wolf, really should have been called the reconfigure the police or unbundle the police. the reality is, if the george floyd killing represents anything, it represents the idea that you don't need a squad of men with guns to go investigate the possibility passing of a $20 counterfeit bill. some things the cops don't need to be involved in. they should be chasing down scary criminals, people carrying guns and using guns and robbing banks and selling drugs. when it comes to emotionally disturbed persons, squabbles on a playground between kids, passing a $20 counterfeit bill, there are other agencies that need to do it. and so defunding is not about the dollars. it really should be about reorganizing police departments to do what we need them to do with deadly force when it's called for. and not so much of everything else. it's tricky. it's an adult conversation. it involves skillful management and leadership from the political class. and in many cases we just