territory for chris christie. i go back to the rule of fractions that i learned at holy name of jesus. when you have so many people in this race it doesn't take a very big slice to have the largest slice. so you can find that a lot of different places. the odd thing at the moment is that the super conservative side of the eequation is pretty crowded and that middle zone where chris christie would have normally have played is not so crowded. so frankly, i'm not so smart it is smart for him to outconserve the conservatives. >> jeb is the one who stand to gain from all of this. >> i think christie has a clear strategy as we're learning it. that is to take on the opposition and his party viavy and he can take on common core and that is a slap at jeb bush without saying his name. he can take on the president and israel and that's really actually a subtle slap at rand