mistrust, and there are biases both overt and sometimes hidden that operate in ways that this advantage minority communities. and that's a carryover, there's a long legacy in this country that has gotten enormously better, but is still there. and when you look at what's happened in law enforcement across the country over the last several years, that's not news to african americans, what's different is simply that some of it is now videotaped and people see it. and the question then becomes, you know, what practical steps can we take to solve this problem and i believe that the overwhelming majority of white americans, as well as african americans, want to see this problem solved. so i have confidence that by surfacing these issues, we're going to be able to make progress on them. >> i asked because i listened to tavis smiley talk about your interview, and the president should stop telling black people to wait. he should stop telling us that it takes time. he should stop saying it's