beirut, now paris. brussels today is sort of paralyzed in this lockdown mode. i happen to think this is preemptive, better safe than sorry rather than they know something is going to happen in the next few hours. but good for the belgium authorities. they're doing exactly what they ought to be doing after what i consider to be, you know, the worst attack in the west since 9/11. certainly in terms of its scale and mass response. >> maybe that's why the state department issued this worldwide travel alert just now as well. phil, the suicide vest that they found in a garbage can in a paris suburb today. how are they going to investigate it? what clues can it possibly bring to this investigation? who else might be responsible for these mass murders? >> there's a simple clue whether there's fingerprints on there, but there's some more interesting things to look at. in the 21st century in europe even more so than the united states you're going to have cameras everywhere. i want to know if there are cameras around that indicate who dropped that into the trash, whether there's a vehicle with that person, whether there was an accomplice with that person. and then the final piece at