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6 welcome to another hour of 360. A lot was said by the military today. Both president ial candidates faced an audience of Military Members. Hillary clinton and donald trump took questions at a forum here in new york city, mod rated by mat lauer of nbc news. They were asked questions about everything from Fighting Isis to what should be done with ptsd to Sexual Assault in the military. We will bring you some of what things. Lets get started with some of the highlights from the hour. When people like me press you for details like that gentleman just said on what your plan is, you very often say im not going to give you the details because i want to be unpredictable. Absolutely, the word is unpredictable. But yesterday you actually told us a little bit about your plan in your speech. You said this, quote, were going to convene my top generals, and they will have 30 days to submit a plan for soundly and quickly defeating isis. So is the plan youve been hiding this whole time asking someone else for their plan . No, but when i do come up with a plan that i like and that perhaps agrees with my or maybe doesnt, i may love what the generals come back with. It will convene but you have your own plan . I have a plan, but i dont want to look, i have a very substantial chance of winning, make America Great again, were going to make America Great again. I have a substantial chance of winning. If i win, i dont want to broadcast to the enemy what my plan is. If i like maybe a combination of my plan and the generals plan or the generals plan, if i like their plan, matt, im not going to call you up and say, matt, we have a great plan. This is what obama does, were going to leave iraq on a certain date. But youre going to convene a panel of generals and you said you know more about the isis than those generals. They probably will be different generals, to be honest with you. When youre commanderinchief you can spark a conflict, destabilize a region, put american lives at risk. Can we afford to take that risk with you . Absolutely. I think if you saw what happened in mexico the other day where i went there, i had great relationships, everything else. I let them know where the United States stands. Weve been badly hurt by mexico on the border and with taking all of our jobs, a big percentage of our jobs. If you look at what happened, look at the aftermath today where the people that arranged the trip in mexico have been forced out of government. Thats how well we did. Back in august and thats how well we have to do. Back in august when you admitted you regret some of the things you said, you also said this. I can promise you this, i will always tell you the truth. Thats true. So let me read some of the things you said. I know more about isis than the generals do, believe me. Was that the truth . Well, the generals under barak obama and Hillary Clinton have not been successful. Do you more about isis than they do . I think under the leadership of barak obama and Hillary Clinton the generals have been reduced to rubble. Theyve been reduced to a point it is embarrassing for our country. We have to defeat isis, that is my highest Counter Terrorism goal, and weve got to do it. What our experts said to do. And i was very, very surprised. In almost every instance, and i could tell, i have pretty good with the Body Language. I could tell they were not happy. Our leaders did not follow what they were recommending. What do you make of that . What he is talking about is as a president ial candidate at this stage you start to get the classified, a version of the classified briefings that the president of the naets get. These are called president ial daily briefings. Trump has gotten two of them. First of all, i have never seen a candidate for the presidency making use, making political hay of that, taking advantage of the fact that they have been given these classified briefings and drawing a political conclusion that the president or the Secretary Of State did not follow advice. Secondly, you can read these briefings because the cia actually just declassified a couple of weeks ago all of the president ial daily briefings, i think most from the nixon and ford administration. They are not in the form of any kind of advice to the president. Theyre sort of telling you what is happening in various companies. Theres no policy recommendation. In fact, the Intelligence Community tries very hard to be neutral in that respect, not to suggest policy. That is the job of the other agencies and the white house. So, first of all, he is doing something that strikes me as deeply dishonorable in making use of the classified briefings to advance his political course. Secondly, as i said simply, he is being untruthful in terms of how he is characterizing the briefings. The briefings are intelligence. Theyre not policy conclusions. It is remarkable that he would say that. Chairman rogers . Well, i mean i disagree. Again, im somebody that had access to all of that as chairman. I think what you see happening is in those analytical products, when the intelligence folks show up, they provide their opinion based on their analytical product and information collected on what the situation on the ground is. And i agree, they never come out and say, we think you should do this. Thats not their place, they shouldnt do it. I think what he was getting at, and i dont know, i wasnt part of those briefings, is the nakt that intelligence was talking about the growth of isis over a period of time. At least from my understanding from public reports is that thats the portion that was covered in that first briefing extensively, is isis and its formation and how it developed and all of those things. So you could walk away from a briefing by the way, i walked away from many of the briefings when i was chairman and said, hey, the administrations policy is not jiving with what the Intelligence Services are say is happening on the ground. I saw that personally as chairman. I dont know, but im guessing thats probably what he is talking about when he says they werent listening to each other. Im not exactly sure how he said that, but i think thats what he was saying. I would recommend that viewers, it is easily to get these declassified president ial briefings from the past. Take a look at them and you will see, as mike rogers say, the Intelligence Community is scrupulous about not recommending policy action. They are simply telling you what is happening on the ground. I want to play something trump said about the generals and talk to our two retired military folks. When people like me press you for details like that gentleman just said on what your plan is, you very often say, im not going to give you the details because i want to be unpredictable. Absolutely, the word is unpredictable. But yesterday you actually told us a little bit about your plan in your speech. You said this, quote, were going to convene my top generals, and they will have 30 days to submit a plan for soundly and quickly defeating isis. So is the plan youve been hiding this whole time asking someone else for their plan . No. But when i do come up with a plan that i like and that perhaps agrees with my or maybe doesnt, i may love what the generals come back with. I will you have your own plan . I have a plan, but i dont want look, i have a very substantial chance of winning, make America Great again. Were going to make America Great again. I have a substantial chance of winning. If i win, i dont want to broadcast to the enemy exactly what my plan is. Let me tell you, if i like maybe a combination of my plan and the generals plan or the general plan, if i like their plan im not going to call you and say, matt, we have a great plan. This is what obama does, were going to leave iraq on a certain date. But youre going to convene a panel of generals, and you said you mo know more about isis than the generals. They probably will be different generals, to be honest with you. When you hear a candidate saying they know more about isis than the generals, i assume generals who have been, you know, focused on Fighting Isis now for quite some time, like yourself who worked in iraq for a long, long time, does that concern you that somebody would serve for somebody who believes they know more than those who have been studying an issue closely . It does. Anderson, we have a very strong history of civilian control of the military in United States. It is one of the things that makes us very different. So we adjust what we do based on some things that the political masters want us to do, but having said that we always give Strong Military advice at the level of the president , at the strategic level. But it takes a very long time to build a general. Theres years of schooling, years of experience, years of operational experience, dealing with soldiers, knowing what soldiers can do, training, exercises and education. To have an individual who has never done any of those things suggest that he knows more about plans, im not even sure in trump would know a war plan or a Contingency Plan if he saw it. Now, certainly a civilian master will say, hey, we want to look at the assumptions a little bit differently, or this is the end state i want to achieve. Then it is the job of the generals to give them that as best as they can within a feasibility and validity approach. But to have someone who is a businessman, who has not studied the science and art of war suddenly say, i know more about the generals, it is Flaber Gassing to me. Colonel, in terms of what you said tonight, what concerned you or do you like . Think, anderson, one of the big issues we have is the fact we see an evolving nature in trumps ability to handle National Security issues. And in this particular case when you pick the trump aspect of things, you look at something that is a bit different from what he said at the very beginning. So the idea of having a plan and bringing it together with one that is developed independently perhaps by generals in the pentagon, that has some merit to it actually and it could be used as a way to determine what is the best way forward. So it is perhaps, it is an attempt to be a little more collegial in his approach to the pentagon. As far as secretary clintons points are concerned, i thought it was very interesting she seemed to be very much staythecourse kind of a presentation. Both candidates say they want to defeat isis, but it becomes very clear if that happens in under president obamas watch it is going to be a very different strategic environment for them, and i dont know if theyve thought about that challenge for their respective campaigns. I mean in terms of what you heard tonight, i mean to have both candidates focused on this, it is as close as weve gotten to a debate between these two so far. Yeah, i mean i thought we got kind of a preview of what the atmosphere and some of the questioning will be at a debate. Apparently, looking at some of the reporting from our very own dan merricka, he is saying the Clinton Campaign is not happy with what went down tonight in terms of the timing of it. I guess each candidate got like 30 minutes. A lot of her time was spent on iraq, a lot was spent on email as well. They feel like matt lauer kind of dropped the ball in terms of followup and fact checking. Listen, this is what a debate is like, and moderators they werent on the stage at the same time though. Exactly, but often moderators take a different tack in terms of how they engage with the candidates and whether or not they feel they want to fact check in realtime. We have to take a quick break. We will have more with the panel ahead and more on the discussion between the two candidates tonight. We will be right back. Those new glasses . They are. Do i look smarter . Yeah, a little. Youre making money now, are you investing . Well, ive been doing some research. Let me introduce you to our broker. How much does he charge . I dont know. Okay. Uh, do you get your fees back if youre not happy . dad laughs wow, youre laughing. Thats not the way the world works. Well, the worlds changing. Are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed . Wealth management, at charles schwab. Afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. Donald trump and Hillary Clinton took messages to military tonight at a forum in new york a short time ago. Both candidates took questions from former and current Military Members about why they should be commanderinchief. About getting intelligence briefings, he has had two. Here is some of the exchange. Did you learn anything in the briefings, not going into specifics, that makes you reconsider some of the things you say you can accomplish like defeating isis . No, what i did learn is that our leadership, boem, did not follow what our experts and our when they call it intelligence, it is there for a reason, what our experts said to do. How i was very, very surprised, in almost every instance. I am pretty good with the Body Language. I could tell they were not happy. Our leaders did not follow what they were recommending. Joining me now, cnn pent gom correspondent barbara starr, the comments about the briefings, what are you learning about them tonight . Those are extraordinary. That the president did not follow what the Intelligence Community was recommending is something that trump would not have been told in one of these intelligence briefings. He would have been given analysis of problems like iraq, russia, iran, syria. We know this over the last several weeks, have talked directly to experts in the Intelligence Community who know how these briefings were set up, know how they were going to work. They are about analysis. Theyre not about recommendations, they are from some of the most senior professional Civilian Career people in the Intelligence Community, not about politics at all. So i think it remains to be seen, perhaps most chair takably, what exactly in trump thought he was hearing, what he thought the Body Language was. Very clearly he was not told the Intelligence Community recommendations, that would not have happened. I think the other really fascinating point that he made is he talked about the generals very broadly, being in his words reduced to rubble. Those are shocking words. In all of the years i have covered the military i have never heard anybody talk about generals being reduced to rubble. He perhaps might have been referring to the fact theres a very strong white house National Security process that the military obeys the political leadership, but reduced to rubble, who are the generals he is talking about . Look, these guys, these days they are mainly combat veterans. They have been in iraq, they have been in afghanistan, they have buried their young troops in cemeteries across the country. These are generals who know the business of war. Trump went on to talk about he might decide to work with other generals. So i think hes really putting a line out there that if he is elected he is going to have to deal with. He would be coming into a u. S. Military structure, he says that he respects, but the General Officer corps right now he appears at least to have a big problem with. Anderson. Barbara starr, thank you very much. Back with the panel. It was interesting to hear him kind of go full bore on this thing, on the generals in general, im not sure who he was talking about or if he knows specific generals he was talking about. This is a perfect illustration of what sometimes frustrates me in our discussions about trump. We try to analyze, and barbara did a wonderful job of trying to make sense of a stray comment he makes here. My guess is, frankly, he doesnt know what he is talking about. I think it is very unlikely he had any thoughtthrough idea. You know, rapid fire format, matt lauer puts a question to him, he gets flummoxed so he comes back with something. I think it is nonsensical. Obamas first National Security adviser was a general. Obama has promoted lots of generals, he listens to them all the time. Theres no great dissatisfaction, you know, theyve not been reduced to rubble. Theres no way to understand this other than to think he is winging it as he does with so many of these things, and then we in the media have to sit and try to pretend it is a carefully reasoned piece of analysis drawn on years of thoughtful, you know, analysis of the situation. I think it was something he said off the seat of his pants. Barbara is right, it kind of doesnt make sense and we have to admit it. Chairman rogers, does it make sense to you that generals have been reduce todd rubble . I think you are arguing about the color of his words, and probably not the words i would have chosen clearly, but when you look at the path i think what donald trump is trying to encapsulate there is the fact that he didnt listen to his generals in iraq. He didnt listen to his intelligence officials in iraq on the pullout. Everyone advised he shouldnt do it. I think what he is trying to say is you cant walk into a general and say, here are the ten things you cant do, and, oh, by the way, the things you are asking for, im going to give you half of it. What happens is and, trust me, those officers were pretty vocal when you put them in places like the Intelligence Community and ask them their opinion about how difficult it was to accomplish their mission. Listen, they werent political, they werent trying to say theyre republicans or democrats, theyre saying if you want me to beat ice igs, to stabilize iraq, you cant pull us out summarily. They didnt listen to him. He didnt listen to them in libya. You are telling the generals one mission and publicly talking about it and the authority and the ability and the resources you are giving them dont match it. Therefore you have generals i think trying to accomplish a mission with a hand tied behind their back. I think thats what he is talking about. Thats a very kocogent thing mike rogers said. It isnt what donald trump said. What about the argument . He said it a lot quicker you served in iraq. Incredibly, did you have one hand tied behind your back . Never. Never did i. I always wanted more forces, i needed more forces to do the mission. That was the conditions of the battlefield, anderson. We deal with that. Thats what soldiers do. Truthfully, it seemed tonight in trump had more praise for in putin than for americas generals who have been fighting a war for 14 years. Thats disturbing. You are supposed to build relationships with your staff. It also seems, i dont know, i was just listening to the conversation. It seems like he thinks he can appoint all of the generals. These are guys who have come up, guys and gals who came up through the ranks, who have served their country and been put under a great deal of pressure. To have him say the kind of things he said tonight were insulting to me as a General Officer. Im not trying to get defensive. I know there are things i could have done better in combat and in peacetime. But, truthfully, to have a potential commanderinchief say that the General Officer corps has been reduced to rubble, it goes with the narrative that everything the president , president obama or the Secretary Of State touches has turned to mush, and hes the only guy to fix it. I dont believe that because generals swear that allegiance to the constitution of the United States, not to the man or the woman in office. Colonel laden, what was your interpretation of that idea, of generals being turned to rubble . I thought it was very interesting, anderson, to use that term because, quite frankly, you know, i think General Hertling is right. Theres no general i have met thats been turned to rubble. I think what maybe trump is looking at is perhaps the idea of a pattonlike figure. He is looking for somebody that he can find within the military that is going to take forces from a to b and to defeat isis in a very dramatic, very world war ii like fashion. Anybody who has studied warfare in the latter half of the 20th century and the early part of the 21st century is going to turn to this and is going to say, wars arent fought that way anymore. We are not going to have setpiece battles, were not going to do the things we did in world war ii. Theres no d day invasion on the horizon. I think trump is looking at that as being his way of actually controlling the Officer Corps and perhaps, you know, looking at, you know, things from world war ii where they had Little Black Book that General Marshall carried around with names of people that would be promoted to general. Maybe he is thinking thats the way it works today, and it doesnt work that way. There are many Different Things that have to be learned on the part of, i think, in trump as well as the Trump Campaign on how the process actually works, and then they can start making perhaps, you know, some recommendations that have to go through Congress First before theyre actually changed. We have a lot more ahead including what donald trump said tonight about russian president vladimir putin. We will bring it to you next. Upgrade your phone system and learn how you could save at vonage. Com business amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. Sleep number beds adjust on both sides for your best sleep ever. Dont miss the biggest sale of the year all beds on sale with the queen c2 mattress only 599. 99. Final days ends sunday. Know better sleep. Only at a sleep number store. Donald trump and Hillary Clinton made the case tonight on why they are qualified to be commanderinchief in a forum in new york. Both candidates took questions from current around former military Service Members and nbc matt lauer on what he said about refreshan president vladimir putin. Let me ask you about some of the things you said about vladimir putin. You said, i will tell you in terms of leadership, he is getting an a on president. When referring to a comment putin made about you, i think he called you a brilliant leader, you said it is a great honor to be so nicely complimented by a man highly respected in his country and beyond. He has an 82 Approval Rating according to the different pollsters, who by the way some are based right here. He is also a guy who annexed cry mean, supports assad in syria, supports iran, is trying to undermine our influence in key regions of the world and according to our Intelligence Community probably is the main suspect for hacking of the dnc computers. Nobody knows that for a fact. You want me to start naming some of the things that president obama does at the same time . Do you want to be complimented by that former kgb office sfr. I think when he calls me brilliant i will take the compliment. The fact is it is not going to get him anywhere. Im a negotiator. We will take back our country. You look at what is happening to our country, look at the depleted military, look at the fact we have lost our jobs. We are losing jobs like a bunch of babies. Were going to take back our country. The fact he calls me brilliant or whatever he calls me has zero impact. The fact you say you can get along with him. I think i can get along with you. Do you think the day you become president of the United States he will change his mind on key issues . I dont know, matt, it is possible. It is not going to have an impact. If he says great things about me, i will say great things about him. I have said he is a very much a leader. The man has strong control over a country. It is a very system system and i dont happen to like the system, but in that system he has been a leader, far more than our president has been a leader. Back with our panel. You interviewed pout in, what do you make of trumps interest in putin or comments about him . Trump has long had a quite strange fascination with putin. He claimed that they had a relationship of some sort. George stephanopoulos cleanly made the fact they never actually met or talked. He out right said they met and got on well, and it turned out he never actually met him. You know, one more of those strange things. I think there is though a fascination he has, and we can understand it you know, understanding trump. Trump likes authoritarians. He likes the idea of having decisive power, to act boldly and not waiting for checks and balances in congress. When i interviewed putin i asked what was it about trump that made putin say nice things about him. Putin interestingly took the opportunity to walk back the comments. He started quibbling with translation. He said what i said was he is bright. He is a colorful personality. Thats all i was saying. If he wants to have a better relationship with russia, why should i object to that. Putin doesnt like Hillary Clinton, so there is a Strange Attraction between the two of them, but you would think that for trump, whose greatest card is that he is an american nationalist who will look out for america, the fact one of americas principle adversaries, a guy who is trying to do harm to america, to american interests, to american troops is lavishing praise on him is virtually endorsing him, would be somewhat disconcerting. You dont want to be endorsed by it would be like the leader of the soviet union endorsing one of the president ial candidates and that person being happy about it. One of the Service Members tonight, a republican, asked Hillary Clinton about emails while she was Secretary Of State and why she should be trusted as commanderinchief. Want to play that. Secretary clinton. Thank you for coming tonight. As a naval Flight Officer i held a top secret, sensitive compartmentalized information clearance, which provided me access to Sensitive Information. Had i communicated this information by not following prescribed protocols, i would have been prosecuted and imprisoned. How can you expect those such as myself who have been trusted with the most Sensitive Information to have confidence in your leadership as president when you clearly corrupted our National Security . I appreciate your concern and also your experience, but let me try to make the distinctions that i think are important for me to answer your question. First, as i said to matt, you know and i know classified material is designated, it is marked. There is a header so that there is no dispute at all that what is being communicated to or from someone who has that access, is marked classified. And what we have here is the use of an unclassified system by hundreds of people in our government who send information that was not marked, there were no headers, there was no statement, top secret, secret or confidential. I communicated about classified material on wholly separate system. I took it very seriously. When i travelled, i went into one of those little tents im sure youve seen around the world, because we didnt want there to be any potential for someone to have embedded a camera to try to see whatever it is that i was seeing that was designated, marked and headed as classified. Let us move on. So i did exactly what i should have done, and i take it very seriously, always have, always will. Mia, obviously a couple of questions for secretary clinton tonight and obviously an issue which is not going away. Yeah, i mean in some ways this audience, if an away game for Hillary Clinton, these are veterans she is likely not going to win those folks in 2012. Mitt romney won them by about 20 points in 2008, john mccain won them by about 10 points. I think in that answer she sounded very lawyerly. I imagine her people are going to go back and look at that and figure out a better answer where she sounds less lawyerly, maybe even a little bit more contrite. So, yeah, i mean i think this was a preview of what were going to see in these debates, a preview of what weve seen all along which is the email issue is not going away. She doesnt quite have a good answer. She always sounds defensive i think when she is answering these questions about her email, and it is just gnt to continue i think. 37 minutes into the program and weve spent two minutes talking about Hillary Clinton. Thats a problem for her. Thats the problem. Trump is compelling. He is weird, he is authentic. He is the contradictions are so bizarre you end up he is a media hog. Maybe he is a natural media holg. Think about it. We have spent all of this time talking about trump, finally we got to Hillary Clinton. Compared to trump it is a less exciting issue. We will continue the conversation next. Hear from clinton and also trump explaining how the u. S. Would take the oil when isis is defeated, as he often suggests. Crickets Chirping jet engine heart beat Water Splashing rain drops Engine Revving tires on wet road w. I was always searching for ways to manage my symptoms. I thought i had it covered. Then i realized managing was all i was doing. When i finally told my doctor, he said humira was for people like me who have tried other medications,. But still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohns disease. In clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. And many achieved remission. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers,. Including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions,. And new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. 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If we would have taken the oil, you wouldnt have isis because isis formed with the power and the wealth of that oil. How are we going to take the oil . How are we going to do that . We would leave a Certain Group behind and take various sections where they have the oil. People dont know this about iraq, but they have among the Largest Oil Reserves in the entire world. Were the only ones, we go in, we spend 3 trillion, we lose thousands and thousands of lives and then, matt, we get nothing. Used to be To The Victor belonged the spoils. Now, there was no victor there, believe me. There was no victor. But i always said take the oil. One of the benefits we would have had if we took the oil is isis would not have been able to take oil and use that oil let me say to fuel themselves. Lets go to our military folks and General Hertling, we have talked about this before. This is the thing donald trump said from the beginning, take the oil. I cannot wrap my mind around the concept, just from a military standpoint, because all i see is youre taking the oil of a sovereign nation, which is our ally, under this Anity Kuwaited notion of To The Victor goes the spoils. Theyre spoupposedly our ally, d for the percentage of the country that doesnt hate us already, wouldnt it turn everybody against the United States if we are stealing iraqs oil . Not if we were in the 16th century, anderson, but unfortunately were not. Were in the 21st. I heard in trump say that, it is on a long list of things i heard him say about what the military can and cant do. Having been in Northern Iraq where a good portion of the oil is for almost two years, i can tell you i cant wrap my head around it either. I am glad he as a businessman knows how to do that. I cant figure it out. If it is bringing other corporations in, continue to pump while the 19 million iraqis continue to live and allow us to do that, that would be great, but it is just really hard to do. Chairman rogers, what trump said to me in interviews since early on was bring in u. S. Oil companies, chevron, others, surround them while they steal the oil, surround them with troops. I mean does that make any sense to you militarily, strategically, diplomatically . Look at the time, anderson. Let me get philosophical about this for a moment. Weve got a lot of time. We can go to the 10 00 hour if you want. Let me get philosophical for a minute. In an early sweep up, i will tell you this was a popular political position amongst democrats and republicans. Every town hawlll i had it was issue. Let me get to where we were. My explanation to them would probably be the same today. We do negotiate a percentage of the revenues from that oil. Matter of fact, the saudis were committed so much oil in certain circumstances, other countries committed certain amounts of oil in certain circumstances. I never heard him say steal it, this notion of taking it physically out of the ground to me, but the notion a percentage can be negotiated to cover u. S. Costs, especially ground operations, is not unrealistic. By the way, that happened during the course of the war. Thats not his plan. The plan is to get chevron, the Oil Companies in, surround them with u. S. Troops and take the oil. What he meant to say was percentage of the revenue, i think i heard you say that. Colonel laden, just from you know, i just think the reaction of our allies in the rest of iraq, how they would feel about, you know, us taking the oil which is their future. It would be a nonstarter for that very reason. You know, what you want to do is build up countries like iraq, where what comes after isis in the case of syria in Northern Iraq. There will be some significant issues with this, this 16th century, 18th century, whatever century you want to pick. The issue here is something similar to what you might expect a Chinese Military leader to say in the present day because they seem to be developing this new Mercantilist Policy as well, but it is not workable for our particular time and the particular region we are dealing with here. You want to raise the oil revenues of the countries that are affected by these conflicts and you want to give them a way in which to live their lives, and that would be a sustained Revenue Stream that would allow them to do that. Right. That would be essential. Because the idea idea, General Hertling, To The Victor goes the spoils, it implies iraq itself is the enemy and we have crushed them and now we are taking their oil. It complies more than that, anderson. It implies that the u. S. Military that is there is a mercenary force to do these kind of things. Look, there are 18 Battlefield Cemeteries throughout europe from world war i and world war ii. When you go to those grounds, the people who monitor those cemeteries that have u. S. Sold dwre dwr iers in it say, this is the only place America Claims as occupied territory, the places they buried their dead. It is not the american way of war to go and occupy a land, steal its resources, rape its women and do the kind of things in trump is saying. It is, again, a simplistic approach thats appealing to a certain percentage of americans. We have a lot more to discuss. Want to bring in other panelists. Going to take a quick break. Donald trump was asked what he meant about an old tweet about Sexual Assault in the military. We will talk about that. Expecte. My eyelove is girls night out. My eyelove is the september issue. Eyelove is all the things we love to do with our eyes. But its also having a chat with your eye doctor about dry eyes that interrupt the things you love. 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Matt lauer asked trump for tonight in new york, asking questions. Clarification on a tweet he posted two years ago. You tweeted 26,000 unreported Sexual Assaults in the military, only 238 convictions. What did these geniuses expect when they put Men And Women Together . It is a correct tweet. There are many people who think thats actually correct. So this should have been expected . Is that the only way to fix it is to take women out of the military . Since then its gotten worse no, not take them out of the military. Part of the problem is nobody gets prosecuted. You have the report of rape and nobody gets prosecuted. There are no consequence. When you have somebody that does something so evil, so bad as that, there has to be consequence to that person. You have to go after that person. Right now nobodys Doing Anything. Look at the small number of results. I mean, thats part of the problem. Joining the conversation, trump supporter and. On the idea that nobody is Doing Anything about this. Is that the case . It was number one issue in the uniform code of criminal justice. It is a problem and its fixing the problem. Certainly with you put young people together, these kinds of things happen to a small percentage. And the good commanders prosecute them with a vengeance and it happens. Christine quinn, what do you make of what you heard tonight from donald trump . I think donald trump was pretty clear that he stands by his earlier tweet, which i find really reprehensible. He started off his statements by saying basically that making the military have men and women in it is what caused this to happen, that we should have expected it. That is in fact blaming the women who have gone into the military to serve, to say that they should have expected that if they were going to serve side by side with men, this would happen, when in fact countless countries have brought women in their military in combat before we did and there is no evidence that that as a matter of course causes this to happen. I have to say i do agree with donald trump that more needs to be done as it relates to prosecution, but i dont think there is anything out there about what donald trump has said about women that if theyre not a ten he has no use for them, his blaming victim as it relates to Sexual Harassment and now this statement blaming the Gender Integration of the military as a cause for this that we should have expected it, you should never any day of the week in america, in our armed forces or out of it expect that you are going to be raped and Sexual Assaulted. That is an outrageous statement for anyone to make. Is that the statement he was making that this was to be expected . No, donald trump has been very clear and advocate for women who have been Sexual Assaulted. He said there have only been 236 prosecutions. And yet thousands of rapes. Thats the point hes trying to make. I do think nothing that all of it i should say pales in comparison to what Hillary Clinton said tonight. She actively contradicted the fbi notes. Tonight he said she has great experience with classified markings. Hillary clinton dug her draf further this evening and nothing donald trump said was all that controversial. You know what, this is the one note campaign for the donald Trump Campaign over and over. But what i think a lot of what donald trump said tonight was outrageous. He basically said hes going to try to politicize how we generals and admirals get promoted in the military. That goes against the entire Military Structure and shows a complete lack of understanding as was said before about how someone becomes a general or admiral in the United States. Its going to be different like its a flick of his hand. Back to the Sexual Assault, its clear that hes missed the entire debate on this, and partly it was led by kristen gillibrand, senator from new york. Its really about whether or not this stays in the Chain Of Command. She has wanted it not to be in the Chain Of Command, for it to be adjudicated outside of the Chain Of Command but this was a huge debate on capitol hill with republicans on the same side in some cases as senator gillibrand. Again, i think she hasnt done his homework on this speaking very generally and offending some people very likely. And that tweet youre absolutely right. That tweet shows a complete lack of an understanding of this issue and where really the path is to address this issue. And really we heard in the colonel i dont want to demote him but colonel or general who spoke who said good commanders take it seriously. One can infer from that that bad commanders dont take it seriously. Thats why senator gillibrand is right and why clearly donald trump has no understanding about this issue, in the same way that his statements on Sexual Assault in the workplace were victim blaming and showed no understanding. General rogers, i want you to comment on this or anything else you thought was important. I saw Hillary Clinton say she was going to do more of the same thing. She started out listing things she wasnt going to do to beat isis. This is the same problem on the policy side that most of the military is claiming is not allowing us to be successful. I think this whole notion that everything is outrageous and everything is offensive and everything is oh, my god, half of the things i just heard the last panelist talk about i didnt hear him say. What we do have a problem is we have a high number of reported instances of rape when it comes to women in the military and very few prosecutions. I think thats a problem. When he says, hey, theres not a lot going on about it, thats what hes talking about, that data point. All of this notion about all this other thing people are talking about he did or didnt say, hes saying we got to do something about it. I understand the political tone of that. I dont think its helpful for the military, the inflammatory be offended by every third point he says. There are some fact points in what he says. And clearly and i believe as a former Military Officer myself that the military must do better on these theyre not handling it in an appropriate way. I think senator gillibrand has some good understanding of how you fix it. It hasnt been done. Which means now you have all of the women who arent getting the justice they deserve. The emotion of the talk and the debate in this thing is fascinating for me as a with all due respect, mr. Chairman, the issue of rape and Sexual Assault is a very emotional issue. Ive worked with survivors for many years in my career and maybe youve not had that or worried about that in the same way that women do this is the accusation thing i think is unfair. I used to be an fbi agent to enforce the law. Some notion because i disagree with your inflammatory notion that i dont care about it. The reality is that these women are not getting the justice they deserve and you are saying everythings okay. No, absolutely not. For political purposes youre doing that. I think thats so unfortunate. No. I said clearly what the military has done and disagreed with other Military Gentlemen is not enough. But what i said is donald trump doesnt understand the solution, which is not to keep it in the Chain Of Command. And with all respect, sir, if you go back to the tweet, mr. Trump is the one mr. Trump is the one who said we should have expected this when women came into the military. Those are his words and he has to stand by them and what they mean. Wt

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