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Republicans have nominated for president cannot do the job. Donald trumps ideas arent just different, they are dangerously incoherent. Theyre not even really ideas, just a series of bizarre rants, personal feuds, and outright lies. Mistakes in global state craft are infinitely higher and more complex than in the world of luxury hotels. We all know the tools donald trump brings to the table. Bragging, mocking, composing nasty tweets. Im willing to bet hes writing a few right now. His proposal to ban one and a half billimuslims from coming t country is a huge propaganda victory for isis and it alienates the very countries we need to help us win in this fight. A Trump Presidency would embolden isis. We cannot take that risk. This isnt reality television, this is actual reality. And defeating global terrorist negotiation and protecting the home land takes more than empty talk and a handful of slogans, it takes a real plan, real experience and real leadership and i have to say i dont understand donalds bizarre fascination with dictators and strong men who have no love for america. He praised china for the Tiananmen Square massacre, said it showed strength. He said you have to give kim jongun credit for taking over north korea, something he did by killing people including his uncle that donald recapped like an action movie. He said if he were grading Vladimir Putin as a leader, hed give him an a. I will leave it to the psychiatrist to explain his affection tyrants. That brings me to the temperament it takes to be commander in chief. Every president faces hard choices every day, with imperfect information and conflicting i amativ imperfecti. Imagine donald trump making life and death decisions on behalf of the United States. Imagine him deciding whether to spend your spouses or children into battle. Imagine if he had not just his twitter account at his disposal when he is angry but americas entire arsenal. Do we want him making those calls . Someone thin skinned and quick to anger who lashes out at the smallest criticism . Do we want his finger anywhere near the button because making donald trump our commander in chief would be a historic mistake. Secretary clinton this. Joining us, brianna keilar. This is a different speech than shes given. Reporter certainly was, this was scathing, scorched earth approach to Donald Trumps Foreign Policy position, certainly more his temperament. She also talked about the economy, it went far beyond specific policy positions. But this was her attempt to comprehensively do a rebuke of almost every controversial thing he said in the primary. Over and over she used Donald Trumps words, she was quoting him. Shes going to try to make that stick, shes going to revive that, keep that fresh in the minds of americans as she goes forward here. Is this a template for what we expect to see from her moving forward . Reporter it certainly is. In fact, i was talking to an aide that says this is the framing speech, not only the biggest Foreign Policy speech of her candidacy but the framing speech for what she will be doing the next five months. So we will be hearing some of what she said on the stump speech as shes going forward. This is something that her campaign thinks is going to really embolden democrats and you can tell by what we saw today this was almost a roast at times. You heard boos, standing ovations, cheers. This is something they think will embolden democrats on the stump. Theyre also trying to get at moderate republicans who have not gotten behind donald trump. They believe a lot of them have not aligned with donald trump because theyre worried about Foreign Policy, so this is really her play for a wide swathe for folks voting in november. Brianna keilar. Thanks. Donald trump is speaking later in san jose. It would be unlike him not to have something to say in response. Secretary clinton said theres this. Bad performance by crooked Hillary Clinton. Reading poorly from the teleprompter. Will it resonate politically . Joining us, former obama adviser, david axelrod, hoax of the ax podcast, and former republican chairman of the house intelligence committee, mike rogers, David Petraeus in iraq, Peter Mansour who is now voting for Hillary Clinton and senior trump advisers, steven miller. You plan to vote for Hillary Clinton should she win the nomination because of trumps lack of Foreign Policy acumen. Did her speech bolster your decision . I think it reinforced my decision, she hit on many points i have been making the past couple days and thinking of the past six to nine months, the lack of temperament and character to hold the highest office in the land, his endangerment of our alliances and our allies around the world, his diminishment of americas moral standing with his stances on torture and bombing of civilians and so forth, so i think it was a very powerful speech, yes, it reinforced my viewpoint. David, what do you make of the speech. Didnt seem to be a lot of policy but didnt seem like new policy was the point of the new speech. First of all, let me say Hillary Clinton hasnt had a lot of great days in this campaign, shes not terribly comfortable with some of the demands of campaigning but this is a venue in which she feels very comfortable and a quasi official setting, giving a speech. I thought she did very, very well. I dont think it is about issues. I think she used Donald Trumps own quotations to hang him on the issue of temperament and lack of experience. I dont think any one issue was particularly important. It was aggregation of a guy that might give you pause when youre in the Oval Office Making these mortal decisions. Ramping rhetoric on trumps Foreign Policy, clinton opens up herself to attack on her foreign poll decisions. I think it does. I would caution one speech, i thought the rhetoric was well delivered, this is something the Trump Campaign will have to respond to, but one speech stoe doesnt make a campaign. We are a long way from november. You have to look at her term as secretary of state, now all of those issues become fair game. The fact that isis didnt exist when she started as secretary of state, does now. Russia now occupies 20 of georgia and has the crimea, all these things were things that happened over the course of her term as secretary of state. Shes going to have to answer for those issues. So i think this is just the first round. I think it was very well delivered. I will give her that, but this is the first round. I dont think donald trump will crawl into bed, curl up the sheets. Steven, do you respond point to point to the secretarys speech . I think cnn will be carrying it, i think he will respond to a lot of it. I will note donald trump gave a Foreign Policy speech a month ago, he laid out a detailed Foreign Policy, new direction in Foreign Policy. It is surprising as you noted that Hillary Clinton had no ideas in her speech. It is interesting, we have been trying to steer the conversation nationally to a Foreign Policy debate. So Hillary Clinton did us a huge favor by doing that. Theres a few issues we wanted to focus on. One was her disastrous invasion of libya, which has given isis control of the region and created a gateway for mass migration into the west. We want to talk about the iran deal that she supports, thats going to be a big part of the debate. We definitely want to talk about syria and she supported regime change in syria and that strategy has now proved utterly disastrous, and youve seen a couple hundred thousand war vet and 4 million refugees, and in iraq she supported the original invasion, big distinction between the two candidacies, and in 2011 she supported a failed withdrawal strategy that handed that over to isis. So all those areas we are now having the conversation that we have been wanting. Colonel, do you think donald trump, to stevens point, do you hear specifics that steven is talking about . You know, donald trump is all over the map when it comes to Foreign Policy. As far as i can tell, he is a neoisolationist, he would withdraw america from its engagement with the world, he would unravel alliances with nato and the far east with japan and south korea unless they pay more for their own defense, and a lot of the allies arent going to put up with that kind of bluster from the president of the United States, so i see him as a very dangerous leader of the free world and i dont see a coherence to his Foreign Policy that makes sense. David, secretary clinton says he is dangerously incoherent, bizarre rants, personal feuds, outright lies, talking about kim jongun and Vladimir Putin, i will leave it to the psychiatrist to explain h affection for tyrants. She went after him. This was an all out assault on trumps preparedness and on his temperament and i listen to steven and i listen to mike and theres no doubt that theres going to be back and forth on the substance of her record on the substance of Foreign Policy, but as i said before, i think the issue she was raising went far beyond substance, it went to how he conducts himself and i think the issue for donald trump is can he develop the personal discipline so that he is not lashing out at everything that moves and anybody that insults him in a way that gives people pause when they think about him as commander in chief. That is a big test. We have yet to see whether he can meet it. Steven, a lot of candidates get position papers, briefing papers, read up on things that they may not have personal knowledge of before entering the race. Does donald trump to your knowledge actually do that . Is he reading position papers on conflicts in iraq, on the situation in syria . I dont think in my life i ever encountered anybody that in fact reads more vociferously. I think if you compare the two Foreign Policy speeches, donald trump laid out far more specific details. He talked about calling a summit with nato allies, upgrading the mission of nato to meet modern threats of today like islamic terrorism rather than threats of yesterday. My question is is he reading detailed position papers. Yes, the answer to your question is yes. I want to answer the question about temperament, too, because temperament is a test about risking american lives and dollars, so you saw Hillary Clintons temperament in terms of how she gave away iraq in 2011. You saw her temperament when she rushed to invade libya which was one of the greatest strategic blunders of the last 100 years. Colonel mansour, many of the issues steven brought up as criticism of Hillary Clinton, i am guessing you probably from my reading of what your position is, you actually are not that huge a fan of Hillary Clinton, youre a lifelong republican, if there was another alternative, republican alternative that had Foreign Policy experience, you would vote for that republican. You voted for other republicans your whole life. Yeah, no doubt. I was a jeb bush supporter during the primaries. But look, secretary clinton has a long track record. Some of it isnt very good. I think the invasion of libya was ill considered and if she wanted to followup with that, she should have created a Peace Keeping stability force to stabilize the nation after the invasion, but the good news is she has a long track record, shes been in the arena and shes learned from her mistakes. Where has donald trump been . In board rooms and on reality tv. I dont see the experience and foundation to be president of the United States. I appreciate all of you joining us. Good discussion. Thank you all. Just ahead tonight, having just heard arguments on both sides, we dig deeper on Donald Trumps Foreign Policy positions. A closer look at what the record says. And new details of the death of prince, it was an overdose. It is raising new questions. That story. In the next hour, addiction specialist dr. Penske when we continue. Before earning enough cash back from bank of america to buy a new gym bag. Before earning 1 cash back everywhere, every time. 2 back at Grocery Stores and now at wholesale clubs. And 3 back on gas. Kenny used his bankamericard cash rewards credit card to join the wednesday night league. Because he loves to play hoops. Not jump through them. Thats the excitement of rewarding connections. Apply online or at a bank of america near you. Itsand your doctor at yoto maintain your health. 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Even now with the nomination, he lacks a team of Foreign Policy advisers. You may remember dozens of gop Foreign Policy experts wrote an open letter in march criticizing some of his boldest proposals. Here are a few of them. We must as a nation be more unpredictable. Nato is obsolete. It was 67 years or over 60 years old. North korea has nukes. Japan has a problem with that. Maybe they would in fact be better off if they defend themselves. With nukes . Including with nukes. I know more about isis than the generals do, believe me. I would bomb the hthe bomb the them. There would be nothing left. We will build the wall, you know who will pay for the wall, mexico. Donald trump is calling for a shut down of muslims entering the United States until our countrys representatives can figu out what the hell is going on. The strategy was to tick off each of those positions as dangerous or out of whack with decades of Foreign Policy by president s of boparties. There are points at the base of those positions that appeal to his supporters, even sanders supporters, people on both sides, making u. S. Allies carry more defense burden in europe or finding out a way to denuclearize the north korean peninsula, something that neither party, president s from both administrations from both parties has not succeeded at. Thats where he sees he has an opening. Anderson . Thanks very much. He is with us tonight. And Mark Lamont Hill and Senior Analyst david gergen, kayleigh mcenany, critic tara setmayer, and campaign cochair. Lets talk about the Hillary Clinton speech. What do you make of it, what impact do you think it will be. She did raise a lot of specifics all at once. I am wondering if you think it was too much too soon . Thats an interesting question about too soon. I dont think it was too much. I thought it was the most comprehensive, best crafted speech shes given. I think the major thing it did, it heartened supporters, energized her supporters. They have been disappointed she seems to be lackluster, hasnt been good on the stump. I thought David Axelrods point she was comfortable in that setting was on target. I think in many ways it helped her campaign. The interesting question is how shes now framing the fall. Thfall as we heard earlier, this is a framing speech. It is almost all negative, elect me because i am not donald trump as opposed to a positive vision for the fun. And the issue she kept circling back to in the speech, do you really want his finger on the button. Shes going to a primal fear about nuclear war. It does remind you of the gold Water Campaign against lyndon johnson, when gold water was declared a declared sorts of ways. And it devastated gold water. What the Hillary Clinton people hope is they got through trumps scary picture of who he is. You dont have to go back to goldwater, you can go to 08, who do you want answering the phone at 2 00 a. M. Thats a common Hillary Clinton strategy. It may work differently this time, unlike Barack Obama Donald trump has demonstrated to be somewhat unfit and to have poor temperament when it comes to these issues. What she did was important. She didnt go into the weeds on Foreign Policy issues. Didnt explain her strategy for defeating isis, talked about how unreasonable his was. We learned about how it was to have more of her Foreign Policy and it got tinkered with to focus on trump. Theres no need to do it, why i dont think it is too early. Too early to go into the weeds. Wait for the debates. Right now focus on that donald trump doesnt have a coherent, consistent strategy and doesnt have knowledge on Foreign Policy. I guarantee that came out from the group around her and political people got a hold of it, said we have to take this son of a gun on. One for Hillary Clinton, but axelrods point to make a formal speech in front of flags with teleprompter, another thing to be face to face and have him respond in real time. She will have a problem with that. He is going to say words are cheap, lets look at records. Hillary clinton voted for the iraq war. Donald trump is on record five days after that war with the Washington Post calling it a mess. That was a disaster, supporting that war as many would agree. The libya invasion, now isis overruns libya, she advocated that and the obama administration. Donald trump is on the record saying this is not a good idea. Leave a stay behind force, she supported that economists say thats one of three reasons we now have emergence of isis. He will glee fully look her in the eye, say you were wrong, i was right. I trust records, not words. Tara, can she stand toe to toe on Foreign Policy, if it gets into the weeds and nuts and bolts on policy . One thing when you have 16 candidates, you dont have time to go into detail. When it is just two candidates on stage, theres more time for detail. Right. Obviously Trump Supporters are going to have to dismiss words because trumps words have gotten incoherent rants as Hillary Clinton put it on Foreign Policy because he has no record so all we have are Donald Trumps words which change in each paragraph something different. Of course theyre going to dismiss importance of words. No, words matter. Yes, Hillary Clinton record is a disaster. I think the average person doesnt remember, it was a long time ago. She can probably talk her way out of that in a debate because shes so much more knowledgeable than donald trump. Anyone that remembers the republican debates, how marco rubio, ted cruz, even kasich wiped the floor with donald trump on Foreign Policy issues because he had no idea. Not too much effect. Thats a republican primary where it was unfortunately about personality. You talk about substance, there was no comparison. Saying we want to evaluate treat east that may be obsolete. Hillary clinton, take a time machine couple months from now, historic mistake might be for her to focus on Foreign Policy when she was in the drivers seat so many years. You think shes vulnerable on that. Opening up on a position she doesnt want to defend dayin and dayout. Where do you point to in the secretary of state play book or rather memory book of success . Where do you look and see something that you can say her stamp is on here, she did it and it worked out better. We have to take a break. More to talk about. Hillary clinton hoping to leverage her experience as secretary of state, whether it cuts both ways, are critics using her record as ammunition against her as joe was talking about . How her diplomatic legacy could cut both ways. In a world held back by compromise, businesses need the agility to do one thing another. Only at t has the network, people, and partners to help companies be. Local global. Open secure. Because no one knows like at t. Narrator sometimes its the things that the rest of us dont see that can make all the difference in californias classrooms. Its part of my responsibility as someone whos experienced to allow the door to be open for younger teachers. The teamwork between the teachers is essential. When we collaborate with each other. It makes everyone stronger. By helping my fellow teachers be successful, im helping kids be successful. Narrator the California Teachers Association educators who know quality Public Schools make a better california for all of us. Tonight, breaking news, Hillary Clintons blistering critique of donald trump and his counter attack of a Foreign Policy speech, she called trump unprepared to be president. She touted her years of experience. Ive gone toe to toe with russia and china and many other different leaders around the world, so i know we have to be able to stand our ground when we must and find Common Ground when we can. Thats how i could work with russia to conclude that treaty to reduce Nuclear Stock piles and with china to increase pressure on north korea. It is how our diplomats negotiated the landmark agreement on Climate Change which trump now wants to rip up. May not be surprising that secretary clinton is playing out her Foreign Policy resume. At the same time, her record gives critics ammunition. Reporter secretary of state Hillary Clinton was one of the loudest voices in favor of overthrowing libyan strong man moammar gadhafi, persuading president obama to aid the libyan rebels, impose a no fly zone with nato to avert what she warned was a massacre. The peopin libya were he he would cut them down like cockroaches. Reporter he was eliminated but it opened a power vacuum exploited by terrorist groups. Clinton is plagued by the attack on benghazi which left four american diplomats dead, including ambassador chris stevens, charges she aided in a coverup over terrorist involvement. With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead americans. Was it because of a protest or because of guys out for a walk one night decided to kill some americans. What difference at this point does it make . In syria, clinton was the first to call for removal of syrian president assad. The world will not waiver. Assad must go. And the Syrian People must be free to choose their own path forward. Reporter in the summer of 2012, she fought a losing battle along with defense secretary bob gates and cia director David Petraeus to persuade the president to aid Syrian Rebels as the death toll mounted. Four years later, a refugee crisis has spread to europe while assad still clings to power. Our commitment is to get russia to cooperate with us. Reporter she tried to het the reset after the war with georgia, which helped when it came to the Iran Nuclear Deal but the reset seen as a failure when moscows aggression continued. Since then he invaded ukraine and propped up assad in syria. After leaving office she wrote in her book hard choices she was distrustful, called him thin skinned and autocratic. The 2002 vote in favor of the iraq war, she calls it a mistake now, back then cast it with conviction. I believe the facts that brought us to this vote are not in doubt. Saddam hussein is a tyrant that tortured and killed his own people, even his own family members to maintain his iron grip on power. He used chemical weapons on iraqi curds and on iranians killing over 20,000 people. Reporter since leaving office, she tried to run on president obamas Foreign Policy successes, like the iran deal and opening to cuba, distanced from blemishes like syria where she has broken with the president by calling for a no fly zone. Isis rise, but the direct result of policies when she was secretary of state. More breaking news. We are expecting donald trump to react to Hillary Clintons speech. He is speaking out, lashing out against the judge in the Trump University lawsuit. He gave an interview to the wall street journal. Joining us, senior White House Correspondent jim acosta. Just got word about this. What did he say . Reporter thats right, anderson. In a the wall street journal interview donald trump said the jud handling that case has a conflict of interest because of his heritage. He says im building a wall. Its an inherent conflict of interest. During the course of the article, anderson, trump is quoted saying it is because the judges heritage. He was born in indiana to mexican immigrants. He is not a mexican immigrant, just of mexican heritage. When i asked donald trump about this at the press conference tuesday, i asked why does he keep bringing up the mexican heritage of the judge. He didnt answer the question. He said i am a man of principle. By the way, people that take courses Trump University are used to all say it was a great seminar, so this is taking it a step further. This is donald trump not only saying oh, boy the way the judge is of mexican heritage which he has said on a number of occasions at campaign rallies, he is doubling down and then some by saying to the wall street journal saying he believes the judge in this case has conflict of interest because of mexican heritage. I tried to reach out to the Trump Campaign for reaction to find out whether or not donald trump is standing by the remarks, whether he questions how theyre portrayed. In the newspaper they havent gotten back to me. We will continue to request comment. A lot to discuss. Put the words back on the screen to read them. He says i am building a wall, it is inherent conflict of interest. Do we have another screen grab . Thats it. Kayleigh, if in fact, i havent read the whole article. If in fact he says it is inherent conflict of interest for this judge to be on the case because of his mexican heritage, right . I do think theres inherent conflict of interest that the judge received an award who is reportedly involved with some of the protests. The judge should recuse himself. I dont think it is sit before and judge a case when youre involved with a group that has taken part in donald trump protests, it is not the heritage but the group he is associated with. But tara, if he says it is heritage or partly heritage or what he decided was the judges heritage, being inherent conflict, i mean, what does that say to all other people of mexican heritage who sit on juries or who are asked to weigh in on anything legal . This is insanity. This is something that is feeding into the xenophobe idea that the party doesnt like the latino vote. Donald trump puts his foot in his mouth with things like this. This judge because he is mexican, the case he is presiding over has nothing to do with immigration or the wall, has to do with a fraud case for Trump University. But because of something else, you are undermining the neutrality of a judicial judge. Are there activist judges . Yes. Is it fair to say just because he is mexican he isnt fit to sit in a chair and decide a case na has nothing to do with immigration. But the judge unsealed documents and afterwards trying to reseal them because he forgot to remove some of the information. If youre a sitting judge, you dont forget to remove information. The information was redacting personal information, it happens all the time, you should know that. It doesnt take away from what he unsealed. Theyll unseal them again. It just points to donald trump being completely irrational, lashing out and the temperament question. This is who you want in the oval office when it comes to making issues of global importance . Mitch mcconnell was asked about it by jake tapper. I think that the attacks that he is routinely engaged in, for example, going after susana martinez, the republican governor of new mexico, chairman of the Republican Governors Association was a big mistake. What he ought to be trying to do is unifying the party, not attacking people once you won, it is a time to be gracious, try to bring the party together. David gergen, what do you make of not only Mitch Mcconnell saying that but what trump said. We need to see the context to which he was speaking, but the quote is it defensible, in violation of every american judicial system. Youre taking if you had a question like that, should a white judge because he is white, should he recuse himself from a case on affirmative action . Should a black judge recuse him or herself if it is a case about the criminal justice system. But it goes so far beyond anything that we sort of believe in as americans. It is not just a question of what happened in this particular case, whether it a was redacted or didnt, it is a question of what he believes about reality, how he sees people in the country. This is extraordinarily divisive statement that sort of groups people by what is your heritage, therefore you must be this, this, prejudice on this. This is america. People share creeds and come together, have conversations that are real. I agree, it is indefensible, shameful. He said it is inherently a conflict of interest by virtue of mexican heritage because of politics wanting to build a wall. Theres no excuse of that. I cant imagine anyone can defend that. It doesnt make sense. This is the standard bearer, it makes republicans look bad. This is the standard bearer of the party. Not by my choice. I hear paul ryan says he is going to endorse him, we dont agree on some things, we agree on others, he takes ownership of these things. This is identity politics that republicans fought against. Agreed. This doesnt help the notion that most people would agree with that donald trump needs to do a better job in terms of attracting hispanics. The judge hasnt done anything to make it seem as though he is not biased, releasing documents, trying to walk it back, bring the documents back. If the person is out there actively engaging in politics that are against donald trump, which is what it seems to be. How is he engaging in politics against donald trump. Involved in some organizations. But from what i understand in the past. Was honored by the organization or if he was a member, that was in the past. He is not leading demonstrations against donald trump. Not with signs and everything, but tough to separate peoples internal feelings from perhaps their professional life. Thats it. This is one of the most unique situations weve encountered. Dont judges always separate their feelings, thats what judges are supposed to do, separate their feelings. You have lawyers try to venue shop, get different judges. The idea that because he is mexican he cant do that or mexican heritage, trump earlier said he is mexican, he is american, mexican heritage. But the idea somebody of mexican heritage cannot inherently do that is offensive. If judge is engaged in politics that are against trump and he is high profile, running for president , maybe theres a reason. The question was just about being mexican, i agree with you. Lets take a break. We will continue the conversation. What police thought was a murder suicide at a ucla campus turned out to be more. The shooter had a crime list, the crime spree stretches to minnesota. S. Its my job and its also my passion. But with my back pain i couldnt sleep. So i couldnt get up in time. Then i found aleve pm. Aleve pm is the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12hour strength of aleve. For pain relief that can last into the morning. And now. Im back. Aleve pm for a better am. 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Police havent intervened, though they mobilized just out of shot, behind where the protesters are gathered, behind the bike racks, theyre ready if it escalates. At this point we havent seen any violate interaction. Thats good news, sara murray, thanks for that. I want to read from the wall street journal article that just came out shortly minutes ago before we went on air. This is a quote from the wall street journal. In an interview to the wall street journal mr. Trump said u. S. District judge presiding over the Trump University case had a, quote, absolute conflict, end quote, presiding over the litigation given that he was, quote, of mexican heritage and latino lawyers association. The judge was born in indiana to mexican grajts was relevant. I am building a wall, it is an inherent conflict of interest. No way. So what. So the judge was part of the National Lawyers association. Latino lawyers association. Any black judge part of the Bar Association has conflict of interest if they preside over cases that involve white people . This is insane, it continues to feed a narrative of xenophobia. The Republican Party fought really hard against identity politics, we believe in individuals. To continue with this line of campaigning by donald trump and accepting that in the Republican Party is going to doom them. Heres the question. Everyone on the panel can weigh in. If the judge was a potential juror and answered a questionnaire saying he has specific political beliefs that are 100 against what the person on trial is against or for, would this person be disqualified from the jury. I think he would be disqualified from the jury. If it is okay to say he might be disqualified from a jury heres why. He didnt say it is a possibility this persons politics undermine their ability to be objective. He said by virtue of being mexican, it is inherent conflict of interest, no juror would be disqualified by virtue of their mexican heritage. It is different than saying it is inherent. He says no mexican can preside over me. You have a point, i would have bifurcated that, got rid of the heritage aspect, it would be a viable statement. Not a crucial fact that he was involved with the group that shut down that rally. The National Council is an activist radical, illegal immigration organization. The National Association is a lawyer completely different. Thats saying the black pan ters and National Black Bar Association are the same. Thats the problem. Know the difference. If they were the same organization. Youre saying two different groups, happen to use the word lar az a. It means race in spanish. It is a latin word. Theyre different organizations. If being a member of naacp, thur good marshall could not serve on brown versus board of education. We dont disqualify because of race or ethnicity. Apparently donald trump thinks we do. The fact that he does, i agree if he was talking about the organization, thats something you could have argument about. You cant have argument about disqualifying because of race or ethnicity. Thats not american. It is not what we stand for. I think donald trump is going to regret having said that. Interesting, too, donald trump had already raised eyebrows days ago when he said the judge is mexican. You would think in any campaign or Traditional Campaign there would be people around the candidate who would say you know what, you said this thing, called him mexican, he is not mexican, he is american just as many anchors on air said to trump surrogates he is mexican american, maybe talk to the candidate and the candidate might have thought about it and tailored their remarks. Donald trump clearly does not do that or does not have people around him who are highlighting some of these things. He says what he thinks. Sometimes he goes too far. I wish he would revise that statement, it would make more sense if he radadvised it. Many see it as the cost of change. I guess as a candidate is one thing, as president of the United States do you want somebody, just throwing this out, in the oval office who just says what they think, goes with their gut in the moment and doesnt really perhaps think too much about what theyre saying. No, donald trump has negotiated deals with people of all ethnicity and race. We saw on the Previous Program made deals in the middle east. He is a diplomat, made a 10 billion organization, he will be fine as president of tUnited States. More on this ahead. Six weeks, toxicology report shows prince died of accidental overdose of opioids, it is not the drug they expected to find. Surprising details ahead. The tempurbreeze makes me, not cold, but not hot. Its amazing ah, its like a Summer Breeze cracked window. 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It came six weeks after he was found dead at the age of 57 in an elevator at paisley park home. Sarah sidner joins us with the latest. What have you learned from report . It says he self administered and died overdose. And scars and theres a listed scar in left hip, theres talk about whether he suffered from extreme pain in his hip from all his concerts. Youve seen how he would jump off boxes, jump off all sorts of things, do splits, that he was having trouble wore heels. That medication is potent. It is 50 to 100 times stronger than morphine. 25 to 50 times stronger than heroin and it is extremely hard to get your hands on. The investigation will look at how he did that, if he had an illegal prescription for it. Usually administered in a patch or lollipop i think. Did prince have a prescription . Thats a good question. We know that he had a prescription for something, we dont know what. We know from the search warrant one of the doctors that saw him the day before he died, showed up at his home to give him test result, and that he told investigators he had prescribed something to prince he was supposed to pick up at walgreen. We know theres a prescription, for what we dont know. We heard from investigators they couldnt find a prescription for pain medications on his person, in his home when they first searched his paisley park

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