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Halls. The potential questioners entirely students and young adults representing more than 30 states nationwide. Now to pull this off cnn has partnered with Harvard Universitys institute of politics which just released its youth poll examining the political opinions of young americans. And also were with the New Hampshire institute of politics right here in New Hampshire. Who has the best pitch for that all important young vote . Tonight youre going to get a great look at that. First off in a return town hall here is senator Amy Klobuchar of minnesota, pitching herself as the candidate who can defeat President Donald Trump in the midwest. Welcome, senator. Please, come on out. Senator, a pleasure. Please. Wow, thank you. Its good to have you. Lets get right to the questions. We have fall out from the Mueller Report as a topic. Our first question in our audience is john, freshman at harvard at capetown, massachusetts. Should the House Judiciary Committee move forward with impeachment proceedings against President Trump . Okay, so i believe very strongly that President Trump should be held accountable. When you look through that report it is appalling some of the things that were going on. And you can see time and time again, maybe youve read parts of it, that was his advisers that held him back. So i believe first of all we need to have hearings in both the house and the senate and not just with attorney general barr. We need to bring director mueller before the United States senate, right . Because otherwise we are never going to get to the bottom of it. The impeachment proceedings are up to the house. Theyre going to have to make that decision. I am in the senate, and i believe that we are the jury. Ive always believed this from the beginning to the end. Im a former prosecutor. I believe you look at the evidence to make decisions. So if the house brings the impeachment proceedings before us, we will deal with them. But lets look at what director mueller said. He said there were two ways for accountability. One was dprscongress, and were going to start seeing that with these investigations and the second is other investigations, right . Theres cases going on in your home state of new york. Theres cases going on all over the country, but there is a third way to hold this president accountable and that is by defeating him in the 2020 election. And i believe i can do that. Senator, just to give them a quick sense, do you believe that anything youve read and processed in that report could have the word impeachable attached to it . Any first of all, i believe im the jury here, so im not going to predispose things. Im not going to say whether it is or isnt. But i will say there are very disturbing things that would lead you to believe theres obstruction of justice. I asked attorney general barr these questions. I said, well, if the president or if anyone were to try to change the testimony of a witness would you consider that obstruction . I asked him a series of questions and im really looking forward to asking him those again because several of them he answered yes and several of them he wouldnt say. And a lot of that you see right in the middle of the report. All right, next question. Elijah devon, sophomore at harvard frump compton, california. He interned for senator Kamala Harris last summer but hes not decided which candidate he supports yet. Senator, youre often criticized for having been a tough on crime prosecutor who took part in the war on drugs increasing your countys prison population. These prosecutions disproportionately affected people of color. I personally know of these plights as my father missed the first 13 years of his life as he was incarcerated for a nonviolent drug related offense. What would you do as president to remedy the terrible effects of these policies . I think as you point out when youre in a job like i had, you think about what justice is all about. And i would say one thing we should note during my time in that job where i managed the biggest Prosecutors Office in my state we actually did see africanamerican incarceration, prison incarceration go down by 13 . And a lot of that was that we used drug court and we tried to find other ways to get justice because i always like to say you dont like to see repeat customers when you are in the das office. And one way you can ensure that you dont is by getting them treatment. So i have been a big believer in drug courts at the state and federal levels. Ive led that effort on the federal level. The second thing is i think that our offices, both police offices, county attorneys offices need to reflect the population we serve. And i work very hard to bring people of color into our office, and we were a lot better for it. And a number of them rose up, big surprise, and became judges. The other thing is the way we handled cases when they come in. And i worked with the Innocence Project when i was in the da not only to review all of our cases but bring in a new type of eyewitness i. D. , so instead of looking at each one, one at a time or having them all together, you would look at each picture so youd have to make an evaluation. And its been shown to decrease our racism in the system and discriminatory decisions by witnesses. The other thing we need to do is not just pass the first step act, and i was proud to be a cosponsor of that legislation which will finally reduce the nonviolent drug sentences like your dad had had with, but would help us to say the rest of the country, hey, 90 of the people incarcerated are incarcerated in our state and local jails. O doing something on the federal level is good, but we have to create incentives to bring those sentences down as well on the state and local level. There is racism in our criminal Justice System. There has been racism in our criminal Justice System for a long time, and we must pledge to fix it. One last thing, i put out a plan for a clemency board, so when im president , yes, i want to hear from the Justice Department on what their views are when you look at pardons. But i also want to hear from a group from the outside thats going to look at these cases. Because when you see some of the cases like a woman that president obama pardoned named jo josefine she literally served 24 years. She hadnt sold the drugs herself, she didnt do the drugs. She was a middle person. We dont want to see more out there. We want to have a Justice System thats just. That takes us to our next question. Max wineberg, studied Political Science, hes from new york. Hi, senator. There are many candidates that support free college and student loan forgiveness. You have stated that youre not for either of those. As a current College Student about to graduate with a lot of debt, why should i vote for you . Okay, because i actually want to get something done when it comes to Student Loans. Ive had my own Student Loans when i met my husband and he had tens of thousands of Student Loans. Good news for you guys, i married him anyway. And i have seen the impact of Student Loans. So heres my idea. Let me put it out there. First of all, you have got 1. 5 trillion of student debt right now in this country, a lot of Home Mortgage debt, a lot of credit card debt. Our government also has a lot of debt. So the first thing i would do is allow students and no matter how old they are, former stun to refinance their Student Loans at that rate thats a little above 3 , we could even go lower to find some even better rate than that. But thats what i think we need to do to bring the Interest Rate payments down for those americans that still have the Student Loans. The second thing i would do is expand programs and make it e e easier for people depending on your income level to make that easier as well as the amount of money you get. The third thing i do is bring back president obamas plan for Free Community college. Those are two year degrees, and that gets a lot of students a good start. My own sister didnt graduate from high school. She had a hard time then, and she went and worked in manufacturing and then she later went and got her ged, and then after that she went to Community College and she got her degree there. It took years, and after that she finished her four year degree and is now gainfully employed. There are a lot of paths to success in america, but we can all agree that we want to make cleani college more affordable. We look at also theres loan forgiveness. I hope you follow a lot of people that go on this path of like senator warren. Public service. Right. I think we can also expand that into in demand jobs. So it look like you have a followup, chris. I was listening and this is the audience to have this conversation with. So many of these kids youre going to see six figures in debt before six figures in salary. Senator warren says well forgive the debt. Well forgive up to 50,000. What do you think of loan forgiveness and plans that are more generous on the outside than your own . Well, i would target the loan forgiveness at those that, for instance i protup peopbrough that went into Public Service, in demand jobs we have in our economy. And i wish i could staple a free College Diploma under every one of your chairs. I dont. Dont look. Its not there. I wish i could do that but i have to be straight with you and tell you the truth and that is your generation is an incredible generation. They say kids your age live in their parents basement more than any other generation. Is that your choice . No. Its because we have saddled you with a bunch of debt, with jobs that often dont have benefits with them, all right . They say crazy things about your generation. Some of my favorite ones are that you have contributed to getting rid of paper napkins. Okay, thats smart because you chose to use paper towels, all right . Or they have said that your generation is getting rid of diamond rings. Well, thats because you have too much student debt, all right . And so you go through all these things and what i see in your generation is the least racist generation weve ever had in this country. It is the most diverse generation weve ever had in this country. It is a generation that cares most about the world around them than we ever have had in this country. So you deserve more than to be saddled with more and more debt, all right . So everything that i have proposed to you, i have found ways to pay for it that i think makes sense that we can actually get done. We can repeal regressive portions of of that trump tax cut where so much of the money went to the top. We can change the way we handled something called the carried interest loophole where Hedge Fund Managers get to have their taxes at less of a rate than anyone else. We can change the way we do Capital Gains tax which is another way we could literally bring in hundreds of billions of dollars. Those are ways we can pay to make sure that everyone can afford college. Because one size doesnt fit all. All right, jennifer shannon. Jennifers a sophomore at the university of New Hampshire studying Political Science and history, has a question about the wage gap. Hi, senator. A man who is equally or lesser qualified than i am will automatically make more money than me. So my question is what will you do to close the wage gap . Pass the equal pay act, that would be one thing. Weve already passed the act that we were proud of that made it easier for women to contest these kinds of cases when theyre in the workplace. I think also making it easier for women to get the kind of jobs they should. I would love to pass the era, right, get that cemented into law across the country. And then make sure we have role models across it country. Because you know that movie, hiddian figures i love that movie. But women leaders, africanamerican women especially shouldnt be Hidden Figures anymore. They should be real leaders in the boardroom, leaders in the u. S. Senate like were already starting to see and they should be leaders in the white house. And when you have a woman president , i have a funny feeling were finally going to get child care policy done in this country, right . Were going to make the kind of changes we want to see to make it easier for working families and for everyone to achieve things. Because otherwise our economy is going to be stagnant if everyone cant have a seat at the table. Because the old joke we used to say for women candidates is if youre not at the table, youre on the menu. So thats whats happen. All right, and one of the things that applies most evenly across the country and no matter what you make, health care. Graham mackland, st. Studying economics, hes from massachusetts. Whats your question . Thank you, senator. In a Perfect World which countrys Health Care System would you like to see the u. S. most closely resemble and what specific policies do you hope to take in that direction . Okay, well im not going to pick a particular country just because i think our country can be the best if we make some changes. But there should be some models we combine to make our system better. Let me talk about what we need to do in america as opposed to some other country that might not fit our situation. I think first of all we need to bring down premiums. I note on the Affordable Care act side for young people, its had a major impact. One, you can keep on your parents insurance until youre 26, right . Two, weve seen half of the young people who are uninsured, theyve become insured because of the Affordable Care act, which is a big deal. And three, one out of six of you actually have preexisting conditions. So if we get rid of the Affordable Care act, which is what this president is trying to do, all of those benefits will go away. So my first focus is making sure we keep that in place but we improve it by bringing premiums down. You can do that many ways. One of my major proposals is to bring back the public options idea thats been floating around that should have been put in the first place. You can do it with medicaid or medicare so you have a less expensive option to pick from. The other thing i would do is to bring down the cost of pharmaceuticals. Everyone in this auditorium here knows someone thats been hurt by the high costs of prescription drugs. My own daughter has allergies and she carries an epipen everywhere she went. So when i saw that cost drubl, triple like we saw a few years back i took it on. I took it on social media, the state fair booth and tv, and we won that fight. But not every family is going to be able to take on every single price increase. We need competition by having negotiation for medicare price, you might think it doesnt affect me because im not on medicare. Guess what . Thatll bring down the prices for everyone. We should bring in less expensive drugs from other countries like canada. We can practically see canada from our ports when were up here, right, and they have less expensive drug prices than we have in america. We can stop this horrible practice where Big Pharmaceuticals pay off, they literally pay off generics to keep the prices and competition off the market. Thats bad, and we can fick this. This is one of the distinguishing issues tonight to discuss especially with you, senator. Because youre the only senator tonight who is not cosponsoring the new medicare for all bill. And i wanted to put that in the context of something we learned from our partnership. The youth poll says that the majority of likely young voters are for it. So this audience, 52 of the likely voters here for medicare for all. Youre not. Whats your sell . Okay, let me go. So i want to bring down your health care costs. I think ive explained that, and i think youve got to believe me on this. I have been out front taking on the pharmaceutical companies and was out front as an advocate for the Affordable Care act from the very beginning. But i want to get to universal health care and i meant to get their fast. And one of the ways we do that is first of all we can immediately do something to bring down those premium prices with something im not going to go into but its cost sharing as well as reshoours. But then the next big thing is get that public option in place. Then you dont have middle men. You have competition, you have people that will go ever there and i believe once you have that setup in the right way which is why the Insurance Companies were fighting against it, and that is the way you get there without suddenly dismantle the entire system which was very difficult to do when we put the Affordable Care act in place. You guys were pretty young, it was a few years ago but it was a hard thing to do. And what i want to do is what do the doctors say . Do no harm. And i think we do no harm and do us much better by getting that public option in place. And no one has taken on pharmaceutical companies. You all know someone that has diabetes, someone struggling with that cost of insulin. We had a guy in my state whos a restaurant manager whos 26 years old who was on his moms health insurance. And then when he had to get off it, he couldnt afford it, he started rationing and he died. That happened in our country. So if we keep putting in president s like this one who basically has said he wants to do something about pharma and then he puts his plan out and the stock goes up, that actually happened, okay. What we need to do is put someone in who has a track record of taking on pharma whos willing to get it done and actually has a track record of passing bills and working across the aisle especially on pharmaceuticals to get it done. Im that person. Well, thats a good segway because the policy ideas are only as good as your ideas to put them into practice. Aden pierce studying International Relations from massachusetts. Hes got a question about how you win with a specific group. Thank you, senator, for taking my question. Donald trump won the 2016 election in large part because he appealed to a discontent middle class in the heartland. How do you win back their trust and their vote . I guess you look at what ive done, and i am someone that runs in a purple state. It is a state when i first started running for office the other senator was republican, the governor was republican and three our four of our offices was republican. And i started running. And every single time i have won i have won every single Congressional District in my state. Its when you guys are supposed to cheer, okay . And i didnt do that by selling out on my principles. I did that by going not just where its comfortable but where its uncomfortable. I did that by meeting people where they were. By going to farms, going to small town caves, by winning the right way. And they didnt agree with everything ive said and they still dont, but they trusted me. They trusted me with their money, their ideas and they trusted i was going to go to washington to have their back. And i think we need that kind of message, we need that kind of messenger if were going to win this. And just last election in 2018 donald trump is going to win our state. I came back two years later and won 40 of the Rural Counties that he won. I think that it is not just the middle of the country, its really the entire middle class across the country that we have to have policies and ideas and bread and butter ideas that show we have their back. And it doesnt matter the color of anyones skin. If we need to show we have their back. And the problem is that message got lost because donald trump likes to divert you every single day. You know what he does. He sends out a tweet to try to control the message. When he did that to me and i announced my candidacy in the middle of a blizzard and he made fun of me for talking about Climate Change by the way, happy earth day. When he made fun of me for doing that, i said, hey, donald trump, the science it on my side. And id like to see how your hair would fair in a blizzard. So the point here is that, yes, what happened in 2016 we had a great candidate with great policies. We had russia coming in and invading our election. And by the way, i dont care if they did it with tanks or missiles and this time they did it to our election. We had never run against anyone like donald trump. Well, we learned how to do that in 2018. And sometimes, yes, standing your ground in your values, sometimes ignoring him and sometimes using a little humor. Because a lot of the things he says are just completely absurd, and we need to take it to the people in minnesota and wisconsin and across the country and thats how we win this election. Lets take a quick break. Well be right back with cnns special president ial town hall event from manchester, New Hampshire. Stay with cnn. Or new colossal shrimp salmon with a citrusy drizzle. Tender, smoky, and together on one plank. But not for long so hurry in you wouldnt accept from any one else. Why accept it from your allergy pills . Flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. Flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. Most pills only block one. Flonase. All right, welcome back to cnns special democratic president ial town hall, and thats with minnesota senator Amy Klobuchar, the first of five president ial town halls tonight. We are just getting started. What a range of Great Questions in that first round. I think well match it better this time. Start with thomas. A sophomore from harvard at rhode island. Your question is about frozen pizza. It is. Hi, senator. In 2010 you petitioned the uda to keep frozen pizzas in lunches. Amid the obesity epidemic that has plagued this country for decades to what extent do you believe the financial corporate interests in this state should outweigh . First of all, i made clear in the New York Times article a few years later when i asked about that is it was just a letter i had sent. We were in the middle of the downturn, and it was a little more i would say complex in terms of the language, but its a fair criticism. And so i said i regretted sending that letter. It was about trying to keep a company afloat in a really small town that employed a bunch of people. Put i think that nutrition is paramount to this country, and thats why way before i was running for president i said that was a mistake, all right . So lets talk about the bigger issue which is nutrition, and that is that we need to have healthier foods in kids lunches. We need to have healthier foods available no matter how much they are. And as r i have been a major advocate for Better School lunch, more nutritious School Lunches. I also had a bill for preschool School Lunches to make sure those are nutritious as well. What does that mean in the context this would be unpopular with this crowd. This is about how it was counted. No, i didnt think that frozen pizza with tomato sauce on it, i do not believe should be counted as a vegetable. But should it be in lunches . I think that is sometimes in lunches. But should it be . As long as you have other things with it, right . As long as you have real vegetables with it, and as long as you have other things with it. And im looking at my daughter right now by the way, she is here. She is 23 and please be nice to her because how would you feel if it was your mom up here being asked about pizza. Calling her out in front of everybody. There she is. Exactly, exactly. She went to a school actually thats a little different than your school. And her school was i think in high school it was in middle where Something Like 90 free and reduced lunch, maybe even a little higher than that. And that was a school in minneapolis she went for several years and i get to be in the lunchroom and saw what it was like for these kids that couldnt afford lunch. I think everyone in her class at one point was an immigrant except her. And there were kids in the lunchrooms that were treeing to get stuff but they would get a doughnut and eat that instead. A lot of the kids were getting stuff out of the vending machines to bring home and eat for dinner. I know because my daughter only went to Public School and for a number of years she went to Public Schools where the vast majority were free and reduced lunch. You asked me where this comes from and why i brought it up because ive lived it. Our next question is from adriana fernandes, a sophomore and originally from nicaragua. My question is our current secretary of education is attempting to slash funding from special needs programs. What are your ideas regarding the federal responsibility to the Education System . Thank you so much, and lets mention the name of that education secretary is betsey devos, okay . Someone that i strongly opposed and i just think shouldnt be in her job. And so it is no surprise to me it is no surprise to me these things keep happening, and she not only has tried to defund special education, but she also has tried to get rid of the Special Olympics funding, if you watched any of this. And i think we noted that literally just a few trips back to maralago and back with the president could have funded the Special Olympics funding. That is true statistic. So i think our job in government is to represent everyone, and it is particular to represent people that maybe cant write a check themselves, right . Or maybe cant even write themselves or maybe need help . Maybe theyre in a wheelchair. Maybe they have physical disabilities, maybe mental disabilities, but our job is to standby them. I remember being in a small town parade in minnesota a few years ago and a mom was pushing a baby carriage and she pointed at a dawdler and she said this is my boy, hes only 3 years old and has down stream. This is what a preexisting condition looks like. And that was the moment i said to myself finally people know what it means. It means things like disabilities. It means things like if youre a victim of domestic violence. If means things like if you have diabetes or you have cancer or your mom has a certain disease. So we not only need to stand up when it comes to disability funding including Education Funding with idea, but it is the federal government putting mandates on the state and then not putting the money with it. But we also need to stand up when it comes to health care for people with disabilities. And when you check these things off with what this administration has done, they want to get rid of the Affordable Care act and those protections. That hurts the disability community. They want to reduce the funding for special ed and for the olympics which then had a reverse on because there was such a public outcry. That hurts people with disabilities, and they havent done anything to Fund Education for people with disabilities. So i give them since youre all students, an f. On that issue of climate i want to bring in madeleine woods, a senior at harvard. Hello, madeleine and congratulations on that. Thank you. I dont have much choice in it but it was a great childhood. Speaking of the climate, you backed alexandria ocasiocortezs Green New Deal. While i was raised in a Wolf Sanctuary i come from a rural isolated town where people criticized the Green New Deal and found it laughable that they were being told how to care for their environment by people from large cities. So i know you have a lot of rural voters. How do you plan to improve rural kmunlts and the discussion on Climate Change . That is really a great question, thanks. So its earth day and for too long we have been debating whether Climate Change is happening. My favorite moment of this when john oliver finally decided to put 100 scientists on his stage in white coats. 99 of them were on one one side and one on the other, to show that the Scientific Community says its happening. And i think whats important as you look at the goals in the Green New Deal and no one thinks were going to dot every i and cross every t in a short period of time, but we need those goals. We need the energy of young people and people that really want to move on Climate Change. So this is what i say to my rural voters. I say look at whats in front of you. Because for too long weve been talking about it on more of a coastal issue, which is true. Rising sea levels, the greenland sheet issue was in the news today, hurricanes. But lets talk about the middle of the country where we need to political support. And i personally think someone from the heartland could do a good job of that. What do we see in front of us . Floods all over iowa, nebraska, and missouri. This is important so im going to finish this. We have got i feel you creeping over my shoulder, not in a trumpian manner. Just like youre there and like this is, like, really, really important. So this woman in iowa, fran, she is literally standing with me with binoculars on looking at her house which is submerged under water and she says to me this is where i live with my husband and my two 4yearolds, and i said is the river right there . She says, no, the river is 2 1 2 miles away. Ours is a house thats over a century old. Theres still horsehair in the plasters, but this time for the first time the water came into my house. Thats Climate Change. Or you look at the wildfires in colorado or arizona or you think that dad in Northern California outside of paradise whos driving his little girl in the car with their house presumably burning behind them, and the flames are lapping over their car and hes singing to her, singing to her to calm her down. Climate change isnt happening 100 years from now. Its happening right now, and thats why as your president on day one i would get us back into the international Climate Change agreement. All right . Thats day one. On day two and day three i would bring back the clean power rules that the Obama Administration worked out that will make a big dent in this. I will bring back the gas myelin standards that they just left and said, oh, sorry, i know you Car Companies were ready to do it, but guess what, you dont have to. Thats what they did. And i would propose sweeping legislations for Green Buildings and new ideas and we need to do this. Because guess what, its you guys, not me. Its my daughter and you guys that are going to be inheriting this earth and thats why we need you on the front line, all right . Our next question is actually one ive never heard before in one of these town halls. Oh, that really bodes well for me. I think ill sit down. If it were coming from a reporter you got to worry. A young man named zack smith studying politics from massachusetts. Whats your question . Good evening, senator. My question is what is one asast pect of your life as a politician you wish the public better understood . Okay, thats a good one. So my life as a politician. I think that i wish People Better understood why i have made such a priority and why i care so much about people who get in trouble with drugs and people who get in trouble with drinking and how i believe that there are grays in this world and that not everything is an extreme, that people can mess up and go onto do great things and thats where that belief comes from. So in my case when i was growing up my dad had a big drinking problem. He is i love my dad so much. I just saw him about a week or so ago. He is a distinguished journalist. Hes now retired. He is 91 years old. But and in his words he cant get a lot of drinks in the assisted living facility. But the point is his aa groups still visit him because thats how in his own words was pursued. Pack then 20 years later the laws had changed and forced him to go into treatment, and i was there with him with his minister, and with his lawyer and i talked about how it had hurt my life and my sisters life, how we would wait for him to come home all the time, how we would vanish sometimes and be gone, and what it meant to be growing up with that. So what i saw in my life is because he got treatment and because actually the government pushed him into treatment it changed his life. He ended up staying married for the third time, but he did. He ended up really being able to spend time with me and my sister like he had never done before, and i want other people to have that same right, whether they get hook on opioids, youve got New Hampshire one of the biggest opioid epidemics across it country. Whether it means they got hooked on meth, no matter what it is that people have the right to have that treatment. And in the case of opioids, by the way, you know who id have pay for that treatment . The pharmaceutical companies that got people hooked on the drugs to begin with. So if you asked to understand what motivates me sometimes and why i can believe in tough love and why i believe you have to set expectations and standards for yourself and the people around you and why i believe that everyone has that same right to have that life that my dad eventually had is because of my own life experience, and i think its so important as you guys think about if you want to go into Public Service to have people come from all kinds of different backgrounds. We have in the Senate People that grew up pretty rich and people like me whos grandpa had to quit school and a dad who struggled with alcoholism and a mom who was a teacher who taught school until she was 70 years old. She taught second grade because she didnt have enough money because my parents got divorced. Thats my life. And somehow i ended up being elected as the first woman senator in the state of minnesota and a candidate for the president of the United States of america. Okay, that is what this country is about, all right . Lets take a quick break. Were going to be back with more questions from minnesota senator Amy Klobuchar right after this. Shes staying in a rainforest tree house . Thats my dream. You dream big for a man on a plane to omaha. And shes zip lining with little jon . What its lil jon. Even he knows that. Thanks, captain obvious. Youre with big jon. Im steve. Dont hatelike their trip, book yours with hotels. Com and get rewarded basically everywhere. Hotels. Com. Be there. Do that. Get rewarded. Like. A business borrowing solution to help get a little more space with a lot less mom. Or home insight, to search for a new house within your budget. Because, they really need their space. Pnc make today the day. With peak season berries, uniqcreamy avocado. And a dressing fit for a goddess. Come taste what a salad should be. And with panera catering, theres more to go around. Panera. Food as it should be. They cant live without it protection. 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And thank you for your service. No worries. I love how you downplay it, but its not. Despite nearly 15 years of efforts veterans still commit suicide about 1 1 2 times the rate of average americans. Thats affected a lot of people ive served with. What would you do as president to try to stem this epidemic . Thank you so much. And to plea this is an unbelievable thing going on. And we saw it coming out of the iraq war, afghanistan, and recently as you know theyve even committed suicide at veterans facilities, in the parking lot. So what i would do is make sure we have the resources to help them when it comes to Mental Health. Being sick physically should be treated the same as being sick mentally, all right . And that means that means having the type of psychiatrists and psychologists and counselors that we need. That means things like the broader subject for all people, it is the Mental Health parody bill that my former senator from minnesota who we sadly lost in a plane crash worked so hard on. And that simply says Insurance Companies have got to handle Mental Health things just like they handle physical health things. When it comes to the veterans a lot of them as you know go home to small towns across america. Sometimes they dont have the kind of access especially if theyre in the reserve. So theyre economic back sporadically to our va facilities. So we have to do a lot better job when theyre coming back to evaluate them, see what they need, to touch base with them. If they dont have a facility near them to make sure they can see doctors and counselors to help them. This is a scourge on our communities because when these vets signed up to serve there wasnt a waiting line. And they come back to america and they need a job or education or Health Care Including Mental Health care, there should never be a waiting line in the United States of america. Next question comes from olivia ferdinand. Shes a sophomore from connecticut. Hi, senator. Hi, olivia. One of your main policy proposals is a 1 trillion investment in infrastructure. Infrastructure is not as flashy as other policies. Ill try to make it flashy. Sewer lines . Water systems. If you live in flint, its a pretty important thing, but keep going. All right . Definitely. So how do you make infrastructure an appealing issue for young voters . Sure. I was actually recently in nashville and we were talking about this at fisk with some of the students there, and for a lot of students and young people, they dont have cars, like my daughter. So they care about transit whether youre in a big city or a mediumsized city and you want to get to where you are. Manchester, actually, this area has one of the highest percentage of people in the country, if not the highest, that doesnt even have access to any kind of Commuter Rail yet they need workers to come up to work in their jobs. So i think you need to talk about not just roads and bridges, very important. I had that bridge fall down just a mile from my house in the middle of a summer day. Yes, that kind of infrastructure matters, but its also about transit, its also about crumbling schools literally in baltimore, they had some schools, i see some heads nodding, that didnt have heat this last year. And we have a president right now in the white house that claimed on election night, oh, i remember that night, he claimed that he wanted to do something about infrastructure and all hes done is put a package forward that was about 200 billion and i showed how we can pay for this, including with the infrastructure financing authority, bonds, of course direct federal investment by repealing those portions of the tax code that by the way the new republican tax bill, do any of you guys have mown in the bahamas . Then youre okay. Because they got 150 billion off of people to help wealthy people just by doing the changes they made there. So theres a way to pay for this and we have to move on it and it cant just be rhetoric. You guys once again when it comes to infrastructure, if you dont have subways at work or buses that get you to places where you are and you dont want to get a car or you cant afford a car or you have a car and you only want to bring it certain places, infrastructure matters to you. Did i do my job . Okay. Good. All right. Thanks. Okay. He told me once when i was on his show he said generations of cuomo have lost by running on infrastructure. Thats not really true. They won as governor of new york, but continue on. Better than creeping after you. So far away now. All right. Okay. So lets talk about this as a larger issue. Lets bring in sarah tropiano. Shes a junior at sait. Anselm colle college. Important cultural question. What do you have . Hi, senator. You are a key figure in the judge Kavanaugh Hearing and many female voters formed a strong opinion on your politics. If you had one thing to say to young female voters or College Students, what would it be and why . Well, i would say that please run for office. Right now i think we have Something Like were now up to over 25 women in the senate. Thats good because in the history of the senate weve had over 2,000 men and Something Like 50 women. I was on trevor noahs show he said if a nightclub had a ratio like that they would shut it down, okay . So i would suggest that you run for office. That you get involved in campaigns. By the way, it doesnt have to be a president ial campaign, although id love to have you sign up for mine and you can text amy at 91990 or you can go to our websit website amyklobuchar. Com. I did that, team, thank you. So we would love to have you involved in our campaign and im sure my friends who are running as well would like that. But youve got to run yourself. You can get involved in nonprofits. One of the things we learned from the Kavanaugh Hearing, we have added some great women to the judiciary committee. But for so long, until about two years ago, it was just two of us. Two women and like 22 men. Those are the ratios that were talking about. And that moment, by the way, was another moment for me where i was just trying to do my job and ask him questions and you know that was an issue of dr. Christine blass see ford and her courageous testimony. When i was trying to sink up what he said and what she said, if you remember he went after me, he said, have you ever blacked out . I said, you know what, i want you to answer the question. I want you to answer the question. When you have alcoholism in your family, you dont mess around with stuff like that. And he ended up coming back and apologizing to me, but i think you saw at that moment if any of you watched that that you can be strong and firm but you dont have to go down and act like he did to be in Public Service in this country. Quickly before we say goodbye. On that note, what is one thing that you hope your daughter has in her lifetime that you didnt have in yours . Oh, well i hope that she can go through her life without people asking you things like can a woman actually beat donald trump . Answer, yes. I hope that she can go through her life, an issue we havent talked about, without having that fear of guns in the hands of people that shouldnt have them and that is something that i pledge to you as your president , and this is something that should matter to your generation, i will take on in a big way. It is a crime that we dont have universal background checks and that we havent done anything to further that issue. And ill end with this because you guys, this is your moment. When i look at the arc of the last year and what weve been through the last two years, you start the day after donald trump got sworn in where women and men peacefully marched all over this country. You go to day ten when he put out that horrible antimuslim order. The antirefugee order where people spontaneously showed up at the airports including a bunch of young people. Day 100, my favorite march, the march for science. What do we want, science . When do we want it . After peer review. You go through the fall on this incredible victory for dignity and racism. Doug jones got elected in the state of alabama and then you go to day 429 when those parkland you students captured the attention of the world. They spoke out. That is your generation and then we took over the house of representatives. Why . Because you didnt just talk to each other, you voted and you didnt just vote, you talked to your parents and your grandparents. Ive been working on that issue a long time. The moms in sandy hook tried their best and couldnt get it done. When i was in Law Enforcement we tried to get it done and if we get bested by a bunch of 19 and 20yearolds, thats the best thing i ever heard. So vote and get involved. Senator Amy Klobuchar. Good luck going forward. All right. Next up, senator elizabeth warren. Stay with cnn. I switched to miralax for my constipation. Stimulant laxatives forcefully stimulate the nerves in your colon. Miralax works with the water in your body to unblock your system naturally. And it doesnt cause bloating, cramping, gas, or sudden urgency. Miralax. Look for the pink cap. You wouldnt accept from any one else. Why accept it from your allergy pills . Flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. Flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. Most pills only block one. Flonase. With Retirement Planning and advice for what you need today and tomorrow. Because when youre with fidelity, theres nothing to stop you from moving forward. Keith used to be great to roadtrip with. But since he bought his house. Are you going 45 . Uh, yes. 55 is a suggestion. Its kind of like driving with his dad. 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