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Thanks for joining us for this hour of 360. The sounds of the bombs will be heard in the streets. Gunshots to your police, death to your oppression. This was among the writings found in the new york and new jersey bomb suspects journal, according to a criminal complaint. Four federal charges have now been filed against him. Were also learning some disturbing new information tonight about the suspects somewhat violent past and his family members. Well have more on that in a moment. First, Deborah Feyerick has the latest on the investigation. Deborah . Reporter well, anderson, the terror suspect has now been charged with four counts. They include use of a weapon of mass destruction, bombing a public place, also destruction of public property, and use of explosives in commission of a criminal act. Now, rahami took cell phone video just two days before he launched this attack on new york city and new jersey. He actually lit some bomb material in or around his back yard. That was filmed on a relatives cell phone. That now in the possession of the fbi. And we can tell you, anderson, that bomb that was detonated here on west 23rd street, it was so powerful that it propelled a 100pound dumpster clear across the street, 120 feet to where im standing, scattering debris basically in all directions. Two years before allegedly detonating a bomb in manhattan, Ahmad Khan Rahami came to the attention of the fbi in new jersey. In 2014 agents interviewed rahamis father, mohamed, following a domestic dispute in which he allegedly called his son a terrorist. Why did you call the fbi two years ago because he doing bad. What did he do . He stab my son. He hit my wife. And i put him in jail two years ago. Reporter at the time, rahami had just returned from a yearlong trip to afghanistan from pakistan. Officials tell cnn that fbi agents did not interview rahami. Yet after conducting internal database reviews, interagency checks and multiple reviews the fbi ultimately concluded it was a family dispute. We had a report of a domestic incident some time ago. That was the allegations were recanted. And i dont have any other information. Well keep digging. Reporter however, because of his repeated trips to areas associated with terrorists, when rahami returned to the u. S. In 2014, customs and Border Patrol agents pulled him aside for extra screening. A Law Enforcement official telling cnn that information was sent to the fbi before the family dispute. While the fbi so far does not believe rahami was part of a terror cell in the new York New Jersey area, investigators are digging on rahamis connections in the u. S. And overseas to determine if he had any help. Moving forward, we have to identify everybody involved and see, see what their backgrounds are, see where theyve been, see what theyve been up to. Rahami allegedly built at least ten bombs, eight pipe bombs and two Pressure Cooker bombs. A federal Law Enforcement source tells cnn rahami used a highly volatile chemical explosive, easy to make at home. The material is so powerful, it could create an even bigger blast than the one caused by the boston bombers. Tonight, investigators are learning more about what could have inspired rahami. After a shootout with Police Investigators discovered he had a notebook on him with a bullet hole. According to Law Enforcement official, it referenced the Boston Marathon bombers and americanborn al qaeda cleric, Anwar Al Awlaki, killed in yemen by a u. S. Drone strike. And deborah, he also got some components for the bomb or bombs on ebay. Is that right . Thats whats so surprising. Investigators really put this case together very, very quickly. And apparently, they allege that the components were bought on ebay. They include citric acid, detonation systems, as well as ball bearings. All of these are known bomb components. And you know, this suspect really wanted to die a martyr. And he writes that in his journal. And it was a multipronged attack. He had two Pressure Cooker bombs. But he also planned to engage police in a shootout if it came down to that. So he was ready, he was prepared, and it looks like he built these devices over the summer, anderson. All right, Deborah Feyerick, thanks. As details emerge about the suspects family life, its a story of a lot of trauma and tum you will wous tumultuous, sometimes violent scenes. Friends of Ahmad Khan Rahami talk of a feud between him and his father who brought his family here to seek asylum but also tried to hold on to a strict Family Tradition of their home country, afghanistan. For him, it was his father. And it was just, it was just tension. It was his part, too. He should have listened more to his father. Maybe, you know, stayed in school. This longtime friend of the accused bomber says in his teens, rahami was outgoing, funny, and looking the forward to a future in Law Enforcement, but in high school, he got his girlfriend pregnant and ahmad struggled to make Child Support payments. There was more stress, and this family friend says it led to one of the most traumatic events in ahmad rahamis life, the time his father literally abandoned him in pakistan. It was your impression that he thought his father, i assume, wanted him to stay in pakistan. Wanted to abandon him in pakistan, so he would not come back to the u. S. He told me himself that he was basically left there. And that he had to find his own way back. Which im sure traumatized him for life. That, im sure, scarred him. The friend, who doesnt want to be identified, says it was a shock when ahmad actually came back. He was left and he had they took away his way of coming back, and that was about it. And he had to go and it hurt him a lot. And that night, like, when he told me, he he said it in a very devastated way. During multiple trips back and forth to afghanistan and pakistan, ahmad and his brother married pakistani cousins. He asked a congressman to step in when his wife had visa issues. She needed a new passport. Then after they got a new passport, they found out that she was 35 weeks pregnant and they would not give her the entry visa and said they would give her the visa once she had the baby. Reporter after she was allowed into the u. S. , rahami and his wife tried to get away from the troubled family life, moving into this apartment, but a friend says they couldnt afford it, were evicted, and ended up back in the family apartment above the chicken shop. It was not good, what happened. That was just a violent night. There was blood. Reporter Court Documents show a family in turmoil, lawsuits over big debts incurred by the father, and allegation of child abuse by the mother. The tight quarters led to family fights. In 2014 the violence escalated. Ahmad pulled a knife, and according to this arrest warrant attacked his brother, stabbing him in his left leg. Today rahamis father briefly told reporters he is the one who called police. It was a very bad situation for ahmad. Because he was trying to live with his parents and his wife and kids, but just i guess drama just unfolded that night, between them. Drew joins me now. That arrest in 2014 and the claims by the father that he told the fbi his son was a terrorist or had radical leanings, which i guess the fbi says was later retracted, do we know how much of an investigation there actually was on this guy . He spent three months in jail. So there was an investigation ensuing, along police lines, to see if this case was going to move forward in a Domestic Violence case. The family dropped the charges, the grand jury refused to indict. After three months, he was basically let go. It was during that time that the father said, my sons a terrorist. The fbi apparently came in and believed this was all the result of a dysfunctional family. Were just going to let it go. There doesnt seem to be any terrorism here. The bombers brother, or the alleged bombers brother, who also traveled to pakistan with him and i guess married a cousin of his wife, apparently was also posting radical islamic material on facebook, is that true . Yeah, on his facebook. Thes this is mohammad, the brother who did go to pakistan. He has a pakistani wife as well. Many benign posts on his facebook but among them were links to Anwar Al Awlakis preachings and also to a link that is a conspiracy video about 9 11 being an actual hoax. So this brother as well as we believe now ahmed rahami both shared this kind of literature. And do we know where the brother is now . The brother is here. The brothers in the United States. Were not sure if hes cooperating or not. Drews going to stay with us. I want to bring in cnn terrorism analyst paul cruickshank, also cnn contributor and daily beast editor Michael Weiss and cnn intelligence and security analyst former cia officer robert baer. Phil, the more we learn about these charges well, actually, maykel, what stands out to you about this . It sounds in many ways like so many of these other cases that weve heard of somebody who actually grew up here, i guess he was here from the time he was 6 or 7 years old. Weve seen this before. And its almost out of central casting, right . He was charming, he was funny, he did well in school. And then something changes. You know, this descent into dysfunctionalty and this descent into financial difficulties, Violent Crime, not islamist related or terrorism related. But whatever what was the radicalizing agent here. You know, the analog that strikes me is, umar farooq abdulmutall abdulmutallab, started posting very provocative things about 9 11, al awlaki videos, may have even attended sermons by Anwar Al Awlaki that were beamed into the east london mosque. His father was a nigerian minister, dropped a dime on the kid and said, i think my son is becoming a terrorist, very much like this incident here. That guy, we now know, tried to blow up an airliner above the skies of detroit in christmas of 2009. Its often kind of a misconception that nobody sees this process unfolding in realtime. Now, the father retracted or recanted his statement, but he did say at one point that my son traveled to the afpak region and was congregating with some, quote, bad people. Well, im keen as to hear about that. I mean, this is sort of similar, also, to tamerlan tsarnaev, who spent months in dagestan. And the is up supposition is who was he hanging out with in dagestan . This is a hornets nest of the Islamist Insurgency thats been fighting russia for years. Bob, the more we learned from these federal charges, the fact that theres apparently Video Evidence of explosives, apparently being tested, what does it tell you about the suspects . One of the things you have long talked about is, with these kind of bombs, you do have to test them out, or you have to have some sort of training or instruction . Anderson, you do. I mean, ive been trained in these things by atf, by london police, they showed me how to do it, but i always had somebody around me. And this is not the kind of thing that you do on your own, especially with the peroxide, distilling it, the rest of it, something you need to practice and clearly he was doing it. I dont think hes much of a chemist, so i think he probably learned this abroad. You know, if he went to the taliban or another group in quetta and picked this up and carried it back and knew the ingredients and the rest of it, its undoubtedly what happened. Hes not the type of person to be experimenting with this stuff, learning on his own. Same way with the boston bombers. They had some sort of guidance, maybe in dagestan, when it first started, when they were in the caucasus. So no, i think this guy was prepared and radicalized and he is from central casting. You have a patriarchal family that falls apart, a father that barely speaks english. He calls him a terrorist. The word in pashtu is someone who scares the family. So i can see why the fbi didnt pursue this. It was just a family dispute. And he was you know, he was going to end up where he did. I think the lucky thing is, he decided not to become martyr and take this bomb into a nightclub or a restaurant and really would have killed a lot of people. Paul, you look at his and we talked about this last night. His tradecraft. His you know, besides the bomb making itself, everything else. I mean, he was caught on multiple surveillance cameras. You know, he sort of has random placement of the device. Hes not the most highly trained if there was some sort of training, hes not the most highly trained you know, hes no jason bourne. Hes succeeded in making powerful devices and exploding them, at least one of them, on the streets of manhattan. So from that degree, he was successful. If he did get training, they tend not to train people in how to get away. What theyre interested in is getting the guy to the position where he can actually launch a bomb attack. He got to that position without any of the u. S. Intelligence or Law Enforcement agencies getting on to him, so from his point of view, you know, this was partially successful. Do you agree that he i mean, in the journal i talked about wanting to be a martyr. You know, he was found asleep, you know, by a bar in lyndon, new jersey. If he wanted to die in some way, thats i mean, he may just have been weary and needed to sort of catch up with some rest before going into a future phase of this operation. He made very clear in his notebook that he was yearning for martyrdom, for paradise, that the thing he feared the most was that he would be discovered before he was able to perhaps become a suicide bomber or launch some kind of suicidal gun attack. Fortunately, there was this tipoff, after a resident there actually saw his picture on cnn. The guy that has a shop across the away, outside his bar. And if that hadnt happened when it happened, there could have been further bombings. Thank you. Drew griffin, paul cruickshank, Michael Weiss. Coming up, a suspect is a naturalized u. S. Citizen, not the First Citizen to be accused of an attack on his fellow americans in the recent past. Well take a look at what we have seen up to date. And later, more breaking news. Multiple forces say george h. W. Bush says he is voting for Hillary Clinton. Details on that, ahead. This is cnn breaking news. Hello, everyone. Im Rosemary Church at cnn center with this breaking news out of charlotte, North Carolina. That is where angry protesters are demanding answers after police shot and killed a man. About 12 officers have been injured. Police say they were trying to serve a warrant tuesday when they killed Keith Lamont Scott in the parking lot of an apartment complex. They say scott was armed but he was not the man they were looking for. Police say a gun scott was holding was found at the scene. That officer is now on paid leave. Police have been trying to Disperse Protesters for several hours now. The citys mayor has called for calm and an investigation into what happened. And we will of course continue to follow this breaking news story and bring you more as we get it. Im Rosemary Church. 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Do not use if you are allergic to taltz. Before starting you should be checked for tuberculosis. Taltz may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Tell your doctor if you are being treated for an infection or have symptoms. Or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. Inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz. Including worsening of symptoms. Serious allergic reactions can occur. Nows your chance at completely clear skin. Just ask your doctor about taltz. Our breaking news tonight. Federal authorities have filed four charges against the terror suspect in the new york and new jersey bombings. There has been some chatter about whether he should be tried the as an enemy combatant rather than receive due process. He is a naturalized u. S. Citizen, which meaning under current law hes entitled to due process. He wouldnt be the First Citizen involved in an attack, not certainly by a long shot. Randi kaye tonight reports. Reporter june 2016, orlandos pulse nightclub under attack. 49 people are killed. But the shooter isnt a foreigner connected to al qaeda or isis. Hes an american citizen. I just remember, like, you can smell, like, the blood. There was so much blood. You could just smell it. Reporter the nightclub shooters parents moved to the u. S. From afghanistan. He was born in new york. As a child he went to slumber parties and basketball games. He was 29, married, and living in ft. Pierce at the time of the attack. After 9 11 u. S. Intelligence mainly focused on foreignborn threats, but it turns out in the last 15 years every deadly terrorist attack in this country was carried out by an american citizen or a legal permanent resident. The terrorist was either a lone wolf or worked in pairs, but never part of a larger cell. December 2015, San Bernardino, california. 14 shot dead. Dozens more injured during a terrorist attack at the inland regional center. The suspects, when they entered, fired somewhere between 65 and 75 rounds from their rifles at the scene. Reporter the attackers were husband and wife. He brought her to the u. S. In 2014 on a fiance visa. At the time of the attack, she had a temporary green card. The husband was born in chicago, to pakistani immigrants. He attended cal state San Bernardino before taking a job with the county. Investigators believe the couple was selfradicalized. April 2013. Bombs explode at the Boston Marathon, killing three, injuring more than 260. The attackers in this case, two brothers. One a naturalized citizen, and his older brother had a green card. The family immigrated to boston in 2002 from a region of russia. While the older brother grew up more troubled, his younger brother was a sophomore at u mass dartmouth, where he spent his time skateboarding, smoking marijuana, and chasing girls. Hardly the profile of a terrorist. November 2009, ft. Hood, texas. A shooting rampage kills 13. The gunman, an Army Psychiatrist who was born and raised in virginia, earning a degree in biochemistry from Virginia Tech in 1995. Despite the fact he exchanged messages with an american radical cleric in yemen, the shooter was not officially linked to any terrorist group. He was an ordinary, peaceloving american citizen. He, along with the orlando shooter and one of the boston bombers, had all been on the fbis radar, but in the end no action was taken against any of them. Randi kaye, cnn, new york. And with me again, cnn counterterrorism analyst and former fbi and cia senior official, phillip mudd. It always strikes me when someone says, no, he was a peaceloving person and then obviously he does something. I guess not. What is the fbi up against when the fact that so many of these individuals who have carried out attacks or plotted attacks in the United States are second generation, are people who came here as children, grew up here, spent most of their lives . Youre up against a couple things. Number one is a social issue. The second is an investigative issue. Socially, if you look at the parents emigrating here, any parent, theyre connected to the home country. They have a connection culturally, food, religion, family. And they also have a dream that to live in america is to live the american dream. You look at that second generation. They are not connected to the home country. They might be connected by internet, but they didnt grow up there. They dont have direct connections to the culture there. And theyre not connected to culture in the United States. They might not fit in at a school. Somebody might make fun of them for being muslim, so that disassociation, if you will, in some cases drives people to say, what do i do to object to this . The investigative piece is tougher. Youve got to look for a vulnerability. That is, talk to the wrong person. Talk to an fbi informant. Email somebody. Follow an isis individual on twitter. If you have somebody to close this conversation, anderson, in new jersey who is not talking to anybody, not talking to somebody on twitter, not radicalizing with a preacher overseas, how do you find them . I dont see a vulnerability. Until they pop up on the radar somewhere. And even then, they have to pop up in a way thats significant enough to warrant an investigation. Thats right. Radicalization is not significant enough. Our Founding Fathers were radicals. That is protected under the constitution. Typically, im looking for a trigger that suggests violence. Youre talking about exploding a device, youre telling a family friend or telling a family member, i want to commit an act of violence. Then that person has to call the feds and say, i know somebody who might blow something up. You cannot look at internet activity, travel, thats all protected activity, anderson. Phil mudd, appreciate you being on. Thank you. Just ahead, donald trump saying africanamerican communities are in the worst shape they have ever been before, ever, ever, ever, in a country that has a history of slavery a bold statement, to say the least. Is this any way to win the support of africanamerican voters . We started talking about this the last hour with our political panel. Well continue that conversation, next. Making simple, smart cash back choices. With quicksilver from capital one. Youre earning unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everywhere. Like on that new laptop. Quicksilver keeps things simple, gary. And smart, like you and i like that. I guess i am pretty smart. Dont let that go to your head, gary. Whats in your wallet . Dale oh, hey, rob. Whats with the minivan . Its not mine. I dont dale, honey, is your tummy still hurting, or are you feeling better to ride in the front seat . Oh is this one of your motorcycling friends . Hey, chin up there, dale. Lots of bikers also drive cars. 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Listen to what he said at a rally in North Carolina today. Were going to rebuild our inner cities, because our africanamerican communities are absolutely in the worst shape that theyve ever been in before, ever, ever, ever. You take a look at the inner cities, you get no education, you get no jobs, you get shot walking down the street. Theyre worse i mean, honestly, places like afghanistan are safer than some of our inner cities. Well, we start a conversation on this our panel last hour. There were some agreeing that this is the worst or the deadliest era in africanamerican communities. Detroit was brought up as an example. We just looked up the stats. According to data generated from the Detroit Police department, Violent Crime actually fell 7 from 2014 to 2015. Its actually down 11 since 2013. When it comes to chicago, that was also brought up. There were 468 murders there in 2015. A high number. But well below the 925 which were recorded in 1991. According to the wall street journal. Fbi crime stats in general show the Violent Crime rate in the largest cities in 2014 significantly declined since 2006. The panel is with me again. Joining the conversation, cnn political analyst, alex burns. Donald trump, i mean, received criticism, you know, weeks ago for saying to africanamericans what have you got to lose . He seems to be doubling down on that, if anything, saying your communities are worse off than ever, ever, ever. I assume also that means in the time slavery, segregation, boycotts, you know, lunchroom sitins. Its pretty remarkable. And an especially remarkable statement to make in a place like North Carolina, where so much of that history does hang over the politics of the state. And where the black community and the black voting electorate there actually bears very little resemblance to the just total picture of destitution that trump is laying out here. A large middle class among africanamericans in some communities. Right. I would say, i think this is particularly striking as a supposed outreach tactic to black voters, but it is similar to a lot of what trump says to his core working class white supporters. That i was in a rally in pennsylvania, actually jeff was there last month, near harrisburg, and trump gets up at this rally and basically says the place where you live is a disaster, i saw it on the way in from the airport. And the people hes not used to people taking exception to that kind of language. But when you go into, you know, try to speak to a community that is not among your core supporters and where you really have not spent meaningful amounts of time in this campaign, i think it comes off very, very differently. I think one of the challenges here is his rhetoric often comes across as very tone deaf. So just as an example, several hours ago today, also in North Carolina, where he held this rally, but in charlotte, there was a black man by the name of Keith Lamont Scott who was shot and killed by a Police Officer in his car, reading a book. A disabled man waiting for his kid to come off the school bus. So you have the challenges of theres real fear, too, in black communities, but that fear is rooted in the fact that Community Policing tactics dont work or theyre not in place. There are people who are literally broken and fragile. I for one am broken and fragile about the constant onslaught of Police Violence in these communities and the fact that we cant really solve them. He seems to be tone deaf. Because what happens is, when Donald Trump Tells you that the black community can be more violent than afghanistan, that puts on the mindset for many people that black people are inherently violent and criminal, which only further exacerbates the problem. Hes not solving for a problem, hes making it worse. Engaging in a discussion. And whether the panel likes it or not, the numbers are moving. Los Angeles Times did a poll with southern cal, where his numbers went from 3 to 19. 6 in the last week. Which poll was that . Hillary clintons polls went from 90 to 71 . He is making inroads what poll is that . They see change. That was the los Angeles Times and southern cal did a poll today. What was the sample size . The point is its time for republicans i used to work for jack kemp. You have got to go into this community and i understand jack kemp did it. Jack kemp did go into the communities. Donald trump has not well, hes been meeting with all kinds of black leaders. The point is here is the problem. Is that liberals are very good at this. They play the identity politics, not just with blacks what does that mean . Ill tell you. What it means they conflate identifying by race or gender with being liberal. Thats not what im doing. Thats not what im doing. What were focusing on here is donald trump, who has said, im never going to lie to you, im never going to say anything thats not true, has said that life for africanamericans is worse than its ever, ever, ever been. In his opinion it is. He feels but thats to if i say in my opinion i can fly it doesnt mean i can fly. Some things are actually true, and some things are not. Some things are true and some things are not true. And if you say its true and its not but a lot of people are not better off, anderson. But hes not saying a lost people dont feel theyre better off. Hes saying life for africanamericans africanamerican communities are worse off than they have ever been ever, ever, ever all im asking you, if he is wrong, why is al sharpton in the streets, why did ferguson explodey did baltimore no, no i can answer all of those questions. Thats like a College Political union argument. That what youre saying, essentially, of course, there are still problems. Of course africanamerican people have a right to not be happy about, as we all have a right to not be happy in our communities about how things are. But to say that your life is worse than it has ever been for africanamericans i feel like youre fixating on this. Its because i actually im fixating because i think facts actually matter. And if a guy whos going to be president of the United States but all facts matter, anderson. All facts. Right. Who is responsible . How did we get here . What can we do please answer that. That matters. Anderson, make him answer that question. How did we get here . Answer that. Answer . How did we get here . Answer that. Because slaves were brought to this country in 16something or other by white guys, who were dutch, i believe, in virginia okay. Okay. Were breaking ground. This is perfect. This is great. And when we morphed into the United States of america and had Political Parties no, jeffrey, thats where you go wrong. Let him finish. The Democratic Party was founded by thomas jefferson, who made a Political Alliance with slave owners. And after that, it went to segregation and here we are today no, no okay, you you skipped but i hang on, hang on. You skipped you skipped over a huge piece of history, which was it was then the democrats who were actually the ones who were fighting for Voting Rights, after the whole slavery and jim crow, who were fighting for people for these people to actually vote, who were fighting to fair housing they got 80 of the republican who were fighting for Congress George bush voted for the Voting Rights act. Good for him. Guys who were fighting racism is the problem. Heres the problem when you talk over each other, no ones listening. We were talking about this in our earlier panel. This is what donald trump does. Lets be very clear. He doesnt go into these communities. By the way, he didnt go into these communities. Did you see the audience . It was a majorly white audience that he was talking to. He is doing this to try to shore up support among his white voters. And to try to get collegeeducated whites who can then say, oh, look, hes talking about black people. Maybe hes not so racist. Lets be very clear about that. In the context of this campaign the meaningful test right now is between Hillary Clinton and her just own ability to generate enthusiasm among black voters. Donald trump is not really making a concerted play for the black vote day in, day out in black communities. The question is, can she match the enthusiasm and the turnout that barack obama did . And that is an open question right now. Just ahead, we have more breaking news. According to sources close to former president george h. W. Bush, Hillary Clinton will get his vote in november. A new twist in the complicated history the bushes and clintons have certainly shared in a highprofile rebuke of his own partys nominee. 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The 41st president of the United States, George Herbert walker bush, plans to vote for Hillary Clinton. Thats according to sources close to him. Shakespearean is one word that comes to mind. Joining me now with the details, cnn special correspondent jamie gangel. This all started, i guess, as a facebook post, saying that george h. W. Bush will be voting for clinton. That was in november. You reached out to sources. What are they telling you . So what happened was, the points of Light Foundation is now a bipartisan group, and Kathleen Kennedy townsend is one of the people on that, and she was at the meeting yesterday. And all of a sudden, she posts on facebook that former president bush has told me hes voting for hillary. This came as quite a shock to everybody. Because they had thought it was a private conversation. So for the record, they have an official statement that i would say is a dodge or a deflection from their spokesman. Hes saying the vote president bush will cast as a private citizen in some 50 days will be just that, a private vote cast in 50 days. Hes not commenting on the president ial race in the interim. That said, our sources have told us, multiple sources, that, in fact, they confirm that he did say it to her, and also that this is not a surprise to people who know minimum he has told other people that he was going to vote for Hillary Clinton. You interviewed the former first lady, and i remember, it was a very distinctive interview. And she didnt mince words in what she was saying about donald trump. Right. That was the last interview shes done. That was the one where she so eloquently said when i asked her what she thought of donald trump, im sick of donald trump. And were going to play a little bit more of it and well talk on the other side. He doesnt give many answers to how he would solve problems. He sort of makes faces and says insulting things. I mean, hes said terrible things about women. Terrible things about military. I dont understand why people are for him, for that reason. Im a woman. Im not crazy about what he says about women. So, vintage barbara bush. She has not publicly said who shes voting for. I guess its not donald trump. There is a photo, i remember seeing of president george w. Bush with Hillary Clinton at, i think it was at Nancy Reagans funeral. Funeral. And this is all over social media. And this should not be taken as that former president bush 43 is voting for Hillary Clinton, but you cant miss that there is a warm relationship here, that people might not expect. We reached out to him today. He is sticking by, he is saying he is staying out of this race. Hes not going to do anything, except hes raising a lot of money to try to make sure republicans get reelected in congress. And we should say the bushes are not a block on this. So we now know what 41 thinks, we know 43 is sitting out. Jeb has told me hes not voting for trump or hillary. His son, george p. , says he is voting for trump. So all different sides. Jamie gangel, thanks very much. Thank you. Appreciate it. Always good to have you on. Well have to see if or how this affects Donald Trumps campaign or Hillary Clintons campaign for that matter. In the meantime, one of trumps top surrogates, new jersey governor Chris Christie, is facing another brush fire of sorts. Sparked by a fraud trial that got underway this week with a surprise allegation by prosecutors. Phil mattingly has that. Reporter as far as Chris Christie has fallen politically, there has always been one saving grace. Hey, 211, fort lee traffic is a nightmare. No evidence suggested to tie him to the deliberate september 2013 closure of lanes on the George Washington bridge. Until now, prosecutors say. Ive been investigated by three different entities, two of them led by partisan democrats, who, you know, have all found that i had no knowledge of this incident and no involvement in it. Reporter during Opening Statements of the fraud trial involving top Christie Administration officials, prosecutors told jurors they would prove christie was aware of their activities as the closures were happening. For christie, its the scandal that helped turn a leading president ial contender into an early primary dropout. Its both the magic and the mystery of politics. That you never quite know when which is going to happen. Even when you think you do. Reporter even as he maintained from the very beginning that he had no knowledge of the alleged political retribution carried out by his aides. Well, let me tell you, everybody, i was blindsided yesterday morning. That was the first time i knew about this. It was the first time i had seen any of the documents that were revealed yesterday. Reporter but questions about whether thats actually the case have long simmered, since charges against his allies had moved through the court, including the revelation uncovered in Court Documents in august of a december 2013 text from a Campaign Aide saying christie, quote, flatout lied about what he knew. Yet even as his own president ial campaign fizzled and the trial loomed, christies role with the man he endorsed, donald trump, continued to grow. There is no one who is better prepared to provide america with the strong leadership that it needs. Reporter even though trump in december took the same position prosecutors are taking now. Heres the story. The George Washington bridge. He knew about it. But even there, the scandal known as bridgegate helped cost christie what aides say he desperately wanted, to be trumps running mate. How much of a factor do you believe the trouble with the bridgegate was a factor in you not getting picked for Vice President . Im sure it was a factor. Reporter phil mattingly, cnn, new york. Well, coming up, trumps core supporters, white, workingclass voters. Among other things, theyre worried their christian values are under threat. How that could play on election day, coming up next. Ar . Super food . Is that a real thing . Its a great school, but is it the right the one for her . Is this really any better than the one you got last year . If we consolidate suppliers whats the savings there . So should we go with the 467 horsepower . Or is a 423 enough . Good question. You ask a lot of good questions. I think we should move you into our new fund. Ok. Sure. But are you asking enough about how your wealth is managed . Wealth management, at charles schwab. And youre talking to youro doctor about your medication. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. This is humira helping me go further. Humira works for many adults. 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One issue that Trump Supporters from the White Working Class is whether they believe immigrants from muslim countries increase the terrorism at home. 82 said they do. 37 who arent considering trump said the same. Many of the white works class especially evangelical believers, heres more. Reporter a local christian evangelical church, hundreds of congregants worshipping together at the guts church in tulsa. Many of them saying their christian values are under attack. Its funny we all ourselves a christian nation, but christians are the ones that have to explain ourselves a lot. How many of you guys truly you could say, irrefutably, undoubtedly, that youve experienced the life of god . Is there anybody have you experienced the life of god . Reporter do you think theres an attack on christian values . There has been since the devil became the devil. Reporter polling indicates 65 of working white people believe christian values are attack, but christian evangelical people, that number jumps to 89 . Reporter do you believe christian values are under attack . I think objective morality is under attack. Reporter among the other reasons cited by those who feel that way is this. Reporter do you think immigrants from muslim countries threaten christian beliefs in values in this country . I think they test them. Reporter this is jenks, oklahoma, where three Syrian Refugees settled since their country, and three of only 16 in the entire state of oklahoma. This woman lives in jenks. Do you think christian values are under attack in America Today . I really do. Reporter do you think muslim refugees coming to this country, coming to this state and this town, have led to that . Yes, i do. I believe that were supposed to be quiet because you know it offends other people and i think that thats not american. One, two, three. Reporter a 4yearold syrian refugee, along with his three brothers and his parents are now living in oklahoma. Are you at all concerned for the safety of your children, your family, because there are some people who would prefer that you not be here . Translator no one bothering my children when they go to school. Nothing hurts us. They respect us and they dont bother us. They treat you as you treat them. And that answer gratifies the people at Catholic Charities of tulsa who worked to resettle syrians in oklahoma. The executive director disagreeing with the beliefs are being threatened. We need to hold that value to our hearts and protect it. Reporter back at the evangelical church, the pastor thinks theres an attack on christian values but he says it isnt necessarily a bad thing. Honestly i love the whole idea were set apart. I love the whole idea that its like wait a second, ive got to stand for something and if youre going to stand for something that means theres going to be maybe a little bit of persecution, resistance to it. Reporter gary tuckman, cnn, tulsa oklahoma. Well have much more from our indepth survey, in partnership through the Kaiser Foundation, on 360, throughout the week and results of cnn. Com. Well have more ahead. Everyone thought i was crazy to open a hotel here. Everyone said its so hard to be a musician, but i cant imagine doing anything else. Now that the train makes it easier to get here, the neighborhood is really changing. Im always hopping on the train, running all over portland. I have to go wherever the work is. Trains with innovative Siemens Technology help keep cities moving, so neighborhoods and businesses can prosper. I can book 3 or 4 gigs on a good weekend. Im booked solid for weeks. 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Donald trump on the defensive tonight with just six days to go until he faces Hillary Clinton on the debate stage for the first time. This is cnn tonight, im don lemon. Reports trumps Charity Foundation paid out over a quarter of a million dollars, to settle lawsuits against his businesses, essentially using other peoples money to settle when trumps businesses were sued according to the Washington Post and meanwhile, the Trump Campaign is defending a tweet from the candidates son comparing Syrian Refugees to skittles, and former george h. W

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