>> cool. >> hi, conan. >> hey. >> you probably want your privacy right now. i just haven't had time to clean out my dressing room. >> will you be taking jay's old dressing room when you go to l.a.? >> jay isn't leaving. >> i read that. >> when we started, we were a little under the radar because everyone was talking about this conan to leno transition. >> i mean, i look back now. we did so many bad ideas and things, but it was so much fun. >> we got a little game we're going to try on the first night. it's called "lick it for ten." >> if you have a bit that the audience likes that you can do more than once, it's the greatest. that's what thank you notes was for me. >> thank you, gift bags for saying i care enough to put your gift in a slightly fancier bag than the one i bought you in.