y united, the people, we'll never be defeated! >> thousands of protesters gathered here in washington saturday for what organizers call a justice for all march. demonstrators heard from the mothers of trayvon martin, tamir rice, michael brown, and eric garner. >> our sons, you know, they may not be here in body, but they're here with us in each and every one of you, and they don't see this and make a change, then i don't know what we got to do. >> i want to thank the nation and the world for the support, because that's the only way i'm standing up right now. >> i don't have to tell not one single african-american about racial profiling, because you guys know. >> a demonstration was also held in boston this weekend, the hometown of massachusetts governor deval patrick, and he joins me now. thank you so much for being here. >> it's great to be with you, candy, thank you for having me. >> for several months now the question has been, will these horrific incidents lead to a movement, will they be moments that lead to a movement or are they just horrific moments that