Transcripts For CNNW Anderson 20240627 :

Transcripts For CNNW Anderson 20240627

let's explore the different challenges they face and the unique problem that the incumbents have had during their first debates. first though, cnn's mj lee and kristen holmes with the latest from inside both campaigns, mj, what more are you learning about what prison byd wants to accomplish? our night well, anderson, if you put all of the policy issues aside for a second, there's one specific category of incoming from donald trump that the president is preparing for and bracing for. >> and that is personal insults that are directed not only app the president, of members of his family as well, i'm told by one biden adviser that at these debate prep sessions at camp david in recent days something that the president has been readying four the potential insults and attack that are thrown his way, aimed at specific members of his family. and this adviser wouldn't elaborate. this is obviously a very sensitive issue, but something that is of course still very frehse for the biden family is the news from earlier this month that his son, hunter biden, was convicted on three separate felony gun charges. a saga that has been incredibly deeply painful for the entire biden family and what is incredible is that the president has already experienced donald trump going after his son, hunter biden. this was back in this september 2020 debate when president trump said that hunter biden had been dishonorably discharged for using cocaine from the military to be clear, he was administratively discharged, which is different. he also mocked a hunter biden i didn't if you'll recall saying he couldn't get a job until a president biden had become vice president. so the defense, if you also remember that president biden gave at the time, but saying, look, yes, like a lot of american families are families. one that has dealt with the problem of addiction, but i'm proud of my son and i my son eighth had said at the time that that ended up being actually one of the most resonant moments coming out of the debate. but i think all of this just goes to show the biden team's broader strategy of trying to prepare for anything and everything. but donald trump my throw his way thursday night in creusa. >> understand you have some reporting on this from the trump team as well yeah. interesting. we've actually heard donald trump to even as recently as last week say that he believes the hunter biden and his legal issues we're actually going to come up in the debate and likely he means because he would bring them up. we know this is something that he often brings because up at rallies at various events and even with donors talking about hunter biden talking about his legal issues linking it back to president joe biden i have talked to a number of people in trump's orbit who are hoping that he stays away from this line of attacks. they understand that donald trump himself can be increasingly nasty, that he tends to go oh, very, very personal. obviously president biden from mgs reporting is preparing for that. but what they are hoping does is stays away from that instead because it's just on their messaging. they want donald trump to show up at the debate on thursday and focus on a contrast between his former administration and that of jd so biden's particularly when it comes to the economy and inflation prime and immigration. if you look at all the recent polling, that's what they're going off. it shows the donald trump is ahead with voters on those issues. they don't want him to dive into personal attacks non-stop. now, obviously, bot is going depend on what happens on that stage thursday, they cannot control that, but what they are hoping intact telling him to do that his best options are to stay on message and focus on the issues all right. >> christian homes, mj lee, thanks so much with me here tonight republican geoff duncan, the former lieutenant governor of georgia, who announced today he is now supporting president biden. cnn senior political commentator, former trump campaign adviser, david urban, former atlanta mayor kitchen lands bottoms, who's joining the biden campaign as a senior adviser. also former obama senior adviser, david axelrod and cnn chief national correspondent, john king. obviously, david axelrod, you have a lot of experience with president bomber in debates. you know, joe biden as a debater. what do you expect him to try? trump to try to get under biden skin with family i do expect him to try and distract and one of the interesting questions to me is the mics are gonna go off when your time is up. it doesn't prevent trump from continuing to talk and try to just trying to distract the podiums are eight feet apart. i don't know if that means sound is picked up i think well, i don't think it's i mean, i saw demonstration, right? cnn earlier today, it's in sound like it was being picked up, so it actually could be an odd seen if the president is responding to things that people can hear, but in any case, i do think that they're imperatives for both these guys and for joe biden, the the imperative is clearly to be engaged active, and i think on the offense and not on the defense. and for trump the question is for biden, can he control the event? the question for trump is, can he control himself? the first debate, last time was a disaster for trump because he was interrupting and he was up noxious. and i think he knows it and it's advisors know it and they say he's not gonna do it again. but as mike tyson one said, everybody has a plan until they're punched in the face. so we'll see how he responds to provocation john, i look i would say that anytime spent on hunter biden is going to be viewed in most of the country as a waste of time now, the trump based would love it. >> the trump based with absolutely love it. he has to trump base. write if donald trump steps on that stage, worried about the trump voters, he's already lost. he doesn't have to worry about them. he has them. that's why he has a slight lead in this race. so what is the point you're gonna make about hundred biden, that's going to address any of your weaknesses or 4 to fight your strengths, right? he is ahead and polling right now in the economy it on immigration. what can you say about this issues to talk to the american people to say, you want me not him, you've had three-and-a-half years of him. you want me he has giant weaknesses. he needs to help, but this state, these two can talk about it a lot better than i i can't is changing by the minute becoming a more diverse, more suburban, more college educated state that's donald trump's kryptonite. that's why he lost georgia in 2020 because they does he have the character? what about january 6? what's your commitment to democracy? that's what they want to hear him talk about. they want to see if he's learned any lessons. they don't want to hear him talk about hunter biden and the precedent has a giant challenge. he's an incumbent president of the country that's very unhappy with the direction we are heading. so number one, he has to put on a vigorous performance to quiet any doubts about his age or at least turn the volume down on those doubts about his age. but i would argue most importantly from my travels, he has to look the american people in the eye and talk about cost of living in a way that is relevant to them. i say cost of living, not inflation they should, because people are talking about rent, they're talking about my house is worth a lot more money than when i bought it and i actually refinance at a good rate. i'm great, but i've had a kid or two since then, but i want to buy a bigger house, but i can't because all the prices have gone up and the mortgage rates have gone up. groceries are still high in a lot of biden's supporters complaint about supermarkets sticker shock, a sometimes gets offensive. it says the numbers are good, the numbers are better. the economy's great that's the wrong strategy. people don't feel that. so they should focus on 4, define their strengths and addressing. they both have glaring weaknesses. hunter biden to me 60 voters, i've talked to in ten states, they would view it as a waste when you're an incumbent. and there's 65% or 70% of people say the countries on the wrong track, you do not want the election to be a referendum. you want to make it a choice that has to be the imperative for the president tomorrow. >> what are you expecting their bottoms? >> yeah, i think this election will be about not just the future, but it's going to be about the past. then we are in a different situation here because we've got a guidance served as president before i was mayor while he was president, it was a pretty traumatic experience. and i think people need to be reminded. i think it's human nature for us to try and move on from farm trauma. but 2020, the pandemic, the way he talked about injecting people with bleach charlottesville, they're good people on both sides appointing three supreme court justices who had now i'll overturned roe v wade, and i can go on and on and on. i think we have to remind people that, but also reminded people of how this administration has delivered and how it will continue to look to deliver going forward. david urban, one of the disadvantages president biden has now is that people need to be two her point, people to be reminded of things president biden prisoner president said, no, no, said 44 years ago as opposed to things that biden has done now john, david and the mayor make a good point, right? >> so president biden has a record this time he didn't have a record to run on. you'd never record to be attacked in those first two debates. president trump totally did not do a good job in the first debate in 2020, the second debate he reported himself very well. and by all accounts, probably one, no one was tuning in if that donald trump shows up tomorrow night here and addresses those issues. like john says, if he comes out and says, listen, i'm going to pardon hunter biden, which i'd love to see right. i'll pardon hunter biden. i think that'd be a really wise move on his part. so just like me, hunter biden would have been prosecuted if his name wasn't biden. if i would've been prosecuted, mine was donald trump. so i'm gonna i'm gonna see through this. i'm going to remove the shenanigans. i'd love for you to do that. that's how you bring up his name and look up passionate. and i think you talk about those kitchen table issues that people in america, despite joe biden's best efforts to fight everyone, the white house trying to say tell their accomplishments, people in america don't buy it poll after poll after poll to david's point, wrong track, right? he's an unpopular inflation's too much, everything's too expensive. the rent is too high. nobody cares about democracy, nobody cares about these bigger issues. when you can't fill up your gas tank and send your kids at summer camp. that's what i think is going to be on the on the debate stage tomorrow, if trump could focused on that, he gets the w the geoff mau, or a lifelong republican you and congressman adam kinzinger, another republican this morning endorse president biden after endorsing him last month is morning. or you endorsed him, i guess let last last month. the two of you appeared at a biden campaign event and one of the things you said you said, let's take the next four years is republicans and build and heal a new party, a gop to 0.0 how can president biden appeal to more people like you? >> well, first of all, welcome to georgia, the home of the safest fairest, the most legal elections in the country. we can prove it and we have proved it and the answer to that question is donald trump's in a box 45% of this country loves to hear what he says. but it's appalling to the rest of the country. there's really no opportunity for him to build a bridge that 10% in the middle that actually are paying attention that care that are trying to come to grips as a republican lifelong republican, they're trying to come to grips with shown up in vote for a democrat for the first time. i think joe biden has a better opportunity to do that. as john talked about this economy, this is the tale of two stories. some people wake up and this is the worst economy they could possibly imagine trying to afford a house or rent, or groceries some folks are waking up and this is a golden time for them there for one k's are over 50. their houses. their jobs are secure i think president biden has to extend an olive branch to those folks in the middle and talk with a very high articulate voice as to where they're the economy. because if you're one of those folks sitting on a bunch of assets, you don't want somebody to read the scab off really quickly and change the deflection. but if you can't afford groceries and the $20 to that point, he has to admit that he's got a problem, right i think that's the olive branch i think we have to talk about spending in a way that says donald trump has been $8 we didn't have and he's a fake republican for doing that elections. this is one place where i have to take a little bit of exception with my friend, the mayor. i don't think elections are about the past elections are about the future. and i think where the president has to go is bring that sort of famous empathy of his talk about what people are going through, but also talk about what he's doing and what trump would do. talk about what he's doing. a lower health care costs and then trump whining to decommission the affordable care act. talk about what he did to lower prescription drugs and what trump wants to do with that. talk about the fact that he wants to cut taxes for working families who have children while trump wants to give another big tax cut to billionaires. i mean, there is an issue after issue. there are comparative about what the future would look like with these two candidates joe biden has to go in there with that mindset. he did it four years ago, but it's easier when you're a challenger. >> we've got to pick this up after a short break. we're going more with the team ahead time much on a much more on how each sound is preparing are some more polling which only raises the stakes for president biden tomorrow night and how the last biden-trump debates affected the unique rules on this one. with moments like this my question to you. i could i just want one thing. what is ten seconds, mr. president can check that gold political statement with a laugh on me, a mess the i read this did i get it? 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it's got to get above 40. i would argue he's got to get to 243. and if he gets up against a fourt, if he can get 245 linemen job that's the problem. that's the problem he's below 40 because he's underwater on the big issues. he's underwater on the economies, underwater on the border. he's underwater on the things people care most about right now. and so what can he do to check? change this dynamic that's hard and one night this is a huge night. he has a chance to do it. it's hard. i just one other point. he's at 38% approval rating he said in the mid 30s to high 30s and some of the battleground states like nevada as an incumbent president to be in the 30s. that's telling you something that tells you the american people want a new car and they're shopping very aggressively for something new the other point? geoff just made the point. donald trump's got 45%. he can't grow. bill clinton one was 43% because the third-party candidate, matador year guy named ross perot, the third party candidates are not going to be at this debate, but they mattered this year. trump can win at 45 and 46 and some of these states, if the third-party candidates stay anywhere near the numbers they're at right now. it's an biden does have a tendency to want to do deep dives on things he has done. all president's fed wanted. >> that is the curse of the incumbent president. incumbent president show up these debates. they want, they know a lot. they wanted to fight, defend their record. we know that he is he a his app to do that? to talk about how strong the economy is, to talk about other elements of this, they need to pull all that wiring out. that's he needs to engage with where people's minds are at and talk about the future and what he's trying to do to help them. rather than history, will judge you after the fact right now, you got to go after voters. >> but what we're looking at polls, which are snapshot in time, we know 2020, he was down in the polls for biden was down then moles and we know how that turned out. he does have a record to run on and he can talk about what he's going to do going forward. 15 billion of let me make sure i had this number right. 15 million jobs created, lowest unemployment rate then 50 years, capping the insulin cost for seniors. that's a really big deal. and then opportunity to build on these things. the american people aren't looking at, at a new car. it donald trump he's a used car that we've driven before. it wasn't a good ride. that's a great, it's a great point then what makes this race unique is that if i truly believe right now, if there remains stream republican, somebody the former lieutenant governor would just endorsed a democratic president could endorse that you'd have a much different race. we would not have a static race with 38% approval rating. the president biden, would it be behind by a lot more than he's behind right now. however, you make the case, and there are a lot of good numbers and the president in a very tough environment, or washington has passed some incredible achievements. republicans might not like them, but they're big achievements. they create jobs, they put money into the climate, they build roads and bridges. the american people don't feel it. that's my point when you're traveled the country, they're not aware of it. this selection is going to be determined mean by a group of folks that don't like almost every one of joe biden's policies or a majority of those policies. but they just are going to have to wake up and feel like he's a safer option to keep the trains on time as a country, to keep us safe, focus on the big issues, but that's the whole point to the gop to point out, i think we have to vision cast the biden campaign has the vision cast into this group of i don't know, call it ten 20 million republicans that are disgruntled like i am and adam kinzinger and others. and vision cast to say, look, you're your fastest pathway to success for gop to 0.0 is to beat donald trump right here, right now, don't sit on the couch, don't don't skip the election because you just can't hold your nose and vote for democrats show up, vote, make a difference right here, right now that 10 million audience, if that happens, then i think you overcome those and i just don't i don't see it. i mean, driving around pennsylvania, drive around 4 to john's been there. >> you show me those hundred thousand republicans there on that bubble pennsylvania race is going to be 50 to 75,000 votes either way, right? that's what it's going to be and this race feels a lot more like 16 that it did 20 madam mayor, i was on the ground and 16 and pennsylvania and 20 and pennsylvania 24. this feels a lot like 16 now, my question to you and you're out there, so you know, my question is okay. but are they up for the mayor mentioned some pharmaceutical prices and the $35 insulin, or they up for repealing that because that's what trump has proposed. are they up for another 2 trillion out, i guess before trillion-dollar tax cuts for billionaires and, and or would they like help with childcare i dated but i don't know if anyone's getting i have joe biden's are going to make that point, right? donald trump's get to walk out. he's gonna say no tax on tips. mic drop right? that's it. that's a catchy phrase. it's gonna be all over the internet friday morning, i promise. >> all right. thanks, everybody coming up. what we learned about each candidate's debating skills from the last two debates, they have more head when i was diagnosed with hiv, i didn't know who i would be, but here i am being me. >> keep being you and ask your health care provider about the number one prescribed hiv treatment. but harvey harvey is a complete one pill once a day treatment used for hiv and many people, whether you're 18 or any with one small pill, pick tobi fights hiv to help you get to undetectable and stay there. whether you're just starting or replacing your current treatment research shows that taking hit the treatment as prescribed and getting two and staying undetectable prevents transmitting hiv through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure, rare life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problem to not take battarbee if you take dofetilide or rifampin, tell your health care provider about all the medicines and supplements you take. if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis, if you have hepatitis b let's stop taking battarbee without talking to your health care provider. common side effects with diarrhea, nausea, and headache, no matter where life takes, you, big tar we can go with you, talk to your healthcare provider today three body serie a city client uses city's financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep it hi chain moving. some more pet parents can get everything they need, right when they need it keeping more pets and families happy for the love of moving our clients forward, for the love of progress if you have chronic kidney disease, you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with far sega because there are places you'd like to be for segal can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that maybe he fatal dehydration, urinary bladder, genital yeast infections and low blood sugar a rare life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur, stopped taking farsi i call your doctor right away. >> if you have symptoms of disinfection and allergic dave's company just scored the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. high five! high five... -i'm on a call. it's 5 years of reliable, gig speed internet... five years of advanced security... five years of a great rate that won't change. yep, dave's feeling it. yes. but it's only for a limited time. five years? -five years. introducing the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities. to muesli slash hush tv surprise seen as hosting shark week shark week is back, who is the alpha male again asu about to get shunned? >> my shams shark week hosted by me, john sina, start sunday, july 7 on this government stream on max the rule changes we've been discussing for tomorrow night's debate came about in large part because of the last debates between then-candidate biden and then president trump four years ago. >> their first debate was called by a number of observers as the worst in prison essential history, or randi kaye has some of the highlights and lowlights from the last two times these men met on the debate stage wait a minute. let me shut you down for a second. >> in their first debate in september 2020, donald trump interrupted joe biden more than 100 times. >> your can you let him finish, service gemini biden's response eye rolls and head shapes until trump, but it in, during his attempt to answer a question about the supreme court that's why biden had had enough, but justice left. >> would you listen who is on your list? you don't you write, gentlemen, i think debate quickly went off the rails more neither candidate pulling any punches did you use the word smart? >> you graduated either the lowest or almost the lowest in your class. don't ever use the word smart with me. don't ever use that word for your tax paid $38 $38,000,000.01 year. i paid 27 michelle ushers facts as the two debated taxes and the economy biden, let loose. >> the worst, whereas america has ever had. >> and after a portion of the debate focused on race, this is a president who has used everything as a dog whistle to try to generate racist hatred, racist division. he racist before it was over. trump issued what sounded like a warning if the election didn't go his way, what have i see? tens of thousands of ballots being manipulated? i can go along with that at their second debate, just weeks before election day in 2020, the two faced off on dozens of issues, including health care immigration, and again, race. >> trump tried to blame biden for failing to solve the problem of systemic racism after decades in office, joe, i ran because of you. i ran because of barak obama because you did a poor job. if i thought you did a good job, i would've never run trump also tried to defend his own record on race i am the least racist person. i can't even see the audience because it's so dark but i don't care who's in the audience. i'm the least racist person in this room. >> abraham lincoln here is one of the most racist prejudice we've had in modern history. this guy has a dog whistle about as big as a foreign core, keep in mind at their first debate when trump was pressed denounce a white supremacist group that has openly endorsed violence. >> he stonewall golam, give me a name, give me a medic and proud on ripe stand back and standby on immigration. biden zeroed in on the hundreds of migrant children who had been separated from their parents at the us-mexico border. >> what happened? parents were ripped their kids were ripped from their arms and separated. and now they cannot find over 500 of sets of those parents and those kids are alone nowhere to go. nowhere to go. it's criminal. >> trump's on opening and fire back. >> they are so well taken care of there in facilities that was so clean. some of nine but just ask one question who built the cages with just hours to go until cnn's presidential debate. trump and biden are once again sharpening their leinz i said that i should they did some made it up. oh, really here are really here's randi kaye, cnn, new york it's stressful even watching a joining us is tebor troy, who among his many senior roles in the second bush administration, prepared the debate books for both bush and cheney in 2004 backwards as well as de, axelrod david i know one moment in particular stood out from that first debate. >> one reference and randy's piece and i just want to play again did you use the word smart? >> so you said you went to delaware state but you forgot the name of your college. you didn't go to delaware state, you graduated either the lowest or almost the lowest in your class, don't ever use the word smart with me. don't ever use that word what was it about that moment for you were to lean nasty. i think it really landed badly with people. obviously, joe biden had been vice president the united mixing it up pretty effectively with trump. and so that, that's the whole, that whole performance seemed like a church kid. and it really it really hurt trump. that is what he has to resist in this debate. there was a focus group where some guy who voted for trump for several both times. so i don't know if i can vote for again, the moderator as to why i said he is, because living with trump as president is like having a neighbor with a leaf blower that he, he runs 24/7. you never get any rest. trump has to dial that down and focus on his case or he will hurt himself again. >> tebor, what are you expecting tomorrow? because if i mean both these men now or four years older than the last time they debated yeah. >> i agree with david that to trump was nasty last time and it hurt him. and i actually think there are three reasons why trump may have more of an advantage. this time, first, biden is older, you can see it. and in his paid prep, it may he may get overwhelmed reagan in 1984 was overwhelmed by his debate advisers. and one point he even said to david stock, man who was playing walter mondale, will you shut up, which is what remember what biden said to trump in 2020 so he might get overwhelmed. another thing is trump has been more disciplined if you can believe it in this campaign in 2020, he didn't listen to his debate advisers. and then third is there is a history of incumbent presidents being cocky in their first debate and losing the first debates has happened to obama and 12, reagan in 84, ford and 76 carter and 80. it's a recurrent thing and sometimes the presence are just not ready to go mix it up with some of the first time david, i mean, you were with obama in 2012, you knew about the problem we have come bienz and yet even then, he did bad lined up. yeah now i will say i think we over we did overpreparing. we yielded to his desire for a lot of material and we gave them a lot of material and he was preparing as if it was a supreme court argument. and that was mistake. but i'll tell you something. ron klain was leading that debate prep and raina's as experienced and i think as good as good as anyone, he know, he's lived that biden by the way. he's reading this debate prep leading. biden's debate prep i think that they know exactly what the trap is and they're going to work very, very hard. i'm. trying to disabuse them of the notion to do that and to focus instead on his case in the cases that he's working for people in their future trump is a guy was consumed by himself and vengeance and retribution. and that's going to help anybody tebor one of the things that's so fascinating about out these debates and particularly this one is no matter what the preparation is, there are so many unknowns and so many different ways this could go depending on what version of each of these two men show up on the stage that night? yeah that's absolutely right. it's like athletes in any sporting event. you don't know what they're going to be like on game day, trump was given advice in 2020 to lead biden do the talking, and that he would maybe hang himself with too much rope there. but that's not what happened because trump just couldn't let it go. he thought that if he pressed biden off because of biden's age, biden would melt down and that's just not going to happen. you can't count on your on your opponent melting down in these situations, i want to play a moment when that president biden were told by the reporting from mj lee that he may be preparing for any attacks on his family. this is a moment when kennedy biden defended his son, hunter hunter got thrown out of the military. he was thrown out dishonorably discharged. that's not true. what is it use? and he didn't have a job until you became vice president. what do you not have that reserve. he made a fortune in ukraine and china and maza simply areas for the players he might watch in july, son, and he didn't have a son, like a lot of people like a lot of people we know at home, had a drug problem. he's overtaken it. he's fixed it, he's worked on it, and i'm proud of them david xr, what do you make that moment well, look, i think that moment landed well, biden's response landed well, later in the second debate this came up, i think it was in the second debate, and he flatly denied the whole laptop story that this was hunters laptop and bought into the notion that this was a russian operation and so on. that could come back in this debate and you've heard some of the trump surrogates suggesting that trump might ask him about that. so trump may come back to them. dave urban said earlier or something to that, i think that the biden people have to be alert to trump may come at him on hunter in a completely different way, which is just i think he got a raw deal on this gun thing. i don't think that he deserved that. and i don't understand how you could not pardon your own son david rohde, tbi troy. >> thank you very much. up. next we go to the debate stage itself, or john berman, their a walk us through the all new format tomorrow night with your idea compared with other choose one verb recto to protects from fleas and ticks for 12 weeks nearly three times longer. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures or neurological disorders protection that allows bravo, rebecca, bravo. >> it's so easy to get your windshield or place using safe flight until the people i haven't done it already moment let's start off as a chip and grew and you a crash can i just keeps going. so what do we do now? 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he doesn't know how to do that. well, the new format tomorrow night is designed to prevent that kind of constant interruption while candidates are trying to answer the moderators, it's one of many new format changes. >> john berman joins us now from inside the debate hall. so john, how's it work and what's a, what's a light? >> well, 24 hours from now and a few minutes, anderson, you're going to have a president and a former presidents sanding on the same stage, pretty close to each other. >> these luck turns are just eight feet apart. i can basically touch them at the same time with my arms out. president biden will be standing over here on the right side of your screen. he won the coin flip. he chose this side, president trump will be standing former president trump will be standing right over here. and the moderators dana bash and jake tapper, they're going to be right here facing the candidates. and that's it. that's pretty much the only people in the room, besides the technical crew here? no audience at all. and that's a change. now the candidates will be able to bring know pads and pens, but no notes as it were, they have to be blank when they get here. they can each bring water. they have to stand up for the whole debate. there will be two commercial breaks where the candidates get a break, but they can't talk to the campaign staff. i suppose they could talk to each other, although that might be a little bit awkward the way the question-and-answer stuff is going to work here, anderson, the moderators will ask a question, candidate a will get two minutes to respond. candidate b gets a one-minute rebuttal, and canada in a gets a one-minute response to that at any point, the moderators, jake and dana, they can ask a follow-up question a minute long. press a little bit further again, and then it will go back and forth between the two candidates with that kind of time frame. >> and how do candidates, you know, how much time is left to speak? what did they actually see that's a great question. let me show you it's a little dark in here because the crew has been setting up all de and they don't have all the lights on, but on every camera. and really throughout the entire studio, there are lights like this one right here. when there's 15 seconds left for the candidates that will light up yellow when there's five seconds left, it will start blinking red. and when time's up, anderson, it goes to full red. and when it goes to full read, the microphone, turns off. their microphone will no longer be on that's a big change from before, yes, the candidates are a little bit close to each other. you might be able to pick up some sound on the other person's mic, but by and large, when you're done, when time's up, your microphones off, it's the other candidates turn to speak. so i'm that really is the first the mic actually shuts off. it's not somebody waiting to make a decision whether shunt off of my get. it shuts off when the red light is fully on the candidates have agreed to these terms the strict time limits when your time is up and you've been warned with a yellow light, a blinking red light, and then a full red light. time is up and you will no longer be heard. you'll be a little bit far away. you might be able to hear some sound there, but by and large is the other candidate who will be heard at that point. >> all right. john berman, thanks very much now to a room that will be key to allies. both candidates immediately following the debate, cnn senior political analyst, mark preston joins us from the post debate spin room so mark, what's the leg i'm going to tell you what to understand it is quite here except for the vacuuming because what we're seeing right now is this place is just about ready to be done 800 reporters from 173 different news organizations representing 35 countries. >> we talk about how much interest there is in the united states 4 the selection, who are we kidding? this election is going to be watched all across the country. we're going to see news organizations from all over the place now, as you say this is the place, where it's quiet right now. it's it's real quiet right now tomorrow night at about this time, it is going to be incredibly loud and then after the debate, this is the place you come for the campaign to either try to fix what your candidate said if it was a mistake or want to come in tout how great candidate did we'll see some big names in here tomorrow, perhaps the likes of gavin newsom, of course, california governor, he'll be here with joe biden. we've heard from donald trump saying that he's gonna have his surrogates here. the list of how folks that he is considering to put on his ticket to be his vice presidential nominee. so again, tomorrow, this is the place where the narrative from what happens on that debate stage that we just saw berman on, starts to take place and carries us through the summer. anderson, mark preston, thanks so much in a moment, john king joins us again. he's been traveling across the country talking to voters nearly a dozen states so far for his all over the map series, what he's been hearing about both candidates and the issues that mean the most to voters right now i was did diary this did i get it where are my keys? 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>> it's just your mother and i went different things, which is why we got sling tv. so we can watch live and free tv on one app that's right thing is really keeping his family together. you have n pressure and improve heart-healthy, rushed to walmart and find total bce sunday on the whole story. short battles in american waters dive into the debate between conservations. fisher short gutters story with anderson cooper on sunday at eight and don't miss discovery sharpening starting sunday, july 7 in almost 24 hours here in atlanta, president biden and former president trump will take on the stage for the cnn presidential debate for ten months now her john king has been talking with voters around the country all over the map in every way of fitting name for his special series tonight, john has a look at what's on voter's minds going into the debate. >> that's right. flores onto handful of restaurants in battleground, arizona and is unimpressed with both man, who will share the debate stage. at this juncture, they both had for years. and i'm just eight years more frustrated than i was before. i wish we had a candidate that had more of a middle of life and middle of the road perspective. and i i'm very uncomfortable right now would either choice, we hear that a lot are all over the map project. is that 60 voters and counting across ten states? yes. president biden has his share of true believers biden, biden, biden. >> you like it. absolutely. i think he's done a great job. >> so does donald trump. >> i liked what happened in our economy for four years when donald trump was president. i liked the america first mindset, but many voters dislike or have doubts about both, which makes this debate a critical campaign crossroads. >> i just don't feel comfortable with biden's age and i don't feel comfortable with trump's mouth. >> but the incumbent the cost of living is a giant challenge. or your day-to-day costs the same now is a year ago oh, no. they're higher rising rans came up a lot in milwaukee and in las vegas. and in other places, biden must dominate, like atlanta. but everything here in georgia is so expensive i can only afford so much with whatever job i find even strong biden supporters complain of supermarkets sticker shock is just me and my wife and his $200 every time i go to the store, the president's age is already part of the campaign debate. no matter how many taylor swift references you make, you will never understand us. >> a bigger biden problem with younger voters is anger at his handling of the hamas israel conflict. >> i don't think anybody wants nobody wants to vote for biden. if biden wants to get certain votes, he needs to change course trump though also has a long list of weaknesses that could be debate flashpoints. joan london just left the republican party and registered as an independent. >> i had more, more of a positive vision just a different emphasis. and i'm and what i'm saying in the national party just didn't reflect my values weigh it had been. >> rooney hasn't ruled out voting for trump, but january 6 is an obstacle. >> i remember watching it on tv and i couldn't believe that it was happening and i was i agree that he didn't trumped and say something that trump didn't stop it. >> when yet you still might vote for. >> i might. yeah. mad for a whole day's is a georgia christian conservative pondering a third party vote because of doubts about trump's character honestly, i wish that there was another candidate that would have come through the primaries instead of being just donald trump? yes. many minds are already made up. but for those with doubts about both biden and trump, this is a giant test johnson with me now, how critical i mean, do you think this debate is for a lot of those undecided, but i think it's enormously important because they're kinda stuck lieutenant governor duncan made the pointer always a lot of people don't like either one. they're a lot of people who are soft biden or soft trump a lot of people who are still looking around at the third-party candidates. so let me start with the president young voters, black voters, hispanic voters. those are the biggest cracks in his coalition. he needs to do something you hear it, especially when you talk to the young voters on our vegas trip from latino voters, they want to hear the president speak in a way relevant to them. not talk like a washington politician and then if he can shore up the democratic coalition that he can reach out to those republicans like linda rooney. she said she can and i forgive trump for january 6, but she might vote for him because she's a republican by dna, and it's really hard to vote to reelect a democratic president for trump i think it's really how we can comports himself because there are a whole lot of republicans, even republicans, haley voters, other republicans who voted for biden in 2020, who again don't want to vote to reelect biden. they're republicans. they want to be republicans, or they want the lower taxes they want. they think trump would close the border, but they can't stand the chaos of trump and so on the debate stage hold themselves together. i am fascinated to hear from them after tomorrow night, then i'm fascinated to see just support for the third-party candidates go down after this debate, two people feel more comfortable their choices, or does it go back up? if it started, if the third party numbers start to go up again, this rates gets even more and more complicated, right now. it's static. if look at the polling mostly static just for neither antigen covid hangover inflation concerns is so much volatility just below the surface. i think the debate might hold that up. >> it's like king. thank you. thank you. we'll be watching up next more on that debating pitfall. we've been talking about tonight, one that so many incumbent presidents and fallen victim to going back decades new icy, hot pro massaging bone, easier to grip the massage and the power of two max pain relievers works he makes it less new. i see how pro massaging boehm priceline helps families have 60% on family-friendly hotels. so many great trips we might just leave you with another vacation baby take it easy. paris and u2 for modal. >> lisa wasn't toledo earlier, happy priceline cities industry-leading global payment solutions help their clients move money around the world he mostly in over 180 countries and help a partner like world food programme as they provide more than food to people in need. >> together city in the world food program and empower families across the globe this is carbonic and this is how you can sell us your car visit carbonic. answer a few questions, will give you a real offer. then set a time for us to pick it up hey, you on the side, they'll your car the easy way with carbonic. >> did i read this did i get it? 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you our history books are filled with missteps on stage. never before have two one-term presidents stood side-by-side in a televised debate asking americans to give them a second term. of course, most presidents are used to the difference of air force one and the oval office by history, may not be our best guide here. of course, the politics now are far more vitriolic and rough and tumble. but president biden has been practicing at camp david, the presidential retreat outside washington for this very reason, there's no american politician alive who is debated as often he knows well that first term presidential curse. that's why even tonight, he's still practicing with his aides.

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