him. Other polling showing the possibility she could turn some red states blue. Lawmakers who condemned trump said they will be voting for him after all. Hear from one. Utah congressman Jason Chaffetz said he could not support donald trump at the ballot box. And still face teen daughter. That was then. This is now. Now hes a trump voter he says and how does that happen exactly . Well have the story just ahead. Donald trump in one key state thats close indeed. More from sarah murray. In 12 days were going to win ohio and were going to win back the white house. Reporter donald trump is barnstorming the Buckeye State with one target in mind. Ive been doing six, seven, eight things a day every single day. Shes home sleeping half the time. I say shes definitely a low energy person. Reporter seizing on latest revolutions from hacked emails released by wikileaks outlining how bill clinton generated personal income through Clinton Foundation contacts. If the clintons were willing to play this fast and loose with their enterprise, when they werent in the white house, just imagine what theyll do, given the chance, to once again control the oval office. Reporter the gop nominee hoping a last ditch effort to stay on message and jam pack his Campaign Schedule might be enough to clinch a victory come november. But even as he accused Hillary Clinton of being dangerous on Foreign Policy hillary wants to start a shooting war in syria, a conflict with a nuclear power, russia, which could very well lead to world war iii. Reporter he again appeared to come to russian president Vladimir Putins defense. She speaks very bad of putin and i dont think thats shart. Smart. You could be very tough but. Reporter he no longer wants to focus on the lawsuits hes threatened against women who accused him of sexual unwanted advances. I hate that you waste time when were talking about isis and jobs and youre still bringing that up. Everybody wants to bring it up. That was just saturday. Reporter trump lobbing sharp attacks at a People Magazine reporter who alleged he pushed her against a wall and kissed her without consent. She was afraid, give me a break. She was afraid to write . Would have gotten the pulitzer prize. Give me a break. Reporter trump making a rare appearance with wife melania. Shes more focused than raising barron than hitting the campaign trail. My priorities are on our son barron and i support him 100 and im there for him every time he needs me and i will join him. Her husband has other ideas. Shes amazing when she speaks, an amazing public speaker so shes agreed to do two or three speeches and i think it will be big speeches, important speeches. Reporter with less than two weeks until election day republicans are still grappling with how to deal with their nominee. After pulling his endorsement of trump weeks ago i can only answer to myself and my wife and i got to feel good about what i do. Reporter utah congressman Jason Chaffetz says hell vote for trump after all tweeting i will not defend or endorse donald trump but i am voting for him. Hrc is that bad. Hrc is bad for the usa. Joins us from geneva, ohio. Did trump make any mention of his his running mate tonight . He did mention at the end of the speech he told this ohio crowd he spoke to mike pence and explained that his running mates plane skidded off the runway. He said pence was close to grave danger but he assured the crowd everything is fine and of course thats what were hearing from our produce are Elizabeth Landers at the scene. And also learning that mike pence will be back on the campaign trail tomorrow. Senior adviser saying nothing can slow down the ticket in the last week or so. Thank you so much. Hillary clinton and Michelle Obama campaigned together for the first time in North Carolina. Mrs. Obama has been logging a lot of time stumping for clinton, solo appearances and joining her today shes broken new ground. More on what it means to the Clinton Campaign especially what it says to clinton supporters. Some of whom would probably prefer to see the current first lady at top of the ticket. Randi kaye was in winstonsalem talking to voters. You guys are pretty fired up, right . I like that. Reporter first lady Michelle Obama sharing a stage with Hillary Clinton for the first time, a double dose of Democratic Women thrilled supporters. How important is it to you that Michelle Obama is supporting Hillary Clinton and campaigning with her in terms of your support . I still would support hillary without michelle but i think that is an unbelievably big bonus for hillary. Michelle is the classiest president ial wife weve ever had. She creates a lot of enthusiasm. I think she brings vitality. Lots of the things that i think people are not necessarily seeing in hillary even though they believe in her message. Hillary has done her job. Now, we need to do our job. And get her elected president of the United States. Mrs. Obamas fans believe she is uniquely qualified to pull all kinds of voters into clintons camp, voters like vaf that redmond, a 20yearold millenial and former Bernie Sanders supporter who admires Michelle Obama. She gets to show black girl magic, show our point of view and a good feminist and woman empowerment icon. Reporter a draw for this millennial too. She speaks to issues and sort of speaks our language. Reporter how many of you want to see the first woman president . All of you. I think its fantastic that she chose to support hillary and bring in all the women. We really need that support from not only females but the africanamerican women as well. If she supports and well support her. Because the Africanamerican Community at large really believes in Michelle Obama. Reporter as the two women hugged on stage at this rally, supporters were reminded of a different time. Clintons bitter 2008 campaign against senator barack obama. Back then things got personal. Our view was that if you cant run your own house you certainly cant run the white house. Reporter mrs. Obama denied that quip was directed at mrs. Clinton. After president obama named clinton as his secretary of state, the tension between the two women reportedly continued. But today, they are partners, hoping to take down donald trump. How did you feel to hear Michelle Obama say Hillary Clinton is my friend . It was amazing and an example for all of us, a sisterhood. They were together and were all together in this. Reporter what did you see between these two women today . Love, unity, total and complete support. It doesnt get any better than being here with our most amazing first lady. Reporter especially when the first lady is known as the closer, a nickname she earned as the end of her husbands 2008 campaign. She can be a closer absolutely. Im excited to be here and so excited to vote for a woman for president. And randi kaye joins from us charlotte, North Carolina. Do you get a sense from supporters that many of them were there to see Michelle Obama and might not have even come out to see clinton if she hadnt been there . Or had they been to a lot of clinton rallies . Been to some rallies but the crowd today was huge and absolutely they were there to see Michelle Obama. Who were you more excited to see and almost every Single Person told me they were there to see Michelle Obama. Lot of people said theyd like to see her run for president one day. Maybe in 2020. One woman told me if Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton were on the same president ial ticket, absolutely vote for Michelle Obama. Its not just women. Shes very popular among that crowd with the men in the crowd, young and old, black and white, you name it and shes really bringing in the africanAmerican Voters into the tent for Hillary Clinton. I talked to many of them who had felt over this campaign they havent had a hero in the race without barack obama, not feeling the same passion for Hillary Clinton. And i think judging from what i heard today, found their hero in the race and its Michelle Obama. Thanks very much. The panel is back with us this hour. It is interesting to see you hear in that report they maybe once had more of a rocky relationship. Clearly Michelle Obama sees her husbands legacy at stake here as much as anything else. Without a doubt. She is all in on the Hillary Clinton campaign and in a way she may not have been when this started out. Would have done what was asked of her but she has seen this quest that Hillary Clinton and her team have put together to recreate the obama coalition, africanAmerican Voters, young voters, latino voters and she knows that she and her husband can go a long way in helping Hillary Clinton form that. They see that as the path to success. Youre 100 right. This is about a legacy but it is not just about a legacy. I think Michelle Obama really does believe in what Hillary Clinton has been about. She spoke at the Democratic Convention but how big was this access Hollywood Tape . After that we heard her getting powerful speech and then this speech again today. I think that first of all Michelle Obama is the most effective communicator on planet earth. She is better than president obama, better than bill clinton at his best, an extraordinary communicator. Amazing to me is once that access Hollywood Tape came out, when she came out she went right after donald trump that was bracing and he never fired back once. He fires back at everybody, a gold star mom, whoever you are. If you say one bad word about him, hes going to talk about you for four days. He has still to this day never fired back. That gives you a sense of the overwhelming power in his of her popularity and communication. My favorite part was young lady who said that black girl magic. That says it all. Millenial slogan. Exactly. The thing about Michelle Obama she has the midas touch, the political gold. She has everything going for her and Hillary Clinton is very, very lucky to have Michelle Obama in her corner. Thing about Michelle Obama is she speaks like a mom. She doesnt sound like a politician and thats why people are very much drawn to her. She sound like a wife, a mom, you know, and i think its just amazing to watch. As a trump supporter, do you fear Michelle Obama is the right word, do you hope she doesnt spend too much more time out on the campaign trail . Yes i would say so. I agree with van jones shes an extraordinarily effective communicator, shes very good at speaking and would have a bright political future. That being said i dont know that likability translates. Its important in a president ial race, the candidate who fares better tends to win the election. Both candidates are unlikeable and unfavorable. Im not sure Michelle Obama likability translates to the to the voters in the booth saying who is going to better obamacare and the economy. I dont think likability of Michelle Obama is going to weigh in that. It could in terms of millenial voters theres been an Enthusiasm Gap for Hillary Clinton particularly among africanamerican millenial voters. Maybe makes a difference there. I think the question is can we go beyond individual surrogates as great ads Michelle Obama is and can Hillary Clinton turn this into a late surge of enthusiasm . In 1992 you saw is crystalized as year of the woman. You saw women get swept into the senate, helped bill clinton win the presidency and not just Michelle Obama but elizabeth warren, you saw Oprah Winfrey up there. J. Lo will be performing. Can you get not just millenial enthusiasm but millenial female enthusiasm and can that sweep hillary in and also sweep out the senate towards the democrats. I think thats the bigger question. If its just as individual surrogates, bump in North Carolina and others but broader phenomenon that can help you in nevada. Even North Carolina. I think youre seeing an incredible surrogate surge here at the end. Alicia keys dropped on while we were here tonight. Move on i wonder where the video came from. I just thought i dont know, thank you it was amazing anyway, a big surrogate surge going on for Hillary Clinton. In terms of, i mean the number of, obviously on the democratic side theres a deep bench of surrogates, popular surrogates, good speakers. Less so on Donald Trumps side, yet he is pulling huge crowds and there is enthusiasm clearly visible in huge rallies still. Donald trump a surrogate. The more politicians help him the worse. Hes running against washington. To have politicians coming in think hes great it would break the message hes run on for so long. Donald trump said Melania Trump will be making two to three speeches. She almost seemed surprised or stephanopolous seemed to think she was surprised. Its not something shes done really since the convention. Shes very eloquent, very poised. Do you think that is something that can help donald trump . Clearly. I think she softens him and something that gets great Media Coverage where women can see a different perspective of donald trump, a loving caring fatherly figure and maybe personalize it, that could help. The town hall we did with donald trump and his family. To see him on the stage with his kids it impressed a lot of people. Even when hillary was asked to see what she admired most, is his kids. You havent seen ivan ka as much as you thought. Ribbon cutting recently. But wanted to say tonights unfortunate event sometimes can turn people into sympathetic figures. You wonder whether someone like mike pence, solid but frankly bland, whether or not the trump team can turn this into something more. Mike pence dispatched to nebraska, weird they have him in nebraska whether or not you could use him in different ways could be an interesting opportunity to use someone like mike pence differently. Id like to thank everybody on the panel. Just ahead, more on the new batch of leaked clinton emails. The picture they paint of the moment when news of clintons private email server hit its fascinating. You got the amazing new iphone 7 on the house by switching to at t. What . . Aand you got unlimited data because you have directv . . Okay, just a few more steps. Door its cool get the iphone 7 on us and unlimited data when you switch to at t and have directv. Im beowulf boritt and im broaa broadway set designer. When i started designing a bronx tale the musical, i came up. With this idea of four towers that were fire escapes. Essentially. Ill build a little model in photoshop and add these. Details in with a pen. I could never do that with a mac. I feel like my job is. To put out there just enough detail to spur the audiences. Imagination to fill in all the blanks. This windows pc is amazing, having all of my tools. Right at my finger tips is incredible. They offer a claimfreerance a smdiscount. 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Prop 51 will upgrade libraries, science labs, and Classroom Technology and relieve School Overcrowding creating more opportunity. And better learning for students help students succeed vote yes on 51. What whatever good news the Clinton Campaign is getting in the polls coming with the orphan embarrassing news of the emails. Today the latest batch reveals how the campaign responded when the email controversy hit. We have details from jim sciutto. Reporter the clinton Team Reacting with disbelief and frustration as news broke of her private email server. In march 2015 john podesta wrote to robbie mook did you have any idea of the depth of the story . Nope. He replies. He brought up existence of the emails in research this summer but told that everything was taken care of. Later in July A Clinton surrogate and transition cochair wrote do we know who told hillary she could use a private email and has that person been drawn and quartered before more colorfully calling the whole thing expalletive insane. Taking credit for generating money for bill clinton by arranging speeches and leveraging contacts that donate to the Clinton Foundation that he dubbed bill clinton inc. He goes on to say that since 2001 president clintons business arrangements have yielded more than 30 million for him personally. Theres no evidence of quid pro quo between the byes and then secretary of state Hillary Clinton. Not stopped clintons opponents from pouncing. Mr. Band called the arrangement unorthodox. The rest of it call it outright corrupt. Reporter band playing golf with bill clinton and president obama wrote the memo after Chelsea Clinton, then taking a more active role in the foundation, expressed outrage over bands action. In one email she recounts a call where band yelled and screamed at my dad. Later reacting to news reports examining the finances he emailed i hope someone is keeping tabs on dug banned. What is Clinton Campaign saying about all of this . As a matter of policy has not responded to individual emails. Theyve said you cannot guarantee the authenticity of the emails. On this issue of the Clinton Foundation and financial ties they released a statement saying following the state department has made clear that Hillary Clintons action were made in the best of interests of american Foreign Policy and she never made of decisions because of donations to the Clinton Foundation. Our reporting also found no evidence. But take a dig at donald trump saying hes not granted in public russia is behind the hacks. As the Intelligence Community has said. Jim sciutto, thanks. Perspective from someone who put out his campaign, david axelrod. As we saw in jim sciuttos reporting there was war been the clinton inner circle. You helped run president obamas campaign in 2008. Is this infighting common or different . I think that theres some elements of this that are different. Whats interesting about the emails as they emerged Chelsea Clinton apparently got involved in the Clinton Foundation, was unhappy with the way the Clinton Foundation was being run and some of what weve seen in the last few days seems to be a response from doug band who was very active around the clintons, bill clinton and the Clinton Foundation in defending his role and his contribution. Some of it seemed odd to me. For example him boasting that he got speaking engagements for president clinton. I dont know any president of the u. S. United states who has problems getting speaking engagements for fairly eyepopping amounts of money and bill clinton is not any mean speaker. Hes someone who is in demand, so it seems like the rooster taking credit for the sun coming up. Theres been this drift or or drip of the wikileaks email hack. Do you think its doing damage to secretary clinton, do you think the emails in the final weeks have enough in them either individually or just as a mass to sway somebody or turn somebody or does it just republican force the perceptions people have anyway . Shes not done very well on the honesty and trustworthy measure throughout. This is not a new situation. My guess is this will reinforce the views of people who already decided not to vote for her, it will not impact the views of those people who have decided to vote for her, many motivated by their feelings about donald trump and its very late in the campaign. You know, we keep talking, not we but people talk as if november 8th is the day the election is decided, but 40 of the vote will have been cast by that time. Millions of votes cast already and i think views of have hardened by this point. Its late in the game to see Something Like this making a te decisive difference. David axelrod, thanks. Coming up. Do you recognize the guy on the left side of the screen . He could turn the candidate to the right to be the first president ial candidate to lose in utah in a century. Whats happening in utah well get more into it next. Another indication of this election is to put it quaintly a head scratcher. I direct your attention to the state of utah. Utah has not voted for a democrat in president ial election since lbj in 1964 but all bets are off. Few things happening not the least of which is a Third Party Candidate, Evan Mcmullen. Were joined with more on the buzz from the beehive state. In terms of polls, look at utah population. This is just a Stunning Development in this race. Utah, Hillary Clinton shouldnt be in the hunt at all. One poll you see that Evan Mcmullen at 20 . Another poll 2626 between trump and clinton and see ran mcmullen in the hunt. These are a couple of weeks old. Internal spoling showing that mcmullen is surging to the top of the tier. 55 of utah is mormon and so is mcmullen. Why we saw mitt romney in 2012 have an enormous victory. John mccain beat barack obama in utah, also a republican state. Because of the mormon faith, this was probably one of the best victories throughout the entire country. Donald trump should not have this state as competitive at all. Can you map out a scenario . Making a difference for trump . Without a doubt and should frighten the trump campaign. This is the battleground map. Im going to give donald trump the battleground states and flip New Hampshire and giving him that one electoral vote in maine, get him to 270. This is the winning map for donald trump that Kellyanne Conway says shes going to play. But look now. If Evan Mcmullen wins in utah, he loses those electoral votes hes down to 264, this gets thrown to the house of representatives. And it goes on and on. Thainks very much. Evan mcmullen is the wild card in utah. If he takes votes from trump and carries clinton to victory, smog not happened since the 60s. Caught up with mcmullen. Reporter the clock is ticking, racing from one event to the next, interviews on tv networks. The unlikely Third Party Candidate for president of the utah ballot, a conservative, mormon in heavily mormon state, ohio polls showing grabbing nearly a quarter of mormon voters. If he wins in utah hed be the First Independent or third paerd candidate since 196 to win a states Electoral College votes. Do you believe that you are a spoiler . I dont. I think weve got to tear ourselves away from this idea it has to be the republicans or the democrats. We went to a republican event youre not very popular there. Yes, right. You mean donald trump event. Yes. Yes. Trump, trump, trump hes usurping the voice of the american people. The American Voter selected the candidate. Reporter mcmullen is a bad word in this crowd here at rally for mike pence taking on mcmullen directly. The truth of the matter theres only two names on the ballot that have a chance to be president of the United States of america. If he wins the state of utah . Then he won the state of out thats it, wow. Hes not president. Reporter but his campaign has unintended consequences. Democrats are for him. Forging into utah. Hillary clinton closing the polls with trump as mcmullen siphons trump voters. Bright red republican utah, now a battleground state. What do you say to them when they say you are wrecking the Republican Party . I would disagree very strongly with that. I would say that donald trump has pulled the party away from conservative values and donald trump has pulled the party towards populism and towards white nationalism. At mcmullin meet and greet we meet aaron and Kendall Pearson lifelong republicans who have a visible reaction to trump. Could you vote for him ever . I dont think so. I dont think so. I dont think so. The the majority of the people voting for evan lets the government know theres a majority of people not happy with how the election process has happened this time. So i absolutely do not believe that its throwing away your vote. Reporter mcmullin is far from polished politician and struggles with name recognition. Who he is . Evan mcmullin and runs for president on the ballot in utah. Oh, good for him. Reporter if he wins in utah, bank six Electoral College votes that trump would not have, six that could block trumps run to 270 and to mcmullin thats a clear referendum on change. We at least need a new conservative movement whether we need a new Political Party need to be determined. But we need something new in this country. Thats for sure. Kim joins me from salt lake city. From what i understand, mcmullin is on the ballot elsewhere, is it possible he could have a Larger National impact . Hes most prominent here but he is on the ballot and could be a writein candidate but he knows its late. He knows 2016 the best he could probably do is to make some sort of statement. You heard him there new conservative movement thats what hes gunning for. He and the people around him there are some significant republican operatives working with him, looking at this new conservative movement within the gop or as an independent third party for 2020. Thanks. Up next when push comes to shove on capitol hill, some republicans who said wouldnt endorse trump are now changing as the tickings down to election day, some numbers of congress refused endorse trump and in some they said their conscious would not allow it, but now it seems to be a different story. Tom foreman reports tonight. Reporter his statement was pretty clear at the time. Im out. I can no longer, in good conscious, endorse this person for president. Utah representative Jason Chaffetz was outraged by trump talking crudely about women. My wife and i have a 15yearold daughter and if i cant look her in the eye, and tell her these things, i cant endorse this person. Then this week, chaffetz tweeted i will not endorse or support donald trump but im voting for him. Hes hardly alone. I was disgusted by his comments as a republican and woman. It was upsetting. Reporter but now you are clarifying tonight, you are voting for donald trump. Of course, i am. Reporter up in idaho, the same uturn, in south dakota, ready to dump trump now i intend to support the nominee of our party. If anything should change that ill let you know. Hes got a lot of work to do if hes going to have any hope of winning this election. Reporter there is paul ryan, the embattled speaker of the house has endorsed trump. Yet after the latest scandal focused almost entirely on the down ballot races. The candidate calls all of that reluctance a sinister deal, undermining his efforts. Especially when you have the leaders not putting their weight behind the people. Reporter but this assessment by usa today shows the turmoil. While hundreds of elected republicans have denounced trumps behavior, the great majority plan to vote for him nonetheless. Were in a fight. The only choices are you for hillary or donald . I want to see this country change. Reporter thats the most common explanation you will hear among reluctant republicans. They may dislike trump but think clinton would be worse so they will stay on the trump train even if the dining car is serving a lot of waffles. Anderson . Thank you very much. Well be right back. You wouldnt believe whats in this kiester. A farmers market. Even a marching band. And if i can get comfortable talking about this kiester, then you can get comfortable using preparation h. For any sort of discomfort in yours. Preparation h. 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Hard landing and terrifying moment for Vice President ial candidate mike pence when the plane skidded off a rainslicked roadway a few hours ago. No one was hurt but pence cancelled a fundraiser. He is expected back out on the campaign trail on friday with events in pennsylvania and North Carolina. Donald trump was in ohio when he got word

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