Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20150619 : comparem

Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20150619

this image shows the church pastor and a state senator or possibly another church leader who is sitting at the same table. he obviously had no inkling about what was about to happen. tonight the suspect is in custody, here he is boarding a plane a few hours ago in north carolina where he was caught earlier today. he landed back here at the air force base in charleston a few minutes ago. ordinarily we don't name shooting suspects or show their pictures on this program, we don't believe they should get any kind of recognition. because the investigation of this alleged hate crime, many are also referring to it as an act of domestic terrorism, because it's ongoing, police are looking for more information about this person we are going to show his face and use his name but sparingly on the program tonight. to that point if you have any information about the suspect or the case be sure to alert authorities. there is a lot of information to get to here on the ground over the course of this hour, first, the tragedy of last night. >> active shooter, multiple people down. >> wednesday night bible study erupts in gunshots. >> 110 calhoun street. >> the shooting at emmanuel methodist episcopal church one of the oldest churches in the south and once part of the underground railroad. eight are pronounced dead six females, two males, another man dies later in the hospital. >> active shooter, we need at least four medic units plus two supervisors on the call. >> he manages to evade searchers, charleston police department releases this photo of a young man entering a church on wednesday evening. >> we have investigators that are out tracking leads that are coming in. and we will continue to do that until we find this individual who has carried out this crime tonight and bring him to justice. >> as daylight breaks on thursday the manhunt continues and the suspected shooter is identified. a community tries to comprehend what is incomprehensible. >> we woke up today and the heart and soul of south carolina broken. and so we have some grieving to do and we have some pain we have to go through. >> the president noticeably shaken. >> any death of this sort is a tragedy. any shooting involving multiple victims is a tragedy. there's something particularly heartbreaking about a death happening in a place in which we seek solace and we seek peace, in a place of worship. >> by midmorning authorities receive a tip from someone who thinks they recognize the shooter's car. some 250 miles west of charleston. >> 10:43 a.m. officers observed the vehicle traveling west on nixon boulevard. the suspect was stopped by officers at 10:24 a.m. the officers identified the only occupant of the vehicle still enroute. he was taken into custody at 10:49 a.m. he was transported to the shelbey police department. >> the gunman still armed taken into customerdy without incident. >> he is now in custody, the immediate threat to the community no longer exists and we'll let the legal process run its course. >> as we said the investigation obviously in its early stages. martin savidge joins us now with the latest. he has been brought back here do we know where he is? >> he will be held at the county detention center. i can't imagine they would let him anywhere near the general population. he's probably going to have a suicide watch, they want to make sure nothing happens to him. >> what more are we learning about the investigation at this point in the. >> they've been focused on finding him. now they're going to be focused on finding out more about him. and why he was motivated to do what he did, where he got that gun. was it the same weapon he was given by his family? >> on his 21st birthday which was in april, after he had been brought up on charges of trespassing and some drug charges. >> the charges against him. they're relatively minor, and they're not an kiss of what's transpired inside of this church. as far as the weapon there are reports that his parents hung on to that weapon for some time only allowed him to have access to it until recently. that's yet to be confirmed. what's going to happen you probably have the public defender that's going to be a bond hearing, that should be in the next 24 to 48 hours, that's probably going to be done via video link. who's going to go first to prosecute, it's a capital offense, it's going to be a death penalty case and you have a federal case looking into a hate crime. >> that's part of the investigation right now. >> appreciate the update throughout the hour we're going to be focusing on the victims of this mass killing. the lives they lived and the loved ones that they have left behind. there are so -- there's been such an outpouring in this community. sylvia johnson is joining us right now, she's very close with the reverend pinckney. how are you holding up how is this community holding up? >> well we're doing our best as a family we communicated with each other, and loving on each other, we're encouraging each other, doing our best. the community is doing such a superb job. being there for us we went to a prayer vigil this afternoon, just an outpours of love and support is awesome. >> a friend of yours was inside and described to you what happened. explain to me what you heard about what happened because this man was allegedly in there for an hour. >> yes. yes. he came in and he asked for the minister where's the minister. and -- >> do you know if he asked for the minister by name? >> no he just asked, where's the minister? >> and -- >> we still don't know exactly why he picked this church and he knew about the importance of this church the history of it or not. >> yes, i am not sure about that information. but from what i have heard, he asked for my cousin and my cousin being the nice kind welcoming person he is he welcomed him to his congregation welcome in to the bible study. he sat there for an hour. >> taking part in the bible study? >> yes. >> listening and at the conclusion of the bible study, they just heard a ringing of a loud noise and it was just awful from what i understand. >> your friend who was there, did your friend say anything did this young man say anything? there were reports he said i'm here to kill black people? >> well i didn't hear that from her, from what i heard is after shooting a couple rounds her son tried to talk him into not committing any more acts of murder. >> her son actually tried to talk him down? >> he did. and her son and grand baby had already planned they were -- they were already killed but the son was concerned about reverend clementa. he got up, and that's when the gunman said -- you know after the young man tried to stop him from doing what he wroonted to finish off, he said no you raped our women and you have taken over the country. >> you've raped our women and you've taken over the country? >> i have to do what i have to do. >> anything -- >> he shot the young man, his mother was there, and she witnessed. she pretends as though she was dead shot and dead. but she watched her son fall and laid there, she laid there in his blood. >> she laid there in his blood? >> yes, she did. >> when i got to talk with her her entire dress was just drenched in blood. she said that's my son's blood. he was a good boy. >> and he passed? >> and he passed. along with one of her aunts. >> what happens now? >> all we can do is pray and be there for one another. support one another, rally together and just ask god for strength. >> tell me about your cousin about the pastor. he became a pastor at age 18? >> yes. >> he became a state senator at 23? >> yes. he was an incredible young man. he always knew what he wanted even though his mother told me the story once the way he wanted to -- he would just sit home and read books, she said no you have to get out and play ball. he didn't want to do it she pushed him into it he did, and he got hit by a ball and he got injured. she made up her mind at that point, that's it i'm going to let you do what you need to do, that's what he did. he was just an incredible young man, he was focused, what he wanted he focused on it. >> he had his eyes on the prize? >> yes, he did. >> do you know how long they stayed in there? do you know how long the shooting went on? he had to reload five times. >> from what i was told he reloaded five times. >> and then did he simply walk out? >> yes he told one of the elderly members, he asked, did i shoot you? she said no. >> he asked her if he had shot her. she said no. he said good because we need a survivor because i'm going to kill myself. >> he said he was going to kill himself? >> he said he would kill himself. >> why is it he needed a survivor? >> so someone could tell the story. >> that's what he said? >> yes. >> he wanted a witness alive to tell the story? >> yes. >> but he walk eded out and he did let the elderly member go, and she's a survivor as well. >> oh, my gosh. >> do you think this -- can this community rebuild? can it continue? >> yes, i believe we can. we have strong bonds here with each other. >> what do you want to see happen to this young man? >> i just want to make sure justice is done. we pray for him as well as his family. we just pray that justice is done. but i know he has a mother and a father and they're heart broken as well. we don't wish any ill on them we just want justice to be done and we want the family to know we're praying as well. >> that's a big thing to do? >> yes, but we have to do that. >> thank you for talking to me. >> thank you. >> give your best to all your friends. just incredible stories we're hearing about what went on inside that church. just ahead i'll talk to the mayor of charleston about what the past 24 hours have been like here. and where the investigation may be heading, we'll be right back. 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>> the heartbreak is extraordinary. and the pain that the family's feel and the community feels, the enormous outpouring of love and support has been extraordinary, today there were prayer vigils all over the community. interfaith church meetings and services aennd we created a fund midmorning so people could help. we started getting flooded with calls and contributions they wanted to make. >> this is really. >> funds of the families of the victims. and for the church you know. lost its pastor. so the heartbreak was felt throughout the community. was felt in the family -- every citizen of our city to have your heart broken by this unspeakable hateful act of this person that didn't live here lived 110 miles away. sitting in the church for 45 minutes. pulled out a gun and killed the people. i can't possibly begin to fathom why. >> is there any more information about why he picked this church? this church has such an important role not only the history of this community but the african-american community in america. >> mother emmanuel it's called. i don't know that. we'll eventually understand more of this hateful crazy person but i don't know the wonderful church pastor was a prince of a man. his presence he was tall he had a deep voice, but he spoke softly. >> he became a pastor at 18? >> yeah he was an incredible man. i worked with him on the fund-raising drive, to create an elevator for the church. i worked helped him raise money for the steeple. such an important part of our kmoont. and it's a tragedy -- >> do you view this -- authorities are looking at this as a hate crime. do you view this as an act of terrorism in. >> well i don't know how you define terrorism. i think i would consider it a hate crime, honestly for him to pick an african-american church and shoot african-american members. there's something weird, bad and hateful going on in his mind. can this church recover, can this community recover? what is your message to african-americans in this community in particular? >> the message is what they felt in this community. we walk around the community and feel the outpouring of love from all citizens of all colors and backgrounds. this is a very together community. diverse people we built so much together we're working hard to build a beautiful african-american museum the community across racial lines is torn but the outpouring of love you know in life it's now how you fall but how you get up enmove forward. you will see the love they give to the communities, the church the knitting that will go on will be remarkable. >> i appreciate your time. >> thank you, anderson. >> what we've learned about the 21-year-old behind this horrific attack possible motivation and the warning signs that were missed. my wife is a doctor. she often has to travel for long periods of time. she's helping sick people so that they can get better. and being away from us is very difficult. i know how much these pictures mean to her. share moments as vivid as life with the nikon d-thirty-three hundred. sending pictures to your phone is so easy, we call it nikon snapbridge. i love getting these pictures. they make me feel like i'm home. the nikon d-thirty-three hundred. made for generation image. and check out the all-new nikon d-fifty-five hundred. there's some facts about seaworld we'd like you to know. we don't collect killer whales from the wild. and haven't for 35 years. with the hightest standard of animal care in the world our whales are healthy. they're thriving. i wouldn't work here if they weren't. and government research shows they live just as long as whales in the wild. caring for these whales, we have a great responsibility to get that right. and we take it very seriously. because we love them. and we know you love them too. when a moment spontaneously turns romantic why pause to take a pill? 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>> yeah twice this year once in february at a mall not too far from where i'm standing this is his high school in lexington, south carolina, he was at the mall acting strange, asking very odd questions to a couple of store clerks what's the schedule of the employees, how many associates are here one associate was so nervous, because she says he had his hand in his pocket. she thought he might have a gun at that time this was in february. police were called they found this prescription drug which he didn't have a prescription for, so he was arrested and also banned from the mall for a year he showed up again at the mall in april and then was arrested for trespassing. so he was arrested twice at the same mall just months ago. >> and you've been hearing more about his pastor what do you know? >> when the grief subsides the more we are learning about this guy, the more infuriating it's going to be for victims and charleston himself. there were warning signs all over the place. specifically to this type of act. we know he was a ninth grade dropout. he had to take ninth grade twice here he was bouncing around schools unemployed. he was getting deep into drugs, according to some of his friends. his grandfather told the wall street journal he was concerned. he was becoming a loner and espousing some racial hatreds, talking crazy talk and violent things about black people specifically. you have this unemployed drug using person who's a loner starting to get very much into this racial segregationist type of environment and this is the person to whom we are reportedly told was given a gun on his 21st birthday once we get past this period of mourning and we start looking into this investigation, there are going to be some very very serious questions about where were the warning signs missed and why wasn't something done before this could have taken place. anderson. >> drew if in fact he was given a handgun on his 21st birth day that would be months after he was already arrested for drugs and showing unoddly at this mall asking about people's schedules and scaring employees. also i guess, after he returned to that mall trespassing, the question is why would parents give this guy a handgun, given his legal trouble and apparently trouble other members of the family saw? >> yeah and that is a question we'd like to ask the family members. we reached out in many different ways to friends and family they have been very tight lipped. we'll also be looking into the legal aspect of it we don't know how far along these cases have gone. can you give this guy a gun, can he buy a gun himself, was he convicted of any kind of a felony which might have prevented that. all those records are yet to be exposed. at this point it seems to be even with all these troubles he was given a gun by his family. was that a smart move? in hindsight no. what was the reasoning behind it, we'll have to ask them. >> appreciate the reporting, we'll continue to follow that. investigators are continuing to follow it police are looking for as much information as they can possibly get. it is very early stages last night's church massacre is being investigated as a hate crime. here's one of the images of the suspect that has surfaced. those are apartheid flag patches on his jacket. the former south africa flag and the flag of rhodesia. survivors of last night's massacre say the gunman made it clear he was there to kill black people. you heard that from a friend of someone who was there earlier on this broadcast. authorities are trying to determine if he has ties to any established hate groups. joining me now is richard cohen, president of the southern poverty law center who tracks these terrorist attacks. did he have any connections that you're aware of with white supremacy groups or hate groups? >> we didn't know him, but we knew many many young men like him. disaffected young men, people who were trying to hook on to a cause larger then them sfs to explain their failures. other than his age. he fits the profile of the typical lone wolf white supremist terrorist. >> you say that most hate crimes in the united states are committed by people who are unaffiliated with known hate groups? >> that's exactly right. it's always been the case these groups often provide the motivation the ideas that motivate perpetrators like this nowadays what we've seen is people drifting away from hate groups and retreating to the anonymity of the net, where they can get the echo chamber that validates their ideas, you know fuels their anger, and, you know unfortunately strikes out. last year anderson we did a report where we documented that people had gone to storm front which is one of the leading neo-nazi portals, had killed scores and scores of people in the last five years. >> you see the patches on his jacket we showed a second ago. one is an apartheid era flag the other from rhodesia. those flags, i understand have been adopted as emblems for modern day white supremacists. i hadn't seen someone wearing the rhodesian flag before. >> no the rhodesian flag is definitely unusual. but the apartheid flag is not. if you go to a white supremist websites you'll see all kinds of stuff about south africa, notions of white again side. that seems to be things that motivated him. black people taking over our country. >> something you hear a pretty familiar refrain from bigots from white supremacists? >> absolutely a prominent one lives in south carolina his name is bob whitaker he's inspired billboards throughout the south that say things like diversity equals white again side. it's a common theme in white supremacist circles nowadays. >> richard cohen, i appreciate your expertise. up next one of the victims of the church behind me was the pastor we talked to his cousin earlier. reverend clementa pinckney. he died doing the work he always felt was right for him. he became a pastor at 18 a state senator at 23. we're going to talk to a u.s. senator who knew him well he joins us next. we'll also hear from the son of the oldest victim suzie jackson. where you are is a very special place in charleston it's a very special place because this church and this site this area has been tied to the history and life of african-americans since about the early 1800s. >> that's the pastor of emmanuel ame church killed last night talking about the church's incredibly rich history. there will be difficult days ahead no, doubt about that. nine funerals nied to be planned. suzie jackson, the oldest person. 87 years old. the youngest victim. 26 years old, a recent college graduate. it's unbelievable. >> sadness and his family they lost her grand nephew vibrant promising young man, they're seeking solace of their strength being together we went to her house today, there were 20 of her relatives. i wanted the world to see how strong they were being together and how much it helped them i talked to her son, her son walter lives in cleveland ohio. talked to us about how this woman provided for him his whole life life. >> never wanted for anything in my life. i'm not rich, but never wanted for anything. >> i'm an old man. she's still waiting until i get home. that's the type of person she was. >> a wonderful person. >> great grand kids, grandkids. >> it often surprises viewers that people want to talk at a time like this people want everybody to know the incredible life. >> this family was so gracious. we told them we're with cnn, we want everyone around the world to know what a great woman suzie was and also her grand nephew. we had a son, brothers sisters, brothers nieces nephews, aunts, cousins. suzie worked hard her whole life. she was a housekeeper. she devoted herself to her family and her church. one thing she kept telling us she was a beautiful woman. she was a stunning young woman, she absolutely was. beautiful inside and out. that was her back then. we certainly learned a lot about this family today. a family that is suffering right now, but counting on each other. we hope in the days ahead, and we'll be here tomorrow night as well. we hope to learn more about the victims. i think it's important at a time like this. gary thank you for that reporting. the pastor of the church was also a state senator as we mentioned, he had poured so much love and so much energy over the years, south carolina's junior senator knew the pastor. he was the first african-american pastor elected in the south. he's a native of charleston and his neighborhood organized a prayer service this afternoon. >> do you have any more information tonight about what motivated this person? >> we really do not. they're delving into everything we'll be into. we're looking forward to what the response is. part of healing restoration is understanding as much as you possibly can about the incident and building and constructing a new future. >> the history of this church is so important in this community. >> old estest search. it has a significant and historic place in the life of charleston of the pastor. he was a good friend of mine he was a good man encouraging, democrat none of that stood in the way. he was always looking for a way to cross the bridge. he was consistently looking for ways to make our community a model for the world to see he had an amazing heart and strong vision. >> do you see this as an act of domestic terrorism? >> i see the terrorism component, it relates to senseless violence taken out on a group of people. >> you have no doubt race was valved? >> >>. >> absolutely it's hard to argue with that. we want people to remember the picture of the people that came to the church today, it was a diverse group of south carolinans who showed up to pay respect and say we're better together. >> i pressure time. we're going to take you inside the bible study just before last night's shooting rampage, you see the alleged gunman at one point. we're going to play the exclusive video for you coming up. more on the lives of those who were killed here. n the seat it makes me think of a bmw. i feel like i'm in a lexus. you would think that this was a brand new audi. it's like a luxury car. feels kind of like an infinity. very similar to a range rover. this is pretty high tech. yeah it is. it reminds me of a mercedes. ♪ this is chevy? 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(vo) change your sleep. change your life. change to tempur-pedic. ♪ ♪ food should be good. people should dance. strawberries should sing. good bread makes the sandwich. good soil makes the salad. lettuce should be dirty. dressing, clean. sweet should never be fake. manners, neverminded. debates should be healthy. hatchets buried. forks on the left, knives on the right. hands should be used regardless. bellies should be rubbed. tables should be full. and good food should be good for you. we're not saying these are the rules we should all live by. but it's a good place to start. panera. food as it should be. we are live outside the church where last night's massacre took place. we want to take you inside the church and show you exclusive video of last night's bible study meeting moments before the shooting. the video was taken by one of the victims obtained by our don lemon. the prayer leaders welcome the alleged killer. they welcomed him in for that bible study. he joined them for an hour before authorities say he opened fire. >> you want to talk a little more about it? >> don lemon got the video. former federal prosecutor jeffrey toobin. this video you obtained talk to me about it. at one point you can see the shooter shooter. >> i don't think they meant to capture the shooter there. >> he was one of the victims in this. he posted this on his snap chat before the shooting happened. this is shortly before the shooting happened just taking a pan of the room you can see the prayer leaders there, the bible leaders there. what's interesting is that -- he ingratiated himself within this group and led them to believe he was one of them and wanted to come in and learn about god and the bible, all the time he was planning this in his head and they were sitting ducks. learning about god and the devil, evil was right there among them anderson. >> i mean that -- not only did he ingratiate himself. they opened their arms to this stranger and let them sit with them in this incredible time. clearly going to pursue charges, the justice department has announced a hate crime investigation. >> south carolina has the death penalty. this is a multiple homicide. it is a state unlike say california that executes people it is inconceivable that south carolina would not seek the death penalty. i think that's how the case will proceed and we'll see what kind of defense it comes up with. it seems to have some echos of the boston bombing case which we went through a very defendant. obviously guilty. will there be a defense based on his psychosis, psychology. that's all to be determined. >> you've been here throughout much of the day talking to people. i've been amazed there's a lot of hurt anger, but there is this outpouring of support and this sense of people coming together that is extraordinary to witness. >> absolutely. the bulk of the people the majority 99% of the people they came over i saw you on television i wanted to thank you for telling the story. we don't want people to only see the horrific part of something that happened in this city. and anderson this is a community of people with a lot of faith and i spoke with someone who is involved in helping to capture this man. and they said that god put them in the right place at the right time. you have this guy with the snap chat video in death shedding some light on what happened. they think that's divine. intervention it didn't just happen. >> can i just say something about that video, which i am stunned by. >> i guess we all have pictures about what it might have looked like i think i thought that -- you know you think about church people -- it's a small group of people. >> it's a very small. >> he just killed everyone he saw. >> the intimacy of it. >> it's sickening. the intimacy and to be with him for an hour is sickening. >> up 234e6789, we remember the victims. the american dream is terrifying. american history is the history of the scary thing being the exact thing we have to do. cross that ocean. walk on that moon. fly. none of this makes rational sense. it only makes american sense. here, the hard things show us who we are. leaving your job to start your own thing. having a kid when you still feel like a kid. signing a 30-year mortgage on a home. scary sure but no match for our colossal self-belief. we're supposed to do scary. without scary, we don't get to be brave. buy in. quickenloans/home buy. refi. power. seems like we've hit a road block. that reminds me... anyone have occasional constipation, diarrhea... ...gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against occasional digestive issues. with three types of good bacteria. live the regular life. phillips'. the nine victims of the church shooting here in charmsz ston shared a love of family love of faith, six women, three men ranging in age from 26 to 87. they gathered last night here behind me for bible study when they lost their lives. we honor each of them husbands wives, mothers, fathers, sons and daughters. they remember each of the victims and look at how they made an impact in this church and this community. ♪ . >> reporter: leader of the emmanuel ame church was well known in charleston not only as a religious leader but also a state senator. he became a pastor at age 18 elected to state office at age 23 making him the youngest african-american state legislator in the history of south carolina. friends remember him as a gentle man with a strong voice recognizable to all who knew him. he spoke out after the shooting of walter scott and pushed for legislation requiring police officers to wear body cameras. >> it has really created a real heartache and a yearning for justice. people not just in the african-american community but for all people. >> today his desk at the state is not remains empty, draped in black. he was 41 years olds. a recent graduate from allen university he was known as a quiet student committed to his education and her son posts this picture of the two of them on mother's day. happy mother's day to my beautiful number one fan who has always been there when i needed her. cynthia herd worked in the library center. she dedicated her life to helping people especially helping them become educated. de payne middleton-doctor leaves behind her daughters. ethel a beloved grandmother worked for 30 years there, most recently as the janitor, ethel was 70 years old, suzie was 87. daniel simmons was a pastor who faithfully attended the church every sunday for service and wednesday for bible study. mira is described as a person who loved the lord and wanted to serve in everything she did. >> an 87-year-old woman and eight others murdered in a house of worship. they will be remembered. that does it for this special edecision of 360 from charleston south carolina. we'll continue to learn more about those who lost their lives and bring you their stories tomorrow and tomorrow night as well. we think that is the least we can do as well as continue to follow what happens. the cnn original series "the 70s" starts right now. did someone put up a lot of money to have the democratic headquarters infiltrated and if so who and why? >> justice will be pursued no matter who's involved. >> do you have information implicating president nixon? >> the president of the united states demanded the attorney general fire the special prosecutor. >> that is the definition of tyrann

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