> democratic leaders won't risk anything by supporting weiner. not as though they don't have other very accept"> > democratic leaders won't risk anything by supporting weiner. not as though they don't have other very accept" property="og:description"> > democratic leaders won't risk anything by supporting weiner. not as though they don't have other very accept">
editors, "shame on us if voters elect him." >> democratic leaders won't risk anything by supporting weiner. not as though they don't have other very acceptable candidates. >> reporter: 49% of new yorkers don't want him to run for mayor, versus 38% who do. 5 52% of women polled would not support him. >> how do you overcome numbers like that? >> i frankly have been given the courage by so many people say they are prepared to give me a second chance. >> reporter: weiner posted a video declaring his mayorial run overnight tuesday, features his wife and shows him as a family man who cares about the middle class. no direct mention of the sexting scandal that led to his resignation, but there was this. >> reporter: i made big mistakes, but i also learned tough lessons.