this, bomb maker, people who supply transportation, communications and money and inside crew who conducted the operation. if you go through that hire ark ki, you're talking about ten, 15, 20 people and the march against time on the heels of what they regard as a tremendous success. there is no way they are not sitting around in a camp or safe house saying what is the next step we have to take to capitalize on that success. >> because phil, this is a bonanza for recruitment for these isis terrorists, right? >> that's right. think about the lack of success that al qaeda and yemen had in 2009 when they failed to take down the airliner over detroit. with that lack of success, they were sitting around in yemen saying wow, we got headlines around the world for something that was a failure. contrast this to today, six years later they have to be sitting back saying we got no press for years and all of a sudden in the blink of an eye, we're the focus of attention for the globe. that is not just a terror