donald trump becomes the nominee and god forbid he becomes president. they want a cabinet position in the republican party. >> or they don't want the ire focused on them if they go in the opposite direction. think of how many senators haven't made endorsements despite that trump has a massive lead in the polling. >> i also think is do they have any influence in the party, like tim scott, when he dropped out of the race. so many people expected him to endorse him. i was surprised that he didn't endorse him and he's kind of like disappeared so where is tim scott other than in the senate. i wonder if they have any influence in this party or they assume donald trump all of the way. >> it's unusual. usually a chunk of them will endorse somebody. >> right. >> doug, right before he dropped out, former new jersey governor chris christie was caught on a hot mike talking about desantis and haley. take a listen. >> she's going to get smoked and you and i both know it. she's not up for this.