murdoch's prize, getting their hands on all of bskyb and all of its cash. >> aside from the bbc, bskyb is the biggest broadcaster in the uk. >> if you want premium tv, that's where you get it from. it controls things like the premier league. it has the deals for all the big hollywood studio movie rights. >> the murdochs have already owned 40% of it. they wanted to take full ownership of it. >> rupert has this desire to make bskyb into a copy of fox news, and full control would give them much more scope to shape bskyb as they wanted to. >> the kind of control over what people were consuming and watching and believing, that was really important to him. and also $1.6 billion in profit. that was significant. >> sky, in lots of ways, is james murdoch's baby at this point. >> if he can pull off the deal, that means it's just a smooth transition really into his father's chair.