challenge as does france and europe. >> you think these isis threats against targets in new york city or washington d.c. are credible based on that isis propaganda video, two of them released this week? >> yeah, not terribly. i think those are more message than they are reality. we're very aware of the specific threats. we're not aware of very specific threats right now. we have been in the past. we've been successful in countering some of the threats. there is no question about that. but i do think we need to always be aware if not tomorrow, the next week or the week after they are clearly wanting -- they clearly want to target the united states and want the damage, to damage our values and it's just kind of a matter of time before i think that they may have the ability to do that, which is once again why we have to be so careful. >> we know that two of those bombers, those suicides bombers in paris in the attacks last friday night were traveling from greece to paris. there is some suspicion they were posing as syrian refugees as they made their way to paris.