i think it also has to do with sort of maybe some cultural upbrings. for example, it goes to the heart of not a lot of new information for guys like me and doug that worked on campaigns. we micro target these all the time. democrats are likely to drive volvos. republicans more likely to drive jeeps. where you vacation says a lot about political leaning. >> what is your poison? >> nothing like an ice cold can of bud. >> sounds very republican. doug? >> i might be wrong about that. >> my poison. whiskey ginger. >> where is that on the map? >> that would put me unfortunately, i woke up depressed after reading this, i think i am a republican now. >> also a hockey fan, too. doug and i had budweisers at a hockey game. >> if you took this 20 years ago, whiskey drinkers would be considered democrats because they're in the house. >> last word? >> gin and tonic.