But again. Got a lot of arrests here in times square. Deb feyerick. Top of the hour. Watching cnn tonight. 11 00 p. M. East coast. Live coverage of the protests that are happening all over the country this evening. You are looking at pictures now from times square. Meantime, go to cnns reporter, brook, you were in china town, near china town, whats going on where you are . Brooke baldwin. We have been walking with the people for six hours. We talked six miles. We have gone into brooklyn. Now back in manhattan. Ahead of me if you know the lay of the land, this is china town. We are about to watch the arrests. Surrounded by new york police. Who have given these hundreds of people all night long. The freedom. And the openness to walk around. To shut down. This group shut down the brooklyn bridge. We walked into brooklyn. The Group Shuttle down the manhattan bridge. We walked over the manhattan bridge. And i dont know, don. Walk with me. Well watch this together live. There are all cardboard coffins which we saw them lay out in the middle of atlantic avenue. In brooklyn. Right over by the barclays center. They all stopped speaking. We well all just watch this together. Theyre placing now the coffins in front of themselves. Theyre seated in the middle of the of the what are they chanting, brooke . Stopping traffic here. Let me try to listen. Weave ain aint going to stop people are free now im in the struggle saying i cant breathe we aint going to stop until people are free we aeint going to stop until people are free i cant breathe now im in a struggle saying i cant breathe here we go. I am going to step away. Theyre arresting people next to you. Theyre beginning the arrests. Theyre beginning. This is the first. With the plastic handcuffs. As you watch this. There is a woman in a green hat. These people in the green hats are lawyers. This is how it was explained earlier. What theyre doing is theyre asking each of these individuals, who are being arrested for their names. So they can then go find them. A little later tonight and tomorrow. But now you can see. This is the first time i have to say. We have been out here six hours. I have not seen a single arrest. Here i am seeing an entire, yes, sir. Seeing this entire area. People in the green hats are lawyers. Are they there to monitor, to make sure peoples right are not violated. Keep an eye on officers. Thats exactly right. But most importantly. Excuse me. Walk and talk to you. Most importantly is for once the people, once the people sort of presume the people would be, arrested. Walking around the crowds. Going to fry try to talk to her. Getting their names so they can help them get out of jail. Excuse me. Excuse me. Maam, may i ask you, we are live on cnn right now. Can you tell me what you are doing. I am a legal observer with the National Lawyers guild. If you have questions you are helping them i am a legal observer. I observe the situation. Eye h. That was the gist of what we got, don. Here we go. Brooke, stand by. I will keep you with me for a bit here. Watch this. So, Brooke Baldwin is in china town. And the protesters sat in the middle of the street. And they do the mock demonstration of just laying there. Brook, you are still on. How many people are with you. How many people are they putting in classic restraints. Lot me take a look. Theyre taking away the coffins lech let me count. At least 20 people. I have to say, mostly, young multiple ethnicities. All sitting here. Excuse me. Excuse me. We will leave your picture up. And we will get back to Brooke Baldwin. A 12yearold boy was shot and killed. He was holding a toy gun. Police say the officer thought it was a real weapon. Now, we have learned that officer Timothy Lohman resend two years ago from a Different Police department because he was about to be fired for what was described as immaturity on the job. I am joined now by pastor c. J. Matthews. Minister to his family. Thank you for joining me tonight. As you watch this all over the country. You think what happened with eric garner, and tamir, ferguson, missouri. What are your thoughts right now, pastor . How unfortunate. We are having to take time and energy away from things that could be much more productive. To critique the relationship between the Law Enforcement community and the africanamerican community. In the case of tamir rice, the young child. Once again we find ourselves in similar situations. Though the connections may not be exact. The fact that it continues to happen repeatedly. As you are seeing, it is time for change. Whats your message to police all over the country. I think if i were sitting with a group of officers as i have in the past, we as a community would love to see officer friendly in our community. And unfortunately, because of the antagonistic relationship between Law Enforcement and the africanamerican community, tonight we fiend ourselves once again, mourning the loss, senselessly of some one who could be alive today. If he had been arrested an not cited would have made bail probably on a personal bond. At home with his family. Now once again we are mourning. And in the case of young tamir rice, unfortunately, it was unnecessary. Unfortunate. When children cannot play at a rec center where can they go . Pastor jay matthews. Thank you so much. And as you can understand. I want to spend more time with you. Because of the breaking news we need to got to this. I understand. Our thoughts are with the family. If we can get you back. We will. Thank you so much. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Want to get back to Brooke Baldwin in china town in manhattan. Brook spechlt. What have you got . We just, we have been walking with this group, don, for at least sex hours. This group, young, men, women, old, black, hispanic. A diverse group. Started six hours age where we ended uh. Where the group has stopped has been on the brooklyn side of the manhattan bridge. Where they have just come back from brooklyn. Hadnt seen a single arrest all night. We have been walking for six hours. They started singing. Placed cardboard coffins in front of them. What are the coffins signify. And they had each of the different boroughs written on the coffins in different names. Different young people. Shot by police. Shot and killed. They placed the coffins. So make sure i am out of the way of the police. Take the coffins down. As they were singing. One by one. Police were telling them to get up. They wouldnt. And they were holding hand. Police started to pull out the plastic handcuffs. And, one by one. Began to place the handcuffs on their wrists. Pull them off the ground. Place them and the patrol cars and arrest them. So that is what we have seen. Again, i just want to emphasize. All night. It has been quite a sight to see. Entirely peaceful. But, finally here at hour six. Mile six. We are watching 20 people. Happening behind you. We saw arrests. Times square. Placing plastic restraints on, on protesters as well. Right behind you. A lot of Police Officers. Folks in the green hat. Attorneys. Watching out. Getting the names of the protesters. Making sure their civil rights are taken care of. Take us as far into the scene as you can. Making sure, somebody wants to stand up here. They can do so. Exactly right. So the green hats are for people watching out for those being arrested. Lets be clear. S they been incredibly. I think well orchestrate the. And, organized. And also, i think, a lot of the people, i cant tell you for sure. But i think a lot of times when you know you are shutting down major thur troroughfares in manhattan. People knew full well probability was out there they would be arrested. What happened here. These people. For the most part. People have intentionally shut down a lot of bridges knowing protesters what want to march whchlt th when they come back from brooklyn into manhattan. They went directly into traffic. And this is when they sat done and got arrested. Hold the thought. Come right back. Short break. Dont go anywhere. Breaking news here on cnn. Creeping up on you. Fight back with relief so smooth. Its fast. Tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tum, tum tum tum. Smoothies only from tums. I found a better deal on prescriptions. We found lower copays. And a free wellness visit. New plan. Same doctor. Im happy. Its medicare open enrollment. Have you compared plans yet . Its easy at medicare. Gov. 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This is brooklyn. This group. Noticed. Walking and marching. Group of hundreds of people. A group of 20, 25 people sat in the middle of this j of the manhattan bridge. The rest of the group has since left. So they have moved on. You know, this group started in one place. Splintered off. So now what you are seeing, which is unlike anything i have seen so far. Really majority police. And in the middle. What you cant see. We are, obeying the police. Not getting any closer. What you cant see. Is 10 plus people. Seated. Holding hands. Still singing. About racist police. Thats, just what they have been singing about over and over and over. You can still hear them. We arent going to stop until people are free. This is what theyre singing. And, were watching. We saw police asking them to get up. We saw them, what, what appeared to be reading them their rights. Cant tell you for sure. And then they began placing those, plastic handcuffs on their wrists. And are walking each of them out. Brook. I want you to stay there. And we are going to, go to going to other folks. Stay there. Keep an eye on that. Well get back to you. Okay. I want to bring in now, cnn commentator, mel robbins, tom verni, former commissioner, bernard careck, and cornell belcher. Guys, here we go, tom,s a formerp course, what is yoform tom, as a former cop, whats your reaction . This is not unexpected. Natural reaction to the verdict, as the it was in ferguson to the verdict. I have to say, you would find it, be hard pressed to find a Police Department that could handle a situations like the nypd. You can see that these protests have been largely peaceful. There have been arrests, but not mass arrests. No one, to my knowledge has been injured. Not severely. There has been no Property Damage that i am aware of. The Police Department does a fantastic job. When they are faced with large crowd like this. Trying to keep them safe. One thing about the demonstration. Generally. As mentioned yesterday. Under normal circumstances you would have a permit. Know how many people marching. Have enough police, police that event. In a safe manner. Here, you are talking thousand of people just, aimlessly, wand earring round the city. And thats, thats chaotic in a city like new york city you have 8 million to 10 Million People on any given day to begin with. Congestion. Traffic. Trying to keep them safe to protest freely. Talk charges here, for the protesters. What is it, i dont know. Obstruction, what, what were the charges . I was a public defender in new york. What they may not know. Courts run 24 hours a day in new york. You can handle arraignments. You have to process people, within 24 hours of arrest. You got to get them in front of a judge. I suspect, don, most people beg arrested unless they get violent. Most folks are going to got a desk arraignment ticket. It basically means the police give you a ticket to come back at a later date to be arraigned in criminal court. And i would find it shocking if any of these people are charged with anything other than disorderly conduct. And unless you have somebody with a long criminal record, don. Nothing is going to happen to them. Theyll probably be dismissed outright by the prosecutors office. The protesters getting to voice their opinion and police doing what theyre doing. Im sure most people involved would rather not see any arrests. That happens. It doesnt appear to be violent. We dont know until we get specifics m from my vantage point. From what i am hearing from the folks in the field. Doesnt appear to be any violence here. Cornell belcher, quite different than what we witnessed in, in, ferguson . Yeah, i think, first of all. Look. Kudos, hats off to new york city Police Department and the mayors office. Hats off to the guys in blue. Women in blue. Doing an excellent job. And also think, it is important here. I think this is actually. A very sad event that, that has brought this about. But i think, there is something larger here. More important. As a as americans. Look. We got people, regular people, crazily taking to the street they feel as though our system has done something that is injust. Our system has not been fair. And, there is nothing more beautiful than, than americans sort of taking to the street. Cornell. And i have got to get to bernie. We are understanding the pictures that we saw from times square. Officers were, taking pictures of the crowd. What is ham penni ihappening wi Police Department, describe what is going on . Basically people will be taken into custody. As one of your other guests said. For disorderly conduct. Guy on top of the vans. Why there a taking pictures . Theyre taking videos and photos to protect staff. Their own people. And also, to protect the the, the protesters as well. They can ensure there is no rough play. No negative team. As everybody has to agree the cops are doing their job. Theyre doing what theyre supposed to. And and everything is going pretty smooth. Police are in control . Yeah, theyre in control. They have, they have done their job. Theyll continue to do it. And theyll be fine. Stand by. All of my guests, we are going to be right back with our breaking news after this. People taking to the streets. Seeing arrests in new york. We will check in on other cities as well. Introducing. A pm pain reliever that dares to work all the way until. The am. New aleve pm the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. Dad yeah, 20 something years now. Thinking about what you want to do with your money . Daughter looking at options. What do you guys pay in fees . Dad i dont know exactly. Daughter if youre not happy do they have to pay you back . Dad it doesnt really work that way. Daughter you sure . Vo are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed . Wealth management at charles schwab. If aunder a microscope, put we can see all the bacteria that still exists. Polidents unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria. For a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture everyday. Our breaking news tonight. Protests in the streets of new york city and the country over the chokehold death of eric garner. Brooke baldwin in Lower Manhattan. She had been witnessing some arrests. Well got to brook now. Whats going on, brooke. What happened in the last couple second. We have the line of two lines of, new york Police Officers. If you can see theyre continuing to arrest. Watching. Continuing to show you. Nearly two dozen protesters. Essentially, staged a sit in here. On the brooklyn bound side of the manhattan bridge. Also just happened. Photojournalists. This massive white bus has just rolled out. All these individuals being taken away. Mostly young. Young white woman beg arreing arrested. Young africanamerican. I have seen, 20 or so sat down. Started singing. Peacefully. Still they were entirely blocking traffic. New york police asked them to leave. Continue to block traffic. Continue to sing. Theyre still, watching. Here comes another one. In between the rows of officers arresting them. And are loading them in this big white correction bus. Dont want you to go anywhere. Brooke. Rely on you to bring information down there. Stand by. May use your camera as well. Want to get my panel in. Guests here. Become to mel robbins, tom verni, and cornell belcher. So we are seeing here what police have planned. New York City Police officers, Police Department deals with the issues all the time and crowds. We have specialized training for the cops. You know, in, in in, in riot control. They have demonstrations you. Can see that in the way the cops are responding. Cornell, you know, as, we have been sort of comparing what has happened, what we saw play out in ferguson. What we saw play out here. It is a tale of two cities. Beauty of it. Brook was talking about it. White people. Black, being arrested. Beauty of it. A lot of times. A political hack as you know. I will go to the politics of it. A lot of times we look to put people. Sort of tribalize, and put people in their corners and make political calculations. A lot of the politicians sitting back. Trying to figuree out, their political calculations here. And thought that, sort of the, the downside for weighing into, an issue look this. When you see the diverse, mass of young people. I think a lot of politicians are going to have to recalculate. Rethink about their political calculations here. And perhaps even show some leadership around here. In a way that, that is going to be, hopefully stark and different. Can bring about change. Tom. I watched the mayor yesterday. Watched the may your today. Interviewed the Police Commissioner yesterday. Listened to him doing press today. These officials are not tone deaf. You know the Police Commissioner, he is really sort of caught in the middle here, right . Theyre not tone deaf as the to what is going on. I dont see how you could be. When in you have thousand of people marching through the middle of your cit