created jobs and economic growth here. that's an example where we can press back against russian aggression. but doing that is not inconsistent at the same time when you have a malevolent force like isis working with them where our interests coincides. >> let me ask you about isis because you are not alone among republican presidential candidates in suggesting that the solution is increased air strikes in syria and iraq against isis tarkt targets and to arm the kurds, the peshmerga. but there are increasingly officials saying that's not going to be enough. more at least western combat troops if not u.s. combat troops are going to be needed. but you haven't been willing to go that far. lindsey graham says, senator, republican running for president as well, that if you're not going to be willing to put 10,000 u.s. troops in iraq, 10,000 in syria as part of a coalition, you're not serious about fighting isis. >> look, there are some politicians who like to support