to the u.s. government, but the anti-government group that is now occupied a building here for nearly three days, says the federal government is unfairly taking that resource, that land from the people. >> they are coming down into the states and taking over the land and the resources, putting the people into duress. >> reporter: federal law enforcement hoping to avoid the kind of violence seen in the ruby ridge or waco standoffs are not visible. >> the u.s. government is acting outside the authority enumerated in the constitution of the united states. >> reporter: the current protest was sparked by the sentencing of two oregon ranchers in nearby harney county, dwight hammond and his son due to spend five years in jail for burning federal land and plan to turn themselves in today. >> it isn't my decision, obviously. it's a sentence. >> reporter: the hammonds say a blaze on their own property simply got out of hand. the u.s. attorney in oregon says the blaze was purposely set to hide evidence of their poaching.