top in the polls in the new york mayoral race before this week's revelations. eliot spitzer is said to be leading his race for new york city comptroller. and who could forget former washington, d.c. mayor marion barry? it wasn't a sex scandal though. he was re-elected to the mayor's office and the d.c. city council after he served time in prison on drug charges. marion barry, let's start with you. >> okay. >> how did you manage to bounce back from this horrific scandal? i remember i was on vacation with my family watching the news reports and we were all going, oh, my gosh. what is this, what is going on? this man will never come back. yet you did. how did you do it? >> first of all, it wasn't a scandal. it is important if gairg you arg to come back to be real, sincere, humble, asking for forgiveness for real, not as a fake. in terms of your wife, my wife who is now deceased from