Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20150521 : comparem

Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20150521

allowed to have david letterman is signing off tonight. and no laughing matter. we begin with it report you'll only see here. it begins with a florida dentist who is accused of harming the most vulnerable patients children for procedures they didn't need or want. and as disturbing as this story is and we warn you, it's hard to watch at times, it may be just the tip of the iceberg. and they have found questionable billing among dental providers in five states. and just this week they found that more than 300 may be over charging medicaid and while these findings aren't proof of fraud, the office of the insperkt general say they raise red flags and merit further investigation, and that brings us to a dentist in florida, still licensed and warning, this report is at times disturbing to watch. >> it's a sound no parent likes to hear a child screaming out of fear and possibly pain from the dentist chair. this cell phone video was secretly recorded by the mother. going to the dentist is a right of passage of sorts, but what happened at the hands of dr. ronald snider is not a right of passage, it's horrifying. for the past three weeks, there have been daily protests outside his jacksonville florida rotest one parent so angry, she attacked him outside his office. he says he did nothing wrong. and this woman wrote about the day she took her daughter to have one tooth pulled and she said she was not allowed to sit with her daughter. >> the nurse suggested that it's best when parents aren't in the rooms. she said we don't like parents back there for the procedure. >> reporter: so she sat out there for three hours. >> she was hyperventilating and had marks and blood all over her. >> reporter: modly says she and breelleft to rush to an emergency room. >> she takes her gauze out and i notice all her teeth were gone. >> reporter: she says dr. snider had pulled not one tooth but seven. she says he hit her and choked her, and although department records indicate officers responded and one wrote a report jacksonville sheriff's office says no report was written on this incident and initially no report was filed. >> that's when i decided to post pictures on facebook. >> reporter: soon other parents wrote pictures and about other signs of abuse by dr. snider. >> i kept reading and reading until the name dr. howard and i knew that was the same dentist. >> reporter: she is deaf and her 5-year-old son is blind in one eye. her 5-year-old son was referred in march. according to the complaint, two front teeth were removed for unknown reasons and dominic was terrified and told stories of the dentist choking him did you cry out and scream out? >> yes, i screamed for my mom. >> and that's what bugs me most is i'm deaf and i couldn't hear anything and the fact that my child was yelling for me makes me feel lousy. makes me feel lousy. you know i'm always here for you. >> until you're now you're with me and until the mean dentist appointment, we were apart and i was feeling like sad because i wasn't with you. >> reporter: breel's family at one point was part of that same lawsuit but has since withdrawn. they're now pursuing a medical malpractice suit by phillips. he says he also represents dozens of dr. snider's patients and most of them rely on medicaid. >> can i cap a tooth twice? yes. can i then pull it and then successfully obtain benefits for all three? absolutely. and r. >> reporter: and dr. snider has made a fortune from medicaid. state records show she has received nearly 4 million dollars in last the last five years. now the florida attorney gen's office has launched a criminal medicaid fraud and the claims stretch back decades. a 1995 malpractice suit was file out of court. it says he unnecessarily placed 16 crowns in the mouth of a 3-year-old. the boy's family was paid $7,500 as part of a cement agreement. and another one filed wut the documents destroyed and outcome unclear. >> somebody who is performing procedures that children don't need and pulling teeth that he knows should still be in the child's mouth, in some cases we have where many procedures were done except what they came in for. >> reporter: he represents dozen more of dr. snider's former patience. and he filed a class action lawsuit on behalf of these children claiming patterns of abuse, an accusation that cnn discovered has been made before. according to this 2013 police report the mother of a 5-year-old patient was allowed to sit with her child during a procedure and said he grabbed her child's fast face and slapped it several times. the alleged offense, battery. he was not arrested. instead the officer referred the mother to the state attorney's office. and nurses later denied anything inappropriate happened. and they didn't press charges because of a lack of improbability of conviction at trial. and no requested for an interview were returned. we found him in the parking lot. what do you thing about the allegations? >> what i think you don't want to hear. >>. >> reporter: yes i do is it. >> they're not correct. i want to be left alone. >> reporter: dr. snider is free to practice. his license is clear. according to the florida board of dent stree, he's not been disciplined by the state and for these parents, that's unacceptable. they want more. >> it's just a stunning stung case. victor black well joins me now. this is so unbelievable when you see these kids and the parents. how could he have practiced for so long? how long has he been practicing? >> 45 years and for the first 30 of that maybe more there's no social media, no facebook so each of these alleged cases happens in a relative vacuum. you put these allegations of a 3, 4, 5-year-old against a dentist who's been acting so long. and it's not until brantley put it on fake and they built this pattern of abuse. >> i just want to put this guy's picture up again because i think it's important to point these people out. howard snider. that's his name. dr. howard snider. why were parents going to this dentist in particular? >> because most of these patients rely on medicaid for thais their insurance. there's one doctor often recommended in gains vill 70 miles away. and many of these people don't have cars so they have to rely on public transportation. one mother, the mother of the 2-year-old and i said why would you take him back and she said there is no other dentist who will sedate my son, so i had no other option. >> and it's a class action lawsuit. the details are horrifying. >> i can't -- i'm not sure i watched the whole thing, i was climbing under the table for this. but you know what he's going to say. he's going to say i have a clean record for a40 years, going to the dentist can be unplezasantunpleasant some kids scream but when there are so many allegations and the combination of the financial incent toov do more procedures. >> to be paid by tooth. >> exactly. and that certainly -- looks very bad. >> is the state attorney's office looking at this? >> the 2013 case specifically. you'll remember nurses told the investigators nothing inappropriate happened. well there are unconfirmed reports that snider has shut down his office. the theory here is that they said that in 2013 in fear of losing their jabs. if he indeed shut his office down then there is not that fear anymore. and they may be more willing to step forward. >> i don't know why someone wouldn't come forward? that has to be the key to the case. because, if you remember assault, these are assaults. if they are what the parents said. when you put your hands on someone in a violent unconsented to way, it doesn't matter p you have a white coat or not, it's an assault and of course malpractice and also something that should result in the loss of a medical license and it could be crime as well. the high gennests sgennests. >> in case anybody else out there has experiences that they want authorities to know about. >> well, the list is long but it begins with malpractice civil. a civil battery, possibly criminal assault, possibly criminal fraud in connection with the medicaid payments and of course the loss of his medical license to the florida authorities. all of those are possible and boy, if that's true the real question is going to be how did this go on for so long. >> and the mother who can't hear her child crying and you just want to hug them. and a quick reminder. you can set your dvres so you can watch 360 anytime you want. and up next more dill taz about the shoot out in waco. and also tonight, it might be the beginning oof the end of the mystery and murder and fire that took four lives in an upscale washington neighborhood. word of a possible motive making a fist something we do to show resolve. to defend ourselves. to declare victory. so cvs health provides expert support and vital medicines. at our infusion centers or in patients homes. we help them fight the good fight. cvs health, because health is everything. people with type 2 diabetes come from all walks of life. if you have high blood sugar ask your doctor about farxiga. it's a different kind of medicine that works by removing some sugar from your body. along with diet and exercise farxiga helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. with one pill a day, farxiga helps lower your a1c. and, although it's not a weight-loss or blood-pressure drug farxiga may help you lose weight and may even lower blood pressure when used with certain diabetes medicines. do not take if allergic to farxiga or its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. if you have any of these symptoms stop taking farxiga and seek medical help right away. do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems, are on dialysis, or have bladder cancer. tell your doctor right away if you have blood or red color in your urine or pain while you urinate. farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, genital yeast infections in women and men, low blood sugar, kidney problems, and increased bad cholesterol. common side effects include urinary tract infections changes in urination and runny nose. ♪do the walk of life♪ ♪yeah, you do the walk of life♪ need to lower your blood sugar? 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>> just because i know a lot of them that i don't see them that way. >> reporter: jimmy graves is a bandito. a high level one at that. the u.s. justice department has labelled them a criminal organization and a serious domestic threat. >> they're not thugs. mainly when we find a thug in our bunch, we get rid of them. >> reporter: an attorney who has represented over 100 bandidos said it's all earnest. >> and they try to portray some sinster strurgz make these guys look bad and say they're trying to look good simply because they're bad. they wanted to clean up their image. >> they like being out laws and ren gads. >> reporter: he's the executive editor of texas monthly magazine. he says their charity work is perhaps a way to keep law enforcement off their backs. >> they're not seeing themselves as the second coming of mother theresa theresa, they want to be bad as. >> we started out working with abuse and neglektd children. >> we have to take care of our veterans. >> reporter: and they even have church services run by member of the christian biker club. also part of their life, people who judge them for being part of a motorcycle club. roy barnett is the saloon owner. >> it's shows like sons of an arc anarchy and they tling bikers are like that. >> reporter: so they're going to see you in your colors and scared and run away from you? >> yeah. >> reporter: they share a common sentiment, they feel mischaracterized misunderstood and misappreciated. and bikers don't expect that to change anytime soon. especially with what happened in waco. gary tuckman, cnn selma, texas. >> and coming up tonight, it's being called bin laden's library. what papers reveal his deadly plans were. le, it is you. real madrid have about 450 million fans. we're trying to give them all the feeling of being at the stadium. the microsoft cloud gives us the scalability to communicate exactly the content that people want to see. it will help people connect to their passion of living real madrid. dear stranger, when i booked this trip, my friends said i was crazy. why would i stay in someone else's house? but this morning a city i've never been to felt like one i already knew. i just wanted to thank you for sharing your world with me. it felt like home. airbnb. belong anywhere. this is good, mom. 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>> no. >> reporter: he wanted to be there up until the actual day he died? >> as far as i know the last message i got from him through facebook was how strong his faith was now and his ideas were completely twisted. it was not the same person that i knew. >> reporter: she greaved, kept private, then got angry. >> how can somebody take such a bright mind and twist and convince them that they're doing the right thing, they believe they're doing right? >> reporter: the story that you have is being told all across the world by people who are calling you right now looking for help. >> yeah. >> reporter: how do you stop it? >> we have to thriftlift the tab oo reach out to our youth and make them realize what this is before they get approached and only then can we stop this from hapg happening. >> reporter: through her organization she is trying to lift the veil and send messages to fiernts look for the warning signs and convince families to openly talk about what isis really is. >> it all boils down to one thing, the guys at the top are greedy andege tisticalotistical and want power and money. and how sick and twisted is that. just ahead tonight, disturbing new details in the d.c. quadruple murder. an history is the history of the scary thing being the exact thing we have to do. cross that ocean. walk on that moon. sign a 30-year mortgage on a home. scary sure but no match for our colossal self belief we're supposed to do scary. without scary, we don't get to be brave. buy in. quickenloans/home buy. refi. power. don't just visit orlando visit tripadvisor orlando tripadvisor not only has millions of real travelers reviews and opinions but checks hundreds of websites so people can get the best hotel prices to plan, compare and book the perfect trip visit today [sfx: bell] [burke] it's easy to buy insurance and forget about it. but the more you learn about your coverage, the more gaps you may find. 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>> you're talking about my hair? what is that? a swim cap? what are you wearing? >> reporter: he had his favorets to be sure. >> everybody who comes on here and wants to be an actress, you don't even come close, you couldn't wear julia roberts jock. >> more and more you see the mural and sistine chapel. >> i'm not doing that. >> canadian high school. ladies and gentlemen here he is anderson cooper. >> reporter: i was a very occasional guest and always fliled just to be invited. each visit as exciting as the first, nothing felt better than getting a laugh from the master himself. i was there at the counter all by myself. i was the loanliest, most pathetic person on the planet. she wrote this book all about the guy she hooked up with and -- >> don't say that about your mother. >> i remember watching on the water front with her and i'd be like do you know marlen brando and she'd be like oh yes. >> new fall shows now here we go. alice koorpcooper 360. >> reporter: letterman is like johnny carson before him, a unique unique looking glass. >> it was five weeks ago today that these men and women saved my life. >> or whether the country was struck by tragedy. >> you can feel it. you can feel it you can see it. it's terribly sad. >> as he prepared to sign off for the last time after more than 6,000 shows and decades of ground breaking comedy we just want to say, thank you, dave, you are an original and we'll always remember all the laughs all the moments you gave us. >> good night, everybody. >> joining me now is bill carter he's written several books on the topic, including late shift and his hair is as white as mine. first of all, tonight, tons of stars on foofighters fighters are performing. >> steve martin peyton manning. >> i heard it wentd quite long. >> 17 minutes long so that became an issue but they did accommodate that. cbs is probably making calls to see if they can get some adver tiesing. >> last show they should let it go as long as they want. one of the things i've always found fascinating about him is a lot of them would come and see you before you went on the show. he only existed at that desk. and even julia roberts said who was on multiple times, she never saw him outside of being on television. >> he was a different creature on television. he really wanted it to be spontaneous and you could possibly blow an anecdote by telling him ahead of time and he wasn't a social guy. he used to come on the air and say i have this social awkward disorder and i was like no he's telling it truth. he does. >> and shaffer told him moments before and said paul by the way, we're done. >> and i was told that they had sort of talked about it happening at some point and it would be in the future and all of a sudden a call in the middle of the night, it's happening tonight. >> and he kept his private life private. and there were little glimpses of it when things happened and stuff and we know he has a son and apparently he shows him tonight or something. >> and i think what's interesting about him is if something did happen, he a stork,stork stocker, he had his heart problem, he would talk about it on the air. and it was in the tab loids. he wouldn't give an interview. and -- >> he let it all hangout. >> he wasn't doing any of that tweeting. >> and i sort of liked about him and i also found fascinating that you do preinterviews with a producer and many of them david letterman, it didn't matter to him the preinterview. i remember one time i was supposed to go on and talk aboutiraq and he started talking to me about clean coal. >> he wasn't limited by i'm in show business and i'm interested in cars. he was interested in all kinds of things. >> and he wanted to have real discussions. >> because he wouldn't talk to them outside the show. >> and it wasn't all just setting up for a bid for a joke. he would actually the have -- >> yes. and that was an interesting evolution for him. buzz when he started out, he was not good interviewer, he was more interested in the comedy but as he went on, he wanted to bring on guests that would fulfill a need in him. >> and people talk about viral videos back then there weren't any but he was creating things that everybody would talk about the next day. >> he had word of mouth and boy was that potent. >> i would stay up late in high school and go to school with bags under my eyes. someone you know gets hood winked by a satyrical website. at chase, we celebrate small businesses every day through programs like mission main street grants. last years' grant recipients are achieving amazing things. carving a name for myself and creating local jobs. creating more programs for these little bookworms. bringing a taste of louisiana to the world. at chase, we're proud to support our grant recipients and small businesses like yours. so you can take the next big step. dear stranger, when i booked this trip, my friends said i was crazy. why would i stay in someone else's house? 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i never said this quote and never spoke to the nyu class in 2015 and that's when everyone pointed out that click hole is a comedy site that also produced the inonion. i've been to the onion offices. and click hole should have been my first clue. yeah i know it should have shouldn't it. and. >> say i could have done a little bit of clicking around and maybe been tipped off by the other head lines. nine things james taylor may never understand. quiz do you enjoy a nice bowl of soup? my daughter is running a fever and keeps coughing up pieces of evidence from the o.j. simpson trial. now, in my defense, um none of those things have my name in them, so why would i have read them? yeah that's the kind of guy i am. it is particularly humiliating given the fact that i'm an onion and i have panelled an entire panel with the onion staff. >> planned parent hood opens -- >> it was just a few weeks ago. people in the extreme right took it seriously and were ubset that they would open these abortion clinics with a martini bar. >> silly people. falling for a satire site. but really that was a good discussion and i get their humor p. i promise you, i get their humor anybody you won't pick on? >> no. you're a moderater and -- >> right. [ laughter] >> oh come on. >> i like my face in that. i'm sort of resigned. >> he was a gentle lover. [ applause ] >> see, i'm a seeker. so, i wondered what can this misstep teach me? maybe it's a tail of hubris. me and modern day igkerous. and my assistant called to ask me if my refrigerator was running and so i'll just close -- i'll just close with a gentle reminder mostly to myself don't believe everything you read in life online and on the ridiculist. i am a loser. and that does it for us. thank you very much for watching. in madagascar before. they were very little people and they live in forests and they respect their environment.

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Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20150521 :

Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20150521

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allowed to have david letterman is signing off tonight. and no laughing matter. we begin with it report you'll only see here. it begins with a florida dentist who is accused of harming the most vulnerable patients children for procedures they didn't need or want. and as disturbing as this story is and we warn you, it's hard to watch at times, it may be just the tip of the iceberg. and they have found questionable billing among dental providers in five states. and just this week they found that more than 300 may be over charging medicaid and while these findings aren't proof of fraud, the office of the insperkt general say they raise red flags and merit further investigation, and that brings us to a dentist in florida, still licensed and warning, this report is at times disturbing to watch. >> it's a sound no parent likes to hear a child screaming out of fear and possibly pain from the dentist chair. this cell phone video was secretly recorded by the mother. going to the dentist is a right of passage of sorts, but what happened at the hands of dr. ronald snider is not a right of passage, it's horrifying. for the past three weeks, there have been daily protests outside his jacksonville florida rotest one parent so angry, she attacked him outside his office. he says he did nothing wrong. and this woman wrote about the day she took her daughter to have one tooth pulled and she said she was not allowed to sit with her daughter. >> the nurse suggested that it's best when parents aren't in the rooms. she said we don't like parents back there for the procedure. >> reporter: so she sat out there for three hours. >> she was hyperventilating and had marks and blood all over her. >> reporter: modly says she and breelleft to rush to an emergency room. >> she takes her gauze out and i notice all her teeth were gone. >> reporter: she says dr. snider had pulled not one tooth but seven. she says he hit her and choked her, and although department records indicate officers responded and one wrote a report jacksonville sheriff's office says no report was written on this incident and initially no report was filed. >> that's when i decided to post pictures on facebook. >> reporter: soon other parents wrote pictures and about other signs of abuse by dr. snider. >> i kept reading and reading until the name dr. howard and i knew that was the same dentist. >> reporter: she is deaf and her 5-year-old son is blind in one eye. her 5-year-old son was referred in march. according to the complaint, two front teeth were removed for unknown reasons and dominic was terrified and told stories of the dentist choking him did you cry out and scream out? >> yes, i screamed for my mom. >> and that's what bugs me most is i'm deaf and i couldn't hear anything and the fact that my child was yelling for me makes me feel lousy. makes me feel lousy. you know i'm always here for you. >> until you're now you're with me and until the mean dentist appointment, we were apart and i was feeling like sad because i wasn't with you. >> reporter: breel's family at one point was part of that same lawsuit but has since withdrawn. they're now pursuing a medical malpractice suit by phillips. he says he also represents dozens of dr. snider's patients and most of them rely on medicaid. >> can i cap a tooth twice? yes. can i then pull it and then successfully obtain benefits for all three? absolutely. and r. >> reporter: and dr. snider has made a fortune from medicaid. state records show she has received nearly 4 million dollars in last the last five years. now the florida attorney gen's office has launched a criminal medicaid fraud and the claims stretch back decades. a 1995 malpractice suit was file out of court. it says he unnecessarily placed 16 crowns in the mouth of a 3-year-old. the boy's family was paid $7,500 as part of a cement agreement. and another one filed wut the documents destroyed and outcome unclear. >> somebody who is performing procedures that children don't need and pulling teeth that he knows should still be in the child's mouth, in some cases we have where many procedures were done except what they came in for. >> reporter: he represents dozen more of dr. snider's former patience. and he filed a class action lawsuit on behalf of these children claiming patterns of abuse, an accusation that cnn discovered has been made before. according to this 2013 police report the mother of a 5-year-old patient was allowed to sit with her child during a procedure and said he grabbed her child's fast face and slapped it several times. the alleged offense, battery. he was not arrested. instead the officer referred the mother to the state attorney's office. and nurses later denied anything inappropriate happened. and they didn't press charges because of a lack of improbability of conviction at trial. and no requested for an interview were returned. we found him in the parking lot. what do you thing about the allegations? >> what i think you don't want to hear. >>. >> reporter: yes i do is it. >> they're not correct. i want to be left alone. >> reporter: dr. snider is free to practice. his license is clear. according to the florida board of dent stree, he's not been disciplined by the state and for these parents, that's unacceptable. they want more. >> it's just a stunning stung case. victor black well joins me now. this is so unbelievable when you see these kids and the parents. how could he have practiced for so long? how long has he been practicing? >> 45 years and for the first 30 of that maybe more there's no social media, no facebook so each of these alleged cases happens in a relative vacuum. you put these allegations of a 3, 4, 5-year-old against a dentist who's been acting so long. and it's not until brantley put it on fake and they built this pattern of abuse. >> i just want to put this guy's picture up again because i think it's important to point these people out. howard snider. that's his name. dr. howard snider. why were parents going to this dentist in particular? >> because most of these patients rely on medicaid for thais their insurance. there's one doctor often recommended in gains vill 70 miles away. and many of these people don't have cars so they have to rely on public transportation. one mother, the mother of the 2-year-old and i said why would you take him back and she said there is no other dentist who will sedate my son, so i had no other option. >> and it's a class action lawsuit. the details are horrifying. >> i can't -- i'm not sure i watched the whole thing, i was climbing under the table for this. but you know what he's going to say. he's going to say i have a clean record for a40 years, going to the dentist can be unplezasantunpleasant some kids scream but when there are so many allegations and the combination of the financial incent toov do more procedures. >> to be paid by tooth. >> exactly. and that certainly -- looks very bad. >> is the state attorney's office looking at this? >> the 2013 case specifically. you'll remember nurses told the investigators nothing inappropriate happened. well there are unconfirmed reports that snider has shut down his office. the theory here is that they said that in 2013 in fear of losing their jabs. if he indeed shut his office down then there is not that fear anymore. and they may be more willing to step forward. >> i don't know why someone wouldn't come forward? that has to be the key to the case. because, if you remember assault, these are assaults. if they are what the parents said. when you put your hands on someone in a violent unconsented to way, it doesn't matter p you have a white coat or not, it's an assault and of course malpractice and also something that should result in the loss of a medical license and it could be crime as well. the high gennests sgennests. >> in case anybody else out there has experiences that they want authorities to know about. >> well, the list is long but it begins with malpractice civil. a civil battery, possibly criminal assault, possibly criminal fraud in connection with the medicaid payments and of course the loss of his medical license to the florida authorities. all of those are possible and boy, if that's true the real question is going to be how did this go on for so long. >> and the mother who can't hear her child crying and you just want to hug them. and a quick reminder. you can set your dvres so you can watch 360 anytime you want. and up next more dill taz about the shoot out in waco. and also tonight, it might be the beginning oof the end of the mystery and murder and fire that took four lives in an upscale washington neighborhood. word of a possible motive making a fist something we do to show resolve. to defend ourselves. to declare victory. so cvs health provides expert support and vital medicines. at our infusion centers or in patients homes. we help them fight the good fight. cvs health, because health is everything. people with type 2 diabetes come from all walks of life. if you have high blood sugar ask your doctor about farxiga. it's a different kind of medicine that works by removing some sugar from your body. along with diet and exercise farxiga helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. with one pill a day, farxiga helps lower your a1c. and, although it's not a weight-loss or blood-pressure drug farxiga may help you lose weight and may even lower blood pressure when used with certain diabetes medicines. do not take if allergic to farxiga or its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. if you have any of these symptoms stop taking farxiga and seek medical help right away. do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems, are on dialysis, or have bladder cancer. tell your doctor right away if you have blood or red color in your urine or pain while you urinate. farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, genital yeast infections in women and men, low blood sugar, kidney problems, and increased bad cholesterol. common side effects include urinary tract infections changes in urination and runny nose. ♪do the walk of life♪ ♪yeah, you do the walk of life♪ need to lower your blood sugar? 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>> just because i know a lot of them that i don't see them that way. >> reporter: jimmy graves is a bandito. a high level one at that. the u.s. justice department has labelled them a criminal organization and a serious domestic threat. >> they're not thugs. mainly when we find a thug in our bunch, we get rid of them. >> reporter: an attorney who has represented over 100 bandidos said it's all earnest. >> and they try to portray some sinster strurgz make these guys look bad and say they're trying to look good simply because they're bad. they wanted to clean up their image. >> they like being out laws and ren gads. >> reporter: he's the executive editor of texas monthly magazine. he says their charity work is perhaps a way to keep law enforcement off their backs. >> they're not seeing themselves as the second coming of mother theresa theresa, they want to be bad as. >> we started out working with abuse and neglektd children. >> we have to take care of our veterans. >> reporter: and they even have church services run by member of the christian biker club. also part of their life, people who judge them for being part of a motorcycle club. roy barnett is the saloon owner. >> it's shows like sons of an arc anarchy and they tling bikers are like that. >> reporter: so they're going to see you in your colors and scared and run away from you? >> yeah. >> reporter: they share a common sentiment, they feel mischaracterized misunderstood and misappreciated. and bikers don't expect that to change anytime soon. especially with what happened in waco. gary tuckman, cnn selma, texas. >> and coming up tonight, it's being called bin laden's library. what papers reveal his deadly plans were. le, it is you. real madrid have about 450 million fans. we're trying to give them all the feeling of being at the stadium. the microsoft cloud gives us the scalability to communicate exactly the content that people want to see. it will help people connect to their passion of living real madrid. dear stranger, when i booked this trip, my friends said i was crazy. why would i stay in someone else's house? but this morning a city i've never been to felt like one i already knew. i just wanted to thank you for sharing your world with me. it felt like home. airbnb. belong anywhere. this is good, mom. 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>> no. >> reporter: he wanted to be there up until the actual day he died? >> as far as i know the last message i got from him through facebook was how strong his faith was now and his ideas were completely twisted. it was not the same person that i knew. >> reporter: she greaved, kept private, then got angry. >> how can somebody take such a bright mind and twist and convince them that they're doing the right thing, they believe they're doing right? >> reporter: the story that you have is being told all across the world by people who are calling you right now looking for help. >> yeah. >> reporter: how do you stop it? >> we have to thriftlift the tab oo reach out to our youth and make them realize what this is before they get approached and only then can we stop this from hapg happening. >> reporter: through her organization she is trying to lift the veil and send messages to fiernts look for the warning signs and convince families to openly talk about what isis really is. >> it all boils down to one thing, the guys at the top are greedy andege tisticalotistical and want power and money. and how sick and twisted is that. just ahead tonight, disturbing new details in the d.c. quadruple murder. an history is the history of the scary thing being the exact thing we have to do. cross that ocean. walk on that moon. sign a 30-year mortgage on a home. scary sure but no match for our colossal self belief we're supposed to do scary. without scary, we don't get to be brave. buy in. quickenloans/home buy. refi. power. don't just visit orlando visit tripadvisor orlando tripadvisor not only has millions of real travelers reviews and opinions but checks hundreds of websites so people can get the best hotel prices to plan, compare and book the perfect trip visit today [sfx: bell] [burke] it's easy to buy insurance and forget about it. but the more you learn about your coverage, the more gaps you may find. 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>> you're talking about my hair? what is that? a swim cap? what are you wearing? >> reporter: he had his favorets to be sure. >> everybody who comes on here and wants to be an actress, you don't even come close, you couldn't wear julia roberts jock. >> more and more you see the mural and sistine chapel. >> i'm not doing that. >> canadian high school. ladies and gentlemen here he is anderson cooper. >> reporter: i was a very occasional guest and always fliled just to be invited. each visit as exciting as the first, nothing felt better than getting a laugh from the master himself. i was there at the counter all by myself. i was the loanliest, most pathetic person on the planet. she wrote this book all about the guy she hooked up with and -- >> don't say that about your mother. >> i remember watching on the water front with her and i'd be like do you know marlen brando and she'd be like oh yes. >> new fall shows now here we go. alice koorpcooper 360. >> reporter: letterman is like johnny carson before him, a unique unique looking glass. >> it was five weeks ago today that these men and women saved my life. >> or whether the country was struck by tragedy. >> you can feel it. you can feel it you can see it. it's terribly sad. >> as he prepared to sign off for the last time after more than 6,000 shows and decades of ground breaking comedy we just want to say, thank you, dave, you are an original and we'll always remember all the laughs all the moments you gave us. >> good night, everybody. >> joining me now is bill carter he's written several books on the topic, including late shift and his hair is as white as mine. first of all, tonight, tons of stars on foofighters fighters are performing. >> steve martin peyton manning. >> i heard it wentd quite long. >> 17 minutes long so that became an issue but they did accommodate that. cbs is probably making calls to see if they can get some adver tiesing. >> last show they should let it go as long as they want. one of the things i've always found fascinating about him is a lot of them would come and see you before you went on the show. he only existed at that desk. and even julia roberts said who was on multiple times, she never saw him outside of being on television. >> he was a different creature on television. he really wanted it to be spontaneous and you could possibly blow an anecdote by telling him ahead of time and he wasn't a social guy. he used to come on the air and say i have this social awkward disorder and i was like no he's telling it truth. he does. >> and shaffer told him moments before and said paul by the way, we're done. >> and i was told that they had sort of talked about it happening at some point and it would be in the future and all of a sudden a call in the middle of the night, it's happening tonight. >> and he kept his private life private. and there were little glimpses of it when things happened and stuff and we know he has a son and apparently he shows him tonight or something. >> and i think what's interesting about him is if something did happen, he a stork,stork stocker, he had his heart problem, he would talk about it on the air. and it was in the tab loids. he wouldn't give an interview. and -- >> he let it all hangout. >> he wasn't doing any of that tweeting. >> and i sort of liked about him and i also found fascinating that you do preinterviews with a producer and many of them david letterman, it didn't matter to him the preinterview. i remember one time i was supposed to go on and talk aboutiraq and he started talking to me about clean coal. >> he wasn't limited by i'm in show business and i'm interested in cars. he was interested in all kinds of things. >> and he wanted to have real discussions. >> because he wouldn't talk to them outside the show. >> and it wasn't all just setting up for a bid for a joke. he would actually the have -- >> yes. and that was an interesting evolution for him. buzz when he started out, he was not good interviewer, he was more interested in the comedy but as he went on, he wanted to bring on guests that would fulfill a need in him. >> and people talk about viral videos back then there weren't any but he was creating things that everybody would talk about the next day. >> he had word of mouth and boy was that potent. >> i would stay up late in high school and go to school with bags under my eyes. someone you know gets hood winked by a satyrical website. at chase, we celebrate small businesses every day through programs like mission main street grants. last years' grant recipients are achieving amazing things. carving a name for myself and creating local jobs. creating more programs for these little bookworms. bringing a taste of louisiana to the world. at chase, we're proud to support our grant recipients and small businesses like yours. so you can take the next big step. dear stranger, when i booked this trip, my friends said i was crazy. why would i stay in someone else's house? 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i never said this quote and never spoke to the nyu class in 2015 and that's when everyone pointed out that click hole is a comedy site that also produced the inonion. i've been to the onion offices. and click hole should have been my first clue. yeah i know it should have shouldn't it. and. >> say i could have done a little bit of clicking around and maybe been tipped off by the other head lines. nine things james taylor may never understand. quiz do you enjoy a nice bowl of soup? my daughter is running a fever and keeps coughing up pieces of evidence from the o.j. simpson trial. now, in my defense, um none of those things have my name in them, so why would i have read them? yeah that's the kind of guy i am. it is particularly humiliating given the fact that i'm an onion and i have panelled an entire panel with the onion staff. >> planned parent hood opens -- >> it was just a few weeks ago. people in the extreme right took it seriously and were ubset that they would open these abortion clinics with a martini bar. >> silly people. falling for a satire site. but really that was a good discussion and i get their humor p. i promise you, i get their humor anybody you won't pick on? >> no. you're a moderater and -- >> right. [ laughter] >> oh come on. >> i like my face in that. i'm sort of resigned. >> he was a gentle lover. [ applause ] >> see, i'm a seeker. so, i wondered what can this misstep teach me? maybe it's a tail of hubris. me and modern day igkerous. and my assistant called to ask me if my refrigerator was running and so i'll just close -- i'll just close with a gentle reminder mostly to myself don't believe everything you read in life online and on the ridiculist. i am a loser. and that does it for us. thank you very much for watching. in madagascar before. they were very little people and they live in forests and they respect their environment.

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