almost on a checklist. >> that's interesting. >> you know what's interesting though is one hour they want elizabeth warren to run, this hour they want joe biden to run, the next hour they want somebody else to run. the republican party needs to get with the fact that we have five great candidates. this is not going to be a children's debate. we're going to have -- >> like the more the merrier, have 17 in, it won't hurt. >> talk about republicans for a second. obviously outsiders are doing really well. there's a pro john kasich super pac spenting $4.5 million on a new tv ad in new hampshire. we're going to debut the ad right here. it takes on the outsiders doing so well in the polls at the expense of the establishment candidates. >> this is important. >> people want change. they want reform. they want to see something done. but just harping about it and whining about it and making speeches about it doesn't get it done. >> so that's interesting. you have not only trump and carson and fiorina, but amanda, he had rubio in there. and we asked the pro kasich