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Rupert developed a machiavellian approach to the business. Mr. Maxwell has lost. Rupert discovered if you start turning the doyleial down markets go up. Sex and blood and murder and mayhem. This is his moment to expand. Murdoch put his stamp on the city of new york. Here i am. You better pay some attention. Im gonna have one hell of an impact. As usual, we were drinking one night. The producers, the reporters and me. We always gathered. It is the first Concrete Blook removed by east german workers. We hear the berlin wall is coming down. What . Weve got to go. What . A Current Affairs got to go to the wall . Yeah. We made a few calls. And we commandeered the gulfstream jet. And about eight or nine of us got on that jet at midnight and flew to better minute. A current affair was ruperts baby. To the point where i believe rupert wrote a check out of his own Checking Account every single week for the show. This show is rampant. Rupert liked it because it was cheeky. It was edgy. It was a tabloid show. He said, there is a place for a show like this and people will gravitate to it. So we end up in berlin. As you can hear, there is a lot of joy, there is a lot of celebration. I am up there anchoring next to the wall. Here is dan rather on my left. Brokaw on my right. They say, what the hell are you doing here . I said, were here to cover the wall and not like you. Its not hard to imagine standing here. Gordon elliott, you or indefatigable australian sees people picking away at the wall. He goes to berlin firehouse, takes the huge pick axe, starts banging on the wall, knocking down the wall. This West Berliner sees it. He says, oh, can i have that for a while . Gordon gives him the big pick axe. This guy starts, and that guy with gordons pick axe ends up on the cover of newsweek. One thing about Rupert Murdoch that people must understand, he has a great vision for what is lacking in the landscape. Not only in print. But in television. How did Division News become so boring . Very politically correct. To build a mosque. I know. Its shocking. Not only will there not be anyone like him in the future. You cant erase it. Its here to stay. We realized very early on in our reporting there were two stories we were writing. And one story was the story of Rupert Murdoch media mogul and the other was the story of Rupert Murdoch the father. Those two identities are deeply intertwined. And that has huge bearing because one is going to determine the future of the other. When they got to new york, the murdochs moved to fifth avenue. In a rarefied Upper East Side world. The most privileged existence you can imagine. You know, celebrities coming through the house for a dinner party. Its sort of enchanting existence. From early, again understand that we were part of the media business. They grew up watching their father become really the most powerful media mogul in the world. I remember liz and james and i would come up to breakfast and all the papers would come out, the New York Post, the daily news, new york times. My dad would be handing out stories, say read that. Childhood was an extended pray prentiss ship. We knew that dad loved the time he had with us and wanted us to be a part of his world and i think that as a child you have to be a part of that world in o some way if you are going to be engaged with him. He was not raising children. He was raising future media moguls. This is the origin story of three children whose entire lives would be shaped by the pursuit of one thing. Rupert laid out that he wants one of his children to succeed him. He doesnt say when and he doesnt say who and he doesnt say how. That its going to have to be fought out between them. There is one question. Who would be the one to succeed him . Only intensifies as they watch his empire grow and grow and grow. New york has this reputation at this time of being a place that no tourist would want to visit. No business would want to set up there. The city was a disaster, but for a Tabloid Newspaper Publisher it was filled with opportunity. I was at city hall where all the report eers were and dick oliver of the daily news said, hey george, your paper has been bought by Rupert Murdoch. I said, who is Rupert Murdoch . One of americas oldest daily newspapers, the New York Post is going to be sold into foreign hands. Australian press barron, mr. Rupert murdoch. Before murdoch took over the New York Post the post was a liberal newspaper. It had been around forever. Alexander hamilton started the newspaper. This is a copy of the New York Post. The lead story, the water main break on 6th avenue. It was really dumb. Dorthink schiff, the owner ws was losing money on the New York Post. There was a concern that paper would go under. I remember we were beginning to go into the red and i saw no way out. More dock knew he had to give her assurances. Rupert had told me when i sold him the paper that he was not going to change the editorial policy. But he took a big turn to the right after. Rupert murdoch will say whatever he has to say to get his way. And so the New York Post went from being a liberal bastion to being the only conservative newspaper in new york. If there is a revolution in the Newspaper Business in new york, this is the barricades of that revolution. This is the city room of Rupert Murdochs New York Post. Things start to accelerate and the New York Post of Rupert Murdoch becomes a whole new animal. Among my patients, i often see them have Teeth Sensitivity as well as gum issues. Does it worry me . Absolutely. Sensodyne sensitivity gum gives us the dual Action Effect that really takes care of both our Teeth Sensitivity as well as our gum issues. Theres no question its something that i would recommend. Does your antiperspirant keep you dry all day . Weve put dove men dry spray to the test. With nelson, a volunteer who puts care into everything he does. Its a deodorant that really protects my skin. Its comfortable and lasts a long time. Dove men. Goes on dry. Clean feel all day. Theres a different way to treat hiv. Its everyothermonth, injectable cabenuva. For adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, longacting Hiv Treatment you can get every other month. Cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. Its two injections, given by my healthcare provider, every other month. Its one less thing to think about while traveling. Hiv pills arent on my mind. A quick change in my plans is no big deal. Dont receive cabenuva if youre allergic to its ingredients or taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. Serious side effects include allergic reactions postinjection reactions, Liver Problems, and depression. If you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. Tell your doctor if you have Liver Problems or Mental Health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. Some of the most common side effects include injectionsite reactions, fever, and tiredness. If you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. Every other month, and im good to go. Ask your doctor about everyothermonth cabenuva. Have you thought about your wish . I wish that shaq was my real life big brother. Awe. Whats up little bro . Im not touching you, im not touching you turns out, some wishes do come true. And it turns out the general is a Quality Insurance company thats been saving people money for nearly 60 years. Mom for a great low rate, and nearly 60 years of quality coverage make the right call and go with the general. It has been called the second toughest job in the country. Mayor of new york city. New york city and Rupert Murdoch turn their attention to the most hotly contested Mayoral Election in new york city in decades. The main candidates are mario cuomo, a young italianamerican lawyer from queens. Got to give those people work. Got to give their children education. Youve got to give them housing. Youve got to give them a chance to live. Very tough, very popular. And then there is another candidate. Good morning, everybody. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi, nice lady. Im ed koch and im running for mayor. Just want to say hello. Hi, everybody. Ed koch was a little bit of an underdog, unknown. He was a nobody. He was another outsider. Its just me. Hi. I dont think anybody took it all that seriously. What can i do . That is until rupert embraced him. Ed kochs politics were not classic liberal democrat. There should have been a curfew in the riot areas. The National Guard guard should have been alerted. He emerged as the Law And Order candidate. So he fit ruperts profile. And more important if he endorses ed koch and ed koch goes on to become mayor, koch will owe him. And what rupert also understands is that he can do much more than endorse a political candidate. He can turn his paper into effectively a political weapon. One day i wake up and there is this editorial on the front page of the post. I have never seen an endorsement like that. Every single day. The front pages of the New York Post had praiseworthy pieces about ed koch. And negative pieces about his opponent. Murdoch is so prokoch, that 50 reporters at the paper sign a petition saying you know, the coverage was outrageous. This is not fair and balanced journalism. It didnt matter. He had his He Hadeditors and res and did what he wanted to do. I dont need any lecturing from them about newspaper ethics. I wont be in a position to say i was mayor of new york city if rupert hadnt endorsed me. He gave me credibility. For murdoch, now the template is set. He has taken his bombastic screaming approach to journalism to deliver into office the mayor of one of the largest cities in the world. But Rupert Murdoch didnt come to the United States to determine the course of municipal elections. As well see, he has his eyes on much bigger game. Multimillionaire Rupert Murdoch at the center of a journalistic empire that includes close to 100 newspapers and magazines in australia and he is clearly in the United States to stay. Rupert murdoch is emerging already by the 1980s as the biggest Newspaper Barron the world has ever known. He is bpart of the rise of te 80s culture in new york. Force buildings were shooting up across the city. Wall street boomed. And murdoch sees this, this growing obsession, this Growing Interest in money and celebrity. And the New York Post really begins to kind of chronicle it. Everybody wants to read the dirt thats in the New York Post because, you know, its always something happening. And page six is the most powerful Gossip Column in the world. The Breaking News was about celebrities. Whats happening in the room where celebrity x is doing cocaine with struper y . Can you believe this starlet . She is cheating on her husband. It wasnt just about who was sleeping with who. It was who was doing what at what company. Page six became an enormous source of murdochs power. Page six was the ultimate enforcer. You could undermine those who had been inconvenient or opposed you and you could help build up the fame just because it made good copy of a Young Real Estate tycoon on make. Donald trump was probably featured in the New York Post every single day. Trump would leak information about his female companions, leak claims about his Real Estate Ventures or gambling interests. We got tips from people who were trying to hurt people or trying to help themselves. It was including the number one source at page six. Vindictive son of a bitch. Roy cohn. If you need somebody to get riches, hire roy cohn. He was on the party circuit. He had dirt on a lot of people. He wanted to spread dirt on a lot of people. I saw him dictating copy for Gossip Columns, which i found fascinating. Rupert murdoch and cohn became friendly. Cohn represented murdoch at some point. I believe there is one answer in an Adversary Profession like law, and that is winning. Cohn was easily in all the people i have fprofiled, interviews with, the single worst human being i ever encountered. Cohn would boast about you never apologize, you never go on defense, you always go on offense. Deny everything, admit nothing, launch counterattack. Attack, attack, attack. Dont accept it. Dont compromise. Kill em. Happy birthday to you a special wish. And hyperbole is not a lie. Trump said to me when i interviewed him, cohn is my mentor. Rupert knew if you get in the likes of roy cohn, you are getting in with this rising conservative Power Brokers of the United States. Its meant to be. Toast y try all three flavors. Only at ihop. Download the app and earn free food with every purchase. 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Ive been asked by some of my friends in the press why we picked Hudson County for this kind of kickoff of the campaign. Murdoch wanted to be close to whoever was going to be empowered. And in fact, roy cohn was the man who introduced Rupert Murdoch to ronald reagan. Because Hudson County is the home of democrats in such great numbers. Boo no, and i hope a lot are here. Rupert murdoch in the 80s, as conservatism is coming into bloom, he is against the welfare state. And hes a Law And Order guy. And new york at this time is an important state for reagan. Hes trying to build what we now consider blue state support. He wants to win new york. And murdoch thinks he thinks about, what do i have to do to get my advantage . And basically, the New York Post became a Propaganda Arm for the reagan candidacy. They had probably more influence with voters than the new york times, the dominant newspaper in new york city, because it was the blue collar paper. It was the paper of the working class. We really believed that we could make inroads among those voters. Ronald wilson reagan, the projected winner of the 1980 president ial election. Thank you all. The endorsement of the New York Post around reagan was crucial. Reagan carried New York State in the 1980 election. Rupert murdoch celebrates delivering new york to reagan. And this is where the murdoch way really comes into play. Roy cohn on behalf of murdoch, and murdoch himself, they extend invitations to the reagan team. Why dont you come visit one of the papers . How about an interview for one of our Star Correspondents . And the short of it is that the reagan staff either drops the ball or doesnt care, and they rebuff him. At the time, murdoch is furious. So roy cohn in fact writes a couple of letters to the very Inner Sanctum of the Reagan Administration. And he writes, i had one interest when i first brought Rupert Murdoch and governor reagan together. And that was that at least one major publisher in this country would become and remain proreagan. The anger is dripping off the page. And a Deputy Assistant to reagan himself writes back to say, im sure youre aware of our continued high regard for mr. Murdoch personally, and our appreciation of the importance of what he is doing. Its an incredible show of fealty. With every relationship with a politician, there is a quid pro quo. And rupert expects some sort of support in exchange for his support. And murdoch gets what he wants from reagan, which is basically an unwritten promise for help in the future. As are all newspapers were competing with television. You really do see Network Television as your main competitor . Absolutely. I believe more journalists, more publishers should be in television. Television is dominated by three networks abc, cbs, and nbc. Nbc 3, johnny. He is going to invent a Fourth Television network. Today, confirmation of the largest single Broadcast Station Transaction in history. As murdoch sets out to do this audacious thing to create a Fourth National network, hes betting it all. Publisher Rupert Murdoch agreed to buy the tv stations owned by metro media for more than 2 billion. 2 billion and the sale of seven metro media stations. Located in new york, washington, los angeles, dallas, houston, chicago and boston. The medium is the message, and the message tonight is takeover. And then he buys one of the grand dames of the studio world. For a price of 575 million, Rupert Murdoch has become sole owner of 20th century fox. 20th century fox, that is. 20th century fox. You now own many newspapers. You own a possible Television Network. Throughout history, weve heard about the possibility of one publisher taking over too much power. There are some roadblocks for this risky new venture. And to clear them, murdoch is going to need some help from the Reagan Administration. First, he needs waivers. Under us law, its illegal to own both a major newspaper and tv station in the same market. A waiver of this sort is incredibly rare. Im calling to congratulate you and the rest but the Reagan Administration delivers. Second, hes not a citizen. Federal regulations, of course, prohibit noncitizens from owning more than 20 of a television station. You have decided to become an american citizen. Absolutely. Citizenship, that takes months. Murdoch gets it in weeks. The Reagan Administration is giving murdoch everything he needs to start a Fourth National network. Its a huge financial risk. And rupert is going to need to squeeze every penny he can out of his existing newspapers to pull it off. But theres one thing that stands in his way the print unions in the uk. So murdoch decides hes going to go into battle against the unions. And that battle pretty quickly turns into an allout war. This. Is. Fantastic. And only at panera. 1 delivery fee on our app. [ coughing sneezing ] [ Door Knocking ] dude, you coming . Because the only thing dripping should be your style plop plop fizz fizz, Winter Warriors with alkaseltzer plus cold flu relief. My dad was a hard worker. He used to do side jobs installing windows, charging Something Like A Hundred Bucks a window when other guys were charging four to fivehundred bucks. He just didnt wanna do that. He was proud of the price he was charging. My dad instilled in me, always put the people before the money. Be proud of offering a good product at a fair price. I think hed be extremely proud of me, yeah. Fanduel and draftkings, two out of State Corporations making big promises. Whats the real math behind prop 27, their Ballot Measure for Online Sports betting . 90 of profits go to the out of State Corporations permanently. Only eight and a half cents is left for the homeless. And in virginia, arizona, and other states, fanduel and draftkings use loopholes to pay far less than was promised. Sound familiar . It should. Vote no on prop 27. Murdoch has taken a gargantuan risk trying to start a Fourth Television network. He is going to need a ton of cash. Everything will be better as a result of this, and it will be remembered as a very important watershed moment. Rupert murdoch wanted to introduce technology to his empire. He wanted to produce his newspapers with computers. Hes interested in saving money. At the time, print unions had huge control over the production of newspapers. They could walk off the job, and they were resistant to change. He knew that the only way to grow was to break that grip. And he had decided enough was enough. So Rupert Murdoch came up with this plan. He had set up this alternative Printing Site in wapping, in east london. He bought a load of computers and more technology for the production of his newspapers. And secretly, under cover of darkness, put it in wapping. And then a Pirate Workforce had been recruited and were trained up to run the machines there. And then murdoch claimed at the time that he was going to develop a new newspaper called the london post. The london post. The london post. And Rupert Murdochs plans for a new paper, the post, also rely heavily on a move away from fleet street. The london post would be produced at wapping. And then murdoch announced that this new newspaper would need new terms of employment. Murdoch delivers this really strict and nonnegotiable set of demands. And he says that theyre going to apply not only to this london post, but to all of his newspapers. Murdoch knows that the unions could never accept these terms. He wants them to reject the terms, and they take the bait. The workers vote to go on strike. Under the uk laws at the time, you could lose your job for going on strike. And now in one fell swoop, murdoch fires nearly 6,000 workers. We all went down to wapping to the site. And then all of a sudden, all these lorries started pouring out of the print factory. The trucks coming out of the Wapping Plant are filled with murdochs newspapers. The Printing Press will be printing it in about five minutes. And News Of The World is the same as ever. But it does seem that you had been planning for a coup such as this. Youd been building a parallel workforce, hadnt you . For about three or four months. That is quite true. Hes actually managed to produce a newspaper without any of his workers. It was just totally shocking to us. There can be one word to describe what happened, and that is conspiracy. There never was a london post. The london post was actually a ruse. It was a Shadow Newspaper to disguise what was actually going on, which was getting rid of an entire workforce. Murdochs always denied this. But theres one thing we do know Rupert Murdoch never published a single issue of the london post. One thing which would have given murdoch some security about this plan was his relationship with margaret thatcher. The two were very close. His newspapers had backed her. And she in turn backed him. She saw the power of the unions, and thought the unions were Holding Britain back, as did murdoch. Their interests were very, very tightly aligned. She supported this move at wapping. And the police basically protected the murdoch operation. Wed have up to 1,000 people marching up the road. The reaction of the police could be exceptionally hostile. Broken arms, broken legs, stitched heads. And this went on for 13 months. 13 months after their firing, beaten down after months on the picket line, murdoch and the Print Workers strike a deal. And he agrees to give them a onetime payment. Most of the people who were sacked by Rupert Murdoch never worked in the industry again. The future is terrific. Our profits are up, circulations are up. And theres no reason why we wont get even better. Hed actually saved over the course of the year in salaries the equivalent of 150 million. Much of the extra money being generated by wapping is coming here, more than 6,000 miles and a world away from the east end of london. Rupert is perfectly comfortable killing off the unions in the uk. The reason is the fox network, and hes got much bigger ambitions for his empire. Hes got a new frontier lined up in front of him hollywood. A is for awareness, because knowing that your Chronic Kidney Disease in Type 2 Diabetes could progress to dialysis is important. B is for belief that there may be more you can do. Just remember that k is for kidneys and kerendia. For adults living with ckd in Type 2 Diabetes, kerendia is proven to reduce the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis. Kerendia is a oncedaily tablet that treats ckd differently than Type 2 Diabetes medications to help slow the progression of Kidney Damage and reduce the risk of cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks. Do not take kerendia if you have problems with your Adrenal Glands or take certain medications called cyp3a4 inhibitors. Kerendia can cause hyperkalemia, which is high potassium levels in your blood. Ask your doctor before taking products containing potassium. Kerendia can also cause low Blood Pressure and low sodium levels. So now that you know your abcs, remember, k is for kidneys, and if you need help slowing Kidney Damage, ask your doctor about kerendia. Theres a different way to treat hiv. Its everyothermonth, injectable cabenuva. For adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, longacting Hiv Treatment you can get every other month. Cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. Its two injections, given by my healthcare provider, every other month. Its one less thing to think about while traveling. Hiv pills arent on my mind. A quick change in my plans is no big deal. Dont receive cabenuva if youre allergic to its ingredients or taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. Serious side effects include allergic reactions postinjection reactions, Liver Problems, and depression. If you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. Tell your doctor if you have Liver Problems or Mental Health concerns, and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. Some of the most common side effects include injectionsite reactions, fever, and tiredness. If you switch to cabenuva, attend all treatment appointments. Every other month, and im good to go. Ask your doctor about everyothermonth cabenuva. In 1986, Rupert Murdoch buys this 8,000squarefoot spanish style mansion in Beverly Hills for 7 million. This sort of beautiful, old, classic Hollywood Home with these uninterrupted, sweeping views of the valley, because any selfrespecting major media mogul is going to want a footprint in hollywood. The home was full of pictures of his family. I think he was a good dad, not always present dad, but i think beloved by his kids. If a kid walked in his office one of his kids, it didnt matter which one, he would immediately stop everything and hug them. I dont think he deliberately set them up against each other. But that doesnt mean they didnt feel that he was doing that. From the time that we were very small, this is one of the other lessons that dad taught me. It has been very clear that you have to control your own destiny. Youre on candid camera. Elizabeth is in a slightly different lane than her brothers, just by virtue of the fact that shes the girl. In the early years, elizabeth was not taken particularly seriously by her father, who was a man of his era and a little bit of a sexist. At the same time, people have always said to me that rupert sees elizabeth as the child most like him. When people would say to him that he favors the oldest son, lachlan, murdoch would say, oh, i love all my children. Tell us the best thing about your day. Lets see. Well, he always likes to go camping with us. Does he spend a lot of time with you . Yes. Rupert and lachlan both share a love of newspapers. They both share a love of australia. When they were teenagers, you know, rupert would send them out for work experience. Lachlan loved it. He loved going to the New York Post building and watching the presses roll. Lachlan really takes to it. Hes in his element. This is the world he wants to be in. James not so much. This is my son james. James, how would you describe your dad . Well, i think the papers and the shows about him and stuff make him look like too mean and dark and sinister. And really, hes a really nice person, a fun person. Sometimes, right . Yeah. When you behave. So rupert sends james to have an internship at the daily mirror in the photography department. James is only 15. And theres a famous occasion in which is in a News Conference in sydney. As james has told this story himself, he had spent several nights in a row on the overnight photo desk. He was exhausted. So he sat down on the couch. And he falls asleep in the middle of this News Conference. And sure enough, Rupert Murdochs main rival, the sydney morning herald, they run a photo. And they do this story in their pages about this slumbering young murdoch. The message to james is, you are a murdoch. Youre now in a world where its kill or be killed. On october 9th, 1986, Fox Broadcasting launches. Fox network has been putting on the ritz all week long in hollywood. It started with one show in late night hosted by joan rivers. Everybody and their mother in hollywood said it will not work. He will fail. But nobody was thinking as big as Rupert Murdoch. The majority of people saw 90 clearer skin even at 5 years. Serious allergic reactions may occur. Tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. Emerge tremfyant®. With tremfya®. Ask your doctor about tremfya® today. vo with their verizon private 5g network, associated British Ports can now precisely orchestrate nearly 600,000 vehicles passing through their Uk Port Every year. Dont just connect your business. Right on time. Make it even smarter. We call this enterprise intelligence. [ coughing sneezing ] [ Door Knocking ] dude, you coming . Alkaseltzer plus powermax gels cold flu relief with more concentrated power. Because the only thing dripping should be your style plop plop fizz fizz, Winter Warriors with alkaseltzer plus. Hi, my names steve. I lost 138 pounds on golo and i kept it off. So with other diets, you just feel like youre muscling your way through it. The reason why i like golo is plain and simple, it was easy. I didnt have to grit my teeth and do a diet. Golos a Lifestyle Change and you make the change and it stays off. Golos changed my life in so many ways. I sleep better, i eat better. Took my shirt off for the first time in 25 years. Its golo. Its all golo. Its smarter, its better, it will change your life forever. Today, the future of the networks and the rise of alternative viewing. No one had started a Television Network since the 50s. Garth ancier, the head of programming for Fox Broadcasting. I was 28 years old. Thank you. Well, were clearly an alternative to the network. We dont think of ourselves as abc, cbs or nbc. We dont have to reach everyone. And the fact is it was very clear rupert had made this a priority within news corp. And he was going to invest until it worked. And you know, if all of us dropped dead along the way, thatd be okay. There was no guide to what to do. And it was pretty clear very fast that the unconventional shows worked. 21 jump street. Oh, god. In loving color. Two snaps up. Married with children. Who would you rather spend the night with, a, your wife, or b b. The simpsons. It was really just a slightly lower brow, more Populist Approach to entertainment. Im Rupert Murdoch, the billionaire tyrant. And murdoch really pushed that agenda. He likes the big headline, the screamer, the things that grab your attention. He has on shows like a current affair, which is basically a Tabloid Newspaper front page being slapped up on the air. Tonight, the last days of a hollywood legend who didnt care whom he took with him to the grave. There was a kind of a raw truth telling to this show. This was the place where every man could go to for their news. They were ambush stories, gotcha stories. We have a staggering situation on our hands here. One day, Mikhail Gorbachev was going to be in new york. Donald trump wanted to see gorbachev. Mr. Trump is coming now. Hey. So reporter Gordon Elliott hired a gorbachev lookalike, put them in a limousine with a couple of young ladies. Trump comes running out of trump tower to meet gorbachev. Mr. Trump, how are you . How are you, mr. Gorbachev . Its a great honor. I like your tie. Great honor. Trump looks in the limousine, sees the two women. Thanks a lot. You know what i mean . I know what you mean. Gordon turns around and says, i think he worked it out. I mean, wed do funny stuff like that. People loved it. The critics didnt love the shows, and murdoch was fine with that. He was not programming for those people. He was programming for everybody else. That belief is that in the United States, you are starting to make Television Programs that pander to the worst sort of morbid interests. That is complete nonsense. Anybody whos made a study of my career knows that is a nonsense. Anybody that Rupert Murdoch, undeniably, is a remarkable businessman. He has been somebody who has repeatedly not just played the chessboard brilliantly, but been able to really understand where the game is going to be played next. Murdoch knew that in order to have a bona fide Fourth Network that could compete and even surpass the traditional networks, he had to have content that was undeniable. Roll 72. And in america, the nfl is that kind of undeniable content. He says, im going to steal away games on sunday from cbs, which has had it for umpteen years. So rupert comes out of nowhere with just an outrageously large bid, 1. 6 billion. At the time, this is seen as reckless and wild. And its 100 million a year more than what cbs was willing to pay and took them completely off guard. So it was fun. We put on such a big bid that we blocked him away from the table and he never bothered to match it or even get near to us. But its extremely high stakes. It is. Now, from our studios in hollywood, california, its time for fox nfl sunday. In terms of empire building, securing the rights to the nfl was one of the biggest decisions Rupert Murdoch made. It made fox a legitimate network. It was a brilliant stroke, really. And it allowed rupert to do something far bolder. Thank you very much for your attendance at such short notice. Rupert murdoch is announcing a 24hour cable news network, fox news. We just expect to do fine, balanced journalism. Fox news channel, fair, and where news is. Rupert murdoch sees an audience that has been hungering for Something Like this. It reflected murdoch and roger ailes political views. And fox becomes a rocket ship. As ruperts empire grows, theres a lot of natural speculation about succession. All three murdoch children are kind of coming into their own as executives. Thats when this question really begins about whos it gonna be

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