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risks becoming mundane. a murder that doesn't even make headlines anymore. that should not be. so tonight we're leading off this broadcast with video of the death of this little boy. now some of you will say we should not show you this video. i understand that. it is sickening. it is hard to watch. it is horrific. but we believe what is even more horrific is dying in silence. murder that is then covered up by lies. lies from a dictator who says it isn't happening, a dictator who says we're not pulling the trigger on sniper rifle that's kill children. we're not shooting on funerals. he says it's not happening and yet every day in hundreds of homemade videos we see it happening. you will see it happening tonight. the little boy's only crime it seems was being at home in syria in the middle of a war being waged by a brutal dictator against his own people. a dictator who in the face of evidence that grows daily continues to die ni everything. >> we don't feel our people are being killed and no government in the world kill its people unless it's a crazy person. became president because of the public support. it's impossible for anyone in this state to be ordered to kill. >> he became president because his daddy was president before him. syria's dictator was talking to abc's barbara walters denying what by now is obvious around the world. syrian troops, security force ands secret police are killing people every single day. according to the u.n.'s top investigators, they have killed more than 300 children since this uprising began. 56 last month alone. many more in the last week or so. and several today including apparently huse sany upstairs in his house in the surrounded city. again a warning. this very tough to take. >> a sniper bullet hit 8-year-old child, he's saying. he was at home and got hit. he then points to a bullet hole. the bullet came through the window. he then begins to show you bloodstains. we cannot aid the child, he says. we do not know where to take him because of the firing on the building and in the streets. three others were wounded, he tells us, following the bloodstains down several flights of stairs. he continues talking on the way down saying things like we're not safe. this government is murderous. it is killing people. it is killing its own people. we then see who's blood this is. we see his body. the street it s. too dangerous even for a funeral. we can't say for person who pulled the trigger on the rival that killed this child. some opposition forces are arming themselves to fight the government. syria won't let outside reporters into the country, won't let international observers in to document what is truly happening there. also from today, there is more video, video that captures the stress and panic of mourners and worshippers inside a mosque. they're part of a funeral processi procession, procession that is blg sh being shot at by security forces. can you hear the gunfire when the videotape starts. you can hear the terror inside. [ gunfire ] shooting at funerals, he's saying. they're shooting at funerals, raiding the neighborhood. the army and security forces are raiding the neighborhood. then moments laider, bodies from the funeral are rushed inside the building. three bodies come through the door. two men first carried on the shoulders of mourners, some themselves wounded and bloody. then a third body is brought in, a boy. he is parentally just 12 years old. earlier i spoke with an opposition member of who has been our eyes and ears inside syria throughout the uprising because of our continued requests for visas are deniedment for his protection, we're only using his first name. i also spoke with a woman, a pbs reporter who spent two weeks undercover in syria in september and shared her story in a front line documentary. yet again we're seeing video of children who have been shot to death in syria. when you hear the government of syria, the regime of syria saying they're not killing people, that they're not willing innocent people and they're not ordering the deaths of any people, how can they say that when we constantly are seeing she's videos? >> well, they keep lying and lying until they believe what they lie about. i don't know. i mean i don't know if they believe it or not, but the killing is happening on a daily basis. and we is see in front of us today we lost seven children. two women amongst 45 killed today. and the worst is the funeral in one of the i can, another kid was shot. and if they really say that these videos are fake, then let the media go in and let us see if this is real or not. everybody knows that the regime is doing systemic killing on a daily basis. you can also measure it from the number of people killed. they want today, every day 30 to 40 people dead. and we hear the same figure on daily basis, between 30 and 40 people killed on daily basis. as if there is a clear, you know, command, kill between 30 and 40 people every day. this is what happens. >> you were able to get into syria. you saw for yourself with your own eyes what is happening there. can you describe what life is like on a daily basis now? >> people are terrified and a lot of the towns outside syria, the economy has ground to a stand still. there are daily violence house-to-house raids. activists and protesters too scared to leave their houses during the day. so they live life on the run. they're living in safe house -- moving from safe house to safe house. life is not as normal. in fact, it feels like wartime era there. >> and when you hear this syrian leader, the dictator of syria saying we're not ordering the deaths of people. there are no house-to-house searches. people are not being arrested and killed in homes, what do you think? you've seen it for yourself. >> yeah. i mean on some level it's quite laughable. i was watching an interview and i was laughing at the same time screaming at the television because of course what is happening there is absolutely undeniable. it's all around you. you can't escape it. it's impossible for somebody to be a member of the government and not know that these killings are happening and of course not just killings but the detention of thousands and thousands. and the torture of thousands. >> president assad said this week to barbara walters that it's impossible for someone in the syrian government to give an order to kill people. how do you respond to that? >> i can just say, i mean, he has all authority in syria. and he has full responsibility for what is going on. when they say that there is no electric tour, just a few days ago my friend came out of a jail because of demonstrating petitionfully. he was crucified for one full night. he was crucified for one full night. >> when you say crucified -- what do you mean? >> yesterday was about -- i received a call from my family do not try even to do so because the village is being raided right now. and they arrested thsh arrested 20 people. and they burned bikes just like that. i mean these people are -- i don't know why. and the entire city is just occupied. you cannot cross in unless you go through four or five checkpoints from every entrance of the city. the question is, is this all done without the president knowing about it? this sun believable. no one can believe that. >> dara is where the demonstrations began. at the time it initially was not calling for the overthrew of the regime. they were not calling for the ouster of assad. it was only after he cracked down and started killing people that that became the rallying cry. but seyria is saying the government surrounded the city and that the military issued a 72-hour deadline for people to stop protesting and a lot of people there fear a mass carr. what massacre. what is going on? >> well, everything is about this regime. my information says that this city which is the biggest city in syria which has from all relinl yonz, from all sects, you have muslims, christians, you have orthodox, catholics, you have sunni, shia, everybody. okay? this it is ji well known for co-existence. people live with each other for centuries without any sensitiviti sensitivities. unfortunately, the regime is dragging people over there for some sort of sectarian, i don't know, conflict or more than that even. so i can believe everything now. my information says that the local authorities and they are doing the daily killing without doing anything so that you -- >> that is the government militia. >> zadoun, i appreciate you joining us again. please stay safe. ramida, thank you so much, appreciate it. >> you're welcome, anderson. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> well, let us know what you think about the killings in syria. we're on facebook, google plus or follow us on twitter. up next, is a high-tech american stealth drone in the hands of iran? iranians say yes and they brought it down. american officials, well, let's say their story is evolving. later tonight, the deadly epidemic, driving while distracted. tom foreman is going to show you firsthand how dangerous it can be to text while driving. let's also check in with isha. >> sentencing to day for the second of two killers in the home invasion murder that left a woman and two daughters dead. the jury made its recommendation today. reaction afterwards from the father, the sole survivor. >> we certainly have been criticized over the years that this is vengeance and blood lost. but this is really about justice. >> that and much more when 360 continues. fore! no matter what small business you are in, managing expenses seems to... get in the way. not anymore. ink, the small business card from chase introduces jot an on-the-go expense app made exclusively for ink customers. custom categorize your expenses anywhere. save time and get back to what you love. the latest innovation. only for ink customers. learn more at real, objective investing help? 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[ male announcer ] take action. take advil®. welcome back. tracking the evolving story of what became of an american drone like this one. it's called an rq 170 sentinel. it is also known as the beast of kandahar. reports are that it was orbiting over osama bin laden's compound while the stealth technology made it invisible to pakistani radar. tonight that technology may be in the hands iran. they tracked one last week as it flew across the afghan border deep into iran. then they say they brought it down mostly in one piece and this, they say, is it. you can see it. it looks more like it landed than it actually crashed. doesn't look like there search damage. is it for real? the experts differ. was it spying on iran? especially iran's nuclear program? american officials are not saying. but as we said, their story is evolving. >> the u.s., you see the nato alliance in afghanistan to issue a statement is only saying, "the uav to which the iranians are referring may be a u.s. unarmed reconnaissance aircraft that had been flying a mission over western afghanistan late last week." the operators of the uav lost control of the aircraft and had been working to determine its status. that according to the statement. >> that is barbara starr on sunday. the drone in afghanistan. by tuesday, for inside sources were telling a different story. >> the u.s. stealth drone that crashed in iran last week after the u.s. lost control of it was part of a cia reconnaissance mission using both cia and military personnel. two officials have now told cnn. confirming also it was an rq-170, the stealth drone that is so important to the cia. no one will say whether the drone was actually flying over ireyiranian airspace. the u.s. did consider a mission to recover the wreckage or bomb it to keep it out of the hands of the iranians. that's how important it was. but all those options were discarded because it was inside iran. the question now, of course, is if iranians have their hands on the wreckage which the u.s. believes they do, what do they really have? how intact is it? >> well, so now the drone is acknowledged to be a stealth grown. the question, is it a pile of wreckage or in one piece? here was the answer at 10:00 this morning. >> and one u.s. officials says they have satellite footage of that crash site and it shows that the drone suffered significant damage. >> that is chris lawrence from the pentagon this morning. significant damage. but now listen to the state department briefing just a couple hours later. >> press tv has paraded what they claim is your drone or an american drone that appears to be intact. do you have any comment on that? >> i do not. >> well, that's where we stand tonight. some of america's most carefully guarded stealth technology possibly now in the hands of an adversary which become many cold war. more than half a century ago, the soviet union put pieces of an american spy plane, the u-2 on display. state of the art technology back then. but also like today, the story of how he went down evolved and it took a while to learn the whole truth. earlier to night i talked about what the iranians may have and what its mission might have been with former cia officer and intelligence columnist robert bear. also fareed zakaria. >> do you think the drone shown on iranian tv is the real thing? >> i think it absolutely is. i mean it's not something that they could imitate and fake this thing. i think what happened is it was either forced down by hacking or in fact landed these drones have a programmable to land on flat ground. there is no evidence of damage though. that's my question. >> so you think the iranians actually hacked into the system? >> there's a possibility they did. you know, washington has denied it thus far. they can hack into these things and order them to land. they can override american controls. >> this is kind of a glimpse of if in fact this is a real drone and they did hack it or bring it down somehow. this is just a glimpse into what is basically a stealth war, covert war between the u.s. and iran, isn't it? >> absolutely. this is something we sometimes forget. the united states is very actively engaged in cohort operations against iran. the drones are one part of it. they are also funding some groups that operate on iran's borders. the other sense in which, anderson, this is a glimpse of the future perhaps is iran is using asystem et rickal warfare to bring down america's advantages so they can't build a drone. but they figured out a way to hack into the system and bring down the drone. i agree with robert. i'm clear what happened. because it does not seem to be significant damage, there is at least a decent chance that what happened is that the iranians figured out some way to do this. and that's a very interesting example of this warfare. it's what the chinese study when they look at how to do battle with us. it's what the iranians are studying. >> there is also, bob, been hacking of -- by some whether it's the u.s. or israel or someone else of iranian nuclear facilities. in fact, iranian nuclear scientists, some of them have been killed in the streets in iran, haven't they? >> yeah, i think this undoubtedly the israelis, the united states is not waging a lethal war against iran right now. there's no authority for it. if there were, we would have seen leaks of this. i think it's our best guess is it's the israelis. but in the iranian's eyes, we're allied with them and we may as well be responsible. i think fareed is right. we're seeing this shadow war starting to escalate. and in a serious way. >> if iran does, in fact, have the u.s. drone from an intelligence standpoint, how bad is that? somebody compared it to dropping a ferrari in an ox cart culture, saying iran doesn't know what to do with it. do you agree? >> not at all. remember, this is a fairly advanced country. this is an advanced society. it is 90 million people. they are producing centrifuges by the dozens. they are, you know, moving on a nuclear program. the drone is also very advance the technology that they would be very interested in. it's very recent. i think it was unveiled in 2009. this is a big deal. i think i'd be interested to know what bob thinks. it strikes me that this exposes very vulnerable, very new american technology. also remember, the iranians have something that chinese and russians want. and there are various ways they can share it with plausible deniability. they can do photographs or blueprints. to all of a sudden they have something that the russians and the chinese want. so guess what? the next time there are u.n. security council sanctions the russians have something, interesting conversations with the iranians. >> bob, do you agree with that? this is technology that iranians might share with the russians and chinese? >> oh, absolutely. i mean if the iranians themselves can't get into this and figure out how it works, they'll invite the chinese in from one of the companies. they'll look at it. and this is extremely damaging because this drone had, you know, thermal imaging cameras. the resolution on the photography is very, very good. and as we know, it's the same drone that was used to surveil bin laden's compound before the raid. it plays a key role in collecting intelligence as it does against iranian nuclear facilities. >> so, bob, they don't have this drone technology already? >> not this good, no. i mean we truly are at the best. we've been working at it for ten years. it's been a key element and over the tribal areas of pakistan. i think this is another intelligence catastrophe. >> the drones have really impacted the battlefield in pakistan and afghanistan and elsewhere. >> i think one forgets that terrorist organizations, you know, they're very small groups with leaders who are absolutely crucial. and what the drone is able to do is to exploit that disadvantage that terrorist organizations have. so you can target a few key people with a drone. and the drones are gotten increasingly accurate. you have enormous advantages because can you disrupt the entire organization. and that's really what the war against al qaeda has been a war against the senior leadership using drones. and so the drone is -- you can't underestimate the importance of it. and this is one of the unique weapons in america's arsenal. the chinese don't visit. the russians don't have it. to the best of our knowledge, nobody in the world has something like this. >> bob bear, fareed zakaria, thanks very much. >> well, one other note about iran, there is released video showing a man named robert levenson who disappeared in iran nearly five years ago. his family says they received this video last year. this is the first publicly known evidence that he's alive. it seems like he is being held. the obama administration says the government is still working to bring him home safely. it's unclear, at least to us, or publicly it's unclear who is holding him or where he's being held. a u.s. official sells cnn that one e-mail sent by captors to his family is believed to have originated in internet cafes in pakistan or afghanistan. the suspected gunman in yesterday's deadly virginia tech shooting is identified by police. we have the latest on the investigation. also tonight, driving while distracted. a new study that shows how dangerous it can be on the roadways while the texting, sending e-mails, putting you at risk. what's interesting tonight is tom foreman gets behind the wheel and shows you firsthand how dangerous it really is. 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[ deep breath ] thank you! that's the cold truth! a clue tonight, a data about a harz ard that is not getting away and may be getting worse, texting, talking, e-mailing while driving. nearly 20% of drivers send text maes aejors e-mails behind the wheel. half of drivers 21 to 24 years old report doing that. and more than three quarters of drivers say they're willing to answer a call while driving. two-thirds say they keep driving as they talk. it is a deadly habit. more than 3,000 deaths, one-tenth of all roadway fatalities involved distracted drivers. they're driving in denial. more than half of those who reported texting or e-mailing while driving believe that using a cell phone has no impact on their driving performance. tom foreman is here to show exactly why that belief just does not hold up to the facts. tom? >> yeah, but it does hold up. i'll tell that you. people continue to insist they do a great job. well, there have been a lot of studies about. this a few years back the folks at virginia tech did a great study on how much time you lose doing these simple things that distract you. and what a difference it makes, anderson. we went to a parking lot. we replicated it. the first scam hm to do with loading a cd into your player. so we took this suv. we got it up to 25 miles an hour. and then i put a cd in. researchers at virginia tech found took a second and a half. as soon as i was done, i stood on the brake and look where i stopped, basically in front of our camera position. so that gives you pint of reference on how fast i could stop after this really quite simple task. well the second thing we did involved a little bit more. in this was case we got to 25 miles an hour and i dialed a number on my cell phone. which the researchers at virginia tech found took about three seconds. and then i stood on the brake and look at the difference here. by the time i am able to get my eyes back on the road and stop, now i am much, much further down the path from our camera position than i was in the first one. so you can see right away in the two simple tasks, big difference. >> it's a huge difference. the biggest safety concern is texting. >> texting is where it just blows your mind. again, it really takes your eyes off of the road. look at our texting experiment. the virginia tech researchers found that this took about six seconds. so i get up to 25 miles an hour once again at the cone. i start texting. i take about six seconds to write a message. once again, i stand on the brake as soon as i'm done and look where i wind up. huge, huge difference. look at them all next to each other. that's where i am in the last shot. this is where i am after just dialing a phone. and this is where i was after doing the basic task of loading a cd. the difference is profound. and at highway speeds, can you cover the length of an entire football field driving blind trying to send a simple text. >> really? a whole football field? >> whole football field. tsz a huge difference. and until you actually do it, it's hard to believe this research. but get in a car, try this in a safe place and you'll be astonished. made me stop texting. >> yeah. in a safe place is the key phrase there. tom, thanks very much. following a number of other stories, let's check in with the 360 news and business bulletin. >> investigators identified and suspected virginia tech shooter. he's 22-year-old ross ashley. he did not attend the school. he suspected of killing a virginia tech campus police officer thursday before turning the gun on himself. police are looking for a motive for the killing. a former rutgers university student suspected of using a web cam to stream footage of his roommate's sexual encount we are another man turned down a plea deal that would have allowed him to avoid trail time. his roommate killed himself after the incident. the dow climbed 187 points today after most european countries agreed to a new deal to end the debt crisis. britain is refusing to support the plan. and pending a safety review, nasa announced today, it will green light a plan for the first private company to make a run to the international space station. they plan to launch a falcon rocket carrying a capsule that will rendezvous in february. if successful, nasa will no longer have to pay russia and other countries to ferry supplies. it's been doing that since the end of the space shuttle program. very exciting. >> yeah. interesting. we're going to check back with you later. still ahead, crime and punishment in a small texas town. the new police chief discovered an unexpected enemy in the fight against drug cartels, corruption within his own ranks. also tonight, a jury recommending death for the man convicted in that deadly home invasion with the family of his victims is saying tonight when we continue. get the technology they love, on the network they deserve. like the powerful droid charge by samsung, or get the samsung stratosphere, and for a limited time, get twice the data for the same low price. verizon. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] everyone deserves the gift of a pain free holiday. ♪ this season, discover aleve. all day pain relief with just two pills. whoa. whoa. how do you top great vacations? 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[ male announcer ] no need to wait with our christmas price guarantee. we're so confident in our prices if you do find a lower one between now and christmas, we'll give you the difference on a walmart gift card. save money. live better. walmart. a federal gun running operation called fast and furious, it was the focus of heating in which eric holder was accused of withholding information and called for heads to roll. take a look. >> my committee just next door was systemically lied to by your own representatives. there is a high likelihood an individual was deliberately duped but he was duped by people who still work for you to day. still work for you to day. >> that was congressman issa. he didn't stop there. listen. >> there has been an attempt to find scapegoats. many of the people have been pointed to do share in the blame. but mr. attorney general, the blame must go to your desk and you must today take the real responsibility. >> later, issa compared holder to john mitchell and holder shot back. >> we'll respond in a way that other attorneys general have, other -- >> john mitchell responded that way, too. >> regular order. >> the reference to john mitchell. think about. that think about that. at some point, as i said was the mccarthy hearings, at some point you have no shame, you know? >> that was a question referenced to john mccarthy who was sen shurd for leading a communist witchunt. fast and furious was supposed to track the flow of illegal guns across the u.s.-mexico border. hundreds of weapons were lost, two were found at the site where a border patrol agent was killed last december. it's the last thing law enforcement needs, more weapons in the hands of drug cartels, obviously. in the southernmost tip of texas, the battle against the cartels is constant. and the enemy is sometimes a lot closer than you might think. that's when a new police chief told marten savage. listen. ♪ >> reporter: in sullivan city, texas, tpopulation two shy of 4,000, there is a new law man, a former marine. >> is that a standard issue? >> this is what i carry. >> it's what he carries because of the kind of crime he's up against. he says hardly a day goes by he is not chasing heavily armed human traffickers or drug runners through the streets. he has been chief of police just four months. >> it's outrageous. we just have so much going on. and the river is down there. >> reporter: from a nearby hill top, he shows me how vulnerable his city, is sitting on two main cartel smuggling roots from the border three miles away. >> so everything comes up here. >> and he knows from this same place cartel informants watch him and his men. and they look at our police department just down there. and all we're doing is just checking the patrol cars come in so they could use the radios and say they're in the station, go. go. go. >> reporter: what kind of feeling is that for you to know somebody is up here? >> i mean it's one of the things we deal with every day. >> reporter: but it's not the only thing he deals with every day. >> it's the wild west out here. >> reporter: on top of the smuggling and killing, corruption is bleeding into his department. you're outnumbered. >> outnumbered. outgunned. you need more help. >> yep. >> reporter: and thn on top of that, corruption. >> yes. corruption. that's a real big part with us. >> reporter: and it's not just sullivan city. in a number of small towns here in the southern tip of texas, residents have seen a troubling trend. cops convicted of corruption on the take from mexican drug cartels, lefrg the people they swore to protect and serve afraid and alone. do you trust the police department here? >> trust, no. complete trust, no. >> reporter: trust here is hard to come by. long time residence say the cartel influence from across this tiny border crossing on the rio grande is too tempting for police to turn down. in 2008, fbi agents arrested the sheriff of star county, texas, a job he held for 17 years. 52-year-old was convicted of giving information to a drug gang and deliberately botching investigations. he had replaced the previous sheriff who also went to prison for corruption. police officers jamie dias was arrested for using his badge and squad car to escort shipments of cocaine. and last year in sullivan city, federal agents handcuffed the previous chief of police as he sat on the town's police station. the charge, helping to move two tons of marijuana over city streets. the pain of the trail still haunts the former mayor who hired him. was he a good man? >> he was a good man. i don't know what happened. >> reporter: so it's turning good cops bad on the boreder? it's not easy getting people to say. so we spent the better part of an hour in this market trying to get people to talk to us. but nobody will. that gives you an idea of the influence that drug cartels even have even in an american town. everybody knows what's going on. but they're just too afraid to talk. it probably won't shock you that money from drug cartels is the main corruptor. after all, take-home pay for a top cop is about $500 a week here. according to law enforcement, standard 100 pound shipment of marijuana could net the cartels $250,000. but there is something else harder to resist. blood. almost everyone in these towns has relatives on the other side of the border, many here have an uncle or cousin or someone in the cartels there and family is everywhere. and that's the type of influence that a fence or boots on the ground can't keep out. do people openly admit they work for the cartels? >> well, usually a lot of them do. they just tell you we really need the money, you know, and we have to go in or stuff like that. because there is nothing else to do. >> reporter: all of this would seem to make chiefs job almost impossible. do you think there are people who look at you and say it will be you eventually? >> you know, everybody's got opinions. but, i mean, i'd rather quit and not be involved in anything illegal than, you know, come out on tv and, you know, be in this. >> you have been approached? >> you know, not yet. but, i mean, out here, i mean, somebody always comes out. >> reporter: you think it's a matter of time? >> it's just a matter of time. but like i said, i mean, i won't. >> reporter: a tough stand in a tiny town on a long border. martin savage, sullivan city, texas. >> wow. fascinating to look at the threat of corruption on the border. coming up, rick perry on the campaign trail. once ge, he is caught on camera trying to jog his memory. what got him tripped up this time? we'll show that you. and the jury is back with their recommend that is horrible, horrible horrific connecticut home invasion trial. the reaction from the sole survivor of the attack when we continue. all energy development comes with some risk, but proven technologies allow natural gas producers to supply affordable, cleaner energy, while protecting our environment. across america, these technologies protect air - by monitoring air quality and reducing emissions... ...protect water - through conservation and self-contained recycling systems... ... and protect land - by reducing our footprint and respecting wildlife. america's natural gas... domestic, abundant, clean energy to power our lives... that's smarter power today. helps defends against occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating. with three strains of good bacteria to help balance your colon. you had me at "probiotic." 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[ male announcer ] for occasional constipation associated with certain medical conditions there's colace capsules. colace softens the stool and helps eliminate the need to strain. stimulant-free, comfortable relief. no wonder colace is the #1 stool softener brand recommended by doctors. say "yes" to colace! [ male announcer ] go to for savings. time for the ridiculous. tonight we're adding the first ever plafrpging conviction. by conviction i do not mean someone who had a strong belief in planking. someone was convicted by a judge because of a bunch of plafrpging photos. more on that in a moment. first, for those of you over 40 and have better things to do than follow the willedering internet fads. planking is when people get face down on the ground, sometimes in strange places and they post the pictures or videos online. and you know what? i'm just going to let oscar from the office describe it. i think he says it best. >> for god sake. planking is a very stupid and dangerous trend. basically you lie like a plank in weird places. that's it. sometimes you get run over. welcome positive the internet. >> so this week a ghi wisconsin was convicted in an all out planking spree. here are a few of the photos. here he is on an atm. here he is on the belt in a store checkout line. and here he is on a police car. the police didn't really think that one was funny, no, they didn't. so they went and talked to the guy. he said it was photo shopped. a judge convicted him of disorderly conduct and fined him $303. they call him the first victim of the plafrpging craze, legally speaking. but this isn't something that only bored kids in wisconsin find amusing, not by a long shot. justin bierbr plafrpgs, gordon ramsey is a plafrpger. even hugh hefner has been seduced apparently by the mystifying wilz of plafrpging. he looks almost dead there. ominous. okay. maybe i'm not hip. maybe i'm not a cool cat with wicked rad mojo or whatever the kids say today, i don't get the planking thing. still, i'm not sure people should necessarily be charged for crimes for plafrpging. i actually like a devern method of dealing with the situation. >> kids, don't try planking. it's dangerous. >> especially with me around. >> and there is

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Phone , Football Field Driving Blind , Length , Highway Speeds , Place , Car , Football Field , Tsz , Ross Ashley , Stories , Phrase , Shooter , News , Business Bulletin , 22 , Student , School , Police Officer , Web Cam , Motive , Virginia Tech Campus , Gun , Rutgers University , Roommate , Plea Deal , Footage , Trail Time , Encount , Incident , Plan , Countries , Nasa , Debt Crisis , Safety Review , Dow , Britain , 187 , Falcon Rocket , Space Station , Company , Capsule , Run , Space Shuttle Program , End , Small Texas Town , Crime And Punishment , Drug Cartels , Corruption , Police Chief , Home Invasion , Enemy , Victims , Fight , Ranks , Samsung Stratosphere , Network , Powerful Droid Charge , Samsung , Price , Verizon , Everyone , Spain , Aleve , Gift , Holiday , Points , Vacations , Pills , Times , Card , Color , Travel , Transaction Fees , Dining , Chase Sapphire , Chase Sapphire Preferred , Chasesapphire Com Preferred They Won T Be Beat , Kids , Rule , Need , Sleigh , Ring , Ring Dinga Ding , Christmas , Prices , Rules , Ohh , Guarantee , Gift Card , Save Money , Walmart , Gun Running Operation Called Fast And Furious , Withholding Information , Committee , Heads , Eric Holder , Focus , Cheating , Take A Look , Individual , Systemically , Likelihood , Representatives , Many , Congressman Issa , Blame , Scapegoats , Share , Attorney General , Attempt , Mr , Holder , Desk , John Mitchell , Point , General , Have , Attorneys , Guns , Flow , Shame , Fast And Furious , John Mccarthy , Mccarthy Hearings , Sen Shurd , Communist Witchunt , Texas , Site , Tip , Agent , Law Enforcement Needs , U S Mexico Border , Border Patrol , Cartels , Marten Savage , Law Man , Issue , Tpopulation , 4000 , Drug , Chief , Runners , Human Traffickers , Hill Top , River , Cartel Smuggling Roots , Border , Police Department , Patrol Cars , Cartel Informants , Doing , Station , Radios , Feeling , Go , Top , Department , Smuggling , Help , Outnumbered , Wild West , Outgunned , Residents , Thn , Yes , Yep , Cops , Trend , Trust , Stake , Lefrg , Mexican , Cartel Influence , Agents , Border Crossing , Rio Grande , Fbi , Residence , 2008 , Sheriff , Investigations , Drug Gang , Star County , 52 , 17 , Jamie Dias , Cocaine , Shipments , Badge , Prison , Squad , Mayor , Marijuana , Chief Of Police , Police Station , City Streets , Charge , Trail , On The Town , Boreder , Market , Town , Money , Influence , Corruptor , Idea , Pay , What S Going On , Shock , Pound Shipment , Law Enforcement , Cop , 250000 , 50000 , 500 , 100 , Everywhere , Relatives , Cousin , Side , Type , Uncle , Stuff , Fence , Boots , Chiefs , Opinions , , Threat , Martin Savage , Horrible Horrific Connecticut Home Invasion Trial , Rick Perry , Camera , Memory , Coming Up , Campaign Trail , Age , Survivor , Energy Development , Attack , Technologies , Energy , Recycling Systems , Emissions , Natural Gas , Conservation , Producers , Air Quality , Environment , Lives , Footprint , Wildlife , Power , Domestic , Constipation , Strains , Gas , Colon , Diarrhea , Bloating , Bacteria , Probiotic , Colon Health , Phillips , Belt , Girl Wouldn T , Accessories , Nylons , Shoes , Diamond , Citi , Airline , Blackout Dates , The Rock , Trades , Cellphone Rings , Charts , Futures , Solution , Audio , Mobile Trader , 4 , Equity Trades , Wherever , Number One , Mobile Trading , Row , Guin , Team , Row Ow , They Genatectry , Row , Inea Pig , Wch Le Me Rf T Guinea Pig , D , Mathis , Ty Boanso , Guinea Pigs , Wch Le Me Rf T Lile , Quote , Save , Word , Car Insurance , Guineaig , Guinig , Ro S Kof Strange , Anncr T An Easierayof Strange , Geico Com , Eu , 15 , Heroes , Tribute , Sunday Night , Chris Ann Johnson , Group , Hero , Look , Lens , Diane , Kids Off The Block , Community Program , Generation , Roseland , Chicago , Night , Warrior , Life Change , Joke , Open Door Policy , Want Out , Numbers , Finishing School , Music , Indiana , Hope , Rest , Sunday Night December 11th For Cnn Heroes And All Star Tribute Starting , Los Angeles , Eastern , December 11th , 11 , Bulletin , Felony Charges , Death Penalty , Joshua , William , Fire , Dr , Connecticut , Blood Loss , Voir Dire , Punishment , Penalty , Georgia , Worker , Apartment Complex , Maintenance , Trash Compactor , 7 , He Couldn T , Activist Judges To The Supreme Court , Sonia Sotomayor , Concern , Judges , Supreme Court Should , Kagan , Panda , Snow , Giant Pandas , Special Treat , Wnter Wonder Land , San Diego Zoo , Southern California , Guy , Nap , Right , Conviction , Colace , Law , Trouble , Hemorrhoids , Ca , Colace Capsules , Brand , Relief , Conditions , Stool , Wonder , Doctors , Stool Softener , 1 , Savings , Colacecapsules Com , Ridiculous , Planking , Judge , Bunch , Plafrpging Photos , Places , Pictures , Oscar , Internet Fads , Willedering , Office , Plank , Sake , God , Internet , Photos , Few , Store Checkout Line , Planking Spree , Atm , Ghi Wisconsin , Photo , Police Car , Disorderly Conduct , Funny , Plafrpger , Victim , Justin Bierbr Plafrpgs , Wisconsin , Plafrpging Craze , Gordon Ramsey , 03 , 303 , Hugh Hefner , Hip , Cool Cat , Rad Mojo , Mystifying Wilz Of Plafrpging , Ominous , Planking Thing , Crimes , Dealing , Method , Situation , Devern , Party , Election , Thanks , Watching , Fun , Character Ands , Partst Process , Husseiny , Anderson Cooper 360 , Don T Try Planking ,

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