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Universities. There could be more to come. The president and chancellor at the university of missouri stepping down in a storm of protests over alleged institutional racism, protests that continues as we speak. Its been growing for weeks with people statewide and nationwide watching. One grad student launched a Hunger Strike and this weekend may have been the decisive blow. Members of the Football Team that brings in millions of dollars of revenue said they would boycott games until University President Timothy Wolfe designs. This arch afternoon, he did. My decision to resign comes out of love, not hate. Elected officials weighed in and all sides of the issue then came new pressure on the University Chancellor to resign, as well, and he did. In a moment, the grad student that launched the Hunger Strike joins us. Some people considered him a dead man walking when he started. First kyung lah with the latest. We not going to move on reporter youre watching a protest at the university of missouris homecoming parade and the red car is University President tim wolfe. These students are protesting what they say is a pattern of racism on campus and ineffective response by the universitys leaders eventually counter protesters get between them and president wolfe. Counterprotesters get between them and president wolfe. Do not engage. Do not engage engage. What the [ bleep ] are you talking about. Reporter wolfe does nothing to address the protesters and the police break it up. Lets go. Dont give them conviction like this. Reporter the incident a result of what students say was inaction by administration to address racial incidents on campus. Tensions started to boil over on campus in mid september when this man, the student body president head, reported on facebook that some guys riding on the back of a pickup truck decided it would be okay to continuously scream the n word at me. The post went viral. A few weeks after that a report of another racially charged incident. An African American group said a white male jumped on stage and called them the n word. University police were called and a few days later the student was identified and quote moved from campus pending an investigation. On october 24th, another incident of hate in this residence hall. At 2 00 in the morning someone entered a bathroom and drew a swastika with feces. It was the second time somebody vandalized a University Dorm with a nazi symbol. In this most recent incident, the guilty party was never found. A week ago, graduate student Jonathan Butler vowed he would starve himself until tim wolfe was gone, writing a letter to University Officials that he would continue until either tim wolfe is removed from office or my internal organs fail and my life is lost. This past friday this video was posted to twitter by wolfe being confronted by students and this time responds. Systematic depression is because you believe you dont have the equal opportunity for success. Money, money, money. Step back. Did you just blame us for oppression, tim wolfe . Reporter on saturday, University Football player anthony sherrels tweeted that athletes of color on the Football Team wouldnt play until president wolfe resigns. On sunday, as protests grow on campus, local station ksdk films a Truck Driving by them, flying a confederate flag. That same day, the football coach tweets out this picture of the team writing, we are united. We are behind our players. And then this morning, a month after that first confrontation by protesters i am resigning as president of the university of missouri system. Why did we get to this very difficult situation . It is my belief we stopped listening to each other. And kyung lah joins us from the University Campus in columbia. A few hours after the president resigned, the chancellor stepped down. Are the protests continuing . Reporter you can see, anderson, there are still tents behind me. Im standing on the quad, but those tents different from what they have been all week. Those tents are empty. The students have gone home but symbolic sign the work is not finished and almost hearing that, the university did respond as the chancellor was stepping down, the university promised they would implement a number of initiatives and do so within 90 days. They say thewill hire a chief diversity officer, that there will be a fuel review of all policies involving any students and staff and that they will also make sure to provide Additional Support for anyone who feels theyve been a victim of discrimination and work on hiring and retention. Anderson. Areciate it. The graduate student who stopped eating to get his point across john butler joins us along with University Student body president paton head. John, you stopped eating last week. Im wondering were you surprised how quickly the president stepped down and now the chancellor . You know, i wouldnt say that i was surprised about the president stepping down and the chancellor. Honestly, it should have happened earlier before the Hunger Strike just because former um system president tim wolfe had a track record since hes been in office of just being negligent and not really performing the key roles of his duty at the um system president. So we really honestly i reiterated this all day. But we should have never gotten to this point. Paton, for those who do not go to the university of missouri, can you explain what the Campus University atmosphere is like for African American students . Especially at this time its very tense. It is unsafe. And i think thats one of the main reasons why we have been calling for leadership in a time where students have been saying over and over and we feel unsafe and we feel unincluded in this campus community. As student body president , that is my job. I bring these issues to our administration so they can address them. What ive seen over the course of my year in office here at the university of missouri is a lack of response, a lack of concern for these issues that marginalize students have been bringing to the attention of Um Administration for years. John, just on a personal level, when you were not eating, i mean, to go on this Hunger Strike, did you have any doubts at any point . I dont think i had any doubts because for me, i never took it as a deficit approach. A lot of people know how corrupt the system is and they thought i would die from day one from the moment i made my announcement. People thought i was a dead man walking. For me with faith and god i really didnt look at it from a death set approach that i would die even though i took precautions that i might, i came at this with an approach of victory knowing the harder we fight, the greater the reward. You said you took precautions. What do you mean . Precautions in terms of updating my living will. I had a dnr signed and precautions in terms of what would happen with certain things in terms if i had a seizure or went into a coma and outlined those things so people know what to do if any of this would have turned out poorly. So you were really prepared to go that far . Yes, this was not a light decision. Ive been facing issues on this campus as an under grad since 2008 and as a grad student, ive been facing issues. This wasnt an easy decision but over the past two and a half, three weeks prior to the Hunger Strike i took time consulting my spiritual leaders and pastors and mentors about this decision and knowing that i al truly committed to this change, thats what i really set my heart on doing and just was the necessary precautions just in case anything happened. And this is important, as an under graduate you say youve been facing these issues since 2008. Did you feel unsafe on campus. I felt unsafe since the moment i stepped on this campus, but the thing weve been pushin i felt unsafe since the moment i stepped on this campus, but the thing weve been push g i felt unsafe since the moment i stepped on this campus, but the thing weve been pushing to everyone is that we love mizzou enough to critique and fight against the injustices we face. My first semester, i had someone write the n word on my wall. Ive been in physical altercations with white gentlemen on campus. Ive had other incidents that have gone on. For me, its just ive always not felt welcome at this university because the campus hasnt been in a welcoming and inclusive environment. Paton, missouris Lieutenant Governor was on a radio interview today and said that you and the students had no legitimate authority to drive the president out and were seeking, quote, governance by mob rule. Those were his rules. He would said it was reminiscent of ferguson which he called a catastrophe. In regards to that comment, i have nothing to say. That shows the lack of leadership in this state thats a problem and it shows the fact that this is not just, you know, a um system issue. This is a National Issue that we need to address as a whole. You know, these incidents are not single isolated incidents. Racism is systematic and institutional. Were not blaming mr. Wolfe for institutional racism. We have a problem with the leader who say supposed to represent these students coming from 50 states, over 120 Different Countries around the world, not understanding the history of the institution and how its played a role in perpetuating and monoritizing students. So that is what i think that the people in this state need to educate themselves on and that goes all the way up to, you know, the capital, that goes to our um system and the nation, as well. Paton head and john butler, appreciate your time tonight. Thank you, gentlemen. Thank you. Just ahead, much more on the missouri protest and the role the College Football dollars may have played and late developments in the police chase and shooting that badly wounded a man and killed his 6yearold son. The two city marshals involved facing murder charges tonight. Big day in court and answers emerging and later what a 360 investigation reveals about the controversial Nutritional Supplement ben carson took and who makes it. Glad i could help you plan for your retirement. Alright, kelly and promise me that youll try that taco place on south street. And we have portfolio planning tools to help you manage your ira. Yeah, youre old 401k give me your phone. The rollover consultants give you stepbystep help. No setup fees. Use your potion. Sorry, not you. My pleasure. Goodnight, tim. For all the confidence you need. Whos tim . Td ameritrade. You got this. At t and directv are now one. 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So you were really prepareded to prepared to go that far . Yes, this is not a light decision. Not a light decision at all. The University President and chancellor are out tonight and were talking right now about all the reasons why including many believe that millions of dollars in revenue the Football Team brings in which is why the threat to boycott games may have been the last straw with the fact the team recruits so heavily from African American communities around the country. There are obviously, rachel, a lot of factors involved, faculty members walking out but it is undeniable the power and we see it that this team has. I mean, they bring in tens of millions of dollars to the school every year. Yeah, your guests have been hunger striking for a week and within 48 hours of the Football Team making an announcement, thats when we seen resignations there are more people that watch Football Games than go to church and more people watch football than vote. This is where we have a lot of National Conversation and sometimes athletes use the power implicitly back to Jackie Robinson setting an example and pushing the country forward and sometimes explicit. What is so interesting to me is the uptick, rebirth weve seen in athlete activism. You may remember Michael Jordan never got involved in anything and said republicans buy sneakers, too, but lebron james got active and nfl and nba players in the i cant breather rick garner shirts and clippers refused to play for their team owner Donald Sterling and we can count the missouri Football Players among those athletes. Charles, it is probably is the most highprofile example of College Players embracing the power they have. High profile but it points to a deficit, moral deficit that you couldnt get this sort of action without a threat of loss of income and revenue. And that kind of erodes the power of the president stepping down because there are hands in his back from a monetary perspective rather than simply from a marshall perspective you should have done more to be inclusive of the voices on your campus and i think a lot of times these young people are particularly agitated when they go into a College Environment where they think it is an enlightened environment and part this ma lynn yell group is the most diverse ever. And then to experience this kind of hostility, they do feel besieged and if you cant recognize that without someone saying were going to take 1 million off the table on friday or saturday or sunday, thats a moral problem. I mean, the fact that if students are feeling unsafe on campus, there is no excuse for that. Its beyond and not acceptable. I know you spoke at the university a couple years ago and students talked to you about this. I spoke at a Martin Luther king event about race and politics. It was 2011. It was one year before this current president took office and even then, the students talked to me very openly about kind of a hostile environment on campus and in fact, one of the professors who sought to invite me there wanted me to specifically open up dialogue about these particular issues and that professor stayed in contact with me and will constantly send me things and this past week student leaders were sending me information about what was happening on campus and its not just the last six months. Its a cumulative effect of people basically saying were tired. Were just tired of having to take and having no one feel like they are listening to what were saying. Rachel, i gus if the game had been cancelled, there would have been a 1 million fine but the larger thing, this Program Brought in 83 million just last year. This is where we spend our time and money as a society that filters into academic institutions and i think College Athletes around the country are looking at what happened at missouri over this past few days and saying oh, what are other issues that concern us . We think College Athletes say i dont have enough money in my pocket to eat while they are making millions of dollars for these schools playing basketball or football. Will they take a stronger stand on that using this collective power. Good to have you. Thank you. Right now a officials are expressing growing certainly metrojet flight 9268 was brought down by a bomb placed on the plane by an isis affiliate and there is an increasing belief it was an inside job, somebody that works on the job at sham elsheikh egypt. Jim sciutto joins us. How certain are officials that a bomb brought down the plane . 99 certainty a bomb brought down the plane the u. S. Says and the u. K. Foreign secretary says there is a high probability isis is involved but there is no definitive statement because the evidence is incomplete. Some of it equivalent of hearsay and the u. S. Has had no access to evidence such as debris to look for explosive residue or voice recorder to assess the mysterious sound heard on tape. That said, if isis is found to have done this, this would be in the words of the u. S. Intelligence official clear and concerning evidence that isis expanding its ambitions outside of iraq and syria. Where do equipment and russia stand on this . So many politics involved. Russias Prime Minister said the russian plane crash in equipment may have been the result of a terrorist attack. Thats further than any russian official has gone to this point but egyptian officials, they are pushing back. The chief egyptian investigator saying today that there are all these other scenarios that are still on the table. You know, so many politics involved here, a terror attack in egypt would under mind the credibility of the egyptians crack down on islamic extremists and very active. For the u. S. , though, the key is what evidence they provide to the u. S. What kind of access and, you know, the fbi offered to help and its got great experience but those talks still underway. Thanks for the update. Just ahead, donald trump talking live on the Campaign Trial right now. Hes ramping up his verbal attacks on ben carson. New poll numbers show the race between them closer than ever. Will the attacks continue tomorrow . Caught on video, a stabbing in the west bank as it unfolded, Security Guard survived. The story behind this horrific attack. Which allergy . Eees. Bees . Eese. Trees . Eese. Xerox helps hospitals use Electronic Health records so doctors provide more personalized care. Cheese . Cheese patient care can work better. With xerox. Thats it. How was your commute . Good. Yours . Good. Xerox real time analytics make transit systems run more smoothly. And morning chitchat. Less interesting. Transportation can work better. With xerox. It took Joel Silverman years to become a master dog trainer. But only a few commands to master depositing checks at chase atms. Technology designed for you. So you can easily master the way you bank. Welcome back. Donald trump speaking today in springfield, illinois. Lets listen in. We have a president that wants to show how tough he is. Everybody over there, they are not babies. They are not the j. V. They just knocked down an airliner, they say its 99. 9 as of today. The front runner. Over the weekend he stepped up attacks for dr. Ben carson that edged ahead as claims carsons made about his past are being challenged. On cnn state of the union, donald trump fanned the flames of skepticism over carsons contention he was violent in his youth. I just dont know. I mean, im not involved. I dont really know. Its a lot of things, you know, when you say hitting your mother over the head with a hammer when you talk about hitting a friend in the face with a lock, a padlock, and you know, you talk about stabbing someone and got stopped by a belt buckle, which, belt buckles pretty much dont stop stabbing, they turn and twist and things slide off. Pretty lucky if that happened. Mr. Trump has his own liberty of taking facts from his life. Something hes admitted to. Will the attacks on dr. Carson have a lasting effect and propel trump . Author of the last season a father, son, lifetime of College Football. Steward, as we look at donald trump there on the stage tonight, you said not long ago trump would be out of the race by the time iowa votes on february 1st because quote the greatest sin is to be a loser and wouldnt want to risk that. Do you still feel that way . I do. He is not going up. Listen, the key here is that no one is attacking donald trump yet on television. I think that will happen. It always happens with the front runner and weve yet to see donald trump commit to the campaign and serious financial ways. When he says hes not that hes funding his campaign by himself, its not true. He spent twice as much money from donors. It will probably take 100 million to be the nominee, cost Romney Campaign about 135 million, rarely goes down. So i mean, is he going to step up and write a 50, 75 million check . Thats what it is going to take. Im very skeptical if hell do that. Mark, you spent time with donald trump on his plane ahead of the first Republican Debate back in september. Everyone said he would fizzle out. Hes still at or near the top of the field. Do you believe he could really become the republican nominee . I do, actually. I actually disagree with steward. I think he will make it to february 1st and i think look, i dont think he will, i mean, its not a very big check for him. Obviously big for an average person. He hasnt been attacked on tv but gotten so much free publicity in the media and look, i mean, he has driven so many ratings and been an expert with the complicity of the media or largely from the complicity of the media at drumming up his own attention, which is what hes great at. Steward, its interesting. Usually candidates roll out ideas or roll out new plans every so often to kind of get more interest, you know, donald trump really hasnt done that very much. Hes basically kind of repeating the same things over and over again, its certainly entertaining for the crowd and doing well in the polls. Do you see a time where that wears thin. The problem with trump ex panelling, the reason he hasnt grown is there is no reason to beef donald trump in policy trump other than donald trump and were he a serious candidate, he would be adding reasons and saying okay here is a serious plan that will help your life be better. He is angry at immigrants. A lot of people are angry at immigrants. Thats not a plan. Putting to deport 11 Million People is absurd. Not a lot of people believes that would happen. He has to do what serious candidates would do. Mark, do you see some of the other candidates and ted cruz and marco rubio continuing to hold fire on donald trump and maybe carson, as well, for the time being because there are, i guess, you could say they are poised to assume or may start going after them . Yeah, i think less so. Rubio and cruz especially have really, you know, sort of built their campaign on the Ronald Reagan 13th amendment 11th. Not to attack other republicans. The track record of other republicans that attacked them have not been good, continued to sink. Voters and republican electric are not punishing donald trump for making statements that might be utterly ridiculous and making very few specific policy prescriptions. Thats the marketplace were dealing with here. Appreciate you being on. Just ahead, how deep did dr. Ben carsons ties to a controversial supplement company go . Does a former colleague think about carson lending his name to a product unproven by science. Were keeping them honest tonight. A brazen knife attack in the west bank all but caught on video. A woman attacking security official. That attack shaken the entire region. Diabetes, steady is exciting. Only glucerna has carbsteady, clinically proven to help minimize blood sugar spikes. So you stay steady ahead. And sleep deprived. Bring us those who want to feel well rested. Aleve pm. The only one to combine a safe sleep aid. Plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. Be a morning person again with aleve pm. Can a a subconscious. Mind . A knack for predicting the future. Reflexes faster than the speed of thought. Can a business have a spirit . Can a business have a soul . Can a business be. Alive . Great change comes from doing the right thing. Like the radical idea that health isnt an industry. Its a cause. So we do things differently. We combine care and coverage. And believe prevention is the most powerful of cures. So forgive us for not going with the flow. We just think the flow should go with us. Which makes us rebels with one cause. Your health. Dr. Ben carson made the rounds slamming the media. Here is what he said on nbcs meet the press. Ive always said i expect to be vetted but being vetted and what is going on with me, you said this 30 years ago, you said this 20 years ago. This didnt exist. I just, i have not seen that with anyone else. Keeping them honest, one piece of dr. Carsons past raising questions didnt happen 20 or 30 years ago. During the last Republican Debate, dr. Carson denied having links to the nutritional company mannatech. Take a look. I didnt have an involvement with them. That is total propaganda and this is what happens in our society. Total propaganda. I did a couple speeches for them. I do speeches for other people. They were paid speeches. It is absolutely absurd to say that i had an kind of relationship with them. Do i take the product . Yes. I think its a good product. Well, as we reported before, dr. Carson is claiming he has no ties to mannatech dont stand up to scrutiny. Tonight dr. Drew griffin has more information. Its a good product. Reporter this is the product at the center of the political controversy. Ambritose. A dietariry supplement sold by a Company Called mannatech made up of tree bark, aloe gum and product supposedly to support better health. In 2013 mannatech reported sales of 170 million selling this product based on what it claims is the science of glyco knew nutrients. He said there is no science about it. Its a made up term. There is no established evidence that these are useful. Reporter that has been a problem for mannatech in the past. The Texas Attorney general sued the company back in 2007 charging mannatech with a scream that exaggerated their Products Health benefits. In fact, state officials charged mannatechs materials falsely claimed the Dietary Supplements could treat down syndrome, cancer and other serious illnesses. The Texas Attorney general in 2007 called that a sham. Yes. Reporter you would agree . I would agree. Reporter mannatech and founder paid 7 million to settle the suit without admitting wrongdoing and stopped making claims it could cure anything. Im a candidate for president. Reporter so what does all this have to do with dr. And president ial candidate ben carson . This. Let me just briefly delve into how i became associated with the products of this company. Reporter ben carson has a relationship with mannatech spanning nearly a deck said since he began taking it beginning in 2004 to 2013, dr. Carson made four speeches in front of mannatech Sales Associates and the most recent speech carson was paid 42,000. For the three previous speeches, the company made donations to the Carson Scholarship Fund but wouldnt say how much. In his speeches and testimonial interviews used in promotional videos, carson discussed how he beat Prostate Cancer with surgery while taking mannatechs supplements. That was as close to nature as i could possibly get and thats really how i settled on it. Reporter until he decided to run for president , dr. Ben carsons image was front and center on mannatechs website and promotional material. This is ray robins with the Platinum Group. We are proud to be the exclusive sponsors of the program youre about to watch with dr. Ben carson. Reporter distributors calling them sevens the Platinum Group and signed on to underwrite ben carsons Public Television special. Cnn spoke with three former sales and marketing insiders with mannatech that say the involvement but the neurosurgeon went a lodge way toward legitimizing a product were Scientific Committee was calling worthless. A neuro scientist is something the company wanted on their side, on their team to grow the company in a very legitimate way. Reporter its obvious why mannatech wanted a highly respected neurosurgeon to speak highly of the product. What is not obvious, why a neurosurgeon would lead his name to an unproven product. We asked about that at Johns Hopkins where ben carson became a famous neurosurgeon. We here at a Major Medical and Bio Medical Research institution have a special responsibility to abide by evidence and share evidence based, knowledge with people. And whenever anybody here falls short of that standard, to me, thats disappointing. Reporter dr. Carson was asked about his relationship with mannatech in the recent cnbc debate. Well, thats easy to answer. I didnt have an involvement with them. That is total propaganda. I did a couple speeches for them. I did speeches for other people. Its absolutely absurd to say i had any kind of relationship with them. Reporter because that answer didnt quite square with the speeches, the promotional videos and the under writing of his pbs specials, cnn called the Ben Carson Campaign asking for an interview. The response from the campaigns Business Manager quote, this will never happen. You are up to no good. We dont trust you. Last week, we approached the candidate himself at a book signing in florida. Dr. Carson without any hesitation we were invited on his because for a twominute interview. Were here to talk about a subject your Campaign Manager says you dont want to talk about, this mannatech thing. Given your stature in the medical community, why were you involved at all, whatever the relationship was in a Company Selling a product that the Texas Attorney general says is sham product . Well, remember, they contracted me to give a speech. I do not, you know, go into great depth when i get a contract to do a speech. I go and do the speech. And i happen to like their product since ive been taking it, i almost never get sick but, you know, i constantly warn them not to use me as an endorser and some of the associates took the tapes and put them up on the websites and stuff like that. There is nothing i can do to control that. Reporter werent you concerned at the time, this was 2007, 2008, 2009 they were using your image . I didnt know they were doing that. Reporter you did not know . No. Reporter do you endorse that product for its benefits because i just talked to a micro biologist today that said there is no scientific proof. It may not. All i say is i take it because i almost never get sick anymore and i used to get sick a lot, so i like it. Reporter so this product 200 a month or so, you would recommend . I take it for myself. I have never gotten into the process of endorsing anything officially. Ive made it clear that i wasnt going to do that. Are you trying to get me to endorse the product . Im not going to do it. Reporter im not trying to get you to endorse it. Im trying to get you to answer a question im just telling you that personality, i have found Nutritional Supplements to be good. Reporter yeah, and are you concerned at all that there is no clinically proven study that says i do not endorse it for anybody else except for me. Reporter dr. Carson, thanks, good luck to you. Drew griffin joins us. He says he not only does he used product but his mom does, as well. She suffers from alzheimers since 2011 and she takes it. I said does it work for her . He says it seems to. How can he claim, though, like he did in the cnbc debate that there is no relationship with mannatech . He gave repeated speeches. They under wrote something he did on public broadcasting a special under by associates of the company. It sure sounds like a relationship, i guess, is the definition of what a relationship exactly is. All we can do is layout the facts and for about a decade, he had this, i would call it a relationship, anderson, with mannatech. He was on their website. He says they didnt have his approval to use that but he didnt stop them from using it, either but all we can do is layout the facts and let the people decide whether or not this was a relationship or what kind of relationship it and was there are the facts and he says he uses it and despite the fact there is no Clinical Research to say it works, he says it works for hip. New details on the argument and police chase that led to the death of a 6yearold and a hail of bullets and shocking video, a graphic example of the violence sweeping through israel. In your mancave. You think it smells fine, but your wife smells this. Sfx ding music starts luckily for all your hardtowash fabrics theres febreze fabric refresher it doesnt just mask, it eliminates odors. 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With new dishes like these, why wait to celebrate . But just like this time of year, this is too good to last. So hurry in. Shell use that educationing to get a job. Shell use that job to buy a home. This is lilly baker. Her mom just refinanced their home and is putting an extra 312 a month toward lillys tuition. Lilly is about to take over the world. Whos with her . Buy in. Quickenloans home buy. Refi. Power. A louisiana judge set bond at 11 million each for the two officers involved in a shooting that took the life of an officer and sent his son to the hospital. This began with a police chase nearly a week ago. It ended according to authorities with the two officers charged with seconddegree murder firing shot after shot into the truck including five that hit and mortally wounded his son. Were starting to learn at least some of what led up to the chase as well as at least some of the facts surround thing apparently senseless killing. More from martin savidge. Reporter 6yearold jeremy martis was laid to rest in his former home of mississippi. Dis former home of mississippi. Nearly a week after hisshotting death at the hands of authorities in a small central louisiana town. The shooting resulted in the arrest of two city marshals and a Community Haunted by questions. At the shooting scene a small number of people held hands and prayed. Let him know our community is behind him and well never forget him. Reporter as they remembered the child died, evidence of the hail of gunfire that took his life was all around them. The broken glass, spray painted Police Investigation marks, even bullet holes. The big question from any why did two city marshals shoot and kill him . Jeremy mardis, 6 years old didnt deserve to die like that and thats what is unfortunate. Reporter according to witnesses, it began tuesday in a local bar when the boys father got into an argument with his girlfriend. They separated and fought again outside in view of two city marshals. He took off in an suv with his 6yearold son with him. They pursued cornering him on a dead end street on the edge of town. These paint marks show where the vehicle stopped. According to authorities, he backed up striking their vehicles and for reasons unclear, the officers opened fire blasting as many as 16 to 18 shots according to those who heard the gunfire into his suv critically wounding him and killing his son jeremy who according to the coroner was struck five times. I dont know what he was thinking. I dont know why he wouldnt just stop. He didnt do nothing wrong. Reporter state investigators say few was unarmed and all of the gunfire came from city marshalls. Reports said there were warrants for his arrest but state police say that isnt true. S. Reports said there were warrants for his arrest but state police say that isnt true. The case turned on video from a recently purchased body camera worn by a Marksville Police officer who arrived as backup. I can tell you as a father, it was one of the most disturbing things i witnessed. I cannot go into details. I cannot tell you bits and pieces about it. Although i would love to share some of that with you. I simply cannot and wont do that tonight. Reporter the two city marshals, 32yearold derrick star fortd and have been charged with seconddegree murder and attempted seconddegree murder. Their bond set at 1 million each. Jeremy whittington has been visiting few in the hospital. Does he know what happened . I dont know if he knows 100 , what led to everything but he is conscious and aware. Reporter aware enough on the day he was laid to rest, his father could finally be told he died. Such an awful story. So its not really clear, i mean, why they were chasing him. Those reports about warrants, thats not true say police . Reporter no, its not. Ive been speaking to a person who is close to the information in this case, and they have been relaying to me that what happened was there was an initial fight that allegedly took place between the boys father and his girlfriend in the bar. They went their separate ways, but later the two confronted one another again and it seemed to be quite a blowout and it was witnessed by those two marshals. And in fact, they felt that there could be some kind of Domestic Abuse going on so they wanted to move in and detain few. When they tried, the source says that the marshals claim he took off in his vehicle with the child inside and thats how the whole pursuit began. Thats how it started. No one can explain why did it resort to as much gunfire as it did. Martin, appreciate the update. Thank you. Sadly far from the only story in the world, the only shocking story these days israel finds itself in the middle of a wave of stabbing attacks, a graphic example caught on tape and otherwise ordinary looking walked up to a check point talking to the guard and pulled a knife and lunged at him. We are joins from jerusalem wit talking to the guard and pulled a knife and lunged at him. We are joins from jerusalem with the details. Anderson, videos are shared and reshared and both sides here the Israeli Palestinian and specific example is we have to warn you a disturbing video. This appears to be a normal woman approaching and as the Security Guard is checking her i. D. She pulls out a knife and lungs at the Security Guard lightly wounded. According to Israeli Security officials, that Security Guard pulls out a gun, shoots the alleged attacker and sends her to the hospital where she remains in a medically induced coma. This happens in an ultra dox area. Anderson . I mean, you see right now shes about to reach into her bag as shes checking the i. D. I mean, this has been going on now for months, these waves of attacks. It has and weve seen a number of these. Stabbing attacks but that comes in congestion with clashes between protesters and forces. Its almost as if its a low burn that has these flareups. It started two months ago in midseptember and continues to this day, october was the worst of it. We saw nine israelis killed, some 70 palestinians killed half of whom are accused of attempting to carry attacks. The question, anderson, we have sunrise a few hours away. How much longer will this continue and what will a new day bring . Appreciate the update. Ultant its not just big data, its bigger data. Were beta testing the new wearable interface. Xerox believes finding the right solution shouldnt be so much work. By engineering a better way for people, process and technology to work together. Work can work better. With xerox. 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Here i come cant find you anywhere dont settle for uverse. X1 from xfinity will change the way you experience tv. This is cnn newsroom live from los angeles p. Ahead this hour, russian athletes could be ban fred olympics after they found evidence of wide spread state sponsored doping. Plus, after months of protests sparked by allegation of racism on campus the president and chancellor of the university of my suri stepped down. But questions remain if that will come what has become an open revolt at the school. And seaworld san diego is scrubbing one of the most controversial attractions but critics say ending the killer whale show does not mean an end to animal cruelty. Hello. Great to have you with us. Wrk to our viewers in the United States and around the world. Im john

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