[music playingng] tayla a parx you say i'm m different.t. itit's not howow you do meme an. well i i think i'm'm better off thanan i ever wawas befor. i've learnrned in thisis gam, when you h have a hit t song, you're probablyy going g to get sueued. susubject 3: l let me rerecord that t real quickc. tayla paparx: it's j just whwhat the facacts are. and if y you haven't't been sued yet, , just wait.t. or you're e not doingg somethining right. i don't knknow. [laughghing] ememily st. jajames: the little s secret herere ththat unites s all of these contntroversiess is we e have 12 kekeys. ththere's no w way to writite g that is s 100%, compmpletely t of nowherere, originalal. tayla a parx: whatat makes s it originanal is w what is youour perspectc? [ariana grgrande, "7 r rings] (singing) ) breakfastt at tiffanyny's and botottles f bubbles, g girls with h tattooso like g getting in n trouble.